Python numpy 模块,int16() 实例源码


项目:nidaqmx-python    作者:ni    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _write_binary_i_16(
        task_handle, write_array, num_samps_per_chan, auto_start, timeout,
    samps_per_chan_written = ctypes.c_int()

    cfunc = lib_importer.windll.DAQmxWriteBinaryI16
    if cfunc.argtypes is None:
        with cfunc.arglock:
            if cfunc.argtypes is None:
                cfunc.argtypes = [
                    lib_importer.task_handle, ctypes.c_int, c_bool32,
                    ctypes.c_double, ctypes.c_int,
                    wrapped_ndpointer(dtype=numpy.int16, flags=('C', 'W')),
                    ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int), ctypes.POINTER(c_bool32)]

    error_code = cfunc(
        task_handle, num_samps_per_chan, auto_start, timeout,
        data_layout.value, write_array,
        ctypes.byref(samps_per_chan_written), None)

    return samps_per_chan_written.value
项目:nidaqmx-python    作者:ni    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _read_binary_i_16(
        task_handle, read_array, num_samps_per_chan, timeout,
    samps_per_chan_read = ctypes.c_int()

    cfunc = lib_importer.windll.DAQmxReadBinaryI16
    if cfunc.argtypes is None:
        with cfunc.arglock:
            if cfunc.argtypes is None:
                cfunc.argtypes = [
                    lib_importer.task_handle, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_double,
                    wrapped_ndpointer(dtype=numpy.int16, flags=('C', 'W')),
                    ctypes.c_uint, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int),

    error_code = cfunc(
        task_handle, num_samps_per_chan, timeout, fill_mode.value,
        ctypes.byref(samps_per_chan_read), None)

    return samps_per_chan_read.value
项目:treecat    作者:posterior    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def jit_remove_edge(grid, e2k, neighbors, components, e):
    """Remove an edge from a spanning tree."""
    k = e2k[e]
    v1, v2 = grid[1:3, k]
    jit_set_remove(neighbors[v1], v2)
    jit_set_remove(neighbors[v2], v1)
    stack = np.zeros(neighbors.shape[0], np.int16)
    jit_set_add(stack, v1)
    while stack[0]:
        v1 = jit_set_pop(stack)
        components[v1] = True
        for i in range(neighbors[v1, 0]):
            v2 = neighbors[v1, i + 1]
            if not components[v2]:
                jit_set_add(stack, v2)
    return k
项目:kaggle_dsb2017    作者:astoc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_3d_data_slices(slices):  # get data in Hunsfield Units
    slices.sort(key = lambda x: float(x.ImagePositionPatient[2]))  # from v 9

    image = np.stack([s.pixel_array for s in slices])
    image = image.astype(np.int16)  # ensure int16 (it may be here uint16 for some images )
    image[image == -2000] = 0   #correcting cyindrical bound entrioes to 0

    # Convert to Hounsfield units (HU)
    # The intercept is usually -1024
    for slice_number in range(len(slices)):  # from v 8
        intercept = slices[slice_number].RescaleIntercept
        slope = slices[slice_number].RescaleSlope

        if slope != 1:  # added 16 Jan 2016, evening
            image[slice_number] = slope * image[slice_number].astype(np.float64)
            image[slice_number] = image[slice_number].astype(np.int16)

        image[slice_number] += np.int16(intercept)

    return np.array(image, dtype=np.int16)
项目:kaggle_dsb2017    作者:astoc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_pixels_hu(slices):
    image = np.stack([s.pixel_array for s in slices])
    image = image.astype(np.int16)

    # Set outside-of-scan pixels to 0
    # The intercept is usually -1024, so air is approximately 0
    image[image == -2000] = 0

    # Convert to Hounsfield units (HU)
    ### slope can differ per slice -- so do it individually (case in point black_tset, slices 95 vs 96)
    ### Changes/correction - 31.01.2017
    for slice_number in range(len(slices)):

        intercept = slices[slice_number].RescaleIntercept
        slope = slices[slice_number].RescaleSlope

        if slope != 1:
            image[slice_number] = slope * image[slice_number].astype(np.float64)
            image[slice_number] = image[slice_number].astype(np.int16)

        image[slice_number] += np.int16(intercept)    

    return np.array(image, dtype=np.int16)
项目:kaggle_dsb2017    作者:astoc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_3d_data_hu(path):  # get data in Hunsfield Units
    slices = [dicom.read_file(path + '/' + s) for s in os.listdir(path)]
    #slices.sort(key=lambda x: int(x.InstanceNumber))  # was x.InstanceNumber
    #slices.sort(key = lambda x: int(x.ImagePositionPatient[2]))  # from v8 - BUGGY 
    slices.sort(key = lambda x: float(x.ImagePositionPatient[2]))  # from 22.02

    image = np.stack([s.pixel_array for s in slices])
    image = image.astype(np.int16)  # ensure int16 (it may be here uint16 for some images )
    image[image == -2000] = 0   #correcting cyindrical bound entrioes to 0

    # Convert to Hounsfield units (HU)
    # The intercept is usually -1024
    for slice_number in range(len(slices)):  # from v 8
        intercept = slices[slice_number].RescaleIntercept
        slope = slices[slice_number].RescaleSlope

        if slope != 1:  # added 16 Jan 2016, evening
            image[slice_number] = slope * image[slice_number].astype(np.float64)
            image[slice_number] = image[slice_number].astype(np.int16)

        image[slice_number] += np.int16(intercept)

    return np.array(image, dtype=np.int16)
项目:pyelastix    作者:almarklein    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_dtype_maps():
    """ Get dictionaries to map numpy data types to ITK types and the 
    other way around.

