Python numpy 模块,median() 实例源码


项目:astrobase    作者:waqasbhatti    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def clipped_linscale_img(img_array,
    This clips the image between the values:

    [median(img_array) - lomult*stdev(img_array),
     median(img_array) + himult*stdev(img_array)]

    and returns a linearly scaled image using the cap given.


    img_med, img_stdev = np.median(img_array), np.std(img_array)
    clipped_linear_img = np.clip(img_array,
    return cap*clipped_linear_img/(img_med+himult*img_stdev)
项目:Stein-Variational-Gradient-Descent    作者:DartML    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def svgd_kernel(self, h = -1):
        sq_dist = pdist(self.theta)
        pairwise_dists = squareform(sq_dist)**2
        if h < 0: # if h < 0, using median trick
            h = np.median(pairwise_dists)  
            h = np.sqrt(0.5 * h / np.log(self.theta.shape[0]+1))

        # compute the rbf kernel

        Kxy = np.exp( -pairwise_dists / h**2 / 2)

        dxkxy = -np.matmul(Kxy, self.theta)
        sumkxy = np.sum(Kxy, axis=1)
        for i in range(self.theta.shape[1]):
            dxkxy[:, i] = dxkxy[:,i] + np.multiply(self.theta[:,i],sumkxy)
        dxkxy = dxkxy / (h**2)
        return (Kxy, dxkxy)
项目:TDOSE    作者:kasperschmidt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def reshape_array(array, newsize, pixcombine='sum'):
    Reshape an array to a give size using either the sum, mean or median of the pixels binned

    Note that the old array dimensions have to be multiples of the new array dimensions

    --- INPUT ---
    array           Array to reshape (combine pixels)
    newsize         New size of array
    pixcombine      The method to combine the pixels with. Choices are sum, mean and median

    sh = newsize[0],array.shape[0]//newsize[0],newsize[1],array.shape[1]//newsize[1]
    if pixcombine == 'sum':
        reshapedarray = array.reshape(sh).sum(-1).sum(1)
    elif pixcombine == 'mean':
        reshapedarray = array.reshape(sh).mean(-1).mean(1)
    elif pixcombine == 'median':
        reshapedarray = array.reshape(sh).median(-1).median(1)

    return reshapedarray
# = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
项目:cellranger    作者:10XGenomics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_normalized_dispersion(mat_mean, mat_var, nbins=20):
    mat_disp = (mat_var - mat_mean) / np.square(mat_mean)

    quantiles = np.percentile(mat_mean, np.arange(0, 100, 100 / nbins))
    quantiles = np.append(quantiles, mat_mean.max())

    # merge bins with no difference in value
    quantiles = np.unique(quantiles)

    if len(quantiles) <= 1:
        # pathological case: the means are all identical. just return raw dispersion.
        return mat_disp

    # calc median dispersion per bin
    (disp_meds, _, disp_bins) = scipy.stats.binned_statistic(mat_mean, mat_disp, statistic='median', bins=quantiles)

    # calc median absolute deviation of dispersion per bin
    disp_meds_arr = disp_meds[disp_bins-1] # 0th bin is empty since our quantiles start from 0
    disp_abs_dev = abs(mat_disp - disp_meds_arr)
    (disp_mads, _, disp_bins) = scipy.stats.binned_statistic(mat_mean, disp_abs_dev, statistic='median', bins=quantiles)

    # calculate normalized dispersion
    disp_mads_arr = disp_mads[disp_bins-1]
    disp_norm = (mat_disp - disp_meds_arr) / disp_mads_arr
    return disp_norm
项目:cellranger    作者:10XGenomics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def summarize_subsampled_matrices_cb(self, filtered_mats, subsample_type, subsample_depth):
        Computes simple summary metrics such as median genes detected and UMI counts on subsampled filtered matrices

            filtered_mats (GeneBCMatrices): subsampled and filtered GeneBCMatrices
            subsample_type (string): subsampling type
            subsample_depth (int): target depth per cell for subsampling

        for genome in self.genomes:
            if filtered_mats is not None:
                matrix = filtered_mats.matrices[genome]
                genes_detected = np.median(matrix._sum(matrix.m >= cr_constants.MIN_READS_PER_GENE, axis=0))
                median_counts = np.median(matrix._sum(matrix.m, axis=0))

            subsampled_filtered_bc_median_unique_genes_detected = self._get_metric_attr('subsampled_filtered_bcs_median_unique_genes_detected', genome, subsample_type, subsample_depth)

            subsampled_filtered_bcs_median_counts = self._get_metric_attr('subsampled_filtered_bcs_median_counts', genome, subsample_type, subsample_depth)
项目:shift-detect    作者:paolodedios    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getMedianDistanceBetweenSamples(self, sampleSet=None) :
        Jaakkola's heuristic method for setting the width parameter of the Gaussian
        radial basis function kernel is to pick a quantile (usually the median) of
        the distribution of Euclidean distances between points having different

