Python nibabel 模块,load() 实例源码


项目:brats17    作者:xf4j    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generate_patch_probs(path, patch_locations, patch_size, im_size):
    x, y, z = patch_locations
    seg = nib.load(glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*_seg.nii.gz'))[0]).get_data().astype(np.float32)
    p = []
    for i in range(len(x)):
        for j in range(len(y)):
            for k in range(len(z)):
                patch = seg[int(x[i] - patch_size / 2) : int(x[i] + patch_size / 2),
                            int(y[j] - patch_size / 2) : int(y[j] + patch_size / 2),
                            int(z[k] - patch_size / 2) : int(z[k] + patch_size / 2)]
                patch = (patch > 0).astype(np.float32)
                percent = np.sum(patch) / (patch_size * patch_size * patch_size)
                p.append((1 - np.abs(percent - 0.5)) * percent)
    p = np.asarray(p, dtype=np.float32)
    p[p == 0] = np.amin(p[np.nonzero(p)])
    p = p / np.sum(p)
    return p
项目:Brain_Tumor_Segmentation    作者:KarthikRevanuru    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def train_xgboost():
    df = pd.read_csv('survival_data.csv', index_col=0, encoding = 'UTF-7')
    p = np.array([np.mean(np.load('training/%s_flair.nii.gz.npy' % str(id)), axis=0) for id in folder_names_train])
    q = np.array([np.mean(np.load('training/%s_t1.nii.gz.npy' % str(id)), axis=0) for id in folder_names_train])
    r = np.array([np.mean(np.load('training/%s_t1ce.nii.gz.npy' % str(id)), axis=0) for id in folder_names_train])
    s = np.array([np.mean(np.load('training/%s_t2.nii.gz.npy' % str(id)), axis=0) for id in folder_names_train])

    for ind in range(len(folder_names_train)):
            temp = df.get_value(str(folder_names_train[ind]),'Survival')
            temp = df.get_value(str(folder_names_train[ind]),'Age')
        except Exception as e:
            print (t,str(e),"Label Not found, deleting entry")

    z=np.array([[v] for v in z])

    #print (x)
    #print (x.shape,z.shape)
    #print (x)
    #clf = RandomForestRegressor()
    clf = xgb.XGBRegressor(),y)
    return clf
项目:brain_segmentation    作者:Ryo-Ito    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_nifti(filename, with_affine=False):
    load image from NIFTI file
    filename : str
        filename of NIFTI file
    with_affine : bool
        if True, returns affine parameters

    data : np.ndarray
        image data
    img = nib.load(filename)
    data = img.get_data()
    data = np.copy(data, order="C")
    if with_affine:
        return data, img.affine
    return data
项目:segmentation_DLMI    作者:imatge-upc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_channels(self,normalize = False):
        modalities = []

        channels = np.zeros( modalities[0].shape + (2,), dtype=np.float32)

        for index_mod, mod in enumerate(modalities):
            if self.data_augmentation:
                channels[:, :, :, index_mod] = flip_plane(np.asarray(mod.dataobj))
                channels[:,:,:,index_mod] = np.asarray(mod.dataobj)

            if normalize:
                channels[:, :, :, index_mod] = normalize_image(channels[:,:,:,index_mod], mask = self.load_ROI_mask() )

        return channels
项目:segmentation_DLMI    作者:imatge-upc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_channels(self,normalize = False):
        modalities = []

        channels = np.zeros( modalities[0].shape + (2,), dtype=np.float32)

        for index_mod, mod in enumerate(modalities):
            if self.data_augmentation:
                channels[:, :, :, index_mod] = flip_plane(np.asarray(mod.dataobj))
                channels[:,:,:,index_mod] = np.asarray(mod.dataobj)

            if normalize:
                channels[:, :, :, index_mod] = normalize_image(channels[:,:,:,index_mod], mask = self.load_ROI_mask() )

        return channels
项目:segmentation_DLMI    作者:imatge-upc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_ROI_mask(self):

        proxy = nib.load(self.FLAIR_FILE)
        image_array = np.asarray(proxy.dataobj)

        mask = np.ones_like(image_array)
        mask[np.where(image_array < 90)] = 0

        # img = nib.Nifti1Image(mask, proxy.affine)
        #, join(modalities_path,'mask.nii.gz'))

        struct_element_size = (20, 20, 20)
        mask_augmented = np.pad(mask, [(21, 21), (21, 21), (21, 21)], 'constant', constant_values=(0, 0))
        mask_augmented = binary_closing(mask_augmented, structure=np.ones(struct_element_size, dtype=bool)).astype(

        return mask_augmented[21:-21, 21:-21, 21:-21].astype('bool')
项目:segmentation_DLMI    作者:imatge-upc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_subject_shape(self):

        if self.booleanLabels:
            proxy = nib.load(self.GT_FILE)
        elif self.booleanT1:
            proxy = nib.load(self.T1_FILE)
        elif self.booleanT1c:
            proxy = nib.load(self.T1c_FILE)
        elif self.booleanT2:
            proxy = nib.load(self.T2_FILE)
        elif self.booleanFLAIR:
            proxy = nib.load(self.FLAIR_FILE)
            raise ValueError("[src.helpers.Subject] No modalities are given for subject: " +

