Python maya.cmds 模块,setKeyframe() 实例源码


项目:metan    作者:utatsuya    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_listconnections(self):
        cmds.file(new=True, f=True)
        cube = cmds.polyCube()[0]
        m = mtn.M(u"pCube1")

        cmds.setKeyframe("pCube1.tx", "pCube1.ty", "",
                         "pCube1.rx", "pCube1.ry", "pCube1.rz",
                         "", "", "")

        assert(type(m.listConnections()) == list)
        assert(m.listConnections(asGenerator=True).__class__.__name__ == "generator")
        m.listConnections(asGenerator=True, c=True)
        m.listConnections(asGenerator=True, p=True)
        m.listConnections(asGenerator=True, c=True, p=True)
        m.listConnections(c=True, p=True)
        assert(m.listConnections(c=True,s=False) == [])
        assert(m.listConnections(p=True,s=False) == [])
项目:zTools    作者:zethwillie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def delete_later_keys(obj, frame, *args):
    """sets a key at 'frame' and then deletes all subsequent keys in the timeline (time based only)"""
    animTypes = ["animCurveTL","animCurveTA", "animCurveTT", "animCurveTU"]
    animNodes = cmds.listConnections(obj, type="animCurve")
    if not animNodes:
    for a in animNodes:
        if (cmds.objectType(a)in animTypes):
            cmds.setKeyframe(a, time=frame)
            cmds.cutKey(a,clear=1, time=(frame + 1, 100000))
项目:ml_tools    作者:morganloomis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cutSelected(selectionOption=1, setKey=True):

    keySel = _getKeySelection(selectionOption)
    if keySel.selectedKeys():pass
    elif keySel.frameRange():pass

    if setKey:
        start, end = keySel.time

        if keySel.findKeyframe('previous', time=(start-1,)) < start-1:
            mc.setKeyframe(keySel.curves, time=(start-1,), insert=True)

        if keySel.findKeyframe('next', time=(end,)) > end:
            mc.setKeyframe(keySel.curves, time=(end,), insert=True)

项目:ml_tools    作者:morganloomis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cutUnselected(selectionOption=1, setKey=True):

    keySel = _getKeySelection(selectionOption)
    start = None
    end = None
    if keySel.keyRange():
        start, end = keySel.time
        start, end = utl.frameRange()

    if setKey:
        if keySel.findKeyframe('previous', time=(start,)) < start:
            mc.setKeyframe(keySel.curves, time=(start,), insert=True)
        if keySel.findKeyframe('next', time=(end-1,)) > end-1:
            mc.setKeyframe(keySel.curves, time=(end-1,), insert=True)

项目:ml_tools    作者:morganloomis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def minimizeRotationCurves(obj):
    Sets rotation animation to the value closest to zero.

    rotateCurves = mc.keyframe(obj, attribute=('rotateX','rotateY', 'rotateZ'), query=True, name=True)

    if not rotateCurves or len(rotateCurves) < 3:

    keyTimes = mc.keyframe(rotateCurves, query=True, timeChange=True)
    tempFrame = sorted(keyTimes)[0] - 1

    #set a temp frame
    mc.setKeyframe(rotateCurves, time=(tempFrame,), value=0)

    #euler filter

    #delete temp key
    mc.cutKey(rotateCurves, time=(tempFrame,))
项目:ml_tools    作者:morganloomis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setAnimValue(plug, value, tangentType=None):
    Sets key if the channel is keyed, otherwise setAttr

    if mc.keyframe(plug, query=True, name=True):
        mc.setKeyframe(plug, value=value)
        if tangentType:
            time = mc.currentTime(query=True)
            itt = tangentType
            ott = tangentType
            if tangentType == 'step':
                itt = 'linear'
            mc.keyTangent(plug, time=(time,), edit=True, itt=itt, ott=ott)                                            

    mc.setAttr(plug, value)
项目:SETools    作者:dtzxporter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def PlaceNote():
    # Notetrack number
    note_tracks = 0
    # We need to ask for a name
    if not (cmds.objExists("SENotes")):
        # We need to make the SENotes parent first
        base_track = cmds.spaceLocator()
        # Rename
        cmds.rename(base_track, "SENotes")
    # Notetrack name
    noteName = "new_notetrack" + str(note_tracks)
    # Now we can make the child (if you have > 50000 notetracks, we got a problem...)
    for npos in xrange(note_tracks, 50000):
        # Setup
        noteName = "new_notetrack" + str(npos)
        # Check
        if not (cmds.objExists(noteName)):
            # Exit
    # Now make it and parent it
    notetrack = cmds.spaceLocator()
    # Rename
    cmds.rename(notetrack, noteName)
    # Parent it
    mel.eval("parent " + noteName + " SENotes")
    # Get current time
    currentFrame = cmds.currentTime(query = True)
    # Key it
    cmds.setKeyframe(noteName, time = currentFrame)
    # Log it
    print("A new notetrack was created")

