Python nltk.tokenize 模块,TweetTokenizer() 实例源码


项目:guesswhat    作者:GuessWhatGame    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, dictionary_file):
        with open(dictionary_file, 'r') as f:
            self.word2i = json.load(f)['word2i']
        self.wpt = TweetTokenizer(preserve_case=False)

        if "<stop_dialogue>" not in self.word2i:
            self.word2i["<stop_dialogue>"] = len(self.word2i)

        self.i2word = {}
        for (k, v) in self.word2i.items():
            self.i2word[v] = k

        # Retrieve key values
        self.no_words = len(self.word2i)
        self.start_token = self.word2i["<start>"]
        self.stop_token = self.word2i["?"]
        self.stop_dialogue = self.word2i["<stop_dialogue>"]
        self.padding_token = self.word2i["<padding>"]
        self.yes_token = self.word2i["<yes>"]
        self.no_token = self.word2i["<no>"]
        self.non_applicable_token = self.word2i["<n/a>"]

        self.answers = [self.yes_token, self.no_token, self.non_applicable_token]
项目:Price-Comparator    作者:Thejas-1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, root, fileids=None,

        :param root: The root directory for this corpus.

        :param fileids: A list or regexp specifying the fileids in this corpus.

        :param word_tokenizer: Tokenizer for breaking the text of Tweets into
        smaller units, including but not limited to words.

        CorpusReader.__init__(self, root, fileids, encoding)

        for path in self.abspaths(self._fileids):
            if isinstance(path, ZipFilePathPointer):
            elif os.path.getsize(path) == 0:
                raise ValueError("File {} is empty".format(path))
        """Check that all user-created corpus files are non-empty."""

        self._word_tokenizer = word_tokenizer
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, root, fileids=None,

        :param root: The root directory for this corpus.

        :param fileids: A list or regexp specifying the fileids in this corpus.

        :param word_tokenizer: Tokenizer for breaking the text of Tweets into
        smaller units, including but not limited to words.

        CorpusReader.__init__(self, root, fileids, encoding)

        for path in self.abspaths(self._fileids):
            if isinstance(path, ZipFilePathPointer):
            elif os.path.getsize(path) == 0:
                raise ValueError("File {} is empty".format(path))
        """Check that all user-created corpus files are non-empty."""

        self._word_tokenizer = word_tokenizer
项目:neighborhood_mood_aws    作者:jarrellmark    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, root, fileids=None,

        :param root: The root directory for this corpus.

        :param fileids: A list or regexp specifying the fileids in this corpus.

        :param word_tokenizer: Tokenizer for breaking the text of Tweets into
        smaller units, including but not limited to words.

        CorpusReader.__init__(self, root, fileids, encoding)

        for path in self.abspaths(self._fileids):
            if isinstance(path, ZipFilePathPointer):
            elif os.path.getsize(path) == 0:
                raise ValueError("File {} is empty".format(path))
        """Check that all user-created corpus files are non-empty."""

        self._word_tokenizer = word_tokenizer
项目:nlp    作者:Shmuma    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tokenize_texts(texts, words):
    results = []
    for text in texts:
        t = text.lower().strip()
        t = t.replace('\n', ' ').replace('\t', ' ')
        t = t.replace("'s", " 's ")
        t = t.replace("'ll", " 'll ")
        t = t.replace('-', ' - ')
        t = t.replace('.', ' . ')
        res = TweetTokenizer(preserve_case=False, reduce_len=True).tokenize(t)
        ids = []
        for w in res:
            w_id = words.get(w)
            if w_id is None:
#                log.warning("Unknown word found: %s", w)
                w_id = 0
    return results
项目:hate-to-hugs    作者:sdoran35    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, root, fileids=None,

        :param root: The root directory for this corpus.

        :param fileids: A list or regexp specifying the fileids in this corpus.

        :param word_tokenizer: Tokenizer for breaking the text of Tweets into
        smaller units, including but not limited to words.

