Python mathutils 模块,Euler() 实例源码


项目:blemd    作者:niacdoial    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ResetControllers(self):
        if self._bone is not None:
            if self._bone.parent.fget() is not None:
                m = mathutils.Euler((), 'XYZ')
                #                   m.x_rotation = self.f.rx
                #                   m.y_rotation = self.f.ry
                #                   m.z_rotation = self.f.rz
                self._bone.scale = mathutils.Vector((0,0,0))                 # -- resets animations

                self._eulerController = m
                self._bone.rotation = m

                pos = mathutils.Vector((0,0,0))
                                    #pos.x_position = self.f.t.x
                #                   pos.y_position = self.f.t.y
                #                   pos.z_position = self.f.t.z

                self._bone.position.controller = pos
        for child in self.children:
项目:blemd    作者:niacdoial    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def RotateAroundWorld(self, obj, rotation):  # XCX used?
        print(rotation, type(rotation))
        origParent = obj.parent
        d ='UTEMP_PL', None)
        d.location = Vector((0,0,0))
        obj.parent = d
        d.rotation_euler = Euler(rotation, 'XYZ')
        act_bk = = d
        bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(rotation=True) = obj
        bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(rotation=True) = act_bk
        obj.parent = None
        # --delete d
        # --if (origParent != undefined) then
        # --    obj.parent = origParent
项目:bpy_lambda    作者:bcongdon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_rotated_pt(piv_co, ang_diff_rad, rot_dat, mov_co):
    axis_lk = rot_dat.axis_lk
    mov_aligned = mov_co - piv_co
    rot_val = []
    if   axis_lk == '':  # arbitrary axis / spherical rotations
        rot_val = Quaternion(rot_dat.piv_norm, ang_diff_rad)
    elif axis_lk == 'X':
        rot_val = Euler((ang_diff_rad, 0.0, 0.0), 'XYZ')
    elif axis_lk == 'Y':
        rot_val = Euler((0.0, ang_diff_rad, 0.0), 'XYZ')
    elif axis_lk == 'Z':
        rot_val = Euler((0.0, 0.0, ang_diff_rad), 'XYZ')
    return mov_aligned + piv_co

# Takes a ref_pts (ReferencePoints class) argument and modifies its member
# variable lp_ls (lock pt list). The lp_ls variable is assigned a modified list
# of 3D coordinates (if an axis lock was provided), the contents of the
# ref_pts' rp_ls var (if no axis lock was provided), or an empty list (if there
# wasn't enough ref_pts or there was a problem creating the modified list).
# todo : move inside ReferencePoints class ?
项目:bpy_lambda    作者:bcongdon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def text(self, en, scene, name):
        en: dxf entity
        name: ignored; exists to make separate and merged objects methods universally callable from _call_types()
        Returns a new single line text object.
        if self.import_text:
            name = en.text[:8]
            d =, "FONT")
            d.body = en.plain_text()
            d.size = en.height
            o =, d)
            o.rotation_euler = Euler((0, 0, radians(en.rotation)), 'XYZ')
            basepoint = self.proj(en.basepoint) if hasattr(en, "basepoint") else self.proj((0, 0, 0))
            o.location = self.proj((en.insert)) + basepoint
            if hasattr(en, "thickness"):
                et = en.thickness / 2
                d.extrude = abs(et)
                if et > 0:
                    o.location.z += et
                elif et < 0:
                    o.location.z -= et
            return o
项目:bpy_lambda    作者:bcongdon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_math_data():
    from mathutils import Matrix, Vector, Quaternion, Euler

    locals = console_namespace()
    if not locals:
        return {}

    variables = {}
    for key, var in locals.items():
        if key[0] == "_" or not var:
        if type(var) in {Matrix, Vector, Quaternion, Euler} or \
           type(var) in {tuple, list} and is_display_list(var):

            variables[key] = type(var)

    return variables
项目:CrowdMaster    作者:johnroper100    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build(self, buildRequest):
        t = time.time()
        rotDiff = random.uniform(self.settings["minRandRot"],
        eul = mathutils.Euler(buildRequest.rot, 'XYZ')
        eul.rotate_axis('Z', math.radians(rotDiff))

        scaleDiff = random.uniform(self.settings["minRandSz"],
        newScale = buildRequest.scale * scaleDiff

        buildRequest.rot = Vector(eul)
        buildRequest.scale = newScale
        cm_timings.placement["TemplateRANDOM"] += time.time() - t
        cm_timings.placementNum["TemplateRANDOM"] += 1
项目:camera-calibration-pvr    作者:mrossini-ethz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def reconstruct_rectangle(pa, pb, pc, pd, scale, focal):
    # Calculate the coordinates of the rectangle in 3d
    coords = get_lambda_d(pa, pb, pc, pd, scale, focal)
    # Calculate the transformation of the rectangle
    trafo = get_transformation(coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], coords[3])
    # Reconstruct the rotation angles of the transformation
    angles = get_rot_angles(trafo[0], trafo[1], trafo[2])
    xyz_matrix = mathutils.Euler((angles[0], angles[1], angles[2]), "XYZ")
    # Reconstruct the camera position and the corners of the rectangle in 3d such that it lies on the xy-plane
    tr = trafo[-1]
    cam_pos = apply_transformation([mathutils.Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))], tr, xyz_matrix)[0]
    corners = apply_transformation(coords, tr, xyz_matrix)
    # Printout for debugging
    print("Focal length:", focal)
    print("Camera rotation:", degrees(angles[0]), degrees(angles[1]), degrees(angles[2]))
    print("Camera position:", cam_pos)
    length = (coords[0] - coords[1]).length
    width = (coords[0] - coords[3]).length
    size = max(length, width)
    print("Rectangle length:", length)
    print("Rectangle width:", width)
    print("Rectangle corners:", corners)
    return (cam_pos, xyz_matrix, corners, size)
项目:blender-addons    作者:scorpion81    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def text(self, en, scene, name):
        en: dxf entity
        name: ignored; exists to make separate and merged objects methods universally callable from _call_types()
        Returns a new single line text object.
        if self.import_text:
            name = en.text[:8]
            d =, "FONT")
            d.body = en.plain_text()
            d.size = en.height
            o =, d)
            o.rotation_euler = Euler((0, 0, radians(en.rotation)), 'XYZ')
            basepoint = self.proj(en.basepoint) if hasattr(en, "basepoint") else self.proj((0, 0, 0))
            o.location = self.proj((en.insert)) + basepoint
            if hasattr(en, "thickness"):
                et = en.thickness / 2
                d.extrude = abs(et)
                if et > 0:
                    o.location.z += et
                elif et < 0:
                    o.location.z -= et
            return o
项目:pyaeroopt    作者:mjzahr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def blender_make_deform_object_from_self(self):
        Make blender Lattice object from Lattice object. Only available during
        call to Blender.

