Python numpy.random 模块,binomial() 实例源码


项目:causal_bandits    作者:finnhacks42    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sample(self,action):
        """ samples given the specified action index and returns the values of the parents of Y, Y. """   
        if action == 2*self.N+1: # do(z = 1)
            z = 1       
        elif action == 2*self.N: # do(z = 0)
            z = 0     
        else: # we are not setting z
            z = binomial(1,self.pZ)

        x = binomial(1,self.pXgivenZ[1,:,z]) # PXgivenZ[j,i,k] = P(X_i=j|Z=k)

        if action < 2*self.N: # setting x_i = j
             i,j = action % self.N, action/self.N
             x[i] = j

        y = binomial(1,self.pYgivenX(x)) 

        return x,y
项目:causal_bandits    作者:finnhacks42    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sample(self,action):
        """ samples given the specified action index and returns the values of the parents of Y, Y. """   
        z = binomial(1,self.pZ)        
        x = binomial(1,self.pXgivenZ[1,:,z]) # PXgivenZ[j,i,k] = P(X_i=j|Z=k)

        if action < 2*self.N: # setting x_i = j
             i,j = action % self.N, action/self.N
             x[i] = j

        y = binomial(1,self.pYgivenX(x)) 

        return x,y

#    def weights(self):
#        return np.asarray([self.N1,self.N2,self.N1,self.N2,1])
#    def contract(self,long_form):
#        result = np.zeros(5)
#        result[0] = long_form[0]
#        result[1] = long_form[self.N-1]
#        result[2] = long_form[self.N]
#        result[3] = long_form[2*self.N-1]
#        result[4] = long_form[-1]
#        return result
项目:causal_bandits    作者:finnhacks42    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sample(self,action):
        """ samples given the specified action index and returns the values of the parents of Y, Y. """   
        if action == 2*self.N+1: # do(z = 1)
            z = 1       
        elif action == 2*self.N: # do(z = 0)
            z = 0     
        else: # we are not setting z
            z = binomial(1,self.pZ)

        x = binomial(1,self.pXgivenZ[1,:,z]) # PXgivenZ[j,i,k] = P(X_i=j|Z=k)

        if action < 2*self.N: # setting x_i = j
             i,j = action % self.N, action/self.N
             x[i] = j

        y = binomial(1,self.pYgivenX(x)) 

        return x,y
项目:inverse-reinforcement-learning    作者:shobhit6993    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _confirm(self):
        """Returns an action to confirm an unconfirmed slot. The confirmation
        could either be explicit or implicit. In the latter case, the action
        requests an EMPTY slot in addition to implicitly confirming an
        unconfirmed one.

        An "unconfirmed" slot is one which is marked "OBTAINED", but not yet

            AgentAction: An action to confirm a slot.
        # Controls the fraction of total confirmations that are explicit.
        if b == 1:
            return self._explicit_confirm()
            return self._implicit_confirm()
项目:pymake    作者:dtrckd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def optimize_hyper_hdp(self):
        # Optimize \alpha_0
        m_dot = self.msampler.m_dotk.sum()
        alpha_0 = self.zsampler.alpha_0
        n_jdot = np.array(self.zsampler.data_dims)
        #norm = np.linalg.norm(n_jdot/alpha_0)
        #u_j = binomial(1, n_jdot/(norm* alpha_0))
        u_j = binomial(1, n_jdot/(n_jdot + alpha_0))
        v_j = beta(alpha_0 + 1, n_jdot)
        new_alpha0 = gamma(self.a_alpha + m_dot - u_j.sum(), 1/( self.b_alpha - np.log(v_j).sum()), size=5).mean()
        self.zsampler.alpha_0 = new_alpha0

