Python numpy 模块,rint() 实例源码


项目:dsb3    作者:EliasVansteenkiste    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def make_3d_mask(img_shape, center, radius, shape='sphere'):
    mask = np.zeros(img_shape)
    radius = np.rint(radius)
    center = np.rint(center)
    sz = np.arange(int(max(center[0] - radius, 0)), int(max(min(center[0] + radius + 1, img_shape[0]), 0)))
    sy = np.arange(int(max(center[1] - radius, 0)), int(max(min(center[1] + radius + 1, img_shape[1]), 0)))
    sx = np.arange(int(max(center[2] - radius, 0)), int(max(min(center[2] + radius + 1, img_shape[2]), 0)))
    sz, sy, sx = np.meshgrid(sz, sy, sx)
    if shape == 'cube':
        mask[sz, sy, sx] = 1.
    elif shape == 'sphere':
        distance2 = ((center[0] - sz) ** 2
                     + (center[1] - sy) ** 2
                     + (center[2] - sx) ** 2)
        distance_matrix = np.ones_like(mask) * np.inf
        distance_matrix[sz, sy, sx] = distance2
        mask[(distance_matrix <= radius ** 2)] = 1
    elif shape == 'gauss':
        z, y, x = np.ogrid[:mask.shape[0], :mask.shape[1], :mask.shape[2]]
        distance = ((z - center[0]) ** 2 + (y - center[1]) ** 2 + (x - center[2]) ** 2)
        mask = np.exp(- 1. * distance / (2 * radius ** 2))
        mask[(distance > 3 * radius ** 2)] = 0
    return mask
项目:IDNNs    作者:ravidziv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def data_shuffle(data_sets_org, percent_of_train, min_test_data=80, shuffle_data=False):
    """Divided the data to train and test and shuffle it"""
    perc = lambda i, t: np.rint((i * t) / 100).astype(np.int32)
    C = type('type_C', (object,), {})
    data_sets = C()
    stop_train_index = perc(percent_of_train[0],[0])
    start_test_index = stop_train_index
    if percent_of_train > min_test_data:
        start_test_index = perc(min_test_data,[0])
    data_sets.train = C()
    data_sets.test = C()
    if shuffle_data:
        shuffled_data, shuffled_labels = shuffle_in_unison_inplace(, data_sets_org.labels)
        shuffled_data, shuffled_labels =, data_sets_org.labels = shuffled_data[:stop_train_index, :]
    data_sets.train.labels = shuffled_labels[:stop_train_index, :] = shuffled_data[start_test_index:, :]
    data_sets.test.labels = shuffled_labels[start_test_index:, :]
    return data_sets
项目:yt    作者:yt-project    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_global_startindex(self):
        Return the integer starting index for each dimension at the current

        if self.start_index is not None:
            return self.start_index
        if self.Parent is None:
            iLE = self.LeftEdge - self.ds.domain_left_edge
            start_index = iLE /
            return np.rint(start_index).astype('int64').ravel()
        pdx = self.Parent[0].dds
        start_index = (self.Parent[0].get_global_startindex()) + \
            np.rint((self.LeftEdge - self.Parent[0].LeftEdge)/pdx)
        self.start_index = (start_index*self.ds.refine_by).astype('int64').ravel()
        return self.start_index
项目:yt    作者:yt-project    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_global_startindex(self):
        Return the integer starting index for each dimension at the current

        if self.start_index is not None:
            return self.start_index
        if self.Parent is None:
            left = self.LeftEdge.d - self.ds.domain_left_edge.d
            start_index = left /
            return np.rint(start_index).astype('int64').ravel()

        pdx =
        di = np.rint((self.LeftEdge.d - self.Parent.LeftEdge.d) / pdx)
        start_index = self.Parent.get_global_startindex() + di
        self.start_index = (start_index * self.ds.refine_by).astype('int64').ravel()
        return self.start_index
项目:yt    作者:yt-project    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _minimal_box(self, dds):
        LL = self.left_edge.d - self.ds.domain_left_edge.d
        # Nudge in case we're on the edge
        LL += np.finfo(np.float64).eps
        LS = self.right_edge.d - self.ds.domain_left_edge.d
        LS += np.finfo(np.float64).eps
        cell_start = LL / dds  # This is the cell we're inside
        cell_end = LS / dds
        if self.level == 0:
            start_index = np.array(np.floor(cell_start), dtype="int64")
            end_index = np.array(np.ceil(cell_end), dtype="int64")
            dims = np.rint((self.ActiveDimensions * / dds).astype("int64")
            # Give us one buffer
            start_index = np.rint(cell_start).astype('int64') - 1
            # How many root cells do we occupy?
            end_index = np.rint(cell_end).astype('int64')
            dims = end_index - start_index + 1
        return start_index, end_index.astype("int64"), dims.astype("int32")
项目:yt    作者:yt-project    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_tree(self):
        for node in self.trunk.depth_traverse():
            if node.grid == -1:
            grid = self.ds.index.grids[node.grid - self._id_offset]
            dds =
            gle = grid.LeftEdge
            nle = self.ds.arr(node.get_left_edge(), input_units="code_length")
            nre = self.ds.arr(node.get_right_edge(), input_units="code_length")
            li = np.rint((nle-gle)/dds).astype('int32')
            ri = np.rint((nre-gle)/dds).astype('int32')
            dims = (ri - li).astype('int32')
            assert(np.all(grid.LeftEdge <= nle))
            assert(np.all(grid.RightEdge >= nre))
            assert(np.all(dims > 0))
            # print grid, dims, li, ri

