Python nltk 模块,corpus() 实例源码


项目:word-classification    作者:vinsis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def createData():
    spwords = [unidecode(a.lower()) for a in set(nltk.corpus.cess_esp.words()) if len(a)>3]
    enwords = [a.lower() for a in set(nltk.corpus.brown.words()) if len(a)>3]
    jpwords = [unidecode(a) for a in jeita.words() if (len(unidecode(a)) and unidecode(a)[0].islower())]
    jpwords = [a for a in set(jpwords) if len(a)>3]
    # minLen = min(len(enwords), len(spwords), len(jpwords))

    featuresets = \
        [(createTupleDict(w,numChars),'English') for w in enwords] + \
        [(createTupleDict(w,numChars),'Spanish') for w in spwords] + \
        [(createTupleDict(w,numChars),'Japanese') for w in jpwords]



    training_set = featuresets[:l]
    testing_set = featuresets[l:]
    return (training_set, testing_set)
项目:deep_throat    作者:wdbm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def most_frequent_Brown_Corpus_words():
    import nltk
    import nltk.corpus
    words = []
    for word in nltk.corpus.brown.words():
        if word not in [
    frequencies_words = nltk.FreqDist(words).most_common()
    words_most_frequent = [word[0] for word in frequencies_words]
    return words_most_frequent
项目:PyRATA    作者:nicolashernandez    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def brown_data():
  """return the text_length first tokens of the brown corpus tagged in pyrata format"""
  tokens = brown.words()
  tokens = tokens[:text_length]

  pos_tags = nltk.pos_tag(tokens)

  return [{'raw':w, 'pos':p} for (w, p) in pos_tags]

# """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
# """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

# """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
项目:PolBotCheck    作者:codeforfrankfurt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_word_clouds(tweets, users, words_n=50, lang='english'):
    default_stopwords = set(nltk.corpus.stopwords.words(lang))
    stopwords_file = '../data/stopwords.txt'
    custom_stopwords = set(open(stopwords_file, 'r').read().splitlines())
    all_stopwords = default_stopwords | custom_stopwords

    vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(max_df=0.5, min_df=2, stop_words=list(all_stopwords))
    X = vectorizer.fit_transform(tweets)
    terms = vectorizer.get_feature_names()

    word_cloud_per_person = {}
    for doc in range(len(tweets)):
        feature_index = X[doc, :].nonzero()[1]
        tfidf_scores = zip(feature_index, [X[doc, x] for x in feature_index])
        doc_terms = []
        for word, score in [(terms[i], score) for (i, score) in tfidf_scores]:
            doc_terms.append((word, score))
        important_terms = [(word, score) for word, score in sorted(doc_terms, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)][:words_n]
        word_cloud_per_person[users[doc]] = important_terms
    return word_cloud_per_person
项目:PolBotCheck    作者:codeforfrankfurt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_corpus_of_most_active_users(n_users=5):
    tweets = []
    texts = []
    with open(DATASET_PATH) as f:
        for line in f:
            texts.append((json.loads(line)['user']['screen_name'], json.loads(line)['text']))

    users = nltk.FreqDist(tweets).most_common(n_users)

    dict = {}
    for user, tweet in texts:
        if user in dict:
            dict[user] = " ".join([dict[user],tweet])
            dict[user] = tweet

    corpus = [dict[name] for name, _ in users]
    user_names = [name for name, _ in users]
    return  corpus, user_names
项目:topicModelling    作者:balikasg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cut_low_freq(self, corpus, threshold=1):
        new_vocas = []
        new_docfreq = []
        self.vocas_id = dict()
        conv_map = dict()
        for id, term in enumerate(self.vocas):
            freq = self.docfreq[id]
            if freq > threshold:
                new_id = len(new_vocas)
                self.vocas_id[term] = new_id
                conv_map[id] = new_id
        self.vocas = new_vocas
        self.docfreq = new_docfreq
        return np.array([ self.conv(doc, conv_map) for doc in corpus])
项目:Price-Comparator    作者:Thejas-1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def closure(self, rel, depth=-1):
        """Return the transitive closure of source under the rel
        relationship, breadth-first

            >>> from nltk.corpus import wordnet as wn
            >>> dog = wn.synset('dog.n.01')
            >>> hyp = lambda s:s.hypernyms()
            >>> list(dog.closure(hyp))
            [Synset('canine.n.02'), Synset('domestic_animal.n.01'),
            Synset('carnivore.n.01'), Synset('animal.n.01'),
            Synset('placental.n.01'), Synset('organism.n.01'),
            Synset('mammal.n.01'), Synset('living_thing.n.01'),
            Synset('vertebrate.n.01'), Synset('whole.n.02'),
            Synset('chordate.n.01'), Synset('object.n.01'),
            Synset('physical_entity.n.01'), Synset('entity.n.01')]

        from nltk.util import breadth_first
        synset_offsets = []
        for synset in breadth_first(self, rel, depth):
            if synset._offset != self._offset:
                if synset._offset not in synset_offsets:
                    yield synset
项目:Price-Comparator    作者:Thejas-1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def res_similarity(self, other, ic, verbose=False):
        Resnik Similarity:
        Return a score denoting how similar two word senses are, based on the
        Information Content (IC) of the Least Common Subsumer (most specific
        ancestor node).