# Selects all bones
项目:zTools    作者:zethwillie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def zbw_swapRotateOrder():

    #find frame range from slider
    startF = cmds.playbackOptions (query=True, minTime=True)
    endF = cmds.playbackOptions (query=True, maxTime=True)

    objs = (selection=True)
    #dummy check for two objects!    
    objA = objs[0]
    objB = objs[1]

    #get list of keys to use
    keysAtFull = cmds.keyframe (objA, query=True, time=(startF,endF), attribute=('tx','ty','tz','rx','ry','rz'))
    keysSet = set(keysAtFull)    
    for key in keysSet:
    #print keyList

    for thisKey in keyList: #populate the dictionary with the key values
        cmds.currentTime(thisKey) #set currentTime to the value
        cmds.pointConstraint(objA, objB, name="pointConst")#pointConstriain B to A
        cmds.orientConstraint(objA, objB, name="orientConst")#orientConstan B to A
        getRot() #getData() for B and puts it in keyBuffer
        getTrans() #gets tranlslation data for same
        cmds.delete('pointConst','orientConst') # delete the constaints on B

    #since I can't add the keys while I"m constraining, do it now from dictionary   
    for newKey in keyList:
        objRot = rotBuffer[newKey]
        objTrans = transBuffer[newKey]
        cmds.setKeyframe( objB, t=newKey,at='tx', v=objTrans[0]) #set keys for B on all the frames in keyBuffer to values in keyBuffer
        cmds.setKeyframe( objB,t=newKey,at='ty', v=objTrans[1])
        cmds.setKeyframe( objB,t=newKey,at='tz', v=objTrans[2])
        cmds.setKeyframe( objB,t=newKey,at='rx', v=objRot[0])
        cmds.setKeyframe( objB,t=newKey,at='ry', v=objRot[1])
        cmds.setKeyframe( objB,t=newKey,at='rz', v=objRot[2])

    cmds.filterCurve((objB+'_rotateX'), (objB+'_rotateY'), (objB+'_rotateZ' ))  #run Euler filter on curves for rotation?
项目:zTools    作者:zethwillie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def zbw_stepAll():
    sel =
    keyList = []
    keySet = set()
    allKeys = []
    #get timeslider range start
    startF = cmds.playbackOptions(query=True, min=True)
    #get end frame
    endF = cmds.playbackOptions(query=True, max=True)
    #get all the keyed frames
    for this in sel:
        keyList = cmds.keyframe(this, query=True, time=(startF,endF))
        for key in keyList:
            key = int(key)
    #print keyList
    keySet = set(keyList)
    for frame in keySet:

    #print allKeys

    for object in sel:
        for thisKey in allKeys:
            cmds.setKeyframe(object, t=thisKey, ott="step")

#pull down anim from master
项目:3D_Software_and_Python    作者:p4vv37    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_scale_keys(target, keyframes):
    Function animates the scale of given object by creating the given keyframes.

    :param obj:  String - Name of an object which scale will be animated
    :param keyframes: Python list - Keyframes that will be created: [[int time, float scale (1 = 100%),] ...]

    for keyframe in keyframes:  # For every keyframe from the list of keyframes scale object at proper time
        scale_value = float(keyframe[0])
        cmds.setKeyframe(target, attribute='scaleX', v=scale_value, time=keyframe[1], itt="fast", ott="fast")
        cmds.setKeyframe(target, attribute='scaleY', v=scale_value, time=keyframe[1], itt="fast", ott="fast")
        cmds.setKeyframe(target, attribute='scaleZ', v=scale_value, time=keyframe[1], itt="fast", ott="fast")
项目:3D_Software_and_Python    作者:p4vv37    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_position_keys(target, keyframes):
    Function animates the position of given object by creating the given keyframes.

