Python maya.cmds 模块,getAttr() 实例源码


项目:config    作者:mindbender-studio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def clone_special(*args):
    """Clone in localspace, and preserve user-defined attributes"""

    for transform in, long=True):
        if cmds.nodeType(transform) != "transform":
            cmds.warning("Skipping '%s', not a `transform`" % transform)

        shape = _find_shape(transform)
        type = cmds.nodeType(shape)

        if type not in ("mesh", "nurbsSurface", "nurbsCurve"):
            cmds.warning("Skipping '{transform}': cannot clone nodes "
                         "of type '{type}'".format(**locals()))

        cloned = commands.clone(shape, worldspace=False)
        new_transform = cmds.listRelatives(cloned,

        new_transform = cmds.rename(new_transform,
                                    new_transform.rsplit(":", 1)[-1])

        for attr in cmds.listAttr(transform,
                                  userDefined=True) or list():
                cmds.addAttr(new_transform, longName=attr, dataType="string")
            except Exception:

            value = cmds.getAttr(transform + "." + attr)
            cmds.setAttr(new_transform + "." + attr, value, type="string")

        # Connect visibility
        cmds.connectAttr(transform + ".visibility",
                         new_transform + ".visibility")
项目:cmt    作者:chadmv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def offset_orient(joints, amount, axis):
    """Offsets the orient by the given amount

    @param joints: Joints to orient.
    @param amount: Amount to offset by.
    @param axis: Which axis X, Y or Z
    for joint in joints:
        children = _unparent_children(joint)
        attribute = '{0}.jointOrient{1}'.format(joint, axis)
        orient = cmds.getAttr(attribute)
        orient += amount
        cmds.setAttr(attribute, orient)
        _reparent_children(joint, children)

    if joints:
项目:cmt    作者:chadmv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mirror(joint, search_for, replace_with):
    joints = [joint, ] + (cmds.listRelatives(joint, ad=True, path=True) or [])
    for joint in joints:
        mirrored_joint = joint.replace(search_for, replace_with)
        if cmds.objExists(mirrored_joint):
            translate = list(cmds.getAttr('{0}.t'.format(joint))[0])
            parent = cmds.listRelatives(joint, parent=True, path=True)
            if parent and search_for not in parent[0]:
                translate[2] *= -1.0
                translate = [x * -1.0 for x in translate]
            cmds.setAttr('{0}.t'.format(mirrored_joint), *translate)

            rotate = cmds.getAttr('{0}.r'.format(joint))[0]
            cmds.setAttr('{0}.r'.format(mirrored_joint), *rotate)

            scale = cmds.getAttr('{0}.s'.format(joint))[0]
            cmds.setAttr('{0}.s'.format(mirrored_joint), *scale)
项目:cmt    作者:chadmv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, controls=None, **kwargs):
        :param controls: A list of dictionaries describing the contorls nodes that need to be created.
                         See cmt.rig.control.dump.
                'name': node,
                'cvs': cmds.getAttr('{0}.cv[*]'.format(node)),
                'degree': cmds.getAttr('{0}.degree'.format(node)),
                'form': cmds.getAttr('{0}.form'.format(node)),
                'xform': cmds.xform(node, q=True, matrix=True),
                'knots': get_knots(node),
                'pivot': cmds.xform(node, q=True, rp=True),
                'overrideEnabled': cmds.getAttr('{0}.overrideEnabled'.format(node)),
                'overrideRGBColors': cmds.getAttr('{0}.overrideRGBColors'.format(node)),
                'overrideColorRGB': cmds.getAttr('{0}.overrideColorRGB'.format(node))[0],
                'overrideColor': cmds.getAttr('{0}.overrideColor'.format(node)),
        super(Component, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.controls = controls or []
        self.control_list = fields.ListField(name='controls',
                                             value=[control['name'] for control in self.controls],
                                             help_text='Controls that will be created.',
项目:cmt    作者:chadmv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def assert_hierarachies_match(self):
        self.assertEqual(7, len('joint')))
        # Make sure the joint orients are the same
        translates = [cmds.getAttr('{0}.t'.format(x))[0] for x in'joint')]
        rotates = [cmds.getAttr('{0}.r'.format(x))[0] for x in'joint')]
        orients = [cmds.getAttr('{0}.jo'.format(x))[0] for x in'joint')]
        for orient, new_orient in zip(self.orients, orients):
            self.assertListAlmostEqual(orient, new_orient)
        for translate, new_translate in zip(self.translates, translates):
            self.assertListAlmostEqual(translate, new_translate)
        for rotate, new_rotate in zip(self.rotates, rotates):
            self.assertListAlmostEqual(rotate, new_rotate)
        # The geometry should not have been exported
        self.assertEqual('joint1', cmds.listRelatives(, children=True)[0])
项目:pipeline    作者:liorbenhorin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def playblast_snapshot(path = None,format = None, compression = None, hud = None, offscreen = None, range=None, scale = None):
    current_image_format = cmds.getAttr("defaultRenderGlobals.imageFormat")
    cmds.setAttr("defaultRenderGlobals.imageFormat", 32) # *.png