        :type  other: Synset
        :param other: The ``Synset`` that this ``Synset`` is being compared to.
        :type ic: dict
        :param ic: an information content object (as returned by ``nltk.corpus.wordnet_ic.ic()``).
        :return: A float score denoting the similarity of the two ``Synset`` objects.
            Synsets whose LCS is the root node of the taxonomy will have a
            score of 0 (e.g. N['dog'][0] and N['table'][0]).

        ic1, ic2, lcs_ic = _lcs_ic(self, other, ic)
        return lcs_ic
项目:Price-Comparator    作者:Thejas-1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lin_similarity(self, other, ic, verbose=False):
        Lin Similarity:
        Return a score denoting how similar two word senses are, based on the
        Information Content (IC) of the Least Common Subsumer (most specific
        ancestor node) and that of the two input Synsets. The relationship is
        given by the equation 2 * IC(lcs) / (IC(s1) + IC(s2)).

        :type other: Synset
        :param other: The ``Synset`` that this ``Synset`` is being compared to.
        :type ic: dict
        :param ic: an information content object (as returned by ``nltk.corpus.wordnet_ic.ic()``).
        :return: A float score denoting the similarity of the two ``Synset`` objects,
            in the range 0 to 1.

        ic1, ic2, lcs_ic = _lcs_ic(self, other, ic)
        return (2.0 * lcs_ic) / (ic1 + ic2)
项目:Price-Comparator    作者:Thejas-1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ieer_headlines():

    from nltk.corpus import ieer
    from nltk.tree import Tree

    print("IEER: First 20 Headlines")
    print("=" * 45)  

    trees = [(doc.docno, doc.headline) for file in ieer.fileids() for doc in ieer.parsed_docs(file)]
    for tree in trees[:20]:
        print("%s:\n%s" % tree)

## Dutch CONLL2002: take_on_role(PER, ORG
项目:Price-Comparator    作者:Thejas-1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def conllesp():
    from nltk.corpus import conll2002

    de = """
    DE = re.compile(de, re.VERBOSE)

    print("Spanish CoNLL2002: de(ORG, LOC) -- just the first 10 clauses:")
    print("=" * 45)
    rels = [rel for doc in conll2002.chunked_sents('esp.train')
            for rel in extract_rels('ORG', 'LOC', doc, corpus='conll2002', pattern = DE)]
    for r in rels[:10]: print(clause(r, relsym='DE'))
项目:MachineLearningProject    作者:ymynem    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_corpus(fileids, max_length=None):
    Creates a corpus from fileids
    Removes stopwords and punctuation
    Returns a list of strings
    sw = set(stopwords.words("english"))
    tokenizer = nltk.tokenize.RegexpTokenizer(r"[A-Za-z]+")
    corpus = []
    for doc in fileids:
        words = (w.lower() for w in tokenizer.tokenize(reuters.raw(doc)))
        words = [w for w in words if w not in sw]
        if max_length:
            words = words[:max_length]
        corpus.append(" ".join(words))
    return corpus
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def closure(self, rel, depth=-1):
        """Return the transitive closure of source under the rel
        relationship, breadth-first

            >>> from nltk.corpus import wordnet as wn
            >>> dog = wn.synset('dog.n.01')
            >>> hyp = lambda s:s.hypernyms()
            >>> list(dog.closure(hyp))
            [Synset('canine.n.02'), Synset('domestic_animal.n.01'),
            Synset('carnivore.n.01'), Synset('animal.n.01'),
            Synset('placental.n.01'), Synset('organism.n.01'),
            Synset('mammal.n.01'), Synset('living_thing.n.01'),
            Synset('vertebrate.n.01'), Synset('whole.n.02'),
            Synset('chordate.n.01'), Synset('object.n.01'),
            Synset('physical_entity.n.01'), Synset('entity.n.01')]

        from nltk.util import breadth_first
        synset_offsets = []
        for synset in breadth_first(self, rel, depth):
            if synset._offset != self._offset:
                if synset._offset not in synset_offsets:
                    yield synset
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def res_similarity(self, other, ic, verbose=False):
        Resnik Similarity:
        Return a score denoting how similar two word senses are, based on the
        Information Content (IC) of the Least Common Subsumer (most specific
        ancestor node).

