Python networkx 模块,subgraph() 实例源码


项目:phasm    作者:AbeelLab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def subgraph(self, nbunch):
        g = super().subgraph(nbunch)
        g.sequence_src = self.sequence_src

        return g
项目:symd    作者:xym-tool    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_subgraph_for_node(node_name):
    Prints the dependency graph for only the specified node_name (a full dependency
    graph can be difficult to read).
    :param node_name: Node for which to print the sub-graph
    ancestors = nx.ancestors(G, node_name)
    return nx.subgraph(G, ancestors)
项目:symd    作者:xym-tool    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def print_dependents(graph, preamble_list, imports):
    Print the immediate dependencies (imports/includes), and for each
    immediate dependency print its dependencies
    :param graph: Dictionary containing the subgraph of dependencies that
                  we are about to print
    :param preamble_list: Preamble list, list of string to print out before each
               dependency (Provides the offset for higher order dependencies)
    :param imports: List of immediate imports/includes
    # Create the preamble string for the current level
    preamble = ''
    for preamble_string in preamble_list:
        preamble += preamble_string
    # Print a newline for the current level
    print(preamble + '  |')
    for i in range(len(imports)):
        print(augment_format_string(imports[i], preamble + '  +--> %s') % imports[i])
        # Determine if a dependency has dependencies on its own; if yes,
        # print them out before moving onto the next dependency
            imp_imports = graph[imports[i]]
            if i < (len(imports) - 1):
                preamble_list.append('  |   ')
                preamble_list.append('      ')
            print_dependents(graph, preamble_list, imp_imports)
            # Only print a newline if we're NOT the last processed module
            if i < (len(imports) - 1):
                print(preamble + '  |')
        except KeyError:
项目:symd    作者:xym-tool    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def plot_module_dependency_graph(graph):
    Plot a graph of specified yang modules. this function is used to plot
    both the full dependency graph of all yang modules in the DB, or a
    subgraph of dependencies for a specified module
    :param graph: Graph to be plotted
    :return: None

    # fixed_pos = { 'ietf-interfaces':(0.01,0.01) }
    # fixed_nodes = fixed_pos.keys()
    # pos = nx.spring_layout(graph, iterations=200,
    #                        pos=fixed_pos, fixed=fixed_nodes)
    #pos = nx.circular_layout(graph)

    pos = nx.spring_layout(graph, iterations=2000)

    # Draw RFC nodes (yang modules) in red
    nx.draw_networkx_nodes(graph, pos=pos, nodelist=prune_graph_nodes(graph, RFC_TAG), node_size=200,
                           node_shape='s', node_color='red', alpha=0.5, linewidths=0.5)

    # Draw draft nodes (yang modules) in green
    nx.draw_networkx_nodes(graph, pos=pos, nodelist=prune_graph_nodes(graph, DRAFT_TAG), node_size=200,
                           node_shape='o', node_color='green', alpha=0.5, linewidths=0.5)

    # Draw unknown nodes (yang modules) in orange
    nx.draw_networkx_nodes(graph, pos=pos, nodelist=prune_graph_nodes(graph, UNKNOWN_TAG), node_size=200,
                           node_shape='^', node_color='orange', alpha=1.0, linewidths=0.5)

    # Draw edges in light gray (fairly transparent)
    nx.draw_networkx_edges(graph, pos=pos, alpha=0.25, linewidths=0.1, arrows=False)

    # Draw labels on nodes (modules)
    nx.draw_networkx_labels(graph, pos=pos, font_size=10, font_weight='bold', alpha=1.0)
项目:symd    作者:xym-tool    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_subgraph_for_node(node_name):
    Prints the dependency graph for only the specified node_name (a full dependency
    graph can be difficult to read).
    :param node_name: Node for which to print the sub-graph
    ancestors = nx.ancestors(G, node_name)
    return nx.subgraph(G, ancestors)
项目:symd    作者:xym-tool    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def print_dependents(graph, preamble_list, imports):
    Print the immediate dependencies (imports/includes), and for each
    immediate dependency print its dependencies
    :param graph: Dictionary containing the subgraph of dependencies that
                  we are about to print
    :param preamble_list: Preamble list, list of string to print out before each
               dependency (Provides the offset for higher order dependencies)
    :param imports: List of immediate imports/includes
    # Create the preamble string for the current level
    preamble = ''
    for preamble_string in preamble_list:
        preamble += preamble_string
    # Print a newline for the current level
    print(preamble + '  |')
    for i in range(len(imports)):
        print(augment_format_string(imports[i], preamble + '  +--> %s') % imports[i])
        # Determine if a dependency has dependencies on its own; if yes,
        # print them out before moving onto the next dependency
            imp_imports = graph[imports[i]]
            if i < (len(imports) - 1):
                preamble_list.append('  |   ')
                preamble_list.append('      ')
            print_dependents(graph, preamble_list, imp_imports)
            # Only print a newline if we're NOT the last processed module
            if i < (len(imports) - 1):
                print(preamble + '  |')
        except KeyError:
项目:SoS    作者:vatlab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def subgraph_from(self, targets):
        '''Trim DAG to keep only nodes that produce targets'''
        # first, find all nodes with targets
        subnodes = []
        for node in self.nodes():
            if not isinstance(node._output_targets, Undetermined) and any(x in node._output_targets for x in targets):
        ancestors = set()
        for node in subnodes:
            ancestors |= nx.ancestors(self, node)
        return SoS_DAG(nx.subgraph(self, subnodes + list(ancestors)))
项目:HRG    作者:nddsg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sample(G):
    S = [0,0,0,0]
    a = choice(G.nodes())
    b = choice(G.nodes())
    c = choice(G.nodes())
    d = choice(G.nodes())

