Python networkx 模块,strongly_connected_components() 实例源码


项目:OpenMDAO    作者:OpenMDAO    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_sccs_topo(graph):
    Return strongly connected subsystems of the given Group in topological order.

    graph : networkx.DiGraph
        Directed graph of Systems.

    list of sets of str
        A list of strongly connected components in topological order.
    # Tarjan's algorithm returns SCCs in reverse topological order, so
    # the list returned here is reversed.
    sccs = list(nx.strongly_connected_components(graph))
    return sccs
项目:siggi    作者:rieck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bag_of_connected_components(graph):
    """ Bag of strongly connected components """
    comp = nx.strongly_connected_components(graph)
    return __bag_of_components(graph, comp)
项目:roadmap-processing    作者:aicenter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_biggest_component(graph):
    biggest_subgraph = graph

    if not nx.is_strongly_connected(graph):
        maximum_number_of_nodes = -1
        for subgraph in nx.strongly_connected_components(graph):
            if len(subgraph) > maximum_number_of_nodes:
                maximum_number_of_nodes = len(subgraph)
                biggest_subgraph = subgraph
    return biggest_subgraph
项目:cobol-sharp    作者:petli    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def from_cobol_graph(cls, cobol_graph):
        """Identify loops in a CobolStructureGraph and break them by adding Loop
        and ContinueLoop nodes.  Returns the resulting AcyclicStructureGraph.
        dag = cls()

        # Copy by way of edges, to avoid getting copies of the node objects
        dag.graph.add_edges_from(cobol_graph.graph.edges(keys=True, data=True))

        # Loops are strongly connected components, i.e. a set of nodes
        # which can all reach the other ones via some path through the
        # component.

        # Since loops can contain loops, this is done repeatedly until all
        # loops have been broken.  At this stage single-node loops are ignored,
        # since nx.strongly_connected_components() returns components also
        # consisting of a single nodes without any self-looping edge.
        while True:
            components = [c for c in nx.strongly_connected_components(dag.graph)
                          if len(c) > 1]
            if not components:

            for component in components:

        # Finally find any remaining single-node loops
        for node in list(dag.graph):
            if dag.graph[node].get(node) is not None:

        return dag
项目:lomap    作者:wasserfeder    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_potentials(pa):
    '''Computes the potential function for each state of the product automaton.
    The potential function represents the minimum distance to a self-reachable
    final state in the product automaton.
    assert 'v' not in pa.g
    # add virtual node which connects to all initial states in the product
    pa.g.add_edges_from([('v', p) for p in pa.init])
    # create strongly connected components of the product automaton w/ 'v'
    scc = list(nx.strongly_connected_components(pa.g))
    dag = nx.condensation(pa.g, scc)
    # get strongly connected component which contains 'v'
    for k, sc in enumerate(scc[::-1]):
        if 'v' in sc:
            start = len(scc) - k - 1
    assert 'v' in scc[start]
    assert map(lambda sc: 'v' in sc, scc).count(True) == 1
    # get self-reachable final states
    pa.srfs = self_reachable_final_states_dag(pa, dag, scc, start)
    # remove virtual node from product automaton
    assert 'v' not in pa.g
    if not pa.srfs:
        return False
    # add artificial node 'v' and edges from the set of self reachable
    # states (pa.srfs) to 'v'
    for p in pa.srfs:
        pa.g.add_edge(p, 'v', **{'weight': 0})
    # compute the potentials for each state of the product automaton
    lengths = nx.shortest_path_length(pa.g, target='v', weight='weight')
    for p in pa.g:
        pa.g.node[p]['potential'] = lengths[p]
    # remove virtual state 'v'
    return True
项目:lomap    作者:wasserfeder    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def has_empty_language(model, trivial=False):
    Checks if the language associated with the model is empty. It verifies if
    there are any self-reachable final states of the model which are also
    reachable from some initial state.

    model : Model
       A finite system model.
    trivial: boolean
       Specify if self-loops are allowed in the definition of self-reachability.
    By default, self-loops are not allowed.

    empty : boolean
       True if the language is empty.

    See Also

    This function is intended to be used on product automata.
    return len(self_reachable_final_states(model, trivial)) == 0
项目:silverchain    作者:tomokinakamaru    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def post_parse(grammar):
    # Create `G`
    G = DiGraph()
    for lhs, rhs in grammar.prods.items():
        for tok in rhs:
            if tok in grammar.prods:
                G.add_edge(lhs, tok)

    # DEBUG: from ._debug import Drawer # DEBUG
    # DEBUG: drawer = Drawer(G, grammar.start) # DEBUG

    # Inlining
    for root, _ in list(bfs_edges(G, grammar.start)):
        while True:
            nodes = [d for _, d in bfs_edges(G, root)]
            nodes = [root] + nodes
            edges = []
            for n in nodes:
            for ns, nd in reversed(edges):
                # DEBUG: drawer.draw(G, (ns, nd)) # DEBUG

                # Skip if `nd` has a self-loop
                if G.has_edge(nd, nd):

                # Skip if `C` consists of multiple nodes
                g = G.subgraph(n for n in G.nodes_iter() if n != ns)
                if len(next((c for c in sccs(g) if nd in c))) != 1:

                # Update grammar
                expr = []
                alter = Token.alter()
                for tok in grammar.prods[ns]:
                    if tok == nd:
                        expr.extend(list(grammar.prods[nd]) + [alter])
                grammar.prods[ns] = Expr(expr)

                # Update G
                G.remove_edge(ns, nd)
                for _, dst in G.edges_iter(nd):
                    G.add_edge(ns, dst)

                # DEBUG: drawer.draw(G) # DEBUG
                break  # Back to `for ns, nd in ...`

                # DEBUG: drawer.draw(G) # DEBUG
                break  # Back to `for root, _ in ...`

    return {nd for _, nd in G.edges_iter()}  # Unexpanded nonterminals
项目:phasm    作者:AbeelLab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def partition_graph(g: AssemblyGraph) -> Iterator[Tuple[AssemblyGraph, bool]]:
    """This function partitions a directed graph into a set of subgraphs. It
    is partioned in such way that the set of super bubbles of `g` is the same
    as the union of the super bubble sets of all subgraphs returned by this

    This function yields each partitioned subgraph, together with a flag if
    it is acyclic or not.

    singleton_nodes = []

    for connected_component in networkx.strongly_connected_components(g):
        if len(connected_component) == 1:

        subgraph = g.subgraph(connected_component)
        for u, v in g.in_edges_iter(connected_component):
            if u not in subgraph:
                subgraph.add_edge('r_', v)

        for u, v in g.out_edges_iter(connected_component):
            if v not in subgraph:
                subgraph.add_edge(u, "re_")

        yield subgraph, False

    # Build subgraph with only singleton strongly connected components
    subgraph = g.subgraph(singleton_nodes)
    for u, v in g.in_edges_iter(singleton_nodes):
        if u not in subgraph:
            subgraph.add_edge('r_', v)

    start_nodes = [n for n in subgraph.nodes_iter()
                   if subgraph.in_degree(n) == 0]
    for n in start_nodes:
        if n == 'r_':
        subgraph.add_edge('r_', n)

    for u, v in g.out_edges(singleton_nodes):
        if v not in subgraph:
            subgraph.add_edge(u, 're_')

    sink_nodes = [n for n in subgraph.nodes_iter()
                  if subgraph.out_degree(n) == 0]
    for n in sink_nodes:
        if n == 're_':
        subgraph.add_edge(n, 're_')

    yield subgraph, True