Python numpy 模块,arctan() 实例源码


项目:DenoiseAverage    作者:Pella86    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_polar_t(self):
        mag = self.get_magnitude()
        sizeimg = np.real(self.imgfft).shape

        pol = np.zeros(sizeimg)
        for x in range(sizeimg[0]):
            for y in range(sizeimg[1]):
                my = y - sizeimg[1] / 2
                mx = x - sizeimg[0] / 2
                if mx != 0:
                    phi = np.arctan(my / float(mx))
                    phi = 0
                r   = np.sqrt(mx**2 + my **2)

                ix = map_range(phi, -np.pi, np.pi, sizeimg[0], 0)
                iy = map_range(r, 0, sizeimg[0], 0, sizeimg[1])

                if ix >= 0 and ix < sizeimg[0] and iy >= 0 and iy < sizeimg[1]:
                    pol[x][y] =[int(ix)][int(iy)]    
        pol = MyImage(pol)
        return pol
项目:em_examples    作者:geoscixyz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calc_IndCurrent_cos_range(self,f,t):
        """Induced current over a range of times"""

        Bpx = self.Bpx
        Bpz = self.Bpz
        a2  = self.a2
        azm = np.pi*self.azm/180.
        R   = self.R
        L   = self.L

        w = 2*np.pi*f

        Ax = np.pi*a2**2*np.sin(azm)
        Az = np.pi*a2**2*np.cos(azm)

        Phi = (Ax*Bpx + Az*Bpz)
        phi = np.arctan(R/(w*L))-np.pi  # This is the phase and not phase lag
        Is  = -(w*Phi/(R*np.sin(phi) + w*L*np.cos(phi)))*np.cos(w*t + phi)
        Ire = -(w*Phi/(R*np.sin(phi) + w*L*np.cos(phi)))*np.cos(w*t)*np.cos(phi)
        Iim =  (w*Phi/(R*np.sin(phi) + w*L*np.cos(phi)))*np.sin(w*t)*np.sin(phi)

        return Ire,Iim,Is,phi
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_branch_cuts_complex64(self):
        # check branch cuts and continuity on them
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log,   -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log2,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log10, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log1p, -1.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.sqrt,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [0-2j, 2j],  [1,  1], -1, 1, True, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [0-2j,  2j], [1,   1], -1, 1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [ -1, 0.5], [1j,  1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [ -2,   2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64

        # check against bogus branch cuts: assert continuity between quadrants
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [ -2,  2], [1j, 1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [ -2,  2, 0], [1j, 1j, 1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [0-2j, 2j, 2], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [0-2j, 2j, 0], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_against_cmath(self):
        import cmath

        points = [-1-1j, -1+1j, +1-1j, +1+1j]
        name_map = {'arcsin': 'asin', 'arccos': 'acos', 'arctan': 'atan',
                    'arcsinh': 'asinh', 'arccosh': 'acosh', 'arctanh': 'atanh'}
        atol = 4*np.finfo(np.complex).eps
        for func in self.funcs:
            fname = func.__name__.split('.')[-1]
            cname = name_map.get(fname, fname)
                cfunc = getattr(cmath, cname)
            except AttributeError:
            for p in points:
                a = complex(func(np.complex_(p)))
                b = cfunc(p)
                assert_(abs(a - b) < atol, "%s %s: %s; cmath: %s" % (fname, p, a, b))
项目:Grating_Advanced_Simulation_Platform    作者:GratingLaboratories    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def effect(self, point):
        res = []
        # print(self.centers)
        for center in self.centers:
            center_x, center_y = center
            src_x, src_y = point.pos
            # Check angle
            angle = np.arctan((center_x - src_x) / (center_y - src_y))
            if np.abs(angle) > self.angle / 2:
            angle = np.deg2rad(90) + angle
            u_len = np.sqrt((center_x - src_x) ** 2 + (center_y - src_y) ** 2)
            reverse_v = (self.r_index - 1) / self.radius - self.r_index / u_len
            v_len = 1 / reverse_v
            if v_len > 0:
                p_type = 'real'
                p_type = 'fake'

            target = line_end(point.pos, angle, u_len + v_len)
            p = Point(target, p_type, 1)
            # point.passed.append(self)
        return tuple(res)
项目:quickdraw_prediction_model    作者:keisukeirie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _radian_direction(dy,dx):
        - based on given dy and dx it calculates direction in radian.
        - used in feature_eng_pt3
        dy = change in y
        dx = change in x

        returns radian value (0 to 6.28)
    if dy < 0.0 and dx > 0.0:
        return (2*np.pi + np.arctan(dy/dx))
    elif dy >=0.0 and dx > 0.0:
        return (np.arctan(dy/dx))
        return np.pi + np.arctan(dy/dx)
项目:bpy_lambda    作者:bcongdon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def flow(self, Kc, Ks, Kz, Ka, numexpr):
        zeros = np.zeros
        where = np.where
        min = np.minimum
        max = np.maximum
        abs = np.absolute
        arctan = np.arctan
        sin = np.sin

