Python numpy 模块,s_() 实例源码


项目:segmentation_DLMI    作者:imatge-upc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def resize_image(image,target_shape, pad_value = 0):
    assert isinstance(target_shape, list) or isinstance(target_shape, tuple)
    add_shape, subs_shape = [], []

    image_shape = image.shape
    shape_difference = np.asarray(target_shape, dtype=int) - np.asarray(image_shape,dtype=int)
    for diff in shape_difference:
        if diff < 0:
            add_shape.append((0, 0))
    output = np.pad(image, tuple(add_shape), 'constant', constant_values=(pad_value, pad_value))
    output = output[subs_shape]
    return output
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_prepend_not_one(self):
        assign = self.assign
        s_ = np.s_

        a = np.zeros(5)

        # Too large and not only ones.
        assert_raises(ValueError, assign, a, s_[...],  np.ones((2, 1)))

        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            # Will be a ValueError as well.
            warnings.simplefilter("error", DeprecationWarning)
            assert_raises(DeprecationWarning, assign, a, s_[[1, 2, 3],],
                          np.ones((2, 1)))
            assert_raises(DeprecationWarning, assign, a, s_[[[1], [2]],],
项目:srep    作者:Answeror    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_data(path, preprocess):
    data = sio.loadmat(path)['gestures']
    data = [np.transpose(np.delete(segment.astype(np.float32), np.s_[7:192:8], 0))
            for segment in data.flat]
    if preprocess:
        data = list(Context.parallel(jb.delayed(preprocess)(segment, **PREPROCESS_KARGS)
                                     for segment in data))
    return data

#  @cached
#  def _get_data(path, bandstop, cut, downsample):
    #  data = sio.loadmat(path)['gestures']
    #  data = [np.transpose(np.delete(segment.astype(np.float32), np.s_[7:192:8], 0))
            #  for segment in data.flat]
    #  if bandstop:
        #  data = list(Context.parallel(jb.delayed(get_bandstop)(segment) for segment in data))
    #  if cut is not None:
        #  data = list(Context.parallel(jb.delayed(cut)(segment, framerate=FRAMERATE) for segment in data))
    #  if downsample > 1:
        #  data = [segment[::downsample].copy() for segment in data]
    #  return data
项目:nelpy    作者:nelpy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __getitem__(self, *args):
        """epochs, units"""
        # by default, keep all units
        unitslice = slice(None, None, None)
        if isinstance(*args, int):
            epochslice = args[0]
        elif isinstance(*args, EpochArray):
            epochslice = args[0]
                slices = np.s_[args]; slices = slices[0]
                if len(slices) > 2:
                    raise IndexError("only [epochs, units] slicing is supported at this time!")
                elif len(slices) == 2:
                    epochslice, unitslice = slices
                    epochslice = slices[0]
            except TypeError:
                # only epoch to slice:
                epochslice = slices

        return epochslice, unitslice
项目:nelpy    作者:nelpy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __getitem__(self, *args):
        """epochs, signals"""
        # by default, keep all signals
        signalslice = slice(None, None, None)
        if isinstance(*args, int):
            epochslice = args[0]
        elif isinstance(*args, core.EpochArray):
            epochslice = args[0]
                slices = np.s_[args]; slices = slices[0]
                if len(slices) > 2:
                    raise IndexError("only [epochs, signal] slicing is supported at this time!")
                elif len(slices) == 2:
                    epochslice, signalslice = slices
                    epochslice = slices[0]
            except TypeError:
                # only epoch to slice:
                epochslice = slices

        return epochslice, signalslice
项目:voropy    作者:nschloe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_edge_mask(self, subdomain=None):
        '''Get faces which are fully in subdomain.
        if subdomain is None:
            return numpy.s_[:]

        if subdomain not in self.subdomains:

        # A face is inside if all its edges are in.
        # An edge is inside if all its nodes are in.
        is_in = self.subdomains[subdomain]['vertices'][self.idx_hierarchy]
        # Take `all()` over the first index
        is_inside = numpy.all(is_in, axis=tuple(range(1)))

        if subdomain.is_boundary_only:
            # Filter for boundary
            is_inside = numpy.logical_and(is_inside, self.is_boundary_edge)

        return is_inside
项目:voropy    作者:nschloe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_face_mask(self, subdomain):
        '''Get faces which are fully in subdomain.
        if subdomain is None:
            return numpy.s_[:]

        if subdomain not in self.subdomains:

        # A face is inside if all its edges are in.
        # An edge is inside if all its nodes are in.
        is_in = self.subdomains[subdomain]['vertices'][self.idx_hierarchy]
        # Take `all()` over all axes except the last two (face_ids, cell_ids).
        n = len(is_in.shape)
        is_inside = numpy.all(is_in, axis=tuple(range(n-2)))

        if subdomain.is_boundary_only:
            # Filter for boundary
            is_inside = numpy.logical_and(is_inside, self.is_boundary_face)

        return is_inside
项目:voropy    作者:nschloe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_cell_mask(self, subdomain=None):
        if subdomain is None:
            return numpy.s_[:]

        if subdomain.is_boundary_only:
            # There are no boundary cells
            return numpy.array([])

        if subdomain not in self.subdomains:

        is_in = self.subdomains[subdomain]['vertices'][self.idx_hierarchy]
        # Take `all()` over all axes except the last one (cell_ids).
        n = len(is_in.shape)
        return numpy.all(is_in, axis=tuple(range(n-1)))
项目:vqa.pytorch    作者:Cadene    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_features_old(self, index):
        except AttributeError:
            if self.opt['mode'] == 'att':
                self.features_array = np.zeros((2048,14,14), dtype='f')
            elif self.opt['mode'] == 'noatt':
                self.features_array = np.zeros((2048), dtype='f')

        if self.opt['mode'] == 'att':
        elif self.opt['mode'] == 'noatt':
        return self.features_array
项目:krpcScripts    作者:jwvanderbeck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_prepend_not_one(self):
        assign = self.assign
        s_ = np.s_

        a = np.zeros(5)

        # Too large and not only ones.
        assert_raises(ValueError, assign, a, s_[...],  np.ones((2, 1)))

        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            # Will be a ValueError as well.
            warnings.simplefilter("error", DeprecationWarning)
            assert_raises(DeprecationWarning, assign, a, s_[[1, 2, 3],],
                          np.ones((2, 1)))
            assert_raises(DeprecationWarning, assign, a, s_[[[1], [2]],],
项目:yt    作者:yt-project    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def split_array(gle, gre, shape, psize):
    """ Split array into px*py*pz subarrays. """
    n_d = np.array(shape, dtype=np.int64)
    dds = (gre-gle)/shape
    left_edges = []
    right_edges = []
    shapes = []
    slices = []
    for i in range(psize[0]):
        for j in range(psize[1]):
            for k in range(psize[2]):
                piece = np.array((i, j, k), dtype=np.int64)
                lei = n_d * piece // psize
                rei = n_d * (piece + np.ones(3, dtype=np.int64)) // psize
                lle = gle + lei*dds
                lre = gle + rei*dds
                slices.append(np.s_[lei[0]:rei[0], lei[1]:
                                    rei[1], lei[2]:rei[2]])

    return left_edges, right_edges, shapes, slices
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_prepend_not_one(self):
        assign = self.assign
        s_ = np.s_

        a = np.zeros(5)

        # Too large and not only ones.
        assert_raises(ValueError, assign, a, s_[...],  np.ones((2, 1)))

        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            # Will be a ValueError as well.
            warnings.simplefilter("error", DeprecationWarning)
            assert_raises(DeprecationWarning, assign, a, s_[[1, 2, 3],],
                          np.ones((2, 1)))
            assert_raises(DeprecationWarning, assign, a, s_[[[1], [2]],],
项目:self-supervision    作者:gustavla    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def voc2007_classification_generator2(which, batch_size, input_size,
                            shuffle=True,# seed=0,
                            color_transform=None, random_mirror=False):
    path = os.path.expandvars('$VOC2007_DIR/ImageSets/Main')

    assert which in ['test', 'val']
    imgs, C ='{}.h5'.format(which), ['/data', '/labels'])

    if shuffle:
        rs = np.random.RandomState()
        while True:
            II = rs.randint(len(imgs), size=batch_size)