        Jaakkola, M. Diekhaus, and D. Haussler. Using the Fisher kernel method to detect
        remote protein homologies. In T. Lengauer, R. Schneider, P. Bork, D. Brutlad, J.
        Glasgow, H.- W. Mewes, and R. Zimmer, editors, Proceedings of the Seventh
        International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology.
        numrows = sampleSet.shape[0]
        samples = sampleSet

        G = sum((samples * samples), 1)
        Q = numpy.tile(G[:, None], (1, numrows))
        R = numpy.tile(G, (numrows, 1))

        distances = Q + R - 2 *, samples.T)
        distances = distances - numpy.tril(distances)
        distances = distances.reshape(numrows**2, 1, order="F").copy()

        return numpy.sqrt(0.5 * numpy.median(distances[distances > 0]))
项目:CLAM    作者:Xinglab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read_tagger(alignment, method='median'):
    """ tag a read alignment to a genomic locus
    tagger_func = {
        # center of the read; must dicard junction reads
        'median': lambda x: -1 if 'N' in x.cigarstring else int(np.median(x.positions))+1,
        # start site of the read; trunction in iCLIP/eCLIP
        'start': lambda x: x.positions[-1] if x.is_reverse else x.positions[0]+1
    return tag
项目:demcoreg    作者:dshean    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def genplot(x, y, fit, xdata=None, ydata=None, maxpts=10000):
    bin_range = (0, 360)
    a = (np.arange(*bin_range))
    f_a = nuth_func(a, fit[0], fit[1], fit[2])
    nuth_func_str = r'$y=%0.2f*cos(%0.2f-x)+%0.2f$' % tuple(fit)
    if xdata.size > maxpts:
        import random
        idx = random.sample(list(range(xdata.size)), 10000)
        idx = np.arange(xdata.size)
    f, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.set_xlabel('Aspect (deg)')
    ax.set_ylabel('dh/tan(slope) (m)')
    ax.plot(xdata[idx], ydata[idx], 'k.', label='Orig pixels')
    ax.plot(x, y, 'ro', label='Bin median')
    ax.plot(a, f_a, 'b', label=nuth_func_str)
    pad = 0.2 * np.max([np.abs(y.min()), np.abs(y.max())])
    ax.set_ylim(y.min() - pad, y.max() + pad)
    return f 

#Function copied from from openPIV pyprocess
项目:NeoAnalysis    作者:neoanalysis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __load_page_data(self):
        if hasattr(self,"selectChan"):
            with hp.File(self.file_name,"r") as f:
                sampling_rate = f["analogs"][self.selectChan]["sampling_rate"].value
                start_time = f["analogs"][self.selectChan]["start_time"].value
                start_point = sampling_rate*self.row_num*self.current_page
                end_point = sampling_rate*self.row_num*(self.current_page+1)
                self.page_data = f["analogs"][self.selectChan]["data"][start_point:end_point]
                self.sigma = np.median(np.abs(self.page_data)/0.6745)
                Thr = self.thresholds[self.selectChan] * self.sigma
            self.sampling_rate = sampling_rate
            self.row_wins_rois = [0]*self.row_num
            for i in range(self.row_num):
                start_point = i*sampling_rate
                end_point = (i+1)*sampling_rate
                if self.page_data[start_point:end_point].size:
                    ys = self.page_data[start_point:end_point]
                    xs = np.arange(ys.size)
                    line = MultiLine(np.array([xs]),np.array([ys]),"w")

                self.row_wins_rois[i] = pg.InfiniteLine(pos=Thr,angle=0,movable=False)
项目:NeoAnalysis    作者:neoanalysis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __load_page_data(self):
        if hasattr(self,"selectChan"):
            with hp.File(self.file_name,"r") as f:
                sampling_rate = f["analogs"][self.selectChan]["sampling_rate"].value
                start_time = f["analogs"][self.selectChan]["start_time"].value
                start_point = sampling_rate*self.row_num*self.current_page
                end_point = sampling_rate*self.row_num*(self.current_page+1)
                self.page_data = f["analogs"][self.selectChan]["data"][start_point:end_point]
                self.sigma = np.median(np.abs(self.page_data)/0.6745)
                Thr = self.thresholds[self.selectChan] * self.sigma
            self.sampling_rate = sampling_rate
            self.row_wins_rois = [0]*self.row_num
            for i in range(self.row_num):
                start_point = i*sampling_rate
                end_point = (i+1)*sampling_rate
                if self.page_data[start_point:end_point].size:
                    ys = self.page_data[start_point:end_point]
                    xs = np.arange(ys.size)
                    line = MultiLine(np.array([xs]),np.array([ys]),"w")

                self.row_wins_rois[i] = pg.InfiniteLine(pos=Thr,angle=0,movable=False)
项目:Stein-Variational-Gradient-Descent    作者:DartML    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def svgd_kernel(self, theta, h = -1):
        sq_dist = pdist(theta)
        pairwise_dists = squareform(sq_dist)**2
        if h < 0: # if h < 0, using median trick
            h = np.median(pairwise_dists)  
            h = np.sqrt(0.5 * h / np.log(theta.shape[0]+1))

