Python numpy 模块,logical_and() 实例源码


项目:specularity-removal    作者:gmichaeljaison    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _resolve_spec(im1, im2):
    im = im1.copy()

    img1 = cv.cvtColor(im1, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    img2 = cv.cvtColor(im2, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

    # Best pixel selection criteria
    #   1. Pixel difference should be more than 20. (just an experimentally value. Free to change!)
    #   2. Best pixel should have less intensity
    #   3. pixel should not be pure black. (just an additional constraint
    #       to remove black background created by warping)
    mask = np.logical_and((img1 - img2) > DIFF_THRESHOLD, img1 > img2)
    mask = np.logical_and(mask, img2 != 0)

    im[mask] = im2[mask]
    return im
项目:human-rl    作者:gsastry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def action_label_counts(directory, data_loader, n_actions=18, n=None):
    episode_paths = frame.episode_paths(directory)
    label_counts = [0, 0]
    action_label_counts = [[0, 0] for i in range(n_actions)]
    if n is not None:
        episode_paths = episode_paths[:n]
    for episode_path in tqdm.tqdm(episode_paths):
            features, labels = data_loader.load_features_and_labels([episode_path])
            for label in range(len(label_counts)):
                label_counts[label] += np.count_nonzero(labels == label)
                for action in range(n_actions):
                    actions = np.reshape(np.array(features["action"]), [-1])
                    action_label_counts[action][label] += np.count_nonzero(
                        np.logical_and(labels == label, actions == action))
    return label_counts, action_label_counts
项目:npstreams    作者:LaurentRDC    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def iall(arrays, axis = -1):
    Test whether all array elements along a given axis evaluate to True 

    arrays : iterable
        Arrays to be reduced.
    axis : int or None, optional
        Axis along which a logical AND reduction is performed. The default
        is to perform a logical AND along the 'stream axis', as if all arrays in ``array``
        were stacked along a new dimension. If ``axis = None``, arrays in ``arrays`` are flattened
        before reduction.

    all : ndarray, dtype bool 
    yield from ireduce_ufunc(arrays, ufunc = np.logical_and, axis = axis)
项目:cellranger    作者:10XGenomics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _classify_gems(counts0, counts1):
        """ Infer number of distinct transcriptomes present in each GEM (1 or 2) and
            report cr_constants.GEM_CLASS_GENOME0 for a single cell w/ transcriptome 0,
            report cr_constants.GEM_CLASS_GENOME1 for a single cell w/ transcriptome 1,
            report cr_constants.GEM_CLASS_MULTIPLET for multiple transcriptomes """
        # Assumes that most of the GEMs are single-cell; model counts independently
        thresh0, thresh1 = [cr_constants.DEFAULT_MULTIPLET_THRESHOLD] * 2
        if sum(counts0 > counts1) >= 1 and sum(counts1 > counts0) >= 1:
            thresh0 = np.percentile(counts0[counts0 > counts1], cr_constants.MULTIPLET_PROB_THRESHOLD)
            thresh1 = np.percentile(counts1[counts1 > counts0], cr_constants.MULTIPLET_PROB_THRESHOLD)

        doublet = np.logical_and(counts0 >= thresh0, counts1 >= thresh1)
        dtype = np.dtype('|S%d' % max(len(cls) for cls in cr_constants.GEM_CLASSES))
        result = np.where(doublet, cr_constants.GEM_CLASS_MULTIPLET, cr_constants.GEM_CLASS_GENOME0).astype(dtype)
        result[np.logical_and(np.logical_not(result == cr_constants.GEM_CLASS_MULTIPLET), counts1 > counts0)] = cr_constants.GEM_CLASS_GENOME1

        return result
项目:cellranger    作者:10XGenomics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def reg2bin_vector(begin, end):
    '''Vectorized tabix reg2bin -- much faster than reg2bin'''
    result = np.zeros(begin.shape)

    # Entries filled
    done = np.zeros(begin.shape, dtype=np.bool)

    for (bits, bins) in rev_bit_bins:
        begin_shift = begin >> bits
        new_done = (begin >> bits) == (end >> bits)
        mask = np.logical_and(new_done, np.logical_not(done))
        offset = ((1 << (29 - bits)) - 1) / 7
        result[mask] = offset + begin_shift[mask]

        done = new_done

    return result.astype(np.int32)
项目:OrbWeaver    作者:rajanil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_test_accuracy(X_test, Y_test, model, prediction_type, cellgroup_map_array):

    prediction = model.predict(X_test)
    auc = []

    if prediction_type=="cellgroup":

        prediction =, cellgroup_map_array)
        Y_test =, cellgroup_map_array)

    mask = ~np.logical_or(Y_test.sum(1)==0, Y_test.sum(1)==Y_test.shape[1])

    for y,pred in zip(Y_test.T,prediction.T):
        pos = np.logical_and(mask, y==1)
        neg = np.logical_and(mask, y==0)
            U = stats.mannwhitneyu(pred[pos], pred[neg])[0]
        except ValueError:

    return auc
项目:atoolbox    作者:liweitianux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ignore_data(self, xmin=None, xmax=None, unit=None):
        Ignore the data points within range [xmin, xmax].
        If xmin is None, then xmin=min(xdata);
        if xmax is None, then xmax=max(xdata).

        if unit is None, then assume the same unit as `self.xunit'.
        if unit is None:
            unit = self.xunit
        if xmin is not None:
            xmin = self.convert_unit(xmin, unit=unit)
            xmin = np.min(self.xdata)
        if xmax is not None:
            xmax = self.convert_unit(xmax, unit=unit)
            xmax = np.max(self.xdata)
        ignore_idx = np.logical_and(self.xdata >= xmin, self.xdata <= xmax)
        self.mask[ignore_idx] = False
        # reset `f_residual'
        self.f_residual = None
项目:atoolbox    作者:liweitianux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def notice_data(self, xmin=None, xmax=None, unit=None):
        Notice the data points within range [xmin, xmax].
        If xmin is None, then xmin=min(xdata);
        if xmax is None, then xmax=max(xdata).

