Python numpy 模块,r_() 实例源码


项目:psola    作者:jcreinhold    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def primes_2_to_n(n):
    Efficient algorithm to find and list primes from
    2 to `n'.

        n (int): highest number from which to search for primes

        np array of all primes from 2 to n

        Robert William Hanks,
    sieve = np.ones(int(n / 3 + (n % 6 == 2)), dtype=np.bool)
    for i in range(1, int((n ** 0.5) / 3 + 1)):
        if sieve[i]:
            k = 3 * i + 1 | 1
            sieve[int(k * k / 3)::2 * k] = False
            sieve[int(k * (k - 2 * (i & 1) + 4) / 3)::2 * k] = False
    return np.r_[2, 3, ((3 * np.nonzero(sieve)[0][1:] + 1) | 1)]
项目:KATE    作者:hugochan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test(args):
    corpus = load_corpus(args.input)
    vocab, docs = corpus['vocab'], corpus['docs']
    n_vocab = len(vocab)

    doc_keys = docs.keys()
    X_docs = []
    for k in doc_keys:
        X_docs.append(vecnorm(doc2vec(docs[k], n_vocab), 'logmax1', 0))
        del docs[k]
    X_docs = np.r_[X_docs]

    vae = load_vae_model(args.load_model)

    doc_codes = vae.predict(X_docs)
    dump_json(dict(zip(doc_keys, doc_codes.tolist())), args.output)
    print 'Saved doc codes file to %s' % args.output

    # if args.save_topics:
    #     topics = get_topics(vae, revdict(vocab), topn=10)
    #     write_file(topics, args.save_topics)
    #     print 'Saved topics file to %s' % args.save_topics
项目:sound_field_analysis-py    作者:QULab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def radial_filter_fullspec(max_order, NFFT, fs, array_configuration, amp_maxdB=40):
    """Generate NFFT/2 + 1 modal radial filter of orders 0:max_order for frequencies 0:fs/2, wraps radial_filter()

    max_order : int
       Maximum order
    NFFT : int
       Order of FFT (number of bins), should be a power of 2.
    fs : int
       Sampling frequency
    array_configuration : ArrayConfiguration
       List/Tuple/ArrayConfiguration, see io.ArrayConfiguration
    amp_maxdB : int, optional
       Maximum modal amplification limit in dB [Default: 40]

    dn : array_like
       Vector of modal frequency domain filter of shape [max_order + 1 x NFFT / 2 + 1]

    freqs = _np.linspace(0, fs / 2, NFFT / 2 + 1)
    orders = _np.r_[0:max_order + 1]
    return radial_filter(orders, freqs, array_configuration, amp_maxdB=amp_maxdB)
项目:toppra    作者:hungpham2511    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_comp_controllable(self, pp_fixture):
        pcs, solver = pp_fixture
        I0 = np.r_[0.1, 0.2]
        IN = np.r_[0.1, 0.2]
        # Basic checks
        res_ctrl = solver.solve_controllable_sets()
        assert res_ctrl is True
        ctrl_sets = solver.K
        for i in range(solver.N+1):
            assert ctrl_sets[i, 1] >= ctrl_sets[i, 0]
            assert ctrl_sets[i, 0] >= 0
        assert ctrl_sets[solver.N, 0] >= IN[0] - TINY
        assert ctrl_sets[solver.N, 1] <= IN[1] + TINY
项目:toppra    作者:hungpham2511    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_comp_topp(self, pp_fixture):
        pcs, solver = pp_fixture
        I0 = np.r_[0.1, 0.2]
        IN = np.r_[0.1, 0.2]
        us, xs = solver.solve_topp(reg=0)

        # Proper parameteriation
        assert xs[0] <= I0[1] + TINY and xs[0] >= I0[0] - TINY
        assert xs[-1] <= IN[1] + TINY and xs[-1] >= IN[0] - TINY
        assert np.all(xs >= 0)
        for i in range(solver.N):
            Delta_i =[i+1] -[i]
            assert np.allclose(xs[i+1], xs[i] + 2 * us[i] * Delta_i)

        # Constraint satisfy-ability
        for i in range(solver.N):
            for c in pcs:
                if c.nm != 0:
                    assert np.all(
                        c.a[i] * us[i] + c.b[i] * xs[i] + c.c[i] <= TINY)
项目:toppra    作者:hungpham2511    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_start_interval(self, I0):
        """Set starting *squared* velocities interval.

        I0: array, or float
            (2, 0) array, the interval of starting squared path velocities.
            Can also be a float.

            If `I0` is a single, negative float. Or if `I0[0] > I0[1]`.

        I0 = np.r_[I0].astype(float)
        if I0.shape[0] == 1:
            I0 = np.array([I0[0], I0[0]])
        elif I0.shape[0] > 2:
            raise ValueError('Input I0 has wrong dimension: {}'.format(I0.shape))
        assert I0[1] >= I0[0], "Illegal input: non-increase end-points."
        assert I0[0] >= 0, "Illegal input: negative lower end-point."

        self.I0 = I0
项目:toppra    作者:hungpham2511    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_goal_interval(self, IN):
        """Set the goal squared velocity interval.

        IN: array or float
            A single float, or a (2, ) array setting the goal
            `(x_lower, x_higher)` squared path velocities.

            If `IN` is a single, negative float. Or if `IN[0] > IN[1]`.