            ii, cc = imgs[II], C[II]
            if random_mirror and rs.randint(2) == 1:
                ii = ii[:, :, ::-1]
            yield ii, cc
        for i in range(len(imgs)//batch_size):
            ss = np.s_[i*batch_size:(i+1)*batch_size]
            yield imgs[ss], C[ss]
项目:ivport-v2    作者:ivmech    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def flush(self):
        super(PiBayerArray, self).flush()
        self._demo = None
        data = self.getvalue()[-6404096:]
        if data[:4] != b'BRCM':
            raise PiCameraValueError('Unable to locate Bayer data at end of buffer')
        # Strip header
        data = data[32768:]
        # Reshape into 2D pixel values
        data = np.frombuffer(data, dtype=np.uint8).\
                reshape((1952, 3264))[:1944, :3240]
        # Unpack 10-bit values; every 5 bytes contains the high 8-bits of 4
        # values followed by the low 2-bits of 4 values packed into the fifth
        # byte
        data = data.astype(np.uint16) << 2
        for byte in range(4):
            data[:, byte::5] |= ((data[:, 4::5] >> ((4 - byte) * 2)) & 3)
        data = np.delete(data, np.s_[4::5], 1)
        # XXX Should test camera's vflip and hflip settings here and adjust
        self.array = np.zeros(data.shape + (3,), dtype=data.dtype)
        self.array[1::2, 0::2, 0] = data[1::2, 0::2] # Red
        self.array[0::2, 0::2, 1] = data[0::2, 0::2] # Green
        self.array[1::2, 1::2, 1] = data[1::2, 1::2] # Green
        self.array[0::2, 1::2, 2] = data[0::2, 1::2] # Blue
项目:FoundryDataBrowser    作者:ScopeFoundry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update_display(self):

        ii = self.settings['index']
        plane = self.settings['plane']

        if plane == 'xy':        
            arr_slice = np.s_[ii,:,:]
            index_max = self.dat['count_rate_map'].shape[0]
        elif plane == 'yz':
            arr_slice = np.s_[:,:,ii]
            index_max = self.dat['count_rate_map'].shape[2]
        elif plane == 'xz':
            arr_slice = np.s_[:,ii,:]
            index_max = self.dat['count_rate_map'].shape[1] 

        self.settings.index.change_min_max(0, index_max)

        self.imview.setImage(self.dat['count_rate_map'][arr_slice], autoLevels=self.settings['auto_level'], )

        other_ax = dict(xy='z', yz='x', xz='y' )[plane]

        self.info_label.setText("{} plane {}={} um (index={})".format(
            plane, other_ax, self.dat[other_ax+'_array'][ii], ii))
项目:aws-lambda-numpy    作者:vitolimandibhrata    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_prepend_not_one(self):
        assign = self.assign
        s_ = np.s_

        a = np.zeros(5)

        # Too large and not only ones.
        assert_raises(ValueError, assign, a, s_[...],  np.ones((2, 1)))

        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            # Will be a ValueError as well.
            warnings.simplefilter("error", DeprecationWarning)
            assert_raises(DeprecationWarning, assign, a, s_[[1, 2, 3],],
                          np.ones((2, 1)))
            assert_raises(DeprecationWarning, assign, a, s_[[[1], [2]],],
项目:TurbPlasma    作者:tulasinandan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute1didx(extar,slc):
   if len(extar) == 2:
      if x1==x2: 
      elif y1==y2: 
   if len(extar) == 3:
      if (x1==x2 and y1==y2): IDX=np.s_[x1,y1,z1:z2]
      if (y1==y2 and z1==z2): IDX=np.s_[x1:x2,y1,z1]
      if (x1==x2 and z1==z2): IDX=np.s_[x1,y1:y2,z1]
   return IDX
项目:HaD-to-Py    作者:latomkovic    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_HDF_cell_WSE(hf, cell_number, flow_area):

    with h5py.File(hdf_filename,'r') as hf:

        flow_areas = hf['Results']['Unsteady']['Output']['Output Blocks']\
        ['Base Output']['Unsteady Time Series']['2D Flow Areas']

        dataset = flow_areas[flow_area]['Water Surface']
        timesteps = dataset.shape[0]

        data_list = np.zeros((timesteps,), dtype='Float64')
        dataset.read_direct(data_list, np.s_[0:timesteps,cell_number], np.s_[0:timesteps])
        data_list = np.array(data_list).tolist()

    return data_list                            

# This will go through all of the 1D and 2D observed points listed in the two_dim_coords and one_dim_comp_paths txt files
# Without those two files, the program will not run. This function returns data dictionaries for each gage
项目:lambda-numba    作者:rlhotovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_prepend_not_one(self):
        assign = self.assign
        s_ = np.s_

        a = np.zeros(5)