        # Optimize \gamma
        K = self.zsampler._K
        gmma = self.betasampler.gmma
        #norm = np.linalg.norm(m_dot/gmma)
        #u = binomial(1, m_dot / (norm*gmma))
        u = binomial(1, m_dot / (m_dot + gmma))
        v = beta(gmma + 1, m_dot)
        new_gmma = gamma(self.a_gmma + K -1 + u, 1/(self.b_gmma - np.log(v)), size=5).mean()
        self.betasampler.gmma = new_gmma

        print('alpha a, b: %s, %s ' % (self.a_alpha + m_dot - u_j.sum(), 1/( self.b_alpha - np.log(v_j).sum())))
        print( 'hyper sample: alpha_0: %s gamma: %s' % (new_alpha0, new_gmma))
项目:deliver    作者:orchestor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_binomial(self):
        n = [1]
        p = [0.5]
        bad_n = [-1]
        bad_p_one = [-1]
        bad_p_two = [1.5]
        binom = np.random.binomial
        desired = np.array([1, 1, 1])

        actual = binom(n * 3, p)
        assert_array_equal(actual, desired)
        assert_raises(ValueError, binom, bad_n * 3, p)
        assert_raises(ValueError, binom, n * 3, bad_p_one)
        assert_raises(ValueError, binom, n * 3, bad_p_two)

        actual = binom(n, p * 3)
        assert_array_equal(actual, desired)
        assert_raises(ValueError, binom, bad_n, p * 3)
        assert_raises(ValueError, binom, n, bad_p_one * 3)
        assert_raises(ValueError, binom, n, bad_p_two * 3)
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_n_zero(self):
        # Tests the corner case of n == 0 for the binomial distribution.
        # binomial(0, p) should be zero for any p in [0, 1].
        # This test addresses issue #3480.
        zeros = np.zeros(2, dtype='int')
        for p in [0, .5, 1]:
            assert_(random.binomial(0, p) == 0)
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(random.binomial(zeros, p), zeros)
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_p_is_nan(self):
        # Issue #4571.
        assert_raises(ValueError, random.binomial, 1, np.nan)
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_negative_binomial(self):
        # Ensure that the negative binomial results take floating point
        # arguments without truncation.
        self.prng.negative_binomial(0.5, 0.5)
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_binomial(self):
        actual = np.random.binomial(100.123, .456, size=(3, 2))
        desired = np.array([[37, 43],
                         [42, 48],
                         [46, 45]])
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(actual, desired)
项目:gym-dolphin    作者:vladfi1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def flip(p):
  return random.binomial(1, p)
项目:krpcScripts    作者:jwvanderbeck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_n_zero(self):
        # Tests the corner case of n == 0 for the binomial distribution.
        # binomial(0, p) should be zero for any p in [0, 1].
        # This test addresses issue #3480.
        zeros = np.zeros(2, dtype='int')
        for p in [0, .5, 1]:
            assert_(random.binomial(0, p) == 0)
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(random.binomial(zeros, p), zeros)
项目:krpcScripts    作者:jwvanderbeck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_p_is_nan(self):
        # Issue #4571.
        assert_raises(ValueError, random.binomial, 1, np.nan)
项目:krpcScripts    作者:jwvanderbeck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_negative_binomial(self):
        # Ensure that the negative binomial results take floating point
        # arguments without truncation.
        self.prng.negative_binomial(0.5, 0.5)
项目:krpcScripts    作者:jwvanderbeck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_binomial(self):
        actual = np.random.binomial(100.123, .456, size=(3, 2))
        desired = np.array([[37, 43],
                         [42, 48],
                         [46, 45]])
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(actual, desired)
项目:causal_bandits    作者:finnhacks42    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sample_multiple(self,actions,n):
        """ draws n samples from the reward distributions of the specified actions. """
        return binomial(n,self.expected_rewards[actions])
项目:causal_bandits    作者:finnhacks42    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sample(self,action):
        x = binomial(1,self.pX[1,:])
        if action != self.K - 1: # everything except the do() action
            i,j = action % self.N, action/self.N
            x[i] = j
        y = binomial(1,self.pYgivenX(x))
        return x,y
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_n_zero(self):
        # Tests the corner case of n == 0 for the binomial distribution.
        # binomial(0, p) should be zero for any p in [0, 1].
        # This test addresses issue #3480.
        zeros = np.zeros(2, dtype='int')
        for p in [0, .5, 1]:
            assert_(random.binomial(0, p) == 0)
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(random.binomial(zeros, p), zeros)
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_p_is_nan(self):
        # Issue #4571.
        assert_raises(ValueError, random.binomial, 1, np.nan)
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_negative_binomial(self):
        # Ensure that the negative binomial results take floating point
        # arguments without truncation.
        self.prng.negative_binomial(0.5, 0.5)
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_binomial(self):
        actual = np.random.binomial(100.123, .456, size=(3, 2))
        desired = np.array([[37, 43],
                         [42, 48],
                         [46, 45]])
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(actual, desired)
项目:aws-lambda-numpy    作者:vitolimandibhrata    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_n_zero(self):
        # Tests the corner case of n == 0 for the binomial distribution.
        # binomial(0, p) should be zero for any p in [0, 1].
        # This test addresses issue #3480.
        zeros = np.zeros(2, dtype='int')
        for p in [0, .5, 1]:
            assert_(random.binomial(0, p) == 0)
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(random.binomial(zeros, p), zeros)
项目:aws-lambda-numpy    作者:vitolimandibhrata    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_p_is_nan(self):
        # Issue #4571.
        assert_raises(ValueError, random.binomial, 1, np.nan)
项目:aws-lambda-numpy    作者:vitolimandibhrata    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_negative_binomial(self):
        # Ensure that the negative binomial results take floating point
        # arguments without truncation.
        self.prng.negative_binomial(0.5, 0.5)
项目:aws-lambda-numpy    作者:vitolimandibhrata    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_binomial(self):
        actual = np.random.binomial(100.123, .456, size=(3, 2))
        desired = np.array([[37, 43],
                         [42, 48],
                         [46, 45]])
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(actual, desired)
项目:operalib    作者:operalib    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_learn_cf_semi():
    """Test ovk curl-free estimator fit on semi-supervised data."""
    X, y = ovk.toy_data_curl_free_field(n_samples=500)