        center = (slice(   1,   -1,None),slice(   1,  -1,None))
        rock =
        ds = self.scour[center]    
        rcc = rock[center]
        rock[center] = rcc - ds * Kz
        # there isn't really a bottom to the rock but negative values look ugly
        rock[center] = where(rcc<0,0,rcc)
项目:360-stabilizer    作者:MateusZitelli    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fixOffset(self, offset, img):
    size = img.shape
    finalImg = np.ndarray(size)
    indices = np.indices((self.videoSize[0],self.videoSize[1])).swapaxes(0,2).swapaxes(0,1)
    indices = np.around(indices, decimals=1)
    indices.shape = (self.videoSize[1] * self.videoSize[0], 2)
    phi = 2 * np.arctan(np.exp(indices[:, 1] / self.videoSize[1])) - 1/2 * np.pi - offset[0]
    lamb = indices[:, 0] - offset[1]
    x = lamb
    y = np.log(np.tan(np.pi / 4 + 1/2 * phi)) * self.videoSize[1]
    finalIdx = np.ndarray((self.videoSize[1] * self.videoSize[0], 2))
    finalIdx = np.around(finalIdx, decimals=1).astype(int)
    finalIdx[:, 1] = y % self.videoSize[1]
    finalIdx[:, 0] = x % self.videoSize[0]
    finalImg[indices[:,1], indices[:,0]] = img[finalIdx[:,1], finalIdx[:,0]]
    return finalImg
项目:finite_volume_seismic_model    作者:cjvogl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _dip_slip_y(self, y1, y2, ang_dip, q):
        Based on Okada's paper (1985)
        y = down-dip direction

        sn = numpy.sin(ang_dip)
        cs = numpy.cos(ang_dip)

        d_bar = y2*sn - q*cs;
        r = numpy.sqrt(y1**2 + y2**2 + q**2)
        xx = numpy.sqrt(y1**2 + q**2)
        y_bar = y2*cs + q*sn
        a5 = 4.*poisson/cs*numpy.arctan((y2*(xx+q*cs)+xx*(r+xx)*sn)/y1/(r+xx)/cs)
        a1 = 2.0*poisson*(-y1/(cs*(r+d_bar))) - sn/cs * a5
        f = -(y_bar*q/r/(r+y1) + cs*numpy.arctan(y1*y2/q/r) - a1*sn*cs)/(2.0*3.14159)

        return f
项目:finite_volume_seismic_model    作者:cjvogl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _dip_slip_x(self, y1, y2, ang_dip, q):
        Based on Okada's paper (1985)
        Added by Xiaoming Wang
        sn = numpy.sin(ang_dip)
        cs = numpy.cos(ang_dip)

        d_bar = y2*sn - q*cs;
        r = numpy.sqrt(y1**2 + y2**2 + q**2)
        xx = numpy.sqrt(y1**2 + q**2)
        #a5 = 4.*poisson/cs*numpy.arctan((y2*(xx+q*cs)+xx*(r+xx)*sn)/y1/(r+xx)/cs)
        a4 = 2.0*poisson/cs*(numpy.log(r+d_bar) - sn*numpy.log(r+y2))
        ytilde = y2*cs + q*sn
        a3 = 2.0*poisson*(ytilde/(cs*(r+d_bar)) - numpy.log(r+y2)) + a4*sn/cs
        f = -(q/r - a3*sn*cs)/(2.0*3.14159)

        return f
项目:finite_volume_seismic_model    作者:cjvogl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _dip_slip_x(self, y1, y2, ang_dip, q):
        Based on Okada's paper (1985)
        Added by Xiaoming Wang
        sn = numpy.sin(ang_dip)
        cs = numpy.cos(ang_dip)

        d_bar = y2*sn - q*cs;
        r = numpy.sqrt(y1**2 + y2**2 + q**2)
        xx = numpy.sqrt(y1**2 + q**2)
        #a5 = 4.*poisson/cs*numpy.arctan((y2*(xx+q*cs)+xx*(r+xx)*sn)/y1/(r+xx)/cs)
        a4 = 2.0*poisson/cs*(numpy.log(r+d_bar) - sn*numpy.log(r+y2))
        ytilde = y2*cs + q*sn
        a3 = 2.0*poisson*(ytilde/(cs*(r+d_bar)) - numpy.log(r+y2)) + a4*sn/cs
        f = -(q/r - a3*sn*cs)/(2.0*3.14159)

        return f
项目:chxanalys    作者:yugangzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_q_per_pixel(self):
        '''Gets the delta-q associated with a single pixel. This is computed in
        the small-angle limit, so it should only be considered approximate.
        For instance, wide-angle detectors will have different delta-q across
        the detector face.'''