        # compute the rbf kernel
        Kxy = np.exp( -pairwise_dists / h**2 / 2)

        dxkxy = -np.matmul(Kxy, theta)
        sumkxy = np.sum(Kxy, axis=1)
        for i in range(theta.shape[1]):
            dxkxy[:, i] = dxkxy[:,i] + np.multiply(theta[:,i],sumkxy)
        dxkxy = dxkxy / (h**2)
        return (Kxy, dxkxy)
项目:PEAS    作者:panoptes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_ambient_temperature(self, n=5):
        Populates the self.ambient_temp property

        Calculation is taken from Rs232_Comms_v100.pdf section "Converting values
        sent by the device to meaningful units" item 5.
        ''''Getting ambient temperature')
        values = []
        for i in range(0, n):
                value = float(self.query('!T')[0]) / 100.
                self.logger.debug('  Ambient Temperature Query = {:.1f}'.format(value))
        if len(values) >= n - 1:
            self.ambient_temp = np.median(values) * u.Celsius
  '  Ambient Temperature = {:.1f}'.format(self.ambient_temp))
            self.ambient_temp = None
  '  Failed to Read Ambient Temperature')
        return self.ambient_temp
项目:PEAS    作者:panoptes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_rain_frequency(self, n=5):
        Populates the self.rain_frequency property
        ''''Getting rain frequency')
        values = []
        for i in range(0, n):
                value = float(self.query('!E')[0]) * 100. / 1023.
                self.logger.debug('  Rain Freq Query = {:.1f}'.format(value))
        if len(values) >= n - 1:
            self.rain_frequency = np.median(values)
  '  Rain Frequency = {:.1f}'.format(self.rain_frequency))
            self.rain_frequency = None
  '  Failed to read Rain Frequency')
        return self.rain_frequency
项目    作者:bioidiap    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def score_fusion_strategy(strategy_name = 'average'):
  """Returns a function to compute a fusion strategy between different scores.

  Different strategies are employed:

  * ``'average'`` : The averaged score is computed using the :py:func:`numpy.average` function.
  * ``'min'`` : The minimum score is computed using the :py:func:`min` function.
  * ``'max'`` : The maximum score is computed using the :py:func:`max` function.
  * ``'median'`` : The median score is computed using the :py:func:`numpy.median` function.
  * ``None`` is also accepted, in which case ``None`` is returned.
    return {
        'average' : numpy.average,
        'min' : min,
        'max' : max,
        'median' : numpy.median,
        None : None
  except KeyError:
#    warn("score fusion strategy '%s' is unknown" % strategy_name)
    return None
项目:dc_stat_think    作者:justinbois    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_bootstrap_replicate_1d(data, seed):
    x = dcst.bootstrap_replicate_1d(data, np.mean)
    x_correct = original.bootstrap_replicate_1d(data[~np.isnan(data)], np.mean)
    assert (np.isnan(x) and np.isnan(x_correct, atol=atol, equal_nan=True)) \
                or np.isclose(x, x_correct, atol=atol, equal_nan=True)

    x = dcst.bootstrap_replicate_1d(data, np.median)
    x_correct = original.bootstrap_replicate_1d(data[~np.isnan(data)], np.median)
    assert (np.isnan(x) and np.isnan(x_correct, atol=atol, equal_nan=True)) \
                or np.isclose(x, x_correct, atol=atol, equal_nan=True)

    x = dcst.bootstrap_replicate_1d(data, np.std)
    x_correct = original.bootstrap_replicate_1d(data[~np.isnan(data)], np.std)
    assert (np.isnan(x) and np.isnan(x_correct, atol=atol, equal_nan=True)) \
                or np.isclose(x, x_correct, atol=atol, equal_nan=True)
项目:dc_stat_think    作者:justinbois    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _draw_bs_reps_median(data, size=1):
    Generate bootstrap replicates of the median out of `data`.

    data : array_like
        One-dimensional array of data.
    size : int, default 1
        Number of bootstrap replicates to generate.

    output : float
        Bootstrap replicates of the median computed from `data`.
    # Set up output array
    bs_reps = np.empty(size)

    # Draw replicates
    n = len(data)
    for i in range(size):
        bs_reps[i] = np.median(np.random.choice(data, size=n))

    return bs_reps
项目:pyrsss    作者:butala    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def despike(df, window=31, l=6):
    Remove outliers from the columns of :class:`DataFrame` by
    comparing the absolute deviation from the windowed median to the
    windowed robust standard deviation (see :func:`robust_std`). Use a
    centered window of length *window* (must be odd). Replace values
    that are *l* robust standard deviations from the absolute
    difference from the median with the median.