        IN = np.r_[IN].astype(float)
        if IN.shape[0] == 1:
            IN = np.array([IN[0], IN[0]])
        elif IN.shape[0] > 2:
            raise ValueError('Input IN has wrong dimension: {}'.format(IN.shape))
        assert IN[1] >= IN[0], "Illegal input: non-increase end-points."
        assert IN[0] >= 0, "Illegal input: negative lower end-point."

        self.IN = IN
项目:em_examples    作者:geoscixyz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getSensitivity(survey, A, B, M, N, model):

    if(survey == "Dipole-Dipole"):
        rx = DC.Rx.Dipole(np.r_[M, 0.], np.r_[N, 0.])
        src = DC.Src.Dipole([rx], np.r_[A, 0.], np.r_[B, 0.])
    elif(survey == "Pole-Dipole"):
        rx = DC.Rx.Dipole(np.r_[M, 0.], np.r_[N, 0.])
        src = DC.Src.Pole([rx], np.r_[A, 0.])
    elif(survey == "Dipole-Pole"):
        rx = DC.Rx.Pole(np.r_[M, 0.])
        src = DC.Src.Dipole([rx], np.r_[A, 0.], np.r_[B, 0.])
    elif(survey == "Pole-Pole"):
        rx = DC.Rx.Pole(np.r_[M, 0.])
        src = DC.Src.Pole([rx], np.r_[A, 0.])

    survey = DC.Survey([src])
    problem = DC.Problem3D_CC(mesh, sigmaMap=mapping)
    problem.Solver = SolverLU
    fieldObj = problem.fields(model)

    J = problem.Jtvec(model, np.array([1.]), f=fieldObj)

    return J
项目:em_examples    作者:geoscixyz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getSensitivity(survey,A,B,M,N,model):

    if(survey == "Dipole-Dipole"):
        rx = DC.Rx.Dipole_ky(np.r_[M,0.], np.r_[N,0.])
        src = DC.Src.Dipole([rx], np.r_[A,0.], np.r_[B,0.])
    elif(survey == "Pole-Dipole"):
        rx = DC.Rx.Dipole_ky(np.r_[M,0.], np.r_[N,0.])
        src = DC.Src.Pole([rx], np.r_[A,0.])
    elif(survey == "Dipole-Pole"):
        rx = DC.Rx.Pole_ky(np.r_[M,0.])
        src = DC.Src.Dipole([rx], np.r_[A,0.], np.r_[B,0.])
    elif(survey == "Pole-Pole"):
        rx = DC.Rx.Pole_ky(np.r_[M,0.])
        src = DC.Src.Pole([rx], np.r_[A,0.])

    survey = DC.Survey_ky([src])
    problem = DC.Problem2D_CC(mesh, sigmaMap = mapping)
    problem.Solver = SolverLU
    fieldObj = problem.fields(model)

    J = problem.Jtvec(model, np.array([1.]), f=fieldObj)

    return J
项目:em_examples    作者:geoscixyz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def computeRotMatrix(self,Phi=False):

        # Default set such that phi1,phi2 = 0 is UXO pointed towards North

        if Phi is False:
            phi1 = np.radians(self.phi[0])
            phi2 = np.radians(self.phi[1])
            phi3 = np.radians(self.phi[2])
            phi1 = np.radians(Phi[0])           # Roll (CCW)
            phi2 = np.radians(Phi[1])           # Inclination (+ve is nose pointing down)
            phi3 = np.radians(Phi[2])           # Declination (degrees CW from North)

        # A1 = np.r_[np.c_[np.cos(phi1),-np.sin(phi1),0.],np.c_[np.sin(phi1),np.cos(phi1),0.],np.c_[0.,0.,1.]] # CCW Rotation about z-axis
        # A2 = np.r_[np.c_[1.,0.,0.],np.c_[0.,np.cos(phi2),np.sin(phi2)],np.c_[0.,-np.sin(phi2),np.cos(phi2)]] # CW Rotation about x-axis (rotates towards North)
        # A3 = np.r_[np.c_[np.cos(phi3),-np.sin(phi3),0.],np.c_[np.sin(phi3),np.cos(phi3),0.],np.c_[0.,0.,1.]] # CCW Rotation about z-axis (direction of head of object)

        A1 = np.r_[np.c_[np.cos(phi1),np.sin(phi1),0.],np.c_[-np.sin(phi1),np.cos(phi1),0.],np.c_[0.,0.,1.]] # CW Rotation about z-axis
        A2 = np.r_[np.c_[1.,0.,0.],np.c_[0.,np.cos(phi2),np.sin(phi2)],np.c_[0.,-np.sin(phi2),np.cos(phi2)]] # CW Rotation about x-axis (rotates towards North)
        A3 = np.r_[np.c_[np.cos(phi3),np.sin(phi3),0.],np.c_[-np.sin(phi3),np.cos(phi3),0.],np.c_[0.,0.,1.]] # CW Rotation about z-axis (direction of head of object)

项目:em_examples    作者:geoscixyz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def defineSensorLoc(self,XYZ):
        # XYZ: N X 3 array containing transmitter center locations
        # **NOTE** for this sensor, we know where the receivers are relative to transmitters
        self.TxLoc = XYZ

        dx = np.kron([-0.18,0.,0.,0.,0.18],np.ones(3))
        dy = np.kron([0.,-0.18,0.,0.18,0.],np.ones(3))

        N = np.shape(XYZ)[0]

        X = np.kron(XYZ[:,0],np.ones((15))) + np.kron(np.ones((N)),dx)
        Y = np.kron(XYZ[:,1],np.ones((15))) + np.kron(np.ones((N)),dy)
        Z = np.kron(XYZ[:,2],np.ones((15)))

        self.RxLoc = np.c_[X,Y,Z]

        self.TxID = np.kron(np.arange(1,np.shape(XYZ)[0]+1),np.ones((15)))
        self.RxComp = np.kron(np.kron(np.ones(np.shape(XYZ)[0]),np.ones((5))),np.r_[1,2,3])
项目:em_examples    作者:geoscixyz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getSensitivity(survey, A, B, M, N, model):

    if(survey == "Dipole-Dipole"):
        rx = DC.Rx.Dipole_ky(np.r_[M, 0.], np.r_[N, 0.])
        src = DC.Src.Dipole([rx], np.r_[A, 0.], np.r_[B, 0.])
    elif(survey == "Pole-Dipole"):
        rx = DC.Rx.Dipole_ky(np.r_[M, 0.], np.r_[N, 0.])
        src = DC.Src.Pole([rx], np.r_[A, 0.])
    elif(survey == "Dipole-Pole"):
        rx = DC.Rx.Pole_ky(np.r_[M, 0.])
        src = DC.Src.Dipole([rx], np.r_[A, 0.], np.r_[B, 0.])
    elif(survey == "Pole-Pole"):
        rx = DC.Rx.Pole_ky(np.r_[M, 0.])
        src = DC.Src.Pole([rx], np.r_[A, 0.])