    # Define pairs
    tmp = [ (np.float32, 'MET_FLOAT'),  (np.float64, 'MET_DOUBLE'),
            (np.uint8, 'MET_UCHAR'),    (np.int8, 'MET_CHAR'),
            (np.uint16, 'MET_USHORT'),  (np.int16, 'MET_SHORT'),
            (np.uint32, 'MET_UINT'),    (np.int32, 'MET_INT'),
            (np.uint64, 'MET_ULONG'),   (np.int64, 'MET_LONG') ]

    # Create dictionaries
    map1, map2 = {}, {}
    for np_type, itk_type in tmp:
        map1[np_type.__name__] = itk_type
        map2[itk_type] = np_type.__name__

    # Done
    return map1, map2
项目:sea-lion-counter    作者:rdinse    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generateCountMaps(self, coords):
    '''Generates a count map for the provided list of coordinates.

    s = self.config['projective_field_size']
    unpadded_size = self.config['output_size']
    target_size = 3 + unpadded_size + 2 * s 
    countMaps = np.zeros((self.config['cls_nb'], target_size, target_size), dtype=np.int16)

    for coord in coords:
      y = coord[1] - self.config['contextual_pad']
      x = coord[2] - self.config['contextual_pad']
      if y >= 0 and y < self.config['tile_size'] and \
         x >= 0 and x < self.config['tile_size']:

        self.inc_region(countMaps[coord[0]], *self.target_sizes[y, x])

    return np.moveaxis(countMaps, 0, -1).astype(np.float32)
项目:sea-lion-counter    作者:rdinse    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def inc_region(self, dst, y, x, h, w):
    '''Incremets dst in the specified region. Runs fastest on np.int8, but not much slower on

    dh, dw = dst.shape
    h2 = h // 2
    w2 = w // 2
    py = y - h2 
    px = x - w2 
    y_min = max(0, py)
    y_max = min(dh, y + h2)
    x_min = max(0, px)
    x_max = min(dw, x + w2)
    if y_max - y_min <= 0 or x_max - x_min <= 0:

    dst[y_min:y_max, x_min:x_max] += 1
项目:sea-lion-counter    作者:rdinse    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generateCountMaps(self, coords):
    '''Generates a count map for the provided list of coordinates.  It can
    count at most 256 object within the receptive field.  Beyond that it

    s = self.config['receptive_field_size']
    pad = s // 2
    unpadded_size = self.config['tile_size']
    target_size = 1 + unpadded_size + 2 * pad
    countMaps = np.zeros((self.config['cls_nb'], target_size, target_size), dtype=np.int16)

    y_min = 0
    y_max = unpadded_size
    x_min = 0
    x_max = unpadded_size
    for coord in coords:
      if coord[1] >= y_min and coord[1] < y_max and coord[2] >= x_min and coord[2] < x_max:
        self.inc_region(countMaps[coord[0]], coord[1] + pad, coord[2] + pad, s, s)

    return np.moveaxis(countMaps, 0, -1).astype(np.float32)
项目:sea-lion-counter    作者:rdinse    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generateCountMaps(self, coords):
    '''Generates a count map for the provided list of coordinates.
    s = self.config['projective_field_size']
    target_size = 3 + self.config['output_size'] + 2 * s 
    count_maps = np.zeros((self.config['cls_nb'], target_size, target_size), dtype=np.int16)

    shift = - self.config['contextual_pad']
    size = self.config['tile_size']
    for coord in coords:
      y = coord[1] + shift
      x = coord[2] + shift
      if y >= 0 and y < size and \
         x >= 0 and x < size:

        self.inc_region(count_maps[coord[0]], *self.target_sizes[y, x])

    return np.moveaxis(count_maps, 0, -1).astype(np.float32)
项目:NeoAnalysis    作者:neoanalysis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __read_annotations_old(self):
        Read the stimulus grid properties.

        Returns a dictionary containing the parameter names as keys and the
        parameter values as values.

        The returned objects must be added to the Block.

        This reads an old version of the format that does not store paramater
        names, so placeholder names are created instead.

        ID: 29099

        # int16 * 14 -- an array of parameter values
        values = np.fromfile(self._fsrc, dtype=np.int16, count=14)

        # create dummy names and combine them with the values in a dict
        # the dict will be added to the annotations
        params = ['param%s' % i for i in range(len(values))]
        annotations = dict(zip(params, values))

        return annotations
项目:NeoAnalysis    作者:neoanalysis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __read_annotations_old(self):
        Read the stimulus grid properties.

        Returns a dictionary containing the parameter names as keys and the
        parameter values as values.

        The returned objects must be added to the Block.

        This reads an old version of the format that does not store paramater
        names, so placeholder names are created instead.