        if unit is None, then assume the same unit as `self.xunit'.
        if unit is None:
            unit = self.xunit
        if xmin is not None:
            xmin = self.convert_unit(xmin, unit=unit)
            xmin = np.min(self.xdata)
        if xmax is not None:
            xmax = self.convert_unit(xmax, unit=unit)
            xmax = np.max(self.xdata)
        notice_idx = np.logical_and(self.xdata >= xmin, self.xdata <= xmax)
        self.mask[notice_idx] = True
        # reset `f_residual'
        self.f_residual = None
项目:PyMDNet    作者:HungWei-Andy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def overlap_ratio(boxes1, boxes2):
  # find intersection bbox
  x_int_bot = np.maximum(boxes1[:, 0], boxes2[0])
  x_int_top = np.minimum(boxes1[:, 0] + boxes1[:, 2], boxes2[0] + boxes2[2])
  y_int_bot = np.maximum(boxes1[:, 1], boxes2[1])
  y_int_top = np.minimum(boxes1[:, 1] + boxes1[:, 3], boxes2[1] + boxes2[3])

  # find intersection area
  dx = x_int_top - x_int_bot
  dy = y_int_top - y_int_bot
  area_int = np.where(np.logical_and(dx>0, dy>0), dx * dy, np.zeros_like(dx))

  # find union
  area_union = boxes1[:,2] * boxes1[:,3] + boxes2[2] * boxes2[3] - area_int

  # find overlap ratio
  ratio = np.where(area_union > 0, area_int/area_union, np.zeros_like(area_int))
  return ratio

#                          overlap_ratio of two bboxes                    #
项目:PyMDNet    作者:HungWei-Andy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def overlap_ratio_pair(boxes1, boxes2):
  # find intersection bbox
  x_int_bot = np.maximum(boxes1[:, 0], boxes2[:, 0])
  x_int_top = np.minimum(boxes1[:, 0] + boxes1[:, 2], boxes2[:, 0] + boxes2[:, 2])
  y_int_bot = np.maximum(boxes1[:, 1], boxes2[:, 1])
  y_int_top = np.minimum(boxes1[:, 1] + boxes1[:, 3], boxes2[:, 1] + boxes2[:, 3])

  # find intersection area
  dx = x_int_top - x_int_bot
  dy = y_int_top - y_int_bot
  area_int = np.where(np.logical_and(dx>0, dy>0), dx * dy, np.zeros_like(dx))

  # find union
  area_union = boxes1[:,2] * boxes1[:,3] + boxes2[:, 2] * boxes2[:, 3] - area_int

  # find overlap ratio
  ratio = np.where(area_union > 0, area_int/area_union, np.zeros_like(area_int))
  return ratio
项目:fold    作者:tensorflow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_drop_path_choices(self):
    if not self._drop_path:  # Drop path was turned off.
      return np.zeros(shape=[len(self._choices)], dtype='int32')
    elif np.random.uniform() < self._p_local_drop_path:
      # Local drop-path (make each choice independantly at random.)
      choices = np.random.uniform(size=[len(self._choices)])
      drop_base = choices < self._p_drop_base_case
      drop_recursive = np.logical_and(
          choices < (self._p_drop_base_case + self._p_drop_recursive_case),
      return (np.int32(drop_base)*self._JUST_RECURSE +
      # Global (pick a single column.)
      column = np.random.randint(self._fractal_block_depth)
      return np.array(
          [self._JUST_RECURSE if len(binary_seq) < column else self._JUST_BASE
           for _, binary_seq in self._choices],
项目:IntelAct-Vizdoom    作者:chendagui16    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __act_manual(self, state_meas):
        if len(self.__measure_for_manual):
            # [AMMO2, AMMO3, AMMO4, AMMO5, AMMO6, AMMO7, WEAPON2,
            assert len(self.__measure_for_manual) == 13
            curr_action = np.zeros((state_meas.shape[0], self.__num_manual_controls),
            for ns in range(state_meas.shape[0]):
                curr_ammo = state_meas[ns, self.__measure_for_manual[:6]]
                curr_weapons = state_meas[ns, self.__measure_for_manual[6:12]]
                if self.verbose:
                    print 'current ammo:', curr_ammo
                    print 'current weapons:', curr_weapons
                available_weapons = np.logical_and(curr_ammo >= np.array([1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 40]), curr_weapons)
                if any(available_weapons):
                    best_weapon = np.nonzero(available_weapons)[0][-1]
                    if not state_meas[ns, self.__measure_for_manual[12]] == best_weapon + 2:
                        curr_action[ns, best_weapon] = 1
            return curr_action
            return []
项目:Graphene    作者:ashivni    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def anamVertexRegionSize(vor, L, typical=6):
    Given a set of centroids (voronoi generators),
    for each vertex in the tessellation, return 1 if the vertex is part of a region that
    is not of the 'typical' size
    # vertices
    v = vor.vertices

    sizeFlag = numpy.zeros(len(v))  # flag for anamolous region size
    # regSize = [[]]*len(v)     # list of region sizes
    for reg in vor.regions:
        if len(reg) > 0 and -1 not in reg:  # Non-empty and non-open region
            size = len(reg)
            if size != typical:
                for vert in reg:  # update size of all vertices that are in the region
                    # regSize[vert].append(size)
                    sizeFlag[vert] = 1