        :type  other: Synset
        :param other: The ``Synset`` that this ``Synset`` is being compared to.
        :type ic: dict
        :param ic: an information content object (as returned by ``nltk.corpus.wordnet_ic.ic()``).
        :return: A float score denoting the similarity of the two ``Synset`` objects.
            Synsets whose LCS is the root node of the taxonomy will have a
            score of 0 (e.g. N['dog'][0] and N['table'][0]).

        ic1, ic2, lcs_ic = _lcs_ic(self, other, ic)
        return lcs_ic
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lin_similarity(self, other, ic, verbose=False):
        Lin Similarity:
        Return a score denoting how similar two word senses are, based on the
        Information Content (IC) of the Least Common Subsumer (most specific
        ancestor node) and that of the two input Synsets. The relationship is
        given by the equation 2 * IC(lcs) / (IC(s1) + IC(s2)).

        :type other: Synset
        :param other: The ``Synset`` that this ``Synset`` is being compared to.
        :type ic: dict
        :param ic: an information content object (as returned by ``nltk.corpus.wordnet_ic.ic()``).
        :return: A float score denoting the similarity of the two ``Synset`` objects,
            in the range 0 to 1.

        ic1, ic2, lcs_ic = _lcs_ic(self, other, ic)
        return (2.0 * lcs_ic) / (ic1 + ic2)
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ieer_headlines():

    from nltk.corpus import ieer
    from nltk.tree import Tree

    print("IEER: First 20 Headlines")
    print("=" * 45)  

    trees = [(doc.docno, doc.headline) for file in ieer.fileids() for doc in ieer.parsed_docs(file)]
    for tree in trees[:20]:
        print("%s:\n%s" % tree)

## Dutch CONLL2002: take_on_role(PER, ORG
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def conllesp():
    from nltk.corpus import conll2002

    de = """
    DE = re.compile(de, re.VERBOSE)

    print("Spanish CoNLL2002: de(ORG, LOC) -- just the first 10 clauses:")
    print("=" * 45)
    rels = [rel for doc in conll2002.chunked_sents('esp.train')
            for rel in extract_rels('ORG', 'LOC', doc, corpus='conll2002', pattern = DE)]
    for r in rels[:10]: print(clause(r, relsym='DE'))
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_pos_tagger(self):
        from nltk.corpus import brown
        regexp_tagger = RegexpTagger(
            [(r'^-?[0-9]+(.[0-9]+)?$', 'CD'),   # cardinal numbers
             (r'(The|the|A|a|An|an)$', 'AT'),   # articles
             (r'.*able$', 'JJ'),                # adjectives
             (r'.*ness$', 'NN'),                # nouns formed from adjectives
             (r'.*ly$', 'RB'),                  # adverbs
             (r'.*s$', 'NNS'),                  # plural nouns
             (r'.*ing$', 'VBG'),                # gerunds
             (r'.*ed$', 'VBD'),                 # past tense verbs
             (r'.*', 'NN')                      # nouns (default)
        brown_train = brown.tagged_sents(categories='news')
        unigram_tagger = UnigramTagger(brown_train, backoff=regexp_tagger)
        bigram_tagger = BigramTagger(brown_train, backoff=unigram_tagger)
        trigram_tagger = TrigramTagger(brown_train, backoff=bigram_tagger)

        #Override particular words
        main_tagger = RegexpTagger(
            [(r'(A|a|An|an)$', 'ex_quant'),
             (r'(Every|every|All|all)$', 'univ_quant')
        ], backoff=trigram_tagger)

        return main_tagger
项目:QuestionAnswerNLP    作者:debjyoti385    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def info_content(lookup_word):
    Uses the Brown corpus available in NLTK to calculate a Laplace
    smoothed frequency distribution of words, then uses this information
    to compute the information content of the lookup_word.
    global N
    if N == 0:
        # poor man's lazy evaluation
        for sent in brown.sents():
            for word in sent:
                word = word.lower()
                if not brown_word_counter.has_key(word):
                    brown_word_counter[word] = 0
                brown_word_counter[word] = brown_word_counter[word] + 1
                N = N + 1
    lookup_word = lookup_word.lower()
    n = 0 if not brown_word_counter.has_key(lookup_word) else brown_word_counter[lookup_word]
    return 1.0 - (math.log(n + 1) / math.log(N + 1))
项目:neighborhood_mood_aws    作者:jarrellmark    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def closure(self, rel, depth=-1):
        """Return the transitive closure of source under the rel
        relationship, breadth-first

            >>> from nltk.corpus import wordnet as wn
            >>> dog = wn.synset('dog.n.01')
            >>> hyp = lambda s:s.hypernyms()
            >>> list(dog.closure(hyp))
            [Synset('canine.n.02'), Synset('domestic_animal.n.01'),
            Synset('carnivore.n.01'), Synset('animal.n.01'),
            Synset('placental.n.01'), Synset('organism.n.01'),
            Synset('mammal.n.01'), Synset('living_thing.n.01'),
            Synset('vertebrate.n.01'), Synset('whole.n.02'),
            Synset('chordate.n.01'), Synset('object.n.01'),
            Synset('physical_entity.n.01'), Synset('entity.n.01')]

        from nltk.util import breadth_first
        synset_offsets = []
        for synset in breadth_first(self, rel, depth):
            if synset._offset != self._offset:
                if synset._offset not in synset_offsets:
                    yield synset
项目:neighborhood_mood_aws    作者:jarrellmark    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def res_similarity(self, other, ic, verbose=False):
        Resnik Similarity:
        Return a score denoting how similar two word senses are, based on the
        Information Content (IC) of the Least Common Subsumer (most specific
        ancestor node).

