Python numpy 模块,triu_indices() 实例源码


项目:bifrost    作者:ledatelescope    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_test_matmul_aa_correlator_kernel(self, ntime, nstand, nchan, misalign=0):
        x_shape = (ntime, nchan, nstand*2)
        perm = [1,0,2]
        x8 = ((np.random.random(size=x_shape+(2,))*2-1)*127).astype(np.int8)
        x = x8.astype(np.float32).view(np.complex64).reshape(x_shape)
        x = x.transpose(perm)
        x = x[..., misalign:]
        b_gold = np.matmul(H(x), x)
        triu = np.triu_indices(x.shape[-1], 1)
        b_gold[..., triu[0], triu[1]] = 0
        x = x8.view(bf.DataType.ci8).reshape(x_shape)
        x = bf.asarray(x, space='cuda')
        x = x.transpose(perm)
        x = x[..., misalign:]
        b = bf.zeros_like(b_gold, space='cuda')
        self.linalg.matmul(1, None, x, 0, b)
        b = b.copy('system')
        np.testing.assert_allclose(b, b_gold, RTOL*10, ATOL)
项目:esys-pbi    作者:fsxfreak    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_close_markers(markers,centroids=None, min_distance=20):
    if centroids is None:
        centroids = [m['centroid']for m in markers]
    centroids = np.array(centroids)

    ti = np.triu_indices(centroids.shape[0], 1)
    def full_idx(i):
        #get the pair from condensed matrix index
        #defindend inline because ti changes every time
        return np.array([ti[0][i], ti[1][i]])

    #calculate pairwise distance, return dense distace matrix (upper triangle)
    distances =  pdist(centroids,'euclidean')

    close_pairs = np.where(distances<min_distance)
    return full_idx(close_pairs)
项目:SlidingWindowVideoTDA    作者:ctralie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def doTotalOrderExperiment(N, binaryWeights = False):
    I, J = np.meshgrid(np.arange(N), np.arange(N))
    I = I[np.triu_indices(N, 1)]
    J = J[np.triu_indices(N, 1)]
    #[I, J] = [I[0:N-1], J[0:N-1]]
    NEdges = len(I)
    R = np.zeros((NEdges, 2))
    R[:, 0] = J
    R[:, 1] = I

    #W = np.random.rand(NEdges)
    W = np.ones(NEdges)

    #Note: When using binary weights, Y is not necessarily a cocycle
    Y = I - J
    if binaryWeights:
        Y = np.ones(NEdges)

    (s, I, H) = doHodge(R, W, Y, verbose = True)
    printConsistencyRatios(Y, I, H, W)

#Random flip experiment with linear order
项目:brainiak    作者:brainiak    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def from_tri_2_sym(tri, dim):
    """convert a upper triangular matrix in 1D format
       to 2D symmetric matrix


    tri: 1D array
        Contains elements of upper triangular matrix

    dim : int
        The dimension of target matrix.