    # Choose all in box
    sizeFlag = sizeFlag[numpy.logical_and(*[numpy.logical_and(v[:, i] >= 0, v[:, i] <= L[i]) for i in range(2)])]

    sizeFlag = sizeFlag.astype('int')
    return sizeFlag
项目:Graphene    作者:ashivni    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def anamVertexRegionSize(vor, L, typical=6):
    Given a set of centroids (voronoi generators),
    for each vertex in the tessellation, return 1 if the vertex is part of a region that 
    is not of the 'typical' size
    # vertices
    v = vor.vertices

    sizeFlag = numpy.zeros(len(v))      # flag for anamolous region size
    #regSize = [[]]*len(v)      # list of region sizes
    for reg in vor.regions:
        if len(reg) > 0 and -1 not in reg:  # Non-empty and non-open region
            size = len(reg)
            if size != typical:
                for vert in reg:        # update size of all vertices that are in the region
                    sizeFlag[vert] = 1 

    # Choose all in box
    sizeFlag = sizeFlag[ numpy.logical_and(* [ numpy.logical_and(v[:,i]>=0, v[:,i] <= L[i]) for i in range(2) ] )]

    sizeFlag = sizeFlag.astype('int')
    return sizeFlag
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_truth_table_logical(self):
        # 2, 3 and 4 serves as true values
        input1 = [0, 0, 3, 2]
        input2 = [0, 4, 0, 2]

        typecodes = (np.typecodes['AllFloat']
                     + np.typecodes['AllInteger']
                     + '?')     # boolean
        for dtype in map(np.dtype, typecodes):
            arg1 = np.asarray(input1, dtype=dtype)
            arg2 = np.asarray(input2, dtype=dtype)

            # OR
            out = [False, True, True, True]
            for func in (np.logical_or, np.maximum):
                assert_equal(func(arg1, arg2).astype(bool), out)
            # AND
            out = [False, False, False, True]
            for func in (np.logical_and, np.minimum):
                assert_equal(func(arg1, arg2).astype(bool), out)
            # XOR
            out = [False, True, True, False]
            for func in (np.logical_xor, np.not_equal):
                assert_equal(func(arg1, arg2).astype(bool), out)
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_object_logical(self):
        a = np.array([3, None, True, False, "test", ""], dtype=object)
        assert_equal(np.logical_or(a, None),
                        np.array([x or None for x in a], dtype=object))
        assert_equal(np.logical_or(a, True),
                        np.array([x or True for x in a], dtype=object))
        assert_equal(np.logical_or(a, 12),
                        np.array([x or 12 for x in a], dtype=object))
        assert_equal(np.logical_or(a, "blah"),
                        np.array([x or "blah" for x in a], dtype=object))

        assert_equal(np.logical_and(a, None),
                        np.array([x and None for x in a], dtype=object))
        assert_equal(np.logical_and(a, True),
                        np.array([x and True for x in a], dtype=object))
        assert_equal(np.logical_and(a, 12),
                        np.array([x and 12 for x in a], dtype=object))
        assert_equal(np.logical_and(a, "blah"),
                        np.array([x and "blah" for x in a], dtype=object))

                        np.array([not x for x in a], dtype=object))

        assert_equal(np.logical_or.reduce(a), 3)
        assert_equal(np.logical_and.reduce(a), None)
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_NotImplemented_not_returned(self):
        # See gh-5964 and gh-2091. Some of these functions are not operator
        # related and were fixed for other reasons in the past.
        binary_funcs = [
            np.power, np.add, np.subtract, np.multiply, np.divide,
            np.true_divide, np.floor_divide, np.bitwise_and, np.bitwise_or,
            np.bitwise_xor, np.left_shift, np.right_shift, np.fmax,
            np.fmin, np.fmod, np.hypot, np.logaddexp, np.logaddexp2,
            np.logical_and, np.logical_or, np.logical_xor, np.maximum,
            np.minimum, np.mod

        # These functions still return NotImplemented. Will be fixed in
        # future.
        # bad = [np.greater, np.greater_equal, np.less, np.less_equal, np.not_equal]

        a = np.array('1')
        b = 1
        for f in binary_funcs:
            assert_raises(TypeError, f, a, b)
项目:Master-Thesis    作者:AntoinePassemiers    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_metrics(predictions, targets):
    assert(np.logical_or(predictions == 1, predictions == 0).all())
    assert(np.logical_or(targets == 1, targets == 0).all())
    TP  = np.logical_and(predictions == 1, targets == 1).sum()
    FP  = np.logical_and(predictions == 1, targets == 0).sum()
    FN  = np.logical_and(predictions == 0, targets == 1).sum()
    TN  = np.logical_and(predictions == 0, targets == 0).sum()
    N   = TP + FP + FN + TN

    PPV = float(TP) / float(TP + FP) if TP != 0.0 else 0.0
    FPV = float(TN) / float(TN + FN) if TN != 0.0 else 0.0
    ACC = float(TP + TN) / float(N)
    TPR = float(TP) / float(TP + FN) if TP != 0.0 else 0.0
    FPR = float(FP) / float(FP + TN) if FP != 0.0 else 0.0
    tp, tn, fp, fn = float(TP) / N, float(TN) / N, float(FP) / N, float(FN) / N
    MCC = float(tp*tn - fp*fn) / (np.sqrt(tp+fp)*np.sqrt(tp+fn)*np.sqrt(tn+fp)*np.sqrt(tn+fn))
    F1 = 2 * TP / float(2 * TP + FP + FN)
    metrics = {
        "TP": TP, "FP": FP, "FN": FN, "TN": TN, "N": N,
        "PPV": PPV, "FPV": FPV, "MCC": MCC, "ACC": ACC,
        "F1": F1
    return metrics
项目:HARK    作者:econ-ark    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def simOnePrd(self):
        Simulate one period of the fashion victom model for this type.  Each
        agent receives an idiosyncratic preference shock and chooses whether to
        change styles (using the optimal decision rule).