    :param obj:  String - Name of an object which scale will be animated
    :param keyframes: Python list - Keyframes that will be created: [[int time, [float x, float y, float z]], ...]

    for keyframe in keyframes:  # For every keyframe from the list of keyframes scale object at proper time
        cmds.setKeyframe(target, attribute='translateX', v=keyframe[0][0], time=keyframe[1], itt="fast", ott="fast")
        cmds.setKeyframe(target, attribute='translateY', v=keyframe[0][1], time=keyframe[1], itt="fast", ott="fast")
        cmds.setKeyframe(target, attribute='translateZ', v=keyframe[0][2], time=keyframe[1], itt="fast", ott="fast")
项目:3D_Software_and_Python    作者:p4vv37    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def change_hierarchy_and_animate():
    Function modifies the hierarchy of scene and creates some final animations, that ware not possible to create earlier.
    It also creates cameras and lights.
    cmds.lookThru( 'perspView', 'RenderCamera1') # Change the perspective viewport to the render camera.

    top_locator = cmds.spaceLocator() # Parent for all the elemements that will rotate together
    objects_list = ['land', 'water', 'cloud', 'shark', ]

    for obj in objects_list:
        cmds.parent(obj, top_locator)

    cmds.setKeyframe(top_locator, attribute='rotateY', v=20, time=260, itt="plateau", ott="plateau")
    cmds.setKeyframe(top_locator, attribute='rotateY', v=0, time=0, itt="linear", ott="linear")

    dome_light = cmds.polySphere(r=500) # This sphere is a substitute of a skylight in 3Ds Max
    cmds.polyNormal(dome_light, normalMode=0) # The normals have to point to inside

    cmds.setAttr(dome_light[0]+".miDeriveFromMaya", 0) # Enable changes in object render settings
    cmds.setAttr(dome_light[0]+".miVisible", 0) # This object will be invisible to camera
    cmds.setAttr(dome_light[0]+".miShadow", 0) # And will not affect shadows
    cmds.rename(dome_light[0], "dome_light")

    area_light = cmds.shadingNode('areaLight', asLight=True)
    cmds.scale(25, 25, 25, area_light, absolute=True)
    cmds.move(-230.59, 178.425, 99.192, area_light)
    cmds.rotate(0, -68.929, -37.987, area_light)

    cmds.setAttr(area_light+".intensity", 120000.0)
    cmds.setAttr(area_light+".areaLight", 1)
    cmds.setAttr(area_light+".areaType", 1)
    cmds.setAttr(area_light+".decayRate", 2)
    cmds.setAttr(area_light+".areaHiSamples", 64)
项目:ml_tools    作者:morganloomis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cutEarlier(selectionOption=1, setKey=True):

    keySel = _getKeySelection(selectionOption)
    if setKey and keySel.findKeyframe('previous', time=(keySel._timeRangeEnd,)) < keySel._timeRangeEnd :
        mc.setKeyframe(keySel.curves, time=keySel._timeRangeEnd)
项目:ml_tools    作者:morganloomis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cutLater(selectionOption=1, setKey=True):

    keySel = _getKeySelection(selectionOption)
    timeValue = keySel._timeRangeStart-keySel.shortestTime
    if setKey and keySel.findKeyframe('next', time=(timeValue,)) > timeValue:
        mc.setKeyframe(keySel.curves, time=(timeValue,))
项目:ChainMaker    作者:XJZeng    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, curve_sel, vertex_list, chain_geo):
        self.curve_sel = curve_sel
        self.verts = vertex_list
        self.chain_geo = chain_geo
        self.find_length = Find_Out()

        self.link_length = self.find_length.edge_length(self.verts)
        self.chain_length = self.find_length.curve_length(self.curve_sel)
        self.link_total = int(self.chain_length/self.link_length)
        self.motion_path_name = str(self.chain_geo) + '_Path'

        cmds.pathAnimation(self.chain_geo, name = self.motion_path_name, fractionMode = True, follow= True, followAxis = 'x', 
                upAxis = 'y', worldUpType = 'object', startTimeU = 1, endTimeU = self.link_total, c = self.curve_sel)

        cmds.setKeyframe(self.motion_path_name + '.frontTwist', v = 0.0, t = 1 )
        cmds.setKeyframe(self.motion_path_name + '.frontTwist', v = 60.0*self.link_total, t = self.link_total )

        cmds.keyTangent(self.motion_path_name + '.uValue', itt = 'linear', ott = 'linear' )
        cmds.keyTangent(self.motion_path_name + '.frontTwist', itt = 'linear', ott = 'linear')

        cmds.snapshot( self.chain_geo, constructionHistory=True, startTime=1, endTime = self.link_total, increment=1, update = 'animCurve', 
                name = str(self.chain_geo) + '_snapShot' )

        self.chain_group = em=True, name=str(self.chain_geo) + '_geo_grp' )

        self.chain_list = cmds.listRelatives(str(self.chain_geo + '_snapShotGroup'))

        for dummy_geo in self.chain_list:
            cmds.delete(icn = True, ch = True)
            cmds.parent(dummy_geo, self.chain_group)
项目:ml_tools    作者:morganloomis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def addMarksToScene(marks):
    This is temp and will possibly be rolled into future releases.