    Xtr, Xte, ytr, yte = train_test_split(X, y, train_size=100)
    nan_mask = binomial(1, 0.1, ytr.shape[0]).astype(bool)
    ytr[nan_mask, :] = NaN

    regr_1 = ovk.OVKRidge(ovkernel=ovk.RBFCurlFreeKernel(gamma=10.), lbda=0), ytr)
    assert regr_1.score(Xte, yte) >= 0.8
项目:operalib    作者:operalib    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_learn_df_semi():
    """Test ovk curl-free estimator fit on semi-supervised data.."""
    X, y = ovk.toy_data_div_free_field(n_samples=500)

    Xtr, Xte, ytr, yte = train_test_split(X, y, train_size=100)
    nan_mask = binomial(1, 0.1, ytr.shape[0]).astype(bool)
    ytr[nan_mask, :] = NaN

    regr_1 = ovk.OVKRidge(ovkernel=ovk.RBFDivFreeKernel(gamma=10.), lbda=0), ytr)
    assert regr_1.score(Xte, yte) >= 0.8
项目:lambda-numba    作者:rlhotovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_n_zero(self):
        # Tests the corner case of n == 0 for the binomial distribution.
        # binomial(0, p) should be zero for any p in [0, 1].
        # This test addresses issue #3480.
        zeros = np.zeros(2, dtype='int')
        for p in [0, .5, 1]:
            assert_(random.binomial(0, p) == 0)
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(random.binomial(zeros, p), zeros)
项目:lambda-numba    作者:rlhotovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_p_is_nan(self):
        # Issue #4571.
        assert_raises(ValueError, random.binomial, 1, np.nan)
项目:lambda-numba    作者:rlhotovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_negative_binomial(self):
        # Ensure that the negative binomial results take floating point
        # arguments without truncation.
        self.prng.negative_binomial(0.5, 0.5)
项目:lambda-numba    作者:rlhotovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_binomial(self):
        actual = np.random.binomial(100.123, .456, size=(3, 2))
        desired = np.array([[37, 43],
                         [42, 48],
                         [46, 45]])
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(actual, desired)
项目:pymake    作者:dtrckd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def optimize_hyper_hdp(self):
        # Optimize \alpha_0
        m_dot = self.msampler.m_dotk.sum()
        alpha_0 = self.zsampler.alpha_0
        n_jdot = np.array(self.zsampler.data_dims, dtype=float) # @debug add row count + line count for masked !
        #p = np.power(n_jdot / alpha_0, np.arange(n_jdot.shape[0]))
        #norm = np.linalg.norm(p)
        #u_j = binomial(1, p/norm)
        u_j = binomial(1, alpha_0/(n_jdot + alpha_0))
        #u_j = binomial(1, n_jdot/(n_jdot + alpha_0))
            v_j = beta(alpha_0 + 1, n_jdot)
             #n_jdot[n_jdot == 0] = np.finfo(float).eps
            lgg.warning('Unable to optimize MMSB parameters, possible empty sequence...')
        shape_a = self.a_alpha + m_dot - u_j.sum()
        if shape_a <= 0:
            lgg.warning('Unable to optimize MMSB parameters, possible empty sequence...')
        new_alpha0 = gamma(shape_a, 1/( self.b_alpha - np.log(v_j).sum()), size=3).mean()
        self.zsampler.alpha_0 = new_alpha0