        pNow    = self.pNow
        sPrev   = self.sNow
        J2Pprob = self.switchFuncJock(pNow)
        P2Jprob = self.switchFuncPunk(pNow)
        Shks    = self.RNG.rand(self.pop_size)
        J2P     = np.logical_and(sPrev == 0,Shks < J2Pprob)
        P2J     = np.logical_and(sPrev == 1,Shks < P2Jprob)
        sNow    = copy(sPrev)
        sNow[J2P] = 1
        sNow[P2J] = 0
        self.sNow = sNow
项目:brainiak    作者:brainiak    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _shrink(v, gamma):
        """Soft-shrinkage of an array with parameter gamma.


        v : array
            Array containing the values to be applied to the shrinkage operator

        gamma : float
            Shrinkage parameter.


        v : array
            The same input array after the shrinkage operator was applied.
        pos = v > gamma
        neg = v < -gamma
        v[pos] -= gamma
        v[neg] += gamma
        v[np.logical_and(~pos, ~neg)] = .0
        return v
项目:uncover-ml    作者:GeoscienceAustralia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __split_apply(self, func_y_lt_f, func_y_gt_f, func_f_lt_0, y, f):

        # Make sure all arrays are of a compatible type
        y, f = np.broadcast_arrays(y, f)
        y = y.astype(float, copy=False)
        f = f.astype(float, copy=False)

        if any(y < 0):
            raise ValueError("y has to be > 0!")

        # get indicators of which likelihoods to apply where
        y_lt_f = np.logical_and(y <= f, f > 0)
        y_gt_f = np.logical_and(y > f, f > 0)
        f_lt_0 = f <= 0

        result = np.zeros_like(y)

        result[y_lt_f] = func_y_lt_f(y[y_lt_f], f[y_lt_f])
        result[y_gt_f] = func_y_gt_f(y[y_gt_f], f[y_gt_f])
        result[f_lt_0] = func_f_lt_0(y[f_lt_0], f[f_lt_0])

        return result
项目:uncover-ml    作者:GeoscienceAustralia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _global_lonlat2pix(self, lonlat):
        x = np.searchsorted(self._coords_x, lonlat[:, 0], side='right') - 1
        x = x.astype(int)
        ycoords = self._coords_y
        y = np.searchsorted(ycoords, lonlat[:, 1], side='right') - 1
        y = y.astype(int)

        # We want the *closed* interval, which means moving
        # points on the end back by 1
        on_end_x = lonlat[:, 0] == self._coords_x[-1]
        on_end_y = lonlat[:, 1] == self._coords_y[-1]
        x[on_end_x] -= 1
        y[on_end_y] -= 1
        if (not all(np.logical_and(x >= 0, x < self._full_res[0]))) or \
                (not all(np.logical_and(y >= 0, y < self._full_res[1]))):
            raise ValueError("Queried location is not "
                             "in the image {}!".format(self.source._filename))

        result = np.concatenate((x[:, np.newaxis], y[:, np.newaxis]), axis=1)
        return result

    # @contract(lonlat='array[Nx2](float64),N>0')
项目:Auspex    作者:BBN-Q    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_switching_data(filename_or_fileobject, start_state=None, group="main", failure=False, threshold=None,
                        voltage_scale_factor=1.0, duration_scale_factor=1.0, data_name='voltage', data_filter=None, display=False):
    data, desc = load_from_HDF5(filename_or_fileobject, reshape=False)
    # Regular axes
    states = desc[group].axis("state").points
    reps   = desc[group].axis("attempt").points
    # Main data array, possibly unstructured
    dat = data[group][:].reshape((-1, reps.size, states.size))
    # Filter data if desired
    # e.g. filter_func = lambda dat: np.logical_and(dat['field'] == 0.04, dat['temperature'] == 4.0)
    if data_filter:
        dat = dat[np.where(data_filter(dat))]

    Vs     = dat[data_name]
    durs   = dat['pulse_duration'][:,0,0]
    amps   = dat['pulse_voltage'][:,0,0]
    points = np.array([durs, amps]).transpose()

    if failure:
        return points, reset_failure(Vs, start_state=start_state)
        return points, switching_phase(Vs, start_state=start_state, threshold=threshold, display=display)
项目:brainpipe    作者:EtienneCmb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _pfp(pha, amp, phabin, binsize):
    """Sub prefered phase function
    nbin, nt = len(phabin), pha.shape[1]
    ampbin = np.zeros((len(phabin), nt), dtype=float)
    # Binarize amplitude accros all trials :
    for t in range(nt):
        curpha, curamp = pha[:, t], amp[:, t]
        for i, p in enumerate(phabin):
            idx = np.logical_and(curpha >= p, curpha < p+binsize)
            if idx.astype(int).sum() != 0:
                ampbin[i, t] = curamp[idx].mean()
                ampbin[i, t] = 0
        ampbin[:, t] /= ampbin[:, t].sum()
    # Find prefered phase and p-values :
    pfp = np.array([phabin[k]+binsize/2 for k in ampbin.argmax(axis=0)])
    pvalue = circ_rtest(pfp)[0]
    prf = phabin[ampbin.mean(axis=1).argmax()]+binsize/2

    return pfp, prf, pvalue, ampbin
项目:motif    作者:rabitt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_snippet_idx(snippet, full_array):
    """ Find the indices of ``full_array`` where ``snippet`` is present.
    Assumes both ``snippet`` and ``full_array`` are ordered.

    snippet : np.array
        Array of ordered time stamps
    full_array : np.array
        Array of ordered time stamps

    idx : np.array
        Array of booleans indicating where in ``full_array`` ``snippet``
        is present.