        CorpusReader.__init__(self, root, fileids, encoding)

        for path in self.abspaths(self._fileids):
            if isinstance(path, ZipFilePathPointer):
            elif os.path.getsize(path) == 0:
                raise ValueError("File {} is empty".format(path))
        """Check that all user-created corpus files are non-empty."""

        self._word_tokenizer = word_tokenizer
项目:Relation_Extraction    作者:wadhwasahil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read_data(file=file_path):
    col_names = ['System-Id', 'Message', 'drug-offset-start', 'drug-offset-end', 'sideEffect-offset-start',
                 'sideEffect-offset-end', 'WM1', 'WM2', 'relType']
    data_frame = pd.read_csv(file, skipinitialspace=True, usecols=col_names)
    mssg_frame = data_frame['Message'].drop_duplicates()
    tokenizer = TweetTokenizer()
    string = []
    for mssg in mssg_frame:
        tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(mssg)
        for token in tokens:
            if is_word(token):
    if not os.path.isfile("words.txt"):
        with open("words.txt", "w") as text_file:
            print(string, file=text_file)
    return data_frame

# TODO use space splitter and then strip the word
# TODO change regex to [a-z0-9].+
项目:beepboop    作者:nicolehe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, root, fileids=None,

        :param root: The root directory for this corpus.

        :param fileids: A list or regexp specifying the fileids in this corpus.

        :param word_tokenizer: Tokenizer for breaking the text of Tweets into
        smaller units, including but not limited to words.

        CorpusReader.__init__(self, root, fileids, encoding)

        for path in self.abspaths(self._fileids):
            if isinstance(path, ZipFilePathPointer):
            elif os.path.getsize(path) == 0:
                raise ValueError("File {} is empty".format(path))
        """Check that all user-created corpus files are non-empty."""

        self._word_tokenizer = word_tokenizer
项目:LinguisticAnalysis    作者:DucAnhPhi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def preprocess(tweet):
    preprocessed = copy.copy(tweet)
    preprocessed = preprocessed.lower()

    # remove some emoticons the TweetTokenizer does not know
    preprocessed = remove_emoticons(preprocessed)

    # split contractions like "he's" -> "he s",
    # by using imported contractions dictionary
    preprocessed = split_contractions(preprocessed)

    # split compounds like "next-level" -> "next level"
    preprocessed = split_compounds(preprocessed)

    # remove links
    preprocessed = remove_links(preprocessed)

    # remove all special characters and return tokenized text
    preprocessed = remove_special_characters(preprocessed)

    preprocessed = remove_empty_sentences(preprocessed)

    return preprocessed
项目:kind2anki    作者:prz3m    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, root, fileids=None,

        :param root: The root directory for this corpus.

        :param fileids: A list or regexp specifying the fileids in this corpus.

        :param word_tokenizer: Tokenizer for breaking the text of Tweets into
        smaller units, including but not limited to words.

        CorpusReader.__init__(self, root, fileids, encoding)

        for path in self.abspaths(self._fileids):
            if isinstance(path, ZipFilePathPointer):
            elif os.path.getsize(path) == 0:
                raise ValueError("File {} is empty".format(path))
        """Check that all user-created corpus files are non-empty."""

        self._word_tokenizer = word_tokenizer
项目:but_sentiment    作者:MixedEmotions    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, root, fileids=None,

        :param root: The root directory for this corpus.

        :param fileids: A list or regexp specifying the fileids in this corpus.

        :param word_tokenizer: Tokenizer for breaking the text of Tweets into
        smaller units, including but not limited to words.