        ID: 29099

        # int16 * 14 -- an array of parameter values
        values = np.fromfile(self._fsrc, dtype=np.int16, count=14)

        # create dummy names and combine them with the values in a dict
        # the dict will be added to the annotations
        params = ['param%s' % i for i in range(len(values))]
        annotations = dict(zip(params, values))

        return annotations
项目:generalscnn    作者:zxqfl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read_input_features(l, inp=sys.stdin):
    if isinstance(inp, str):
        with open(inp, 'r') as f:
            return read_input_features(f)

    print("%d samples" % l, file=sys.stderr)
    xs = np.zeros((l, flen), np.int16)
    ys = np.zeros((l, n*n*classes), np.int16)

    i = 0
    for line in inp:
        xs[i, :], ys[i, :] = parse_csv_row_xy(line)
        i += 1
        if i % 10000 == 0:
            print("%d read from disk" % i, file=sys.stderr)
    return xs, ys
项目:Projects    作者:it2school    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def slow_down_sound(sound, rate):
    """  returns a sound which is a slowed down version of the original.
           rate - at which the sound should be slowed down.  eg. 0.5 would be half speed.

    raise NotImplementedError()
    grow_rate = 1 / rate

    # make it 1/rate times longer.

    a1 = sndarray.array(sound)

    surf = pygame.surfarray.make_surface(a1)
    print (a1.shape[0] * grow_rate)
    scaled_surf = pygame.transform.scale(surf, (int(a1.shape[0] * grow_rate), a1.shape[1]))
    print (scaled_surf)
    print (surf)

    a2 = a1 * rate
    print (a1.shape)
    print (a2.shape)
    print (a2)
    sound2 = sndarray.make_sound(a2.astype(int16))
    return sound2
项目:autolab_core    作者:BerkeleyAutomation    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _check_valid_data(self, data):
        """Checks that the incoming data is a 2 x #elements ndarray of ints.

        data : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
            The data to verify.

            If the data is not of the correct shape or type.
        if data.dtype.type != np.int8 and data.dtype.type != np.int16 \
                and data.dtype.type != np.int32 and data.dtype.type != np.int64 \
                and data.dtype.type != np.uint8 and data.dtype.type != np.uint16 \
                and data.dtype.type != np.uint32 and data.dtype.type != np.uint64:
            raise ValueError('Must initialize image coords with a numpy int ndarray')
        if data.shape[0] != 2:
            raise ValueError('Illegal data array passed to image coords. Must have 2 coordinates')
        if len(data.shape) > 2:
            raise ValueError('Illegal data array passed to point cloud. Must have 1 or 2 dimensions')
项目:Interactivity    作者:treeoftenere    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update(self, x):
        """Update the buffer.

            x (numpy.ndarray): array of shape
                (n_new_samples, n_channels(, n_points))
        if x.ndim != self.buffer.ndim:
            raise ValueError('x has not the same number of dimensions as '
                             'the buffer.')
        nw = x.shape[0]

        # Determine index at which new values should be put into array
        ind = np.arange(self.ind, self.ind + nw, dtype=np.int16) % self.n
        self.buffer[ind, :] = x

        # Set self.ind = to the index at which new locations were put.
        # Separately defined here to allow new data to be an array rather
        # than just one row
        self.ind = (ind[-1] + 1) % self.n
        self.pts += nw
项目:Interactivity    作者:treeoftenere    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mark_noise(self, noise, nw=None):
        """Mark noisy samples in the buffer.

        Mark the last `nw` samples in the buffer as noisy (noisy -> True;
        clean -> False).

            noise (bool): if True, mark the last nw samples as noise

        Keyword Args:
            nw (int): number of samples to mark as noise. If None, use n
        if not nw:
            nw = self.n

        ind = np.arange(self.ind - nw, self.ind, dtype=np.int16) % self.n
        self.noise[ind, :] = noise
项目:geopyspark    作者:locationtech-labs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_no_data_deserialization(self):
        arr = np.int16([[[-32768, -32768, -32768, -32768],
                         [-32768, -32768, -32768, -32768],
                         [-32768, -32768, -32768, -32768],
                         [-32768, -32768, -32768, -32768]]])

        epsg_code = 3857
        extent = Extent(0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 10.0)
        projected_extent = ProjectedExtent(extent, epsg_code)

        tile = Tile(arr, 'SHORT', -32768)
        rdd = BaseTestClass.pysc.parallelize([(projected_extent, tile)])
        raster_layer = RasterLayer.from_numpy_rdd(LayerType.SPATIAL, rdd)

        actual_tile = raster_layer.to_numpy_rdd().first()[1]

        self.assertEqual(actual_tile.cell_type, tile.cell_type)
        self.assertEqual(actual_tile.no_data_value, tile.no_data_value)
        self.assertTrue((actual_tile.cells == tile.cells).all())
项目:mss_pytorch    作者:Js-Mim    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def wavWrite(y, fs, nbits, audioFile):
        """ Write samples to WAV file
            samples: (ndarray / 2D ndarray) (floating point) sample vector
                        mono: DIM: nSamples
                        stereo: DIM: nSamples x nChannels