        :type  other: Synset
        :param other: The ``Synset`` that this ``Synset`` is being compared to.
        :type ic: dict
        :param ic: an information content object (as returned by ``nltk.corpus.wordnet_ic.ic()``).
        :return: A float score denoting the similarity of the two ``Synset`` objects.
            Synsets whose LCS is the root node of the taxonomy will have a
            score of 0 (e.g. N['dog'][0] and N['table'][0]).

        ic1, ic2, lcs_ic = _lcs_ic(self, other, ic)
        return lcs_ic
项目:neighborhood_mood_aws    作者:jarrellmark    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lin_similarity(self, other, ic, verbose=False):
        Lin Similarity:
        Return a score denoting how similar two word senses are, based on the
        Information Content (IC) of the Least Common Subsumer (most specific
        ancestor node) and that of the two input Synsets. The relationship is
        given by the equation 2 * IC(lcs) / (IC(s1) + IC(s2)).

        :type other: Synset
        :param other: The ``Synset`` that this ``Synset`` is being compared to.
        :type ic: dict
        :param ic: an information content object (as returned by ``nltk.corpus.wordnet_ic.ic()``).
        :return: A float score denoting the similarity of the two ``Synset`` objects,
            in the range 0 to 1.

        ic1, ic2, lcs_ic = _lcs_ic(self, other, ic)
        return (2.0 * lcs_ic) / (ic1 + ic2)
项目:neighborhood_mood_aws    作者:jarrellmark    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ieer_headlines():

    from nltk.corpus import ieer
    from nltk.tree import Tree

    print("IEER: First 20 Headlines")
    print("=" * 45)  

    trees = [(doc.docno, doc.headline) for file in ieer.fileids() for doc in ieer.parsed_docs(file)]
    for tree in trees[:20]:
        print("%s:\n%s" % tree)

## Dutch CONLL2002: take_on_role(PER, ORG
项目:neighborhood_mood_aws    作者:jarrellmark    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def conllesp():
    from nltk.corpus import conll2002

    de = """
    DE = re.compile(de, re.VERBOSE)

    print("Spanish CoNLL2002: de(ORG, LOC) -- just the first 10 clauses:")
    print("=" * 45)
    rels = [rel for doc in conll2002.chunked_sents('esp.train')
            for rel in extract_rels('ORG', 'LOC', doc, corpus='conll2002', pattern = DE)]
    for r in rels[:10]: print(clause(r, relsym='DE'))
项目:neighborhood_mood_aws    作者:jarrellmark    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_pos_tagger(self):
        from nltk.corpus import brown
        regexp_tagger = RegexpTagger(
            [(r'^-?[0-9]+(.[0-9]+)?$', 'CD'),   # cardinal numbers
             (r'(The|the|A|a|An|an)$', 'AT'),   # articles
             (r'.*able$', 'JJ'),                # adjectives
             (r'.*ness$', 'NN'),                # nouns formed from adjectives
             (r'.*ly$', 'RB'),                  # adverbs
             (r'.*s$', 'NNS'),                  # plural nouns
             (r'.*ing$', 'VBG'),                # gerunds
             (r'.*ed$', 'VBD'),                 # past tense verbs
             (r'.*', 'NN')                      # nouns (default)
        brown_train = brown.tagged_sents(categories='news')
        unigram_tagger = UnigramTagger(brown_train, backoff=regexp_tagger)
        bigram_tagger = BigramTagger(brown_train, backoff=unigram_tagger)
        trigram_tagger = TrigramTagger(brown_train, backoff=bigram_tagger)

        #Override particular words
        main_tagger = RegexpTagger(
            [(r'(A|a|An|an)$', 'ex_quant'),
             (r'(Every|every|All|all)$', 'univ_quant')
        ], backoff=trigram_tagger)

        return main_tagger
项目:Semantic-Texual-Similarity-Toolkits    作者:rgtjf    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def info_content(lookup_word):
    Uses the Brown corpus available in NLTK to calculate a Laplace
    smoothed frequency distribution of words, then uses this information
    to compute the information content of the lookup_word.
    global N
    if N == 0:
        # poor man's lazy evaluation
        for sent in brown.sents():
            for word in sent:
                word = word.lower()
                if not word in brown_freqs:
                    brown_freqs[word] = 0
                brown_freqs[word] = brown_freqs[word] + 1
                N = N + 1
    lookup_word = lookup_word.lower()
    n = 0 if not lookup_word in brown_freqs else brown_freqs[lookup_word]
    return 1.0 - (math.log(n + 1) / math.log(N + 1))
项目:text-analytics-with-python    作者:dipanjanS    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def normalize_corpus(corpus, lemmatize=True, tokenize=False):

