Python 模块,masked_values() 实例源码


项目:sims_featureScheduler    作者:lsst    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update_conditions(self, conditions):
        conditions : dict
            Keys should include airmass, sky_brightness, seeing.
        m5 = np.empty(conditions['skybrightness'][self.filtername].size)
        m5_mask = np.zeros(m5.size, dtype=bool)
        m5_mask[np.where(conditions['skybrightness'][self.filtername] == hp.UNSEEN)] = True
        good = np.where(conditions['skybrightness'][self.filtername] != hp.UNSEEN)
        m5[good] = m5_flat_sed(self.filtername, conditions['skybrightness'][self.filtername][good],
                               conditions['FWHMeff_%s' % self.filtername][good],
                               self.expTime, conditions['airmass'][good])
        self.feature = m5
        self.feature[m5_mask] = hp.UNSEEN
        self.feature = hp.ud_grade(self.feature, nside_out=self.nside)
        self.feature = ma.masked_values(self.feature, hp.UNSEEN)
项目:stance-conditional    作者:sheffieldnlp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, sess, epoch, iteration, model, loss):
        if iteration == 0 and epoch % self.at_every_epoch == 0:
            total = 0
            total_old = 0
            correct_old = 0
            correct = 0
            for values in self.batcher:
                total_old += len(values[-1])
                feed_dict = {}
                for i in range(0, len(self.placeholders)):
                    feed_dict[self.placeholders[i]] = values[i]
                truth = np.argmax(values[-1], 1)

                # mask truth
                truth_noneutral = ma.masked_values(truth, 0)
                truth_noneutral_compr = truth_noneutral.compressed()

                predicted =, 1),

                pred_nonneutral = ma.array(predicted, mask=truth_noneutral.mask)
                pred_nonneutral_compr = pred_nonneutral.compressed()

                correct_old += sum(truth == predicted)
                correct += sum(truth_noneutral_compr == pred_nonneutral_compr)
                total += len(truth_noneutral_compr)

            acc = float(correct) / total
            self.update_summary(sess, iteration, "AccurayNonNeut", acc)
            print("Epoch " + str(epoch) +
                  "\tAccNonNeut " + str(acc) +
                  "\tCorrect " + str(correct) + "\tTotal " + str(total))
            return acc
        return 0.0
项目:GDAL_Python3    作者:jdegene    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def histo(input1,inBins=100, inRange=None, inNormed=False, inWeights=None, inDensity=None,
          NoDataValue = None, draw = True):

    #test if input is a string (filepath) or already numpy array
    if type(input1) == str:
        array = singleTifToArray(input1)
        array = input1

    array2 = ma.masked_values(array, NoDataValue)
    pixNum = array2.count() #size on masked arrays would still return masked pixels

    # returns tuple of 2 arrays, one with unique raster values and of with corresponding count
    unique = np.unique(array2.compressed()) #array of unique values
    uniqueMax = unique.max() #maximum value

    array1D = array2.compressed()

    #To draw histograms with values smaller one or more than 256 use 100 bins by default
    if uniqueMax <= 1 or uniqueMax >= 256:
        inBins = inBins
        inBins = range(1,int(uniqueMax)+2)

    h = np.histogram(array2.compressed(),bins=inBins, normed=inNormed, 
                        weights=inWeights, density=inDensity)

    #Returns graphic histogram by standard
    if draw:
        plt.hist(array1D,bins=inBins, range = inRange, normed = inNormed, weights = inWeights)

    print("Total number of pixel (noData included): ", array2.size, 
                                "(noData excluded): ", pixNum)

    #return total pix number, masked pix number, and tuple of histogram array    
    return array2.size,pixNum, h

# Create a mask from vector and convert vectors to raster
项目:PaleoView    作者:GlobalEcologyLab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def hexbin(self,x,y,**kwargs):
        Make a hexagonal binning plot of x versus y, where x, y are 1-D
        sequences of the same length, N. If C is None (the default), this is a
        histogram of the number of occurences of the observations at

        If C is specified, it specifies values at the coordinate (x[i],y[i]).
        These values are accumulated for each hexagonal bin and then reduced
        according to reduce_C_function, which defaults to the numpy mean function
        (np.mean). (If C is specified, it must also be a 1-D sequence of the
        same length as x and y.)

        x, y and/or C may be masked arrays, in which case only unmasked points
        will be plotted.

        (see matplotlib.pyplot.hexbin documentation).

        Extra keyword ``ax`` can be used to override the default axis instance.