        rot = self.rot
        # Make blender lattice object
        latt = create_lattice(partitions=self.part, interp=self.interp)
        latt.location       = Vector(
        latt.scale          = Vector(self.scale)
        if rot is not None:
            vec = Vector(rot['vec'])
            mat = Matrix.Rotation(rot['angle'], 3, vec)
            latt.rotation_euler = mat.to_euler()
        #latt.rotation_euler = Euler (self.rot, 'XYZ')

        self.blend_objs.deform_obj  = latt
        self.blend_objs.deform_type = 'LATTICE'
        self.blend_objs.mesh_obj    = create_mesh_object('LATTICE', self.nodes)

        return ( latt )
项目:ToolPlus    作者:mkbreuer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getRotatedPoint(PivC,angleDiffRad,rotDat,movCo):
    axisLk = rotDat.axisLk
    vecTmp = movCo - PivC
    rotVal = []
    if   axisLk == '': # arbitrary axis / spherical rotations
        rotVal = Quaternion(rotDat.pivNorm, angleDiffRad)
    elif axisLk == 'X':
        rotVal = Euler((angleDiffRad,0.0,0.0), 'XYZ')
    elif axisLk == 'Y':
        rotVal = Euler((0.0,angleDiffRad,0.0), 'XYZ')
    elif axisLk == 'Z':
        rotVal = Euler((0.0,0.0,angleDiffRad), 'XYZ')
    return vecTmp + PivC

# Finds out whether rotDat.newAngR or negative rotDat.newAngR will
# result in desired rotation angle.
# angleEq_0_180 for 0 and 180 degree starting rotations
项目:ToolPlus    作者:mkbreuer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getRotatedPoint(PivC,angleDiffRad,rotDat,movCo):
    axisLk = rotDat.axisLk
    vecTmp = movCo - PivC
    rotVal = []
    if   axisLk == '': # arbitrary axis / spherical rotations
        rotVal = Quaternion(rotDat.pivNorm, angleDiffRad)
    elif axisLk == 'X':
        rotVal = Euler((angleDiffRad,0.0,0.0), 'XYZ')
    elif axisLk == 'Y':
        rotVal = Euler((0.0,angleDiffRad,0.0), 'XYZ')
    elif axisLk == 'Z':
        rotVal = Euler((0.0,0.0,angleDiffRad), 'XYZ')
    return vecTmp + PivC

# Finds out whether rotDat.newAngR or negative rotDat.newAngR will
# result in desired rotation angle.
# angleEq_0_180 for 0 and 180 degree starting rotations
项目:coa_tools    作者:ndee85    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_bone_angle(armature,bone,relative=True):
    loc, rot, scale = get_bone_matrix(armature,bone,relative).decompose()
    compat_euler = Euler((0.0,0.0,math.pi),"XYZ")
    angle = -rot.to_euler().z  # negate angle to fit dragonbones angle

    return round(math.degrees(angle),2)
项目:coa_tools    作者:ndee85    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def clear_pose(obj):
    if obj.type == "ARMATURE":
        for bone in obj.pose.bones:
            bone.scale = Vector((1,1,1))
            bone.location = Vector((0,0,0))
            bone.rotation_euler = Euler((0,0,0),"XYZ")
            bone.rotation_quaternion = Euler((0,0,0),"XYZ").to_quaternion()
    elif obj.type == "MESH":
        obj.coa_sprite_frame = 0
        obj.coa_alpha = 1.0
        obj.coa_modulate_color = (1.0,1.0,1.0)
        obj["coa_slot_index"] = max(0,len(obj.coa_slot)-1)
        #obj["coa_slot_index"] = obj.coa_slot_reset_index
        #obj.coa_slot_index = obj.coa_slot_reset_index
项目:coa_tools    作者:ndee85    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_action(context,item=None):
    sprite_object = get_sprite_object(context.active_object)
    if item == None:
        item = sprite_object.coa_anim_collections[sprite_object.coa_anim_collections_index]

    children = get_children(context,sprite_object,ob_list=[])
    for child in children:
        if child.animation_data != None:
            child.animation_data.action = None

        if child.type == "ARMATURE" and == "Restpose":
            for bone in child.pose.bones:
                bone.scale = Vector((1,1,1))
                bone.location = Vector((0,0,0))
                bone.rotation_euler = Euler((0,0,0),"XYZ")
                bone.rotation_quaternion = Euler((0,0,0),"XYZ").to_quaternion()
        if child.type == "MESH" and == "Restpose":
            child.coa_sprite_frame = 0
            child.coa_alpha = 1.0
            child.coa_modulate_color = (1.0,1.0,1.0)
            #child["coa_slot_index"] = len(child.coa_slot)-1#child.coa_slot_reset_index
        elif not (child.type == "MESH" and == "Restpose") and context.scene.coa_nla_mode == "ACTION":
            action_name = + "_" +
            action = None
            if action_name in
                action =[action_name]
            if action != None:    
                action.use_fake_user = True    
                if child.animation_data == None:
                child.animation_data.action = action
项目:BlenderAddons    作者:Maxiriton    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GenerateCracks(pPointNumber, pChildProba, pX, pY, pVector, pAngle,
                   pShortAngle, pLengthAtt, pProbaAtt, pBaseRadius):
    lCrackPointList = []
    x = pX
    y = pY
    z = 0
    vec = pVector