        # Calculate the Volume
        vol = self.trunk.kd_sum_volume()
        mylog.debug('AMRKDTree volume = %e' % vol)
项目:yt    作者:yt-project    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sum_cells(self, all_cells=False):
        cells = 0
        for node in self.trunk.depth_traverse():
            if node.grid == -1:
            if not all_cells and not node.kd_is_leaf():
            grid = self.ds.index.grids[node.grid - self._id_offset]
            dds =
            gle = grid.LeftEdge
            nle = self.ds.arr(node.get_left_edge(), input_units="code_length")
            nre = self.ds.arr(node.get_right_edge(), input_units="code_length")
            li = np.rint((nle-gle)/dds).astype('int32')
            ri = np.rint((nre-gle)/dds).astype('int32')
            dims = (ri - li).astype('int32')
            cells +=
        return cells
项目:visual_mpc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mujoco_to_imagespace(self, mujoco_coord, numpix=64, truncate=False):
        convert form Mujoco-Coord to numpix x numpix image space:
        :param numpix: number of pixels of square image
        :param mujoco_coord:
        :return: pixel_coord
        viewer_distance = .75  # distance from camera to the viewing plane
        window_height = 2 * np.tan(75 / 2 / 180. * np.pi) * viewer_distance  # window height in Mujoco coords
        pixelheight = window_height / numpix  # height of one pixel
        pixelwidth = pixelheight
        window_width = pixelwidth * numpix
        middle_pixel = numpix / 2
        pixel_coord = np.rint(np.array([-mujoco_coord[1], mujoco_coord[0]]) /
                              pixelwidth + np.array([middle_pixel, middle_pixel]))
        pixel_coord = pixel_coord.astype(int)

        return pixel_coord
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mujoco_to_imagespace(mujoco_coord, numpix=64):
    convert form Mujoco-Coord to numpix x numpix image space:
    :param numpix: number of pixels of square image
    :param mujoco_coord:
    :return: pixel_coord
    viewer_distance = .75  # distance from camera to the viewing plane
    window_height = 2 * np.tan(75 / 2 / 180. * np.pi) * viewer_distance  # window height in Mujoco coords
    pixelheight = window_height / numpix  # height of one pixel
    pixelwidth = pixelheight
    window_width = pixelwidth * numpix
    middle_pixel = numpix / 2
    pixel_coord = np.rint(np.array([-mujoco_coord[1], mujoco_coord[0]]) /
                          pixelwidth + np.array([middle_pixel, middle_pixel]))
    pixel_coord = pixel_coord.astype(int)
    return pixel_coord
项目:nekpy    作者:NekBox    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_mesh_data(self):
    import numpy as np
    letters = [chr(97+i) for i in range(26)] + [chr(65+i) for i in range(26)]
    mesh = " {:11d}  {:d} {:11d}           NEL,NDIM,NELV".format(, 3,
    for e in range(self.elements.shape[0]):
      ix = int(np.rint((self.elements[e,0] - self.root[0])/[0]))
      iy = int(np.rint((self.elements[e,4] - self.root[1])/[1]))
      iz = int(np.rint((self.elements[e,8] - self.root[2])/[2]))
      mesh += "\n            ELEMENT {:11d} [{:5d}{:1s}]  GROUP  0\n".format(e+1, iz+1, letters[(ix+iy*self.n[0]) % 52]) 
      mesh += "  {: 13.10E}  {: 13.10E}  {: 13.10E}  {: 13.10E} \n".format(*(self.elements[e, 0: 4].tolist())) 
      mesh += "  {: 13.10E}  {: 13.10E}  {: 13.10E}  {: 13.10E} \n".format(*(self.elements[e, 4: 8].tolist())) 
      mesh += "  {: 13.10E}  {: 13.10E}  {: 13.10E}  {: 13.10E} \n".format(*(self.elements[e, 8:12].tolist())) 
      mesh += "  {: 13.10E}  {: 13.10E}  {: 13.10E}  {: 13.10E} \n".format(*(self.elements[e,12:16].tolist())) 
      mesh += "  {: 13.10E}  {: 13.10E}  {: 13.10E}  {: 13.10E} \n".format(*(self.elements[e,16:20].tolist())) 
      mesh += "  {: 13.10E}  {: 13.10E}  {: 13.10E}  {: 13.10E} ".format(*(self.elements[e,20:24].tolist())) 
    return mesh
项目:neural-combinatorial-optimization-rl-tensorflow    作者:MichelDeudon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def visualize_2D_trip(self,trip,tw_open,tw_close):
        rcParams.update({'font.size': 22})
        # Plot cities
        colors = ['red'] # Depot is first city
        for i in range(len(tw_open)-1):
        plt.scatter(trip[:,0], trip[:,1], color=colors, s=200)
        # Plot tour
        tour=np.array(list(range(len(trip))) + [0])
        X = trip[tour, 0]
        Y = trip[tour, 1]
        plt.plot(X, Y,"--", markersize=100)
        # Annotate cities with TW
        tw_open = np.rint(tw_open)
        tw_close = np.rint(tw_close)
        time_window = np.concatenate((tw_open,tw_close),axis=1)
        for tw, (x, y) in zip(time_window,(zip(X,Y))):
            plt.annotate(tw,xy=(x, y))  

    # Heatmap of permutations (x=cities; y=steps)
项目:Argon    作者:FracturedRocketSpace    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def corrHist(positions):
    g = np.zeros(config.histSteps);
    for p1 in range(1,config.nParticles):
        for p2 in range(p1):
            X = positions[p2,0] - positions[p1,0];
            Y = positions[p2,1] - positions[p1,1];
            Z = positions[p2,2] - positions[p1,2];

            X -= np.rint(X/config.lCalc) * config.lCalc;
            Y -= np.rint(Y/config.lCalc) * config.lCalc;
            Z -= np.rint(Z/config.lCalc) * config.lCalc;            

            distance = np.sqrt(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z);
            for i in range(config.histSteps):
                if( (config.histRange/config.histSteps) * i < 
                    distance < (config.histRange/config.histSteps) * (i+1) ):
                        g[i] += 1 / ( 4 * np.pi * ((config.histRange/config.histSteps*i)**2) * (config.histRange/config.histSteps) );

    g = g * 2 * (config.lCalc**3) / (config.nParticles*(config.nParticles-1));        
    return g
项目:upho    作者:yuzie007    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_little_group(self, kpoint):
        rotations = self._symmetry_operations["rotations"]
        translations = self._symmetry_operations["translations"]
        lattice = self._cell.get_cell()

        rotations_kpoint = []
        translations_kpoint = []
        for r, t in zip(rotations, translations):
            diff =, r) - kpoint
            diff -= np.rint(diff)
            dist = np.linalg.norm(, diff))
            if dist < self._symprec:

        return np.array(rotations_kpoint), np.array(translations_kpoint)
项目:qudi    作者:Ulm-IQO    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def configure(self, bin_width_s, record_length_s, number_of_gates = 0):
        """ Configuration of the fast counter.