    survey = DC.Survey_ky([src])
    problem = DC.Problem2D_CC(mesh, sigmaMap=mapping)
    problem.Solver = SolverLU
    fieldObj = problem.fields(model)

    J = problem.Jtvec(model, np.array([1.]), f=fieldObj)

    return J
项目:em_examples    作者:geoscixyz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def InteractiveDipole(self):
        def foo(orientation, normal, component, view, functype, flog, siglog, x1, y1, x2, y2, npts2D, npts, loc):
            f = np.r_[10**flog]
            sig = np.r_[10**siglog]
            return self.Dipole2Dviz(x1, y1, x2, y2, npts2D, npts, sig, f, srcLoc=np.r_[0., 0., 0.], orientation=orientation, component=component, view=view, normal=normal, functype=functype, loc=loc, dx=50.)

        out = widgetify(foo
            ,orientation=widgets.ToggleButtons(options=['x','y','z']) \
            ,normal=widgets.ToggleButtons(options=['X','Y','Z'], value="Z") \
            ,component=widgets.ToggleButtons(options=['real','imag','amplitude', 'phase']) \
            ,view=widgets.ToggleButtons(options=['x','y','z', 'vec']) \
            ,functype=widgets.ToggleButtons(options=["E_from_ED", "H_from_ED", "E_from_ED_galvanic", "E_from_ED_inductive"]) \
            ,flog=widgets.FloatSlider(min=-3, max=6, step=0.5, value=-3, continuous_update=False) \
            ,siglog=widgets.FloatSlider(min=-3, max=3, step=0.5, value=-3, continuous_update=False) \
            ,loc=widgets.FloatText(value=0.01) \
            ,x1=widgets.FloatText(value=-10) \
            ,y1=widgets.FloatText(value=0.01) \
            ,x2=widgets.FloatText(value=10) \
            ,y2=widgets.FloatText(value=0.01) \
            ,npts2D=widgets.IntSlider(min=4,max=200,step=2,value=40) \
        return out
项目:em_examples    作者:geoscixyz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getSensitivity(survey, A, B, M, N, model):

    if(survey == "Dipole-Dipole"):
        rx = DC.Rx.Dipole(np.r_[M,0.], np.r_[N,0.])
        src = DC.Src.Dipole([rx], np.r_[A,0.], np.r_[B,0.])
    elif(survey == "Pole-Dipole"):
        rx = DC.Rx.Dipole(np.r_[M,0.], np.r_[N,0.])
        src = DC.Src.Pole([rx], np.r_[A,0.])
    elif(survey == "Dipole-Pole"):
        rx = DC.Rx.Pole(np.r_[M,0.])
        src = DC.Src.Dipole([rx], np.r_[A,0.], np.r_[B,0.])
    elif(survey == "Pole-Pole"):
        rx = DC.Rx.Pole(np.r_[M,0.])
        src = DC.Src.Pole([rx], np.r_[A,0.])

    survey = DC.Survey([src])
    problem = DC.Problem3D_CC(mesh, sigmaMap = sigmaMap)
    problem.Solver = SolverLU
    fieldObj = problem.fields(model)

    J = problem.Jtvec(model, np.array([1.]), f=fieldObj)

    return J
项目:em_examples    作者:geoscixyz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getSensitivity(survey,A,B,M,N,model):

    if(survey == "Dipole-Dipole"):
        rx = DC.Rx.Dipole(np.r_[M,0.], np.r_[N,0.])
        src = DC.Src.Dipole([rx], np.r_[A,0.], np.r_[B,0.])
    elif(survey == "Pole-Dipole"):
        rx = DC.Rx.Dipole(np.r_[M,0.], np.r_[N,0.])
        src = DC.Src.Pole([rx], np.r_[A,0.])
    elif(survey == "Dipole-Pole"):
        rx = DC.Rx.Pole(np.r_[M,0.])
        src = DC.Src.Dipole([rx], np.r_[A,0.], np.r_[B,0.])
    elif(survey == "Pole-Pole"):
        rx = DC.Rx.Pole(np.r_[M,0.])
        src = DC.Src.Pole([rx], np.r_[A,0.])

    Srv = DC.Survey([src])
    problem = DC.Problem3D_CC(mesh, sigmaMap = sigmaMap)
    problem.Solver = SolverLU
    fieldObj = problem.fields(model)

    J = problem.Jtvec(model, np.array([1.]), f=fieldObj)

    return J
项目:em_examples    作者:geoscixyz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getSensitivity(survey,A,B,M,N,model):

    if(survey == "Dipole-Dipole"):
        rx = DC.Rx.Dipole_ky(np.r_[M,0.], np.r_[N,0.])
        src = DC.Src.Dipole([rx], np.r_[A,0.], np.r_[B,0.])
    elif(survey == "Pole-Dipole"):
        rx = DC.Rx.Dipole_ky(np.r_[M,0.], np.r_[N,0.])
        src = DC.Src.Pole([rx], np.r_[A,0.])
    elif(survey == "Dipole-Pole"):
        rx = DC.Rx.Pole_ky(np.r_[M,0.])
        src = DC.Src.Dipole([rx], np.r_[A,0.], np.r_[B,0.])
    elif(survey == "Pole-Pole"):
        rx = DC.Rx.Pole_ky(np.r_[M,0.])
        src = DC.Src.Pole([rx], np.r_[A,0.])