        # Optimize \gamma
        K = self.zsampler._K
        #m_dot = self.msampler.m_dotk
        gmma = self.betasampler.gmma
        #p = np.power(m_dot / gmma, np.arange(m_dot.shape[0]))
        #norm = np.linalg.norm(p)
        #u = binomial(1, p/norm)
        u = binomial(1, gmma / (m_dot + gmma))
        #u = binomial(1, m_dot / (m_dot + gmma))
        v = beta(gmma + 1, m_dot)
        new_gmma = gamma(self.a_gmma + K -1 + u, 1/(self.b_gmma - np.log(v)), size=3).mean()
        self.betasampler.gmma = new_gmma

        #print 'm_dot %d, alpha a, b: %s, %s ' % (m_dot, self.a_alpha + m_dot - u_j.sum(), 1/( self.b_alpha - np.log(v_j).sum()))
        #print 'gamma a, b: %s, %s ' % (self.a_gmma + K -1 + u, 1/(self.b_gmma - np.log(v)))
        lgg.debug('hyper sample: alpha_0: %s gamma: %s' % (new_alpha0, new_gmma))
项目:deliver    作者:orchestor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_n_zero(self):
        # Tests the corner case of n == 0 for the binomial distribution.
        # binomial(0, p) should be zero for any p in [0, 1].
        # This test addresses issue #3480.
        zeros = np.zeros(2, dtype='int')
        for p in [0, .5, 1]:
            assert_(random.binomial(0, p) == 0)
            assert_array_equal(random.binomial(zeros, p), zeros)
项目:deliver    作者:orchestor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_p_is_nan(self):
        # Issue #4571.
        assert_raises(ValueError, random.binomial, 1, np.nan)
项目:deliver    作者:orchestor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_negative_binomial(self):
        # Ensure that the negative binomial results take floating point
        # arguments without truncation.
        self.prng.negative_binomial(0.5, 0.5)
项目:deliver    作者:orchestor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_binomial(self):
        actual = np.random.binomial(100.123, .456, size=(3, 2))
        desired = np.array([[37, 43],
                            [42, 48],
                            [46, 45]])
        assert_array_equal(actual, desired)
项目:scanpy    作者:theislab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_results_dense():
    print('restore test')
    # # set seed
    # seed(1234)
    # # create test object
    # adata = AnnData(np.multiply(binomial(1, 0.15, (100, 20)), negative_binomial(2, 0.25, (100, 20))))
    # # adapt marker_genes for cluster (so as to have some form of reasonable input
    # adata.X[0:10, 0:5] = np.multiply(binomial(1, 0.9, (10, 5)), negative_binomial(1, 0.5, (10, 5)))

