Python networkx 模块,all_neighbors() 实例源码


项目:raiden    作者:raiden-network    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ordered_neighbors(nx_graph, our_address, target_address):
    paths = list()

        all_neighbors = networkx.all_neighbors(nx_graph, our_address)
    except networkx.NetworkXError:
        # If `our_address` is not in the graph, no channels opened with the
        # address
        return []

    for neighbor in all_neighbors:
            length = networkx.shortest_path_length(
            heappush(paths, (length, neighbor))
        except (networkx.NetworkXNoPath, networkx.NodeNotFound):

    return paths
项目:PhD    作者:wutaoadeny    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def local_path_index(G, ebunch=None):
    if ebunch is None:
        ebunch = nx.non_edges(G)

    def predict(u, v):
        #NeighborSet = nx.all_neighbors(G, u)
        #len( sorted(nx.common_neighbors(G, u, v) ))
        paths = list( nx.all_simple_paths(G, source=u, target=v, cutoff=3))
        print paths
        A2 = 0.0
        A3 = 0.0
        for path in paths:
            if len(path) == 3:
                A2 = A2 + 1.0
            elif len(path) == 4:
                A3 = A3 + 1.0
        return  A2 + 0.001 * A3 #Coefficient = 0.001

    Rank_List = []
    for u, v in ebunch:
        Rank_List.append((u, v, predict(u, v)))
    return Rank_List #((u, v, predict(u, v)) for u, v in ebunch)
    #return ((u, v, predict(u, v)) for u, v in ebunch)
项目:gtfspy    作者:CxAalto    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _finalize_profiles(self):
        Deal with the first walks by joining profiles to other stops within walking distance.
        for stop, stop_profile in self._stop_profiles.items():
            assert (isinstance(stop_profile, NodeProfileMultiObjective))
            neighbor_label_bags = []
            walk_durations_to_neighbors = []
            departure_arrival_stop_pairs = []
            if stop_profile.get_walk_to_target_duration() != 0 and stop in self._walk_network.node:
                neighbors = networkx.all_neighbors(self._walk_network, stop)
                for neighbor in neighbors:
                    neighbor_profile = self._stop_profiles[neighbor]
                    assert (isinstance(neighbor_profile, NodeProfileMultiObjective))
                    neighbor_real_connection_labels = neighbor_profile.get_labels_for_real_connections()
                    walk_durations_to_neighbors.append(int(self._walk_network.get_edge_data(stop, neighbor)["d_walk"] /
                    departure_arrival_stop_pairs.append((stop, neighbor))
            stop_profile.finalize(neighbor_label_bags, walk_durations_to_neighbors, departure_arrival_stop_pairs)
项目:raiden    作者:raiden-network    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_neighbours(self):
        """ Get all neihbours adjacent to self.our_address. """
            return networkx.all_neighbors(self.graph, self.our_address)
        except networkx.NetworkXError:
            return []
项目:PhD    作者:wutaoadeny    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def node_strength(G, w):
    Sum_of_weight = 0.0
    neighbors = list(nx.all_neighbors(G, w))
    for node in neighbors:
        Sum_of_weight = Sum_of_weight + G[w][node]['weight']
    #end for

    return Sum_of_weight
项目:PhD    作者:wutaoadeny    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def weighted_local_path_index(G, ebunch=None):
    if ebunch is None:
        ebunch = nx.non_edges(G)

    def predict(u, v):
        #NeighborSet = nx.all_neighbors(G, u)
        #len( sorted(nx.common_neighbors(G, u, v) ))
        paths = list( nx.all_simple_paths(G, source=u, target=v, cutoff=3))
        #print paths
        A2_weight = 0.0
        A3_weight = 0.0
        for path in paths:
            if len(path) == 3:
                for node in range(0, len(path)-1):
                    A2_weight = A2_weight + G[path[node]][path[node+1]]['weight']
            elif len(path) == 4:
                for node in range(0, len(path)-1):
                    A3_weight = A3_weight + G[path[node]][path[node+1]]['weight']

        #value = sum(   G[w][u]['weight'] + G[w][v]['weight']  for w in nx.common_neighbors(G, u, v) )
        return  A2_weight + 0.001 * A3_weight #+value  #Coefficient = 0.001

    Rank_List = []
    for u, v in ebunch:
        Rank_List.append((u, v, predict(u, v)))
    return Rank_List #((u, v, predict(u, v)) for u, v in ebunch)
    #return ((u, v, predict(u, v)) for u, v in ebunch)
项目:kami-solver    作者:erasche    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def solve(new_graph, solution=None, maxAcceptable=0, orig=None):
    path = len(solution)
    if path > maxAcceptable:

    colours_left = len(set([node.colour for node in new_graph.nodes()]))
    distinct_groups = len(new_graph.nodes())
    # We accept at most N moves.
    # If we have gotten to a path of length N, then coloursLeft must == 1.