    symm : 2D array
        Symmetric matrix in shape=[dim, dim]
    symm = np.zeros((dim, dim))
    symm[np.triu_indices(dim)] = tri
    return symm
项目:bifrost    作者:ledatelescope    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_test_matmul_aa_ci8_shape(self, shape, transpose=False):
        # **TODO: This currently never triggers the transpose path in the backend
        shape_complex = shape[:-1] + (shape[-1] * 2,)
        # Note: The xGPU-like correlation kernel does not support input values of -128 (only [-127:127])
        a8 = ((np.random.random(size=shape_complex) * 2 - 1) * 127).astype(np.int8)
        a_gold = a8.astype(np.float32).view(np.complex64)
        if transpose:
            a_gold = H(a_gold)
        # Note: np.matmul seems to be slow and inaccurate when there are batch dims
        c_gold = np.matmul(a_gold, H(a_gold))
        triu = np.triu_indices(shape[-2] if not transpose else shape[-1], 1)
        c_gold[..., triu[0], triu[1]] = 0
        a = a8.view(bf.DataType.ci8)
        a = bf.asarray(a, space='cuda')
        if transpose:
            a = H(a)
        c = bf.zeros_like(c_gold, space='cuda')
        self.linalg.matmul(1, a, None, 0, c)
        c = c.copy('system')
        np.testing.assert_allclose(c, c_gold, RTOL, ATOL)
项目:bifrost    作者:ledatelescope    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_test_matmul_aa_dtype_shape(self, shape, dtype, axes=None, conj=False):
        a = ((np.random.random(size=shape)) * 127).astype(dtype)
        if axes is None:
            axes = range(len(shape))
        aa = a.transpose(axes)
        if conj:
            aa = aa.conj()
        c_gold = np.matmul(aa, H(aa))
        triu = np.triu_indices(shape[axes[-2]], 1)
        c_gold[..., triu[0], triu[1]] = 0
        a = bf.asarray(a, space='cuda')
        aa = a.transpose(axes)
        if conj:
            aa = aa.conj()
        c = bf.zeros_like(c_gold, space='cuda')
        self.linalg.matmul(1, aa, None, 0, c)
        c = c.copy('system')
        np.testing.assert_allclose(c, c_gold, RTOL, ATOL)
项目:bifrost    作者:ledatelescope    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_benchmark_matmul_aa_correlator_kernel(self, ntime, nstand, nchan):
        x_shape = (ntime, nchan, nstand*2)
        perm = [1,0,2]
        x8 = ((np.random.random(size=x_shape+(2,))*2-1)*127).astype(np.int8)
        x = x8.astype(np.float32).view(np.complex64).reshape(x_shape)
        x = x.transpose(perm)
        b_gold = np.matmul(H(x[:,[0],:]), x[:,[0],:])
        triu = np.triu_indices(x_shape[-1], 1)
        b_gold[..., triu[0], triu[1]] = 0
        x = x8.view(bf.DataType.ci8).reshape(x_shape)
        x = bf.asarray(x, space='cuda')
        x = x.transpose(perm)
        b = bf.zeros_like(b_gold, space='cuda')
        t0 = time.time()
        nrep = 200
        for _ in xrange(nrep):
            self.linalg.matmul(1, None, x, 0, b)
        dt = time.time() - t0
        nflop = nrep * nchan * ntime * nstand*(nstand+1)/2 * 2*2 * 8
        print nstand, '\t', nflop / dt / 1e9, 'GFLOP/s'
        print '\t\t', nrep*ntime*nchan / dt / 1e6, 'MHz'
项目:word2vec_pipeline    作者:NIHOPA    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _compute_dispersion_matrix(X, labels):
    n = len(np.unique(labels))
    dist = np.zeros((n, n))
    ITR = list(itertools.combinations_with_replacement(range(n), 2))
    for i, j in tqdm(ITR):

        if i == j:
            d = pdist(X[labels == i], metric='cosine')
            d = cdist(X[labels == i], X[labels == j], metric='cosine')
            # Only take upper diagonal (+diagonal elements)
            d = d[np.triu_indices(n=d.shape[0], m=d.shape[1], k=0)]

        dist[i, j] = dist[j, i] = d.mean()

    return dist
项目:smtpred    作者:uqrmaie1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_gcovmat(h2, rg):
    Args: h2: vector with SNP heritabilities
          rg: vector with genetic correlations
    Returns: numpy trait by trait array with h2 on diagonal and genetic covariance on offdiagnoals
    mat = numpy.zeros((len(h2), len(h2)))
    mat[numpy.triu_indices(len(h2), 1)] = rg
    mat = mat + mat.T
    mat = mat * numpy.sqrt(numpy.outer(h2, h2))
    numpy.fill_diagonal(mat, h2)
    return numpy.array(mat)

# When input files are score files, not beta files, mtot may be unknown.
# Here mtot=1e6 is assumed. The absolute value of the expected variances for each trait is irrelevant for the multi-trait weighting, so it doesn't matter too much what this value is, expecially if M > N.
项目:LearnGraphDiscovery    作者:eugenium    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def applyNNBig(Xin,model,msize=500,start=150):
    #Returns an adjacency matrix
    X -= X.mean(axis=0)
    std = X.std(axis=0)
    std[std == 0] = 1
    X /= std

    return C
项目:eTraGo    作者:openego    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def linkage(df, n_groups):
    # create the distance matrix based on the forbenius norm: |A-B|_F where A is
    # a 24 x N matrix with N the number of timeseries inside the dataframe df
    # TODO: We can save have time as we only need the upper triangle once as the
    # distance matrix is symmetric
    if True:
        Y = np.empty((n_groups, n_groups,))
        Y[:] = np.NAN
        for i in range(len(Y)):
            for j in range(len(Y[i,:])):
                A = df.loc[i+1].values
                B = df.loc[j+1].values
                #print('Computing distance of:{},{}'.format(i,j))
                Y[i,j] = norm(A-B, ord='fro')