    if range is None:

        range = playback_selection_range()
        print range
        if range is None:

            start = cmds.playbackOptions( q=True,min=True )
            end  = cmds.playbackOptions( q=True,max=True )
            range = [start, end]

    cmds.playblast(frame =int((range[0] + range[1])/2), cf = path, fmt="image",  orn=hud, os=offscreen, wh = scene_resolution(), p=scale, v=False) 

    cmds.setAttr("defaultRenderGlobals.imageFormat", current_image_format)
项目:SETools    作者:dtzxporter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ResetSceneAnim():
    # Loop through them all
    SceneJoints ="joint")
    # Loop
    for name in SceneJoints:
        # Disconnect if required
        ResetBoneKeyframes(DagPathFromJoint(name, False).transform())
        # Check for undo
        if (cmds.objExists(name + ".seanimUndoT")):
            # Reset to it
            ResetTranslation = cmds.getAttr(name + ".seanimUndoT")[0]
            ResetScale = cmds.getAttr(name + ".seanimUndoS")[0]
            ResetRotation = cmds.getAttr(name + ".seanimUndoR")[0]
            # Apply
            cmds.setAttr(name + ".t", ResetTranslation[0], ResetTranslation[1], ResetTranslation[2])
            cmds.setAttr(name + ".scale", ResetScale[0], ResetScale[1], ResetScale[2])
            cmds.setAttr(name + ".r", 0, 0, 0)
            cmds.setAttr(name + ".jo", ResetRotation[0], ResetRotation[1], ResetRotation[2])
    # Remove notetracks
    if cmds.objExists("SENotes"):
        # Delete

# Processes a joint, creating it's rest position, and returning a dag path
项目:mayakit    作者:danbradham    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def array_builder(self, attrName):
        frame = attrName.split('.')[-1]

        if pm.frameLayout(frame, exists=True):

        pm.frameLayout(frame, collapse=False)
        acmd = partial(self.add_multiInstance, attrName)
        rcmd = partial(self.rem_multiInstance, attrName)
        pm.button(label='New Item', command=acmd)
        pm.button(label='Remove Last Item', command=rcmd)

        array_length = pm.getAttr(attrName, s=True)
        for i in xrange(array_length):
            index_attr = '{}[{}]'.format(attrName, i)
项目:mayakit    作者:danbradham    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_hair_system(nucleus=None):
    '''Create a hair system, add it to the specified nucleus or active nucleus'''

    if not nucleus:
        nucleus = get_nucleus()

    hair_system = cmds.createNode('hairSystem')
    cmds.connectAttr('time1.outTime', hair_system + '.currentTime')
    index = cmds.getAttr(nucleus + '.inputActive', size=True)
    input_active = '{}.inputActive[{}]'.format(nucleus, index)
    input_start = '{}.inputActiveStart[{}]'.format(nucleus, index)
    output_object = '{}.outputObjects[{}]'.format(nucleus, index)
    cmds.setAttr(hair_system + '.active', 1)
    cmds.connectAttr(hair_system + '.currentState', input_active)
    cmds.connectAttr(hair_system + '.startState', input_start)
    cmds.connectAttr(output_object, hair_system + '.nextState')
    cmds.connectAttr(nucleus + '.startFrame', hair_system + '.startFrame')
    return hair_system
项目:pyblish-starter    作者:pyblish    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read(node):
    """Return user-defined attributes from `node`


    data = dict()

    for attr in cmds.listAttr(node, userDefined=True) or list():
            value = cmds.getAttr(node + "." + attr)
            # Some attributes cannot be read directly,
            # such as mesh and color attributes. These
            # are considered non-essential to this
            # particular publishing pipeline.
            value = None

        data[attr] = value

    return data
项目:zTools    作者:zethwillie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fileLoad(*args):
    sel =
    origTexture = sel[0]
    ctrls = sel[1:]

    # get path
    path = cmds.getAttr("{0}.fileTextureName".format(origTexture))
    if not path:
        cmds.warning("No file present in {0}. Cancelling!".format(origTexture))

    for ctrl in ctrls:
        ctrlFile = cmds.connectionInfo("{0}.fileTexture".format(ctrl), sfd=True).partition(".")[0]

        # add path to ctrl file
        cmds.setAttr("{0}.fileTextureName".format(ctrlFile), path, type="string")
项目:zTools    作者:zethwillie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def positionsAlongCurve(crv="", numPts = 3, *args):
    returns list of numPts evenly distributed world positions along given nurbs crv
    if not crv:

    if isType(crv, "nurbsCurve"):
        posList = []
        shp = cmds.listRelatives(crv, s=True)[0]
        poc = cmds.shadingNode("pointOnCurveInfo", asUtility=True, name="tmpPOCInfo")
        cmds.connectAttr("{}.local".format(shp), "{}.inputCurve".format(poc))
        cmds.setAttr("{}.turnOnPercentage".format(poc), 1)
        lineLen = cmds.arclen(crv, ch=False)
        dist = float(numPts)/lineLen

        for x in range(0, numPts+1):
            perc = 1.0/numPts
            print x*perc
            pos = cmds.getAttr("{}.position".format(poc))[0]