        if self.q_per_pixel is not None:
            return self.q_per_pixel

        c = (self.pixel_size_um/1e6)/self.distance_m
        twotheta = np.arctan(c) # radians

        self.q_per_pixel = 2.0*self.get_k()*np.sin(twotheta/2.0)

        return self.q_per_pixel

    # Maps
项目:gym    作者:openai    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def reset_model(self):
        self._min_strike_dist = np.inf
        self._striked = False
        self._strike_pos = None

        qpos = self.init_qpos

        self.ball = np.array([0.5, -0.175])
        while True:
            self.goal = np.concatenate([
                    self.np_random.uniform(low=0.15, high=0.7, size=1),
                    self.np_random.uniform(low=0.1, high=1.0, size=1)])
            if np.linalg.norm(self.ball - self.goal) > 0.17:

        qpos[-9:-7] = [self.ball[1], self.ball[0]]
        qpos[-7:-5] = self.goal
        diff = self.ball - self.goal
        angle = -np.arctan(diff[0] / (diff[1] + 1e-8))
        qpos[-1] = angle / 3.14
        qvel = self.init_qvel + self.np_random.uniform(low=-.1, high=.1,
        qvel[7:] = 0
        self.set_state(qpos, qvel)
        return self._get_obs()
项目:krpcScripts    作者:jwvanderbeck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_branch_cuts_complex64(self):
        # check branch cuts and continuity on them
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log,   -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log2,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log10, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log1p, -1.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.sqrt,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [0-2j, 2j],  [1,  1], -1, 1, True, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [0-2j,  2j], [1,   1], -1, 1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [ -1, 0.5], [1j,  1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [ -2,   2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64

        # check against bogus branch cuts: assert continuity between quadrants
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [ -2,  2], [1j, 1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [ -2,  2, 0], [1j, 1j, 1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [0-2j, 2j, 2], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [0-2j, 2j, 0], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
项目:krpcScripts    作者:jwvanderbeck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_against_cmath(self):
        import cmath

        points = [-1-1j, -1+1j, +1-1j, +1+1j]
        name_map = {'arcsin': 'asin', 'arccos': 'acos', 'arctan': 'atan',
                    'arcsinh': 'asinh', 'arccosh': 'acosh', 'arctanh': 'atanh'}
        atol = 4*np.finfo(np.complex).eps
        for func in self.funcs:
            fname = func.__name__.split('.')[-1]
            cname = name_map.get(fname, fname)
                cfunc = getattr(cmath, cname)
            except AttributeError:
            for p in points:
                a = complex(func(np.complex_(p)))
                b = cfunc(p)
                assert_(abs(a - b) < atol, "%s %s: %s; cmath: %s" % (fname, p, a, b))
项目:CAAPR    作者:Stargrazer82301    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def angularpixelarea(self):
        # get the first instrument element
        instruments = self.tree.xpath("//instruments/*[1]")
        if len(instruments) != 1: raise ValueError("No instruments in ski file")
        instrument = instruments[0]
        # get the distance in m
        d = self.units().convert(instrument.get("distance"), to_unit='m', quantity='distance')
        # get the field of view in m
        fovx = self.units().convert(instrument.get("fieldOfViewX"), to_unit='m', quantity='length')
        fovy = self.units().convert(instrument.get("fieldOfViewY"), to_unit='m', quantity='length')
        # get the number of pixels
        nx = int(instrument.get("pixelsX"))
        ny = int(instrument.get("pixelsY"))
        # calculate the angular pixel area
        sx = 2 * arctan(fovx / nx / d / 2)
        sy = 2 * arctan(fovy / ny / d / 2)
        return sx * sy

    ## This function returns a list of instrument names, in order of occurrence in the ski file.
项目:CAAPR    作者:Stargrazer82301    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def orientation_angle(self):

        This function ...

        diag_a = self.pixel_scale_matrix[0,1]
        diag_b = self.pixel_scale_matrix[1,0]

        if not np.isclose(diag_a, diag_b, rtol=0.05):
            warnings.warn("The diagonal elements of the pixel scale matrix are not equal: " + repr(diag_a) + " and " + repr(diag_b))

        first = self.pixel_scale_matrix[0,0]

        radians = np.arctan(diag_a / first)

        degrees = radians / math.pi * 180.

        return Angle(degrees, "deg")

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------
项目:CAAPR    作者:Stargrazer82301    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def angularpixelarea(self):
        # get the first instrument element
        instruments = self.tree.xpath("//instruments/*[1]")
        if len(instruments) != 1: raise ValueError("No instruments in ski file")
        instrument = instruments[0]
        # get the distance in m
        d = self.units().convert(instrument.get("distance"), to_unit='m', quantity='distance')
        # get the field of view in m
        fovx = self.units().convert(instrument.get("fieldOfViewX"), to_unit='m', quantity='length')
        fovy = self.units().convert(instrument.get("fieldOfViewY"), to_unit='m', quantity='length')
        # get the number of pixels
        nx = int(instrument.get("pixelsX"))
        ny = int(instrument.get("pixelsY"))
        # calculate the angular pixel area
        sx = 2 * arctan(fovx / nx / d / 2)
        sy = 2 * arctan(fovy / ny / d / 2)
        return sx * sy

