Python numba 模块,int64() 实例源码


项目:LSTM-and-maxlayer-for-SNV-based-phenotype-prediction    作者:widmi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def encode_jit(self, nr_samples, lengths, out, positions):
        """ out[samples, reads, bin_nodes+tria_nodes]
            Need to use this function to call the jit compiled function, as
            class support via numba is disabled sice 0.12"""
        if self.double_range:
                                 tria_nodes_end=self.data_nodes-self.n_binary_bits-1, #this is the last tria index -> nr nodes - 1
                                 lengths=np.uint32(lengths), out=np.float32(out), 
                                 lengths=np.uint32(lengths), out=np.float32(out), 
项目:LSTM-and-maxlayer-for-SNV-based-phenotype-prediction    作者:widmi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def encode_overlapping_binary_jit(n_inputnodes, nr_samples, lengths, out, positions):
    # out: float32[:,:,:] with [samples, timesteps, features]
    # pos_ind: int64 at which position in out['features'] the position
    #    is stored and encoding should start
    # lengths: lengths without tickersteps - tickersteps will be added here
    mask = 1
    n_bits = (n_inputnodes / 2) + 1 #lowbit only in binary

    for s_i in range(nr_samples):

        # Enocde position
        for t_i in range(lengths[s_i]):
            # normal bitwise for all bits
            for n_i in range(n_bits):
                out[s_i, t_i, n_i-n_inputnodes] = ((mask << n_i) & positions[s_i, t_i]) != 0

            # overlapping bitwise (low bit ignored)
            for n_i in range(1, n_bits):
                # for bit at bitposition bp add 2**(bp-1) = 1<<(bp-1)
                out[s_i, t_i, n_i-n_bits] = ((mask << n_i) & (positions[s_i, t_i] + (mask << (n_i-1)))) != 0
项目:fbpic    作者:fbpic    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def r_shape_cubic(cell_position, index):
    flip_factor = 1.
    ir = int64(math.floor(cell_position)) - 1
    if index == 0:
        if ir < 0:
            flip_factor = -1.
        return flip_factor*(-1./6.)*((cell_position-ir)-2)**3
    if index == 1:
        if ir+1 < 0:
            flip_factor = -1.
        return flip_factor*(1./6.)*(3*((cell_position-(ir+1))**3)-6*((cell_position-(ir+1))**2)+4)
    if index == 2:
        if ir+2 < 0:
            flip_factor = -1.
        return flip_factor*(1./6.)*(3*(((ir+2)-cell_position)**3)-6*(((ir+2)-cell_position)**2)+4)
    if index == 3:
        if ir+3 < 0:
            flip_factor = -1.
        return flip_factor*(-1./6.)*(((ir+3)-cell_position)-2)**3

# -------------------------------
# Field deposition - linear - rho
# -------------------------------
项目:fg21sim    作者:liweitianux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ang2pix_ring(nside, theta, phi):
    """Calculate the pixel indexes in RING ordering scheme for each
    pair of angular coordinates on the sphere.

    theta : 1D or 2D `~numpy.ndarray`
        The polar angles (i.e., latitudes), ? ? [0, ?]. (unit: rad)
    phi : 1D or 2D `~numpy.ndarray`
        The azimuthal angles (i.e., longitudes), ? ? [0, 2?). (unit: rad)

    ipix : 1D or 1D `~numpy.ndarray`
        The indexes of the pixels corresponding to the input coordinates.
        The shape is the same as the input array.

    * Only support the *RING* ordering scheme
    * This is the JIT-optimized version that partially replaces the
    shape = theta.shape
    size = theta.size
    theta = theta.flatten()
    phi = phi.flatten()
    ipix = np.zeros(size, dtype=np.int64)
    for i in range(size):
        ipix[i] = ang2pix_ring_single(nside, theta[i], phi[i])
    return ipix.reshape(shape)
项目:LSTM-and-maxlayer-for-SNV-based-phenotype-prediction    作者:widmi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, ticker_steps=0, tstep_resolution=1.0, min_dif=None, node_range=None, nr_tria_nodes=None, add_binary_encoding=True, double_range=False): 

        if min_dif != None:
            self.node_range = np.ceil(np.float64(tstep_resolution) / min_dif) # half the (symmetric) range of the node
        elif node_range != None:
            self.node_range = np.ceil(np.float64(node_range) / 2.)
        elif nr_tria_nodes != None:
            self.node_range = None
            self.nr_tria_nodes = nr_tria_nodes
            raise(ValueError, "min_dif or node_range have to be specified!")