    if not (maxAcceptable - path > colours_left - 2):

    # Start out by reducing same coloured nodes
    if len(new_graph.nodes()) == 1:
        return solution

    # Now we mutate
    for node in list(sorted(new_graph.nodes())):
        # Get neighbours
        neighbours = list(nx.all_neighbors(new_graph, node))
        # And their colours
        neigh_colours = [x.colour for x in neighbours]
        # We can be assured they are not like ours due to reduceGraph
        for colour in neigh_colours:
            # We take a copy of our graph, and toggle the colour
            tmp_graph = new_graph.copy()
            xnode = [x for x in tmp_graph if x.idx == node.idx][0]
            xnode.colour = colour

            tmp_graph = reduceGraph(tmp_graph)
            x = solve(tmp_graph, solution=solution + [(node.idx, colour)], maxAcceptable=maxAcceptable, orig=orig)
            if x is not None:
                return x
项目:PhD    作者:wutaoadeny    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def structure_dependent_index(G, ebunch=None):
    if ebunch is None:
        ebunch = nx.non_edges(G)

    #C = nx.average_clustering(G)
    #d = nx.average_shortest_path_length(G)
    path_range = max(2, math.ceil(nx.average_shortest_path_length(G)))
    #print path_range

    def predict(u, v):
        #NeighborSet = nx.all_neighbors(G, u)
        #len( sorted(nx.common_neighbors(G, u, v) ))
        SD_Index = {}
        #Generate all simple paths in the graph G from source to target,  length <= cutoff .
        paths = list( nx.all_simple_paths(G, source=u, target=v, cutoff = path_range))
        print paths
        for path in paths:
            if SD_Index.has_key( len(path) ):
                SD_Index[len(path)] = SD_Index[len(path)] + 1.0
                SD_Index[len(path)] = 1.0
        #end for
        print SD_Index

        #Sum up the num of paths with different length
        Coefficient = 0.6
        SD_Value = 0.0
        key_Sequence = list(sorted(SD_Index.keys()))
        for key in key_Sequence:
            if key != 2:
                SD_Value = SD_Value + math.pow(Coefficient, key-2.0) * SD_Index[key]
        #end for
        return  SD_Value #Coefficient = 0.6

    Rank_List = []
    for u, v in ebunch:
        Rank_List.append((u, v, predict(u, v)))
    return Rank_List #((u, v, predict(u, v)) for u, v in ebunch)

项目:Networks    作者:dencesun    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def motif_m7(g):
    n = nx.number_of_nodes(g)
    W = np.zeros((n, n), dtype=float)
    W = np.mat(W)

    # nei = set(nx.all_neighbors(g, 2))
    # print('all_neighbors: ', nei)
    for u in range(1, n+1):
        u_neighbors = set(nx.all_neighbors(g, u))
        # sorted(u_neighbors)
        # print(u, u_neighbors)
        for v in u_neighbors:
            if v < u:
            v_neighbors = set(nx.all_neighbors(g, v))
            # sorted(v_neighbors)
            for w in v_neighbors:
                if w < u or w < v:
                if g.has_edge(u, v) and g.has_edge(v, u) and g.has_edge(u, w) and g.has_edge(v, w):
                    W[u - 1, w - 1] = W[u - 1, w - 1] + 1
                    W[w - 1, u - 1] = W[w - 1, u - 1] + 1
                    W[u - 1, v - 1] = W[u - 1, v - 1] + 1
                    W[v - 1, u - 1] = W[v - 1, u - 1] + 1
                    W[v - 1, w - 1] = W[v - 1, w - 1] + 1
                    W[w - 1, v - 1] = W[w - 1, v - 1] + 1
                if g.has_edge(u, w) and g.has_edge(w, u) and g.has_edge(u, v) and g.has_edge(w, v):
                    W[u - 1, w - 1] = W[u - 1, w - 1] + 1
                    W[w - 1, u - 1] = W[w - 1, u - 1] + 1
                    W[u - 1, v - 1] = W[u - 1, v - 1] + 1
                    W[v - 1, u - 1] = W[v - 1, u - 1] + 1
                    W[v - 1, w - 1] = W[v - 1, w - 1] + 1
                    W[w - 1, v - 1] = W[w - 1, v - 1] + 1
                if g.has_edge(v, w) and g.has_edge(w, v) and g.has_edge(w, u) and g.has_edge(v, u):
                    W[u - 1, w - 1] = W[u - 1, w - 1] + 1
                    W[w - 1, u - 1] = W[w - 1, u - 1] + 1
                    W[u - 1, v - 1] = W[u - 1, v - 1] + 1
                    W[v - 1, u - 1] = W[v - 1, u - 1] + 1
                    W[v - 1, w - 1] = W[v - 1, w - 1] + 1
                    W[w - 1, v - 1] = W[w - 1, v - 1] + 1
    # print(W)
    # print(type(W))