    ## This function returns a list of instrument names, in order of occurrence in the ski file.
项目:CAAPR    作者:Stargrazer82301    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def orientation_angle(self):

        This function ...

        diag_a = self.pixel_scale_matrix[0,1]
        diag_b = self.pixel_scale_matrix[1,0]

        if not np.isclose(diag_a, diag_b, rtol=0.05):
            warnings.warn("The diagonal elements of the pixel scale matrix are not equal: " + repr(diag_a) + " and " + repr(diag_b))

        first = self.pixel_scale_matrix[0,0]

        radians = np.arctan(diag_a / first)

        degrees = radians / math.pi * 180.

        return Angle(degrees, "deg")

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------
项目:Jensen3D    作者:byuflowlab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def conferenceWakeOverlap(X, Y, R):

    n = np.size(X)

    # theta = np.zeros((n, n), dtype=np.float)        # angle of wake from fulcrum
    f_theta = np.zeros((n, n), dtype=np.float)      # smoothing values for smoothing

    for i in range(0, n):
        for j in range(0, n):
            if X[i] < X[j]:
                z = R/np.tan(0.34906585)
                # print z
                theta = np.arctan((Y[j] - Y[i]) / (X[j] - X[i] + z))
                # print 'theta =', theta
                if -0.34906585 < theta < 0.34906585:
                    f_theta[i][j] = (1 + np.cos(9*theta))/2
                    # print f_theta

    # print z
    # print f_theta
    return f_theta
项目:Jensen3D    作者:byuflowlab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def conferenceWakeOverlap_tune(X, Y, R, boundAngle):

    n = np.size(X)
    boundAngle = boundAngle*np.pi/180.0
    # theta = np.zeros((n, n), dtype=np.float)      # angle of wake from fulcrum
    f_theta = np.zeros((n, n), dtype=np.float)      # smoothing values for smoothing
    q = np.pi/boundAngle                            # factor inside the cos term of the smooth Jensen (see Jensen1983 eq.(3))
    # print 'boundAngle = %s' %boundAngle, 'q = %s' %q
    for i in range(0, n):
        for j in range(0, n):
            if X[i] < X[j]:
                # z = R/tan(0.34906585)
                z = R/np.tan(boundAngle)               # distance from fulcrum to wake producing turbine
                # print z
                theta = np.arctan((Y[j] - Y[i]) / (X[j] - X[i] + z))
                # print 'theta =', theta

                if -boundAngle < theta < boundAngle:

                    f_theta[i][j] = (1. + np.cos(q*theta))/2.
                    # print f_theta

    # print z
    # print f_theta
    return f_theta
项目:Jensen3D    作者:byuflowlab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_cosine_factor_original(X, Y, R0, bound_angle=20.0):

    n = np.size(X)
    bound_angle = bound_angle*np.pi/180.0
    # theta = np.zeros((n, n), dtype=np.float)      # angle of wake from fulcrum
    f_theta = np.zeros((n, n), dtype=np.float)      # smoothing values for smoothing
    q = np.pi/bound_angle                           # factor inside the cos term of the smooth Jensen (see Jensen1983 eq.(3))

    for i in range(0, n):
        for j in range(0, n):
            if X[i] < X[j]:
                z = R0/np.tan(bound_angle)               # distance from fulcrum to wake producing turbine

                theta = np.arctan((Y[j] - Y[i]) / (X[j] - X[i] + z))

                if -bound_angle < theta < bound_angle:

                    f_theta[i][j] = (1. + np.cos(q*theta))/2.

    return f_theta
项目:seis_tools    作者:romaguir    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rotate(self,rotation_method='RTZ'):

       for i in range(0,len(self.rf_st)):
          self.rf_st[i].stats.back_azimuth = self.tr_e.stats.sac['baz']


       if rotation_method == 'LQT':
          r_amp           = np.amax(np.amax(self.rf_st[1].data))
          z_amp           = np.amax(np.amax(self.rf_st[2].data))
          incidence_angle = np.arctan(r_amp/z_amp) * (180.0/np.pi)

          for i in range(0,len(self.rf_st)):
             self.rf_st[i].stats.inclination = incidence_angle


项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_branch_cuts(self):
        # check branch cuts and continuity on them
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log,   -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log2,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log10, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log1p, -1.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.sqrt,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [0-2j, 2j],  [1,  1], -1, 1, True

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [0-2j,  2j], [1,   1], -1, 1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [ -1, 0.5], [1j,  1j], 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [ -2,   2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True

