Python networkx 模块,nodes() 实例源码


项目:Christofides    作者:dsrahul30    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def Euler_Tour(multigraph):
    """ Uses Fleury's algorithm to find the Euler Tour of the MultiGraph.

    tour = []
    temp_graph = nx.MultiGraph()
    graph_nodes = nx.nodes(multigraph)
    current_node = graph_nodes[0]
    while nx.number_of_edges(multigraph) > 0:   
        for edge in multigraph.edges(current_node):
            temp_graph = copy.deepcopy(multigraph)
            temp_graph.remove_edge(edge[0], edge[1], key=None)
            if nx.is_connected(temp_graph):
                current_node = edge[1]
                multigraph.remove_edge(edge[0], edge[1], key=None)
            current_node = edge[1]
            multigraph.remove_edge(edge[0], edge[1], key=None)
    return tour
项目:AbTextSumm    作者:StevenLOL    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ambiguous_nodes(self, node):
        Takes a node in parameter and returns the number of possible candidate 
        (ambiguous) nodes in the graph.
        k = 0
        #if node == "," + "/" + "," :
        #    return k
        while(self.graph.has_node((node, k))):
            k += 1
        return k

项目:fraud-eagle    作者:rgmining    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_new_reviewer(self):
        """Test new reviewer has a given name.
        name = "test-name"
        reviewer = self.graph.new_reviewer(name)
        self.assertEqual(, name)
        self.assertIn(reviewer, nx.nodes(self.graph.graph))
项目:fraud-eagle    作者:rgmining    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_new_product(self):
        """Test new product has a given name.
        name = "test-product"
        product = self.graph.new_product(name)
        self.assertEqual(, name)
        self.assertIn(product, nx.nodes(self.graph.graph))
项目:bioconda-utils    作者:bioconda    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dag(recipe_folder, config, packages="*", format='gml', hide_singletons=False):
    Export the DAG of packages to a graph format file for visualization
    dag, name2recipes = utils.get_dag(utils.get_recipes(recipe_folder, packages), config)
    if hide_singletons:
        for node in nx.nodes(dag):
            if == 0:
    if format == 'gml':
        nx.write_gml(dag, sys.stdout.buffer)
    elif format == 'dot':
        write_dot(dag, sys.stdout)
    elif format == 'txt':
        subdags = sorted(map(sorted, nx.connected_components(dag.to_undirected())))
        subdags = sorted(subdags, key=len, reverse=True)
        singletons = []
        for i, s in enumerate(subdags):
            if len(s) == 1:
                singletons += s
            print("# subdag {0}".format(i))
            subdag = dag.subgraph(s)
            recipes = [
                recipe for package in nx.topological_sort(subdag)
                for recipe in name2recipes[package]]
            print('\n'.join(recipes) + '\n')
        if not hide_singletons:
            print('# singletons')
            recipes = [recipe for package in singletons for recipe in
            print('\n'.join(recipes) + '\n')
项目:HRG    作者:nddsg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_production_rule(G, child, itx):

    rhs = nx.Graph()
    for n in G.subgraph(child).nodes():
    for e in G.subgraph(child).edges():
        rhs.add_edge(e[0], e[1])

    # remove links between external nodes (edges in itx)
    for x in itertools.combinations(itx, 2):
        if rhs.has_edge(x[0], x[1]):
            rhs.remove_edge(x[0], x[1])

    return rhs
项目:HRG    作者:nddsg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_graph_hops(graph, num_samples):
    c = Counter()
    for i in range(0, num_samples):
        node = sample(graph.nodes(), 1)[0]
        b = nx.bfs_successors(graph, node)

        for l, h in hops(b, node):
            c[l] += h

    hopper = Counter()
    for l in c:
        hopper[l] = float(c[l]) / float(num_samples)
    return hopper
项目:HRG    作者:nddsg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def draw_network_value(orig_g, mG):
    Network values: The distribution of eigenvector components (indicators of "network value")
    associated to the largest eigenvalue of the graph adjacency matrix has also been found to be
    skewed (Chakrabarti et al., 2004).
    eig_cents = [nx.eigenvector_centrality_numpy(g) for g in mG]  # nodes with eigencentrality

    srt_eig_cents = sorted(eig_cents, reverse=True)
    net_vals = []
    for cntr in eig_cents:
        net_vals.append(sorted(cntr.values(), reverse=True))
    df = pd.DataFrame(net_vals)

    plt.fill_between(df.columns, df.mean() - df.sem(), df.mean() + df.sem(), color='blue', alpha=0.2, label="se")

    h, = plt.plot(df.mean(), color='blue', aa=True, linewidth=4, ls='--', label="H*")
    orig, = plt.plot(sorted(nx.eigenvector_centrality(orig_g).values(), reverse=True), color='black', linewidth=4,
                     ls='-', label="H")

    plt.title('Principle Eigenvector Distribution')
    plt.ylabel('Principle Eigenvector')
        axis='x',  # changes apply to the x-axis
        which='both',  # both major and minor ticks are affected
        bottom='off',  # ticks along the bottom edge are off
        top='off',  # ticks along the top edge are off
        labelbottom='off')  # labels along the bottom edge are off

    plt.legend([orig, h], ['$H$', 'HRG $H^*$'], loc=3)
    # fig = plt.gcf()
    # fig.set_size_inches(5, 4, forward=True)
项目:AbTextSumm    作者:StevenLOL    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_directed_context(self, node, k, dir='all', non_pos=False):
        Returns the directed context of a given node, i.e. a list of word/POS of
        the left or right neighboring nodes in the graph. The function takes 
        four parameters :