    survey = DC.Survey_ky([src])
    problem = DC.Problem2D_CC(mesh, sigmaMap = mapping)
    problem.Solver = SolverLU
    fieldObj = problem.fields(model)

    J = problem.Jtvec(model, np.array([1.]), f=fieldObj)

    return J
项目:discretize    作者:simpeg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(plotIt=True):
    sz = [16, 16]
    tM = discretize.TensorMesh(sz)
    qM = discretize.TreeMesh(sz)

    def refine(cell):
        if np.sqrt(((np.r_[]-0.5)**2).sum()) < 0.4:
            return 4
        return 3

    rM = discretize.CurvilinearMesh(discretize.utils.exampleLrmGrid(sz, 'rotate'))

    if not plotIt:
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(14, 5))
    opts = {}
    tM.plotGrid(ax=axes[0], **opts)
    qM.plotGrid(ax=axes[1], **opts)
    rM.plotGrid(ax=axes[2], **opts)
项目:discretize    作者:simpeg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _getEdgeP(self, xEdge, yEdge, zEdge):
        if self.dim == 2: raise Exception('Not implemented') # this should be a reordering of the face inner product?

        ind1, ind2, ind3 = [], [], []
        for ind in self._sortedCells:
            p = self._pointer(ind)
            w = self._levelWidth(p[-1])

            posX = [0, 0] if xEdge == 'eX0' else [w, 0] if xEdge == 'eX1' else [0, w] if xEdge == 'eX2' else [w, w]
            posY = [0, 0] if yEdge == 'eY0' else [w, 0] if yEdge == 'eY1' else [0, w] if yEdge == 'eY2' else [w, w]
            posZ = [0, 0] if zEdge == 'eZ0' else [w, 0] if zEdge == 'eZ1' else [0, w] if zEdge == 'eZ2' else [w, w]

            ind1.append( self._ex2i[self._index([ p[0]          , p[1] + posX[0], p[2] + posX[1], p[3]])]                         )
            ind2.append( self._ey2i[self._index([ p[0] + posY[0], p[1]          , p[2] + posY[1], p[3]])] + self.ntEx             )
            ind3.append( self._ez2i[self._index([ p[0] + posZ[0], p[1] + posZ[1], p[2]          , p[3]])] + self.ntEx + self.ntEy )

        IND = np.r_[ind1, ind2, ind3]

        PXXX = sp.coo_matrix((np.ones(self.dim*self.nC), (range(self.dim*self.nC), IND)), shape=(self.dim*self.nC, self.ntE)).tocsr()

        Re = self._deflationMatrix('E')

        return PXXX * Re
项目:discretize    作者:simpeg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rotatePointsFromNormals(XYZ, n0, n1, x0=np.r_[0., 0., 0.]):
        rotates a grid so that the vector n0 is aligned with the vector n1

        :param numpy.array n0: vector of length 3, should have norm 1
        :param numpy.array n1: vector of length 3, should have norm 1
        :param numpy.array x0: vector of length 3, point about which we perform the rotation
        :rtype: numpy.array, 3x3
        :return: rotation matrix which rotates the frame so that n0 is aligned with n1

    R = rotationMatrixFromNormals(n0, n1)

    assert XYZ.shape[1] == 3, "Grid XYZ should be 3 wide"
    assert len(x0) == 3, "x0 should have length 3"

    X0 = np.ones([XYZ.shape[0], 1])*mkvc(x0)

    return (XYZ - X0).dot(R.T) + X0 # equivalent to (R*(XYZ - X0)).T + X0
项目:discretize    作者:simpeg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def normals(self):
        """Face Normals

        :rtype: numpy.array
        :return: normals, (sum(nF), dim)
        if self.dim == 2:
            nX = np.c_[
                np.ones(self.nFx), np.zeros(self.nFx)
            nY = np.c_[
                np.zeros(self.nFy), np.ones(self.nFy)
            return np.r_[nX, nY]
        elif self.dim == 3:
            nX = np.c_[
                np.ones(self.nFx), np.zeros(self.nFx), np.zeros(self.nFx)
            nY = np.c_[
                np.zeros(self.nFy), np.ones(self.nFy), np.zeros(self.nFy)
            nZ = np.c_[
                np.zeros(self.nFz), np.zeros(self.nFz), np.ones(self.nFz)
            return np.r_[nX, nY, nZ]
项目:discretize    作者:simpeg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tangents(self):
        """Edge Tangents

        :rtype: numpy.array
        :return: normals, (sum(nE), dim)
        if self.dim == 2:
            tX = np.c_[
                np.ones(self.nEx), np.zeros(self.nEx)
            tY = np.c_[
                np.zeros(self.nEy), np.ones(self.nEy)
            return np.r_[tX, tY]
        elif self.dim == 3:
            tX = np.c_[
                np.ones(self.nEx), np.zeros(self.nEx), np.zeros(self.nEx)
            tY = np.c_[
                np.zeros(self.nEy), np.ones(self.nEy), np.zeros(self.nEy)
            tZ = np.c_[
                np.zeros(self.nEz), np.zeros(self.nEz), np.ones(self.nEz)
            return np.r_[tX, tY, tZ]
项目:discretize    作者:simpeg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_counts(self):
        nc = 8
        h1 = np.random.rand(nc)*nc*0.5 + nc*0.5
        h2 = np.random.rand(nc)*nc*0.5 + nc*0.5
        h = [hi/np.sum(hi) for hi in [h1, h2]]  # normalize
        M = discretize.TreeMesh(h)
        M._refineCell([0, 0, 0])
        M._refineCell([0, 0, 1])
        # M.plotGrid(showIt=True)
        assert M.nhFx == 2
        assert M.nFx == 9

        assert np.allclose(M.vol.sum(), 1.0)

        assert np.allclose(np.r_[M._areaFxFull, M._areaFyFull], M._deflationMatrix('F') * M.area)
项目:discretize    作者:simpeg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_faceDiv(self):

        hx, hy = np.r_[1., 2, 3, 4], np.r_[5., 6, 7, 8]
        T = discretize.TreeMesh([hx, hy], levels=2)
        T.refine(lambda xc: 2)
        # T.plotGrid(showIt=True)
        M = discretize.TensorMesh([hx, hy])
        assert M.nC == T.nC
        assert M.nF == T.nF
        assert M.nFx == T.nFx
        assert M.nFy == T.nFy
        assert M.nE == T.nE
        assert M.nEx == T.nEx
        assert M.nEy == T.nEy
        assert np.allclose(M.area, T.permuteF*T.area)
        assert np.allclose(M.edge, T.permuteE*T.edge)
        assert np.allclose(M.vol, T.permuteCC*T.vol)