        # check against bogus branch cuts: assert continuity between quadrants
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [ -2,  2], [1j, 1j], 1, 1

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [ -2,  2, 0], [1j, 1j, 1], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [0-2j, 2j, 2], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [0-2j, 2j, 0], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_branch_cuts_complex64(self):
        # check branch cuts and continuity on them
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log,   -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log2,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log10, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log1p, -1.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.sqrt,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [0-2j, 2j],  [1,  1], -1, 1, True, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [0-2j,  2j], [1,   1], -1, 1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [ -1, 0.5], [1j,  1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [ -2,   2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64

        # check against bogus branch cuts: assert continuity between quadrants
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [ -2,  2], [1j, 1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [ -2,  2, 0], [1j, 1j, 1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [0-2j, 2j, 2], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [0-2j, 2j, 0], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_against_cmath(self):
        import cmath

        points = [-1-1j, -1+1j, +1-1j, +1+1j]
        name_map = {'arcsin': 'asin', 'arccos': 'acos', 'arctan': 'atan',
                    'arcsinh': 'asinh', 'arccosh': 'acosh', 'arctanh': 'atanh'}
        atol = 4*np.finfo(np.complex).eps
        for func in self.funcs:
            fname = func.__name__.split('.')[-1]
            cname = name_map.get(fname, fname)
                cfunc = getattr(cmath, cname)
            except AttributeError:
            for p in points:
                a = complex(func(np.complex_(p)))
                b = cfunc(p)
                assert_(abs(a - b) < atol, "%s %s: %s; cmath: %s" % (fname, p, a, b))
项目:aws-lambda-numpy    作者:vitolimandibhrata    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_branch_cuts_complex64(self):
        # check branch cuts and continuity on them
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log,   -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log2,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log10, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log1p, -1.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.sqrt,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [0-2j, 2j],  [1,  1], -1, 1, True, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [0-2j,  2j], [1,   1], -1, 1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [ -1, 0.5], [1j,  1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [ -2,   2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64

        # check against bogus branch cuts: assert continuity between quadrants
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [ -2,  2], [1j, 1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [ -2,  2, 0], [1j, 1j, 1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [0-2j, 2j, 2], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [0-2j, 2j, 0], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
项目:aws-lambda-numpy    作者:vitolimandibhrata    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_against_cmath(self):
        import cmath

        points = [-1-1j, -1+1j, +1-1j, +1+1j]
        name_map = {'arcsin': 'asin', 'arccos': 'acos', 'arctan': 'atan',
                    'arcsinh': 'asinh', 'arccosh': 'acosh', 'arctanh': 'atanh'}
        atol = 4*np.finfo(np.complex).eps
        for func in self.funcs:
            fname = func.__name__.split('.')[-1]
            cname = name_map.get(fname, fname)
                cfunc = getattr(cmath, cname)
            except AttributeError:
            for p in points:
                a = complex(func(np.complex_(p)))
                b = cfunc(p)
                assert_(abs(a - b) < atol, "%s %s: %s; cmath: %s" % (fname, p, a, b))
项目:Recognition    作者:thautwarm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def arrow(img,p1,p2):
    dy,dx= np.array(p2)-np.array(p1)
    theta=  np.arctan(dy/dx) + (0 if dx>0 else np.pi) if dx!=0 else  (1 if dy>0 else -1) * np.pi/2 

    phy1=theta+ np.pi*7/6
    phy2=theta+ np.pi*5/6

    dx1,dx2= (R*np.cos([phy1,phy2])).astype(
    dy1,dy2= (R*np.sin([phy1,phy2])).astype(
    if R<=2:return

项目:car-detection    作者:mmetcalfe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def convertToOpenGLCameraMatrix(K, framebufferSize, near, far):
    """ Convert a camera calibration matrix into OpenGL format. """
    width, height = framebufferSize

    # print 'framebufferSize:', framebufferSize

    fx = K[0,0]
    fy = K[1,1]
    fovy = 2*np.arctan(0.5*height/fy)#*180/np.pi
    aspect = (width*fy)/(height*fx)
    # define the near and far clipping planes
    # near = 0.1
    # far = 100.0

    # fx = 10.0
    # fy = 10.0
    # fovy = 90*(np.pi/180.0)
    # aspect = (width*fy)/(height*fx)

    proj = openGLPerspectiveMatrix(fovy,aspect,near,far)

    return proj
项目:pyha    作者:gasparka    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_auto_size_bits_list():
    a = [0.5, 1.2, 3.2]
    b = Sfix.auto_size(a, 18)
    for x, y in zip(a, b):
        np.isclose(y.val, x)
        assert y.left == 2
        assert y.right == -15

    a = [np.arctan(2 ** -i) for i in range(8)]
    b = Sfix.auto_size(a, 18)
    for x, y in zip(a, b):
        np.isclose(y.val, x)
        assert y.left == 0
        assert y.right == -17