    # # Create cluster according to groups
    # smp = 'true_groups'
    # true_groups = np.zeros((2, 100), dtype=bool)
    # true_groups[0, 0:10] = 1
    # true_groups[1, 10:100] = 1
    # adata.uns[smp + '_masks'] = true_groups
    # adata.uns[smp + '_order'] = np.asarray(['0', '1'])
    # # Now run the rank_genes_groups, test functioning.
    # # Note: Default value is on copying = true.
    # with open('objs_t_test.pkl', 'rb') as f:  # Python 3: open(..., 'rb')
    #     true_scores_t_test, true_names_t_test = pickle.load(f)
    # with open('objs_wilcoxon.pkl', 'rb') as f:  # Python 3: open(..., 'rb')
    #     true_scores_wilcoxon, true_names_wilcoxon = pickle.load(f)
    # rank_genes_groups(adata, 'true_groups', n_genes=20, test_type='t_test')
    # assert np.array_equal(true_scores_t_test, adata.uns['rank_genes_groups_gene_scores'])
    # assert np.array_equal(true_names_t_test, adata.uns['rank_genes_groups_gene_names'])

    # rank_genes_groups(adata, 'true_groups', n_genes=20, test_type='wilcoxon')
    # assert np.array_equal(true_scores_wilcoxon, adata.uns['rank_genes_groups_gene_scores'])
    # assert np.array_equal(true_names_wilcoxon, adata.uns['rank_genes_groups_gene_names'])
项目:scanpy    作者:theislab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_results_sparse():
    print('restore test')
    # # set seed
    # seed(1234)
    # # The following construction is inefficient, but makes sure that the same data is used in the sparse case
    # adata = AnnData(np.multiply(binomial(1, 0.15, (100, 20)), negative_binomial(2, 0.25, (100, 20))))
    # # adapt marker_genes for cluster (so as to have some form of reasonable input
    # adata.X[0:10, 0:5] = np.multiply(binomial(1, 0.9, (10, 5)), negative_binomial(1, 0.5, (10, 5)))

    # adata_sparse = AnnData(sp.csr_matrix(adata.X))

    # # Create cluster according to groups
    # smp = 'true_groups'
    # true_groups = np.zeros((2, 100), dtype=bool)
    # true_groups[0, 0:10] = 1
    # true_groups[1, 10:100] = 1
    # adata_sparse.uns[smp + '_masks'] = true_groups
    # adata_sparse.uns[smp + '_order'] = np.asarray(['0', '1'])

    # # Here, we have saved the true results
    # # Now run the rank_genes_groups, test functioning.
    # # Note: Default value is on copying = true.
    # with open('objs_t_test.pkl', 'rb') as f:  # Python 3: open(..., 'rb')
    #     true_scores_t_test, true_names_t_test = pickle.load(f)
    # with open('objs_wilcoxon.pkl', 'rb') as f:  # Python 3: open(..., 'rb')
    #     true_scores_wilcoxon, true_names_wilcoxon = pickle.load(f)
    # rank_genes_groups(adata_sparse, 'true_groups', n_genes=20, test_type='t_test')
    # # Here, we allow a minor error tolerance due to different multiplication for sparse/non-spars objects
    # ERROR_TOLERANCE = 5e-7
    # max_error = 0
    # for i, k in enumerate(adata_sparse.uns['rank_genes_groups_gene_scores']):
    #     max_error = max(max_error, abs(
    #         adata_sparse.uns['rank_genes_groups_gene_scores'][i][0] - true_scores_t_test[i][0]))
    #     max_error = max(max_error, abs(
    #         adata_sparse.uns['rank_genes_groups_gene_scores'][i][1] - true_scores_t_test[i][1]))
    # # assert np.array_equal(true_scores_t_test,adata_sparse.uns['rank_genes_groups_gene_scores'])
    # assert max_error < ERROR_TOLERANCE
    # rank_genes_groups(adata_sparse, 'true_groups', n_genes=20, test_type='wilcoxon')
    # assert np.array_equal(true_scores_wilcoxon, adata_sparse.uns['rank_genes_groups_gene_scores'])
    # assert np.array_equal(true_names_wilcoxon, adata_sparse.uns['rank_genes_groups_gene_names'])
项目:scanpy    作者:theislab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_compute_distribution():
    print('restore test')
    # # set seed
    # seed(1234)
    # # create test object
    # adata = AnnData(np.multiply(binomial(1, 0.15, (100, 20)), negative_binomial(2, 0.25, (100, 20))))
    # # adapt marker_genes for cluster (so as to have some form of reasonable input
    # adata.X[0:10, 0:5] = np.multiply(binomial(1, 0.9, (10, 5)), negative_binomial(1, 0.5, (10, 5)))