            fs:     (int) Sample rate in Hz
            nBits:  (int) Number of bits
            fnWAV:  (string) WAV file name to write
        if nbits == 8:
            intsamples = (y+1.0) * AudioIO.normFact['int' + str(nbits)]
            fX = np.int8(intsamples)
        elif nbits == 16:
            intsamples = y * AudioIO.normFact['int' + str(nbits)]
            fX = np.int16(intsamples)
        elif nbits > 16:
            fX = y

        write(audioFile, fs, fX)
项目:brats17    作者:xf4j    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def batch_works(k):
    if k == n_processes - 1:
        paths = all_paths[k * int(len(all_paths) / n_processes) : ]
        paths = all_paths[k * int(len(all_paths) / n_processes) : (k + 1) * int(len(all_paths) / n_processes)]

    for path in paths:
        probs = np.load(os.path.join(input_path, path))
        pred = np.argmax(probs, axis=3)
        fg_prob = 1 - probs[..., 0]
        pred = clean_contour(fg_prob, pred)
        seg = np.zeros(pred.shape, dtype=np.int16)
        seg[pred == 1] = 1
        seg[pred == 2] = 2
        seg[pred == 3] = 4
        img = nib.Nifti1Image(seg, np.eye(4)), os.path.join(output_path, path.replace('_probs.npy', '.nii.gz')))
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_unaligned(self):
        v = (np.zeros(64, dtype=np.int8) + ord('a'))[1:-7]
        d = v.view(np.dtype("S8"))
        # unaligned source
        x = (np.zeros(16, dtype=np.int8) + ord('a'))[1:-7]
        x = x.view(np.dtype("S8"))
        x[...] = np.array("b" * 8, dtype="S")
        b = np.arange(d.size)
        assert_equal(d[b], d)
        d[b] = x
        # nontrivial
        # unaligned index array
        b = np.zeros(d.size + 1).view(np.int8)[1:-(np.intp(0).itemsize - 1)]
        b = b.view(np.intp)[:d.size]
        b[...] = np.arange(d.size)
        assert_equal(d[b.astype(np.int16)], d)
        d[b.astype(np.int16)] = x
        # boolean
        d[b % 2 == 0]
        d[b % 2 == 0] = x[::2]
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_int(self):
        for st, ut, s in [(np.int8, np.uint8, 8),
                          (np.int16, np.uint16, 16),
                          (np.int32, np.uint32, 32),
                          (np.int64, np.uint64, 64)]:
            for i in range(1, s):
                assert_equal(hash(st(-2**i)), hash(-2**i),
                             err_msg="%r: -2**%d" % (st, i))
                assert_equal(hash(st(2**(i - 1))), hash(2**(i - 1)),
                             err_msg="%r: 2**%d" % (st, i - 1))
                assert_equal(hash(st(2**i - 1)), hash(2**i - 1),
                             err_msg="%r: 2**%d - 1" % (st, i))

                i = max(i - 1, 1)
                assert_equal(hash(ut(2**(i - 1))), hash(2**(i - 1)),
                             err_msg="%r: 2**%d" % (ut, i - 1))
                assert_equal(hash(ut(2**i - 1)), hash(2**i - 1),
                             err_msg="%r: 2**%d - 1" % (ut, i))
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_prod(self):
        ba = [1, 2, 10, 11, 6, 5, 4]
        ba2 = [[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 9], [10, 3, 4, 5]]

        for ctype in [np.int16, np.uint16, np.int32, np.uint32,
                      np.float32, np.float64, np.complex64, np.complex128]:
            a = np.array(ba, ctype)
            a2 = np.array(ba2, ctype)
            if ctype in ['1', 'b']:
                self.assertRaises(ArithmeticError,, axis=1)
                assert_equal(, 26400)
                                   np.array([50, 36, 84, 180], ctype))
                                   np.array([24, 1890, 600], ctype))
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_basic(self):
        ba = [1, 2, 10, 11, 6, 5, 4]
        ba2 = [[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 9], [10, 3, 4, 5]]
        for ctype in [np.int8, np.uint8, np.int16, np.uint16, np.int32,
                      np.uint32, np.float32, np.float64, np.complex64, np.complex128]:
            a = np.array(ba, ctype)
            a2 = np.array(ba2, ctype)

            tgt = np.array([1, 3, 13, 24, 30, 35, 39], ctype)
            assert_array_equal(np.cumsum(a, axis=0), tgt)

            tgt = np.array(
                [[1, 2, 3, 4], [6, 8, 10, 13], [16, 11, 14, 18]], ctype)
            assert_array_equal(np.cumsum(a2, axis=0), tgt)