        CorpusReader.__init__(self, root, fileids, encoding)

        for path in self.abspaths(self._fileids):
            if isinstance(path, ZipFilePathPointer):
            elif os.path.getsize(path) == 0:
                raise ValueError("File {} is empty".format(path))
        """Check that all user-created corpus files are non-empty."""

        self._word_tokenizer = word_tokenizer
项目:sharead    作者:strin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rank_by_inverted_words(raw_query, filehashes=None):
    from nltk.tokenize import TweetTokenizer
    tokenizer = TweetTokenizer()
    keywords = tokenizer.tokenize(raw_query)

    kv_paperwords = lambda filehash: KeyValueStore('paperwords:' + filehash)
    if not filehashes: # retrieve all from db. complexity warning.
        scopes = KeyValueStore.scopes('paper:*')
        filehashes = [scope[len('paper:'):] for scope in scopes]

    score_by_filehash = {}
    for filehash in filehashes:
        word_dict = kv_paperwords(filehash)
        score = 0.
        for word in keywords:
            score += word_dict.get(word, default=0.)
        score_by_filehash[filehash] = score
    print score_by_filehash
    return sorted(score_by_filehash, key=lambda k: score_by_filehash[k], reverse=True)
项目:identifiera-sarkasm    作者:risnejunior    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def predict(input_string):
    mask = lambda w, v: 1 if w not in v else v[w] 
    tknzr = TweetTokenizer(reduce_len=True, preserve_case=False)

    words = tknzr.tokenize(input_string)
    vec = [[mask(w, pd.vocab) for w in words]]
    vec = np.array( vec, dtype="int32")
    vec = pad_sequences(vec, maxlen=pd.max_sequence)
    predictions = model.predict(vec)
    sarcasm = round(predictions[0][1], 2) * 100

    return (words, sarcasm)

项目:probablyPOTUS    作者:jjardel    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def twitter_tokenizer(x):

    return TweetTokenizer(strip_handles=True).tokenize(x)
项目:SocialNPHS    作者:SocialNPHS    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_tweet_tags(tweet):
    """ Break up a tweet into individual word parts """
    tknzr = TweetTokenizer()
    tokens = tknzr.tokenize(tweet)
    # replace handles with real names
    for n, tok in enumerate(tokens):
        if tok.startswith('@'):
            handle = tok.strip("@")
            if handle in user.students:
                # If we have a database entry for the mentioned user, we can
                # easily substitute a full name.
                usr = user.NPUser(handle)
                tokens[n] = usr.fullname
                # If there is no database entry, we use the user's alias. While
                # this is the full name in many cases, it is often not reliable
                usr = api.get_user(handle)
                tokens[n] =
    tagged = nltk.pos_tag(tokens)
    # In nltk, if a teacher's name is written with a period after an
    # abbreviated prefix, it is awkwardly broken up into 3 tags
    for n, tag in enumerate(tagged):
        # If there is the weird period after the prefix,
        if tag[1] == '.':
            # and it is in fact splitting up a person's name,
            if tagged[n - 1][1] == 'NNP' and tagged[n + 1][1] == 'NNP':
                if tagged[n - 1][0] in ['Mr', 'Ms', 'Mrs', 'Mx']:
                    # combine it into the actual name,
                    tagged[n - 1] = ('{}. {}'.format(tagged[n - 1][0],
                                                     tagged[n + 1][0]), 'NNP')
                    # and then remove the extra tags.
                    del tagged[n + 1]
                    del tagged[n]
    return tagged
项目:topic-ensemble    作者:derekgreene    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def preprocess_tweets( docs, stopwords, min_df = 3, min_term_length = 2, ngram_range = (1,1), apply_tfidf = True, apply_norm = True):
    Preprocess a list containing text documents stored as strings, where the documents have already been tokenized and are separated by whitespace
    from nltk.tokenize import TweetTokenizer
    tweet_tokenizer = TweetTokenizer(preserve_case = False, strip_handles=True, reduce_len=True)

    def custom_tokenizer( s ):
        # need to manually replace quotes
        s = s.replace("'"," ").replace('"',' ')
        tokens = []
        for x in tweet_tokenizer.tokenize(s):
            if len(x) >= min_term_length:
                if x[0] == "#" or x[0].isalpha():
                    tokens.append( x )
        return tokens