        @param float bin_width_s: Length of a single time bin in the time trace
                                  histogram in seconds.
        @param float record_length_s: Total length of the timetrace/each single
                                      gate in seconds.
        @param int number_of_gates: optional, number of gates in the pulse
                                    sequence. Ignore for not gated counter.

        @return tuple(binwidth_s, gate_length_s, number_of_gates):
                    binwidth_s: float the actual set binwidth in seconds
                    gate_length_s: the actual set gate length in seconds
                    number_of_gates: the number of gated, which are accepted
        self._binwidth = int(np.rint(bin_width_s * 1e9 * 950 / 1000))
        self._gate_length_bins = int(np.rint(record_length_s / bin_width_s))
        actual_binwidth = self._binwidth * 1000 / 950e9
        actual_length = self._gate_length_bins * actual_binwidth
        self.statusvar = 1
        return actual_binwidth, actual_length, number_of_gates
项目:qudi    作者:Ulm-IQO    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _set_dac_voltages(self):
        with self.threadlock:
            dac_sma_mapping = {1: 1, 2: 5, 3: 2, 4: 6, 5: 3, 6: 7, 7: 4, 8: 8}
            set_voltage_cmd = 0x03000000
            for dac_chnl in range(8):
                sma_chnl = dac_sma_mapping[dac_chnl+1]
                dac_value = int(np.rint(4096*self._switching_voltage[sma_chnl]/(2.5*2)))
                if dac_value > 4095:
                    dac_value = 4095
                elif dac_value < 0:
                    dac_value = 0
                tmp_cmd = set_voltage_cmd + (dac_chnl << 20) + (dac_value << 8)
                self._fpga.SetWireInValue(0x01, tmp_cmd)
                self._fpga.ActivateTriggerIn(0x41, 0)
项目:weakmon    作者:rtmrtmrtmrtm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def process1(self, sliced):
    global advance

    bitsamples = self.rate / float(self.baud)
    flagsamples = bitsamples * 9 # HDLC 01111110 flag (9 b/c NRZI)

    ff = self.findflag(sliced[0:int(round(flagsamples+advance*bitsamples+2))])
    if ff != None:
      indices = numpy.arange(0, len(sliced) - (ff+2*bitsamples), bitsamples)
      indices = indices + (ff + 0.5*bitsamples)
      indices = numpy.rint(indices).astype(int)
      rawsymbols = sliced[indices]
      symbols = numpy.where(rawsymbols > 0, 1, -1)

      [ ok, msg, nsymbols ] = self.finishframe(symbols[8:])
      if ok >= 1:
        return [ ok, msg, nsymbols, ff ]

    return [ 0, None, 0, 0 ]
项目:EvadeML-Zoo    作者:mzweilin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def opencv_wrapper(imgs, opencv_func, argv):
    ret_imgs = []
    imgs_copy = imgs

    if imgs.shape[3] == 1:
        imgs_copy = np.squeeze(imgs)

    for img in imgs_copy:
        img_uint8 = np.clip(np.rint(img * 255), 0, 255).astype(np.uint8)
        ret_img = opencv_func(*[img_uint8]+argv)
        if type(ret_img) == tuple:
            ret_img = ret_img[1]
        ret_img = ret_img.astype(np.float32) / 255.
    ret_imgs = np.stack(ret_imgs)

    if imgs.shape[3] == 1:
        ret_imgs = np.expand_dims(ret_imgs, axis=3)

    return ret_imgs

# Binary filters.
项目:ugali    作者:DarkEnergySurvey    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def peak_interval(data, alpha=_alpha, npoints=_npoints):
    Identify interval using Gaussian kernel density estimator.
    peak = kde_peak(data,npoints)
    x = np.sort(data.flat); n = len(x)
    # The number of entries in the interval
    window = int(np.rint((1.0-alpha)*n))
    # The start, stop, and width of all possible intervals
    starts = x[:n-window]; ends = x[window:]
    widths = ends - starts
    # Just the intervals containing the peak
    select = (peak >= starts) & (peak <= ends)
    widths = widths[select]
    if len(widths) == 0:
        raise ValueError('Too few elements for interval calculation')
    min_idx = np.argmin(widths)
    lo = x[min_idx]
    hi = x[min_idx+window]
    return interval(peak,lo,hi)
项目:pyroSAR    作者:johntruckenbrodt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rescale(self, function):
        perform raster computations with custom functions and assign them to the exitsting raster object in memory



        if self.bands != 1:
            raise ValueError('only single band images supported')

        # load array
        mat = self.matrix()

        # scale values
        scaled = function(mat)

        # round to nearest integer
        rounded = np.rint(scaled)

        # assign newly computed array to raster object
项目:deepjets    作者:deepjets    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def zoom_image(image, zoom, out_width=25):
    """Return rescaled and cropped image array with width out_width.
    if zoom < 1:
        raise ValueError("Zoom scale factor must be at least 1.")

