Python netaddr 模块,iprange_to_cidrs() 实例源码


项目:OWASP-Nettacker    作者:viraintel    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def IPRange(Range, range_temp, language):
    myranges_now = open(range_temp).read().rsplit()
    if Range not in myranges_now:
        r_f = open(range_temp, 'a')
        r_f.write(Range + '\n')
        if len(Range.rsplit('.')) is 7 and '-' in Range and '/' not in Range:
            if len(Range.rsplit('-')) is 2:
                start_ip, stop_ip = Range.rsplit('-')
                if isIP(start_ip) is True and isIP(stop_ip) is True:
                    return iprange_to_cidrs(start_ip, stop_ip)
                    return []
                return []
        elif len(Range.rsplit('.')) is 4 and '-' not in Range and '/' in Range:
            return IPNetwork(Range)
            return []
        warn(messages(language, 49))
        return []
项目:spamostack    作者:seecloud    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def come_up_subnet(neutron_subnets, size):
    """Come ups subnets with specific size

    @param neutron_subnets: List of neutron subnets
    @type neutron_subnets: `list(client_factory.Accessible)`

    @param size: Size of future subnet
    @type size: `int`
    """"Start generating of subnets")
    subnets = []

    for neutron_subnet in neutron_subnets:
        first = netaddr.IPAddress(netaddr.IPNetwork(neutron_subnet.cidr).first)
        last = netaddr.IPAddress(netaddr.IPNetwork(neutron_subnet.cidr).last)
        subnets.extend([first, last])

    subnets.insert(0, netaddr.IPAddress(""))

    max_size = 0
    for start, end in zip(subnets[::2], subnets[1::2]):
        space_range = list(netaddr.IPRange(start, end))
        if str(start) != "":
            space_range = space_range[1:]
        elif str(end) != "":
            space_range = space_range[:-1]

        space_size = len(space_range)
        if space_size > max_size:
            max_size = space_size
            start_ip = str(start)
            end_ip = str(end)
        if space_size >= size:
            return netaddr.iprange_to_cidrs(space_range[0],
                                            space_range[size - 1])[0]

    return netaddr.iprange_to_cidrs(start_ip, end_ip)[0]
项目:enteletaor    作者:cr0hn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_inet_num(search_term):
    Get intetnums for a domain

    :param search_term: keywork without dots, no domains are allowed. -> invalid |---| domain -> valid
    :type search_term: str

    :return: iterable with IP/CIDR notation or None 
    :rtype: list(str) | None

    # Disable request logging
    requests_log = logging.getLogger("requests")
    requests_log.propagate = False

    # Search the RIPE database
    # There is an issue with RIPE. When making a request and including
    # the type-filter inetnum, the JSON response also includes other types.
    request = requests.get('', params={
        'query-string': search_term,
        'type-filter': 'inetnum'

    json_results = json.loads(request.text)

        # Filter any object that doesn't have the type 'inetnum'
        ranges = [x['primary-key']['attribute'][0]['value']
                  for x in json_results['objects']['object']
                  if x['type'] == 'inetnum']
    except KeyError:
        return None

    # Turn the IP range string into CIDR
    cidrs = []
    for _range in ranges:
        _range = _range.split(' - ');
        cidrs.append(netaddr.iprange_to_cidrs(_range[0], _range[1]))

    results = set()

    # Print the CIDR's
    for cidr in cidrs:

    return results