        self.ticker_steps = np.int64(ticker_steps)
        self.add_binary_encoding = add_binary_encoding
        self.double_range = double_range
项目:LSTM-and-maxlayer-for-SNV-based-phenotype-prediction    作者:widmi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calculate_parameters(self, max_val):
        if self.node_range == None:
            self.node_range = np.ceil(np.float64(max_val) / self.nr_tria_nodes)
        if self.add_binary_encoding:
            self.n_binary_bits = np.int64(np.ceil(np.log2(self.node_range))) #encode one triangle range binary for more precision
            self.n_binary_bits = 0
        self.helper_nodes = (self.ticker_steps > 0)

        self.max_val = np.float64(max_val)
        self.data_nodes = np.ceil(self.max_val / self.node_range) + 1  + self.n_binary_bits # +1 for right side node (no wrap-around)
        self.n_inputnodes =  np.int64(self.data_nodes + self.helper_nodes)
项目:LSTM-and-maxlayer-for-SNV-based-phenotype-prediction    作者:widmi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def encode_overlapping_binary_inplace_jit(ticker_steps, n_inputnodes, nr_samples, lengths, out, out_uint):
    # out: float32[:,:,:] with [samples, timesteps, features]
    # pos_ind: int64 at which position in out['features'] the position
    #    is stored and encoding should start
    # lengths: lengths without tickersteps - tickersteps will be added here
    # Note: positions=0 are ignored
    mask = 1
    pos_bit = n_inputnodes
    if ticker_steps > 0:
        n_inputnodes -= 1
    n_bits = (n_inputnodes / 2) + 1 #lowbit only in binary

    for s_i in range(nr_samples):

        # Enocde position
        for t_i in range(lengths[s_i]):
            orig_int = out_uint[s_i, t_i, -pos_bit] #to be encoded

            # normal bitwise for all bits
            for n_i in range(n_bits):
                out[s_i, t_i, n_i-n_inputnodes] = ((mask << n_i) & orig_int) != 0

            # overlapping bitwise (low bit ignored)
            for n_i in range(1, n_bits):
                # for bit at bitposition bp add 2**(bp-1) = 1<<(bp-1)
                out[s_i, t_i, n_i-n_bits] = ((mask << n_i) & (orig_int + (mask << (n_i-1)))) != 0

            out[s_i, t_i, -pos_bit] = 0 #remove position

        # Set ticker steps, if they exist
        if ticker_steps > 0:
            for n_i in range(ticker_steps):
                out[s_i, lengths[s_i]+n_i, -pos_bit] = 1
            # add ticker steps to lenght
            lengths[s_i] += n_i # := lengths[s_i] += lengths[s_i-1 for index of last element instead of length
项目:LSTM-and-maxlayer-for-SNV-based-phenotype-prediction    作者:widmi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calculate_parameters(self, max_val):

        self.exp = np.int64(np.ceil(np.log2(max_val)))
        self.data_nodes = self.exp * 2 - 1

        self.n_inputnodes =  np.int64(self.data_nodes + self.helper_nodes)
        self.max_val = max_val
项目:fbpic    作者:fbpic    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def z_shape_linear(cell_position, index):
    iz = int64(math.floor(cell_position))
    if index == 0:
        return iz+1.-cell_position
    if index == 1:
        return cell_position - iz
项目:fbpic    作者:fbpic    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def r_shape_linear(cell_position, index):
    flip_factor = 1.
    ir = int64(math.floor(cell_position))
    if index == 0:
        if ir < 0:
            flip_factor = -1.
        return flip_factor*(ir+1.-cell_position)
    if index == 1:
        return flip_factor*(cell_position - ir)

# Cubic shapes
项目:fbpic    作者:fbpic    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def z_shape_cubic(cell_position, index):
    iz = int64(math.floor(cell_position)) - 1
    if index == 0:
        return (-1./6.)*((cell_position-iz)-2)**3
    if index == 1:
        return (1./6.)*(3*((cell_position-(iz+1))**3)-6*((cell_position-(iz+1))**2)+4)
    if index == 2:
        return (1./6.)*(3*(((iz+2)-cell_position)**3)-6*(((iz+2)-cell_position)**2)+4)
    if index == 3:
        return (-1./6.)*(((iz+3)-cell_position)-2)**3
项目:fg21sim    作者:liweitianux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _calc_hpx_indexes(nside):
    """Calculate HEALPix element indexes for the HPX projection scheme.

    nside : int
        Nside of the input/output HEALPix data

    indexes : 2D `~numpy.ndarray`
        2D integer array of same size as the input/output HPX FITS image,
        with elements tracking the indexes of the HPX pixels in the
        HEALPix 1D array, while elements with value "-1" indicating
        null/empty HPX pixels.