    width, height = image.shape
    #if width < out_width:
    #    raise ValueError(
    #        "image width before zooming ({0}) is less "
    #        "than requested output width ({1})".format(width, out_width))
    out_height = int(np.rint(float(out_width * height) / width))
    t_width = int(np.rint(out_width * zoom))
    t_height = int(np.rint(out_height * zoom))
    if t_width // 2 != out_width // 2:
        t_width += 1
    if t_height // 2 != out_height // 2:
        t_height += 1
    # zoom with cubic interpolation
    t_image = transform.resize(image, (t_width, t_height), order=3)
    # crop
    return t_image[(t_width - out_width) / 2:(t_width + out_width) / 2,
                   (t_height - out_height) / 2:(t_height + out_height) / 2]
项目:hco-experiments    作者:zooniverse    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def visualiseLearnedFeatures(self):
            Visualise the features learned by the autoencoder
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

        extent = np.sqrt(self._architecture[0]) # size of input vector is stored in self._architecture
        # number of rows and columns to plot (number of hidden units also stored in self._architecture)
        plotDims = np.rint(np.sqrt(self._architecture[1]))
        fig = plt.figure()
        plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, bottom=0.1, right=0.9, top=0.9, wspace=-0.6, hspace=0.1)
        learnedFeatures = self.getLearnedFeatures()
        for i in range(self._architecture[1]):
            image = np.reshape(learnedFeatures[i,:], (extent, extent), order="F") * 1000
            ax = fig.add_subplot(plotDims, plotDims, i)
            ax.imshow(image, interpolation="nearest")
        raw_input("Program paused. Press enter to continue.")
项目:hco-experiments    作者:zooniverse    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def visualiseLearnedFeatures(self):
            Visualise the features learned by the autoencoder
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

        extent = np.sqrt(self._architecture[0]) # size of input vector is stored in self._architecture
        # number of rows and columns to plot (number of hidden units also stored in self._architecture)
        plotDims = np.rint(np.sqrt(self._architecture[1]))
        fig = plt.figure()
        plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, bottom=0.1, right=0.9, top=0.9, wspace=-0.6, hspace=0.1)
        learnedFeatures = self.getLearnedFeatures()
        for i in range(self._architecture[1]):
            image = np.reshape(learnedFeatures[i,:], (extent, extent), order="F") * 1000
            ax = fig.add_subplot(plotDims, plotDims, i)
            ax.imshow(image, interpolation="nearest")
        raw_input("Program paused. Press enter to continue.")
项目:hco-experiments    作者:zooniverse    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def visualiseLearnedFeatures(self):
            Visualise the features learned by the autoencoder
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

        extent = np.sqrt(self._architecture[0]) # size of input vector is stored in self._architecture
        # number of rows and columns to plot (number of hidden units also stored in self._architecture)
        plotDims = np.rint(np.sqrt(self._architecture[1]))
        fig = plt.figure()
        plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, bottom=0.1, right=0.9, top=0.9, wspace=-0.6, hspace=0.1)
        learnedFeatures = self.getLearnedFeatures()
        for i in range(self._architecture[1]):
            image = np.reshape(learnedFeatures[i,:], (extent, extent), order="F") * 1000
            ax = fig.add_subplot(plotDims, plotDims, i)
            ax.imshow(image, interpolation="nearest")
        input("Program paused. Press enter to continue.")
项目:hco-experiments    作者:zooniverse    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def visualiseLearnedFeatures(self):
            Visualise the features learned by the autoencoder
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

        extent = np.sqrt(self._architecture[0]) # size of input vector is stored in self._architecture
        # number of rows and columns to plot (number of hidden units also stored in self._architecture)
        plotDims = np.rint(np.sqrt(self._architecture[1]))
        fig = plt.figure()
        plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, bottom=0.1, right=0.9, top=0.9, wspace=-0.6, hspace=0.1)
        learnedFeatures = self.getLearnedFeatures()
        for i in range(self._architecture[1]):
            image = np.reshape(learnedFeatures[i,:], (extent, extent), order="F") * 1000
            ax = fig.add_subplot(plotDims, plotDims, i)
            ax.imshow(image, interpolation="nearest")
        input("Program paused. Press enter to continue.")
项目:hco-experiments    作者:zooniverse    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def visualiseLearnedFeatures(self):
            Visualise the features learned by the autoencoder
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

        extent = np.sqrt(self._architecture[0]) # size of input vector is stored in self._architecture
        # number of rows and columns to plot (number of hidden units also stored in self._architecture)
        plotDims = np.rint(np.sqrt(self._architecture[1]))
        fig = plt.figure()
        plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, bottom=0.1, right=0.9, top=0.9, wspace=-0.6, hspace=0.1)
        learnedFeatures = self.getLearnedFeatures()
        for i in range(self._architecture[1]):
            image = np.reshape(learnedFeatures[i,:], (extent, extent), order="F") * 1000
            ax = fig.add_subplot(plotDims, plotDims, i)
            ax.imshow(image, interpolation="nearest")
        raw_input("Program paused. Press enter to continue.")
项目:hco-experiments    作者:zooniverse    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def visualiseLearnedFeatures(self):
            Visualise the features learned by the autoencoder
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

        extent = np.sqrt(self._architecture[0]) # size of input vector is stored in self._architecture
        # number of rows and columns to plot (number of hidden units also stored in self._architecture)
        plotDims = np.rint(np.sqrt(self._architecture[1]))
        fig = plt.figure()
        plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, bottom=0.1, right=0.9, top=0.9, wspace=-0.6, hspace=0.1)
        learnedFeatures = self.getLearnedFeatures()
        for i in range(self._architecture[1]):
            image = np.reshape(learnedFeatures[i,:], (extent, extent), order="F") * 1000
            ax = fig.add_subplot(plotDims, plotDims, i)
            ax.imshow(image, interpolation="nearest")
        raw_input("Program paused. Press enter to continue.")
项目:hco-experiments    作者:zooniverse    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def visualiseLearnedFeatures(self):
            Visualise the features learned by the autoencoder
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