        return proxy.shape
项目:segmentation_DLMI    作者:imatge-upc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_channels(self):
        flair = nib.load(self.FLAIR_FILE)
        t1 = nib.load(self.T1_FILE)
        t1c = nib.load(self.T1c_FILE)
        t2 = nib.load(self.T2_FILE)
        to_int = lambda b: 1 if b else 0
        num_input_modalities = to_int(self.booleanFLAIR) + to_int(self.booleanT1) + to_int(self.booleanT1c) + to_int(

        channels = np.zeros((num_input_modalities,) + flair.shape, dtype=np.float32)

        channels[0] = np.asarray(flair.dataobj) if self.booleanFLAIR is True else None
        channels[to_int(self.booleanFLAIR)] = np.asarray(t1.dataobj) if self.booleanT1 is True else None
        channels[to_int(self.booleanFLAIR) + to_int(self.booleanT1)] = np.asarray(
            t1c.dataobj) if self.booleanT1c is True else None
        channels[to_int(self.booleanFLAIR) + to_int(self.booleanT1) + to_int(self.booleanT1c)] = np.asarray(
            t2.dataobj) if self.booleanT2 is True else None

        return channels
项目:segmentation_DLMI    作者:imatge-upc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_channels(self, normalize=False):

        modalities = []

        channels = np.zeros(modalities[0].shape + (4,), dtype=np.float32)

        if normalize:
            mask = self.load_ROI_mask()

        for index_mod, mod in enumerate(modalities):
            if self.data_augmentation_flag:
                channels[:, :, :, index_mod] = flip_plane(np.asarray(mod.dataobj), plane=self.data_augmentation)
                channels[:, :, :, index_mod] = np.asarray(mod.dataobj)

            if normalize:
                channels[:, :, :, index_mod] = normalize_image(channels[:, :, :, index_mod], mask=mask)

        return channels
项目:segmentation_DLMI    作者:imatge-upc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_channels(self, normalize=False):

        modalities = []

        channels = np.zeros(modalities[0].shape + (4,), dtype=np.float32)

        if normalize:
            mask = self.load_ROI_mask()

        for index_mod, mod in enumerate(modalities):
            if self.data_augmentation_flag:
                channels[:, :, :, index_mod] = flip_plane(np.asarray(mod.dataobj), plane=self.data_augmentation)
                channels[:, :, :, index_mod] = np.asarray(mod.dataobj)

            if normalize:
                channels[:, :, :, index_mod] = normalize_image(channels[:, :, :, index_mod], mask=mask)

        return channels
项目:segmentation_DLMI    作者:imatge-upc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_channels(self, normalize=False):
        modalities = []

        channels = np.zeros(modalities[0].shape + (2,), dtype=np.float32)

        for index_mod, mod in enumerate(modalities):
            if self.data_augmentation:
                channels[:, :, :, index_mod] = flip_plane(np.asarray(mod.dataobj), plane=self.data_augmentation)
                channels[:,:,:,index_mod] = np.asarray(mod.dataobj)

            if normalize:
                channels[:, :, :, index_mod] = normalize_image(channels[:,:,:,index_mod], mask = self.load_ROI_mask() )

        return channels
项目:PyBASC    作者:AkiNikolaidis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_individual_stability_matrix():
    Tests individual_stability_matrix method on three gaussian blobs.
    import utils
    import numpy as np
    import scipy as sp
    desired = np.load(home + '/git_repo/PyBASC/tests/ism_test.npy')
    blobs = generate_blobs()
    ism = utils.individual_stability_matrix(blobs, 20, 3)
    #how to use test here?
#    np.corrcoef(ism.flatten(),desired.flatten())
#    np.testing.assert_equal(ism,desired)
#    corr=np.array(sp.spatial.distance.cdist(ism, desired, metric = 'correlation'))
    assert False
项目:PyBASC    作者:AkiNikolaidis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_ndarray_to_vol():
    import basc
    import nibabel as nb

    subject_file = home + '/git_repo/PyBASC/sample_data/sub1/Func_Quarter_Res.nii.gz'
    subject_file = home + '/git_repo/PyBASC/sample_data/test.nii.gz'
    data = nb.load(subject_file).get_data().astype('float32')
    roi_mask_file= home + '/git_repo/PyBASC/masks/LC_Quarter_Res.nii.gz'
    print( 'Data Loaded')

    roi_mask_file_nb = nb.load(roi_mask_file)

    roi_mask_nparray = nb.load(roi_mask_file).get_data().astype('float32').astype('bool')
    roi1data = data[roi_mask_nparray]

    filename=home + '/git_repo/PyBASC/sample_data/ndarray_to_vol_test.nii.gz'

    basc.ndarray_to_vol(data_array, roi_mask_file, roi_mask_file, filename)
项目:ISLES2017    作者:MiguelMonteiro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def analyse_data(input_dir):

    shapes = []
    relative_volumes = []
    for folder in get_sub_folders(input_dir):
        for sub_folder in get_sub_folders(os.path.join(input_dir, folder)):

            image_type = get_image_type_from_folder_name(sub_folder)