项目:zTools    作者:zethwillie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def createJointsAlongCurve(crv="", numJnts=3, *args):
    jnts = []
    crvShp = cmds.listRelatives(crv, s=True)[0]
    poc = cmds.shadingNode("pointOnCurveInfo", asUtility=True, name="tmpPOCInfo")
    cmds.connectAttr("{}.local".format(crvShp), "{}.inputCurve".format(poc))
    cmds.setAttr("{}.turnOnPercentage".format(poc), 1)
    lineLen = cmds.arclen(crv)
    dist = float(numJnts)/lineLen

    for x in range(0, numJnts+1):
        perc = 1.0/numJnts
        print x*perc
        pos = cmds.getAttr("{}.position".format(poc))[0]
        jnt = cmds.joint(p=pos)
        # add one joint at the end to orient    
项目:zTools    作者:zethwillie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def orientJointChain(*args):
#---------------- this doens't actually work. dot doesn't represent the relationship btw orients
    cmds.joint(jnts[0], e=True, oj="xyz", secondaryAxisOrient="ydown", ch=True, zso=True)

    #print cmds.getAttr("{}.jointOrient".format([0]))
    for y in range(1, len(jnts)):
        v1 = cmds.getAttr("{}.jointOrient".format(jnts[0]))[0]
        v2 = cmds.getAttr("{}.jointOrient".format(jnts[y]))[0]

        dotN = mth.dotN(v1, v2) # figure out how to reverse joint orientation
        if dotN < 0:
            print jnts[y], "dot neg"
            # reorient (inverse secondary axis)

    # for jnt in jnts:
    #   print mth.dotN(cmds.getAttr("{}.jointOrient".format(jnts[0]))[0], cmds.getAttr("{}.jointOrient".format(jnt))[0])
项目:zTools    作者:zethwillie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def randomizeFloats(*args):
    sel =
    attrs = getChannels()

    minn = cmds.floatFieldGrp(widgets["floatFFG"], q=True, v1=True)
    maxx = cmds.floatFieldGrp(widgets["floatFFG"], q=True, v2=True)
    rel = cmds.checkBox(widgets["floatCB"], q=True, v=True)

    for obj in sel:
        for attr in attrs:
            if (cmds.attributeQuery(attr, node=obj, exists=True)):
                rand = getRandomFloat(minn, maxx)
                current = 0.0
                if rel:
                    current = cmds.getAttr("{0}.{1}".format(obj, attr))
                newVal = rand + current
                cmds.setAttr("{0}.{1}".format(obj, attr), newVal)
项目:zTools    作者:zethwillie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_channel_attributes(obj, chnl):
    gets and returns attributes of given channel on given object
    attrType = cmds.attributeQuery(chnl, node=obj, at=True)
    hasMin = cmds.attributeQuery(chnl, node=obj, mne=True)
    hasMin = cmds.attributeQuery(chnl, node=obj, mne=True)
    hasMax = cmds.attributeQuery(chnl, node=obj, mxe=True)
    attrMin = None
    if hasMin:
        attrMin = cmds.attributeQuery(chnl, node=obj, min=True)
    attrMax = None
    if hasMax:
        attrMax = cmds.attributeQuery(chnl, node=obj, max=True)
    value = cmds.getAttr("{0}.{1}".format(obj, chnl))
    inConnection = cmds.listConnections("{0}.{1}".format(obj, chnl), plugs=True, destination=False, source=True)
    outConnection = cmds.listConnections("{0}.{1}".format(obj, chnl), plugs=True, destination=True, source=False)
    locked = cmds.getAttr("{0}.{1}".format(obj, chnl), lock=True)

    return (attrType, hasMin, attrMin, hasMax, attrMax, value, inConnection, outConnection, locked)
项目:zTools    作者:zethwillie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def toggle_sel_shape_vis(*args):
    """toggles the selected transforms' shape visibility"""
    sel =, type="transform")
    if sel:
        for obj in sel:
            shp = cmds.listRelatives(obj, s=True)
            if not shp:
                return ()
            for s in shp:
                currVal = cmds.getAttr("{0}.visibility".format(s))
                newVal = 0
                if currVal == 0:
                    newVal = 1
                elif currVal == 1:
                    newVal = 0
                cmds.setAttr("{0}.visibility".format(s), newVal)
项目:zTools    作者:zethwillie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def JntSegScl(*args):
    """turns on/off selected jnts seg scale compensate attr"""

    jnts =, type="joint")
    if not jnts:
        cmds.warning("No joints selected!")
        return ()

    for jnt in jnts:
        currVal = cmds.getAttr("{0}.segmentScaleCompensate".format(jnt))
        if currVal == 0:
            newVal = 1
        elif currVal == 1:
            newVal = 0