    for lCurrentPoint in range(pPointNumber):
        lNewPointCrack = CrackPoint()
        lNewPointCrack.x = x
        lNewPointCrack.y = y
        lNewPointCrack.z = z
        lNewPointCrack.position = lCurrentPoint
        lNewPointCrack.hasChildren = DefineProba(pChildProba)
        lRadius = DefineCurveRadius(lCurrentPoint, pPointNumber,
        if lNewPointCrack.hasChildren:
            lLen = int(pPointNumber / pLengthAtt)
            lNewProba = pChildProba / pProbaAtt
            lNewPointCrack.children = GenerateCracks(lLen, lNewProba,
                                                     x, y, pVector, pAngle,
                                                     pLengthAtt, pProbaAtt,
        lNewPointCrack.radius = lRadius

        if lCurrentPoint % 5:
            angle = random.uniform(-pShortAngle, pShortAngle)
            angle = random.uniform(-pAngle, pAngle)
        eul = mathutils.Euler((0.0, 0.0, math.radians(angle)), 'XYZ')
        x = x + vec.x
        y = y + vec.y
        z = z + vec.z

    return lCrackPointList
项目:blemd    作者:niacdoial    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def FrameMatrix(f):
    t = Matrix.Translation(Vector((f.t.x, f.t.y, f.t.z)))
    # s = Matrix.Scale
    r = Euler((f.rx, f.ry, f.rz), 'XYZ').to_matrix().to_4x4()
    res = t*r
    return res
项目:android3dblendermouse    作者:sketchpunk    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pyaw(ary):
        rv3d =[0].screen.areas[1].spaces[0].region_3d
        rv3d.view_rotation.rotate(mathutils.Euler(( float(ary[2]) , 0 , float(ary[1]) ))) #pitch roll 

        #yaw = ob.rotation_euler.z
        #pitch = ob.rotation_euler.y
        #roll = ob.rotation_euler.x
项目:android3dblendermouse    作者:sketchpunk    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def roll(ary):
        rv3d =[0].screen.areas[1].spaces[0].region_3d
        rv3d.view_rotation.rotate(mathutils.Euler(( 0 , float(ary[1]) , 0 ))) #pitch roll
项目:bpy_lambda    作者:bcongdon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def createObjects(tree, parent=None, objectname=None, probability=0.5, size=0.5, randomsize=0.1, randomrot=0.1, maxconnections=2, bunchiness=1.0):

    if (parent is None) or (objectname is None) or (objectname == 'None'):

    # not necessary, we parent the new objects: p=bpy.context.scene.cursor_location

    theobject =[objectname]

    t = gauss(1.0 / probability, 0.1)
    bpswithleaves = 0
    for bp in tree.branchpoints:
        if bp.connections < maxconnections:

            dv = tree.branchpoints[bp.parent].v - bp.v if bp.parent else Vector((0, 0, 0))
            dvp = Vector((0, 0, 0))

            bpswithleaves += 1
            nleavesonbp = 0
            while t < bpswithleaves:
                nleavesonbp += 1
                rx = (random() - 0.5) * randomrot * 6.283  # TODO vertical tilt in direction of tropism
                ry = (random() - 0.5) * randomrot * 6.283
                rot = Euler((rx, ry, random() * 6.283), 'ZXY')
                scale = size + (random() - 0.5) * randomsize

                # add new object and parent it
                obj =,
                obj.location = bp.v + dvp
                obj.rotation_mode = 'ZXY'
                obj.rotation_euler = rot[:]
                obj.scale = [scale, scale, scale]
                obj.parent = parent

                t += gauss(1.0 / probability, 0.1)                      # this is not the best choice of distribution because we might get negative values especially if sigma is large
                dvp = nleavesonbp * (dv / (probability ** bunchiness))  # TODO add some randomness to the offset
项目:bpy_lambda    作者:bcongdon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _vrot(r, ran, rotx, var2, roty, rotz):
    seed(ran + r)
    return Euler((radians(rotx) + gauss(0, var2 / 3),
                radians(roty) + gauss(0, var2 / 3),
                radians(rotz) + gauss(0, var2 / 3)), 'XYZ')
项目:BlenderRobotDesigner    作者:HBPNeurorobotics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getTransformFromParent(self):
        rot = Euler((radians(self.alpha.value), radians(self.beta.value),
                     radians(self.gamma.value)), 'XYZ').to_matrix()

        transl = Matrix.Translation((self.x.value, self.y.value, self.z.value))
        # print("here",transl * rot)
        return transl * rot
项目:BlenderRobotDesigner    作者:HBPNeurorobotics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getTransformFromParent(self):
        alphaMatrix = Euler((radians(self.alpha.value), 0, 0),

        thetaMatrix = Euler((0, 0, radians(self.theta.value)),

        translation = Matrix.Translation((self.a.value, 0, self.d.value, 1))

        return translation * alphaMatrix * thetaMatrix
项目:CrowdMaster    作者:johnroper100    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calcRelativeTarget(self, pathEntry, lookahead):
        context = bpy.context

        pathObject = pathEntry.objectName
        radius = pathEntry.radius
        laneSep = pathEntry.laneSeparation
        isDirectional = pathEntry.mode == "directional"
        revDirec = pathEntry.revDirec if isDirectional else None

        kd, bm, pathMatrixInverse, rotation = self.calcPathData(pathObject,

        vel = self.sim.agents[self.userid].globalVelocity * lookahead
        if vel.x == 0 and vel.y == 0 and vel.z == 0:
            vel = Vector((0, lookahead, 0))
        vel = vel * rotation
        co_find = pathMatrixInverse * \
        co, index, dist = kd.find(co_find)
        offset = self.followPath(bm, co, index, vel, co_find, radius, laneSep,
                                 isDirectional, pathEntry)

        offset = offset * pathMatrixInverse

        eul = Euler(
            [-x for x in context.scene.objects[self.userid].rotation_euler], 'ZYX')

        return offset
项目:CrowdMaster    作者:johnroper100    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build(self, buildRequest):
        t = time.time()