            # do not save the raw data (too heavy)
            if image_type != '.OT':

            path = os.path.join(input_dir, folder, sub_folder)
            filename = next(filename for filename in os.listdir(path) if get_extension(filename) == '.nii')
            path = os.path.join(path, filename)
            im = nib.load(path)
            image = im.get_data()
            shape = image.shape
            relative_volumes.append(100 * np.sum(image) / np.cumprod(shape)[-1])
    return shapes, relative_volumes

# train
项目:ISLES2017    作者:MiguelMonteiro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def export_data(prediction_dir, nii_image_dir, tfrecords_dir, export_dir, transformation=None):

    for file_path in os.listdir(prediction_dir):
        name, prediction, probability = read_prediction_file(os.path.join(prediction_dir, file_path))

        if transformation:
            image, ground_truth = get_original_image(os.path.join(tfrecords_dir, name + '.tfrecord'), False)
            prediction = transformation.transform_image(prediction, probability, image)

        # build cv_predictions .nii image
        img = nib.Nifti1Image(prediction, np.eye(4))

        path = os.path.join(nii_image_dir, name)

        adc_name = next(l for l in os.listdir(path) if 'MR_ADC' in l)
        export_image = nib.load(os.path.join(nii_image_dir, name, adc_name, adc_name + '.nii'))

        i = export_image.get_data()
        i[:] = img.get_data()

        # set name to specification and export
        _id = next(l for l in os.listdir(path) if 'MR_MTT' in l).split('.')[-1]
        export_path = os.path.join(export_dir, 'SMIR.' + name + '.' + _id + '.nii'), os.path.join(export_path))
项目:pisap    作者:neurospin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load(self, path):
        """ A method that load the image data and associated metadata.

        path: str
            the path to the image to be loaded.

        image: Image
            the loaded image.
        _image = nibabel.load(path)
        return Image(spacing=_image.header.get_zooms(),
                     metadata={"path": path},
项目:BIDS2ISATab    作者:INCF    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_investigation_template(bids_directory, mri_par_names):
    this_path = os.path.realpath(
        __file__[:-1] if __file__.endswith('.pyc') else __file__)
    template_path = opj(
        *(psplit(this_path)[:-1] + ("i_investigation_template.txt", )))
    investigation_template = open(template_path).read()

    title = psplit(bids_directory)[-1]

    if exists(opj(bids_directory, "dataset_description.json")):
        with open(opj(bids_directory, "dataset_description.json"), "r") \
                as description_dict_fp:
            description_dict = json.load(description_dict_fp)
            if "Name" in description_dict:
                title = description_dict["Name"]

    investigation_template = investigation_template.replace(
        "[TODO: TITLE]", title)
    investigation_template = investigation_template.replace(
        "[TODO: MRI_PAR_NAMES]", ";".join(mri_par_names))
    return investigation_template
项目:MDT    作者:cbclab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_all_nifti_data(directory, map_names=None, deferred=True):
    """Get the data of all the nifti volumes in the given directory.

    If map_names is given we will only load the given map names. Else, we load all .nii and .nii.gz files in the
    given directory.

        directory (str): the directory from which we want to read a number of maps
        map_names (list of str): the names of the maps we want to use. If given, we only use and return these maps.
        deferred (boolean): if True we return an deferred loading dictionary instead of a dictionary with the values
            loaded as arrays.

        dict: A dictionary with the volumes. The keys of the dictionary are the filenames
            without the extension of the .nii(.gz) files in the given directory.
    proxies = load_all_niftis(directory, map_names=map_names)
    if deferred:
        return DeferredActionDict(lambda _, item: item.get_data(), proxies)
        return {k: v.get_data() for k, v in proxies.items()}
项目:Unet_3D    作者:zhengyang-wang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_cut_size(data_path):
    list_D_s, list_D_e, list_H_s, list_H_e, list_W_s, list_W_e = [], [], [], [], [], []

    for i in range(1, 10+1):
        subject_name = 'subject-%d-' % i
        f = os.path.join(data_path, subject_name+'T1.hdr')
        img = nib.load(f)
        inputs_tmp = img.get_data()
        D_s, D_e, H_s, H_e, W_s, W_e = cut_edge(inputs_tmp, margin) # set how many zero margins to keep

    min_D_s, max_D_e, min_H_s, max_H_e, min_W_s, max_W_e = \
    min(list_D_s), max(list_D_e), min(list_H_s), max(list_H_e), min(list_W_s), max(list_W_e)

    print("new size: ", min_D_s, max_D_e, min_H_s, max_H_e, min_W_s, max_W_e)
    return min_D_s, max_D_e, min_H_s, max_H_e, min_W_s, max_W_e
项目:graynet    作者:raamana    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_atlas(atlas):
    """Validation of atlas input."""