        # Too large and not only ones.
        assert_raises(ValueError, assign, a, s_[...],  np.ones((2, 1)))

        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            # Will be a ValueError as well.
            warnings.simplefilter("error", DeprecationWarning)
            assert_raises(DeprecationWarning, assign, a, s_[[1, 2, 3],],
                          np.ones((2, 1)))
            assert_raises(DeprecationWarning, assign, a, s_[[[1], [2]],],
项目:deliver    作者:orchestor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_prepend_not_one(self):
        assign = self.assign
        s_ = np.s_

        a = np.zeros(5)

        # Too large and not only ones.
        assert_raises(ValueError, assign, a, s_[...],  np.ones((2, 1)))

        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            # Will be a ValueError as well.
            warnings.simplefilter("error", DeprecationWarning)
            assert_raises(DeprecationWarning, assign, a, s_[[1, 2, 3],],
                          np.ones((2, 1)))
            assert_raises(DeprecationWarning, assign, a, s_[[[1], [2]],],
项目:urh    作者:jopohl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def push(self, values: np.ndarray):
        Push values to buffer. If buffer can't store all values a ValueError is raised
        n = len(values)
        if len(self) + n > self.size:
            raise ValueError("Too much data to push to RingBuffer")

        slide_1 = np.s_[self.right_index:min(self.right_index + n, self.size)]
        slide_2 = np.s_[:max(self.right_index + n - self.size, 0)]
        with self.__data.get_lock():
            data = np.frombuffer(self.__data.get_obj(), dtype=np.complex64)
            data[slide_1] = values[:slide_1.stop - slide_1.start]
            data[slide_2] = values[slide_1.stop - slide_1.start:]
            self.right_index += n

        self.__length.value += n
项目:flexCE    作者:bretthandrews    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_sym(self):
        """Load isotopic and elemental symbols and masses."""
        el_sym = pd.read_csv(join(self.path_yldgen, 'sym_atomicnum.txt'),
                             delim_whitespace=True, usecols=[0, 1],
                             names=['num', 'el'])
        self.atomic_num = np.array(el_sym['num'])
        self.element_all = np.array(el_sym['el'])
        snii_sym = pd.read_csv(join(self.path_yldgen, 'species.txt'),
                               delim_whitespace=True, skiprows=1,
                               usecols=[1, 2], names=['name', 'mass'])
        self.snii_sym = np.array(snii_sym['name'])
        self.snii_sym_mass = np.array(snii_sym['mass'])
        self.n_snii_sym = len(self.snii_sym)
        u, indices = np.unique([item.rstrip('0123456789')
                                for item in self.snii_sym], return_index=True)
        indices_s = np.argsort(indices)
        self.element = np.delete(u[indices_s], np.s_[13, 14])
        self.n_elements = len(self.element)
项目:latenttrees    作者:kaltwang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def downsample_idx(N, N_max=100, axis=0, method='equidist'):
    if N > N_max:
        if method == 'equidist':
            step = (N - 1) / N_max
            idx_cont = (np.arange(N_max) + 0.5) * step

            # add small slope to idx-cont, to avoid rounding neighbouring values to the same integer.
            # max absolute value added/subtracted is 1/10 of the step size
            adjust = ((idx_cont * 2 / (N - 1)) - 1) * step / 10
            idx_cont += adjust

            idx = np.array(np.round(idx_cont), dtype=int)

        if method == 'random':
            idx = np.random.choice(N, size=N_max, replace=False)
            idx = np.sort(idx)
        idx = np.s_[:]
    return idx
项目:Alfred    作者:jkachhadia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_prepend_not_one(self):
        assign = self.assign
        s_ = np.s_

        a = np.zeros(5)