        placePos = Vector(buildRequest.pos)
        diffRow = Vector((self.settings["ArrayRowMargin"], 0, 0))
        diffCol = Vector((0, self.settings["ArrayColumnMargin"], 0))
        diffRow *= buildRequest.scale
        diffCol *= buildRequest.scale
        number = self.settings["noToPlace"]
        rows = self.settings["ArrayRows"]

        cm_timings.placement["TemplateFORMATION"] += time.time() - t
        cm_timings.placementNum["TemplateFORMATION"] += 1

        for fullcols in range(number // rows):
            for row in range(rows):
                newBuildRequest = buildRequest.copy()
                newBuildRequest.pos = placePos + fullcols * diffCol + row * diffRow

        for leftOver in range(number % rows):
            newBuild = buildRequest.copy()
            newBuild.pos = placePos + \
                (number // rows) * diffCol + leftOver * diffRow
项目:crack_it    作者:squarednob    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _vrot(r, ran, rotx, var2, roty, rotz):
    random.seed(ran + r)
    return Euler((radians(rotx) + random.gauss(0, var2 / 3), \
        radians(roty) + random.gauss(0, var2 / 3), \
        radians(rotz) + random.gauss(0, var2 / 3)), 'XYZ')
项目:bge-logic-nodes-add-on    作者:thepgi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self):
        self.armature = None
        self.bone_name = None
        self._prev_armature = LogicNetworkCell.NO_VALUE
        self._prev_bone = LogicNetworkCell.NO_VALUE
        self._channel = None
        self._pos = mathutils.Vector((0,0,0))
        self._rot = mathutils.Euler((0,0,0), "XYZ")
        self._sca = mathutils.Vector((0,0,0))
        self.XYZ_POS = LogicNetworkSubCell(self, self._get_pos)
        self.XYZ_ROT = LogicNetworkSubCell(self, self._get_rot)
        self.XYZ_SCA = LogicNetworkSubCell(self, self._get_sca)
项目:bge-logic-nodes-add-on    作者:thepgi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self):
        self.source_matrix = None
        self.input_x = None
        self.input_y = None
        self.input_z = None
        self.OUTX = LogicNetworkSubCell(self, self.get_out_x)
        self.OUTY = LogicNetworkSubCell(self, self.get_out_y)
        self.OUTZ = LogicNetworkSubCell(self, self.get_out_z)
        self.OUTEULER = LogicNetworkSubCell(self, self.get_out_euler)
        self._matrix = mathutils.Matrix.Identity(3)
        self._eulers = mathutils.Euler((0,0,0), "XYZ")
项目:bge-logic-nodes-add-on    作者:thepgi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self):
        self.condition = None
        self.armature = None
        self.bone_name = None
        self.set_translation = None
        self.set_orientation = None
        self.set_scale = None
        self.translate = None
        self.rotate = None
        self.scale = None
        self._eulers = mathutils.Euler((0,0,0), "XYZ")
        self._vector = mathutils.Vector((0,0,0))
项目:bge-logic-nodes-add-on    作者:thepgi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self):
        self.condition = None
        self.sound = None
        self.loop_count = None
        self.location = None
        self.orientation = None
        self.velocity = None
        self.pitch = None
        self.volume = None
        self.attenuation = None
        self.distance_ref = None
        self.distance_max = None
        self._euler = mathutils.Euler((0,0,0), "XYZ")
        self._prev_loop_count = None
项目:bge-logic-nodes-add-on    作者:thepgi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self):
        self.condition = None
        self.sound = None
        self.location = None
        self.orientation = None
        self.velocity = None
        self.pitch = None
        self.volume = None
        self.attenuation = None
        self.distance_ref = None
        self.distance_max = None
        self._euler = mathutils.Euler((0,0,0), "XYZ")
项目:camera-calibration-pvr    作者:mrossini-ethz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_rot_angles(ex, ey, ez):
    """Get the x- and y-rotation from the ez unit vector"""
    rx = atan2(ez[1], ez[2])
    rx_matrix = mathutils.Euler((rx, 0.0, 0.0), "XYZ")
    # Rotate the ez vector by the previously found angle
    # Negative value because of right handed rotation
    ry = - atan2(ez[0], ez[2])
    # Rotate the ex vector by the previously found angles
    rxy_matrix = mathutils.Euler((rx, ry, 0.0), "XYZ")
    # Negative value because of right handed rotation
    rz = - atan2(ex[1], ex[0])
    return [rx, ry, rz]
项目:bds-tools    作者:rykerp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def transform_edit_bone(bl_armature, bone_name, center_point, end_point, orientation):
    b_bone =[bone_name]

    center_point = [
        b_bone.bdst_center_point[0] + coords_to_blender(center_point)[0],
        b_bone.bdst_center_point[1] + coords_to_blender(center_point)[1],
        b_bone.bdst_center_point[2] + coords_to_blender(center_point)[2]
    end_point = [
        b_bone.bdst_end_point[0] + coords_to_blender(end_point)[0],
        b_bone.bdst_end_point[1] + coords_to_blender(end_point)[1],
        b_bone.bdst_end_point[2] + coords_to_blender(end_point)[2]
    orientation = [
         b_bone.bdst_orientation[0] + rotation_to_blender(orientation)[0],
         b_bone.bdst_orientation[1] + rotation_to_blender(orientation)[1],
         b_bone.bdst_orientation[2] + rotation_to_blender(orientation)[2]

    if center_point == end_point:
        end_point = (end_point[0], end_point[1], end_point[2] + 0.3)

    len = (mathutils.Vector(center_point) - mathutils.Vector(end_point)).length
    b_bone.head = (0, 0, 0)
    if b_bone.bdst_sign in ["+X", "-X"]:
        sign = 1 if b_bone.bdst_sign == "+X" else -1
        b_bone.tail = (sign * len, 0, 0)
    elif b_bone.bdst_sign in ["+Y", "-Y"]:
        sign = 1 if b_bone.bdst_sign == "+Y" else -1
        b_bone.tail = (0, sign * len, 0)
        sign = 1 if b_bone.bdst_sign == "+Z" else -1
        b_bone.tail = (0, 0, sign * len)
    b_bone.roll = 0

