Python memcache 模块,SERVER_MAX_VALUE_LENGTH 实例源码


项目:CellsCycle    作者:AQuadroTeam    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_ignore_too_large_value(self):
        # NOTE: "MemCached: while expecting[...]" is normal...
        key = 'keyhere'

        value = 'a' * (SERVER_MAX_VALUE_LENGTH // 2)
        self.assertTrue(, value))
        self.assertEqual(, value)

        value = 'a' * SERVER_MAX_VALUE_LENGTH
        self.assertFalse(, value))
        # This test fails if the -I option is used on the memcached server
        self.assertTrue( is None)
项目:My-Web-Server-Framework-With-Python2.7    作者:syjsu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, servers=[], debug=0, pickleProtocol=0,
                 pickler=pickle.Pickler, unpickler=pickle.Unpickler,
                 pload=None, pid=None,
                 dead_retry=_DEAD_RETRY, socket_timeout=_SOCKET_TIMEOUT,
                 cache_cas = False):
        Create a new Client object with the given list of servers.

        @param servers: C{servers} is passed to L{set_servers}.
        @param debug: whether to display error messages when a server can't be
        @param pickleProtocol: number to mandate protocol used by (c)Pickle.
        @param pickler: optional override of default Pickler to allow subclassing.
        @param unpickler: optional override of default Unpickler to allow subclassing.
        @param pload: optional persistent_load function to call on pickle loading.
        Useful for cPickle since subclassing isn't allowed.
        @param pid: optional persistent_id function to call on pickle storing.
        Useful for cPickle since subclassing isn't allowed.
        @param dead_retry: number of seconds before retrying a blacklisted
        server. Default to 30 s.
        @param socket_timeout: timeout in seconds for all calls to a server. Defaults
        to 3 seconds.
        @param cache_cas: (default False) If true, cas operations will be
        cached.  WARNING: This cache is not expired internally, if you have
        a long-running process you will need to expire it manually via
        "client.reset_cas(), or the cache can grow unlimited.
        @param server_max_key_length: (default SERVER_MAX_KEY_LENGTH)
        Data that is larger than this will not be sent to the server.
        @param server_max_value_length: (default SERVER_MAX_VALUE_LENGTH)
        Data that is larger than this will not be sent to the server.
        self.debug = debug
        self.cache_cas = cache_cas

        # Allow users to modify pickling/unpickling behavior
        self.server_max_key_length = server_max_key_length
        self.server_max_value_length = server_max_value_length

        _cache = {}