        extent = np.sqrt(self._architecture[0]) # size of input vector is stored in self._architecture
        # number of rows and columns to plot (number of hidden units also stored in self._architecture)
        plotDims = np.rint(np.sqrt(self._architecture[1]))
        fig = plt.figure()
        plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, bottom=0.1, right=0.9, top=0.9, wspace=-0.6, hspace=0.1)
        learnedFeatures = self.getLearnedFeatures()
        for i in range(self._architecture[1]):
            image = np.reshape(learnedFeatures[i,:], (extent, extent), order="F") * 1000
            ax = fig.add_subplot(plotDims, plotDims, i)
            ax.imshow(image, interpolation="nearest")
        raw_input("Program paused. Press enter to continue.")
项目:aapm_thoracic_challenge    作者:xf4j    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read_images(path):
    for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
        dcms = glob.glob(os.path.join(subdir, '*.dcm'))
        if len(dcms) > 1:
            slices = [dicom.read_file(dcm) for dcm in dcms]
            slices.sort(key = lambda x: float(x.ImagePositionPatient[2]))
            images = np.stack([s.pixel_array for s in slices], axis=0).astype(np.float32)
            images = images + slices[0].RescaleIntercept
    images = normalize(images)

    inplane_scale = slices[0].PixelSpacing[0] / PIXEL_SPACING
    inplane_size = int(np.rint(inplane_scale * slices[0].Rows / 2) * 2)
    z_scale = slices[0].SliceThickness / SLICE_THICKNESS
    z_size = int(np.rint(z_scale * images.shape[0]))

    if inplane_size != INPLANE_SIZE or z_scale != 1:
        images = resize(images, (z_size, inplane_size, inplane_size), mode='constant')
        if inplane_size != INPLANE_SIZE:
            if inplane_size > INPLANE_SIZE:
                crop = int((inplane_size - INPLANE_SIZE) / 2)
                images = images[:, crop : crop + INPLANE_SIZE, crop : crop + INPLANE_SIZE]
                pad = int((INPLANE_SIZE - new_size) / 2)
                images = np.pad(images, ((0, 0), (pad, pad), (pad, pad)))

    return images
项目:aapm_thoracic_challenge    作者:xf4j    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read_images_labels(path):
    # Read the images and labels from a folder containing both dicom files
    for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
        dcms = glob.glob(os.path.join(subdir, '*.dcm'))
        if len(dcms) == 1:
            structure = dicom.read_file(dcms[0])
            contours = read_structure(structure)
        elif len(dcms) > 1:
            slices = [dicom.read_file(dcm) for dcm in dcms]
            slices.sort(key = lambda x: float(x.ImagePositionPatient[2]))
            images = np.stack([s.pixel_array for s in slices], axis=0).astype(np.float32)
            images = images + slices[0].RescaleIntercept

    images = normalize(images)
    labels = get_labels(contours, images.shape, slices)
    inplane_scale = slices[0].PixelSpacing[0] / PIXEL_SPACING
    inplane_size = int(np.rint(inplane_scale * slices[0].Rows / 2) * 2)
    z_scale = slices[0].SliceThickness / SLICE_THICKNESS
    z_size = int(np.rint(z_scale * images.shape[0]))

    if inplane_size != INPLANE_SIZE or z_scale != 1:
        images = resize(images, (z_size, inplane_size, inplane_size), mode='constant')
        new_labels = np.zeros_like(images, dtype=np.float32)
        for z in range(N_CLASSES):
            roi = resize((labels == z + 1).astype(np.float32), (z_size, inplane_size, inplane_size), mode='constant')
            new_labels[roi >= 0.5] = z + 1
        labels = new_labels
        if inplane_size != INPLANE_SIZE:
            if inplane_size > INPLANE_SIZE:
                crop = int((inplane_size - INPLANE_SIZE) / 2)
                images = images[:, crop : crop + INPLANE_SIZE, crop : crop + INPLANE_SIZE]
                labels = labels[:, crop : crop + INPLANE_SIZE, crop : crop + INPLANE_SIZE]
                pad = int((INPLANE_SIZE - new_size) / 2)
                images = np.pad(images, ((0, 0), (pad, pad), (pad, pad)), 'constant')
                labels = np.pad(labels, ((0, 0), (pad, pad), (pad, pad)), 'constant')

    return images, labels
项目:aapm_thoracic_challenge    作者:xf4j    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read_testing_inputs(file, roi, im_size, output_path=None):
    f_h5 = h5py.File(file, 'r')
    if roi == -1:
        images = np.asarray(f_h5['resized_images'], dtype=np.float32)
        read_info = {}
        read_info['shape'] = np.asarray(f_h5['images'], dtype=np.float32).shape
        images = np.asarray(f_h5['images'], dtype=np.float32)
        output = h5py.File(os.path.join(output_path, 'All_' + os.path.basename(file)), 'r')
        predictions = np.asarray(output['predictions'], dtype=np.float32)
        # Select the roi
        roi_labels = (predictions == roi + 1).astype(np.float32)
        nz = np.nonzero(roi_labels)
        extract = []
        for c in range(3):
            start = np.amin(nz[c])
            end = np.amax(nz[c])
            r = end - start
            extract.append((np.maximum(int(np.rint(start - r * 0.1)), 0),
                            np.minimum(int(np.rint(end + r * 0.1)), images.shape[c])))

        extract_images = images[extract[0][0] : extract[0][1], extract[1][0] : extract[1][1], extract[2][0] : extract[2][1]]
        read_info = {}
        read_info['shape'] = images.shape
        read_info['extract_shape'] = extract_images.shape
        read_info['extract'] = extract

        images = resize(extract_images, im_size, mode='constant')

    return images, read_info
项目:aapm_thoracic_challenge    作者:xf4j    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read_images_info(path):
    for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
        dcms = glob.glob(os.path.join(subdir, '*.dcm'))
        if len(dcms) > 1:
            slices = [dicom.read_file(dcm) for dcm in dcms]
            slices.sort(key = lambda x: float(x.ImagePositionPatient[2]))
            images = np.stack([s.pixel_array for s in slices], axis=0).astype(np.float32)
            images = images + slices[0].RescaleIntercept

    orig_shape = images.shape

    inplane_scale = slices[0].PixelSpacing[0] / PIXEL_SPACING
    inplane_size = int(np.rint(inplane_scale * slices[0].Rows / 2) * 2)
    return orig_shape, inplane_size
项目:NeoAnalysis    作者:neoanalysis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def time_slice(self, t_start, t_stop):
        Creates a new AnalogSignal corresponding to the time slice of the
        original AnalogSignal between times t_start, t_stop. Note, that for
        numerical stability reasons if t_start, t_stop do not fall exactly on
        the time bins defined by the sampling_period they will be rounded to
        the nearest sampling bins.