    rot = mathutils.Euler(((orientation[0]), (-orientation[1]), (orientation[2])), "XZY").to_matrix().to_4x4()
项目:blender-addons    作者:scorpion81    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def console_math_data():
    from mathutils import Matrix, Vector, Quaternion, Euler

    data_matrix = {}
    data_quat = {}
    data_euler = {}
    data_vector = {}
    data_vector_array = {}

    for key, var in console_namespace().items():
        if key[0] == "_":

        var_type = type(var)

        if var_type is Matrix:
            if len(var.col) != 4 or len(var.row) != 4:
                if len(var.col) == len(var.row):
                    var = var.to_4x4() 
                else:  # todo, support 4x3 matrix
            data_matrix[key] = var
        elif var_type is Vector:
            if len(var) < 3:
                var = var.to_3d()
            data_vector[key] = var
        elif var_type is Quaternion:
            data_quat[key] = var
        elif var_type is Euler:
            data_euler[key] = var
        elif var_type in {list, tuple}:
            if var:
                ok = True
                for item in var:
                    if type(item) is not Vector:
                        ok = False
                if ok:
                    data_vector_array[key] = var

    return data_matrix, data_quat, data_euler, data_vector, data_vector_array
项目:InSituImmersiveAuthoring    作者:sat-metalab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def init(self, context):
        super().init(context)'NodeSocketVectorEuler', "Euler XYZ")'NodeSocketQuaternion', "Quaternion")
项目:InSituImmersiveAuthoring    作者:sat-metalab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self):
        self.outputs["Quaternion"].default_value = Euler(self.getInputValue("Euler XYZ")).to_quaternion()
项目:InSituImmersiveAuthoring    作者:sat-metalab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def init(self, context):
        super().init(context)'NodeSocketQuaternion', "Quaternion")'NodeSocketVectorEuler', "Euler XYZ")
项目:InSituImmersiveAuthoring    作者:sat-metalab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self):
        self.outputs["Euler XYZ"].default_value = self.getInputValue("Quaternion").to_euler('XYZ')
项目:blender-python-gif    作者:fhoehl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update_scene(scene):
    """Update the scene before rendering.""""Hello!")

    cube = scene.objects["Cube"]

    rotation_vector = (uniform(0, 360),
                       uniform(0, 360),
                       uniform(0, 360))

    rotation_vector_radians = (radians(scalar) for scalar in rotation_vector)

    rotation_euler_angles = Euler(rotation_vector_radians, 'XYZ')


    cube.scale.x = cube.scale.y = cube.scale.z = uniform(1, 3)

    # Equivalent to:
    # cube.scale = Vector(3 * [uniform(1, 3)])

    cube.location.x = uniform(-2, 2)
    cube.location.y = uniform(-2, 2)
    cube.location.z = uniform(-2, 2)

    # Equivalent to
    # cube.location = Vector((uniform(-2, 2),
    #                        uniform(-2, 2),
    #                        uniform(-2, 2)))

    cube.active_material.diffuse_color.h = uniform(0, 1)
    cube.active_material.diffuse_color.s = uniform(.8, 1)
    cube.active_material.diffuse_color.v = uniform(.8, 1)

    for vertex in = Vector(([0] + uniform(0, 0.1),
                  [1] + uniform(0, 0.1),
                  [2] + uniform(0, 0.1)))[0].diffuse_shader = "TOON"
项目:clitorisvulgaris    作者:fhoehl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_random_clitoris_rotation():
    """Sets a random rotation on every axis."""

    rotation_vector = (uniform(-45, 45),
                       uniform(0, 360),
                       uniform(-45, 45))

    rotation_vector_radians = (radians(scalar) for scalar in rotation_vector)

    rotation_euler_angles = mathutils.Euler(rotation_vector_radians, 'XYZ')


    DEBUG_INFO["rotation_vector"] = rotation_vector
项目:blemd    作者:niacdoial    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def matrix_calibrate_r(y, d, mat, parent, bone):
    """transforms "absolute" rotation coordinates into"relative" ones, using the default pose rotation matrix"""
    # note: using GC coordinate organization: therefor rotations are in XYZ order

    EPSILON = 1/100

    # ret_y = (parent*y.to_matrix().to_4x4()*mat).to_euler('XYZ')  # computing rotation value
    ret_y = (y.to_matrix().to_4x4()*mat).to_euler('XYZ')  # computing rotation value

    # computes rotation tangents by definition of derivative
    # (and now, the incredibly complex equivalent of "dy = EPSILON*d + y":
    dy = Euler((0,0,0), "XYZ")
    dy.x = EPSILON * d.x + y.x
    dy.y = EPSILON * d.y + y.y
    dy.z = EPSILON * d.z + y.z

    ret_dy = (parent*dy.to_matrix().to_4x4()*mat).to_euler('XYZ')
    ret_d = Euler((0,0,0), 'XYZ')
    ret_d.x = (ret_dy.x - ret_y.x) / EPSILON
    ret_d.y = (ret_dy.y - ret_y.y) / EPSILON
    ret_d.z = (ret_dy.z - ret_y.z) / EPSILON

    y,d = ret_y, ret_d

    if hasattr(bone, 'parent_rot_matrix'):  # sililar to calibrate_t, need to transform the original vector
        parent_rot_matrix = bone.parent_rot_matrix
        if type(bone.parent.fget()) == Pseudobone:
            parent_rot_matrix = bone.parent.fget().jnt_frame.incr_matrix.to_quaternion().to_matrix().to_4x4()
            parent_rot_matrix = Matrix.Identity(4)
        bone.parent_rot_matrix = parent_rot_matrix
    y = Euler((parent_rot_matrix * Vector(y)), 'XYZ')

    dy = Vector((0, 0, 0))
    dy.x = EPSILON * d.x + y.x
    dy.y = EPSILON * d.y + y.y
    dy.z = EPSILON * d.z + y.z
    dy = parent_rot_matrix * dy
    d = Euler((0, 0, 0), 'XYZ')
    d.x = (dy.x - y.x) / EPSILON
    d.y = (dy.y - y.y) / EPSILON
    d.z = (dy.z - y.z) / EPSILON

    return y, d
项目:blemd    作者:niacdoial    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, startpoint, endpoint, z_up):
        ori = endpoint - startpoint
        self.endpoint = endpoint
        self._name = None
        self.length = math.sqrt(ori.x**2 + ori.y**2 + ori.z**2)
        self.orientation = vect_normalize(ori)
        self.scale = mathutils.Vector((1, 1, 1))
        self.jnt_frame = None
        self.rotation_euler = mathutils.Euler((0, 0, 0), 'XYZ')
        self.position = startpoint
        self.scale_kf = {}  # keyframes (values)
        self.scale_tkf = {}  # keyframes (tangents)
        self.rotation_kf = {}
        self.rotation_tkf = {}
        self.position_kf = {}
        self.position_tkf = {}
        # self.transform = mathutils.Matrix.Identity(4)  # what to do with that? it will be ultimately useless.