    # condensed distance matrix as vector for linkage (upper triangle as a vector)
    y = Y[np.triu_indices(n_groups, 1)]
    # create linkage matrix with wards algorithm an euclidean norm
    Z = hac.linkage(y, method='ward', metric='euclidean')
    # R = hac.inconsistent(Z, d=10)
    return Z
项目:deepGP_approxEP    作者:thangbui    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def estimate_ls(self, X):
        Ntrain = X.shape[0]
        if Ntrain < 10000:
            X1 = np.copy(X)
            randind = np.random.permutation(Ntrain)
            X1 = X[randind[1:10000], :]

        d2 = compute_distance_matrix(X1)
        D = X1.shape[1]
        N = X1.shape[0]
        triu_ind = np.triu_indices(N)
        ls = np.zeros((D, ))
        for i in range(D):
            d2i = d2[:, :, i]
            d2imed = np.median(d2i[triu_ind])
            ls[i] = np.log(d2imed)
        return ls
项目:deepGP_approxEP    作者:thangbui    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update_hypers(self, params):
        for i in range(self.nolayers):
            layeri = self.layers[i]
            Mi = layeri.M
            Dini = layeri.Din
            Douti = layeri.Dout
            triu_ind = np.triu_indices(Mi)
            diag_ind = np.diag_indices(Mi)
            for d in range(Douti):
                theta_m_d = params['eta2'][i][d]
                theta_R_d = params['eta1_R'][i][d]
                R = np.zeros((Mi, Mi))
                R[triu_ind] = theta_R_d.reshape(theta_R_d.shape[0], )
                R[diag_ind] = np.exp(R[diag_ind])
                layeri.theta_1_R[d] = R
                layeri.theta_1[d] =, R)
                layeri.theta_2[d] = theta_m_d
项目:deepGP_approxEP    作者:thangbui    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def estimate_ls(self, X):
        Ntrain = X.shape[0]
        if Ntrain < 10000:
            X1 = np.copy(X)
            randind = np.random.permutation(Ntrain)
            X1 = X[randind[0:(5*self.no_pseudos[0])], :]

        # d2 = compute_distance_matrix(X1)
        D = X1.shape[1]
        N = X1.shape[0]
        triu_ind = np.triu_indices(N)
        ls = np.zeros((D, ))
        for i in range(D):
            X1i = np.reshape(X1[:, i], (N, 1))
            d2i = cdist(X1i, X1i, 'euclidean')
            # d2i = d2[:, :, i]
            d2imed = np.median(d2i[triu_ind])
            # d2imed = 0.01
            # print d2imed, 
            ls[i] = np.log(d2imed + 1e-16)
        return ls
项目:HiCembler    作者:lpryszcz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def array2tree(d, names, outbase="", method="ward"):
    """Return tree representation for array"""
    import ete3
    Z = fastcluster.linkage(d[np.triu_indices(d.shape[0], 1)], method=method)
    tree = sch.to_tree(Z, False)
    t = ete3.Tree(getNewick(tree, "", tree.dist, names))
    # save tree & newick
    if outbase:
        pdf, nw = outbase+".nw.pdf", outbase+".nw"
        with open(nw, "w") as out:

        ts = ete3.TreeStyle()
        ts.show_leaf_name = False
        ts.layout_fn = mylayout
        t.render(pdf, tree_style=ts)

    return t
项目:sims_featureScheduler    作者:lsst    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def xyz2U(x, y, z):
    compute the potential
    dsq = 0.