    # when its a name for pre-defined atlas
    if isinstance(atlas, str):
        if not pexists(atlas): # just a name
            atlas = atlas.lower()
            if atlas not in parcellate.atlas_list:
                raise ValueError('Invalid choice of atlas. Accepted : {}'.format(parcellate.atlas_list))
        elif os.path.isdir(atlas): # cortical atlas in Freesurfer org
            if not parcellate.check_atlas_annot_exist(atlas):
                raise ValueError('Given atlas folder does not contain Freesurfer label annot files. '
                                 'Needed : given_atlas_dir/label/?h.aparc.annot')
        elif pexists(atlas): # may be a volumetric atlas?
                atlas = nibabel.load(atlas)
                raise ValueError('Unable to read the provided image volume. Must be a nifti 2d volume, readable by nibabel.')
            raise ValueError('Unable to decipher or use the given atlas.')
        raise NotImplementedError('Atlas must be a string, providing a name or path to Freesurfer folder or a 3D nifti volume.')

    return atlas
项目:mriqc    作者:poldracklab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _add_provenance(in_file, settings, air_msk, rot_msk):
    from mriqc import __version__ as version
    from niworkflows.nipype.utils.filemanip import hash_infile
    import nibabel as nb
    import numpy as np

    air_msk_size = nb.load(air_msk).get_data().astype(
    rot_msk_size = nb.load(rot_msk).get_data().astype(

    out_prov = {
        'md5sum': hash_infile(in_file),
        'version': version,
        'software': 'mriqc',
        'warnings': {
            'small_air_mask': bool(air_msk_size < 5e5),
            'large_rot_frame': bool(rot_msk_size > 500),

    if settings:
        out_prov['settings'] = settings

    return out_prov
项目:mriqc    作者:poldracklab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _binarize(in_file, threshold=0.5, out_file=None):
    import os.path as op
    import numpy as np
    import nibabel as nb

    if out_file is None:
        fname, ext = op.splitext(op.basename(in_file))
        if ext == '.gz':
            fname, ext2 = op.splitext(fname)
            ext = ext2 + ext
        out_file = op.abspath('{}_bin{}'.format(fname, ext))

    nii = nb.load(in_file)
    data = nii.get_data()

    data[data <= threshold] = 0
    data[data > 0] = 1

    hdr = nii.header.copy()
    nb.Nifti1Image(data.astype(np.uint8), nii.affine, hdr).to_filename(
    return out_file
项目:mriqc    作者:poldracklab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def image_gradient(in_file, snr, out_file=None):
    """Computes the magnitude gradient of an image using numpy"""
    import os.path as op
    import numpy as np
    import nibabel as nb
    from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_gradient_magnitude as gradient

    if out_file is None:
        fname, ext = op.splitext(op.basename(in_file))
        if ext == '.gz':
            fname, ext2 = op.splitext(fname)
            ext = ext2 + ext
        out_file = op.abspath('{}_grad{}'.format(fname, ext))

    imnii = nb.load(in_file)
    data = imnii.get_data().astype(np.float32)  # pylint: disable=no-member
    datamax = np.percentile(data.reshape(-1), 99.5)
    data *= 100 / datamax
    grad = gradient(data, 3.0)
    gradmax = np.percentile(grad.reshape(-1), 99.5)
    grad *= 100.
    grad /= gradmax

    nb.Nifti1Image(grad, imnii.get_affine(), imnii.get_header()).to_filename(out_file)
    return out_file
项目:mriqc    作者:poldracklab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def thresh_image(in_file, thres=0.5, out_file=None):
    """Thresholds an image"""
    import os.path as op
    import nibabel as nb

    if out_file is None:
        fname, ext = op.splitext(op.basename(in_file))
        if ext == '.gz':
            fname, ext2 = op.splitext(fname)
            ext = ext2 + ext
        out_file = op.abspath('{}_thresh{}'.format(fname, ext))

    im = nb.load(in_file)
    data = im.get_data()
    data[data < thres] = 0
    data[data > 0] = 1
        data, im.get_affine(), im.get_header()).to_filename(out_file)
    return out_file
项目:mriqc    作者:poldracklab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, func, mask, seg=None, tr=None,
                 title=None, figsize=DINA4_LANDSCAPE):
        func_nii = nb.load(func)
        self.func_data = func_nii.get_data()
        self.mask_data = nb.load(mask).get_data()

        self.ntsteps = self.func_data.shape[-1] = tr
        if tr is None:
   = func_nii.get_header().get_zooms()[-1]

        if seg is None:
            self.seg_data = 2 * self.mask_data
            self.seg_data = nb.load(seg).get_data()

        self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
        if title is not None:
            self.fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=20)

        self.confounds = []
        self.spikes = []
项目:mriqc    作者:poldracklab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_limits(nifti_file, only_plot_noise=False):
    from builtins import bytes, str   # pylint: disable=W0622

    if isinstance(nifti_file, (str, bytes)):
        nii = nb.as_closest_canonical(nb.load(nifti_file))
        data = nii.get_data()
        data = nifti_file

    data_mask = np.logical_not(np.isnan(data))