    # Build the Vector Space Model, apply TF-IDF and normalize lines to unit length all in one call
    if apply_norm:
        norm_function = "l2"
        norm_function = None
    tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(stop_words=stopwords, lowercase=True, strip_accents="unicode", tokenizer=custom_tokenizer, use_idf=apply_tfidf, norm=norm_function, min_df = min_df, ngram_range = ngram_range) 
    X = tfidf.fit_transform(docs)
    terms = []
    # store the vocabulary map
    v = tfidf.vocabulary_
    for i in range(len(v)):
    for term in v.keys():
        terms[ v[term] ] = term
    return (X,terms)

# --------------------------------------------------------------
项目:Price-Comparator    作者:Thejas-1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_tweet_tokenizer(self):
        Test TweetTokenizer using words with special and accented characters.

        tokenizer = TweetTokenizer(strip_handles=True, reduce_len=True)
        s9 = "@myke: Let's test these words: resumé España München français"
        tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(s9)
        expected = [':', "Let's", 'test', 'these', 'words', ':', 'resumé',
                    'España', 'München', 'français']
        self.assertEqual(tokens, expected)
项目:tweet_analyzer    作者:atandy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tweet_tokenize(self, tweet):
        tknzr = TweetTokenizer()
        tokens = tknzr.tokenize(tweet)
        return tokens
项目:Twitter_Geolocation    作者:shawn-terryah    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tokenize(tweet):
    tknzr = TweetTokenizer(strip_handles=True, reduce_len=True, preserve_case=False)
    return tknzr.tokenize(tweet)

# Read cleaned training tweets file into pandas and randomize it
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_tweet_tokenizer(self):
        Test TweetTokenizer using words with special and accented characters.

        tokenizer = TweetTokenizer(strip_handles=True, reduce_len=True)
        s9 = "@myke: Let's test these words: resumé España München français"
        tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(s9)
        expected = [':', "Let's", 'test', 'these', 'words', ':', 'resumé',
                    'España', 'München', 'français']
        self.assertEqual(tokens, expected)
项目:deep-mlsa    作者:spinningbytes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self):
        self.tokenizers = {
            'en': TweetTokenizer(),
            'de': WordPunctTokenizer(),
            'it': WordPunctTokenizer(),
            'fr': WordPunctTokenizer(),
            'default': WordPunctTokenizer()

        self.tokenizer = TweetTokenizer()
项目:TwitterElectionTracking    作者:lgorham    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_tweetkeywords():
    Check and see which keywords are used in each tweet, and load the association
    table linking tweets and keywords

    # TweetKeyword.query.delete()

    tweets = Tweet.query.all()
    keyword_query = Keyword.query.all()
    keywords = []
    [keywords.append(word.keyword) for word in keyword_query]

    tknzr = TweetTokenizer()

    for tweet in tweets:
        tokenized_tweets = tknzr.tokenize(tweet.text)

        for token in tokenized_tweets:
            if token in keywords:
                tweet_id = Tweet.query.filter(Tweet.tweet_id == tweet.tweet_id).one()
                keyword_id = Keyword.query.filter(Keyword.keyword == token).one()
                tweet_keyword = TweetKeyword(keyword_id=keyword_id.keyword_id, tweet_id=tweet_id.tweet_id)
                print "Added to TweetKeyword table: {}".format(tweet_keyword.keyword_id)


项目:DeepLearning-On-Tweets    作者:ydj0604    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_data_and_labels_sam():
    # load
    with open("./input/2780_freshmen_tweets.csv", 'rU') as f:
        rdr = csv.reader(f)
        dataset = list(rdr)[1:]  # remove header

    # filter out tweets with unknown sentiment
    dataset = [entry for entry in dataset if entry[4] != '0']

    # generate x
    tk = TweetTokenizer(reduce_len=True)
    x_text = [entry[3] for entry in dataset]
    x_text = [clean_str(tweet) for tweet in x_text]
    x_text = [tk.tokenize(tweet) for tweet in x_text]