        # Too large and not only ones.
        assert_raises(ValueError, assign, a, s_[...],  np.ones((2, 1)))

        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            # Will be a ValueError as well.
            warnings.simplefilter("error", DeprecationWarning)
            assert_raises(DeprecationWarning, assign, a, s_[[1, 2, 3],],
                          np.ones((2, 1)))
            assert_raises(DeprecationWarning, assign, a, s_[[[1], [2]],],
项目:cellranger    作者:10XGenomics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def format_barcode_summary_h5_key(genome, region, read_type):
    return '%s_%s_%s_barcode_reads' % (genome, region, read_type)
项目:cellranger    作者:10XGenomics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_full_alignment_base_quality_scores(read):
    Returns base quality scores for the full read alignment, inserting zeroes for deletions and removing
    inserted and soft-clipped bases. Therefore, only returns quality for truly aligned sequenced bases.

        read (pysam.AlignedSegment): read to get quality scores for

        np.array: numpy array of quality scores


    quality_scores = np.fromstring(read.qual, dtype=np.byte) - tk_constants.ILLUMINA_QUAL_OFFSET

    start_pos = 0

    for operation,length in read.cigar:
        operation = cr_constants.cigar_numeric_to_category_map[operation]

        if operation == 'D':
            quality_scores = np.insert(quality_scores, start_pos, [0] * length)
        elif operation == 'I' or operation == 'S':
            quality_scores = np.delete(quality_scores, np.s_[start_pos:start_pos + length])

        if not operation == 'I' and not operation == 'S':
            start_pos += length

    return start_pos, quality_scores
项目:cloud-volume    作者:seung-lab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_exists():

    # Bbox version
    cv, data = create_layer(size=(128,64,64,1), offset=(0,0,0))

    defexists = Bbox( (0,0,0), (128,64,64) )
    results = cv.exists(defexists)
    assert len(results) == 2
    assert results['1_1_1/0-64_0-64_0-64'] == True
    assert results['1_1_1/64-128_0-64_0-64'] == True

    fpath = os.path.join(cv.layer_cloudpath, cv.key, '64-128_0-64_0-64')
    fpath = fpath.replace('file://', '') + '.gz'

    results = cv.exists(defexists)
    assert len(results) == 2
    assert results['1_1_1/0-64_0-64_0-64'] == True
    assert results['1_1_1/64-128_0-64_0-64'] == False

    # Slice version
    cv, data = create_layer(size=(128,64,64,1), offset=(0,0,0))

    defexists = np.s_[ 0:128, :, : ]

    results = cv.exists(defexists)
    assert len(results) == 2
    assert results['1_1_1/0-64_0-64_0-64'] == True
    assert results['1_1_1/64-128_0-64_0-64'] == True

    fpath = os.path.join(cv.layer_cloudpath, cv.key, '64-128_0-64_0-64')
    fpath = fpath.replace('file://', '') + '.gz'

    results = cv.exists(defexists)
    assert len(results) == 2
    assert results['1_1_1/0-64_0-64_0-64'] == True
    assert results['1_1_1/64-128_0-64_0-64'] == False
项目:segmentation_DLMI    作者:imatge-upc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def padding3D(input, width_mode, pad_factor):

    if width_mode == 'multiple':
        assert isinstance(pad_factor, int)
        shape = input.shape[-3:]
        added_shape = [(0,0)]*len(input.shape[:-3])
        for dim in shape:
            added_shape.append((0,dim % pad_factor))
        output = np.pad(input, tuple(added_shape), 'constant', constant_values=(0, 0))

    elif width_mode == 'fixed':
        assert isinstance(pad_factor,list) or isinstance(pad_factor,tuple)
        output = np.pad(input, tuple(pad_factor), 'constant',constant_values=(0, 0))

    elif width_mode == 'match':
        assert isinstance(pad_factor, list) or isinstance(pad_factor, tuple)
        shape = input.shape[-3:]
        shape_difference = np.asarray(pad_factor) - np.asarray(shape)
        added_shape = [(0, 0)] * len(input.shape[:-3])
        subs_shape = [np.s_[:]]* len(input.shape[:-3])
        for diff in shape_difference:
            if diff < 0:
                added_shape.append((0, 0))
                added_shape.append((0, diff))

        output = np.pad(input, tuple(added_shape), 'constant', constant_values=(0, 0))
        output = output[subs_shape]
        raise ValueError("Padding3D error (src.helpers.preprocessing_utils): No existen padding method " + str(width_mode))
    return output
项目:ananke    作者:beiko-lab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_sparse_matrix(self, chunk_size = 1000):
        """Fetches the time-series data matrix in compressed sparse row (csr)
        format. Does this in chunks to prevent memory usage issues.