    Reference: Hampel F. R., "The influence curve and its role in
    robust estimation," Journal of the American Statistical
    Association, 69, 382-393, 1974.
    if window % 2 == 0:
        raise ValueError('window length must be odd')
    df_rolling = df.rolling(window, center=True)
    df_rolling_median = df_rolling.median()
    df_robust_std = df_rolling.apply(robust_std)
    I = (df - df_rolling_median).abs() > l * df_robust_std
    df_despike = df.copy()
    df_despike[I] = df_rolling_median
    return df_despike.iloc[(window-1):-(window-1)]
项目:atoolbox    作者:liweitianux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def save(self, outfile):
        data = self.psd1d
        header = [
            "pixel: %s [%s]" % self.pixel,
            "frequency: [%s^-1]" % self.pixel[1],
        if self.meanstd:
            header += [
                "psd1d: *mean* powers of radial averaging annuli",
                "psd1d_err: *standard deviation*",
            header += [
                "psd1d: *median* powers of radial averaging annuli",
                "psd1d_err: 1.4826*MAD (median absolute deviation)",
        header += [
            "n_cells: number of averaging cells",
            "frequency   psd1d   psd1d_err   n_cells"
        np.savetxt(outfile, data, header="\n".join(header))
        print("Saved PSD data to: %s" % outfile)
项目:histwords    作者:williamleif    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_series_median_peryear(word_time_series, i_year_words, one_minus=False, start_year=1900, end_year=2000, year_inc=10, exclude_partial_missing=False):
    Return the mean and stderr arrays for the values of the words specified per year in i_year_words for specified years 
    medians = []
    r_word_time_series = {}
    if exclude_partial_missing:
        for word, time_series in word_time_series.iteritems():
            if not np.isnan(np.sum(time_series.values())):
                r_word_time_series[word] = time_series
        r_word_time_series = word_time_series
    for year in xrange(start_year, end_year + 1, year_inc):
        word_array = np.array([r_word_time_series[word][year] for word in i_year_words[year] 
            if word in r_word_time_series and not np.isnan(r_word_time_series[word][year]) and not r_word_time_series[word][year] == 0])
        if len(word_array) == 0:
        if one_minus:
            word_array = 1 - word_array
    return np.array(medians)
项目:histwords    作者:williamleif    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def simple_slope_percentiles(res, df, target, varying, percs=[25, 50, 75]):
    exog = {}
    for param in res.fe_params.index:
        if len(param.split(":")) != 1:
        if param == "Intercept":
            exog[param] = 1.0
            exog[param] = np.median(df[param])
    ret_vals = collections.OrderedDict()
    for varying_perc in percs:
        exog[varying] = np.percentile(df[varying], varying_perc)
        ret_vals[exog[varying]] = collections.defaultdict(list)
        for target_perc in [25, 75]:
            exog[target] = np.percentile(df[target], target_perc)
            exog_arr = np.array([exog[param] if len(param.split(":")) == 1 else exog[param.split(":")[0]] * exog[param.split(":")[1]]
                for param in res.fe_params.index])
            ret_vals[exog[varying]]["endog"].append(res.model.predict(res.fe_params, exog=exog_arr))
    return ret_vals
项目:watermark    作者:lishuaijuly    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _gene_signature(self,wm,size,key):
        wm = cv2.resize(wm,(size,size))        
        wU,_,wV = np.linalg.svd(np.mat(wm))

        sumU = np.sum(np.array(wU),axis=0)
        sumV = np.sum(np.array(wV),axis=0)

        sumU_mid = np.median(sumU)
        sumV_mid = np.median(sumV)

        sumU=np.array([1 if sumU[i] >sumU_mid else 0 for i in range(len(sumU)) ])
        sumV=np.array([1 if sumV[i] >sumV_mid else 0 for i in range(len(sumV)) ])



        signature = np.logical_xor(uv_xor, seq)

        sqrts = int(np.sqrt(size))
        return np.array(signature,dtype=np.int8).reshape((sqrts,sqrts))
项目:watermark    作者:lishuaijuly    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _gene_signature(self,wm,key):
        wm = cv2.resize(wm,(256,256))        
        wU,_,wV = np.linalg.svd(np.mat(wm))

        sumU = np.sum(np.array(wU),axis=0)
        sumV = np.sum(np.array(wV),axis=0)

        sumU_mid = np.median(sumU)
        sumV_mid = np.median(sumV)

        sumU=np.array([1 if sumU[i] >sumU_mid else 0 for i in range(len(sumU)) ])
        sumV=np.array([1 if sumV[i] >sumV_mid else 0 for i in range(len(sumV)) ])



        signature = np.logical_xor(uv_xor, seq)
        return np.array(signature,dtype=np.int8)
项目:watermark    作者:lishuaijuly    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _gene_signature(self,wU,wV,key):
        sumU = np.sum(wU,axis=0)
        sumV = np.sum(wV,axis=0)

        sumU_mid = np.median(sumU)
        sumV_mid = np.median(sumV)

        sumU=np.array([1 if sumU[i] >sumU_mid else 0 for i in range(len(sumU)) ])
        sumV=np.array([1 if sumV[i] >sumV_mid else 0 for i in range(len(sumV)) ])



        signature = np.logical_xor(uv_xor, seq)
        return np.array(signature,dtype=np.int8)
项目:em_examples    作者:geoscixyz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_Surface_Potentials(mtrue, survey, src, field_obj):

    phi = field_obj['phi']
    CCLoc = mesh.gridCC
    XLoc = np.unique(mesh.gridCC[:, 0])
    surfaceInd, zsurfaceLoc = get_Surface(mtrue, XLoc)
    phiSurface = phi[surfaceInd]
    phiScale = 0.