    # generate y
    y = [entry[4] for entry in dataset]
    for idx, label in enumerate(y):
        if label == '1': # positive
            y[idx] = [1, 0, 0]
        elif label == '2': # neutral
            y[idx] = [0, 1, 0]
        elif label == '3': # negative
            y[idx] = [0, 0, 1]
            print 'wrong label in sam: ' + label

    return [x_text, y]
项目:DeepLearning-On-Tweets    作者:ydj0604    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_data_and_labels_gameforum():
    # load
    with open("./input/gameforum-1000.csv", 'rU') as f:
        rdr = csv.reader(f)
        dataset = list(rdr)[1:]  # remove header

    dataset = [entry for entry in dataset if (entry[1] == '1' or entry[1] == '2' or entry[1] == '3')]

    # generate x
    tk = TweetTokenizer(reduce_len=True)
    x_text = [entry[0] for entry in dataset]
    x_text = [clean_str(post) for post in x_text]
    x_text = [tk.tokenize(post) for post in x_text]

    # generate y
    y = [entry[1] for entry in dataset]
    for idx, label in enumerate(y):
        if label == '1':  # positive
            y[idx] = [1, 0, 0]
        elif label == '2':  # neutral
            y[idx] = [0, 1, 0]
        elif label == '3':  # negative
            y[idx] = [0, 0, 1]
            print 'wrong label in gameforum: ' + label

    return [x_text, y]
项目:hate-to-hugs    作者:sdoran35    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_tweet_tokenizer(self):
        Test TweetTokenizer using words with special and accented characters.

        tokenizer = TweetTokenizer(strip_handles=True, reduce_len=True)
        s9 = "@myke: Let's test these words: resumé España München français"
        tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(s9)
        expected = [':', "Let's", 'test', 'these', 'words', ':', 'resumé',
                    'España', 'München', 'français']
        self.assertEqual(tokens, expected)
项目:blabbr    作者:bfontaine    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, input_text, state_size=2, chain=None):
        self.tokenizer = TweetTokenizer(reduce_len=True)

        self.tag_sep = "@::@"

        # Circumvent some limitations of markovify by allowing one to create a
        # POSifiedText from a markovify.Text instance
        if isinstance(input_text, markovify.Text):
            m = input_text
            self.input_text = m.input_text
            self.rejoined_text = m.rejoined_text
            self.chain = m.chain
            super().__init__(input_text, state_size, chain)
项目:pyTweetBot    作者:nschaetti    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_model(config, model):
        Load a complete model and censor with path to model
        :param config:
        :param model:
        # Load model
        model = Classifier.load(model)
        censor = CensorModel(config)

        # Tokenizer
        tokenizer = TweetTokenizer()

        # Join features
        bow = features.BagOfGrams()

        # Bag of gram, 2-grams, 3-grams

        return tokenizer, bow, model, censor
    # end load_model

# end Classifier
项目:nlpSentiment    作者:ClimbsRocks    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tokenize(tweets, sentiment):

    # NLTK has a tokenizer built out specifically for short messaging data
    # here we will use some of it's features to:
     # turn all words to lowercase,
    # reduce the length of repeated characters ('hiiiiiiiii' and 'hiiiii' both become 'hiii' with three repeats of the 'i'),
    # and get rid of any handles that might exist in the message
    tokenizer = TweetTokenizer(preserve_case=False,reduce_len=True,strip_handles=True)

    tokenizedTweets = []
    cleanedSentiment = []

    asciiIssues = 0
    for rowIdx, tweet in enumerate(tweets):
            tokenizedWords = tokenizer.tokenize(tweet)

            # there are some weird ascii encoding issues present in a small part of our dataset. 
            # they represent < 1% of our dataset
            # for MVP, i'm going to ignore them to focus on the 99% use case
            # these issues do not exist in the test data set, so it is safe to ignore these rows
            asciiIssues += 1  

    return tokenizedTweets, cleanedSentiment

# some algorithms do not train well on ordered data. This function shuffles our data so we don't have one big block of positive documents followed by another large block of negative documents
项目:beepboop    作者:nicolehe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_tweet_tokenizer(self):
        Test TweetTokenizer using words with special and accented characters.