    a = [np.arctan(2 ** -i) for i in range(8, 12)]
    b = Sfix.auto_size(a, 18)
    for x, y in zip(a, b):
        np.isclose(y.val, x)
        assert y.left == -8
        assert y.right == -25
项目:imagepy    作者:Image-Py    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load(self, ips):
        if ips.imgtype in ('8-bit', 'rgb'):
            self.para = {'bright':0, 'contrast':45}
            self.view = [('slide', (-100,100), 'Brightness', 'bright', ''),
                ('slide', (1,89), 'Contrast', 'contrast', '')]
            if 'not_slice' in self.note:
        else :
            self.arange = minv, maxv = ips.img.min(), ips.img.max()
            self.para = {'bright':np.mean(ips.range) - np.mean(self.arange), 
            self.view = [('slide', (-(maxv-minv)/2, (maxv-minv)/2), 'Brightness', 'bright', ''),
                ('slide', (1,89), 'Contrast', 'contrast', '')]
            if not 'not_slice' in self.note:
        return True
项目:AI-Fight-the-Landlord    作者:YoungGer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def reset_model(self):
        self._min_strike_dist = np.inf
        self._striked = False
        self._strike_pos = None

        qpos = self.init_qpos

        self.ball = np.array([0.5, -0.175])
        while True:
            self.goal = np.concatenate([
                    self.np_random.uniform(low=0.15, high=0.7, size=1),
                    self.np_random.uniform(low=0.1, high=1.0, size=1)])
            if np.linalg.norm(self.ball - self.goal) > 0.17:

        qpos[-9:-7] = [self.ball[1], self.ball[0]]
        qpos[-7:-5] = self.goal
        diff = self.ball - self.goal
        angle = -np.arctan(diff[0] / (diff[1] + 1e-8))
        qpos[-1] = angle / 3.14
        qvel = self.init_qvel + self.np_random.uniform(low=-.1, high=.1,
        qvel[7:] = 0
        self.set_state(qpos, qvel)
        return self._get_obs()
项目:scikit-discovery    作者:MITHaystack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def FitPCA(self, hPCA_Proj):
        Determine the timing of the inflation event.

        Uses the first component of the pca projection and
        fits A * arctan( (t - t0) / c ) + B to the first pca projection.

        @param hPCA_Proj: The sklearn PCA projection

        @return [t0, c]

        fitfunc = lambda p,t: p[0]*np.arctan((t-p[1])/p[2])+p[3]
        errfunc = lambda p,x,y: fitfunc(p,x) - y

        dLen = len(hPCA_Proj[:,0])
        pA, success = optimize.leastsq(errfunc,[1.,dLen/2.,1.,0.],args=(np.arange(dLen),hPCA_Proj[:,0]))
        ct = pA[1:3]

        return ct, pA[0]
项目:scikit-discovery    作者:MITHaystack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def FitPCA(self, hPCA_Proj):
        Determine the timing of the inflation event from the first component of the pca projection

        fits A * arctan( (t - t0) / c ) + B to the first pca projection, in order to estimate
        source amplitude parameters

        @param hPCA_Proj: The sklearn PCA 

        @return ct: the t0, c, and B parameters from the fit
        @return pA[0]: the fitted amplitude parameter

        fitfunc = lambda p,t: p[0]*np.arctan((t-p[1])/p[2])+p[3]
        errfunc = lambda p,x,y: fitfunc(p,x) - y

        dLen = len(hPCA_Proj[:,0])
        pA, success = optimize.leastsq(errfunc,[1.,dLen/2.,1.,0.],args=(np.arange(dLen),hPCA_Proj[:,0]))
        ct = pA[1:3]

        return ct, pA[0]
项目:lambda-numba    作者:rlhotovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_branch_cuts_complex64(self):
        # check branch cuts and continuity on them
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log,   -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log2,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log10, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log1p, -1.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.sqrt,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [0-2j, 2j],  [1,  1], -1, 1, True, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [0-2j,  2j], [1,   1], -1, 1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [ -1, 0.5], [1j,  1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [ -2,   2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64

        # check against bogus branch cuts: assert continuity between quadrants
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [ -2,  2], [1j, 1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [ -2,  2, 0], [1j, 1j, 1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [0-2j, 2j, 2], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [0-2j, 2j, 0], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
项目:lambda-numba    作者:rlhotovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_against_cmath(self):
        import cmath

        points = [-1-1j, -1+1j, +1-1j, +1+1j]
        name_map = {'arcsin': 'asin', 'arccos': 'acos', 'arctan': 'atan',
                    'arcsinh': 'asinh', 'arccosh': 'acosh', 'arctanh': 'atanh'}
        atol = 4*np.finfo(np.complex).eps
        for func in self.funcs:
            fname = func.__name__.split('.')[-1]
            cname = name_map.get(fname, fname)
                cfunc = getattr(cmath, cname)
            except AttributeError:
            for p in points:
                a = complex(func(np.complex_(p)))
                b = cfunc(p)
                assert_(abs(a - b) < atol, "%s %s: %s; cmath: %s" % (fname, p, a, b))
项目:TA_example_labs    作者:mit-racecar    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_pd_control(self):
        if self.received_data:
            # given the computed wall slope, compute theta, avoid divide by zero error
            if np.abs(self.m) < EPSILON:
                theta = np.pi / 2.0
                x_intercept = 0
                theta = np.arctan(1.0/self.m)
                # solve for y=0 in y=mx+c
                x_intercept = self.c / self.m