    normalized_corpus = []  
    for text in corpus:
        text = html_parser.unescape(text)
        text = expand_contractions(text, CONTRACTION_MAP)
        if lemmatize:
            text = lemmatize_text(text)
            text = text.lower()
        text = remove_special_characters(text)
        text = remove_stopwords(text)
        if tokenize:
            text = tokenize_text(text)

    return normalized_corpus
项目:text-analytics-with-python    作者:dipanjanS    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def normalize_corpus(corpus, lemmatize=True, 

    normalized_corpus = []    
    for text in corpus:
        text = html_parser.unescape(text)
        text = expand_contractions(text, CONTRACTION_MAP)
        if lemmatize:
            text = lemmatize_text(text)
            text = text.lower()
        text = remove_special_characters(text)
        text = remove_stopwords(text)
        if only_text_chars:
            text = keep_text_characters(text)

        if tokenize:
            text = tokenize_text(text)

    return normalized_corpus
项目:hate-to-hugs    作者:sdoran35    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def closure(self, rel, depth=-1):
        """Return the transitive closure of source under the rel
        relationship, breadth-first

            >>> from nltk.corpus import wordnet as wn
            >>> dog = wn.synset('dog.n.01')
            >>> hyp = lambda s:s.hypernyms()
            >>> list(dog.closure(hyp))
            [Synset('canine.n.02'), Synset('domestic_animal.n.01'),
            Synset('carnivore.n.01'), Synset('animal.n.01'),
            Synset('placental.n.01'), Synset('organism.n.01'),
            Synset('mammal.n.01'), Synset('living_thing.n.01'),
            Synset('vertebrate.n.01'), Synset('whole.n.02'),
            Synset('chordate.n.01'), Synset('object.n.01'),
            Synset('physical_entity.n.01'), Synset('entity.n.01')]

        from nltk.util import breadth_first
        synset_offsets = []
        for synset in breadth_first(self, rel, depth):
            if synset._offset != self._offset:
                if synset._offset not in synset_offsets:
                    yield synset
项目:hate-to-hugs    作者:sdoran35    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def res_similarity(self, other, ic, verbose=False):
        Resnik Similarity:
        Return a score denoting how similar two word senses are, based on the
        Information Content (IC) of the Least Common Subsumer (most specific
        ancestor node).

        :type  other: Synset
        :param other: The ``Synset`` that this ``Synset`` is being compared to.
        :type ic: dict
        :param ic: an information content object (as returned by ``nltk.corpus.wordnet_ic.ic()``).
        :return: A float score denoting the similarity of the two ``Synset`` objects.
            Synsets whose LCS is the root node of the taxonomy will have a
            score of 0 (e.g. N['dog'][0] and N['table'][0]).

        ic1, ic2, lcs_ic = _lcs_ic(self, other, ic)
        return lcs_ic
项目:hate-to-hugs    作者:sdoran35    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lin_similarity(self, other, ic, verbose=False):
        Lin Similarity:
        Return a score denoting how similar two word senses are, based on the
        Information Content (IC) of the Least Common Subsumer (most specific
        ancestor node) and that of the two input Synsets. The relationship is
        given by the equation 2 * IC(lcs) / (IC(s1) + IC(s2)).

        :type other: Synset
        :param other: The ``Synset`` that this ``Synset`` is being compared to.
        :type ic: dict
        :param ic: an information content object (as returned by ``nltk.corpus.wordnet_ic.ic()``).
        :return: A float score denoting the similarity of the two ``Synset`` objects,
            in the range 0 to 1.

        ic1, ic2, lcs_ic = _lcs_ic(self, other, ic)
        return (2.0 * lcs_ic) / (ic1 + ic2)
项目:hate-to-hugs    作者:sdoran35    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ieer_headlines():

    from nltk.corpus import ieer
    from nltk.tree import Tree

    print("IEER: First 20 Headlines")
    print("=" * 45)  

    trees = [(doc.docno, doc.headline) for file in ieer.fileids() for doc in ieer.parsed_docs(file)]
    for tree in trees[:20]:
        print("%s:\n%s" % tree)