    Gprime = nx.subgraph(G, [a,b,c,d])

    return Gprime
项目:phasm    作者:AbeelLab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build_bubblechains(g: AssemblyGraph,
                       min_nodes: int=1) -> Iterable[AssemblyGraph]:
    # Build dictionary which maps the bubble source to the bubble sink"Searching for non-nested superbubbles in the assembly "
    bubbles = {b[0]: b[1] for b in find_superbubbles(g, report_nested=False)}
    bubble_entrances = set(bubbles.keys())
    bubble_exits = set(bubbles.values())
    logger.debug("Found superbubbles: %s", bubbles)"Graph has %d superbubbles", len(bubbles))

    # Obtain start nodes
    # Priority is given as follows:
    # 1. Bubble entrances without incoming edges
    # 2. Bubble entrances for which holds that it's not also an exit of an
    #    other bubble
    # 3. Bubble entrances for which the entrance and corresponding exit have
    #    not been visited yet
    start_points = [
        n for n in bubble_entrances if g.in_degree(n) == 0]
    start_points.extend((n for n in bubble_entrances if n not in bubble_exits))

    # We'll check later if this bubble has been visited already
    start_points.extend(bubble_entrances)"Number of start points : %d", len(start_points))

    visited = set()
    for start in start_points:
        subgraph_nodes = set()

        logger.debug("New start point %s", start)

        if start not in bubble_entrances:
            raise AssemblyError("Unexpected start point: {}, this is not a "
                                "bubble entrance.".format(start))

        num_bubbles = 0
        while start in bubble_entrances:
            bubble_exit = bubbles[start]

            if start in visited and bubble_exit in visited:
                logger.debug("<%s, %s> already visited, stopping.",
                             start, bubble_exit)

            bubble_nodes = superbubble_nodes(g, start, bubble_exit)


            start = bubble_exit
            num_bubbles += 1

        if num_bubbles > 0:
  "Built bubblechain of %d bubbles", num_bubbles)

            if len(subgraph_nodes) >= min_nodes:
                yield networkx.subgraph(g, subgraph_nodes)
项目:GraphLearn    作者:smautner    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def core_substitution(graph, orig_cip_graph, new_cip_graph):
    graph is the whole graph..
    subgraph is the interfaceregrion in that we will transplant
    new_cip_graph which is the interface and the new core
    assert( set(orig_cip_graph.nodes()) - set(graph.nodes()) == set([]) ), 'orig_cip_graph not in graph'

    # select only the interfaces of the cips
    new_graph_interface_nodes = [n for n, d in new_cip_graph.nodes(data=True) if 'core' not in d]
    new_cip_interface_graph = nx.subgraph(new_cip_graph, new_graph_interface_nodes)

    original_graph_interface_nodes = [n for n, d in orig_cip_graph.nodes(data=True) if 'core' not in d]
    original_interface_graph = nx.subgraph(orig_cip_graph, original_graph_interface_nodes)
    # get isomorphism between interfaces, if none is found we return an empty graph

    iso = get_good_isomorphism(graph,

    if len(iso) != len(original_interface_graph):
        # print iso
        # draw.display(orig_cip_graph)
        # draw.display(new_cip_graph)
        #draw.graphlearn([orig_cip_graph, new_cip_graph],size=10)
        logger.log(5,"grammar hash collision, discovered in 'core_substution' ")
        return None

    # ok we got an isomorphism so lets do the merging
    graph = nx.union(graph, new_cip_graph, rename=('', '-'))

    # removing old core
    # original_graph_core_nodes = [n for n, d in orig_cip_graph.nodes(data=True) if 'core' in d]
    original_graph_core_nodes = [n for n, d in orig_cip_graph.nodes(data=True) if 'core' in d]

    for n in original_graph_core_nodes:

    # merge interfaces
    for k, v in iso.iteritems():
        #    'intgggerface'] = True  # i am marking the interface only for the backflow probability calculation in graphlearn, this is probably deleteable because we also do this in merge, also this line is superlong Ooo
        merge(graph, str(k), '-' + str(v))
    # unionizing killed my labels so we need to relabel

    re = nx.convert_node_labels_to_integers(graph)

    return re