        cmds.setAttr("{0}.segmentScaleCompensate".format(jnt), newVal)
项目:core    作者:getavalon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read(node):
    """Return user-defined attributes from `node`"""

    data = dict()

    for attr in cmds.listAttr(node, userDefined=True) or list():
            value = cmds.getAttr(node + "." + attr)
        except ValueError:
            # Some attributes cannot be read directly,
            # such as mesh and color attributes. These
            # are considered non-essential to this
            # particular publishing pipeline.
            value = None

        data[attr] = value

    return data
项目:maya2katana    作者:ababak    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getNodeAttributes(node):
    Get Maya node attributes
    attributes = cmds.listAttr(node)
    attr = {}
    attr['nodeName'] = node
    attr['nodeType'] = cmds.nodeType(node)
    for attribute in attributes:
        if '.' in attribute:
            val = cmds.getAttr(node + '.' + attribute)
        except RuntimeError:
        attr[attribute] = val
    return attr
项目:pw_mGeoExporter    作者:paulwinex    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getAttribFromNode(self, name, attr, aType, default=None):
        #name mast be shape
        transformOnly = ['visibility']
        fAttr = '.'.join([name, attr])
        value = default
        if cmds.attributeQuery( attr, node=name, exists=True ) and not attr.lower() in transformOnly:
            value = cmds.getAttr( fAttr )
            trnsfrm = self.getTransform(name)
            if trnsfrm:
                if cmds.attributeQuery( attr, node=trnsfrm, exists=True ):
                    fAttr = '.'.join([trnsfrm, attr])
                    value = cmds.getAttr( fAttr )
        if not value is None:
            if isinstance(value, list):
                if isinstance(value[0], tuple):
                    value = list(value[0])
                value = aType(value)
        return value
项目:ml_tools    作者:morganloomis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def snap(node, snapTo):

    #duplicate the node we want snap
    dup = mc.duplicate(node, parentOnly=True)[0]
    #unlock translates and rotates
    for a in ('.t','.r'):
        for b in 'xyz':
            mc.setAttr(dup+a+b, lock=False)

    mc.parentConstraint(snapTo, dup)

    for a in ('.t','.r'):
        for b in ('x','y','z'):
                mc.setAttr(node+a+b, mc.getAttr(dup+a+b))
            except StandardError:

项目:ml_tools    作者:morganloomis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getMirrorMap(nodes=None):
    Returns a map of all paired nodes within a puppet

    puppets = getPuppets(nodes)
    puppets =, long=True)[0]

    allNodes ='*.mirrorIndex', o=True, long=True, recursive=True)

    found = {}
    pairs = {}
    for node in allNodes:
        for puppet in puppets:
            if not node.startswith(puppet):
            value = mc.getAttr('{}.mirrorIndex'.format(node))

            if value in found.keys():
                pairs[found[value]] = node
                pairs[node] = found[value]
            found[value] = node
    return pairs
项目:ml_tools    作者:morganloomis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def flipPose(nodes, *args):

    nodes =, long=True)

    flipPairs = getMirrorPairs(nodes)
    flipSingles = [x for x in nodes if x not in flipPairs.keys()]

    #do the singles:
    for node in flipSingles:
        for axis in getMirrorAxis(node):
            plug = '{}.{}'.format(node,axis)
            if mc.getAttr(plug, keyable=True):
                    utl.setAnimValue(plug, mc.getAttr(plug)*-1.0)
    #do the pairs
    done = []
    for node, mirror in flipPairs.items():
        if node not in done:
            copyPose(node, mirror, flip=True)
项目:ml_tools    作者:morganloomis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def isNodeVisible(node):
    Simply return whether or not the node can be seen.

    if not mc.attributeQuery('visibility', node=node, exists=True):
        return False
    if not mc.getAttr(node+'.v'):
        return False
    if mc.attributeQuery('intermediateObject', node=node, exists=True):
        if mc.getAttr(node+'.intermediateObject'):
            return False
    if not mc.getAttr(node+'.lodVisibility'):
        return False
    if mc.getAttr(node+'.overrideEnabled') and not mc.getAttr(node+'.overrideVisibility'):
        return False

    parent = mc.listRelatives(node, parent=True, pa=True)
    if parent:
        return isNodeVisible(parent[0])
    return True
项目:ml_tools    作者:morganloomis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def isWorldSpaceControl(obj):

    #first, if the object itself doesn't inherit transforms, it's a world space node.
    if not mc.getAttr(obj+'.inheritsTransform'):
        return True

    #walk up the hierarchy testing for any rotation value on x or z, or inherit transform
    parent = mc.listRelatives(obj, parent=True)
        if not mc.getAttr(parent[0]+'.inheritsTransform'):
            return True
        for attr in ('.rx','.rz'):
            if mc.getAttr(parent[0]+attr) != 0:
                return False
        parent = mc.listRelatives(parent, parent=True)
    return True
项目:ml_tools    作者:morganloomis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def colorShape(obj, rgb=None, hsv=None):

    if not rgb:
        if hsv and len(hsv) == 3:
            rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(*hsv)
            raise RuntimeError('colorShape requires an rgb or hsv input.')