    start,end = utl.frameRange()
    camera = utl.getCurrentCamera()
    camShape = mc.listRelatives(camera, shapes=True)[0]
    aov = mc.getAttr(camShape+'.horizontalFilmAperture')

    name = 'ml_stopwatch_'

    numStopwatches = len('*', type='locator'))
    top = mc.spaceLocator(name=name+'#')

    ename = ':'.join([str(x) for x in marks])
    mc.addAttr(top, longName='keyTimes', at='enum', enumName=ename, keyable=True)

    markRange = float(marks[-1]-marks[0])
    viewWidth = aov*2
    viewHeight = -0.4*aov+(numStopwatches*aov*0.08)
    depth = 5

    for mark in marks[1:-1]:

        ann = mc.annotate(top, text=str(mark))
        mc.setAttr(ann+'.displayArrow', 0)

        annT = mc.parent(mc.listRelatives(ann, parent=True, path=True), top)[0]
        annT = mc.rename(annT, 'mark_'+str(round(mark)))
        ann = mc.listRelatives(annT, shapes=True, path=True)[0]

        #set the position
        normalX = float(mark-marks[0])/markRange-0.5
        mc.setAttr(annT+'.translateX', viewWidth*normalX*2)
        mc.setAttr(annT+'.translateY', viewHeight)
        mc.setAttr(annT+'.translateZ', -depth)

        #keyframe for color
        mc.setAttr(ann+'.overrideEnabled', 1)

        mc.setKeyframe(ann, attribute='overrideColor', value=17, time=(int(marks[0]-1),int(mark+1)))
        mc.setKeyframe(ann, attribute='overrideColor', value=13, time=(int(mark),))
        mc.keyTangent(ann+'.overrideColor', ott='step')    
    mc.parentConstraint(camera, top)
项目:ml_tools    作者:morganloomis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setKeyframe(self, deleteSubFrames=False, **kwargs):
        Wrapper for the setKeyframe command. Curve and time arguments will be provided based on 
        how this object was intitialized, otherwise usage is the same as maya's setKeyframe command.
        Option to delete sub-frames after keying.

        if not 'time' in kwargs:
            #still not sure about how I want to do this, but we need a discrete time.
            #if time is a string set to current time
            if isinstance(self.time, tuple) and (isinstance(self.time[0], str) or len(self.time)>1):
                kwargs['time'] = mc.currentTime(query=True)
                kwargs['time'] = self.time

        if 'insert' in kwargs and kwargs['insert'] == True:
            #setKeyframe fails if insert option is used but there's no keyframes on the channels.
            #key any curves with insert, then key everything again without it

            if self.curves:
                mc.setKeyframe(self.curves, **kwargs)
            kwargs['insert'] = False

        #want to try setting keys on nodes first, since certain setKeyframe arguments wont work
        #as expected with channels
        if self._nodes:
            mc.setKeyframe(self.nodes, **kwargs)
            self._curves = mc.keyframe(self.nodes, query=True, name=True)
            mc.setKeyframe(self.channels, **kwargs)
            self._curves = mc.keyframe(self.channels, query=True, name=True)

        #there's a new selection of curves, so reset the member variables
        self._channels = list()
        self._nodes = list()
        self._time = kwargs['time']

        if deleteSubFrames:
            #remove nearby sub-frames
            #this breaks at higher frame ranges because maya doesn't keep enough digits
            #this value is also different for different frame rates
            if self.currentTime % 1 == 0 and -9999 < self.currentTime < 9999:
                #the distance that keys can be is independent of frame rate, so we have to convert based on the frame rate.
                tol = self.shortestTime
                self.cutKey(time=(self.currentTime+tol, self.currentTime+0.5))
                self.cutKey(time=(self.currentTime-0.5, self.currentTime-tol))