    return W
项目:Networks    作者:dencesun    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def count_motif(g):
    count_number = list([0])*13
    n = nx.number_of_nodes(g)
    node_set = set()

    for u in range(1, n+1):
        if not g.has_node(u):
        for v in range(u+1, n+1):
            if not g.has_node(v):
            u_neighbors = list(set(nx.all_neighbors(g, u)))
            v_neighbors = list(set(nx.all_neighbors(g, v)))
            for i in u_neighbors:
                if i > v and i > u:
            for i in v_neighbors:
                if i > v and i > u:
            if len(node_set) <= 0:
            print(u, v, node_set)
            for w in node_set:
                if count_m1(g, u, v, w):
                    count_number[0] += 1
                elif count_m2(g, u, v, w):
                    count_number[1] += 1
                elif count_m3(g, u, v, w):
                    count_number[2] += 1
                elif count_m4(g, u, v, w):
                    count_number[3] += 1
                elif count_m5(g, u, v, w):
                    count_number[4] += 1
                elif count_m6(g, u, v, w):
                    count_number[5] += 1
                elif count_m7(g, u, v, w):
                    count_number[6] += 1
                elif count_m8(g, u, v, w):
                    count_number[7] += 1
                elif count_m9(g, u, v, w):
                    count_number[8] += 1
                elif count_m10(g, u, v, w):
                    count_number[9] += 1
                elif count_m11(g, u, v, w):
                    count_number[10] += 1
                elif count_m12(g, u, v, w):
                    count_number[11] += 1
                elif count_m13(g, u, v, w):
                    count_number[12] += 1


项目:Networks    作者:dencesun    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def paper_figure1():

    graph data g come from Jure Leskovec(2016) Higher-order organization of complex networks Fig 1
    :return: None

    g = nx.DiGraph()
    g.add_edge(1, 2)
    g.add_edge(1, 3)
    g.add_edge(1, 4)
    g.add_edge(1, 5)
    g.add_edge(1, 6)
    g.add_edge(2, 1)
    g.add_edge(2, 3)
    g.add_edge(2, 4)
    g.add_edge(2, 5)
    g.add_edge(6, 2)
    g.add_edge(6, 7)
    g.add_edge(7, 2)
    g.add_edge(7, 6)
    g.add_edge(8, 2)
    g.add_edge(8, 6)
    g.add_edge(8, 9)
    g.add_edge(8, 10)
    g.add_edge(9, 6)
    g.add_edge(9, 7)
    g.add_edge(9, 8)
    g.add_edge(9, 10)

    # W = HigherOrderNetwork.motif_m7(g)
    # cluster, condv, condc, order = HigherOrderNetwork.spectral_partitioning(W)
    # print("\n\npaper figure1's result")
    # print('condc: ', condc)
    # print('cluster\n', cluster)
    # # print(list(nx.all_neighbors(g, 2)))
    # HigherOrderNetwork.count_m1(g)
    # HigherOrderNetwork.count_m2(g)
    # HigherOrderNetwork.count_m3(g)
    # HigherOrderNetwork.count_m4(g)
    # HigherOrderNetwork.count_m5(g)
    # HigherOrderNetwork.count_m6(g)
    # HigherOrderNetwork.count_m7(g)
    # HigherOrderNetwork.count_m8(g)
    # HigherOrderNetwork.count_m9(g)
    # HigherOrderNetwork.count_m10(g)
项目:kami-solver    作者:erasche    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def reduceGraph(graph):
    g = graph.copy()

    equivalent_node_a = None
    equivalent_node_b = None
    for (a, b) in sorted(g.edges()):
        # If we have an set of nodes
        if a.colour == b.colour:
            equivalent_node_a = a
            equivalent_node_b = b
            # We quit immediately

    # If we didn't find a node, then we return our graph immediately.
    if equivalent_node_a is None:
        return g

    # Otherwise, we need to make the processing and then return
    # reduceGraph(self) in case we missed any nodes (since we broke on first)
    a_neighs = list(nx.all_neighbors(g, equivalent_node_a))
    b_neighs = list(nx.all_neighbors(g, equivalent_node_b))
    # Remove for ease of access
    to_remove = []
    to_add = []
    for b_neighbour in b_neighs:
        if b_neighbour not in a_neighs:
            to_add.append((equivalent_node_a, b_neighbour))

        to_remove.append((equivalent_node_b, b_neighbour))

        # if a_neighbour not in b_neighs and \
                # a_neighbour != equivalent_node_b:
            # to_add.append((a_neighbour, equivalent_node_b))
        # to_remove.append((a_neighbour, equivalent_node_a))

    for (a, b) in to_remove:
        g.remove_edge(a, b)

    for (a, b) in to_add:
        g.add_edge(a, b)

    equivalent_node_a.points += equivalent_node_b.points

    return reduceGraph(g)