            tgt = np.array(
                [[1, 3, 6, 10], [5, 11, 18, 27], [10, 13, 17, 22]], ctype)
            assert_array_equal(np.cumsum(a2, axis=1), tgt)
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_basic(self):
        ba = [1, 2, 10, 11, 6, 5, 4]
        ba2 = [[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 9], [10, 3, 4, 5]]
        for ctype in [np.int16, np.uint16, np.int32, np.uint32,
                      np.float32, np.float64, np.complex64, np.complex128]:
            a = np.array(ba, ctype)
            a2 = np.array(ba2, ctype)
            if ctype in ['1', 'b']:
                self.assertRaises(ArithmeticError,, a)
                self.assertRaises(ArithmeticError,, a2, 1)
                assert_equal(, 26400)
                                   np.array([50, 36, 84, 180], ctype))
                                   np.array([24, 1890, 600], ctype))
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_basic(self):
        ba = [1, 2, 10, 11, 6, 5, 4]
        ba2 = [[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 9], [10, 3, 4, 5]]
        for ctype in [np.int16, np.uint16, np.int32, np.uint32,
                      np.float32, np.float64, np.complex64, np.complex128]:
            a = np.array(ba, ctype)
            a2 = np.array(ba2, ctype)
            if ctype in ['1', 'b']:
                self.assertRaises(ArithmeticError, np.cumprod, a)
                self.assertRaises(ArithmeticError, np.cumprod, a2, 1)
                self.assertRaises(ArithmeticError, np.cumprod, a)
                assert_array_equal(np.cumprod(a, axis=-1),
                                   np.array([1, 2, 20, 220,
                                             1320, 6600, 26400], ctype))
                assert_array_equal(np.cumprod(a2, axis=0),
                                   np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4],
                                             [5, 12, 21, 36],
                                             [50, 36, 84, 180]], ctype))
                assert_array_equal(np.cumprod(a2, axis=-1),
                                   np.array([[1, 2, 6, 24],
                                             [5, 30, 210, 1890],
                                             [10, 30, 120, 600]], ctype))
项目:Video-Classification-Action-Recognition    作者:qijiezhao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_crop_ix(self,training_size):
        for size_pair in rescale_sizes:
            for i in w_indices:
                for j in h_indices:
        return crop_inds
项目:Master-Thesis    作者:AntoinePassemiers    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, data, comments = list()):
        Data structure for storing a sequence of amino acids. 
        The latter is represented by a contiguous array of integers.
        The mapping between the amino acids and their numeric value
        is done by using the ascii table.

        comments [list] : list of informations about the sequence parsed from the FASTA file
                          The list is constructed by splitting the comments using the ' ' delimiter
        N [int] : length of the sequence
        data [np.ndarray] : contiguous array containing the ascii values of the amino acids
        self.comments = comments
        self.N = len(data)
        if isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
   = data
            # If a string is passed, the latter is converted to a numpy array
   = np.empty(self.N, dtype = np.int16)
            for i in range(self.N):
      [i] = Sequence.charToInt(data[i])
项目:pymapd    作者:mapd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_load_table_columnar_arrow_all(self, con, all_types_table):
        pa = pytest.importorskip("pyarrow")

        names = ['boolean_', 'smallint_', 'int_', 'bigint_',
                 'float_', 'double_', 'varchar_', 'text_',
                 'time_', 'timestamp_', 'date_']

        columns = [pa.array([True, False, None], type=pa.bool_()),
                   pa.array([1, 0, None]).cast(pa.int16()),
                   pa.array([1, 0, None]).cast(pa.int32()),
                   pa.array([1, 0, None]),
                   pa.array([1.0, 1.1, None]).cast(pa.float32()),
                   pa.array([1.0, 1.1, None]),
                   # no fixed-width string
                   pa.array(['a', 'b', None]),
                   pa.array(['a', 'b', None]),
                   (pa.array([1, 2, None]).cast(pa.int32())
                   pa.array([datetime.datetime(2016, 1, 1, 12, 12, 12),
                             datetime.datetime(2017, 1, 1), None]),
                   pa.array([, 1, 1),
                   , 1, 1), None])]
        table = pa.Table.from_arrays(columns, names=names)
        con.load_table_arrow(all_types_table, table)
项目:pymapd    作者:mapd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_load_table_creates(self, con, not_a_table):
        pd = pytest.importorskip("pandas")
        import numpy as np

        data = pd.DataFrame({
            "boolean_": [True, False],
            "smallint_cast": np.array([0, 1], dtype=np.int8),
            "smallint_": np.array([0, 1], dtype=np.int16),
            "int_": np.array([0, 1], dtype=np.int32),
            "bigint_": np.array([0, 1], dtype=np.int64),
            "float_": np.array([0, 1], dtype=np.float32),
            "double_": np.array([0, 1], dtype=np.float64),
            "varchar_": ["a", "b"],
            "text_": ['a', 'b'],
            "time_": [datetime.time(0, 11, 59), datetime.time(13)],
            "timestamp_": [pd.Timestamp("2016"), pd.Timestamp("2017")],
            "date_": [, 1, 1),, 1, 1)],
        }, columns=['boolean_', 'smallint_', 'int_', 'bigint_', 'float_',
                    'double_', 'varchar_', 'text_', 'time_', 'timestamp_',
        con.load_table(not_a_table, data, create=True)
项目:aes_wimp    作者:Js-Mim    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def wavWrite(y, fs, nbits, audioFile):
        """ Write samples to WAV file
            samples: (ndarray / 2D ndarray) (floating point) sample vector
                        mono: DIM: nSamples
                        stereo: DIM: nSamples x nChannels