    indices = np.triu_indices(x.size, k=1)

    for coord in [x, y, z]:
        coord_i = np.tile(coord, (coord.size, 1))
        coord_j = coord_i.T
        dsq += (coord_i[indices]-coord_j[indices])**2

    d = np.sqrt(dsq)
    U = np.sum(1./d)
    return U
项目:sims_featureScheduler    作者:lsst    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ang_potential(x0):
    If distance is computed along sphere rather than through 3-space.
    theta = x0[0:x0.size/2]
    phi = np.pi/2-x0[x0.size/2:]

    indices = np.triu_indices(theta.size, k=1)

    theta_i = np.tile(theta, (theta.size, 1))
    theta_j = theta_i.T
    phi_i = np.tile(phi, (phi.size, 1))
    phi_j = phi_i.T
    d = _angularSeparation(theta_i[indices], phi_i[indices], theta_j[indices], phi_j[indices])
    U = np.sum(1./d)
    return U
项目:sims_featureScheduler    作者:lsst    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def elec_potential_xyz(x0):
    x0 = x0.reshape(3, x0.size/3)
    x = x0[0, :]
    y = x0[1, :]
    z = x0[2, :]
    dsq = 0.

    r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
    x = x/r
    y = y/r
    z = z/r
    indices = np.triu_indices(x.size, k=1)

    for coord in [x, y, z]:
        coord_i = np.tile(coord, (coord.size, 1))
        coord_j = coord_i.T
        d = (coord_i[indices]-coord_j[indices])**2
        dsq += d

    U = np.sum(1./np.sqrt(dsq))
    return U
项目:gcn_metric_learning    作者:sk1712    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def prepare_pairs(X, y, site, indices):
    """ Prepare the graph pairs before feeding them to the network """
    N, M, F = X.shape
    n_pairs = int(len(indices) * (len(indices) - 1) / 2)
    triu_pairs = np.triu_indices(len(indices), 1)

    X_pairs = np.ones((n_pairs, M, F, 2))
    X_pairs[:, :, :, 0] = X[indices][triu_pairs[0]]
    X_pairs[:, :, :, 1] = X[indices][triu_pairs[1]]

    site_pairs = np.ones(int(n_pairs))
    site_pairs[site[indices][triu_pairs[0]] != site[indices][triu_pairs[1]]] = 0

    y_pairs = np.ones(int(n_pairs))
    y_pairs[y[indices][triu_pairs[0]] != y[indices][triu_pairs[1]]] = 0  # -1


    return X_pairs, y_pairs, site_pairs
项目:pactools    作者:pactools    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def plot(self, fig=None, ax=None):
        if fig is None:
            fig = plt.figure()
        if ax is None:
            ax = fig.gca()

        fmax = self.fs / 2.0
        bicoherence = np.copy(self.bicoherence)
        n_freq = bicoherence.shape[0]
        np.flipud(bicoherence)[np.triu_indices(n_freq, 1)] = 0
        bicoherence[np.triu_indices(n_freq, 1)] = 0
        bicoherence = bicoherence[:, :n_freq // 2 + 1]

        vmin, vmax = compute_vmin_vmax(bicoherence, tick=1e-15, percentile=1)
        ax.imshow(bicoherence,, aspect='auto', vmin=vmin,
                  vmax=vmax, origin='lower', extent=(0, fmax // 2, 0, fmax),
        ax.set_title('Bicoherence (%s)' % self.method)
        ax.set_xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
        ax.set_ylabel('Frequency (Hz)')
        # add_colorbar(fig, cax, vmin, vmax, unit='', ax=ax)
        return ax
项目:rca-evaluation    作者:sieve-microservices    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cluster_words(words, service_name, size):
    stopwords = ["GET", "POST", "total", "http-requests", service_name, "-", "_"]
    cleaned_words = []
    for word in words:
        for stopword in stopwords:
            word = word.replace(stopword, "")
    def distance(coord):
        i, j = coord
        return 1 - jaro_distance(cleaned_words[i], cleaned_words[j])
    indices = np.triu_indices(len(words), 1)
    distances = np.apply_along_axis(distance, 0, indices)
    return cluster_of_size(linkage(distances), size)
项目:SlidingWindowVideoTDA    作者:ctralie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def doRandomFlipExperiment(N, PercentFlips):
    I, J = np.meshgrid(np.arange(N), np.arange(N))
    I = I[np.triu_indices(N, 1)]
    J = J[np.triu_indices(N, 1)]
    NEdges = len(I)
    R = np.zeros((NEdges, 2))
    R[:, 0] = J
    R[:, 1] = I