            # x axis is perp. to robot but not perpindicular to wall
            # cosine term solves for minimum distance to wall
            wall_dist = np.abs(np.cos(theta)*x_intercept)

            # control proportional to angular error and distance from wall
            distance_term = self.direction_muliplier * KP * (wall_dist - TARGET_DISTANCE)
            angle_term = KD * theta
            control = angle_term + distance_term
            # avoid turning too sharply
            self.control = (np.clip(control, -0.3, 0.3), SPEED)
项目:ppap_detect    作者:ashitani    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rotate_image(img_src, angle,scale ,crop=True):
    img_src,size_dest= pad_image(img_src,scale)

    size = tuple(np.array([img_src.shape[1], img_src.shape[0]]))

    src_r = np.sqrt((size[0]/2.0)**2+(size[1]/2.0)**2)
    org_angle =np.arctan(float(org_h)/org_w)

    dest_h = size_dest[0]
    dest_w = size_dest[1]

    center = tuple(np.array([img_src.shape[1] * 0.5, img_src.shape[0] * 0.5]))

    dsize= (dest_w,dest_h)
    rotation_matrix = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(center, angle, scale)
    img_rot = cv2.warpAffine(img_src, rotation_matrix, size, flags=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)

    if crop:
        x,y,w,h = cv2.boundingRect(img_rot[:,:,3])
        return img_rot[y:y+h, x:x+w,:]
        return img_rot
项目:ppap_detect    作者:ashitani    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rotate_image(img_src, angle,scale ):
    img_src,size_dest= pad_image(img_src,scale)

    size = tuple(np.array([img_src.shape[1], img_src.shape[0]]))

    src_r = np.sqrt((size[0]/2.0)**2+(size[1]/2.0)**2)
    org_angle =np.arctan(float(org_h)/org_w)

    dest_h = size_dest[0]
    dest_w = size_dest[1]

    center = tuple(np.array([img_src.shape[1] * 0.5, img_src.shape[0] * 0.5]))

    dsize= (dest_w,dest_h)
    rotation_matrix = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(center, angle, scale)
    img_rot = cv2.warpAffine(img_src, rotation_matrix, size, flags=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)

    x,y,w,h = cv2.boundingRect(img_rot[:,:,3])
    return img_rot[y:y+h, x:x+w,:]
项目:deliver    作者:orchestor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_branch_cuts_complex64(self):
        # check branch cuts and continuity on them
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log,   -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log2,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log10, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log1p, -1.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.sqrt,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [0-2j, 2j],  [1,  1], -1, 1, True, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [0-2j,  2j], [1,   1], -1, 1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [ -1, 0.5], [1j,  1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [ -2,   2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64

        # check against bogus branch cuts: assert continuity between quadrants
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [ -2,  2], [1j, 1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [ -2,  2, 0], [1j, 1j, 1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [0-2j, 2j, 2], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [0-2j, 2j, 0], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
项目:deliver    作者:orchestor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_against_cmath(self):
        import cmath

        points = [-1-1j, -1+1j, +1-1j, +1+1j]
        name_map = {'arcsin': 'asin', 'arccos': 'acos', 'arctan': 'atan',
                    'arcsinh': 'asinh', 'arccosh': 'acosh', 'arctanh': 'atanh'}
        atol = 4*np.finfo(np.complex).eps
        for func in self.funcs:
            fname = func.__name__.split('.')[-1]
            cname = name_map.get(fname, fname)
                cfunc = getattr(cmath, cname)
            except AttributeError:
            for p in points:
                a = complex(func(np.complex_(p)))
                b = cfunc(p)
                assert_(abs(a - b) < atol, "%s %s: %s; cmath: %s" % (fname, p, a, b))
项目:OG-JRC    作者:OpenRG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def arctan_func(xvals, a, b, c):
    This function generates predicted ability levels given data (xvals)
    and parameters a, b, and c, from the following arctan function:

        y = (-a / pi) * arctan(b * x + c) + (a / 2)
    xvals = (N,) vector, data inputs to arctan function
    a     = scalar, scale parameter for arctan function
    b     = scalar, curvature parameter for arctan function
    c     = scalar, shift parameter for arctan function


    yvals = (N,) vector, predicted values (output) of arctan function

    RETURNS: yvals
    yvals = (-a / np.pi) * np.arctan(b * xvals + c) + (a / 2)