    if only_plot_noise:
        data_mask = np.logical_and(data_mask, data != 0)
        vmin = np.percentile(data[data_mask], 0)
        vmax = np.percentile(data[data_mask], 61)
        vmin = np.percentile(data[data_mask], 0.5)
        vmax = np.percentile(data[data_mask], 99.5)

    return vmin, vmax
项目:LabelsManager    作者:SebastianoF    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def symmetrise_axial(self, filename_in, filename_out=None, axis='x', plane_intercept=10,
        side_to_copy='below', keep_in_data_dimensions=True):

        pfi_in, pfi_out = get_pfi_in_pfi_out(filename_in, filename_out, self.pfo_in, self.pfo_out)

        im_segm = nib.load(pfi_in)
        data_labels = im_segm.get_data()
        data_symmetrised = symmetrise_data(data_labels,

        im_symmetrised = set_new_data(im_segm, data_symmetrised), pfi_out)
        print('Symmetrised axis {0}, plane_intercept {1}, image of {2} saved in {3}.'.format(axis, plane_intercept, pfi_in, pfi_out))
        return pfi_out
项目:LabelsManager    作者:SebastianoF    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def modify_affine(self, filename_in, affine_in, filename_out, q_form=True, s_form=True,

        pfi_in, pfi_out = get_pfi_in_pfi_out(filename_in, filename_out, self.pfo_in, self.pfo_out)

        if isinstance(affine_in, str):

            if affine_in.endswith('.txt'):
                aff = np.loadtxt(connect_path_tail_head(self.pfo_in, affine_in))
                aff = np.load(connect_path_tail_head(self.pfo_in, affine_in))

        elif isinstance(affine_in, np.ndarray):
            aff = affine_in
            raise IOError('parameter affine_in can be path to an affine matrix .txt or .npy or the numpy array'
                          'corresponding to the affine transformation.')

        im = nib.load(pfi_in)
        new_im = modify_affine_transformation(im, aff, q_form=q_form, s_form=s_form,
                                              multiplication_side=multiplication_side), pfi_out)
项目:LabelsManager    作者:SebastianoF    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def apply_small_rotation(self, filename_in, filename_out, angle=np.pi/6, principal_axis='pitch'):

        if isinstance(angle, list):
            assert isinstance(principal_axis, list)
            assert len(principal_axis) == len(angle)
            new_aff = np.identity(4)
            for pa, an in zip(principal_axis, angle):
                aff = get_small_orthogonal_rotation(theta=an, principal_axis=pa)
                new_aff =
            new_aff = get_small_orthogonal_rotation(theta=angle, principal_axis=principal_axis)

        pfi_in, pfi_out = get_pfi_in_pfi_out(filename_in, filename_out, self.pfo_in, self.pfo_out)
        im = nib.load(pfi_in)

        new_im = modify_affine_transformation(im_input=im, new_aff=new_aff, q_form=True, s_form=True,
                                              multiplication_side='right'), pfi_out)
项目:LabelsManager    作者:SebastianoF    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def modify_translational_part(self, filename_in, filename_out, new_translation):
        pfi_in, pfi_out = get_pfi_in_pfi_out(filename_in, filename_out, self.pfo_in, self.pfo_out)
        im = nib.load(pfi_in)

        if isinstance(new_translation, str):

            if new_translation.endswith('.txt'):
                tr = np.loadtxt(connect_path_tail_head(self.pfo_in, new_translation))
                tr = np.load(connect_path_tail_head(self.pfo_in, new_translation))

        elif isinstance(new_translation, np.ndarray):
            tr = new_translation
        elif isinstance(new_translation, list):
            tr = np.array(new_translation)
            raise IOError('parameter new_translation can be path to an affine matrix .txt or .npy or the numpy array'
                          'corresponding to the new intended translational part.')

        new_im = replace_translational_part(im, tr), pfi_out)
项目:LabelsManager    作者:SebastianoF    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def values_below_labels(self, segmentation_filename, anatomy_filename, labels=None):

        :param segmentation_filename:
        :param anatomy_filename:
        :param labels:
        :return: pandas series with label names and corresponding vectors of labels values
        pfi_anat = connect_path_tail_head(self.pfo_in, anatomy_filename)
        pfi_segm = connect_path_tail_head(self.pfo_in, segmentation_filename)

        assert os.path.exists(pfi_anat)
        im_anat = nib.load(pfi_anat)

        assert os.path.exists(pfi_segm)
        im_segm = nib.load(pfi_segm)

        labels_list, labels_names = labels_query(labels, segmentation_array=im_segm.get_data())

        labels_values = get_values_below_labels(im_segm, im_anat, labels_list)

        return pa.Series(labels_values, index=labels_names)
项目:LabelsManager    作者:SebastianoF    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def global_dist(self, segm_1_filename, segm_2_filename, where_to_save=None,
                    global_metrics=(global_outline_error, global_dice_score)):

        pfi_segm1 = connect_path_tail_head(self.pfo_in, segm_1_filename)
        pfi_segm2 = connect_path_tail_head(self.pfo_in, segm_2_filename)