    if(survey == "Pole-Dipole" or survey == "Pole-Pole"):
        refInd = Utils.closestPoints(mesh, [xmax+60., 0.], gridLoc='CC')
        # refPoint =  CCLoc[refInd]
        # refSurfaceInd = np.where(xSurface == refPoint[0])
        # phiScale = np.median(phiSurface)
        phiScale = phi[refInd]
        phiSurface = phiSurface - phiScale

    return XLoc, phiSurface, phiScale
项目:em_examples    作者:geoscixyz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_Surface_Potentials(survey, src,field_obj):

    phi = field_obj['phi']
    CCLoc = mesh.gridCC
    zsurfaceLoc = np.max(CCLoc[:,1])
    surfaceInd = np.where(CCLoc[:,1] == zsurfaceLoc)
    xSurface = CCLoc[surfaceInd,0].T
    phiSurface = phi[surfaceInd]
    phiScale = 0.

    if(survey == "Pole-Dipole" or survey == "Pole-Pole"):
        refInd = Utils.closestPoints(mesh, [xmax+60.,0.], gridLoc='CC')
        # refPoint =  CCLoc[refInd]
        # refSurfaceInd = np.where(xSurface == refPoint[0])
        # phiScale = np.median(phiSurface)
        phiScale = phi[refInd]
        phiSurface = phiSurface - phiScale

    return xSurface,phiSurface,phiScale

# Inline functions for computing apparent resistivity
#eps = 1e-9 #to stabilize division
#G = lambda A, B, M, N: 1. / ( 1./(np.abs(A-M)+eps) - 1./(np.abs(M-B)+eps) - 1./(np.abs(N-A)+eps) + 1./(np.abs(N-B)+eps) )
#rho_a = lambda VM,VN, A,B,M,N: (VM-VN)*2.*np.pi*G(A,B,M,N)
项目:em_examples    作者:geoscixyz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_Surface_Potentials(survey, src, field_obj):

    phi = field_obj[src, 'phi']
    CCLoc = mesh.gridCC
    zsurfaceLoc = np.max(CCLoc[:,1])
    surfaceInd = np.where(CCLoc[:,1] == zsurfaceLoc)
    xSurface = CCLoc[surfaceInd,0].T
    phiSurface = phi[surfaceInd]
    phiScale = 0.

    if(survey == "Pole-Dipole" or survey == "Pole-Pole"):
        refInd = Utils.closestPoints(mesh, [xmax+60.,0.], gridLoc='CC')
        # refPoint =  CCLoc[refInd]
        # refSurfaceInd = np.where(xSurface == refPoint[0])
        # phiScale = np.median(phiSurface)
        phiScale = phi[refInd]
        phiSurface = phiSurface - phiScale

    return xSurface,phiSurface,phiScale
项目:em_examples    作者:geoscixyz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_Surface_Potentials(mtrue, survey, src, field_obj):

    phi = field_obj['phi']
    CCLoc = mesh.gridCC
    XLoc = np.unique(mesh.gridCC[:, 0])
    surfaceInd, zsurfaceLoc = get_Surface(mtrue, XLoc)
    phiSurface = phi[surfaceInd]
    phiScale = 0.

    if(survey == "Pole-Dipole" or survey == "Pole-Pole"):
        refInd = Utils.closestPoints(mesh, [xmax+60., 0.], gridLoc='CC')
        # refPoint =  CCLoc[refInd]
        # refSurfaceInd = np.where(xSurface == refPoint[0])
        # phiScale = np.median(phiSurface)
        phiScale = phi[refInd]
        phiSurface = phiSurface - phiScale

    return XLoc, phiSurface, phiScale
项目:em_examples    作者:geoscixyz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_Surface_Potentials(survey, src, field_obj):

    phi = field_obj[src, 'phi']
    CCLoc = mesh.gridCC
    zsurfaceLoc = np.max(CCLoc[:,1])
    surfaceInd = np.where(CCLoc[:,1] == zsurfaceLoc)
    phiSurface = phi[surfaceInd]
    xSurface = CCLoc[surfaceInd,0].T
    phiScale = 0.

    if(survey == "Pole-Dipole" or survey == "Pole-Pole"):
        refInd = Utils.closestPoints(mesh, [xmax+60.,0.], gridLoc='CC')
        # refPoint =  CCLoc[refInd]
        # refSurfaceInd = np.where(xSurface == refPoint[0])
        # phiScale = np.median(phiSurface)
        phiScale = phi[refInd]
        phiSurface = phiSurface - phiScale

    return xSurface,phiSurface,phiScale
项目:em_examples    作者:geoscixyz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_Surface_Potentials(survey, src, field_obj):

    phi = field_obj['phi']
    CCLoc = mesh.gridCC
    zsurfaceLoc = np.max(CCLoc[:,1])
    surfaceInd = np.where(CCLoc[:,1] == zsurfaceLoc)
    xSurface = CCLoc[surfaceInd,0].T
    phiSurface = phi[surfaceInd]
    phiScale = 0.