#    toKeep = int(NEdges/200)
#    R = R[np.random.permutation(NEdges)[0:toKeep], :]
#    NEdges = toKeep

    W = np.random.rand(NEdges)
    #W = np.ones(NEdges)

    Y = np.ones(NEdges)
    NFlips = int(PercentFlips*len(Y))
    Y[np.random.permutation(NEdges)[0:NFlips]] = -1

    (s, I, H) = doHodge(R, W, Y)
    [INorm, HNorm] = [getWNorm(I, W), getWNorm(H, W)]
    return (INorm, HNorm)

#Do a bunch of random flip experiments, varying the percentage
#of flips, and take the mean consistency norms for each percentage
#over a number of trials
项目:SlidingWindowVideoTDA    作者:ctralie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def doBatchExperiments(N, omissions, flips, NTrials = 10):
    I, J = np.meshgrid(np.arange(N), np.arange(N))
    I = I[np.triu_indices(N, 1)]
    J = J[np.triu_indices(N, 1)]

    Rankings = np.zeros((len(omissions), len(flips), NTrials, N))
    INorms = np.zeros((len(omissions), len(flips), NTrials))
    HNorms = np.zeros((len(omissions), len(flips), NTrials))

    for t in range(NTrials):
        for i in range(0, len(omissions)):
            om = omissions[i]
            NEdges = int(len(I)*(1-om))
            for j in range(len(flips)):
                print("Doing trial %i of %i, omission %i of %i, flip %i of %i"%(t, NTrials, i, len(omissions), j, len(flips)))

                R = np.zeros((NEdges, 2))
                idx = np.random.permutation(len(I))[0:NEdges]
                R[:, 0] = I[idx]
                R[:, 1] = J[idx]

                f = flips[j]
                Y = np.ones(NEdges)
                W = 0.5 + 0.5*np.random.rand(NEdges)
                #W = np.ones(NEdges)
                NFlips = int(f*len(Y))
                Y[np.random.permutation(NEdges)[0:NFlips]] = -1

                (s, IM, H) = doHodge(R, W, Y, verbose = True)
                Rankings[i, j, t, :] = s
                [INorms[i, j, t], HNorms[i, j, t]] = [getWNorm(IM, W), getWNorm(H, W)]
        KTScores = scoreBatchRankings(Rankings)
        sio.savemat("BatchResults.mat", {"Rankings":Rankings, "INorms":INorms, "HNorms":HNorms, "omissions":omissions, "flips":flips, "KTScores":KTScores})
项目:paragraph2vec    作者:thunlp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def triu_indices(n, k=0):
        m = numpy.ones((n, n), int)
        a = triu(m, k)
        return numpy.where(a != 0)
项目:word2vec_pipeline    作者:NIHOPA    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, row):
        Compute partition function stats over each document.
        text = row['text']

        stat_names = [
            'Z_mu', 'Z_std', 'Z_skew', 'Z_kurtosis',
            'I_mu', 'I_std', 'I_skew', 'I_kurtosis',
        stats = {}
        for key in stat_names:
            stats[key] = 0.0

        # Only keep words that are defined in the embedding
        valid_tokens = [w for w in text.split() if w in self.Z]

        # Take only the unique words in the document
        all_tokens = np.array(list(set(valid_tokens)))

        if len(all_tokens) > 3:

            # Possibly clip the values here as very large Z don't contribute
            doc_z = np.array([self.Z[w] for w in all_tokens])
            compute_stats(doc_z, stats, "Z")

            # Take top x% most descriptive words
            z_sort_idx = np.argsort(doc_z)[::-1]
            z_cut = max(int(self.intra_document_cutoff * len(doc_z)), 3)

            important_index = z_sort_idx[:z_cut]
            sub_tokens = all_tokens[important_index]
            doc_v = np.array([self.model[w] for w in sub_tokens])
            upper_idx = np.triu_indices(doc_v.shape[0], k=1)
            dist =, doc_v.T)[upper_idx]

            compute_stats(dist, stats, "I")

        stats['_ref'] = row['_ref']
        return stats
项目:geepee    作者:thangbui    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def init_hypers(self, y_train):