    # # Create cluster according to groups
    # smp = 'true_groups'
    # true_groups = np.zeros((2, 100), dtype=bool)
    # true_groups[0, 0:10] = 1
    # true_groups[1, 10:100] = 1
    # adata.uns[smp + '_masks'] = true_groups
    # adata.uns[smp + '_order'] = np.asarray(['0', '1'])
    # # Now run the rank_genes_groups, test functioning.
    # # Note: Default value is on copying = true.
    # with open('objs_t_test.pkl', 'rb') as f:  # Python 3: open(..., 'rb')
    #     true_scores_t_test, true_names_t_test = pickle.load(f)
    # with open('objs_wilcoxon.pkl', 'rb') as f:  # Python 3: open(..., 'rb')
    #     true_scores_wilcoxon, true_names_wilcoxon = pickle.load(f)
    # rank_genes_groups(adata, 'true_groups', n_genes=20, compute_distribution=True, test_type='t_test')
    # assert np.array_equal(true_scores_t_test, adata.uns['rank_genes_groups_gene_scores'])
    # assert np.array_equal(true_names_t_test, adata.uns['rank_genes_groups_gene_names'])

    # rank_genes_groups(adata, 'true_groups', n_genes=20, compute_distribution=True, test_type='wilcoxon')
    # assert np.array_equal(true_scores_wilcoxon, adata.uns['rank_genes_groups_gene_scores'])
    # assert np.array_equal(true_names_wilcoxon, adata.uns['rank_genes_groups_gene_names'])
项目:Alfred    作者:jkachhadia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_n_zero(self):
        # Tests the corner case of n == 0 for the binomial distribution.
        # binomial(0, p) should be zero for any p in [0, 1].
        # This test addresses issue #3480.
        zeros = np.zeros(2, dtype='int')
        for p in [0, .5, 1]:
            assert_(random.binomial(0, p) == 0)
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(random.binomial(zeros, p), zeros)
项目:Alfred    作者:jkachhadia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_p_is_nan(self):
        # Issue #4571.
        assert_raises(ValueError, random.binomial, 1, np.nan)
项目:Alfred    作者:jkachhadia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_negative_binomial(self):
        # Ensure that the negative binomial results take floating point
        # arguments without truncation.
        self.prng.negative_binomial(0.5, 0.5)
项目:Alfred    作者:jkachhadia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_binomial(self):
        actual = np.random.binomial(100.123, .456, size=(3, 2))
        desired = np.array([[37, 43],
                         [42, 48],
                         [46, 45]])
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(actual, desired)
项目:ormachine    作者:TammoR    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, val=None, shape=None, sibling=None, 
                 parents=None, child=None, lbda=None, bernoulli_prior=.5,
                 density_conditions=None, p_init=.5, role=None,
                 sampling_indicator = True, parent_layers = None):
        role (str): 'features' or 'observations' or 'data'. Try to infer if not provided

        self.trace_index = 0
        self.sampling_fct = None

        # never use empty lists as default arguments. bad things will happen
        if parents is None:
            parents = []
        if parent_layers is None:
            parent_layers = []
        self.parent_layers = parent_layers

        # assign family
        self.parents = parents
        self.child = child
        self.sibling = sibling
        self.lbda = lbda

        # assign prior
        self.set_prior(bernoulli_prior, density_conditions)

        # ascertain that we have enough information to initiliase the matrix
        assert (val is not None) or (shape is not None and p_init is not None)

        # initiliase matrix. TODO sanity checks for matrices (-1,1?)

        # if value is given, assign
        if val is not None:
            self.val = np.array(val, dtype=np.int8)

        # otherwise, if p_init is a matrix, assign it as value
        elif type(p_init) is np.ndarray:
            self.val = np.array(p_init, dtype=np.int8)            