        # checking start time and transforming to start index
        if t_start is None:
            i = 0
            t_start = t_start.rescale(self.sampling_period.units)
            i = (t_start - self.t_start) / self.sampling_period
            i = int(np.rint(i.magnitude))

        # checking stop time and transforming to stop index
        if t_stop is None:
            j = len(self)
            t_stop = t_stop.rescale(self.sampling_period.units)
            j = (t_stop - self.t_start) / self.sampling_period
            j = int(np.rint(j.magnitude))

        if (i < 0) or (j > len(self)):
            raise ValueError('t_start, t_stop have to be withing the analog \
                              signal duration')

        # we're going to send the list of indicies so that we get *copy* of the
        # sliced data
        obj = super(AnalogSignal, self).__getitem__(np.arange(i, j, 1))
        obj.t_start = self.t_start + i * self.sampling_period

        return obj
项目:NeoAnalysis    作者:neoanalysis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def time_slice(self, t_start, t_stop):
        Creates a new AnalogSignal corresponding to the time slice of the
        original AnalogSignal between times t_start, t_stop. Note, that for
        numerical stability reasons if t_start, t_stop do not fall exactly on
        the time bins defined by the sampling_period they will be rounded to
        the nearest sampling bins.

        # checking start time and transforming to start index
        if t_start is None:
            i = 0
            t_start = t_start.rescale(self.sampling_period.units)
            i = (t_start - self.t_start) / self.sampling_period
            i = int(np.rint(i.magnitude))

        # checking stop time and transforming to stop index
        if t_stop is None:
            j = len(self)
            t_stop = t_stop.rescale(self.sampling_period.units)
            j = (t_stop - self.t_start) / self.sampling_period
            j = int(np.rint(j.magnitude))

        if (i < 0) or (j > len(self)):
            raise ValueError('t_start, t_stop have to be withing the analog \
                              signal duration')

        # we're going to send the list of indicies so that we get *copy* of the
        # sliced data
        obj = super(AnalogSignal, self).__getitem__(np.arange(i, j, 1))
        obj.t_start = self.t_start + i * self.sampling_period

        return obj
项目:deep-prior    作者:moberweger    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getJitteredImgs(self, img, num, maxRot=(-5.0, 5.0), maxTranslate=(-2.0, 2.0), maxScale=(-0.1, 0.1), augmentColor=False):
        Take img and jitter it
        :return: a list of all jittered images

        cx = img.size[0] / 2
        cy = img.size[1] / 2

        tMats = self.getJitteredParams(center=(cx, cy), num=num, maxRot=maxRot, maxTranslate=maxTranslate,
        imgs = []
        for i in range(len(tMats)):
            t = tMats[i]
            imgT = self.transformImg(img, t)

            if augmentColor:
                # jitter colors
                color = ImageEnhance.Color(imgT)
                imgT = color.enhance(self.rng.uniform(0.7, 1))

                # jitter contrast
                contr = ImageEnhance.Contrast(imgT)
                imgT = contr.enhance(self.rng.uniform(0.7, 1))

                # jitter brightness
                bright = ImageEnhance.Brightness(imgT)
                imgT = bright.enhance(self.rng.uniform(0.7, 1))

                # add noise
                im = numpy.asarray(imgT).astype('int') + numpy.rint(self.rng.normal(0, 4, numpy.asarray(imgT).shape)).astype('int')
                im = numpy.clip(im, 0, 255).astype('uint8')
                imgT = Image.fromarray(im)

            # add image

        return imgs, tMats
项目:dsb3    作者:EliasVansteenkiste    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def data_prep_function(data, luna_annotations, pixel_spacing, luna_origin,
    # make sure the data is processed the same way
    lung_mask = lung_segmentation.segment_HU_scan_ira(data)

    annotatations_out = []
    for zyxd in luna_annotations:
        zyx = np.array(zyxd[:3])
        voxel_coords = utils_lung.world2voxel(zyx, luna_origin, pixel_spacing)
        zyxd_out = np.rint(np.append(voxel_coords, zyxd[-1]))
    annotatations_out = np.asarray(annotatations_out)

    return lung_mask, lung_mask, lung_mask, annotatations_out, None
项目:Tweaker-3    作者:ChristophSchranz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def processMatrix(self):
        self._transformedMin = numpy.array([999999999999,999999999999,999999999999], numpy.float64)
        self._transformedMax = numpy.array([-999999999999,-999999999999,-999999999999], numpy.float64)
        self._boundaryCircleSize = 0

        hull = numpy.zeros((0, 2),
        for m in self._meshList:
            transformedVertexes = m.getTransformedVertexes()
            hull = polygon.convexHull(numpy.concatenate((numpy.rint(transformedVertexes[:,0:2]).astype(int), hull), 0))
            transformedMin = transformedVertexes.min(0)
            transformedMax = transformedVertexes.max(0)
            for n in xrange(0, 3):
                self._transformedMin[n] = min(transformedMin[n], self._transformedMin[n])
                self._transformedMax[n] = max(transformedMax[n], self._transformedMax[n])