        self._parent = None
        self.children = []

        #  property busyness --------------------------------
        def _getname():
            return self._name
        def _setname(val):
            global instances
            if self._name is not None:
                del instances[self._name]
            if val is None and val in instances.keys():
                raise ValueError('name taken')
            self._name = val
            instances[val] = self
        def _delname():
   = None = property(_getname, _setname, _delname)

        def _getparent():
            return self._parent
        def _setparent(val):
            if (self.parent.fget() is not None) and (self in self.parent.fget().children):
            self._parent = val
            if val is None or isinstance(val, mathutils.Vector):
        self.parent = property(_getparent, _setparent)

        def _setinchildren(holder, val):
            list.append(holder.children, val)
            val._parent = holder
        self.children_append = (lambda self2, x: _setinchildren(self, x))

    # def update_r_t(self):
    #    pass  # will work this out later

    # def recalculate_transform(self):
    #     pass  # procrastinating here too.
项目:Urho3D-Blender-Mod    作者:Mike3D    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def UrhoGatherInstances(obj):

    # Compute transforms and append instance to the list of models to process
    def UrhoDupliTransforms(dupli, root, parent = None):

        if dupli.matrix_local.to_euler() != Euler((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)):
            log.warning('You should apply rotation to object {:s}'.format(
        if dupli.matrix_local.to_scale() != Vector((1.0, 1.0, 1.0)):
            log.warning('You should apply scale to object {:s}'.format(

        instance = UrhoInstance() =
        instance.matrix = root.matrix_world
        instance.objectName =

        if parent:
            instance.matrix = instance.matrix * parent.matrix_world

        # Parent-child relationship inside a group object
        if dupli.children:
            instance.objectName += # Make parent name unic for parent-child relationship

        if dupli.parent and dupli.parent.type != 'ARMATURE':
            instance.parentName = + # See parent naming above
            instance.matrix = dupli.matrix_local


    if obj.hide:

    if obj.type == 'EMPTY' and obj.dupli_group: # Look for instances
        for dupli in obj.dupli_group.objects: # Find members for this group
            if dupli.hide or dupli.type == 'ARMATURE': continue

            if dupli.type == 'EMPTY' and dupli.dupli_group: # Bunch of instances found
                for subDupli in dupli.dupli_group.objects:
                    UrhoDupliTransforms(subDupli, obj, dupli)
                UrhoDupliTransforms(dupli, obj)

    elif obj.type == 'MESH': # Look for mesh objects
        instance = UrhoInstance() = # Use mesh name instead of object name
        instance.matrix = obj.matrix_world
        instance.objectName =

        if obj.parent and obj.parent.type == 'MESH':
            instance.parentName =
            instance.matrix = obj.matrix_local


# Export scene prefab
项目:bpy_lambda    作者:bcongdon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def createLeaves(tree, probability=0.5, size=0.5, randomsize=0.1, randomrot=0.1, maxconnections=2, bunchiness=1.0, connectoffset=-0.1):
    p = bpy.context.scene.cursor_location

    verts = []
    faces = []
    c1 = Vector((connectoffset, -size / 2, 0))
    c2 = Vector((size+connectoffset, -size / 2, 0))
    c3 = Vector((size+connectoffset, size / 2, 0))
    c4 = Vector((connectoffset, size / 2, 0))
    t = gauss(1.0 / probability, 0.1)
    bpswithleaves = 0
    for bp in tree.branchpoints:
        if bp.connections < maxconnections:

            dv = tree.branchpoints[bp.parent].v - bp.v if bp.parent else Vector((0, 0, 0))
            dvp = Vector((0, 0, 0))

            bpswithleaves += 1
            nleavesonbp = 0
            while t < bpswithleaves:
                nleavesonbp += 1
                rx = (random() - 0.5) * randomrot * 6.283  # TODO vertical tilt in direction of tropism
                ry = (random() - 0.5) * randomrot * 6.283
                rot = Euler((rx, ry, random() * 6.283), 'ZXY')
                scale = 1 + (random() - 0.5) * randomsize
                v = c1.copy()
                verts.append(v * scale + bp.v + dvp)
                v = c2.copy()
                verts.append(v * scale + bp.v + dvp)
                v = c3.copy()
                verts.append(v * scale + bp.v + dvp)
                v = c4.copy()
                verts.append(v * scale + bp.v + dvp)
                n = len(verts)
                faces.append((n - 1, n - 4, n - 3, n - 2))
                t += gauss(1.0 / probability, 0.1)                      # this is not the best choice of distribution because we might get negative values especially if sigma is large
                dvp = nleavesonbp * (dv / (probability ** bunchiness))  # TODO add some randomness to the offset

    mesh ='Leaves')
    mesh.from_pydata(verts, [], faces)
    return mesh
项目:BlenderRobotDesigner    作者:HBPNeurorobotics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def execute(self, context):

        from .model import SelectModel
        from .rigid_bodies import SelectGeometry, AssignGeometry
        from .segments import SelectSegment

        C = bpy.context
        D =

        model = C.active_object

        bone_name =
        axis = C.active_bone.RobotEditor.axis
        pose_bone = C.active_object.pose.bones[bone_name]
        parent_bone = pose_bone.parent
        bone_to_parent = pose_bone.matrix.inverted() * parent_bone.matrix
        bone_world = model.matrix_world * pose_bone.matrix

        segment_length = bone_to_parent.translation.length
        distance_to_children = [(child.matrix.inverted() * pose_bone.matrix).translation.length for child in

        self.logger.debug("%s, %s", segment_length, distance_to_children)