        # otherwise, initialise iid random with p_init
            # print('initialise matrix randomly')
            self.val = 2*np.array(binomial(n=1, p=p_init, size=shape), dtype=np.int8)-1


        if role is None:
            self.role = role

        # sampling indicator is boolean matrix of the same size, type=np.int8
项目:EndemicPy    作者:j-i-l    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, n=None, method='stub', **distribution):
            Possible arguments for the distribution are:
            - network_type: specify the type of network that should be constructed (THIS IS MANDATORY).
                It can either be the name of a distribution or of a certain network type.

            ['l_partition', 'poisson', 'normal', 'binomial', 'exponential', 'geometric', 'gamma', 'power', 'weibull']
            For specific parameters of the distributions, see:

            - method: The probabilistic framework after which the network will be constructed.
            - distribution specific arguments. Check out the description of the specific numpy
                function. Or just give the argument network_type and look at what the error tells you.

           see self._create_graph for more information
        self.is_static = True
        self._rewiring_attempts = 100000
        self._stub_attempts = 100000
        self.permitted_types = allowed_dists + ["l_partition", 'full']
        self.is_directed = False
        # to do: pass usefull info in here.
        self._info = {}
        #for now only undirected networks
        if n is not None:
            self.n = n
            if method in ['proba', 'stub']:
                self.method = method
                raise ValueError(method + ' is not a permitted method! Chose either "proba" or "stub"')
                self.nw_name = distribution.pop('network_type')
                empty_graph = False
            except KeyError:
                self.nn = []
                empty_graph = True
                #create an empty graph if network_type is not given
            if not empty_graph:
                if self.nw_name not in self.permitted_types:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "The specified network type \"%s\" is not permitted. \
                        Please chose from " % self.nw_name + '[' + ', '.join(self.permitted_types) + ']')
                self.distribution = distribution
项目:icnn    作者:locuslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('task', type=str,
                        choices=['InvertedPendulum', 'InvertedDoublePendulum',
                                 'Reacher', 'HalfCheetah', 'Swimmer', 'Hopper',
                                 'Walker2d', 'Ant', 'Humanoid', 'HumanoidStandup'],
                        help='(Every task is currently v1.)')
    parser.add_argument('--alg', type=str, choices=all_algs)
    parser.add_argument('--nSamples', type=int, default=50)
    parser.add_argument('--save', type=str)
    parser.add_argument('--overwrite', action='store_true')

    args = parser.parse_args()

    allDir = or os.path.join('output.random-search', args.task)
    if os.path.exists(allDir):
        if args.overwrite:
    os.makedirs(allDir, exist_ok=True)

    algs = [args.alg] if args.alg is not None else all_algs
    for i in range(args.nSamples):
        l1size = npr.randint(100, 600)
        l2size = npr.randint(100, l1size)
        hp_alg = {
            'l1size': l1size,
            'l2size': l2size,
            'reward_k': 10.**npr.uniform(-4, 1),
            'l2norm': 10.**npr.uniform(-10, -2),
            'pl2norm': 10.**npr.uniform(-10, -2),
            'rate': 10.**npr.uniform(-4, -1),
            'prate': 10.**npr.uniform(-4, -1),
            'outheta': np.maximum(1e-8, npr.normal(loc=0.15, scale=0.1)),
            'ousigma': np.maximum(1e-8, npr.normal(loc=0.1, scale=0.05)),
            'lrelu': 10.**npr.uniform(-4, -1),
            'naf_bn': bool(npr.binomial(1, 0.5)),
            'icnn_bn': bool(npr.binomial(1, 0.25)),
        if hp_alg['l2norm'] < 1e-8: hp_alg['l2norm'] = 0.
        if hp_alg['pl2norm'] < 1e-8: hp_alg['pl2norm'] = 0.
        if hp_alg['lrelu'] < 1e-3: hp_alg['lrelu'] = 0.

        for alg in algs:
            algDir = os.path.join(allDir, alg)
            runExp(args, alg, algDir, i, hp_alg)