    if(survey == "Pole-Dipole" or survey == "Pole-Pole"):
        refInd = Utils.closestPoints(mesh, [xmax+60.,0.], gridLoc='CC')
        # refPoint =  CCLoc[refInd]
        # refSurfaceInd = np.where(xSurface == refPoint[0])
        # phiScale = np.median(phiSurface)
        phiScale = phi[refInd]
        phiSurface = phiSurface - phiScale

    return xSurface,phiSurface,phiScale
项目:Tweaker-3    作者:ChristophSchranz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def project_verteces(self, mesh, orientation):
        """Supplement the mesh array with scalars (max and median)
        for each face projected onto the orientation vector.
            mesh (np.array): with format face_count x 6 x 3.
            orientation (np.array): with format 3 x 3.
            adjusted mesh.
        mesh[:, 4, 0] = np.inner(mesh[:, 1, :], orientation)
        mesh[:, 4, 1] = np.inner(mesh[:, 2, :], orientation)
        mesh[:, 4, 2] = np.inner(mesh[:, 3, :], orientation)

        mesh[:, 5, 1] = np.max(mesh[:, 4, :], axis=1)
        mesh[:, 5, 2] = np.median(mesh[:, 4, :], axis=1)
        sleep(0)  # Yield, so other threads get a bit of breathing space.
        return mesh
项目:XTREE    作者:ai-se    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def deltasCSVWriter(self, name='ant'):
    header = array([[1:] for h in self.test.headers[:-2]])
    oldRows = [r for r, p in zip(self.test._rows, self.pred) if p > 0]
    delta = array([ for t in oldRows])
    y = median(delta, axis=0)
    yhi, ylo = percentile(delta, q=[75, 25], axis=0)
    dat1 = sorted(
        [(h, a, b, c) for h, a, b, c in zip(header, y, ylo, yhi)], key=lambda F: F[1])
    dat = asarray([(d[0], n, d[1], d[2], d[3])
                   for d, n in zip(dat1, range(1, 21))])
    with open('/Users/rkrsn/git/GNU-Plots/rkrsn/errorbar/%s.csv' % (name), 'w') as csvfile:
      writer = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=' ')
      for el in dat[()]:
    # new = [self.newRow(t) for t in oldRows]
项目:Supply-demand-forecasting    作者:LevinJ    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_history_data(self, row, history_dict=None,):
        start_district_id = row.iloc[0]
        time_id = row.iloc[1]
        index = ['history_mean','history_median','history_mode','history_plus_mean','history_plus_median', 'history_plus_mode']

        min_list = self.__get_historylist_from_dict(history_dict, start_district_id, time_id)
        plus_list1 = self.__get_historylist_from_dict(history_dict, start_district_id, time_id-1)
        plus_list2 = self.__get_historylist_from_dict(history_dict, start_district_id, time_id-2)
        plus_list = np.array((plus_list1 + plus_list2 + min_list))
        min_list = np.array(min_list)

        res =pd.Series([min_list.mean(), np.median(min_list), mode(min_list)[0][0], plus_list.mean(), np.median(plus_list),mode(plus_list)[0][0]], index = index)

        return res

        return pd.Series(res, index = ['history_mean', 'history_mode', 'history_median'])
项目:tianchi_power    作者:lvniqi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_7d_all(user_id):
    data_paths = [


    def get_predict_val(dataset):
        return dataset['y_p#%d'%user_id][-1]
    def get_mid_val(day):
        all_dataset = map(lambda path:pd.DataFrame.from_csv(path+'%d.csv'%day),data_paths)
        val_list = map(get_predict_val,all_dataset)
        val = np.median(val_list)
        print (user_id,day,val)
        return val
    return map(get_mid_val,range(1,32))
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _nanmedian1d(arr1d, overwrite_input=False):
    Private function for rank 1 arrays. Compute the median ignoring NaNs.
    See nanmedian for parameter usage
    c = np.isnan(arr1d)
    s = np.where(c)[0]
    if s.size == arr1d.size:
        warnings.warn("All-NaN slice encountered", RuntimeWarning)
        return np.nan
    elif s.size == 0:
        return np.median(arr1d, overwrite_input=overwrite_input)
        if overwrite_input:
            x = arr1d
            x = arr1d.copy()
        # select non-nans at end of array
        enonan = arr1d[-s.size:][~c[-s.size:]]
        # fill nans in beginning of array with non-nans of end
        x[s[:enonan.size]] = enonan
        # slice nans away
        return np.median(x[:-s.size], overwrite_input=True)
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_out(self):
        mat = np.random.rand(3, 3)
        nan_mat = np.insert(mat, [0, 2], np.nan, axis=1)
        resout = np.zeros(3)
        tgt = np.median(mat, axis=1)
        res = np.nanmedian(nan_mat, axis=1, out=resout)
        assert_almost_equal(res, resout)
        assert_almost_equal(res, tgt)
        # 0-d output:
        resout = np.zeros(())
        tgt = np.median(mat, axis=None)
        res = np.nanmedian(nan_mat, axis=None, out=resout)
        assert_almost_equal(res, resout)
        assert_almost_equal(res, tgt)
        res = np.nanmedian(nan_mat, axis=(0, 1), out=resout)
        assert_almost_equal(res, resout)
        assert_almost_equal(res, tgt)
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_basic(self):
        a0 = np.array(1)
        a1 = np.arange(2)
        a2 = np.arange(6).reshape(2, 3)
        assert_equal(np.median(a0), 1)
        assert_allclose(np.median(a1), 0.5)
        assert_allclose(np.median(a2), 2.5)
        assert_allclose(np.median(a2, axis=0), [1.5,  2.5,  3.5])
        assert_equal(np.median(a2, axis=1), [1, 4])
        assert_allclose(np.median(a2, axis=None), 2.5)