        Other \**kwargs passed on to matplotlib.pyplot.hexbin
        ax, plt = self._ax_plt_from_kw(kwargs)
        # allow callers to override the hold state by passing hold=True|False
        b = ax.ishold()
        h = kwargs.pop('hold',None)
        if h is not None:
            # make x,y masked arrays
            # (masked where data is outside of projection limb)
            x = ma.masked_values(np.where(x > 1.e20,1.e20,x), 1.e20)
            y = ma.masked_values(np.where(y > 1.e20,1.e20,y), 1.e20)
            ret = ax.hexbin(x,y,**kwargs)
        # reset current active image (only if pyplot is imported).
        if plt:
        # clip for round polar plots.
        if self.round: ret,c = self._clipcircle(ax,ret)
        # set axes limits to fit map region.
        return ret
项目:PaleoView    作者:GlobalEcologyLab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def hexbin(self,x,y,**kwargs):
        Make a hexagonal binning plot of x versus y, where x, y are 1-D
        sequences of the same length, N. If C is None (the default), this is a
        histogram of the number of occurences of the observations at

        If C is specified, it specifies values at the coordinate (x[i],y[i]).
        These values are accumulated for each hexagonal bin and then reduced
        according to reduce_C_function, which defaults to the numpy mean function
        (np.mean). (If C is specified, it must also be a 1-D sequence of the
        same length as x and y.)

        x, y and/or C may be masked arrays, in which case only unmasked points
        will be plotted.

        (see matplotlib.pyplot.hexbin documentation).

        Extra keyword ``ax`` can be used to override the default axis instance.

        Other \**kwargs passed on to matplotlib.pyplot.hexbin
        ax, plt = self._ax_plt_from_kw(kwargs)
        # allow callers to override the hold state by passing hold=True|False
        b = ax.ishold()
        h = kwargs.pop('hold',None)
        if h is not None:
            # make x,y masked arrays
            # (masked where data is outside of projection limb)
            x = ma.masked_values(np.where(x > 1.e20,1.e20,x), 1.e20)
            y = ma.masked_values(np.where(y > 1.e20,1.e20,y), 1.e20)
            ret = ax.hexbin(x,y,**kwargs)
        # reset current active image (only if pyplot is imported).
        if plt:
        # clip for round polar plots.
        if self.round: ret,c = self._clipcircle(ax,ret)
        # set axes limits to fit map region.
        return ret
项目:oceansdb    作者:castelao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def woa_profile_from_dap(var, d, lat, lon, depth, cfg):
    Monthly Climatologic Mean and Standard Deviation from WOA,
    used either for temperature or salinity.

        time: [day of the year]
        lat: [-90<lat<90]
        lon: [-180<lon<180]
        depth: [meters]

    Reads the WOA Monthly Climatology NetCDF file and
    returns the corresponding WOA values of salinity or temperature mean and
    standard deviation for the given time, lat, lon, depth.
    if lon < 0:
        lon = lon+360

    url = cfg['url']

    doy = int(d.strftime('%j'))
    dataset = open_url(url)

    dn = (np.abs(doy-dataset['time'][:])).argmin()
    xn = (np.abs(lon-dataset['lon'][:])).argmin()
    yn = (np.abs(lat-dataset['lat'][:])).argmin()

    if re.match("temperature\d?$", var):
        mn = ma.masked_values(dataset.t_mn.t_mn[dn, :, yn, xn].reshape(
            dataset['depth'].shape[0]), dataset.t_mn.attributes['_FillValue'])
        sd = ma.masked_values(dataset.t_sd.t_sd[dn, :, yn, xn].reshape(
            dataset['depth'].shape[0]), dataset.t_sd.attributes['_FillValue'])
        # se = ma.masked_values(dataset.t_se.t_se[dn, :, yn, xn].reshape(
        #    dataset['depth'].shape[0]), dataset.t_se.attributes['_FillValue'])
        # Use this in the future. A minimum # of samples
        # dd = ma.masked_values(dataset.t_dd.t_dd[dn, :, yn, xn].reshape(
        #    dataset['depth'].shape[0]), dataset.t_dd.attributes['_FillValue'])
    elif re.match("salinity\d?$", var):
        mn = ma.masked_values(dataset.s_mn.s_mn[dn, :, yn, xn].reshape(
            dataset['depth'].shape[0]), dataset.s_mn.attributes['_FillValue'])
        sd = ma.masked_values(dataset.s_sd.s_sd[dn, :, yn, xn].reshape(
            dataset['depth'].shape[0]), dataset.s_sd.attributes['_FillValue'])
        # dd = ma.masked_values(dataset.s_dd.s_dd[dn, :, yn, xn].reshape(
        #    dataset['depth'].shape[0]), dataset.s_dd.attributes['_FillValue'])
    zwoa = ma.array(dataset.depth[:])

    ind = (depth <= zwoa.max()) & (depth >= zwoa.min())
    # Mean value profile
    f = interp1d(zwoa[~ma.getmaskarray(mn)].compressed(), mn.compressed())
    mn_interp = ma.masked_all(depth.shape)
    mn_interp[ind] = f(depth[ind])
    # The stdev profile
    f = interp1d(zwoa[~ma.getmaskarray(sd)].compressed(), sd.compressed())
    sd_interp = ma.masked_all(depth.shape)
    sd_interp[ind] = f(depth[ind])

    output = {'woa_an': mn_interp, 'woa_sd': sd_interp}

    return output