    mc.setAttr('{}.overrideEnabled'.format(obj), 1)
    mc.setAttr('{}.overrideRGBColors'.format(obj), 1)
    mc.setAttr('{}.overrideColorRGB'.format(obj), *rgb)

    shapes = mc.listRelatives(obj, shapes=True, pa=True)
    for shape in shapes:
        #if mc.getAttr('{}.overrideEnabled'.format(shape)): 
        mc.setAttr('{}.overrideEnabled'.format(shape), 1)           
        mc.setAttr('{}.overrideRGBColors'.format(shape), 1)
        mc.setAttr('{}.overrideColorRGB'.format(shape), *rgb)
项目:ml_tools    作者:morganloomis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main():

    sel =

    if not sel:

    for each in sel:
        plug = each+'.v'
            locked = mc.getAttr(plug, lock=True)
            if locked:
                mc.setAttr(plug, lock=False)

            if mc.getAttr(plug):
                mc.setAttr(plug, 0)
                mc.setAttr(plug, 1)

            if locked:
                mc.setAttr(plug, lock=True)
项目:TACTIC-Handler    作者:listyque    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_skey_from_scene():
    skey = cmds.getAttr('defaultObjectSet.tacticHandler_skey')
    return skey
项目:config    作者:mindbender-studio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def process(self, instance):
        from maya import cmds

        missing = list()

        for member in ("controls_SET",
            if member not in instance:

        assert not missing, "\"%s\" is missing members: %s" % (
            instance, ", ".join("\"" + member + "\"" for member in missing))

        # Ensure all output has IDs.
        # As user may inadvertently add to the out_SET without
        # realising, and some of the new members may be non-meshes,
        # or meshes without and ID
        missing = list()

        for node in cmds.sets("out_SET", query=True) or list():

            # Only check transforms with shapes that are meshes
            shapes = cmds.listRelatives(node, shapes=True) or list()
            meshes =, type="mesh")

            if not meshes:

      "Checking '%s'" % node)
                cmds.getAttr(node + ".mbID")
            except ValueError:

        assert not missing, ("Missing ID attribute on: %s"
                             % ", ".join(missing))
项目:config    作者:mindbender-studio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def process(self, instance):
        from maya import cmds

        nodes = list(instance)
        nodes += cmds.listRelatives(instance, allDescendents=True) or list()
        missing = list()

        for node in nodes:

            # Only check transforms with shapes that are meshes
            if not cmds.nodeType(node) == "transform":

            shapes = cmds.listRelatives(node,
                                        type="mesh") or list()
            meshes =, type="mesh")

            if not meshes:

      "Checking '%s'" % node)
                cmds.getAttr(node + ".mbID")
            except ValueError:

        assert not missing, ("Missing ID attribute on: %s"
                             % ", ".join(missing))
项目:config    作者:mindbender-studio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def process(self, instance):
        from maya import cmds

        image_prefix = cmds.getAttr("defaultRenderGlobals.imageFilePrefix")
        if image_prefix:
            self.log.warning("There was an image prefix: '%s'\n"
                             "Image prefixes are automatically managed by "
                             "the pipeline, one is not required and will not "
                             "be taken into account." % image_prefix)
项目:cmt    作者:chadmv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_shape(node, intermediate=False):
    """Get the shape node of a tranform

    This is useful if you don't want to have to check if a node is a shape node
    or transform.  You can pass in a shape node or transform and the function
    will return the shape node.