    * The indexes are 0-based;
    * Currently only HEALPix RING ordering supported;
    * The null/empty elements in the HPX projection are filled with "-1".
    # number of horizontal/vertical facet
    nfacet = 5
    # Facets layout of the HPX projection scheme.
    # Note that this appears to be upside-down, and the blank facets
    # are marked with "-1".
    # Ref: ref.[2], Fig.4
    # XXX:
    # Cannot use the nested list here, which fails with ``numba`` error:
    # ``NotImplementedError: unsupported nested memory-managed object``
    FACETS_LAYOUT = np.zeros((nfacet, nfacet), dtype=np.int64)
    FACETS_LAYOUT[0, :] = [6,   9, -1, -1, -1]
    FACETS_LAYOUT[1, :] = [1,   5,  8, -1, -1]
    FACETS_LAYOUT[2, :] = [-1,  0,  4, 11, -1]
    FACETS_LAYOUT[3, :] = [-1, -1,  3,  7, 10]
    FACETS_LAYOUT[4, :] = [-1, -1, -1,  2,  6]
    shape = (nfacet*nside, nfacet*nside)
    indexes = -np.ones(shape, dtype=np.int64)
    # Loop vertically facet-by-facet
    for jfacet in range(nfacet):
        # Loop row-by-row
        for j in range(nside):
            row = jfacet * nside + j
            # Loop horizontally facet-by-facet
            for ifacet in range(nfacet):
                facet = FACETS_LAYOUT[jfacet, ifacet]
                if facet < 0:
                    # blank facet
                    idx = _calc_hpx_row_idx(nside, facet, j)
                    col = ifacet * nside
                    indexes[row, col:(col+nside)] = idx
    return indexes
项目:fg21sim    作者:liweitianux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def make_grid_ellipse(center, size, resolution, rotation=0.0):
    Make a square coordinate grid just containing the specified
    (rotated) ellipse.

    center : 2-float tuple
        Center coordinate (longitude, latitude) of the grid,
        with longitude [0, 360) degree, latitude [-90, 90] degree.
    size : 2-float tuple
        The (major, minor) axes of the filling ellipse, unit [ degree ].
    resolution : float
        The grid resolution, unit [ degree ].
    rotation : float
        The rotation angle (unit [ degree ]) of the filling ellipse.

    lon : 2D `~numpy.ndarray`
        The array with elements representing the longitudes of each grid
        pixel.  The array is odd-sized and square, with the input center
        locating at the exact grid central pixel.
        Also, the longitudes are fixed to be in the valid range [0, 360).
    lat : 2D `~numpy.ndarray`
        The array with elements representing the latitudes of each grid
        Also, the latitudes are fixed to be in the valid range [-90, 90].
    gridmap : 2D float `~numpy.ndarray`
        The array containing the specified ellipse, where the pixels
        corresponding to the ellipse with positive values, while other pixels
        are zeros.

    The generated grid is square, determined by the major axis of the ellipse,
    therefore, we can simply rotate the ellipse without reshaping.
    size_major = max(size)
    size = (size_major, size_major)
    lon, lat = make_coordinate_grid(center, size, resolution)
    shape = lon.shape
    # Fill the ellipse into the grid
    r0, c0 = np.floor(np.array(shape) / 2.0).astype(np.int64)
    radii = np.ceil(0.5*np.array(size)/resolution).astype(np.int64)
    rr, cc = ellipse((r0, c0), (radii[0], radii[1]), shape=shape)
    gridmap = np.zeros(shape)
    # XXX: ``numba`` only support one advanced index
    for ri, ci in zip(rr, cc):
        gridmap[ri, ci] = 1.0
    # Rotate the ellipse about the grid center
    gridmap = rotate_center(gridmap, angle=rotation, interp=True,
                            reshape=False, fill_value=0.0)
    return (lon, lat, gridmap)