            TYPE: Description

            y_train (TYPE): Description
        N = self.N
        M = self.M
        Din = self.Din
        Dout = self.Dout
        x_train = self.x_train
        if N < 10000:
            centroids, label = kmeans2(x_train, M, minit='points')
            randind = np.random.permutation(N)
            centroids = x_train[randind[0:M], :]
        zu = centroids
        if N < 10000:
            X1 = np.copy(x_train)
            randind = np.random.permutation(N)
            X1 = X[randind[:5000], :]
        x_dist = cdist(X1, X1, 'euclidean')
        triu_ind = np.triu_indices(N)
        ls = np.zeros((Din, ))
        d2imed = np.median(x_dist[triu_ind])
        for i in range(Din):
            ls[i] = 2 * np.log(d2imed + 1e-16)
        sf = np.log(np.array([0.5]))

        params = dict()
        params['sf'] = sf
        params['ls'] = ls
        params['zu'] = zu
        params['sn'] = np.log(0.01)
        return params
项目:geepee    作者:thangbui    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_posterior_grad_u(self, dmu, dSu):
        # return grads wrt u params and Kuuinv
        triu_ind = np.triu_indices(self.M)
        diag_ind = np.diag_indices(self.M)
        if self.nat_param:
            dSu_via_m = np.einsum('da,db->dab', dmu, self.theta_2)
            dSu += dSu_via_m
            dSuinv = - np.einsum('dab,dbc,dce->dae', self.Su, dSu, self.Su)
            dKuuinv = np.sum(dSuinv, axis=0)
            dtheta1 = dSuinv
            deta2 = np.einsum('dab,db->da', self.Su, dmu)
            deta2 = dmu
            dtheta1 = dSu
            dKuuinv = 0

        dtheta1T = np.transpose(dtheta1, [0, 2, 1])
        dtheta1_R = np.einsum('dab,dbc->dac', self.theta_1_R, dtheta1 + dtheta1T)
        deta1_R = np.zeros([self.Dout, self.M * (self.M + 1) / 2])
        for d in range(self.Dout):
            dtheta1_R_d = dtheta1_R[d, :, :]
            theta1_R_d = self.theta_1_R[d, :, :]
            dtheta1_R_d[diag_ind] = dtheta1_R_d[diag_ind] * theta1_R_d[diag_ind]
            dtheta1_R_d = dtheta1_R_d[triu_ind]
            deta1_R[d, :] = dtheta1_R_d.reshape((dtheta1_R_d.shape[0], ))

        return deta1_R, deta2, dKuuinv
项目:geepee    作者:thangbui    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_hypers(self, key_suffix=''):

            key_suffix (str, optional): Description

            TYPE: Description
        params = {}
        M = self.M
        Din = self.Din
        Dout = self.Dout
        params['ls' + key_suffix] =
        params['sf' + key_suffix] = self.sf
        triu_ind = np.triu_indices(M)
        diag_ind = np.diag_indices(M)
        params_eta2 = self.theta_2
        params_eta1_R = np.zeros((Dout, M * (M + 1) / 2))
        params_zu_i = self.zu

        for d in range(Dout):
            Rd = np.copy(self.theta_1_R[d, :, :])
            Rd[diag_ind] = np.log(Rd[diag_ind])
            params_eta1_R[d, :] = np.copy(Rd[triu_ind])

        params['zu' + key_suffix] = self.zu
        params['eta1_R' + key_suffix] = params_eta1_R
        params['eta2' + key_suffix] = params_eta2
        return params
项目:geepee    作者:thangbui    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update_hypers(self, params, key_suffix=''):

            params (TYPE): Description
            key_suffix (str, optional): Description
        M = self.M = params['ls' + key_suffix]
        self.sf = params['sf' + key_suffix]
        triu_ind = np.triu_indices(M)
        diag_ind = np.diag_indices(M)
        zu = params['zu' + key_suffix]
        self.zu = zu

        for d in range(self.Dout):
            theta_m_d = params['eta2' + key_suffix][d, :]
            theta_R_d = params['eta1_R' + key_suffix][d, :]
            R = np.zeros((M, M))
            R[triu_ind] = np.copy(theta_R_d.reshape(theta_R_d.shape[0], ))
            R[diag_ind] = np.exp(R[diag_ind])
            self.theta_1_R[d, :, :] = R
            self.theta_1[d, :, :] =, R)
            self.theta_2[d, :] = theta_m_d