            #Calculate the boundary circle
            transformedSize = transformedMax - transformedMin
            center = transformedMin + transformedSize / 2.0
            boundaryCircleSize = round(math.sqrt(numpy.max(((transformedVertexes[::,0] - center[0]) * (transformedVertexes[::,0] - center[0])) + ((transformedVertexes[::,1] - center[1]) * (transformedVertexes[::,1] - center[1])) + ((transformedVertexes[::,2] - center[2]) * (transformedVertexes[::,2] - center[2])))), 3)
            self._boundaryCircleSize = max(self._boundaryCircleSize, boundaryCircleSize)
        self._transformedSize = self._transformedMax - self._transformedMin
        self._drawOffset = (self._transformedMax + self._transformedMin) / 2
        self._drawOffset[2] = self._transformedMin[2]
        self._transformedMax -= self._drawOffset
        self._transformedMin -= self._drawOffset

        self._boundaryHull = polygon.minkowskiHull((hull.astype(numpy.float32) - self._drawOffset[0:2]), numpy.array([[-1,-1],[-1,1],[1,1],[1,-1]],numpy.float32))
        self._printAreaHull = polygon.minkowskiHull(self._boundaryHull, self._printAreaExtend)
        self.setHeadArea(self._headAreaExtend, self._headMinSize)
项目:brats17    作者:xf4j    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generate_patch_locations(patches, patch_size, im_size):
    nx = round((patches * 8 * im_size[0] * im_size[0] / im_size[1] / im_size[2]) ** (1.0 / 3))
    ny = round(nx * im_size[1] / im_size[0])
    nz = round(nx * im_size[2] / im_size[0])
    x = np.rint(np.linspace(patch_size, im_size[0] - patch_size, num=nx))
    y = np.rint(np.linspace(patch_size, im_size[1] - patch_size, num=ny))
    z = np.rint(np.linspace(patch_size, im_size[2] - patch_size, num=nz))
    return x, y, z
项目:brats17    作者:xf4j    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def perturb_patch_locations(patch_locations, radius):
    x, y, z = patch_locations
    x = np.rint(x + np.random.uniform(-radius, radius, len(x)))
    y = np.rint(y + np.random.uniform(-radius, radius, len(y)))
    z = np.rint(z + np.random.uniform(-radius, radius, len(z)))
    return x, y, z
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_rint_big_int():
    # np.rint bug for large integer values on Windows 32-bit and MKL
    val = 4607998452777363968
    # This is exactly representable in floating point
    assert_equal(val, int(float(val)))
    # Rint should not change the value
    assert_equal(val, np.rint(val))
项目:cupy    作者:cupy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _normalize_shape(ndarray, shape, cast_to_int=True):
    ndims = ndarray.ndim
    if shape is None:
        return ((None, None), ) * ndims
    ndshape = numpy.asarray(shape)
    if ndshape.size == 1:
        ndshape = numpy.repeat(ndshape, 2)
    if ndshape.ndim == 1:
        ndshape = numpy.tile(ndshape, (ndims, 1))
    if ndshape.shape != (ndims, 2):
        message = 'Unable to create correctly shaped tuple from %s' % shape
        raise ValueError(message)
    if cast_to_int:
        ndshape = numpy.rint(ndshape).astype(int)
    return tuple(tuple(axis) for axis in ndshape)
项目:aes    作者:feidong1991    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calc_kappa(self, train_pred, dev_pred, test_pred, weight='quadratic'):
        train_pred_int = np.rint(train_pred).astype('int32')
        dev_pred_int = np.rint(dev_pred).astype('int32')
        test_pred_int = np.rint(test_pred).astype('int32')
        self.train_qwk = kappa(self.train_y_org, train_pred, weight)
        self.dev_qwk = kappa(self.dev_y_org, dev_pred, weight)
        self.test_qwk = kappa(self.test_y_org, test_pred, weight)
项目:facejack    作者:PetarV-    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sanitise_image(mat):
    int_mat = np.rint(mat).astype(int)
    return np.clip(int_mat, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8)
项目:initialisation-problem    作者:georgedeath    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extract_RGB_LBP_features(image, labels, size=5, P=8, R=2):
    n_sp = np.max(labels)+1
    hs = size//2
    img_superpixel = np.zeros_like(labels, dtype='int')

    # calculate lbp for entire region
    lbp_img = np.empty((3, ), dtype='object')
    for d in range(3):
        lbp_img[d] = local_binary_pattern(image[..., d], P=P, R=R, method='uniform')

    feat_desc_size = P+1

    feat_descs = np.zeros((n_sp, feat_desc_size*3))

    for i in range(n_sp):
        # get centroid of i'th superpixel
        img_superpixel[:] = labels == i
        cy, cx = [np.rint(x).astype('int') for x in regionprops(img_superpixel)[0].centroid]

        # extract lbp values in sizeXsize region centred on the centroid
        x0, y0, x1, y1 = cx-hs, cy-hs, cx+hs+1, cy+hs+1

        # clip to boundaries of image
        x0 = 0 if x0 < 0 else x0
        y0 = 0 if y0 < 0 else y0
        x1 = image.shape[1]-1 if x1 > image.shape[1]-2 else x1
        y1 = image.shape[0]-1 if y1 > image.shape[0]-2 else y1

        # fill in the feature vector for each image channel
        for d in range(3):
            j, k = d*feat_desc_size, (1+d)*feat_desc_size
            patch = lbp_img[d][y0:y1, x0:x1].flat

            fv = np.histogram(patch, bins=np.arange(0, feat_desc_size+1), range=(0, feat_desc_size+1))[0]
            feat_descs[i, j:k] = fv

    return feat_descs
项目:initialisation-problem    作者:georgedeath    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_search_region(bbox, frame, ratio):
    Calculates coordinates of ratio*width/height of axis-aligned bbox, centred
    on the original bbox, constrained by the original size of the image.