## Dutch CONLL2002: take_on_role(PER, ORG
项目:hate-to-hugs    作者:sdoran35    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def conllesp():
    from nltk.corpus import conll2002

    de = """
    DE = re.compile(de, re.VERBOSE)

    print("Spanish CoNLL2002: de(ORG, LOC) -- just the first 10 clauses:")
    print("=" * 45)
    rels = [rel for doc in conll2002.chunked_sents('esp.train')
            for rel in extract_rels('ORG', 'LOC', doc, corpus='conll2002', pattern = DE)]
    for r in rels[:10]: print(clause(r, relsym='DE'))
项目:hate-to-hugs    作者:sdoran35    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_pos_tagger(self):
        from nltk.corpus import brown
        regexp_tagger = RegexpTagger(
            [(r'^-?[0-9]+(.[0-9]+)?$', 'CD'),   # cardinal numbers
             (r'(The|the|A|a|An|an)$', 'AT'),   # articles
             (r'.*able$', 'JJ'),                # adjectives
             (r'.*ness$', 'NN'),                # nouns formed from adjectives
             (r'.*ly$', 'RB'),                  # adverbs
             (r'.*s$', 'NNS'),                  # plural nouns
             (r'.*ing$', 'VBG'),                # gerunds
             (r'.*ed$', 'VBD'),                 # past tense verbs
             (r'.*', 'NN')                      # nouns (default)
        brown_train = brown.tagged_sents(categories='news')
        unigram_tagger = UnigramTagger(brown_train, backoff=regexp_tagger)
        bigram_tagger = BigramTagger(brown_train, backoff=unigram_tagger)
        trigram_tagger = TrigramTagger(brown_train, backoff=bigram_tagger)

        #Override particular words
        main_tagger = RegexpTagger(
            [(r'(A|a|An|an)$', 'ex_quant'),
             (r'(Every|every|All|all)$', 'univ_quant')
        ], backoff=trigram_tagger)

        return main_tagger
项目:goal    作者:victorskl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def preprocess(content):
    word_tokenizer = nltk.tokenize.regexp.WordPunctTokenizer()

    words_set = []
    for twitter in content:
        words_set += (word_tokenizer.tokenize(twitter['twitter_content']))
    words_set = list(set(words_set))

    stop_words = stopwords.words('english')
    non_words = list(punctuation)
    lemmatizer = nltk.stem.wordnet.WordNetLemmatizer()

    # only need the alphabetic word
    formartted_twitter_words_set = []
    for word in words_set:
        if (word.isalpha() != False) and (word not in non_words) and (word not in stop_words):

    nltk_words_set = list(set(nltk.corpus.words.words()))
    # training whole set
    training_set = formartted_twitter_words_set + nltk_words_set
    return training_set
项目:goal    作者:victorskl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def store_synset_primarySense(word):
    result = {}
    check_item = sort_orderedDict(primary_sense(word.lower()))
    if len(check_item)==1:
        if wn.lemma_from_key(check_item.keys()[0]).synset().pos() == 'n' or wn.lemma_from_key(check_item.keys()[0]).synset().pos() == 'v':
                result[word] = wn.lemma_from_key(check_item.keys()[0]).synset()
    elif len(check_item)>1:
        for index in range(len(check_item.keys())):
                if wn.lemma_from_key(check_item.keys()[index]).synset().pos() == 'n' or wn.lemma_from_key(check_item.keys()[index]).synset().pos() == 'v':
                    result[word] = wn.lemma_from_key(check_item.keys()[index]).synset()
            except nltk.corpus.reader.wordnet.WordNetError:
        return 0
    return result

#use the lemmatizer defined in the previous workshop
项目:goal    作者:victorskl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def preprocess(content):
    word_tokenizer = nltk.tokenize.regexp.WordPunctTokenizer()

    words_set = []
    for twitter in content:
        words_set += (word_tokenizer.tokenize(twitter['twitter_content']))
    words_set = list(set(words_set))

    stop_words = stopwords.words('english')
    non_words = list(punctuation)
    lemmatizer = nltk.stem.wordnet.WordNetLemmatizer()

    # only need the alphabetic word
    formartted_twitter_words_set = []
    for word in words_set:
        if (word.isalpha() != False) and (word not in non_words) and (word not in stop_words):

    nltk_words_set = list(set(nltk.corpus.words.words()))
    # training whole set
    training_set = formartted_twitter_words_set + nltk_words_set
    return training_set
项目:goal    作者:victorskl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def store_synset_primarySense(word):
    result = {}
    check_item = sort_orderedDict(primary_sense(word.lower()))
    if len(check_item)==1:
        if wn.lemma_from_key(check_item.keys()[0]).synset().pos() == 'n' or wn.lemma_from_key(check_item.keys()[0]).synset().pos() == 'v':
                result[word] = wn.lemma_from_key(check_item.keys()[0]).synset()
    elif len(check_item)>1:
        for index in range(len(check_item.keys())):
                if wn.lemma_from_key(check_item.keys()[index]).synset().pos() == 'n' or wn.lemma_from_key(check_item.keys()[index]).synset().pos() == 'v':
                    result[word] = wn.lemma_from_key(check_item.keys()[index]).synset()
            except nltk.corpus.reader.wordnet.WordNetError:
        return 0
    return result

#use the lemmatizer defined in the previous workshop
项目:partisan-discourse    作者:DistrictDataLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def documents(self, fold=None, train=False, test=False):
        A generator of documents being streamed from disk. Each document is
        a list of paragraphs, which are a list of sentences, which in turn is
        a list of tuples of (token, tag) pairs. All preprocessing is done by
        NLTK and the CorpusReader object this object wraps.