    idx = np.logical_and(
        full_array >= snippet[0], full_array <= snippet[-1]
    return idx
项目:tu-dortmund-ice-cube    作者:wjam1995    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_signal_mask(df):
    masks = []
    # Select waveforms whose DOMs are close to both interaction
    # vertices and still suficiently separated in time
    masks.append(df['GeometricalSelection'] == 1)
    # Apply a light set of cuts on the remaining waveforms
    masks.append(df['Bins_ToT_Pulse1'] >= 2)
    masks.append(df['Bins_ToT_Pulse2'] >= 3)
    masks.append(df['Bins_TbT'] >= 2)
    masks.append(df['Amplitude_Pulse1'] >= 10)
    masks.append(df['Amplitude_Pulse2'] >= 10)

    # Combine all the masks
    selection_mask = masks[0]
    for i in range(1, len(masks)):
        selection_mask = np.logical_and(selection_mask, masks[i])

    return selection_mask
项目:voropy    作者:nschloe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_edge_mask(self, subdomain=None):
        '''Get faces which are fully in subdomain.
        if subdomain is None:
            return numpy.s_[:]

        if subdomain not in self.subdomains:

        # A face is inside if all its edges are in.
        # An edge is inside if all its nodes are in.
        is_in = self.subdomains[subdomain]['vertices'][self.idx_hierarchy]
        # Take `all()` over the first index
        is_inside = numpy.all(is_in, axis=tuple(range(1)))

        if subdomain.is_boundary_only:
            # Filter for boundary
            is_inside = numpy.logical_and(is_inside, self.is_boundary_edge)

        return is_inside
项目:voropy    作者:nschloe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_face_mask(self, subdomain):
        '''Get faces which are fully in subdomain.
        if subdomain is None:
            return numpy.s_[:]

        if subdomain not in self.subdomains:

        # A face is inside if all its edges are in.
        # An edge is inside if all its nodes are in.
        is_in = self.subdomains[subdomain]['vertices'][self.idx_hierarchy]
        # Take `all()` over all axes except the last two (face_ids, cell_ids).
        n = len(is_in.shape)
        is_inside = numpy.all(is_in, axis=tuple(range(n-2)))

        if subdomain.is_boundary_only:
            # Filter for boundary
            is_inside = numpy.logical_and(is_inside, self.is_boundary_face)

        return is_inside
项目:voropy    作者:nschloe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _mark_vertices(self, subdomain):
        '''Mark faces/edges which are fully in subdomain.
        if subdomain is None:
            is_inside = numpy.ones(len(self.node_coords), dtype=bool)
            is_inside = subdomain.is_inside(self.node_coords.T).T

            if subdomain.is_boundary_only:
                # Filter boundary
                is_inside = numpy.logical_and(is_inside, self.is_boundary_node)

        self.subdomains[subdomain] = {
                'vertices': is_inside,
项目:mxnet-ssd    作者:zhreshold    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _filter_image_with_no_gt(self):
        filter images that have no ground-truth labels.
        use case: when you wish to work only on a subset of pascal classes, you have 2 options:
            1. use only the sub-dataset that contains the subset of classes
            2. use all images, and images with no ground-truth will count as true-negative images
        self object with filtered information

        # filter images that do not have any of the specified classes
        self.labels = [f[np.logical_and(f[:, 0] >= 0, f[:, 0] <= self.num_classes-1), :] for f in self.labels]
        # find indices of images with ground-truth labels
        gt_indices = [idx for idx, f in enumerate(self.labels) if not f.size == 0]

        self.labels = [self.labels[idx] for idx in gt_indices]
        self.image_set_index = [self.image_set_index[idx] for idx in gt_indices]
        old_num_images = self.num_images
        self.num_images = len(self.labels)

        print ('filtering images with no gt-labels. can abort filtering using *true_negative* flag')
        print ('... remaining {0}/{1} images.  '.format(self.num_images, old_num_images))
项目:krpcScripts    作者:jwvanderbeck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_truth_table_logical(self):
        # 2, 3 and 4 serves as true values
        input1 = [0, 0, 3, 2]
        input2 = [0, 4, 0, 2]

        typecodes = (np.typecodes['AllFloat']
                     + np.typecodes['AllInteger']
                     + '?')     # boolean
        for dtype in map(np.dtype, typecodes):
            arg1 = np.asarray(input1, dtype=dtype)
            arg2 = np.asarray(input2, dtype=dtype)

            # OR
            out = [False, True, True, True]
            for func in (np.logical_or, np.maximum):
                assert_equal(func(arg1, arg2).astype(bool), out)
            # AND
            out = [False, False, False, True]
            for func in (np.logical_and, np.minimum):
                assert_equal(func(arg1, arg2).astype(bool), out)
            # XOR
            out = [False, True, True, False]
            for func in (np.logical_xor, np.not_equal):
                assert_equal(func(arg1, arg2).astype(bool), out)
项目:krpcScripts    作者:jwvanderbeck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_object_logical(self):
        a = np.array([3, None, True, False, "test", ""], dtype=object)
        assert_equal(np.logical_or(a, None),
                        np.array([x or None for x in a], dtype=object))
        assert_equal(np.logical_or(a, True),
                        np.array([x or True for x in a], dtype=object))
        assert_equal(np.logical_or(a, 12),
                        np.array([x or 12 for x in a], dtype=object))
        assert_equal(np.logical_or(a, "blah"),
                        np.array([x or "blah" for x in a], dtype=object))

        assert_equal(np.logical_and(a, None),
                        np.array([x and None for x in a], dtype=object))
        assert_equal(np.logical_and(a, True),
                        np.array([x and True for x in a], dtype=object))
        assert_equal(np.logical_and(a, 12),
                        np.array([x and 12 for x in a], dtype=object))
        assert_equal(np.logical_and(a, "blah"),
                        np.array([x and "blah" for x in a], dtype=object))