        a = np.array([0.0444502, 0.0463301, 0.141249, 0.0606775])
        assert_almost_equal((a[1] + a[3]) / 2., np.median(a))
        a = np.array([0.0463301, 0.0444502, 0.141249])
        assert_equal(a[0], np.median(a))
        a = np.array([0.0444502, 0.141249, 0.0463301])
        assert_equal(a[-1], np.median(a))
        # check array scalar result
        assert_equal(np.median(a).ndim, 0)
        a[1] = np.nan
        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
            warnings.filterwarnings('always', '', RuntimeWarning)
            assert_equal(np.median(a).ndim, 0)
            assert_(w[0].category is RuntimeWarning)
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_axis_keyword(self):
        a3 = np.array([[2, 3],
                       [0, 1],
                       [6, 7],
                       [4, 5]])
        for a in [a3, np.random.randint(0, 100, size=(2, 3, 4))]:
            orig = a.copy()
            np.median(a, axis=None)
            for ax in range(a.ndim):
                np.median(a, axis=ax)
            assert_array_equal(a, orig)

        assert_allclose(np.median(a3, axis=0), [3,  4])
        assert_allclose(np.median(a3.T, axis=1), [3,  4])
        assert_allclose(np.median(a3), 3.5)
        assert_allclose(np.median(a3, axis=None), 3.5)
        assert_allclose(np.median(a3.T), 3.5)
项目:pysapc    作者:bioinfocao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getPreferenceList(preference,nSamplesOri,data_array):
    Input preference should be a numeric scalar, or a string of 'min' / 'median', or a list/np 1D array(length of samples).
    Return preference list(same length as samples)
    # numeric value
    if isinstance(preference, float) or isinstance(preference, int) or isinstance(preference, long):
    # str/unicode min/mean
    elif isinstance(preference, basestring):
        if str(preference)=='min':
        elif str(preference)=='median':
        else: #other string
            raise ValueError("Preference should be a numeric scalar, or a string of 'min' / 'median',\
            or a list/np 1D array(length of samples).\n Your input preference is: {0})".format(str(prefernce)))
    # list or numpy array
    elif (isinstance(preference, list) or isinstance(preference, np.ndarray)) and len(preference)==nSamplesOri: 
        raise ValueError("Preference should be a numeric scalar, or a str of 'min' / 'median',\
        or a list/np 1D array(length of samples).\n Your input preference is: {0})".format(str(prefernce)))
    return preference_list
项目:cortex    作者:rdevon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def medfilt(x, k):
    Apply a length-k median filter to a 1D array x.

    Boundaries are extended by repeating endpoints.

        x (numpy.array)
        k (int)

    assert k % 2 == 1, 'Median filter length must be odd.'
    assert x.ndim == 1, 'Input must be one-dimensional.'
    k2 = (k - 1) // 2
    y = np.zeros((len(x), k), dtype=x.dtype)
    y[:, k2] = x
    for i in range(k2):
        j = k2 - i
        y[j:, i] = x[:-j]
        y[:j, i] = x[0]
        y[:-j, -(i+1)] = x[j:]
        y[-j:, -(i+1)] = x[-1]
    return np.median(y, axis=1)
项目:third_person_im    作者:bstadie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def prctile(data, p_vals=[0, 25, 50, 75, 100], sorted_=False):
            """``prctile(data, 50)`` returns the median, but p_vals can
            also be a sequence.