        If a fold is specified (should be an integer between 0 and folds),
        then the loader will return documents from that fold. Further, train
        or test must be specified to split the fold correctly. This method
        allows us to maintain the generator properties of document reads.
        for fileid in self.fileids(fold, train, test):
            yield list(self.corpus.tagged(fileids=fileid))

## Normalize Transformer
项目:brainforks    作者:minervax    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def swoogle(query, termbool):

    extraselectors = []
    if termbool is True:
        conceptSim = requests.get(''+query.lower()+'&pos=NN&N=100&sim_type=concept&corpus=webbase&query=Get+Top-N+Most+Similar+Words'+query.lower())
        conceptSim = requests.get(''+query.lower()+'&pos=NN&N=30&sim_type=concept&corpus=webbase&query=Get+Top-N+Most+Similar+Words'+query.lower())

    #relationSim = requests.get(''+sys.argv[1]+'&pos=NN&N=100&sim_type=relation&corpus=webbase&query=Get+Top-N+Most+Similar+Words'+sys.argv[1])

    conceptSoup = BeautifulSoup(conceptSim.text)
    conceptTextArea = conceptSoup.findAll("textarea")
    conceptText = conceptTextArea[0].contents[0]

    lines = conceptText.split(",")
    for line in lines:
        line = line.strip()
        parts = line.split("_")


    return extraselectors
项目:IBRel    作者:lasigeBioTM    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_more_sentences(self, corpuspath):
        Load sentences with relations from another corpus
        :param corpuspath: corpus path
        nsentences = 0
        for did in self.documents:
            nsentences += len(self.documents[did].sentences)
        print "base corpus has {} sentences".format(nsentences)
        corpus2 = pickle.load(open(corpuspath, 'rb'))
        nsentences = 0
        for did in corpus2.documents:
            if did in self.documents:
                print "repeated did:", did
                self.documents[did] = corpus2.documents[did]
                nsentences += len(corpus2.documents[did].sentences)
            #for sentence in corpus2.documents[did].sentences:
                #if any([len(e.targets)> 1 for e in sentence.entities.elist["goldstandard"]]):
                #    print "found sentence with relations:", sentence.sid
                #if len(sentence.entities.elist["goldstandard"]) > 1:
                #self.documents[sentence.sid] = Document(sentence.text, sentences=[sentence])
        print "added {} sentences".format(nsentences)"corpora/Thaliana/seedev-extended.pickle")
项目:FancyWord    作者:EastonLee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def closure(self, rel, depth=-1):
        """Return the transitive closure of source under the rel
        relationship, breadth-first

            >>> from nltk.corpus import wordnet as wn
            >>> dog = wn.synset('dog.n.01')
            >>> hyp = lambda s:s.hypernyms()
            >>> list(dog.closure(hyp))
            [Synset('canine.n.02'), Synset('domestic_animal.n.01'),
            Synset('carnivore.n.01'), Synset('animal.n.01'),
            Synset('placental.n.01'), Synset('organism.n.01'),
            Synset('mammal.n.01'), Synset('living_thing.n.01'),
            Synset('vertebrate.n.01'), Synset('whole.n.02'),
            Synset('chordate.n.01'), Synset('object.n.01'),
            Synset('physical_entity.n.01'), Synset('entity.n.01')]

        from nltk.util import breadth_first
        synset_offsets = []
        for synset in breadth_first(self, rel, depth):
            if synset._offset != self._offset:
                if synset._offset not in synset_offsets:
                    yield synset
项目:FancyWord    作者:EastonLee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def res_similarity(self, other, ic, verbose=False):
        Resnik Similarity:
        Return a score denoting how similar two word senses are, based on the
        Information Content (IC) of the Least Common Subsumer (most specific
        ancestor node).

        :type  other: Synset
        :param other: The ``Synset`` that this ``Synset`` is being compared to.
        :type ic: dict
        :param ic: an information content object (as returned by ``nltk.corpus.wordnet_ic.ic()``).
        :return: A float score denoting the similarity of the two ``Synset`` objects.
            Synsets whose LCS is the root node of the taxonomy will have a
            score of 0 (e.g. N['dog'][0] and N['table'][0]).

        ic1, ic2, lcs_ic = _lcs_ic(self, other, ic)
        return lcs_ic
项目:FancyWord    作者:EastonLee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lin_similarity(self, other, ic, verbose=False):
        Lin Similarity:
        Return a score denoting how similar two word senses are, based on the
        Information Content (IC) of the Least Common Subsumer (most specific
        ancestor node) and that of the two input Synsets. The relationship is
        given by the equation 2 * IC(lcs) / (IC(s1) + IC(s2)).