        # plt.subplot(211).spy(M.faceDiv)
        # plt.subplot(212).spy(T.permuteCC*T.faceDiv*T.permuteF.T)

        assert (M.faceDiv - T.permuteCC*T.faceDiv*T.permuteF.T).nnz == 0
项目:discretize    作者:simpeg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_faceDiv(self):

        hx, hy, hz = np.r_[1., 2, 3, 4], np.r_[5., 6, 7, 8], np.r_[9., 10, 11, 12]
        M = discretize.TreeMesh([hx, hy, hz], levels=2)
        M.refine(lambda xc: 2)
        # M.plotGrid(showIt=True)
        Mr = discretize.TensorMesh([hx, hy, hz])
        assert M.nC == Mr.nC
        assert M.nF == Mr.nF
        assert M.nFx == Mr.nFx
        assert M.nFy == Mr.nFy
        assert M.nE == Mr.nE
        assert M.nEx == Mr.nEx
        assert M.nEy == Mr.nEy
        assert np.allclose(Mr.area, M.permuteF*M.area)
        assert np.allclose(Mr.edge, M.permuteE*M.edge)
        assert np.allclose(Mr.vol, M.permuteCC*M.vol)

        # plt.subplot(211).spy(Mr.faceDiv)
        # plt.subplot(212).spy(M.permuteCC*M.faceDiv*M.permuteF.T)

        assert (Mr.faceDiv - M.permuteCC*M.faceDiv*M.permuteF.T).nnz == 0
项目:discretize    作者:simpeg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_VectorIdenties(self):
        hx, hy, hz = [[(1, 4)], [(1, 4)], [(1, 4)]]

        M = discretize.TreeMesh([hx, hy, hz], levels=2)
        Mr = discretize.TensorMesh([hx, hy, hz])

        assert (M.faceDiv * M.edgeCurl).nnz == 0
        assert (Mr.faceDiv * Mr.edgeCurl).nnz == 0

        hx, hy, hz = np.r_[1., 2, 3, 4], np.r_[5., 6, 7, 8], np.r_[9., 10, 11, 12]

        M = discretize.TreeMesh([hx, hy, hz], levels=2)
        Mr = discretize.TensorMesh([hx, hy, hz])

        assert np.max(np.abs((M.faceDiv * M.edgeCurl).todense().flatten())) < TOL
        assert np.max(np.abs((Mr.faceDiv * Mr.edgeCurl).todense().flatten())) < TOL
项目:discretize    作者:simpeg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_orderN2CC(self): = "Averaging 2D: N2CC"
        fun = lambda x, y: (np.cos(x)+np.sin(y))
        self.getHere = lambda M: call2(fun, M.gridN)
        self.getThere = lambda M: call2(fun, M.gridCC)
        self.getAve = lambda M: M.aveN2CC

    # def test_orderN2F(self):
    # = "Averaging 2D: N2F"
    #     fun = lambda x, y: (np.cos(x)+np.sin(y))
    #     self.getHere = lambda M: call2(fun, M.gridN)
    #     self.getThere = lambda M: np.r_[call2(fun, M.gridFx), call2(fun, M.gridFy)]
    #     self.getAve = lambda M: M.aveN2F
    #     self.orderTest()

    # def test_orderN2E(self):
    # = "Averaging 2D: N2E"
    #     fun = lambda x, y: (np.cos(x)+np.sin(y))
    #     self.getHere = lambda M: call2(fun, M.gridN)
    #     self.getThere = lambda M: np.r_[call2(fun, M.gridEx), call2(fun, M.gridEy)]
    #     self.getAve = lambda M: M.aveN2E
    #     self.orderTest()
项目:discretize    作者:simpeg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_orderF2CCV(self): = "Averaging 2D: F2CCV"
        funX = lambda x, y: (np.cos(x)+np.sin(y))
        funY = lambda x, y: (np.cos(y)*np.sin(x))
        self.getHere = lambda M: np.r_[call2(funX, M.gridFx), call2(funY, M.gridFy)]
        self.getThere = lambda M: np.r_[call2(funX, M.gridCC), call2(funY, M.gridCC)]
        self.getAve = lambda M: M.aveF2CCV

    # def test_orderCC2F(self):
    # = "Averaging 2D: CC2F"
    #     fun = lambda x, y: (np.cos(x)+np.sin(y))
    #     self.getHere = lambda M: call2(fun, M.gridCC)
    #     self.getThere = lambda M: np.r_[call2(fun, M.gridFx), call2(fun, M.gridFy)]
    #     self.getAve = lambda M: M.aveCC2F
    #     self.expectedOrders = 1
    #     self.orderTest()
    #     self.expectedOrders = 2
项目:discretize    作者:simpeg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_orderN2CC(self): = "Averaging 3D: N2CC"
        fun = lambda x, y, z: (np.cos(x)+np.sin(y)+np.exp(z))
        self.getHere = lambda M: call3(fun, M.gridN)
        self.getThere = lambda M: call3(fun, M.gridCC)
        self.getAve = lambda M: M.aveN2CC