    :param node:  node The name of the node.
    :param intermediate:  intermediate True to get the intermediate shape
    :return: The name of the shape node.
    if cmds.nodeType(node) == 'transform':
        shapes = cmds.listRelatives(node, shapes=True, path=True)
        if not shapes:
            shapes = []
        for shape in shapes:
            is_intermediate = cmds.getAttr('%s.intermediateObject' % shape)
            if intermediate and is_intermediate and cmds.listConnections(shape, source=False):
                return shape
            elif not intermediate and not is_intermediate:
                return shape
        if shapes:
            return shapes[0]
    elif cmds.nodeType(node) in ['mesh', 'nurbsCurve', 'nurbsSurface']:
        is_intermediate = cmds.getAttr('%s.intermediateObject' % node)
        if is_intermediate and not intermediate:
            node = cmds.listRelatives(node, parent=True, path=True)[0]
            return get_shape(node)
            return node
    return None
项目:cmt    作者:chadmv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_orient_manipulator(joint, material):
    joint_scale = cmds.jointDisplayScale(query=True)
    joint_radius = cmds.getAttr('{0}.radius'.format(joint))
    radius = joint_scale * joint_radius
    children = cmds.listRelatives(joint, children=True, path=True)
    if children:
        p1 = cmds.xform(joint, q=True, ws=True, t=True)
        p1 = OpenMaya.MPoint(*p1)
        p2 = cmds.xform(children[0], q=True, ws=True, t=True)
        p2 = OpenMaya.MPoint(*p2)
        radius = p1.distanceTo(p2)
    arrow_cvs = [[-1, 0, 0], [-1, 2, 0], [-2, 2, 0], [0, 4, 0], [2, 2, 0], [1, 2, 0], [1, 0, 0], [-1, 0, 0]]
    arrow_cvs = [[x[0]*radius, x[1]*radius, x[2]*radius] for x in arrow_cvs]
    shape = cmds.curve(name='{0}_zForward'.format(joint), degree=1, point=arrow_cvs)
    # shape = cmds.sphere(n='{0}_zForward'.format(joint), p=(0, 0, 0), ax=(0, 0, -1), ssw=0, esw=180, r=radius, d=3, ut=0, tol=0.01, s=8, nsp=4, ch=0)[0]
    # cmds.setAttr('{0}.sz'.format(shape), 0)
    # cmds.hyperShade(assign=material)
    group = cmds.createNode('transform', name='{0}_grp'.format(shape))
    cmds.parent(shape, group)
    cmds.makeIdentity(shape, apply=True)
    cmds.addAttr(shape, longName=MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTE, attributeType='message')
    cmds.connectAttr('{0}.message'.format(joint), '{0}.{1}'.format(shape, MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTE))
    for attr in ['tx', 'ty', 'tz', 'ry', 'rz', 'v']:
        cmds.setAttr('{0}.{1}'.format(shape, attr), lock=True, keyable=False)
    return group, shape
项目:cmt    作者:chadmv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_arrow(jointName):
    curve = cmds.curve(name='%s_ForwardDirection' % jointName, degree=1, point=[(-1, 0, 0), (-1, 2, 0), (-2, 2, 0), (0, 4, 0), (2, 2, 0), (1, 2, 0), (1, 0, 0), (-1, 0, 0)])
    group =
    cmds.xform(objectSpace=True, pivots=(0, 0, 0))
    jointScale = cmds.jointDisplayScale(query=True)
    jointRadius = cmds.getAttr('%s.radius' % jointName)
    jointScale *= jointRadius
    cmds.xform(scale=(jointScale, jointScale, jointScale))

    return group
项目:cmt    作者:chadmv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dump(curves=None, stack=False):
    """Get a data dictionary representing all the given curves.

    :param curves: Optional list of curves.
    :return: A json serializable list of dictionaries containing the data required to recreate the curves.
    if curves is None:
        curves = or []
    data = []
    for node in curves:
        shape = shortcuts.get_shape(node)
        if cmds.nodeType(shape) == 'nurbsCurve':
            control = {
                'name': node,
                'cvs': cmds.getAttr('{0}.cv[*]'.format(node)),
                'degree': cmds.getAttr('{0}.degree'.format(node)),
                'form': cmds.getAttr('{0}.form'.format(node)),
                'xform': cmds.xform(node, q=True, ws=True, matrix=True),
                'knots': get_knots(node),
                'pivot': cmds.xform(node, q=True, rp=True),
                'overrideEnabled': cmds.getAttr('{0}.overrideEnabled'.format(node)),
                'overrideRGBColors': cmds.getAttr('{0}.overrideRGBColors'.format(node)),
                'overrideColorRGB': cmds.getAttr('{0}.overrideColorRGB'.format(node))[0],
                'overrideColor': cmds.getAttr('{0}.overrideColor'.format(node)),
            if stack:
                control['stack'] = get_stack_count(node)
                control['parent'] = get_stack_parent(node)
    if curves:
    return data
项目:cmt    作者:chadmv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_knots(curve):
    """Gets the list of knots of a curve so it can be recreated.

    :param curve: Curve to query.
    :return: A list of knot values that can be passed into the curve creation command.
    curve = shortcuts.get_shape(curve)
    info = cmds.createNode('curveInfo')
    cmds.connectAttr('{0}.worldSpace'.format(curve), '{0}.inputCurve'.format(info))
    knots = cmds.getAttr('{0}.knots[*]'.format(info))
    return knots
项目:cmt    作者:chadmv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_color(self):
        """Open a dialog to set the override RGB color of the selected nodes."""
        nodes = or []
        if nodes:
            color = cmds.getAttr('{0}.overrideColorRGB'.format(nodes[0]))[0]
            color = QtGui.QColor(color[0]*255, color[1]*255, color[2]*255)
            color = QtWidgets.QColorDialog.getColor(color, self, 'Set Curve Color')
            if color.isValid():
                color = [color.redF(), color.greenF(), color.blueF()]
                for node in nodes:
                    cmds.setAttr('{0}.overrideEnabled'.format(node), True)
                    cmds.setAttr('{0}.overrideRGBColors'.format(node), True)
                    cmds.setAttr('{0}.overrideColorRGB'.format(node), *color)
项目:cmt    作者:chadmv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def constraint_data(constraint):
    """Gets the parentConstraint data dictionary of the given constraint.