                        np.array([not x for x in a], dtype=object))

        assert_equal(np.logical_or.reduce(a), 3)
        assert_equal(np.logical_and.reduce(a), None)
项目:krpcScripts    作者:jwvanderbeck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_NotImplemented_not_returned(self):
        # See gh-5964 and gh-2091. Some of these functions are not operator
        # related and were fixed for other reasons in the past.
        binary_funcs = [
            np.power, np.add, np.subtract, np.multiply, np.divide,
            np.true_divide, np.floor_divide, np.bitwise_and, np.bitwise_or,
            np.bitwise_xor, np.left_shift, np.right_shift, np.fmax,
            np.fmin, np.fmod, np.hypot, np.logaddexp, np.logaddexp2,
            np.logical_and, np.logical_or, np.logical_xor, np.maximum,
            np.minimum, np.mod

        # These functions still return NotImplemented. Will be fixed in
        # future.
        # bad = [np.greater, np.greater_equal, np.less, np.less_equal, np.not_equal]

        a = np.array('1')
        b = 1
        for f in binary_funcs:
            assert_raises(TypeError, f, a, b)
项目:yt    作者:yt-project    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _make_counts(emin, emax):
    def _counts(field, data):
        e = data["event_energy"].in_units("keV")
        mask = np.logical_and(e >= emin, e < emax)
        x = data["event_x"][mask]
        y = data["event_y"][mask]
        z = np.ones(x.shape)
        pos = np.array([x,y,z]).transpose()
        img = data.deposit(pos, method="count")
        if data.has_field_parameter("sigma"):
            sigma = data.get_field_parameter("sigma")
            sigma = None
        if sigma is not None and sigma > 0.0:
            kern = _astropy.conv.Gaussian2DKernel(stddev=sigma)
            img[:,:,0] = _astropy.conv.convolve(img[:,:,0], kern)
        return data.ds.arr(img, "counts/pixel")
    return _counts
项目:yt    作者:yt-project    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_particle_filter_dependency():
    Test dataset add_particle_filter which should automatically add
    the dependency of the filter.

    @particle_filter(filtered_type='all', requires=['particle_type'])
    def stars(pfilter, data):
        filter = data[(pfilter.filtered_type, "particle_type")] == 2
        return filter

    @particle_filter(filtered_type='stars', requires=['creation_time'])
    def young_stars(pfilter, data):
        age = data.ds.current_time - data[pfilter.filtered_type, "creation_time"]
        filter = np.logical_and(age.in_units('Myr') <= 5, age >= 0)
        return filter

    ds = yt.load(iso_galaxy)
    assert 'young_stars' in ds.particle_types
    assert 'stars' in ds.particle_types
    assert ('deposit', 'young_stars_cic') in ds.derived_field_list
    assert ('deposit', 'stars_cic') in ds.derived_field_list
项目:yt    作者:yt-project    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bbox_filter(left, right, domain_width):

    def myfilter(chunk, mask=None):
        pos = np.array([chunk['x'], chunk['y'], chunk['z']]).T

        # This hurts, but is useful for periodicity. Probably should check
        # first if it is even needed for a given left/right
        for i in range(3):
            pos[:, i] = np.mod(pos[:, i] - left[i], domain_width[i]) + left[i]

        # Now get all particles that are within the bbox
        if mask is None:
            mask = np.all(pos >= left, axis=1)
            np.logical_and(mask, np.all(pos < right, axis=1), mask)
            np.logical_and(mask, np.all(pos >= left, axis=1), mask)
            np.logical_and(mask, np.all(pos < right, axis=1), mask)
        return mask

    return myfilter
项目:DTW_physionet2016    作者:JJGO    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_transitions(states):
    Computes transitions given a state array

        states : numpy array
            States array of the form
        transitions : numpy array
            Contains indices of all the transitions in the states array
    states = np.squeeze(states)
    # Edge cases when starts in 1 and/or ends in 4
    if states[0] == 1:
        states = np.concatenate(([4], states))
    if states[-1] == 4:
        states = np.concatenate((states, [1]))
    transitions = np.where(np.diff(states) != 0)[0] + 1
    first = np.where(states == 1)[0][0]
    last = np.where(states == 4)[0][-1] + 1
    transitions = transitions[np.logical_and(transitions >= first, transitions <= last)]
    return transitions
项目:DTW_physionet2016    作者:JJGO    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_transitions(states):
    Computes transitions given a state array

        states : numpy array
            States array of the form
        transitions : numpy array
            Contains indices of all the transitions in the states array
    states = np.squeeze(states)
    # Edge cases when starts in 1 and/or ends in 4
    if states[0] == 1:
        states = np.concatenate(([4], states))
    if states[-1] == 4:
        states = np.concatenate((states, [1]))
    transitions = np.where(np.diff(states) != 0)[0] + 1
    first = np.where(states == 1)[0][0]
    last = np.where(states == 4)[0][-1] + 1
    transitions = transitions[np.logical_and(transitions >= first, transitions <= last)]
    return transitions
项目:cellranger    作者:10XGenomics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _compute_count_purity(counts0, counts1):
        """ Compute fraction of counts in putative single-cell GEMs
        originating from the non-cell transcriptome """
        gem_occupancy = MultiGenomeAnalysis._classify_gems(counts0, counts1)
        frac0 = counts0.astype(float) / (counts0 + counts1).astype(float)
        purity0 = frac0[gem_occupancy == cr_constants.GEM_CLASS_GENOME0]
        purity1 = 1 - frac0[gem_occupancy == cr_constants.GEM_CLASS_GENOME1]
        overall_purity = np.concatenate([purity0, purity1])