#     def test_orderN2F(self):
# = "Averaging 3D: N2F"
#         fun = lambda x, y, z: (np.cos(x)+np.sin(y)+np.exp(z))
#         self.getHere = lambda M: call3(fun, M.gridN)
#         self.getThere = lambda M: np.r_[call3(fun, M.gridFx), call3(fun, M.gridFy), call3(fun, M.gridFz)]
#         self.getAve = lambda M: M.aveN2F
#         self.orderTest()

#     def test_orderN2E(self):
# = "Averaging 3D: N2E"
#         fun = lambda x, y, z: (np.cos(x)+np.sin(y)+np.exp(z))
#         self.getHere = lambda M: call3(fun, M.gridN)
#         self.getThere = lambda M: np.r_[call3(fun, M.gridEx), call3(fun, M.gridEy), call3(fun, M.gridEz)]
#         self.getAve = lambda M: M.aveN2E
#         self.orderTest()
项目:discretize    作者:simpeg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_asArray_N_x_Dim(self):

        true = np.array([[1, 2, 3]])

        listArray = asArray_N_x_Dim([1, 2, 3], 3)
        self.assertTrue(np.all(true == listArray))
        self.assertTrue(true.shape == listArray.shape)

        listArray = asArray_N_x_Dim(np.r_[1, 2, 3], 3)
        self.assertTrue(np.all(true == listArray))
        self.assertTrue(true.shape == listArray.shape)

        listArray = asArray_N_x_Dim(np.array([[1, 2, 3.]]), 3)
        self.assertTrue(np.all(true == listArray))
        self.assertTrue(true.shape == listArray.shape)

        true = np.array([[1, 2], [4, 5]])

        listArray = asArray_N_x_Dim([[1, 2], [4, 5]], 2)
        self.assertTrue(np.all(true == listArray))
        self.assertTrue(true.shape == listArray.shape)
项目:discretize    作者:simpeg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_mat_one(self):

        o = Identity()
        S = sdiag(np.r_[2, 3])

        def check(exp, ans):
            assert np.all((exp).todense() == ans)

        check(S * o, [[2, 0], [0, 3]])
        check(o * S, [[2, 0], [0, 3]])
        check(S * -o, [[-2, 0], [0, -3]])
        check(-o * S, [[-2, 0], [0, -3]])
        check(S/o, [[2, 0], [0, 3]])
        check(S/-o, [[-2, 0], [0, -3]])
        self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, lambda: o/S)

        check(S + o, [[3, 0], [0, 4]])
        check(o + S, [[3, 0], [0, 4]])
        check(S - o, [[1, 0], [0, 2]])

        check(S + - o, [[1, 0], [0, 2]])
        check(- o + S, [[1, 0], [0, 2]])
项目:discretize    作者:simpeg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_numpy_one(self):
        o = Identity()
        n = np.r_[2., 3]

        assert np.all(n+1 == n+o)
        assert np.all(1+n == o+n)
        assert np.all(n-1 == n-o)
        assert np.all(1-n == o-n)
        assert np.all(n/1 == n/o)
        assert np.all(n/-1 == n/-o)
        assert np.all(1/n == o/n)
        assert np.all(-1/n == -o/n)
        assert np.all(n*1 == n*o)
        assert np.all(n*-1 == n*-o)
        assert np.all(1*n == o*n)
        assert np.all(-1*n == -o*n)
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_float64_pass(self):
        # The number of units of least precision
        # In this case, use a few places above the lowest level (ie nulp=1)
        nulp = 5
        x = np.linspace(-20, 20, 50, dtype=np.float64)
        x = 10**x
        x = np.r_[-x, x]

        # Addition
        eps = np.finfo(x.dtype).eps
        y = x + x*eps*nulp/2.
        assert_array_almost_equal_nulp(x, y, nulp)

        # Subtraction
        epsneg = np.finfo(x.dtype).epsneg
        y = x - x*epsneg*nulp/2.
        assert_array_almost_equal_nulp(x, y, nulp)
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_complex64_pass(self):
        nulp = 5
        x = np.linspace(-20, 20, 50, dtype=np.float32)
        x = 10**x
        x = np.r_[-x, x]
        xi = x + x*1j

        eps = np.finfo(x.dtype).eps
        y = x + x*eps*nulp/2.
        assert_array_almost_equal_nulp(xi, x + y*1j, nulp)
        assert_array_almost_equal_nulp(xi, y + x*1j, nulp)
        y = x + x*eps*nulp/4.
        assert_array_almost_equal_nulp(xi, y + y*1j, nulp)