        chunk_size: int
            the number of items to fetch at one time. Default is 1000.

            csr matrix object containing sequences/time-series as rows, samples
            /time-points as columns
        data = np.empty(self.h5_table["timeseries/data"].shape)
        indices = np.empty(self.h5_table["timeseries/indices"].shape)
        indptr = np.empty(self.h5_table["timeseries/indptr"].shape)       
        chunks = list(range(0, data.shape[0], chunk_size))
        if chunks[-1] != data.shape[0]:
            chunks = chunks + [data.shape[0]]
        for i,j in zip(chunks[0:-1], chunks[1:]):
            self.h5_table["timeseries/data"].read_direct(data, np.s_[i:j],
        chunks = list(range(0, indices.shape[0], chunk_size))
        if chunks[-1] != indices.shape[0]:
            chunks = chunks + [indices.shape[0]]
        for i,j in zip(chunks[0:-1], chunks[1:]):
        chunks = list(range(0, indptr.shape[0], chunk_size))
        if chunks[-1] != indptr.shape[0]:
            chunks = chunks + [indptr.shape[0]]
        for i,j in zip(chunks[0:-1], chunks[1:]):
        return csr_matrix((data, indices, indptr))
项目:Wall-EEG    作者:neurotechuoft    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def updatebuffer(data_buffer, new_data):
    Concatenates "new_data" into "buffer_array", and returns an array with 
    the same size than "buffer_array" 

    new_samples = new_data.shape[0]
    new_buffer = np.concatenate((data_buffer, new_data), axis =0)
    new_buffer = np.delete(new_buffer, np.s_[0:new_samples], 0)

    return new_buffer
项目:Wall-EEG    作者:neurotechuoft    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getdata(self, seconds, flush=True ):
            Flush all the Data present in MuLES buffer and, 
            Request and Retrieve a certain amount of Data indicated as seconds
            Data returned has the shape [seconds * sampling_frequency, channels] 

            seconds: used to calculate the amount of samples requested n_samples
                     n_samples = seconds * sampling_frequency
            flush:   Boolean, if True send the command Flush before getting Data,
                     Defaul = True
        if flush:        

        # Size of data requested
        n_samples = int(round(seconds * self.params['sampling frequency']))
        n_columns = len(self.params['data format'])
        data_buffer = -1 * np.ones((n_samples, n_columns)) 

        while (data_buffer[0, n_columns - 1]) < 0 : #While the first row has not been rewriten
            new_data = self.getalldata()
            new_samples = new_data.shape[0]
            data_buffer = np.concatenate((data_buffer, new_data), axis =0)
            data_buffer = np.delete(data_buffer, np.s_[0:new_samples], 0)

        return data_buffer
项目:latplan    作者:guicho271828    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mnist (labels = range(10)):
    from keras.datasets import mnist
    (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data()
    x_train = (x_train.astype('float32') / 255.).round()
    x_test = (x_test.astype('float32') / 255.).round()
    x_train = x_train.reshape((len(x_train),[1:])))
    x_test = x_test.reshape((len(x_test),[1:])))
    def conc (x,y):
        return np.concatenate((y.reshape([len(y),1]),x),axis=1)
    def select (x,y):
        selected = np.array([elem for elem in conc(x, y) if elem[0] in labels])
        return np.delete(selected,0,1), np.delete(selected,np.s_[1::],1).flatten()
    x_train, y_train = select(x_train, y_train)
    x_test, y_test = select(x_test, y_test)
    return x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_simple_broadcasting_errors(self):
        assign = self.assign
        s_ = np.s_

        a = np.zeros((5, 1))
        assert_raises(ValueError, assign, a, s_[...], np.zeros((5, 2)))
        assert_raises(ValueError, assign, a, s_[...], np.zeros((5, 0)))

        assert_raises(ValueError, assign, a, s_[:, [0]], np.zeros((5, 2)))
        assert_raises(ValueError, assign, a, s_[:, [0]], np.zeros((5, 0)))

        assert_raises(ValueError, assign, a, s_[[0], :], np.zeros((2, 1)))
项目:third_person_im    作者:bstadie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def typical_x(self, dim):
            off = self.rotate(np.floor(np.arange(0, 3, 3. / dim)) /
                          np.logspace(0, 1, dim), inverse=True)
            off[np.s_[3:]] += 0.005
            off[-1] *= 1e2
            off[0] /= 2.0e3 if off[0] > 0 else 1e3
            off[2] /= 3.01e4 if off[2] < 0 else 2e4
            return self._x_opt(dim) + off
项目:PyGDSII    作者:UUhy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def recordClip(self):