        :type other: Synset
        :param other: The ``Synset`` that this ``Synset`` is being compared to.
        :type ic: dict
        :param ic: an information content object (as returned by ``nltk.corpus.wordnet_ic.ic()``).
        :return: A float score denoting the similarity of the two ``Synset`` objects,
            in the range 0 to 1.

        ic1, ic2, lcs_ic = _lcs_ic(self, other, ic)
        return (2.0 * lcs_ic) / (ic1 + ic2)
项目:FancyWord    作者:EastonLee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ieer_headlines():

    from nltk.corpus import ieer
    from nltk.tree import Tree

    print("IEER: First 20 Headlines")
    print("=" * 45)  

    trees = [(doc.docno, doc.headline) for file in ieer.fileids() for doc in ieer.parsed_docs(file)]
    for tree in trees[:20]:
        print("%s:\n%s" % tree)

## Dutch CONLL2002: take_on_role(PER, ORG
项目:FancyWord    作者:EastonLee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def conllesp():
    from nltk.corpus import conll2002

    de = """
    DE = re.compile(de, re.VERBOSE)

    print("Spanish CoNLL2002: de(ORG, LOC) -- just the first 10 clauses:")
    print("=" * 45)
    rels = [rel for doc in conll2002.chunked_sents('esp.train')
            for rel in extract_rels('ORG', 'LOC', doc, corpus='conll2002', pattern = DE)]
    for r in rels[:10]: print(clause(r, relsym='DE'))
项目:twitter-trends-summarizer    作者:yuva29    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def info_content(lookup_word):
    Uses the Brown corpus available in NLTK to calculate a Laplace
    smoothed frequency distribution of words, then uses this information
    to compute the information content of the lookup_word.
    global N
    if N == 0:
        # poor man's lazy evaluation
        for sent in brown.sents():
            for word in sent:
                word = word.lower()
                if not brown_freqs.has_key(word):
                    brown_freqs[word] = 0
                brown_freqs[word] = brown_freqs[word] + 1
                N = N + 1
    lookup_word = lookup_word.lower()
    n = 0 if not brown_freqs.has_key(lookup_word) else brown_freqs[lookup_word]
    return 1.0 - (math.log(n + 1) / math.log(N + 1))
项目:nlpSentiment    作者:ClimbsRocks    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def createPopularWords(combined, lowerBound, upperBound):
    allWords = []
    for message in combined:
        for word in message[0]:

    allWords = nltk.FreqDist(allWords)

    # grab the top several thousand words, ignoring the lowerBound most popular
    # grabbing more words leads to more accurate predictions, at the cost of both memory and compute time
    # ignoring the x most popular words is an easy method for handling stop words that are specific to this dataset, rather than just the English language overall
    popularWords = []
    wordsToUse = allWords.most_common(upperBound)[lowerBound:upperBound]
    for pair in wordsToUse:

    return popularWords

# extract features from a single document in a consistent manner for all documents in a corpus
# simply returns whether a given word in popularWords is included in the document
项目:beepboop    作者:nicolehe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def closure(self, rel, depth=-1):
        """Return the transitive closure of source under the rel
        relationship, breadth-first

            >>> from nltk.corpus import wordnet as wn
            >>> dog = wn.synset('dog.n.01')
            >>> hyp = lambda s:s.hypernyms()
            >>> list(dog.closure(hyp))
            [Synset('canine.n.02'), Synset('domestic_animal.n.01'),
            Synset('carnivore.n.01'), Synset('animal.n.01'),
            Synset('placental.n.01'), Synset('organism.n.01'),
            Synset('mammal.n.01'), Synset('living_thing.n.01'),
            Synset('vertebrate.n.01'), Synset('whole.n.02'),
            Synset('chordate.n.01'), Synset('object.n.01'),
            Synset('physical_entity.n.01'), Synset('entity.n.01')]

        from nltk.util import breadth_first
        synset_offsets = []
        for synset in breadth_first(self, rel, depth):
            if synset._offset != self._offset:
                if synset._offset not in synset_offsets:
                    yield synset
项目:beepboop    作者:nicolehe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def res_similarity(self, other, ic, verbose=False):
        Resnik Similarity:
        Return a score denoting how similar two word senses are, based on the
        Information Content (IC) of the Least Common Subsumer (most specific
        ancestor node).

        :type  other: Synset
        :param other: The ``Synset`` that this ``Synset`` is being compared to.
        :type ic: dict
        :param ic: an information content object (as returned by ``nltk.corpus.wordnet_ic.ic()``).
        :return: A float score denoting the similarity of the two ``Synset`` objects.
            Synsets whose LCS is the root node of the taxonomy will have a
            score of 0 (e.g. N['dog'][0] and N['table'][0]).

        ic1, ic2, lcs_ic = _lcs_ic(self, other, ic)
        return lcs_ic