        # if there is no translation to parent, the parent (or its parent) draws the joint
        if bone_to_parent.translation.length > 0.001:

            max_length = max(distance_to_children+[segment_length])
            # If there is only one children, and its a distance 0, we have a ball joint
            if len(pose_bone.children) == 1 and distance_to_children[0] < 0.001:

                bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_uv_sphere_add(size=segment_length / 15.0)
                C.active_object.matrix_world = bone_world
            # if there IS a child, at distance >0 (or more than one child), draw a hinge joint
            elif len(pose_bone.children):
                bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cylinder_add(radius=max_length / 15, depth=max_length / 5)
                if axis == 'X':
                    m = Euler((0, 0, pi / 4)).to_matrix().to_4x4()
                elif axis == 'Y':
                    m = Euler((0, 0, pi / 4)).to_matrix().to_4x4()
                    m = Matrix()

                C.active_object.matrix_world = bone_world * m

   = bone_name + '_axis'
            new_name =

        return {'FINISHED'}
项目:CrowdMaster    作者:johnroper100    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build(self, buildRequest):
        t = time.time()
        guide =[self.settings["guideMesh"]]
        data =

        wrld = guide.matrix_world
        if self.totalArea is None:
            self.totalArea = sum(p.area for p in data.polygons)
        positions = []
        for n in range(self.settings["noToPlace"]):
            remaining = random.random() * self.totalArea
            index = 0
            while remaining > 0:
                remaining -= data.polygons[index].area
                if remaining <= 0:
                    a = data.vertices[data.polygons[index].vertices[0]].co
                    b = data.vertices[data.polygons[index].vertices[1]].co
                    c = data.vertices[data.polygons[index].vertices[2]].co
                    r1 = math.sqrt(random.random())
                    r2 = random.random()
                    pos = (1 - r1) * a + (r1 * (1 - r2)) * b + (r1 * r2) * c
                    if self.settings["overwritePosition"]:
                        pos = wrld * pos
                        pos *= buildRequest.scale
                        pos = buildRequest.pos + pos
                index += 1

        if self.settings["relax"]:
            sce = bpy.context.scene
            gnd = sce.objects[self.settings["guideMesh"]]
            if self.bvhtree is None:
                self.bvhtree = BVHTree.FromObject(gnd, sce)
            radius = self.settings["relaxRadius"]
            for i in range(self.settings["relaxIterations"]):
                kd = KDTree(len(positions))
                for n, p in enumerate(positions):
                    kd.insert(p, n)
                for n, p in enumerate(positions):
                    adjust = Vector()
                    localPoints = kd.find_range(p, radius * 2)
                    for (co, ind, dist) in localPoints:
                        if ind != n:
                            v = p - co
                            if v.length > 0:
                                adjust += v * \
                                    ((2 * radius - v.length) / v.length)
                    if len(localPoints) > 0:
                        adjPos = positions[n] + adjust / len(localPoints)
                        positions[n] = self.bvhtree.find_nearest(adjPos)[0]

        cm_timings.placement["TemplateMESHPOSITIONING"] += time.time() - t
        cm_timings.placementNum["TemplateMESHPOSITIONING"] += 1

        for newPos in positions:
            newBuildRequest = buildRequest.copy()
            newBuildRequest.pos = newPos
项目:spqrel_tools    作者:LCAS    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, ob ):
        if ob.location.x != 0 or ob.location.y != 0 or ob.location.z != 0:
            Report.warnings.append('ERROR: Mesh (%s): is offset from Armature - zero transform is required'
        if ob.scale.x != 1 or ob.scale.y != 1 or ob.scale.z != 1:
            Report.warnings.append('ERROR: Mesh (%s): has been scaled - scale(1,1,1) is required'

        self.object = ob
        self.bones = []
        mats = {}
        self.arm = arm = findArmature( ob )
        arm.hide = False
        self._restore_layers = list(arm.layers)
        #arm.layers = [True]*20      # can not have anything hidden - REQUIRED?

        for pbone in arm.pose.bones:
            mybone = Bone([], pbone, self )
            self.bones.append( mybone )

        if not in Report.armatures:
            Report.armatures.append( )

        ## bad idea - allowing rotation of armature, means vertices must also be rotated,
        ## also a bug with applying the rotation, the Z rotation is lost
        #x,y,z = arm.matrix_local.copy().inverted().to_euler()
        #e = mathutils.Euler( (x,z,y) )
        #self.object_space_transformation = e.to_matrix().to_4x4()
        x,y,z = arm.matrix_local.to_euler()
        if x != 0 or y != 0 or z != 0:
            Report.warnings.append('ERROR: Armature: %s is rotated - (rotation is ignored)'

        ## setup bones for Ogre format ##
        for b in self.bones:
        ## walk bones, convert them ##
        self.roots = []
        ep = 0.0001
        for b in self.bones:
            if not b.parent:
                loc,rot,scl = b.ogre_rest_matrix.decompose()
                #if loc.x or loc.y or loc.z:
                #    Report.warnings.append('ERROR: root bone has non-zero transform (location offset)')
                #if rot.w > ep or rot.x > ep or rot.y > ep or rot.z < 1.0-ep:
                #    Report.warnings.append('ERROR: root bone has non-zero transform (rotation offset)')
                self.roots.append( b )
项目:bds-tools    作者:rykerp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def insert_bone (si_bone, armdat):
    """Create bone and insert into armature.
    Uses: as as bone name (these are used in morph formulas) as custom property bdst_instance_id (these are used in poses / scene.animations)

    bname =
    b_info = bone_info(bone=si_bone, bname=bname)
    b_bone =
    b_bone.bdst_instance_id =
    orient = si_bone.orientation
    b_bone.use_deform = True
    b_bone.use_inherit_scale = si_bone.inherits_scale