            fs:     (int) Sample rate in Hz
            nBits:  (int) Number of bits
            fnWAV:  (string) WAV file name to write
        if nbits == 8:
            intsamples = (y+1.0) * AudioIO.normFact['int' + str(nbits)]
            fX = np.int8(intsamples)
        elif nbits == 16:
            intsamples = y * AudioIO.normFact['int' + str(nbits)]
            fX = np.int16(intsamples)
        elif nbits > 16:
            fX = y

        write(audioFile, fs, fX)
项目:bifrost    作者:ledatelescope    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def interpret_header(self):
        """redefine variables from header dictionary"""
        self.nifs = self.header['nifs']
        self.nchans = self.header['nchans']
        self.nbits = self.header['nbits']
        signed = 'signed' in self.header and self.header['signed'] is True
        if self.nbits >= 8:
            if signed:
                self.dtype = {8: np.int8,
                              16: np.int16,
                              32: np.float32,
                              64: np.float64}[self.nbits]
                self.dtype = {8: np.uint8,
                              16: np.uint16,
                              32: np.float32,
                              64: np.float64}[self.nbits]
            self.dtype = np.int8 if signed else np.uint8
项目:bifrost    作者:ledatelescope    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def numpy2bifrost(dtype):
    if   dtype == np.int8:       return _bf.BF_DTYPE_I8
    elif dtype == np.int16:      return _bf.BF_DTYPE_I16
    elif dtype == np.int32:      return _bf.BF_DTYPE_I32
    elif dtype == np.uint8:      return _bf.BF_DTYPE_U8
    elif dtype == np.uint16:     return _bf.BF_DTYPE_U16
    elif dtype == np.uint32:     return _bf.BF_DTYPE_U32
    elif dtype == np.float16:    return _bf.BF_DTYPE_F16
    elif dtype == np.float32:    return _bf.BF_DTYPE_F32
    elif dtype == np.float64:    return _bf.BF_DTYPE_F64
    elif dtype == np.float128:   return _bf.BF_DTYPE_F128
    elif dtype == ci8:           return _bf.BF_DTYPE_CI8
    elif dtype == ci16:          return _bf.BF_DTYPE_CI16
    elif dtype == ci32:          return _bf.BF_DTYPE_CI32
    elif dtype == cf16:          return _bf.BF_DTYPE_CF16
    elif dtype == np.complex64:  return _bf.BF_DTYPE_CF32
    elif dtype == np.complex128: return _bf.BF_DTYPE_CF64
    elif dtype == np.complex256: return _bf.BF_DTYPE_CF128
    else: raise ValueError("Unsupported dtype: " + str(dtype))
项目:bifrost    作者:ledatelescope    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def numpy2string(dtype):
    if   dtype == np.int8:       return 'i8'
    elif dtype == np.int16:      return 'i16'
    elif dtype == np.int32:      return 'i32'
    elif dtype == np.int64:      return 'i64'
    elif dtype == np.uint8:      return 'u8'
    elif dtype == np.uint16:     return 'u16'
    elif dtype == np.uint32:     return 'u32'
    elif dtype == np.uint64:     return 'u64'
    elif dtype == np.float16:    return 'f16'
    elif dtype == np.float32:    return 'f32'
    elif dtype == np.float64:    return 'f64'
    elif dtype == np.float128:   return 'f128'
    elif dtype == np.complex64:  return 'cf32'
    elif dtype == np.complex128: return 'cf64'
    elif dtype == np.complex256: return 'cf128'
    else: raise TypeError("Unsupported dtype: " + str(dtype))
项目:Global_GPP_VPM_NCEP_C3C4    作者:zhangyaonju    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def smooth(tile):
    #first use this function to get mean and save it in an array
    temp = import_all_year_data(tile)
    ####after get the mean value for all doy, I will run a bise gapfill first
    print temp.size
    ##when using the single processing
    #inputVI = pd.DataFrame(temp)
    #VIsmoothed = inputVI.apply(VIsmooth, axis=0)
    #VIsmoothed = VIsmoothed.as_matrix()
    #VIsmoothed = parallelize_dataframe(temp)
    ##when using the multiprocessing
    VIsmoothed = dataframeapply(temp)
    VIsmoothed = VIsmoothed.reshape(VIsmoothed.size/2400/2400, 2400, 2400)
    TILEdir = os.path.join(dirref, tile)
    if not os.path.exists(TILEdir):
    export_array (Rasters=np.int16(VIsmoothed), directory=TILEdir, \
        prod='EVI.BISE.SG', tile=tile, index=range(1, 369, 8))
    temp = None
    inputVI = None
    VIsmoothed = None
项目:QGL    作者:BBN-Q    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update_wf_library(filename, pulses, offsets):
    Update a H5 waveform library in place give an iterable of (pulseName, pulse)
    tuples and offsets into the waveform library.
    #load the h5 file
    with h5py.File(filename) as FID:
        for label, pulse in pulses.items():
            #create a new waveform
            if pulse.isTimeAmp:
                shape = np.repeat(pulse.amp * np.exp(1j * pulse.phase), 4)
                shape = pulse.amp * np.exp(1j * pulse.phase) * pulse.shape
                length = offsets[label][1]
            except KeyError:
                print("\t{} not found in offsets so skipping".format(pulse))
            for offset in offsets[label][0]:
                print("\tUpdating {} at offset {}".format(pulse, offset))
                FID['/chan_1/waveforms'][offset:offset + length] = np.int16(
                    MAX_WAVEFORM_VALUE * shape.real)
                FID['/chan_2/waveforms'][offset:offset + length] = np.int16(
                    MAX_WAVEFORM_VALUE * shape.imag)
项目:QGL    作者:BBN-Q    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def write_field(FID, fieldName, data, dataType):
    typeSizes = {'int16': 2, 'int32': 4, 'double': 8, 'uint128': 16}
    formatChars = {'int16': '<h', 'int32': '<i', 'double': '<d'}

    if dataType == 'char':
        dataSize = len(data) + 1
        data = data + chr(0)
        dataSize = typeSizes[dataType]