        Clip trailing zeros from the record parameter
        self._record = np.delete(self._record,np.s_[self._recordIndex::],0)
项目:brainiak    作者:brainiak    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _singlenode_searchlight(l, msk, mysl_rad, bcast_var, extra_params):
    """Run searchlight function on block data in parallel.

    `extra_params` contains:

    - Searchlight function.
    - `Shape` mask.
    - Minimum active voxels proportion required to run the searchlight

    voxel_fn = extra_params[0]
    shape_mask = extra_params[1]
    min_active_voxels_proportion = extra_params[2]
    outmat = np.empty(msk.shape, dtype=np.object)[mysl_rad:-mysl_rad,
    for i in range(0, outmat.shape[0]):
        for j in range(0, outmat.shape[1]):
            for k in range(0, outmat.shape[2]):
                if msk[i+mysl_rad, j+mysl_rad, k+mysl_rad]:
                    searchlight_slice = np.s_[
                    voxel_fn_mask = msk[searchlight_slice] * shape_mask
                    if (min_active_voxels_proportion == 0
                        or np.count_nonzero(voxel_fn_mask) / voxel_fn_mask.size
                            > min_active_voxels_proportion):
                        outmat[i, j, k] = voxel_fn(
                            [ll[searchlight_slice] for ll in l],
                            msk[searchlight_slice] * shape_mask,
    return outmat
项目:catalyst    作者:enigmampc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def expected_bbands(self, window_length, k, closes):
        """Compute the expected data (without adjustments) for the given
        window, k, and closes array.

        This uses talib.BBANDS to generate the expected data.
        lower_cols = []
        middle_cols = []
        upper_cols = []

        ndates, nassets = closes.shape

        for n in range(nassets):
            close_col = closes[:, n]
            if np.isnan(close_col).all():
                # ta-lib doesn't deal well with all nans.
                upper, middle, lower = [np.full(ndates, np.nan)] * 3
                upper, middle, lower = talib.BBANDS(


        # Stack all of our uppers, middles, lowers into three 2d arrays
        # whose columns are the sids. After that, slice off only the
        # rows we care about.
        where = np.s_[window_length - 1:]
        uppers = np.column_stack(upper_cols)[where]
        middles = np.column_stack(middle_cols)[where]
        lowers = np.column_stack(lower_cols)[where]
        return uppers, middles, lowers
项目:rllabplusplus    作者:shaneshixiang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def typical_x(self, dim):
            off = self.rotate(np.floor(np.arange(0, 3, 3. / dim)) /
                          np.logspace(0, 1, dim), inverse=True)
            off[np.s_[3:]] += 0.005
            off[-1] *= 1e2
            off[0] /= 2.0e3 if off[0] > 0 else 1e3
            off[2] /= 3.01e4 if off[2] < 0 else 2e4
            return self._x_opt(dim) + off
项目:sporco    作者:bwohlberg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def var_yx_idx(self):
        r"""Get index expression for component block of :math:`\mathbf{y}`
        that is constrained to be equal to :math:`\mathbf{x}`.

        return np.s_[...,-1]
项目:sporco    作者:bwohlberg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def var_yx_idx(self):
        r"""Get index expression for component block of :math:`\mathbf{y}`
        that is constrained to be equal to :math:`\mathbf{x}`.

        return np.s_[..., 0:self.cri.M]
项目:sporco    作者:bwohlberg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def index_primary(self):
        """Return an index expression appropriate for extracting the primary
        (inner) component of the main variables X, Y, etc.

        return np.s_[..., 0:-self.cri.Cd]
项目:sporco    作者:bwohlberg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def index_addmsk(self):
        """Return an index expression appropriate for extracting the
        additive mask (outer) component of the main variables X, Y, etc."""

