Python numba 模块,float64() 实例源码


项目:fg21sim    作者:liweitianux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pix2ang_ring(nside, ipix):
    """Calculate the angular coordinates on the sphere for each pixel
    index in the RING ordering scheme.

    ipix : 1D or 2D `~numpy.ndarray`
        The indexes of the HEALPix pixels in the RING ordering

    theta : 1D or 2D `~numpy.ndarray`
        The polar angles (i.e., latitudes), ? ? [0, ?]. (unit: rad)
    phi : 1D or 2D `~numpy.ndarray`
        The azimuthal angles (i.e., longitudes), ? ? [0, 2?). (unit: rad)
        The shape is the same as the input array.

    * Only support the *RING* ordering scheme
    * This is the JIT-optimized version that partially replaces the
    shape = ipix.shape
    size = ipix.size
    ipix = ipix.flatten()
    theta = np.zeros(size, dtype=np.float64)
    phi = np.zeros(size, dtype=np.float64)
    for i in range(size):
        theta_, phi_ = pix2ang_ring_single(nside, ipix[i])
        theta[i] = theta_
        phi[i] = phi_
    return (theta.reshape(shape), phi.reshape(shape))
项目:pgsm    作者:aroth85    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_log_p_sample(data, f, t):
    C = len(

    population_prior = np.zeros(3)
    population_prior[0] = (1 - t)
    population_prior[1] = t * (1 - f)
    population_prior[2] = t * f

    ll = np.ones(C, dtype=np.float64) * np.inf * -1

    for c in range(C):
        e_vaf = 0

        norm_const = 0

        for i in range(3):
            e_cn = population_prior[i] *[c, i]

            e_vaf += e_cn *[c, i]

            norm_const += e_cn

        e_vaf /= norm_const

        ll[c] = data.log_pi[c] + binomial_log_pdf(data.a + data.b, data.b, e_vaf)

    return log_sum_exp(ll)
项目:Gpu-Stencil-Operations    作者:ebadali    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def hist_cuda_test():

    histogram_array = src1#np.zeros(vectorSize*BIN_COUNT, dtype=np.int32).reshape(vectorSize,BIN_COUNT)

    # This will be calculated from the Camera's Image processed on GPU.
    # Lets hardcode it at the moment
    histogram = src1[SEARCH_INDEX]#np.zeros(BIN_COUNT, dtype=np.float32)
    results = np.zeros(9, dtype=np.float64)
    foundIndex = -1
    # use stream to trigger async memory transfer
    cstream =
    ts = timer()
    # Increase Counter to measure the Efficiency
    count = 1
    for i in range(count):
        with cstream.auto_synchronize():

            # For Histogram Compairision.
            d_histogram_array = cuda.to_device(histogram_array, stream=cstream)
            d_histogram = cuda.to_device(histogram, stream=cstream)
            d_results = cuda.to_device(results, stream=cstream)
            d_foundIndex = cuda.to_device(foundIndex, stream=cstream)

            hist_comp[1, vectorSize, cstream](d_histogram_array,d_histogram,d_results,d_foundIndex)

            d_histogram_array.copy_to_host(histogram_array, stream=cstream)
            d_histogram.copy_to_host(histogram, stream=cstream)
            d_results.copy_to_host(results, stream=cstream)
            d_foundIndex.copy_to_host(foundIndex, stream=cstream)

    te = timer()
    print('GPU Process ',count," Iterations : in ", te - ts)
    print('histogram is')
    print('Found Index ', foundIndex)
项目:Gpu-Stencil-Operations    作者:ebadali    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def hist_cuda_test():

    histogram_array = src1#np.zeros(vectorSize*BIN_COUNT, dtype=np.int32).reshape(vectorSize,BIN_COUNT)
    histogram = src1[SEARCH_INDEX]#np.zeros(BIN_COUNT, dtype=np.float32)
    results = np.zeros(9, dtype=np.float64)

    # use stream to trigger async memory transfer
    cstream =
    ts = timer()
    # Increase Counter to measure the Efficiency
    count = 1
    for i in range(count):
        with cstream.auto_synchronize():

            # For Histogram Compairision.
            d_histogram_array = cuda.to_device(histogram_array, stream=cstream)
            d_histogram = cuda.to_device(histogram, stream=cstream)
            d_results = cuda.to_device(results, stream=cstream)

            hist_comp[1, vectorSize, cstream](d_histogram_array,d_histogram,d_results)

            d_histogram_array.copy_to_host(histogram_array, stream=cstream)
            d_histogram.copy_to_host(histogram, stream=cstream)
            d_results.copy_to_host(results, stream=cstream)

    te = timer()
    print('GPU Process ',count," Iterations : in ", te - ts)
    print('histogram is')
项目:Gpu-Stencil-Operations    作者:ebadali    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def hist_comp(arry, hist, result, index):

    # We have N threads per block
    # And We have one block only

    x = cuda.grid(1)

    R = cuda.shared.array(9, dtype=float64)

    # No of featureVectors
    # array.shape[0] == 9*34
    A = cuda.shared.array(shape=(9,34), dtype=float64)

    # Vecture To Compair
    # hist.shape[0] == BIN_COUNT == 34 ?
    B = cuda.shared.array(34, dtype=float64)
    for i in range(BIN_COUNT):
        B[i] = hist[i]

    A[x] = arry[x]


    # Do Actual Calculations.
    # i.e: kullback_leibler_divergence
    Sum = 0.00
    for i in range(BIN_COUNT):
        a = B[i]
        b = A[x][i]
        Sum += (a * (math.log(a/b) / math.log(2.0)))

    # R Contains the KL-Divergences
    R[x] = Sum

    # These Should be Shared Variables.
    Min = cuda.shared.array(1,dtype=float32)
    mIndex = cuda.shared.array(1,dtype=int8)
    Min = 0.0000000000
    mIndex = 0

    if x == 0:
        Min = R[x]
        mIndex = x

    if R[x] <= Min:
        Min = R[x]
        mIndex = x

    if x == mIndex :
项目:Gpu-Stencil-Operations    作者:ebadali    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def hist_comp(arry, hist, result):

    # We have N threads per block
    # And We have one block only

    x = cuda.grid(1)

    R = cuda.shared.array(9, dtype=float64)

    # No of featureVectors
    # array.shape[0] == 9*34
    A = cuda.shared.array(shape=(9,34), dtype=float64)

    # Vecture To Compair
    # hist.shape[0] == BIN_COUNT == 34 ?
    B = cuda.shared.array(34, dtype=float64)
    for i in range(BIN_COUNT):
        B[i] = hist[i]

    A[x] = arry[x]


    # Do Actual Calculations.
    # i.e: kullback_leibler_divergence
    Sum = 0.00
    for i in range(BIN_COUNT):
        a = B[i]
        b = A[x][i]
        Sum += (a * (math.log(a/b) / math.log(2.0)))

    # R Contains the KL-Divergences
    R[x] = Sum

    # Finding the Min Divergence OR
    # Finding the sum of all Divergences
    # by Reducing Method

    rSize = cuda.blockDim.x >> 1
    while rSize > 0:
        if x < rSize:
            R[x] = (R[x]+R[x+rSize])
            # R[x] = min(R[x],R[x+rSize])
        rSize >>= 1

    # This implementation doesn't take care of last two values.
    # So, Using Hack
    # TODO: need to Fix It.
    if x == 0 :
        # R[x] = x if R[x] < R[x+1] else (x+1)
        R[x] = (R[x]+R[x+1])
        # R[x] = min(R[x],R[x+1])
        result[x] = R[x]