        assert os.path.exists(pfi_segm1), pfi_segm1
        assert os.path.exists(pfi_segm2), pfi_segm2

        if self.verbose > 0:
            print("\nGlobal distances between segmentations: \n -> {0} \n -> {1} "
                  "\nComputations started!".format(pfi_segm1, pfi_segm2))

        im_segm1 = nib.load(pfi_segm1)
        im_segm2 = nib.load(pfi_segm2)

        se_global_distances = pa.Series(np.array([d(im_segm1, im_segm2) for d in global_metrics]),
                                        index=[d.__name__ for d in global_metrics])
        if where_to_save is not None:
            where_to_save = connect_path_tail_head(self.pfo_out, where_to_save)

        return se_global_distances
项目:LabelsManager    作者:SebastianoF    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def relabel(self, pfi_input, pfi_output=None, list_old_labels=(), list_new_labels=()):
        Masks of :func:`` using filename

        pfi_in, pfi_out = get_pfi_in_pfi_out(pfi_input, pfi_output, self.pfo_in,
        im_labels = nib.load(pfi_in)
        data_labels = im_labels.get_data()
        data_relabelled = relabeller(data_labels, list_old_labels=list_old_labels,

        im_relabelled = set_new_data(im_labels, data_relabelled), pfi_out)
        print('Relabelled image {0} saved in {1}.'.format(pfi_in, pfi_out))
        return pfi_out
项目:simple_workflow    作者:ReproNim    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def toJSON(stats, seg_file, structure_map):
    """Combine stats files to a single JSON file"""
    import json
    import os
    import nibabel as nb
    import numpy as np
    img = nb.load(seg_file)
    data = img.get_data()
    voxel2vol =
    idx = np.unique(data)
    reverse_map = {k:v for v, k in structure_map}
    out_dict = dict(zip([reverse_map[val] for val in idx], np.bincount(data.flatten())[idx]))
    for key in out_dict.keys():
        out_dict[key] = [out_dict[key], voxel2vol * out_dict[key]]
    mapper = dict([(0, 'csf'), (1, 'gray'), (2, 'white')])
    out_dict.update(**{mapper[idx]: val for idx, val in enumerate(stats)})
    out_file = 'segstats.json'
    with open(out_file, 'wt') as fp:
        json.dump(out_dict, fp, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
    return os.path.abspath(out_file)
项目:segmentation    作者:zengyu714    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_inference(base_path='./data/Test/Test_Subject', nii_index=0):
    """Load nii data, whose name is, for example, 'Test_Subject01.nii'.

        nii_index: counts from 0.
    filename = base_path + str(nii_index + 1).zfill(2) + '.nii'
    xs = nib.load(filename).get_data()

    # Crop black region to reduce nii volumes.
    dummy_ys = np.zeros_like(xs)
    xs, *_ = _banish_darkness(xs, dummy_ys)

    # Normalize images.
    local_max = np.max(xs, axis=(1, 2), keepdims=True)
    local_min = np.min(xs, axis=(1, 2), keepdims=True)
    xs = (xs - local_min) / (local_max - local_min)
    return xs[None, ..., None]
项目:cnn-ms-lesion-segmentation    作者:sergivalverde    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def select_training_voxels(input_masks, threshold=2, datatype=np.float32):
    Select voxels for training based on a intensity threshold

        - input_masks: list containing all subject image paths for a single modality
        - threshold: minimum threshold to apply (after normalizing images with 0 mean and 1 std)

        - rois: list where each element contains the subject binary mask for selected voxels [len(x), len(y), len(z)]

    # load images and normalize their intensities
    images = [load_nii(image_name).get_data() for image_name in input_masks]
    images_norm = [(im.astype(dtype=datatype) - im[np.nonzero(im)].mean()) / im[np.nonzero(im)].std() for im in images]

    # select voxels with intensity higher than threshold
    rois = [image > threshold for image in images_norm]
    return rois
项目:cnn-ms-lesion-segmentation    作者:sergivalverde    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def select_voxels_from_previous_model(model, train_x_data, options):
    Select training voxels from image segmentation masks 


    # get_scan names and number of modalities used 
    scans = train_x_data.keys()
    modalities = train_x_data[scans[0]].keys()

    # select voxels for training. Discard CSF and darker WM in FLAIR. 
    # flair_scans = [train_x_data[s]['FLAIR'] for s in scans]
    # selected_voxels = select_training_voxels(flair_scans, options['min_th'])

    # evaluate training scans using the learned model and extract voxels with probability higher than 0.5
    seg_mask  = [test_scan(model, dict(train_x_data.items()[s:s+1]), options, save_nifti = False) > 0.5 for s in range(len(scans))]