        tokenizer = TweetTokenizer(strip_handles=True, reduce_len=True)
        s9 = "@myke: Let's test these words: resumé España München français"
        tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(s9)
        expected = [':', "Let's", 'test', 'these', 'words', ':', 'resumé',
                    'España', 'München', 'français']
        self.assertEqual(tokens, expected)
项目:LinguisticAnalysis    作者:DucAnhPhi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tokenize(text, tokenizer = TweetTokenizer()):
    return [ tokenizer.tokenize(sentence) for sentence in sent_tokenize(text) ]
项目:LinguisticAnalysis    作者:DucAnhPhi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def remove_emoticons(text):
    # build regexp with imported emoticon list
    smileys = '|'.join(map(re.escape, emoticons))
    emoticonsPattern = re.compile('({})'.format(smileys), flags=re.IGNORECASE)
    removed = re.sub(emoticonsPattern, '', text)
    # remove unnecessary white spaces utilizing the TweetTokenizer
    removed = tokenize(removed)
    return " ".join(sum(removed, []))
项目:kind2anki    作者:prz3m    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_tweet_tokenizer(self):
        Test TweetTokenizer using words with special and accented characters.

        tokenizer = TweetTokenizer(strip_handles=True, reduce_len=True)
        s9 = "@myke: Let's test these words: resumé España München français"
        tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(s9)
        expected = [':', "Let's", 'test', 'these', 'words', ':', 'resumé',
                    'España', 'München', 'français']
        self.assertEqual(tokens, expected)
项目:but_sentiment    作者:MixedEmotions    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_tweet_tokenizer(self):
        Test TweetTokenizer using words with special and accented characters.

        tokenizer = TweetTokenizer(strip_handles=True, reduce_len=True)
        s9 = "@myke: Let's test these words: resumé España München français"
        tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(s9)
        expected = [':', "Let's", 'test', 'these', 'words', ':', 'resumé',
                    'España', 'München', 'français']
        self.assertEqual(tokens, expected)
项目:tidyextractors    作者:networks-lab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_user_tweets(self, screen_name):

        # TODO: Implement tweet limit

        # Twitter only allows access to a users most recent 3240 tweets with this method

        # initialize a list to hold all the tweepy Tweets
        alltweets = []

        # make initial request for most recent tweets (200 is the maximum allowed count)
        new_tweets = self._api.user_timeline(screen_name = screen_name,count=200)

        # save most recent tweets

        # save the id of the oldest tweet less one
        oldest = alltweets[-1].id - 1

        # keep grabbing tweets until there are no tweets left to grab
        while len(new_tweets) > 0:

            # all subsequent requests use the max_id param to prevent duplicates
            new_tweets = self._api.user_timeline(screen_name = screen_name,count=200,max_id=oldest)

            # save most recent tweets

            # update the id of the oldest tweet less one
            oldest = alltweets[-1].id - 1

        # transform the tweepy tweets into a 2D array that will populate the csv
        outtweets = {tweet.id_str: {'created':tweet.created_at,'text':tweet.text} for tweet in alltweets}

        # Twitter-aware tokenizer
        tknzr = TweetTokenizer()

        # Extend data with linguistic processing
        for tweet_id in outtweets:

            # Get tweet data from dictionary
            tweet = outtweets[tweet_id]

            # Lowercase tokenized tweet text
            tweet_tokens = tknzr.tokenize(tweet['text'])

            # Parts-of-speech tags for tokenized text
            tweet_pos = nltk.pos_tag(tweet_tokens)

            # Is the tweet a rewteet?
            tweet['retweet'] = tweet_pos[0][0] == 'RT'

            # If retweeted, who was the original author?

            if tweet['retweet'] is True:
                tweet['rt_author'] = tweet_pos[1][0]
                tweet['rt_author'] = ''

        return outtweets

# TODO: Might have encoding issues. See:
项目:itunes    作者:kaminem64    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def k_tokenizer(text):
    text = text.encode('ascii',errors='ignore').replace('-', '')
    """ We should use a better way to remove non-english words """

    tokenizer = TweetTokenizer(preserve_case=False)
    tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(text)