        epsneg = np.finfo(x.dtype).epsneg
        y = x - x*epsneg*nulp/2.
        assert_array_almost_equal_nulp(xi, x + y*1j, nulp)
        assert_array_almost_equal_nulp(xi, y + x*1j, nulp)
        y = x - x*epsneg*nulp/4.
        assert_array_almost_equal_nulp(xi, y + y*1j, nulp)
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_2d(self):
        # Tests mr_ on 2D arrays.
        a_1 = np.random.rand(5, 5)
        a_2 = np.random.rand(5, 5)
        m_1 = np.round_(np.random.rand(5, 5), 0)
        m_2 = np.round_(np.random.rand(5, 5), 0)
        b_1 = masked_array(a_1, mask=m_1)
        b_2 = masked_array(a_2, mask=m_2)
        # append columns
        d = mr_['1', b_1, b_2]
        self.assertTrue(d.shape == (5, 10))
        assert_array_equal(d[:, :5], b_1)
        assert_array_equal(d[:, 5:], b_2)
        assert_array_equal(d.mask, np.r_['1', m_1, m_2])
        d = mr_[b_1, b_2]
        self.assertTrue(d.shape == (10, 5))
        assert_array_equal(d[:5,:], b_1)
        assert_array_equal(d[5:,:], b_2)
        assert_array_equal(d.mask, np.r_[m_1, m_2])
项目:pybot    作者:spillai    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def from_points(cls, p, q, r): 
        abc = (p-r).cross(q-r)
        hp = np.r_[abc,]
        return cls(hp)
项目:shift-detect    作者:paolodedios    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generateAllGaussianCenters(self, referenceSamples=None) :
        Generates kernels in the region where the P(X_reference) takes large values
        self.kernelBasis = referenceSamples.shape[1]
        return referenceSamples[:, numpy.r_[0:self.kernelBasis]]
项目:shift-detect    作者:paolodedios    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generateFirstNGaussianCenters(self, referenceSamples=None) :
        Chooses the firts N samples as Gaussian centers as an optimization
        numcols             = referenceSamples.shape[1]
        self.kernelBasis    = min(self.kernelBasis, numcols)
        return referenceSamples[:, numpy.r_[0:self.kernelBasis]]
项目:rosie    作者:datasciencebr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def predict(self, dataframe):
        def is_invalid(row):
            valid_cpf = cpf.validate(str(row['recipient_id']).zfill(11))
            valid_cnpj = cnpj.validate(str(row['recipient_id']).zfill(14))
            good_doctype = row['document_type'] in ('bill_of_sale', 'simple_receipt', 'unknown')
            return good_doctype and (not (valid_cpf or valid_cnpj))
        return np.r_[dataframe.apply(is_invalid, axis=1)]
项目:rosie    作者:datasciencebr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def predict(self, X=None):
        self._X['is_over_monthly_subquota_limit'] = False
        for metadata in self.limits:
            data, monthly_limit = metadata['data'], metadata['monthly_limit']
            if len(data):
                surplus_reimbursements = self.__find_surplus_reimbursements(data, monthly_limit)
                            'is_over_monthly_subquota_limit'] = True
        results = self._X.loc[self.X.index, 'is_over_monthly_subquota_limit']
        return np.r_[results]
项目:rosie    作者:datasciencebr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def predict(self, X):
        statuses = ['BAIXADA', 'NULA', 'SUSPENSA', 'INAPTA']
        self._X = X.apply(self.__compare_date, axis=1)
        return np.r_[self._X & X['situation'].isin(statuses)]
项目:pycma    作者:CMA-ES    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def disp(name=None, idx=None):
    """displays selected data from (files written by) the class

    The call ``cma.disp(name, idx)`` is a shortcut for

        name of the logger, filename prefix, `None` evaluates to
        the default ``'outcmaes'``
        indices corresponding to rows in the data file; by
        default the first five, then every 100-th, and the last
        10 rows. Too large index values are removed.

    The best ever observed iteration is also printed by default.


       import cma
       from numpy import r_
       # assume some data are available from previous runs
       cma.disp(None, r_[0, -1])  # first and last
       cma.disp(None, r_[0:int(1e9):100, -1]) # every 100-th and last
       cma.disp(idx=r_[0, -10:0]) # first and ten last
       cma.disp(idx=r_[0:int(1e9):1000, -10:0])

    :See also: `CMADataLogger.disp`

    return CMADataLogger(name if name else CMADataLogger.default_prefix

项目:autolab_core    作者:BerkeleyAutomation    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def vec(self):
        return np.r_[self.translation, self.quaternion]
项目:autolab_core    作者:BerkeleyAutomation    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def matrix(self):
        """:obj:`numpy.ndarray` of float: The canonical 4x4 matrix
        representation of this transform.

        The first three columns contain the columns of the rotation matrix
        followed by a zero, and the last column contains the translation vector
        followed by a one.
        return np.r_[np.c_[self._rotation, self._translation], [[0,0,0,1]]]
项目:autolab_core    作者:BerkeleyAutomation    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_inverse(self):
        R_a_b = RigidTransform.random_rotation()
        t_a_b = RigidTransform.random_translation()
        T_a_b = RigidTransform(R_a_b, t_a_b, 'a', 'b')
        T_b_a = T_a_b.inverse()

        # multiple with numpy arrays
        M_a_b = np.r_[np.c_[R_a_b, t_a_b], [[0,0,0,1]]]
        M_b_a = np.linalg.inv(M_a_b)

        self.assertTrue(np.sum(np.abs(T_b_a.matrix - M_b_a)) < 1e-5, msg='Inverse gave incorrect transformation') 

        # check frames
        self.assertEqual(T_b_a.from_frame, 'b', msg='Inverse has incorrect input frame')
        self.assertEqual(T_b_a.to_frame, 'a', msg='Inverse has incorrect output frame')
项目:KATE    作者:hugochan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rank_bank_topic(bank_doc_map, doc_topic_dist):
    """Rank topics for banks
    bank_topic_ranks = {}
    for each_bank in bank_doc_map:
        rank = []
        for each_doc in bank_doc_map[each_bank]:
        rank = np.r_[rank]
        # compute ranking score
        bank_topic_ranks[each_bank] = np.mean(1. / rank, axis=0)
    return bank_topic_ranks
项目:KATE    作者:hugochan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def train(args):
    corpus = load_corpus(args.input)
    n_vocab, docs = len(corpus['vocab']), corpus['docs']
    corpus.clear() # save memory

    X_docs = []
    for k in docs.keys():
        X_docs.append(vecnorm(doc2vec(docs[k], n_vocab), 'logmax1', 0))
        del docs[k]

    # X_docs_noisy = corrupted_matrix(np.r_[X_docs], 0.1)

    n_val = args.n_val
    # X_train = np.r_[X_docs[:-n_val]]
    # X_val = np.r_[X_docs[-n_val:]]
    X_train = np.r_[X_docs[:-n_val]]
    del X_docs[:-n_val]
    X_val = np.r_[X_docs]
    del X_docs

    start = timeit.default_timer()

    vae = VarAutoEncoder(n_vocab, args.n_dim, comp_topk=args.comp_topk, ctype=args.ctype, save_model=args.save_model)[X_train, X_train], [X_val, X_val], nb_epoch=args.n_epoch, batch_size=args.batch_size)

    print 'runtime: %ss' % (timeit.default_timer() - start)
项目:KATE    作者:hugochan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def plot_tsne(doc_codes, doc_labels, classes_to_visual, save_file):
    # markers = ["D", "p", "*", "s", "d", "8", "^", "H", "v", ">", "<", "h", "|"]
    markers = ["o", "v", "8", "s", "p", "*", "h", "H", "+", "x", "D"]
    classes_to_visual = list(set(classes_to_visual))
    C = len(classes_to_visual)
    while True:
        if C <= len(markers):
        markers += markers

    class_ids = dict(zip(classes_to_visual, range(C)))

    if isinstance(doc_codes, dict) and isinstance(doc_labels, dict):
        codes, labels = zip(*[(code, doc_labels[doc]) for doc, code in doc_codes.items() if doc_labels[doc] in classes_to_visual])
        codes, labels = doc_codes, doc_labels