    return yvals
项目:OG-JRC    作者:OpenRG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def arctan_func(xvals, a, b, c):
    This function generates predicted ability levels given data (xvals)
    and parameters a, b, and c, from the following arctan function:

        y = (-a / pi) * arctan(b * x + c) + (a / 2)
    xvals = (N,) vector, data inputs to arctan function
    a     = scalar, scale parameter for arctan function
    b     = scalar, curvature parameter for arctan function
    c     = scalar, shift parameter for arctan function


    yvals = (N,) vector, predicted values (output) of arctan function

    RETURNS: yvals
    yvals = (-a / np.pi) * np.arctan(b * xvals + c) + (a / 2)

    return yvals
项目:pybot    作者:spillai    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fov(self): 
        Returns the field of view for each axis
        return np.float32([np.arctan(self.shape[1] * 0.5 / self.fx), 
                           np.arctan(self.shape[0] * 0.5 / self.fy)]) * 2.0
项目:demos    作者:jnez71    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dynamics(q, u, p):
    Returns state derivative qdot.
    Takes current state q, motor input torque u, and disturbance torque p.
    See <> (rederived with incline).

    # Angle of pendulum in incline frame
    ang = q[2] - incline

    # Mass matrix
    M = np.array([
                  [(mass_wheel + mass_pend)*radius**2 + inertia_wheel, mass_pend*radius*cw_to_cm[1]*np.cos(ang)],
                  [mass_pend*radius*cw_to_cm[1]*np.cos(ang), inertia_pend + mass_pend*cw_to_cm[1]**2]

    # Gravity effect
    g = np.array([
                  -mass_pend*radius*cw_to_cm[1]*q[3]**2*np.sin(ang) + mass_wheel*radius*gravity[1]*np.sin(incline),

    # Friction force
    d = np.array([
                  -friction_wheel * (q[1] + np.arctan(q[1])),
                  friction_pend * q[3]

    # Dynamics
    accel_wheel_neg, accel_pend = npl.inv(M).dot(np.array([-u, p+u]) - g - d)

    return np.array([q[1], -accel_wheel_neg*radius, q[3], accel_pend])

################################################# SIMULATION

# Define time domain
项目:autolab_core    作者:BerkeleyAutomation    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cart2sph(x, y, z):
    """ Convert cartesian to spherical coordinates.

    x : float
    y : float
    z : float

    r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
    if x > 0 and y > 0:
        az = np.arctan(y / x)
    elif x > 0 and y < 0:
        az = 2*np.pi - np.arctan(-y / x)
    elif x < 0 and y > 0:
        az = np.pi - np.arctan(-y / x)    
    elif x < 0 and y < 0:
        az = np.pi + np.arctan(y / x)    
    elif x == 0 and y > 0:
        az = np.pi / 2
    elif x == 0 and y < 0:
        az = 3 * np.pi / 2
    elif y == 0 and x > 0:
        az = 0
    elif y == 0 and x < 0:
        az = np.pi
    elev = np.arccos(z / r)
    return r, az, elev
项目:pyrsss    作者:butala    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ellipse_angle_of_rotation( a ):
    b,c,d,f,g,a = a[1]/2, a[2], a[3]/2, a[4]/2, a[5], a[0]
    return 0.5*NP.arctan(2*b/(a-c))
项目:pyrsss    作者:butala    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ellipse_angle_of_rotation2( a ):
    b,c,d,f,g,a = a[1]/2, a[2], a[3]/2, a[4]/2, a[5], a[0]
    if b == 0:
        if a > c:
            return 0
            return NP.pi/2
        if a > c:
            return NP.arctan(2*b/(a-c))/2
            return NP.pi/2 + NP.arctan(2*b/(a-c))/2
项目:sound_field_analysis-py    作者:QULab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def radial_filter(order, freq, array_configuration, amp_maxdB=40):
    """Generate modal radial filter of specified order and frequency

    order : array_like
       order of filter
    freq : array_like
       Frequency of modal filter
    array_configuration : ArrayConfiguration
       List/Tuple/ArrayConfiguration, see io.ArrayConfiguration
    amp_maxdB : int, optional
       Maximum modal amplification limit in dB [Default: 40]

    dn : array_like
       Vector of modal frequency domain filter of shape [nOrders x nFreq]
    array_configuration = ArrayConfiguration(*array_configuration)

    extrapolation_coeffs = array_extrapolation(order, freq, array_configuration)
    extrapolation_coeffs[extrapolation_coeffs == 0] = 1e-12

    a_max = 10 ** (amp_maxdB / 20)
    limiting_factor = 2 * a_max / _np.pi * _np.abs(extrapolation_coeffs) * _np.arctan(_np.pi / (2 * a_max * _np.abs(extrapolation_coeffs)))

    return limiting_factor / extrapolation_coeffs