        return np.s_[..., -self.cri.Cd:]
项目:voropy    作者:nschloe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_vertex_mask(self, subdomain=None):
        if subdomain is None:
            return numpy.s_[:]
        if subdomain not in self.subdomains:
        return self.subdomains[subdomain]['vertices']
项目:cma    作者:hardmaru    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def typical_x(self, dim):
            off = self.rotate(np.floor(np.arange(0, 3, 3. / dim)) /
                          np.logspace(0, 1, dim), inverse=True)
            off[np.s_[3:]] += 0.005
            off[-1] *= 1e2
            off[0] /= 2.0e3 if off[0] > 0 else 1e3
            off[2] /= 3.01e4 if off[2] < 0 else 2e4
            return self._x_opt(dim) + off
项目:krpcScripts    作者:jwvanderbeck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_simple_broadcasting_errors(self):
        assign = self.assign
        s_ = np.s_

        a = np.zeros((5, 1))
        assert_raises(ValueError, assign, a, s_[...], np.zeros((5, 2)))
        assert_raises(ValueError, assign, a, s_[...], np.zeros((5, 0)))

        assert_raises(ValueError, assign, a, s_[:, [0]], np.zeros((5, 2)))
        assert_raises(ValueError, assign, a, s_[:, [0]], np.zeros((5, 0)))

        assert_raises(ValueError, assign, a, s_[[0], :], np.zeros((2, 1)))
项目:GPflow    作者:GPflow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def index_block(y, x, D):
    return np.s_[y * D:(y + 1) * D, x * D:(x + 1) * D]
项目:GPflow    作者:GPflow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(self, x):
        # create diagonal matrices
        m = np.zeros((x.size * self.dim)).reshape(-1, self.dim, self.dim)
        x = x.reshape(-1, self.dim)
        m[(np.s_[:],) + np.diag_indices(x.shape[1])] = x
        return m
项目:VerySharp    作者:wilecoyote2015    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def processImage(self, index, data):
        # get the image
        raw_image = CommonFunctions.preprocessImage(data["image"], 
        image_dimension = raw_image.shape

        # create output image as numpy array with upscaled image size
        processed_image = np.zeros(image_dimension, np.float32)

        # align all tiles
        for tile, transform_matrix in zip(self.tiles, data["transform_matrix"]):

            tile_slice_raw_image = np.s_[tile["y"][0]:tile["y"][1],
            raw_image_tile = raw_image[tile_slice_raw_image]
            tile_aligned = cv2.warpAffine(raw_image_tile,
                                          flags=cv2.INTER_CUBIC + cv2.WARP_INVERSE_MAP);      

            # Insert the inner area of tile_aligned (so without margins) into
            # the appropriate area in the processed image
            min_x = tile["x"][0] + tile["margin_x"][0]
            min_y = tile["y"][0] + tile["margin_y"][0]
            max_x = tile["x"][1] - tile["margin_x"][1]
            max_y = tile["y"][1] - tile["margin_y"][1]
            tile_slice_processed_image = np.s_[min_y:max_y,

            max_y_aligned = tile_aligned.shape[0] - tile["margin_y"][1]
            max_x_aligned = tile_aligned.shape[1] - tile["margin_x"][1]
            tile_aligned_slice = np.s_[tile["margin_y"][0]:max_y_aligned,

            tile_aligned_without_margin = tile_aligned[tile_aligned_slice]

            processed_image[tile_slice_processed_image] = tile_aligned_without_margin

        return processed_image
项目:PiLL    作者:lofar-astron    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def flatten(f, channel=0, freqaxis=0):
    """ Flatten a fits file so that it becomes a 2D image. Return new header and data """
    from astropy import wcs

    if naxis<2:
        raise RadioError('Can\'t make map from this')
    if naxis==2:
        return f[0].header,f[0].data

    w = wcs.WCS(f[0].header)


    header = wn.to_header()
    for k in copy:
        if r:

    for i in range(naxis,0,-1):
        if i<=2:
        elif i==freqaxis:

    # slice=(0,)*(naxis-2)+(np.s_[:],)*2
    return header,f[0].data[slice]
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def select_n_slow(dropped, n, keep, method):
    reverse_it = (keep == 'last' or method == 'nlargest')
    ascending = method == 'nsmallest'
    slc = np.s_[::-1] if reverse_it else np.s_[:]
    return dropped[slc].sort_values(ascending=ascending).head(n)