    # check candidate segmentations:
    # if no voxels have been selected, return candidate voxels on FLAIR modality > 2
    flair_scans = [train_x_data[s]['FLAIR'] for s in scans]
    images = [load_nii(name).get_data() for name in flair_scans]
    images_norm = [(im.astype(dtype=np.float32) - im[np.nonzero(im)].mean()) / im[np.nonzero(im)].std() for im in images]
    seg_mask = [im > 2 if np.sum(seg) == 0 else seg for im, seg in zip(images_norm, seg_mask)]

    return seg_mask
项目:torchsample    作者:ncullen93    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def default_file_reader(x):
    def pil_loader(path):
    def npy_loader(path):
        return np.load(path)
    def nifti_loader(path):
        return nibabel.load(path).get_data()
    if isinstance(x, str):
        if x.endswith('.npy'):
            x = npy_loader(x)
        elif x.endsiwth('.nii.gz'):
            x = nifti_loader(x)
                x = pil_loader(x)
                raise ValueError('File Format is not supported')
        #raise ValueError('x should be string, but got %s' % type(x))
    return x
项目:Waskom_PNAS_2017    作者:WagnerLabPapers    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_3D_distance_matrix(vox_ijk, epi_fname):
    """Compute distance between voxels in the volume.

    vox_ijk : n x 3 array
        Indices of voxels included in the ROI.
    epi_fname : file path
        Path to image defining the volume space.

    dmat : array
        Dense square distance matrix.

    aff = nib.load(epi_fname).affine
    vox_ras = nib.affines.apply_affine(aff, vox_ijk)
    dmat = squareform(pdist(vox_ras))

    return dmat
项目:Waskom_PNAS_2017    作者:WagnerLabPapers    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extract_data(exp, subj, roi_info):
    """Extract timeseries data from each ROI."""
    ts_data = {roi: [] for roi in roi_info}
    n_runs = dict(dots=12, sticks=12, rest=8)[exp]

    anal_dir = PROJECT["analysis_dir"]
    ts_temp = op.join(anal_dir, exp, subj, "reg",  "epi", "unsmoothed",
                      "run_{}", "res4d_xfm.nii.gz")

    # Extract ROI data from each run, loading images only once
    for run in range(1, n_runs + 1):
        run_data = nib.load(ts_temp.format(run)).get_data()

        for roi, info in roi_info.iteritems():
            roi_ts = extract_from_volume(run_data, info["vox_ijk"])

    # Combine across runs
    ts_data = {roi: np.hstack(ts_data[roi]).T for roi in roi_info}
    for roi in roi_info:
        assert ts_data[roi].shape[1] == len(roi_info[roi]["vox_ijk"])

    return ts_data
项目:sim    作者:big-data-lab-team    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_histo(folder_path, min_val, max_val, num_bins=None):

    if num_bins is None:
        num_bins = int(max_val - min_val)    
        print num_bins

    histogram = {}

    for f in os.listdir(folder_path):

        im = nib.load(os.path.join(folder_path, f))
        data = im.get_data()

        hist, bins = np.histogram(data, num_bins, range=(min_val, max_val))

        count = 0

        for el in bins[0:-1]:
                histogram[el] += hist[count]
                histogram[el] = hist[count]
            count += 1

    return histogram.items()
项目:ndmg    作者:neurodata    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def reg_dti_pngs(dti, loc, atlas, outdir):
    outdir: directory where output png file is saved
    fname: name of output file WITHOUT FULL PATH. Path provided in outdir.

    atlas_data = nb.load(atlas).get_data()
    dti_data = nb.load(dti).get_data()
    b0_data = dti_data[:,:,:,loc]

    cmap1 = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('mycmap1', ['black', 'magenta'])
    cmap2 = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('mycmap2', ['black', 'green'])

    fig = plot_overlays(atlas_data, b0_data, (cmap1, cmap2))

    # name and save the file
    fname = os.path.split(dti)[1].split(".")[0] + '.png'
    plt.savefig(outdir + '/' + fname, format='png')
项目:ndmg    作者:neurodata    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tensor2fa(tensors, tensor_name, dti, derivdir, qcdir):
    outdir: location of output directory.
    fname: name of output fa map file. default is none (name created based on
    input file)
    dti_data = nb.load(dti)
    affine = dti_data.get_affine()
    dti_data = dti_data.get_data()

    # create FA map
    FA = fractional_anisotropy(tensors.evals)
    FA[np.isnan(FA)] = 0

    # generate the RGB FA map
    FA = np.clip(FA, 0, 1)
    RGB = color_fa(FA, tensors.evecs)

    fname = os.path.split(tensor_name)[1].split(".")[0] + '_fa_rgb.nii.gz'
    fa = nb.Nifti1Image(np.array(255 * RGB, 'uint8'), affine), derivdir + fname)

    fa_pngs(fa, fname, qcdir)
项目:ndmg    作者:neurodata    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def resample(self, base, ingested, template):
        Resamples the image such that images which have already been aligned
        in real coordinates also overlap in the image/voxel space.