    # stopset = set(stopwords.words('english'))
    # tokens = [word for word in tokens if not word in stopset]

    """ Synonyms using wordnet """

    mwe_tokenizer = MWETokenizer([('ios', '9'),])
    mwe_tokens = mwe_tokenizer.tokenize(tokens)

    """ We might want to tokenize by sentence and then tag each sentence and aggregate the results """

    """ train -> train_NN train_V"""
    tagged = nltk.pos_tag(mwe_tokens)

    def get_wordnet_pos(treebank_tag):

        if treebank_tag.startswith('J'):
            return wordnet.ADJ
        elif treebank_tag.startswith('V'):
            return wordnet.VERB
        elif treebank_tag.startswith('N'):
            return wordnet.NOUN
        elif treebank_tag.startswith('R'):
            return wordnet.ADV
            return wordnet.NOUN # we preserve the original form of any unknown word

    wordnet_lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer()
    for token, tag in tagged:
        word = tag + '_' + wordnet_lemmatizer.lemmatize(token, get_wordnet_pos(tag))

    # porter = PorterStemmer()
    # final_doc=[]
    # for token in mwe_tokens:
    #     final_doc.append(porter.stem(token))

    return final_doc
项目:SarcasmDetection    作者:AniSkywalker    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parsedata(lines, word_list, split_word_list, emoji_dict, normalize_text=False, split_hashtag=False,
              lowercase=False, replace_emoji=True):
    data = []
    for i, line in enumerate(lines):
        if (i % 100 == 0):
            print(str(i) + '...', end='', flush=True)

            # convert the line to lowercase
            if (lowercase):
                line = line.lower()

            # split into token
            token = line.split('\t')

            # label
            label = int(token[1].strip())

            # tweet text
            target_text = TweetTokenizer().tokenize(token[2].strip())

            # filter text
            target_text = filter_text(target_text, word_list, split_word_list, emoji_dict, normalize_text,
                                      ignore_profiles, replace_emoji=replace_emoji)

            # awc dimensions
            dimensions = []
            if (len(token) > 3 and token[3].strip() != 'NA'):
                dimensions = [dimension.split('@@')[1] for dimension in token[3].strip().split('|')]

            # context tweet
            context = []
            if (len(token) > 4):
                if (token[4] != 'NA'):
                    context = TweetTokenizer().tokenize(token[4].strip())
                    context = filter_text(context, word_list, normalize_text, split_hashtag, ignore_profiles)

            # author
            author = 'NA'
            if (len(token) > 5):
                author = token[5]

            if (len(target_text) != 0):
                # print((label, target_text, dimensions, context, author))
                data.append((label, target_text, dimensions, context, author))
    return data
项目:DeepLearning-On-Tweets    作者:ydj0604    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_data_and_labels_semeval():
    # load the entire semeval dataset
    old_dataset = list(open("./input/2013-dev"))

    new_dataset = list(open("./input/2016-train"))

    # filter out invalid tweets from new dataset
    new_dataset = [entry for entry in new_dataset if entry.split('\t')[2] != 'Not Available\n']

    # generate x from old
    tk = TweetTokenizer(reduce_len=True) # handles punctuations
    x_text = [entry.split('\t')[3] for entry in old_dataset]
    x_text = [clean_str(tweet) for tweet in x_text]
    x_text = [tk.tokenize(tweet) for tweet in x_text]

    # generate x from new
    x_text_new = [entry.split('\t')[2] for entry in new_dataset]
    x_text_new = [clean_str(tweet) for tweet in x_text_new]
    x_text_new = [tk.tokenize(tweet) for tweet in x_text_new]