        # Compute number of purity outliers
        threshold0, threshold1 = 1.0, 1.0
        fit_purity0 = purity0[np.logical_and(purity0 > 0, purity0 < 1)]
        fit_purity1 = purity1[np.logical_and(purity1 > 0, purity1 < 1)]
        if len(fit_purity0) > 1 and len(fit_purity1) > 1:
                alpha0, beta0, _, _ =, floc=0, fscale=1)
                alpha1, beta1, _, _ =, floc=0, fscale=1)
                threshold0 = scipy.stats.beta.ppf(cr_constants.COUNT_PURITY_OUTLIER_PROB_THRESHOLD, alpha0, beta0)
                threshold1 = scipy.stats.beta.ppf(cr_constants.COUNT_PURITY_OUTLIER_PROB_THRESHOLD, alpha1, beta1)
            except scipy.stats._continuous_distns.FitSolverError as e:
                print >> sys.stderr, e
                threshold0, threshold1 = 1.0, 1.0
            except scipy.stats._continuous_distns.FitDataError as e:
                print >> sys.stderr, e
                threshold0, threshold1 = 1.0, 1.0

        outlier0 = np.logical_and(gem_occupancy == cr_constants.GEM_CLASS_GENOME0,
                                  frac0 < threshold0)
        outlier1 = np.logical_and(gem_occupancy == cr_constants.GEM_CLASS_GENOME1,
                                  (1-frac0) < threshold1)
        n_outlier0 = sum(outlier0)
        n_outlier1 = sum(outlier1)
        frac_outlier0 = tk_stats.robust_divide(n_outlier0, len(purity0))
        frac_outlier1 = tk_stats.robust_divide(n_outlier1, len(purity1))
        is_outlier = np.logical_or(outlier0, outlier1).astype(int)

        return (purity0.mean(), purity1.mean(), overall_purity.mean(),
                n_outlier0, n_outlier1, frac_outlier0, frac_outlier1,
项目:cellranger    作者:10XGenomics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def numpy_logical_and_list(list_of_logicals):
    assert(len(list_of_logicals) >= 2)
    output = list_of_logicals[0]
    for i in range(1,len(list_of_logicals)):
        output = np.logical_and(output, list_of_logicals[i])
    return output
项目:aapm_thoracic_challenge    作者:xf4j    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def clean_contour(in_contour, is_prob=False):
    if is_prob:
        pred = (in_contour >= 0.5).astype(np.float32)
        pred = in_contour
    labels = measure.label(pred)
    area = []
    for l in range(1, np.amax(labels) + 1):
        area.append(np.sum(labels == l))
    out_contour = in_contour
    out_contour[np.logical_and(labels > 0, labels != np.argmax(area) + 1)] = 0
    return out_contour
项目:segmentation_DLMI    作者:imatge-upc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dice(im1, im2):
    Computes the Dice coefficient, a measure of set similarity.
    im1 : array-like, bool
        Any array of arbitrary size. If not boolean, will be converted.
    im2 : array-like, bool
        Any other array of identical size. If not boolean, will be converted.
    dice : float
        Dice coefficient as a float on range [0,1].
        Maximum similarity = 1
        No similarity = 0

    The order of inputs for `dice` is irrelevant. The result will be
    identical if `im1` and `im2` are switched.
    im1 = np.asarray(im1).astype(np.bool)
    im2 = np.asarray(im2).astype(np.bool)

    if im1.shape != im2.shape:
        raise ValueError("Shape mismatch: im1 and im2 must have the same shape.")

    # Compute Dice coefficient
    intersection = np.logical_and(im1, im2)

    return (2. * intersection.sum() + np.finfo('float').eps) / (im1.sum() + im2.sum() + np.finfo('float').eps)
项目:segmentation_DLMI    作者:imatge-upc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dice(im1, im2):
    Computes the Dice coefficient, a measure of set similarity.
    im1 : array-like, bool
        Any array of arbitrary size. If not boolean, will be converted.
    im2 : array-like, bool
        Any other array of identical size. If not boolean, will be converted.
    dice : float
        Dice coefficient as a float on range [0,1].
        Maximum similarity = 1
        No similarity = 0

    The order of inputs for `dice` is irrelevant. The result will be
    identical if `im1` and `im2` are switched.
    im1 = np.asarray(im1).astype(np.bool)
    im2 = np.asarray(im2).astype(np.bool)

    if im1.shape != im2.shape:
        raise ValueError("Shape mismatch: im1 and im2 must have the same shape.")

    # Compute Dice coefficient
    intersection = np.logical_and(im1, im2)

    return 2. * (intersection.sum() + np.finfo('float').eps) / (im1.sum() + im2.sum() + 2*np.finfo('float').eps)
项目:segmentation_DLMI    作者:imatge-upc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dice(im1, im2):
    Computes the Dice coefficient, a measure of set similarity.
    im1 : array-like, bool
        Any array of arbitrary size. If not boolean, will be converted.
    im2 : array-like, bool
        Any other array of identical size. If not boolean, will be converted.
    dice : float
        Dice coefficient as a float on range [0,1].
        Maximum similarity = 1
        No similarity = 0

    The order of inputs for `dice` is irrelevant. The result will be
    identical if `im1` and `im2` are switched.
    im1 = np.asarray(im1).astype(np.bool)
    im2 = np.asarray(im2).astype(np.bool)

    if im1.shape != im2.shape:
        raise ValueError("Shape mismatch: im1 and im2 must have the same shape.")

    # Compute Dice coefficient
    intersection = np.logical_and(im1, im2)

    return 2. * (intersection.sum() + np.finfo('float').eps) / (im1.sum() + im2.sum() + 2*np.finfo('float').eps)
项目:segmentation_DLMI    作者:imatge-upc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dice(im1, im2):
    Computes the Dice coefficient, a measure of set similarity.
    im1 : array-like, bool
        Any array of arbitrary size. If not boolean, will be converted.
    im2 : array-like, bool
        Any other array of identical size. If not boolean, will be converted.
    dice : float
        Dice coefficient as a float on range [0,1].
        Maximum similarity = 1
        No similarity = 0

    The order of inputs for `dice` is irrelevant. The result will be
    identical if `im1` and `im2` are switched.
    im1 = np.asarray(im1).astype(np.bool)
    im2 = np.asarray(im2).astype(np.bool)

    if im1.shape != im2.shape:
        raise ValueError("Shape mismatch: im1 and im2 must have the same shape.")