    center_point = si_bone.center_point
    end_point = si_bone.end_point
    if center_point == end_point:
        end_point = (end_point[0], end_point[1], end_point[2] + 0.3)

    len = (mathutils.Vector(center_point) - mathutils.Vector(end_point)).length
    b_bone.head = (0,0,0)
    rot_order = si_bone.rotation_order
    if si_bone.rotation_order[0] == "X":
        sign = 1 if center_point[0] < end_point[0] else -1
        b_bone.bdst_sign = "+X" if sign == 1 else "-X"
        b_info.rotation_order = swap_rot(rot_order, {"X": "Y", "Y": "X", "Z": "Z"})
        b_bone.tail = (sign * len, 0, 0)
    elif si_bone.rotation_order[0] == "Y":
        sign = 1 if center_point[1] < end_point[1] else -1
        b_bone.bdst_sign = "+Y" if sign == 1 else "-Y"
        b_info.rotation_order = swap_rot(rot_order, {"X": "X", "Y": "Y", "Z": "Z"})
        b_bone.tail = (0, sign * len, 0)
        sign = 1 if center_point[2] < end_point[2] else -1
        b_bone.bdst_sign = "+Z" if sign == 1 else "-Z"
        b_info.rotation_order = swap_rot(rot_order, {"X": "X", "Y": "Z", "Z": "Y"})
        b_bone.tail = (0, 0, sign * len)
    b_bone.roll = 0

    rot = mathutils.Euler(((orient[0]), (-orient[1]), (orient[2])), "XZY").to_matrix().to_4x4()

    b_bone.bdst_center_point = center_point
    b_bone.bdst_end_point = end_point
    b_bone.bdst_orientation = orient

    b_info.leaf = bname
    return [b_info]
项目:blender2ogre    作者:OGRECave    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, ob ):
        if ob.location.x != 0 or ob.location.y != 0 or ob.location.z != 0:
            Report.warnings.append('ERROR: Mesh (%s): is offset from Armature - zero transform is required'
        if ob.scale.x != 1 or ob.scale.y != 1 or ob.scale.z != 1:
            Report.warnings.append('ERROR: Mesh (%s): has been scaled - scale(1,1,1) is required'

        self.object = ob
        self.bones = []
        mats = {}
        self.arm = arm = findArmature( ob )
        arm.hide = False
        self._restore_layers = list(arm.layers)
        #arm.layers = [True]*20      # can not have anything hidden - REQUIRED?

        for pbone in arm.pose.bones:
            mybone = Bone([], pbone, self )
            self.bones.append( mybone )

        if not in Report.armatures:
            Report.armatures.append( )

        ## bad idea - allowing rotation of armature, means vertices must also be rotated,
        ## also a bug with applying the rotation, the Z rotation is lost
        #x,y,z = arm.matrix_local.copy().inverted().to_euler()
        #e = mathutils.Euler( (x,z,y) )
        #self.object_space_transformation = e.to_matrix().to_4x4()
        x,y,z = arm.matrix_local.to_euler()
        if x != 0 or y != 0 or z != 0:
            Report.warnings.append('ERROR: Armature: %s is rotated - (rotation is ignored)'

        ## setup bones for Ogre format ##
        for b in self.bones:
        ## walk bones, convert them ##
        self.roots = []
        ep = 0.0001
        for b in self.bones:
            if not b.parent:
                loc,rot,scl = b.ogre_rest_matrix.decompose()
                #if loc.x or loc.y or loc.z:
                #    Report.warnings.append('ERROR: root bone has non-zero transform (location offset)')
                #if rot.w > ep or rot.x > ep or rot.y > ep or rot.z < 1.0-ep:
                #    Report.warnings.append('ERROR: root bone has non-zero transform (rotation offset)')
                self.roots.append( b )
项目:blender-scripts    作者:vincentgires    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def execute(self, context):
        node = context.node
        selected_object = context.object

        # get attribute value and type
        data_path = ""+node.data_enum + "['"+node.data_item+"']"
        data_path = eval(data_path)
            attribute = eval("data_path"+"."+node.attribute_property)
            attribute = None

        if attribute is not None:

            if isinstance(attribute, str):
      'NodeSocketString', node.attribute_property)

            elif isinstance(attribute, bool):
      'NodeSocketBool', node.attribute_property)

            elif isinstance(attribute, int):
      'NodeSocketInt', node.attribute_property)

            elif isinstance(attribute, float):
      'NodeSocketFloat', node.attribute_property)

            elif isinstance(attribute, mathutils.Color):
      'NodeSocketColor', node.attribute_property)

            elif isinstance(attribute, mathutils.Vector):
      'NodeSocketVector', node.attribute_property)

            elif isinstance(attribute, mathutils.Euler):
      'NodeSocketVector', node.attribute_property)

            elif isinstance(attribute, mathutils.Quaternion):
      'NodeSocketVector', node.attribute_property)

            elif len(attribute) == 4: # RGBA
      'NodeSocketColor', node.attribute_property)

项目:blender-scripts    作者:vincentgires    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def execute(self, context):
        node = context.node
        selected_object = context.object

        # get attribute value and type
        data_path = ""+node.data_enum + "['"+node.data_item+"']"
        data_path = eval(data_path)
            attribute = eval("data_path"+"."+node.attribute_property)
            attribute = None

        if attribute is not None:

            if isinstance(attribute, str):
      'NodeSocketString', node.attribute_property)

            elif isinstance(attribute, bool):
      'NodeSocketBool', node.attribute_property)

            elif isinstance(attribute, int):
      'NodeSocketInt', node.attribute_property)

            elif isinstance(attribute, float):
      'NodeSocketFloat', node.attribute_property)

            elif isinstance(attribute, mathutils.Color):
      'NodeSocketColor', node.attribute_property)

            elif isinstance(attribute, mathutils.Vector):
      'NodeSocketVector', node.attribute_property)

            elif isinstance(attribute, mathutils.Euler):
      'NodeSocketVector', node.attribute_property)

            elif isinstance(attribute, mathutils.Quaternion):
      'NodeSocketVector', node.attribute_property)

            elif len(attribute) == 4: # RGBA
      'NodeSocketColor', node.attribute_property)