        - node is the word/POS tuple
        - k is the node identifier used when multiple nodes refer to the same 
          word/POS (e.g. k=0 for (the/DET, 0), k=1 for (the/DET, 1), etc.)
        - dir is the parameter that controls the directed context calculation, 
          it can be set to left, right or all (default)
        - non_pos is a boolean allowing to remove stopwords from the context 
          (default is false)

        # Define the context containers
        l_context = []
        r_context = []

        # For all the sentence/position tuples
        for sid, off in self.graph.node[(node, k)]['info']:

            prev = self.sentence[sid][off-1][0] + self.sep +\

            next = self.sentence[sid][off+1][0] + self.sep +\

            if non_pos:
                if self.sentence[sid][off-1][0] not in self.stopwords:
                if self.sentence[sid][off+1][0] not in self.stopwords:

        # Returns the left (previous) context
        if dir == 'left':
            return l_context
        # Returns the right (next) context
        elif dir == 'right':
            return r_context
        # Returns the whole context
            return l_context


项目:STHClusterAnalysis    作者:scottemmons    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def execute(self, G, epsilon=0.25, weighted=False, min_community_size=3):
        Execute Demon algorithm

        :param G: the networkx graph on which perform Demon
        :param epsilon: the tolerance required in order to merge communities (default 0.25)
        :param weighted: Whether the graph is weighted or not
        :param min_community_size:min nodes needed to form a community

        self.G = G
        self.epsilon = epsilon
        self.min_community_size = min_community_size
        for n in self.G.nodes():
            G.node[n]['communities'] = [n]
        self.weighted = weighted

        all_communities = {}

        total_nodes = len(nx.nodes(self.G))
        actual = 0

        for ego in nx.nodes(self.G):
            percentage = float(actual * 100)/total_nodes

            if (int(percentage) % 1) == 0:
                print 'Ego-network analyzed: %d/100 (communities identified: %d)' % (
                    percentage, len(all_communities))
            actual += 1

            ego_minus_ego = nx.ego_graph(self.G, ego, 1, False)
            community_to_nodes = self.__overlapping_label_propagation(ego_minus_ego, ego)

            #merging phase
            for c in community_to_nodes.keys():
                if len(community_to_nodes[c]) > self.min_community_size:
                    actual_community = community_to_nodes[c]
                    all_communities = self.__merge_communities(all_communities, actual_community)

        #print communities
        out_file_com = open("communities", "w")
        idc = 0
        for c in all_communities.keys():
            out_file_com.write("%d\t%s\n" % (idc, ','.join([str(x) for x in sorted(c)])))
            idc += 1

项目:HRG    作者:nddsg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bfs_eff_diam(G, NTestNodes, P):
    EffDiam = -1
    FullDiam = -1
    AvgSPL = -1

    DistToCntH = {}

    NodeIdV = nx.nodes(G)

    for tries in range(0, min(NTestNodes, nx.number_of_nodes(G))):
        NId = NodeIdV[tries]
        b = nx.bfs_successors(G, NId)
        for l, h in hops(b, NId):
            if h is 0: continue
            if not l + 1 in DistToCntH:
                DistToCntH[l + 1] = h
                DistToCntH[l + 1] += h

    DistNbrsPdfV = {}
    SumPathL = 0.0
    PathCnt = 0.0
    for i in DistToCntH.keys():
        DistNbrsPdfV[i] = DistToCntH[i]
        SumPathL += i * DistToCntH[i]
        PathCnt += DistToCntH[i]

    oDistNbrsPdfV = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(DistNbrsPdfV.items()))

    CdfV = oDistNbrsPdfV
    for i in range(1, len(CdfV)):
        if not i + 1 in CdfV:
            CdfV[i + 1] = 0
        CdfV[i + 1] = CdfV[i] + CdfV[i + 1]

    EffPairs = P * CdfV[next(reversed(CdfV))]

    for ValN in CdfV.keys():
        if CdfV[ValN] > EffPairs: break

    if ValN >= len(CdfV): return next(reversed(CdfV))
    if ValN is 0: return 1
    # interpolate
    DeltaNbrs = CdfV[ValN] - CdfV[ValN - 1];
    if DeltaNbrs is 0: return ValN;
    return ValN - 1 + (EffPairs - CdfV[ValN - 1]) / DeltaNbrs