    The data dictionary can be used as input into the Component.
    :param constraint: Name of a parentConstraint node.
    :return: The parentConstraint data dictionary.
    data = {
        'drivers': cmds.parentConstraint(constraint, q=True, targetList=True),
        'driven': cmds.listConnections('{0}.constraintParentInverseMatrix'.format(constraint), d=False)[0],
        'maintain_offset': False,
        'skip_tx': False,
        'skip_ty': False,
        'skip_tz': False,
        'skip_rx': False,
        'skip_ry': False,
        'skip_rz': False,

    offset = cmds.getAttr('{0}.target[0].targetOffsetTranslate'.format(constraint))[0]
    offset += cmds.getAttr('{0}.target[0].targetOffsetRotate'.format(constraint))[0]
    for value in offset:
        if abs(value) > 0.000001:
            data['maintain_offset'] = True
    for x in 'xyz':
        connection = cmds.listConnections('{0}.t{1}'.format(data['driven'], x), d=False)
        if not connection or connection[0] != constraint:
            data['skip_t{0}'.format(x)] = True

        connection = cmds.listConnections('{0}.r{1}'.format(data['driven'], x), d=False)
        if not connection or connection[0] != constraint:
            data['skip_r{0}'.format(x)] = True
    return data
项目:cmt    作者:chadmv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_component_execute(self):
        comp = Component()
            'sphere_name': 'test',
            'radius': 5.5,
        self.assertEqual(5.5, cmds.getAttr('polySphere1.radius'))
项目:cmt    作者:chadmv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_execute_component_with_array_of_containers(self):
        data = {
            'spheres': [
                {'sphere_name': 'sphere1', 'radius': 2.5},
                {'sphere_name': 'sphere2', 'radius': 5.0},
        comp = ContainerComponent()
        self.assertEqual(2.5, cmds.getAttr('polySphere1.radius'))
        self.assertEqual(5.0, cmds.getAttr('polySphere2.radius'))
项目:cmt    作者:chadmv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_instantiate_component_from_constructor(self):
        name = 'blah_blah'
        comp = Component(sphere_name=name, radius=10.0)
        self.assertEqual(10.0, cmds.getAttr('polySphere1.radius'))
项目:pipeline    作者:liorbenhorin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def snapshot(path = None, width = 96, height = 96):
    current_image_format = cmds.getAttr("defaultRenderGlobals.imageFormat")
    cmds.setAttr("defaultRenderGlobals.imageFormat", 32) # *.png
    #path = "/Users/liorbenhorin/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/2015-x64/scripts/pipeline/thumb.png"
    cmds.playblast(cf = path, fmt="image", frame = cmds.currentTime( query=True ), orn=False, wh = [width,height], p=100, v=False)
    cmds.setAttr("defaultRenderGlobals.imageFormat", current_image_format)

    if os.path.isfile(path):
        return path
        return False
项目:pipeline    作者:liorbenhorin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def scene_resolution():
    return [cmds.getAttr("defaultResolution.width"),cmds.getAttr("defaultResolution.height")]
项目:surume    作者:tm8r    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _apply(self, *args):
        selected = cmds.textScrollList(self.text_scroll, q=True, si=True)
        fov = cmds.textFieldGrp(self.text_field, q=True, tx=True)
        if not selected or not fov:
        camera = selected[0]
        vfa = cmds.getAttr(camera + ".verticalFilmAperture")

        focal_length = 0.5 * vfa / math.tan(float(fov) / 2.0 / 57.29578) / 0.03937

        cmds.setAttr(camera + ".focalLength", focal_length)
        cmds.textFieldGrp(self.result_field, e=True, tx=round(focal_length, 3))
项目:surume    作者:tm8r    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, node):

        :param path: ??????
        :type path: unicode
        super(FileInfo, self).__init__()
        self.node = node
        self.thumbnail = Column(0, "") = Column(1, node)
        self.file_type = Column(2, cmds.getAttr(node + ".fileTextureName").replace("a11889", "tm8r"))
项目:maya-capture-gui    作者:Colorbleed    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_outputs(self):
        """Return width x height defined by the combination of settings

            dict: width and height key values

        mode = self.mode.currentText()
        panel = lib.get_active_editor()

        if mode == self.ScaleCustom:
            width = self.width.value()
            height = self.height.value()

        elif mode == self.ScaleRenderSettings:
            # width height from render resolution
            width = cmds.getAttr("defaultResolution.width")
            height = cmds.getAttr("defaultResolution.height")

        elif mode == self.ScaleWindow:
            # width height from active view panel size
            if not panel:
                # No panel would be passed when updating in the UI as such
                # the resulting resolution can't be previewed. But this should
                # never happen when starting the capture.
                width = 0
                height = 0
                width = cmds.control(panel, query=True, width=True)
                height = cmds.control(panel, query=True, height=True)
            raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported scale mode: "