      bbox  = axis-aligned bbox of the form [x0, y0, width, height]
      frame = MxNxD Image to constrain bbox by
      ratio = ratio at which to change bbox dimensions by

      x0, y0, x1, y1 = Coordinates of expanded axis-aligned bbox
    x0, y0, w, h = bbox
    ih, iw = frame.shape[:2]

    ww, hh = ratio*w, ratio*h

    # expand bbox by ratio
    x1 = np.min([iw-1, x0 + w/2 + ww/2])
    y1 = np.min([ih-1, y0 + h/2 + hh/2])
    x0 = np.max([0, x0 + w/2 - ww/2])
    y0 = np.max([0, y0 + h/2 - hh/2])

    x0, y0, x1, y1 = np.rint(np.array([x0, y0, x1, y1])).astype('int')

    return x0, y0, x1, y1
项目:cancer    作者:yancz1989    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def worldToVoxelCoord(worldCoord, origin, spacing):
    only valid if there is no rotation component
    voxelCoord = np.rint((worldCoord-origin)/ spacing).astype(;
    return voxelCoord
项目:IDNNs    作者:ravidziv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calc_all_sigams(data, sigmas):
    batchs = 128
    num_of_bins = 8
    # bins = np.linspace(-1, 1, num_of_bins).astype(np.float32)
    # bins = stats.mstats.mquantiles(np.squeeze(data.reshape(1, -1)), np.linspace(0,1, num=num_of_bins))
    # data = bins[np.digitize(np.squeeze(data.reshape(1, -1)), bins) - 1].reshape(len(data), -1)

    batch_points = np.rint(np.arange(0, data.shape[0] + 1, batchs)).astype(dtype=np.int32)
    I_XT = []
    num_of_rand = min(800, data.shape[1])
    for sigma in sigmas:
        # print sigma
        I_XT_temp = 0
        for i in range(0, len(batch_points) - 1):
            new_data = data[batch_points[i]:batch_points[i + 1], :]
            rand_indexs = np.random.randint(0, new_data.shape[1], num_of_rand)
            new_data = new_data[:, :]
            N = new_data.shape[0]
            d = new_data.shape[1]
            diff_mat = np.linalg.norm(((new_data[:, np.newaxis, :] - new_data)), axis=2)
            # print diff_mat.shape, new_data.shape
            s0 = 0.2
            # DOTO -add leaveoneout validation
            res = minimize(optimiaze_func, s0, args=(diff_mat, d, N), method='nelder-mead',
                           options={'xtol': 1e-8, 'disp': False, 'maxiter': 6})
            eta = res.x
            diff_mat0 = - 0.5 * (diff_mat / (sigma ** 2 + eta ** 2))
            diff_mat1 = np.sum(np.exp(diff_mat0), axis=0)
            diff_mat2 = -(1.0 / N) * np.sum(np.log2((1.0 / N) * diff_mat1))
            I_XT_temp += diff_mat2 - d * np.log2((sigma ** 2) / (eta ** 2 + sigma ** 2))
            # print diff_mat2 - d*np.log2((sigma**2)/(eta**2+sigma**2))
        I_XT_temp /= len(batch_points)
    return I_XT
项目:finite_volume_seismic_model    作者:cjvogl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test(mfault):

    from import ClawData

    length_scale = 1.e-3 # m to km
    probdata = ClawData()'',force=True)

    fault = dtopotools.Fault()'')

    mapping = Mapping(fault)

    domain_depth = probdata.domain_depth
    domain_width = probdata.domain_width

    # num of cells here determined in a similar fashion to that in
    dx = mapping.fault_width/mfault
    num_cells_above = numpy.rint(mapping.fault_depth/dx)
    dy = mapping.fault_depth/num_cells_above
    mx = int(numpy.ceil(domain_width/dx)) # mx
    my = int(numpy.ceil(domain_depth/dy)) # my
    mr = mx - mfault

    x = linspace(mapping.xcenter-0.5*mapping.fault_width - numpy.floor(mr/2.0)*dx, mapping.xcenter+0.5*mapping.fault_width + numpy.ceil(mr/2.0)*dx, mx+1)
    y = linspace(-my*dy, 0.0, my+1)
    xc,yc = meshgrid(x,y)
    xp,yp = mapping.mapc2p(xc,yc)
项目:finite_volume_seismic_model    作者:cjvogl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test(mfault):

    from import ClawData

    probdata = ClawData()'',force=True)

    fault = dtopotools.Fault(coordinate_specification='top_center')'')

    mapping = Mapping(fault)

    domain_depth = probdata.domain_depth
    domain_width = probdata.domain_width
    # num of cells here determined in a similar fashion to that in
    dx = mapping.fault_width/mfault
    num_cells_above = numpy.rint(mapping.fault_depth/dx)
    dy = mapping.fault_depth/num_cells_above
    mx = int(numpy.ceil(domain_width/dx)) # mx
    my = int(numpy.ceil(domain_depth/dy)) # my
    mr = mx - mfault

    x = linspace(mapping.xcenter-0.5*mapping.fault_width - numpy.floor(mr/2.0)*dx, mapping.xcenter+0.5*mapping.fault_width + numpy.ceil(mr/2.0)*dx, mx+1)
    y = linspace(-my*dy, 0.0, my+1)
    xc,yc = meshgrid(x,y)
    xp,yp = mapping.mapc2p(xc,yc)
项目:tda-image-analysis    作者:rachellevanger    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def topological_defect_array(orientation_field):
    Returns a matrix of topological defects for the given orientation field. 
    Each entry in the matrix is the charge of the defect.
    JX = np.diff(orientation_field, axis=0)
    JY = np.diff(orientation_field, axis=1)
    JX += math.pi * (JX < -math.pi/2.0 ) - math.pi * (JX > math.pi/2.0)
    JY += math.pi * (JY < -math.pi/2.0 ) - math.pi * (JY > math.pi/2.0)
    return np.rint((np.diff(JY, axis=0) - np.diff(JX, axis=1))/math.pi)
项目:cuicuilco    作者:AlbertoEsc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cumulative_score(ground_truth, estimation, largest_error, integer_rounding=True):
    if len(ground_truth) != len(estimation):
        er = "ground_truth and estimation have different number of elements"
        raise Exception(er)

    if integer_rounding:
        _estimation = numpy.rint(estimation)
        _estimation = estimation

    N_e_le_j = (numpy.absolute(_estimation - ground_truth) <= largest_error).sum()
    return N_e_le_j * 1.0 / len(ground_truth)