    X = np.r_[list(codes)]
    tsne = TSNE(perplexity=30, n_components=2, init='pca', n_iter=5000)
    X = tsne.fit_transform(X)

    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10), facecolor='white')

    for c in classes_to_visual:
        idx = np.array(labels) == c
        # idx = get_indices(labels, c)
        plt.plot(X[idx, 0], X[idx, 1], linestyle='None', alpha=1, marker=markers[class_ids[c]],
                        markersize=10, label=c)
    legend = plt.legend(loc='upper right', shadow=True)
    # plt.title("tsne")
    # plt.savefig(save_file)
    plt.savefig(save_file, format='eps', dpi=2000)
项目:KATE    作者:hugochan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def plot_tsne_3d(doc_codes, doc_labels, classes_to_visual, save_file, maker_size=None, opaque=None):
    markers = ["D", "p", "*", "s", "d", "8", "^", "H", "v", ">", "<", "h", "|"]
    colors = ['r', 'b', 'g', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k']
    C = len(classes_to_visual)
    while True:
        if C <= len(markers):
        markers += markers
    while True:
        if C <= len(colors):
        colors += colors

    class_ids = dict(zip(classes_to_visual, range(C)))

    if isinstance(doc_codes, dict) and isinstance(doc_labels, dict):
        codes, labels = zip(*[(code, doc_labels[doc]) for doc, code in doc_codes.items() if doc_labels[doc] in classes_to_visual])
        codes, labels = doc_codes, doc_labels

    X = np.r_[list(codes)]
    tsne = TSNE(perplexity=30, n_components=3, init='pca', n_iter=5000)
    X = tsne.fit_transform(X)

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10), facecolor='white')
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

    # The problem is that the legend function don't support the type returned by a 3D scatter.
    # So you have to create a "dummy plot" with the same characteristics and put those in the legend.
    scatter_proxy = []
    for i in range(C):
        cls = classes_to_visual[i]
        idx = np.array(labels) == cls
        ax.scatter(X[idx, 0], X[idx, 1], X[idx, 2], c=colors[i], alpha=opaque[i] if opaque else 1, s=maker_size[i] if maker_size else 20, marker=markers[i], label=cls)
        scatter_proxy.append(mpl.lines.Line2D([0],[0], linestyle="none", c=colors[i], marker=markers[i], label=cls))
    ax.legend(scatter_proxy, classes_to_visual, numpoints=1)
项目:KATE    作者:hugochan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def DBN_visualize_pca_2d(doc_codes, doc_labels, classes_to_visual, save_file):
        Visualize the input data on a 2D PCA plot. Depending on the number of components,
        the plot will contain an X amount of subplots.
        @param doc_codes:
        @param number_of_components: The number of principal components for the PCA plot.

    # markers = ["p", "s", "h", "H", "+", "x", "D"]
    markers = ["o", "v", "8", "s", "p", "*", "h", "H", "+", "x", "D"]

    C = len(classes_to_visual)
    while True:
        if C <= len(markers):
        markers += markers

    class_ids = dict(zip(classes_to_visual.keys(), range(C)))

    codes, labels = doc_codes, doc_labels

    X = np.r_[list(codes)]
    X = PCA(n_components=3).fit_transform(X)
    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10), facecolor='white')

    x_pc, y_pc = 1, 2

    for c in classes_to_visual.keys():
        idx = np.array(labels) == c
        # idx = get_indices(labels, c)
        plt.plot(X[idx, x_pc], X[idx, y_pc], linestyle='None', alpha=0.6, marker=markers[class_ids[c]],
                        markersize=6, label=classes_to_visual[c])
        # plt.legend(c)
    plt.title('Projected on the first 2 PCs')
    plt.xlabel('PC %s' % x_pc)
    plt.ylabel('PC %s' % y_pc)
    # legend = plt.legend(loc='upper center', shadow=True)
项目:KATE    作者:hugochan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def reuters_visualize_tsne(doc_codes, doc_labels, classes_to_visual, save_file):
        Visualize the input data on a 2D PCA plot. Depending on the number of components,
        the plot will contain an X amount of subplots.
        @param doc_codes:
        @param number_of_components: The number of principal components for the PCA plot.

    # markers = ["p", "s", "h", "H", "+", "x", "D"]
    markers = ["o", "v", "8", "s", "p", "*", "h", "H", "+", "x", "D"]

    C = len(classes_to_visual)
    while True:
        if C <= len(markers):
        markers += markers

    class_names = classes_to_visual.keys()
    class_ids = dict(zip(class_names, range(C)))
    class_names = set(class_names)
    codes, labels = zip(*[(code, doc_labels[doc]) for doc, code in doc_codes.items() if class_names.intersection(set(doc_labels[doc]))])

    X = np.r_[list(codes)]
    tsne = TSNE(perplexity=30, n_components=2, init='pca', n_iter=5000)
    X = tsne.fit_transform(X)

    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10), facecolor='white')

    for c in classes_to_visual.keys():
        idx = get_indices(labels, c)
        plt.plot(X[idx, 0], X[idx, 1], linestyle='None', alpha=0.6, marker=markers[class_ids[c]],
                        markersize=6, label=classes_to_visual[c])
    legend = plt.legend(loc='upper center', shadow=True)