    # Compute Dice coefficient
    intersection = np.logical_and(im1, im2)

    return 2. * (intersection.sum() + np.finfo('float').eps) / (im1.sum() + im2.sum() + 2 * np.finfo('float').eps)
项目:segmentation_DLMI    作者:imatge-upc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dice(im1, im2):
    Computes the Dice coefficient, a measure of set similarity.
    im1 : array-like, bool
        Any array of arbitrary size. If not boolean, will be converted.
    im2 : array-like, bool
        Any other array of identical size. If not boolean, will be converted.
    dice : float
        Dice coefficient as a float on range [0,1].
        Maximum similarity = 1
        No similarity = 0

    The order of inputs for `dice` is irrelevant. The result will be
    identical if `im1` and `im2` are switched.
    im1 = np.asarray(im1).astype(np.bool)
    im2 = np.asarray(im2).astype(np.bool)

    if im1.shape != im2.shape:
        raise ValueError("Shape mismatch: im1 and im2 must have the same shape.")

    # Compute Dice coefficient
    intersection = np.logical_and(im1, im2)

    return 2. * (intersection.sum() + np.finfo('float').eps) / (im1.sum() + im2.sum() + 2*np.finfo('float').eps)
项目:segmentation_DLMI    作者:imatge-upc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dice(im1, im2):
    Computes the Dice coefficient, a measure of set similarity.
    im1 : array-like, bool
        Any array of arbitrary size. If not boolean, will be converted.
    im2 : array-like, bool
        Any other array of identical size. If not boolean, will be converted.
    dice : float
        Dice coefficient as a float on range [0,1].
        Maximum similarity = 1
        No similarity = 0

    The order of inputs for `dice` is irrelevant. The result will be
    identical if `im1` and `im2` are switched.
    im1 = np.asarray(im1).astype(np.bool)
    im2 = np.asarray(im2).astype(np.bool)

    if im1.shape != im2.shape:
        raise ValueError("Shape mismatch: im1 and im2 must have the same shape.")

    # Compute Dice coefficient
    intersection = np.logical_and(im1, im2)

    return 2. * intersection.sum() / (im1.sum() + im2.sum())
项目:segmentation_DLMI    作者:imatge-upc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dice(im1, im2):
    Computes the Dice coefficient, a measure of set similarity.
    im1 : array-like, bool
        Any array of arbitrary size. If not boolean, will be converted.
    im2 : array-like, bool
        Any other array of identical size. If not boolean, will be converted.
    dice : float
        Dice coefficient as a float on range [0,1].
        Maximum similarity = 1
        No similarity = 0

    The order of inputs for `dice` is irrelevant. The result will be
    identical if `im1` and `im2` are switched.
    im1 = np.asarray(im1).astype(np.bool)
    im2 = np.asarray(im2).astype(np.bool)

    if im1.shape != im2.shape:
        raise ValueError("Shape mismatch: im1 and im2 must have the same shape.")

    # Compute Dice coefficient
    intersection = np.logical_and(im1, im2)

    return (2. * intersection.sum() + np.finfo('float').eps) / (im1.sum() + im2.sum() + np.finfo('float').eps)
项目:NeoAnalysis    作者:neoanalysis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __indexs_select_pk2(self,pk2_roi_pos):
        x_min = pk2_roi_pos[:,0].min()
        x_max = pk2_roi_pos[:,0].max()
        y_min = pk2_roi_pos[:,1].min()
        y_max = pk2_roi_pos[:,1].max()
        pca_1,pca_2 = self.PCAusedList.currentText().split("-")
        pca_1 =
        pca_2 =
        x = np.logical_and(self.wavePCAs[:,pca_1]>x_min, \
        y = np.logical_and(self.wavePCAs[:,pca_2]>y_min, \
        ind_0 = np.logical_and(x, y)
        ind_0 = np.where(ind_0 == True)[0]
        ind_0 = np.array(ind_0,dtype=np.int32)
        if ind_0.shape[0]>0:
            segments = []
            for i in range(pk2_roi_pos.shape[0]-1):
            segments = np.array(segments)
            temp_pcas = self.wavePCAs[ind_0]
            temp_pcas = temp_pcas[:,[pca_1,pca_2]]
            is_intersect = np.apply_along_axis(self.__intersect_roi2,1,temp_pcas,segments,pca_1)
            return ind_0[is_intersect]
            return np.array([],dtype=np.int32)
项目:NeoAnalysis    作者:neoanalysis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __indexs_select_pk2(self,pk2_roi_pos):
        x_min = pk2_roi_pos[:,0].min()
        x_max = pk2_roi_pos[:,0].max()
        y_min = pk2_roi_pos[:,1].min()
        y_max = pk2_roi_pos[:,1].max()
        pca_1,pca_2 = self.PCAusedList.currentText().split("-")
        pca_1 =
        pca_2 =
        x = np.logical_and(self.wavePCAs[:,pca_1]>x_min, \
        y = np.logical_and(self.wavePCAs[:,pca_2]>y_min, \
        ind_0 = np.logical_and(x, y)
        ind_0 = np.where(ind_0 == True)[0]
        ind_0 = np.array(ind_0,dtype=np.int32)
        if ind_0.shape[0]>0:
            segments = []
            for i in range(pk2_roi_pos.shape[0]-1):
            segments = np.array(segments)
            temp_pcas = self.wavePCAs[ind_0]
            temp_pcas = temp_pcas[:,[pca_1,pca_2]]
            is_intersect = np.apply_along_axis(self.__intersect_roi2,1,temp_pcas,segments,pca_1)
            return ind_0[is_intersect]
            return np.array([],dtype=np.int32)