    # concat x and x_new

    # generate y from old
    y = [entry.split('\t')[2] for entry in old_dataset]
    for idx, label in enumerate(y):
        if label == 'positive':
            y[idx] = [1, 0, 0]
        elif label == 'neutral':
            y[idx] = [0, 1, 0]
        elif label == 'negative':
            y[idx] = [0, 0, 1]
            print 'wrong label in semeval: ' + label

    # generate y from new
    y_new = [entry.split('\t')[1] for entry in new_dataset]
    for idx, label in enumerate(y_new):
        if label == 'positive':
            y_new[idx] = [1, 0, 0]
        elif label == 'neutral':
            y_new[idx] = [0, 1, 0]
        elif label == 'negative':
            y_new[idx] = [0, 0, 1]
            print 'wrong label in semeval: ' + label

    # concat y and y_new

    return [x_text, y]
项目:deep-hashtagprediction    作者:jderiu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def store_file(f_in, f_out, alphabet_words,alphabet_hashtags, dummy_word_idx, hashtag_fname=None):
    #stores the tweets in batches so it fits in memory
    tknzr = TweetTokenizer(reduce_len=True)
    counter = 0
    batch_counter = 0
    output = open(f_out,'wb')
    output_hashtag = open(hashtag_fname, 'wb')
    batch_size = 500000
    tweet_batch = []
    with,'r') as f:
        for tweet in f:
            tweet,hashtags = preprocess_tweet(tweet)
            if len(hashtags) == 1:
                ht = hashtags[0]
                ht_idx = alphabet_hashtags.get(ht,UNKNOWN_HASHTAG_IDX)

                tweet = tweet.replace(ht,'')
                tweet_tok = tknzr.tokenize(tweet.decode('utf-8'))

                batch_counter += 1

                for token in tweet_tok:

                if batch_counter >= batch_size:
                    tweet_idx = convert2indices(tweet_batch, alphabet_words, dummy_word_idx)
                    print 'Saved tweets:',tweet_idx.shape
                    tweet_batch = []
                    batch_counter = 0
                counter += 1
                if (counter%1000000) == 0:
                    print "Elements processed:",counter

    tweet_idx = convert2indices(tweet_batch, alphabet_words, dummy_word_idx),tweet_idx),hashtag_batch)
    print len(alphabet_hashtags)
    print len(alphabet_words)
    print 'Saved tweets:',tweet_idx.shape
    return counter
项目:sharead    作者:strin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def inverse_indexing_once():
    kv_paperwords = lambda filehash: KeyValueStore('paperwords:' + filehash)
    scopes = KeyValueStore.scopes('paper:*')
    from nltk.tokenize import TweetTokenizer
    tokenizer = TweetTokenizer()
    def make_dict(text, weight=1., prefix_weight=0.):
        if not text:
            return {}
        words = tokenizer.tokenize(text.lower().strip())
        result = {}
        for word in words:
            for i in range(1, len(word)):
                prefix = word[:i]
                if prefix not in result:
                    result[prefix] = 0.
                result[prefix] += prefix_weight
            if word not in result:
                result[word] = 0.
            result[word] += weight
        return result

    def merge_dict(dict1, dict2):
        new_dict = {}
        for word in set(dict1.keys()).union(dict2.keys()):
            weight1 = dict1.get(word, 0.)
            weight2 = dict2.get(word, 0.)
            new_dict[word] = weight1 + weight2
        return new_dict

    for scope in scopes:
        filehash = scope[len('paper:'):]
        meta = KeyValueStore(scope_name=scope)
        title = meta['title']
        abstract = meta.get('abstract', default='')

        dict_title = make_dict(title, weight=6., prefix_weight=0.06)
        dict_abstract = make_dict(abstract, weight=2., prefix_weight=0.02)
        final_dict = merge_dict(dict_title, dict_abstract)

        authors = meta['authors']
        if authors:
            for author in authors:
                dict_author = make_dict(author['first_name'] + ' ' + author['last_name'])
                final_dict = merge_dict(dict_author, final_dict)