    FID.write(struct.pack('<II', len(fieldName) + 1, dataSize))
    FID.write(fieldName + chr(0))
    if dataType == 'char':
    elif dataType == 'uint128':
        #struct doesn't support uint128 so write two 64bits
        #there are smarter ways but we really only need this for the fake timestamp
        FID.write(struct.pack('<QQ', 0, data))
        FID.write(struct.pack(formatChars[dataType], data))
项目:QGL    作者:BBN-Q    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def write_waveform(FID, WFname, WFnumber, data):
    Helper function to write a waveform
    numString = str(WFnumber)

    write_field(FID, 'WAVEFORM_NAME_' + numString, WFname, 'char')

    #Set integer format
    write_field(FID, 'WAVEFORM_TYPE_' + numString, 1, 'int16')

    write_field(FID, 'WAVEFORM_LENGTH_' + numString, data.size, 'int32')

    write_field(FID, 'WAVEFORM_TIMESTAMP_' + numString, 0, 'uint128')
    tmpString = 'WAVEFORM_DATA_' + numString + chr(0)
    dataSize = 2 * data.size
    FID.write(struct.pack('<II', len(tmpString), dataSize))
项目:pytrip    作者:pytrip    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read_dicom(self, dcm):
        """ Imports CT-images from Dicom object.

        :param Dicom dcm: a Dicom object
        if "images" not in dcm:
            raise InputError("Data doesn't contain ct data")
        if not self.header_set:

        self.cube = np.zeros((self.dimz, self.dimy, self.dimx), dtype=np.int16)
        intersect = float(dcm["images"][0].RescaleIntercept)
        slope = float(dcm["images"][0].RescaleSlope)

        for i in range(len(dcm["images"])):
            data = np.array(dcm["images"][i].pixel_array) * slope + intersect
            self.cube[i][:][:] = data
        if self.slice_pos[1] < self.slice_pos[0]:
            self.zoffset = self.slice_pos[0]
            self.cube = self.cube[::-1]
项目:pytrip    作者:pytrip    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_data_type(self, type):
        """ Sets the data type for the TRiP98 header files.

        :param numpy.type type: numpy type, e.g. np.uint16
        if type is np.int8 or type is np.uint8:
            self.data_type = "integer"
            self.num_bytes = 1
        elif type is np.int16 or type is np.uint16:
            self.data_type = "integer"
            self.num_bytes = 2
        elif type is np.int32 or type is np.uint32:
            self.data_type = "integer"
            self.num_bytes = 4
        elif type is np.float:
            self.data_type = "float"
            self.num_bytes = 4
        elif type is np.double:
            self.data_type = "double"
            self.num_bytes = 8

    # ######################  WRITING DICOM FILES #######################################
项目:piecewisecrf    作者:Vaan5    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_data(predictions_file, labels_file):

    Loads prediction and label data into numpy arrays

    predictions_file: str
        Path to the prediction file

    labels_file: str
        Path to the label file

    ret_val: tuple
        labels array, predictions array

    labels = io.load_nparray_from_bin_file(labels_file, np.uint8)
    predictions = io.load_nparray_from_bin_file(predictions_file, np.int16)

    return labels, predictions
项目:gan_practice    作者:handspeaker    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def render_fonts_image(x, path, img_per_row, unit_scale=True):
    if unit_scale:
        # scale 0-1 matrix back to gray scale bitmaps
        bitmaps = (x * 255.).astype(dtype=np.int16) % 256
        bitmaps = x
    num_imgs, h, w = x.shape
    width = img_per_row * w
    height = int(np.ceil(float(num_imgs) / img_per_row)) * h
    canvas = np.zeros(shape=(height, width), dtype=np.int16)
    # make the canvas all white
    for idx, bm in enumerate(bitmaps):
        x = h * int(idx / img_per_row)
        y = w * int(idx % img_per_row)
        canvas[x: x + h, y: y + w] = bm
    return path
项目:deep-learning-keras-projects    作者:jasmeetsb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _typename(t):
    if t == np.float16:
        return 'float16'
    elif t == np.float32:
        return 'float32'
    elif t == np.float64:
        return 'float64'
    elif t == np.uint8:
        return 'uint8'
    elif t == np.uint16:
        return 'uint16'
    elif t == np.int16:
        return 'int16'
    elif t == np.int32:
        return 'int32'
    elif t == np.int64:
        return 'int64'
        raise TypeError('unknown type')
项目:incubator-airflow-old    作者:apache    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def default(self, obj):
        # convert dates and numpy objects in a json serializable format
        if isinstance(obj, datetime):
            return obj.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
        elif isinstance(obj, date):
            return obj.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
        elif type(obj) in (np.int_, np.intc, np.intp, np.int8, np.int16,
                           np.int32, np.int64, np.uint8, np.uint16,
                           np.uint32, np.uint64):
            return int(obj)
        elif type(obj) in (np.bool_,):
            return bool(obj)
        elif type(obj) in (np.float_, np.float16, np.float32, np.float64,
                           np.complex_, np.complex64, np.complex128):
            return float(obj)