        # update Kuu given new hypers
        # compute mu and Su for each layer
项目:geepee    作者:thangbui    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_cav_grad_u(self, dmu, dSu, alpha):
        # return grads wrt u params and Kuuinv
        triu_ind = np.triu_indices(self.M)
        diag_ind = np.diag_indices(self.M)
        beta = (self.N - alpha) * 1.0 / self.N
        if self.nat_param:
            dSu_via_m = np.einsum('da,db->dab', dmu, beta * self.theta_2)
            dSu += dSu_via_m
            dSuinv = - np.einsum('dab,dbc,dce->dae', self.Suhat, dSu, self.Suhat)
            dKuuinv = np.sum(dSuinv, axis=0)
            dtheta1 = beta * dSuinv
            deta2 = beta * np.einsum('dab,db->da', self.Suhat, dmu)
            Suhat = self.Suhat
            Suinv = self.Suinv
            mu =
            data_f_2 = np.einsum('dab,db->da', Suinv, mu)
            dSuhat_via_mhat = np.einsum('da,db->dab', dmu, beta * data_f_2)
            dSuhat = dSu + dSuhat_via_mhat
            dmuhat = dmu
            dSuhatinv = - np.einsum('dab,dbc,dce->dae', Suhat, dSuhat, Suhat)
            dSuinv_1 = beta * dSuhatinv
            Suhatdmu = np.einsum('dab,db->da', Suhat, dmuhat)
            dSuinv = dSuinv_1 + beta * np.einsum('da,db->dab', Suhatdmu, mu)
            dtheta1 = - np.einsum('dab,dbc,dce->dae', Suinv, dSuinv, Suinv)
            deta2 = beta * np.einsum('dab,db->da', Suinv, Suhatdmu)
            dKuuinv = (1 - beta) / beta * np.sum(dSuinv_1, axis=0)

        dtheta1T = np.transpose(dtheta1, [0, 2, 1])
        dtheta1_R = np.einsum('dab,dbc->dac', self.theta_1_R, dtheta1 + dtheta1T)
        deta1_R = np.zeros([self.Dout, self.M * (self.M + 1) / 2])
        for d in range(self.Dout):
            dtheta1_R_d = dtheta1_R[d, :, :]
            theta1_R_d = self.theta_1_R[d, :, :]
            dtheta1_R_d[diag_ind] = dtheta1_R_d[diag_ind] * theta1_R_d[diag_ind]
            dtheta1_R_d = dtheta1_R_d[triu_ind]
            deta1_R[d, :] = dtheta1_R_d.reshape((dtheta1_R_d.shape[0], ))

        return deta1_R, deta2, dKuuinv
项目:semi-auto-anno    作者:moberweger    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getImageDescriptors_HOG_cdist(self, all_emb, ref_emb, ref_mask):
        # unnormalized cosine distance for HOG
        dist =, ref_emb.T)
        # normalize by length of query descriptor projected on reference
        norm = numpy.sqrt(, ref_mask.T))
        dist /= norm
        dist[numpy.isinf(dist)] = 0.
        dist[numpy.isnan(dist)] = 0.

        # dist[numpy.triu_indices(dist.shape[0], 1)] = numpy.maximum(dist[numpy.triu_indices(dist.shape[0], 1)],
        #                                                            dist.T[numpy.triu_indices(dist.shape[0], 1)])
        # dist[numpy.tril_indices(dist.shape[0], -1)] = 0.
        # dist += dist.T