            Provides for small samples better values than matplotlib.mlab.prctile,
            however also slower.

            ps = [p_vals] if isscalar(p_vals) else p_vals

            if not sorted_:
                data = sorted(data)
            n = len(data)
            d = []
            for p in ps:
                fi = p * n / 100 - 0.5
                if fi <= 0:  # maybe extrapolate?
                elif fi >= n - 1:
                    i = int(fi)
                    d.append((i + 1 - fi) * data[i] + (fi - i) * data[i + 1])
            return d[0] if isscalar(p_vals) else d
项目:astromalign    作者:dstndstn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def plotmatchdisthist(M, mas=True, nbins=100, doclf=True, color='b', **kwa):
    import pylab as plt
    if doclf:
    R = np.sqrt(M.dra_arcsec**2 + M.ddec_arcsec**2)
    if mas:
        R *= 1000.
        rng = [0, M.rad*1000.]
        rng = [0, M.rad]
    print 'Match distances: median', np.median(R), 'arcsec'
    n,b,p = plt.hist(R, nbins, range=rng, histtype='step', color=color, **kwa)
    if mas:
        plt.xlabel('Match distance (mas)')
        plt.xlabel('Match distance (arcsec)')
    return n,b,p
项目:bpy_lambda    作者:bcongdon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def analyze(self):
        # just looking at up and left to avoid needless doubel calculations
        slopes=np.concatenate((np.abs(self.left -,np.abs(self.up -
        return '\n'.join(["%-15s: %.3f"%t for t in [
                ('height average', np.average(,
                ('height median', np.median(,
                ('height max', np.max(,
                ('height min', np.min(,
                ('height std', np.std(,
                ('slope average', np.average(slopes)),
                ('slope median', np.median(slopes)),
                ('slope max', np.max(slopes)),
                ('slope min', np.min(slopes)),
                ('slope std', np.std(slopes))
项目:trappist1    作者:rodluger    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GetTransitTimes(file = 'ttv_kruse.dat'):


  planet, _, time, dtime = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(TRAPPIST_DAT, file), unpack = True)
  transit_times = [None for i in range(7)]
  if file == 'ttv_kruse.dat':
    for i in range(7):
      inds = np.where(planet == i + 1)[0]
      transit_times[i] = time[inds] + (2455000 - 2454833)  
  elif file == 'ttv_agol.dat':
    for i in range(6):
      inds = np.where(planet == i + 1)[0]
      transit_times[i] = time[inds] + (2450000 - 2454833)
    # Append a few extra for padding
    pad = [transit_times[i][-1] + np.median(np.diff(transit_times[i])),
           transit_times[i][-1] + 2 * np.median(np.diff(transit_times[i])),
           transit_times[i][-1] + 3 * np.median(np.diff(transit_times[i]))]
    transit_times[i] = np.append(transit_times[i], pad)

  return PlanetProperty(transit_times)
项目:oss-github-analysis-project    作者:itu-oss-project-team    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __reduce_vertex_metrics(self, metrics, is_property_map = True):
        Calculate mean, min, max and median of given vertex metrics 
        :param metrics: Metric values of vertexes
        :param is_property_map: Is metrics PropertyMap (list otherwise)
        :return: Dict of reduced metrics
        statistics = collections.OrderedDict()
        if is_property_map:
            metrics = metrics.get_array() # Get a numpy.ndarray subclass (PropertyArray)

        statistics["mean"] = metrics.mean()
        statistics["min"] = metrics.min()
        statistics["max"] = metrics.max()
        statistics["median"] = np.median(metrics)

        return statistics
项目:piksi_ros    作者:uscresl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def reject_outliers(data, m = 2.):
    d = np.abs(data - np.median(data))
    mdev = np.median(d)
    s = d/mdev if mdev else 0.
    return data[s<m]
项目:piksi_ros    作者:uscresl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def obs_callback(self, msg):
        cn0 = np.array([obs.cn0/4.0 for obs in msg.obs])

        m = SignalStatus()
        m.header.stamp =
        m.mean_cn0 = np.mean(cn0)
        m.median_cn0 = np.median(cn0)
        m.robust_mean_cn0 = np.mean(reject_outliers(cn0))
        m.num_sats = len(msg.obs)
项目:human-rl    作者:gsastry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def median_color(obs, color, frame_coordinates=None):
    color = np.array(color)

    if frame_coordinates is not None:
        (r1, r2), (c1, c2) = frame_coordinates
        obs = obs[r1:r2, c1:c2]

    indices = (obs == color).all(2).nonzero()
    indices = np.array(indices)

    if indices.size:
        med = np.median(indices, axis=1)
        return med.astype(np.int32)

    return None
项目:human-rl    作者:gsastry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def median_color(obs, color, frame_coordinates=None):
    color = np.array(color)

    if frame_coordinates is not None:
        (r1, r2), (c1, c2) = frame_coordinates
        obs = obs[r1:r2, c1:c2]

    indices = (obs == color).all(2).nonzero()
    indices = np.array(indices)

    if indices.size:
        med = np.median(indices, axis=1)
        return med.astype(np.int32)

    return None
项目:human-rl    作者:gsastry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def median_color(obs, color, frame_coordinates=None):
    color = np.array(color)

    if frame_coordinates is not None:
        (r1, r2), (c1, c2) = frame_coordinates
        obs = obs[r1:r2, c1:c2]

    indices = (obs == color).all(2).nonzero()
    indices = np.array(indices)

    if indices.size:
        med = np.median(indices, axis=1)
        return med.astype(np.int32)

    return None