        # Let the base class default method raise the TypeError
        return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
项目:tensorboard-chainer    作者:neka-nat    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def convert_dtype(dtype):
    if dtype == np.float32:
        return dt.DT_FLOAT
    elif dtype == np.float64:
        return dt.DT_DOUBLE
    elif dtype == np.int32:
        return dt.DT_INT32
    elif dtype == np.uint8:
        return dt.DT_UINT8
    elif dtype == np.int16:
        return dt.DT_INT16
    elif dtype == np.int8:
        return dt.DT_INT8
    elif dtype == np.dtype('S1'):
        return dt.DT_STRING
        raise ValueError('Unsupported type.')
项目:keras-wavenet    作者:usernaamee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_audio_from_model(model, sr, duration, seed_audio):
    print 'Generating audio...'
    new_audio = np.zeros((sr * duration))
    curr_sample_idx = 0
    while curr_sample_idx < new_audio.shape[0]:
        distribution = np.array(model.predict(seed_audio.reshape(1,
                                                                 frame_size, 1)
                                             ), dtype=float).reshape(256)
        distribution /= distribution.sum().astype(float)
        predicted_val = np.random.choice(range(256), p=distribution)
        ampl_val_8 = ((((predicted_val) / 255.0) - 0.5) * 2.0)
        ampl_val_16 = (np.sign(ampl_val_8) * (1/256.0) * ((1 + 256.0)**abs(
            ampl_val_8) - 1)) * 2**15
        new_audio[curr_sample_idx] = ampl_val_16
        seed_audio[-1] = ampl_val_16
        seed_audio[:-1] = seed_audio[1:]
        pc_str = str(round(100*curr_sample_idx/float(new_audio.shape[0]), 2))
        sys.stdout.write('Percent complete: ' + pc_str + '\r')
        curr_sample_idx += 1
    print 'Audio generated.'
    return new_audio.astype(np.int16)
项目:kaggle-lung-cancer    作者:mdai    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def to_volume(slices):
    """Creates ndarray volume in Hounsfield units (HU) from array of pydicom slices.
    volume = np.stack([s.pixel_array for s in slices])
    volume = volume.astype(np.int16)

    # Set outside-of-scan pixels to 0
    # The intercept is usually -1024, so air is approximately 0
    volume[volume == -2000] = 0

    # Convert to Hounsfield units (HU)
    for n in range(len(slices)):
        intercept = slices[n].RescaleIntercept
        slope = slices[n].RescaleSlope
        if slope != 1:
            volume[n] = slope * volume[n].astype(np.float64)
            volume[n] = volume[n].astype(np.int16)
        volume[n] += np.int16(intercept)

    volume = np.array(volume, dtype=np.int16)
    spacing = tuple(map(float, ([slices[0].SliceThickness] + slices[0].PixelSpacing)))
    return volume, spacing
项目:kaggle-lung-cancer    作者:mdai    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def to_volume(slices):
    """Creates ndarray volume in Hounsfield units (HU) from array of pydicom slices.
    volume = np.stack([s.pixel_array for s in slices])
    volume = volume.astype(np.int16)

    # Set outside-of-scan pixels to 0
    # The intercept is usually -1024, so air is approximately 0
    volume[volume == -2000] = 0

    # Convert to Hounsfield units (HU)
    for n in range(len(slices)):
        intercept = slices[n].RescaleIntercept
        slope = slices[n].RescaleSlope
        if slope != 1:
            volume[n] = slope * volume[n].astype(np.float64)
            volume[n] = volume[n].astype(np.int16)
        volume[n] += np.int16(intercept)

    volume = np.array(volume, dtype=np.int16)
    spacing = tuple(map(float, ([slices[0].SliceThickness] + slices[0].PixelSpacing)))
    return volume, spacing
项目:rastercube    作者:terrai    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_cell_indices_in_tile(self):
        Test get_cell_indices_in_tile by filling an int array for a tile,
        using the indices returned by cell_indices_in_tile for each cell
        in the tile. The array should be fully filled with 1 at the end
        h, v = (20, 11)
        grid = MODISGrid()
        tile_data = np.zeros(
            (MODISGrid.MODIS_tile_height, MODISGrid.MODIS_tile_width),
        cells = grid.get_cells_for_tile(h, v)
        for cell in cells:
            i_range, j_range = grid.get_cell_indices_in_tile(cell, h, v)
            tile_data[i_range[0]:i_range[1], j_range[0]:j_range[1]] += 1
        # If tile_data contains some zeros, this means the tile is not
        # fully covered by the cells. If it contains values > 1, this means
        # than more than one cell covers a given tile pixel
        assert_array_equal(tile_data, np.ones_like(tile_data))