        **Positional Arguments**
                    - Image to be aligned
                    - Name of image after alignment
                    - Image that is the target of the alignment
        # Loads images
        template_im = nb.load(template)
        base_im = nb.load(base)
        # Aligns images
        target_im = nl.resample_img(base_im,
        # Saves new image, ingested)
项目:niworkflows    作者:poldracklab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _3d_in_file(in_file):
    ''' if self.inputs.in_file is 3d, return it.
    if 4d, pick an arbitrary volume and return that.

    if in_file is a list of files, return an arbitrary file from
    the list, and an arbitrary volume from that file

    in_file = filemanip.filename_to_list(in_file)[0]

        in_file = nb.load(in_file)
    except AttributeError:
        in_file = in_file

    if in_file.get_data().ndim == 3:
        return in_file

    return nlimage.index_img(in_file, 0)
项目:niworkflows    作者:poldracklab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_ROIsPlot(oasis_dir):
    """ the BET report capable test """
    import nibabel as nb
    import numpy as np

    labels = nb.load(os.path.join(oasis_dir, 'T_template0_glm_4labelsJointFusion.nii.gz'))
    data = labels.get_data()
    out_files = []
    ldata = np.zeros_like(data)
    for i, l in enumerate([1, 3, 4, 2]):
        ldata[data == l] = 1
        out_files.append(os.path.abspath('label%d.nii.gz' % i))
        lfile = nb.Nifti1Image(ldata, labels.affine, labels.header)

    roi_rpt = ROIsPlot(
        in_file=os.path.join(oasis_dir, 'T_template0.nii.gz'),
        colors=['g', 'y']
    _smoke_test_report(roi_rpt, 'testROIsPlot.svg')
项目:niworkflows    作者:poldracklab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _copyxform(ref_image, out_image, message=None):
    # Read in reference and output
    resampled = nb.load(out_image)
    orig = nb.load(ref_image)

    if not np.allclose(orig.affine, resampled.affine):
            'Affines of input and reference images do not match, '
            'FMRIPREP will set the reference image headers. '
            'Please, check that the x-form matrices of the input dataset'
            'are correct and manually verify the alignment of results.')

    # Copy xform infos
    qform, qform_code = orig.header.get_qform(coded=True)
    sform, sform_code = orig.header.get_sform(coded=True)
    header = resampled.header.copy()
    header.set_qform(qform, int(qform_code))
    header.set_sform(sform, int(sform_code))
    header['descrip'] = 'xform matrices modified by %s.' % (message or '(unknown)')

    newimg = resampled.__class__(resampled.get_data(), orig.affine, header)
项目:IntroToDeepLearning    作者:robb-brown    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getSlices(self,paths):
        image,truth = paths
        image = nib.load(image).get_data(); truth = nib.load(truth).get_data()
        slicesWithValues = [unique(s) for s in where(truth>0)]
        sliceAxis = argmin([len(s) for s in slicesWithValues])
        slicesWithValues = slicesWithValues[sliceAxis]
        slc = repeat(-1,3); slc[sliceAxis] = slicesWithValues[0]
        if not self.padding is None:
            image, truth = [padImage(im,self.padding) for im in (image[slc][0],truth[slc][0])]
            image, truth = (image[slc][0],truth[slc][0])
        return (image,truth)
项目:IntroToDeepLearning    作者:robb-brown    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getSlices(self,paths):
        image,truth = paths
        image = nib.load(image).get_data(); truth = nib.load(truth).get_data()
        slicesWithValues = [unique(s) for s in where(truth>0)]
        sliceAxis = argmin([len(s) for s in slicesWithValues])
        slicesWithValues = slicesWithValues[sliceAxis]
        slc = repeat(-1,3); slc[sliceAxis] = slicesWithValues[0]
        if not self.padding is None:
            image, truth = [padImage(im,self.padding) for im in (image[slc][0],truth[slc][0])]
            image, truth = (image[slc][0],truth[slc][0])
        return (image,truth)
项目:brain_segmentation    作者:Ryo-Ito    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def preprocess(inputfile, outputfile, order=0, df=None, input_key=None, output_key=None):
    img = nib.load(inputfile)
    data = img.get_data()
    affine = img.affine
    zoom = img.header.get_zooms()[:3]
    data, affine = reslice(data, affine, zoom, (1., 1., 1.), order)
    data = np.squeeze(data)
    data = np.pad(data, [(0, 256 - len_) for len_ in data.shape], "constant")
    if order == 0:
        if df is not None:
            tmp = np.zeros_like(data)
            for target, source in zip(df[output_key], df[input_key]):
                tmp[np.where(data == source)] = target
            data = tmp
        data = np.int32(data)
        assert data.ndim == 3, data.ndim
        data_sub = data - gaussian_filter(data, sigma=1)
        img = sitk.GetImageFromArray(np.copy(data_sub))
        img = sitk.AdaptiveHistogramEqualization(img)
        data_clahe = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(img)[:, :, :, None]
        data = np.concatenate((data_clahe, data[:, :, :, None]), 3)
        data = (data - np.mean(data, (0, 1, 2))) / np.std(data, (0, 1, 2))
        assert data.ndim == 4, data.ndim
        assert np.allclose(np.mean(data, (0, 1, 2)), 0.), np.mean(data, (0, 1, 2))
        assert np.allclose(np.std(data, (0, 1, 2)), 1.), np.std(data, (0, 1, 2))
        data = np.float32(data)
    img = nib.Nifti1Image(data, affine), outputfile)