        scale = [width, height]
        percentage = self.percent.value()
        scale = [math.floor(x * percentage) for x in scale]

        return {"width": scale[0], "height": scale[1]}
项目:BlendTransforms    作者:duncanskertchly    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def BT_Setup(set = None):

    if not set:
        return False

    transforms = cmds.listConnections(set +'.dagSetMembers')
    if not transforms:
        return False

    if not cmds.attributeQuery('Blend_Node', n = set, ex = True):
        cmds.addAttr(set, ln = 'Blend_Node', k = False, h = True, dt = 'string')
        return False

    btNode = cmds.createNode("BlendTransforms")
    cmds.setAttr(set +'.Blend_Node', btNode, type = "string")

    for i in range(0, len(transforms)):
        baseMatrix = cmds.xform(transforms[i], q = True, m = True)
        baseScale = cmds.getAttr(transforms[i] +'.scale')[0]
        baseRotOffset = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

        if cmds.objectType(transforms[i], isType = 'joint'):
            baseRotOffset = cmds.getAttr(transforms[i] +'.jointOrient')[0]

        btAttr = 'transforms[' +str(i) +'].baseMatrix'
        btScaleAttr = 'transforms[' +str(i) +'].baseScale'
        btRotOffsetAttr = 'transforms[' +str(i) +'].baseRotOffset'

        BT_MatrixValuesToNode(values = baseMatrix, node = btNode, attr = btAttr)
        BT_Double3ValuesToNode(values = baseScale, node = btNode, attr = btScaleAttr)
        BT_Double3ValuesToNode(values = baseRotOffset, node = btNode, attr = btRotOffsetAttr)
        BT_ConnectOutputs(index = i, node = btNode, transform = transforms[i])

    return True
项目:BlendTransforms    作者:duncanskertchly    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def BT_DisconnectSetup(set = None):

    if not set:
        return False

    if not BT_IsSetupConnected(set = set):
        cmds.warning('Setup already disconnected!')
        return False

    btNode = cmds.getAttr(set +'.Blend_Node')
    if not btNode or not cmds.objExists(btNode):
        return False

    numOutputs = cmds.getAttr(btNode +'.output', size = True)
    print numOutputs
    tempMult = None
    for i in range(0, numOutputs):

        conns = cmds.listConnections(btNode +'.output[' +str(i) +'].outputT', s = False, d = True)
        if conns:
            tempMult = cmds.createNode('multiplyDivide')
            cmds.disconnectAttr(btNode +'.output[' +str(i) +'].outputT', conns[0] +'.translate')
            cmds.connectAttr(btNode +'.output[' +str(i) +'].outputT', tempMult +'.input1')

        conns = cmds.listConnections(btNode +'.output[' +str(i) +'].outputR', s = False, d = True)
        if conns:
            tempMult = cmds.createNode('multiplyDivide')
            cmds.disconnectAttr(btNode +'.output[' +str(i) +'].outputR', conns[0] +'.rotate')
            cmds.connectAttr(btNode +'.output[' +str(i) +'].outputR', tempMult +'.input1')

        conns = cmds.listConnections(btNode +'.output[' +str(i) +'].outputS', s = False, d = True)
        if conns:
            tempMult = cmds.createNode('multiplyDivide')
            cmds.disconnectAttr(btNode +'.output[' +str(i) +'].outputS', conns[0] +'.scale')
            cmds.connectAttr(btNode +'.output[' +str(i) +'].outputS', tempMult +'.input1') = True)

    return True
项目:BlendTransforms    作者:duncanskertchly    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def BT_Setup(set = None):

    if not set:
        return False

    transforms = cmds.listConnections(set +'.dagSetMembers')
    if not transforms:
        return False

    if not cmds.attributeQuery('Blend_Node', n = set, ex = True):
        cmds.addAttr(set, ln = 'Blend_Node', k = False, h = True, dt = 'string')
        return False

    btNode = cmds.createNode("BlendTransforms")
    cmds.setAttr(set +'.Blend_Node', btNode, type = "string")

    for i in range(0, len(transforms)):
        baseMatrix = cmds.xform(transforms[i], q = True, m = True)
        baseScale = cmds.getAttr(transforms[i] +'.scale')[0]
        baseRotOffset = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

        if cmds.objectType(transforms[i], isType = 'joint'):
            baseRotOffset = cmds.getAttr(transforms[i] +'.jointOrient')[0]

        btAttr = 'transforms[' +str(i) +'].baseMatrix'
        btScaleAttr = 'transforms[' +str(i) +'].baseScale'
        btRotOffsetAttr = 'transforms[' +str(i) +'].baseRotOffset'

        BT_MatrixValuesToNode(values = baseMatrix, node = btNode, attr = btAttr)
        BT_Double3ValuesToNode(values = baseScale, node = btNode, attr = btScaleAttr)
        BT_Double3ValuesToNode(values = baseRotOffset, node = btNode, attr = btRotOffsetAttr)
        BT_ConnectOutputs(index = i, node = btNode, transform = transforms[i])

    return True