        return dist
项目:topical_word_embeddings    作者:thunlp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def triu_indices(n, k=0):
        m = numpy.ones((n, n), int)
        a = triu(m, k)
        return numpy.where(a != 0)
项目:topical_word_embeddings    作者:thunlp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def triu_indices(n, k=0):
        m = numpy.ones((n, n), int)
        a = triu(m, k)
        return numpy.where(a != 0)
项目:topical_word_embeddings    作者:thunlp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def triu_indices(n, k=0):
        m = numpy.ones((n, n), int)
        a = triu(m, k)
        return numpy.where(a != 0)
项目:skggm    作者:skggm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _fully_random_weights(n_features, lam_scale, prng):
    """Generate a symmetric random matrix with zeros along the diagonal."""
    weights = np.zeros((n_features, n_features))
    n_off_diag = int((n_features ** 2 - n_features) / 2)
    weights[np.triu_indices(n_features, k=1)] =\
        0.1 * lam_scale * prng.randn(n_off_diag) + (0.25 * lam_scale)
    weights[weights < 0] = 0
    weights = weights + weights.T
    return weights
项目:skggm    作者:skggm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _random_weights(n_features, lam, lam_perturb, prng):
    """Generate a symmetric random matrix with zeros along the diagnoal and
    non-zero elements take the value {lam * lam_perturb, lam / lam_perturb}
    with probability 1/2.
    weights = np.zeros((n_features, n_features))
    n_off_diag = int((n_features ** 2 - n_features) / 2)
    berns = prng.binomial(1, 0.5, size=n_off_diag)
    vals = np.zeros(berns.shape)
    vals[berns == 0] = 1. * lam * lam_perturb
    vals[berns == 1] = 1. * lam / lam_perturb
    weights[np.triu_indices(n_features, k=1)] = vals
    weights[weights < 0] = 0
    weights = weights + weights.T
    return weights
项目:pyMTL    作者:bibliolytic    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def vech_kh(X, stack_cols=True, conserve_norm=False):
    assert X.shape[0] == X.shape[1]
    # Scale off-diagonal indexes if norm has to be preserved
    d = X.shape[0]
    if conserve_norm:
        # Scale off-diagonal
        tmp = np.copy(X)
        triu_scale_idx = np.triu_indices(d, 1)
        tmp[triu_scale_idx] = np.sqrt(2) * tmp[triu_scale_idx]
        tmp = X
    triu_idx_r = []
    triu_idx_c = []
    # Find appropriate indexes
    if stack_cols:
        for c in range(0, d):
            for r in range(0, c+1):
        for r in range(0, d):
            for c in range(r, d):
    # Extract and return upper triangular
    triu_idx = (triu_idx_r, triu_idx_c)
    return tmp[triu_idx]
项目:pyMTL    作者:bibliolytic    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def unvech_kh(v, cols_stacked=True, norm_conserved=False):
    # Restore matrix dimension and add triangular
    v = v.flatten()
    d = int(0.5 * (np.sqrt(8 * len(v) + 1) - 1))
    X = np.empty((d, d))
    triu_idx_r = []
    triu_idx_c = []
    # Find appropriate indexes
    if cols_stacked:
        for c in range(0, d):
            for r in range(0, c+1):
        for r in range(0, d):
            for c in range(r, d):
    # Restore original matrix
    triu_idx = (triu_idx_r, triu_idx_c)
    X[triu_idx] = v
    X[np.tril_indices(d)] = X.T[np.tril_indices(d)]
    # Undo rescaling on off diagonal elements
    if norm_conserved:
        X[np.triu_indices(d, 1)] /= np.sqrt(2)
        X[np.tril_indices(d, -1)] /= np.sqrt(2)
    return X
项目:TICC    作者:davidhallac    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def upper2Full(a, eps = 0):
    ind = (a<eps)&(a>-eps)
    a[ind] = 0
    n = int((-1  + np.sqrt(1+ 8*a.shape[0]))/2)  
    A = np.zeros([n,n])
    A[np.triu_indices(n)] = a 
    temp = A.diagonal()
    A = np.asarray((A + A.T) - np.diag(temp))             
    return A
项目:TICC    作者:davidhallac    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def upper2Full(a, eps = 0):
    ind = (a<eps)&(a>-eps)
    a[ind] = 0
    n = int((-1  + np.sqrt(1+ 8*a.shape[0]))/2)  
    A = np.zeros([n,n])
    A[np.triu_indices(n)] = a 
    temp = A.diagonal()
    A = np.asarray((A + A.T) - np.diag(temp))             
    return A
项目:TICC    作者:davidhallac    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def upper2Full(a, eps = 0):
    ind = (a<eps)&(a>-eps)
    a[ind] = 0
    n = int((-1  + np.sqrt(1+ 8*a.shape[0]))/2)  
    A = np.zeros([n,n])
    A[np.triu_indices(n)] = a 
    temp = A.diagonal()
    A = np.asarray((A + A.T) - np.diag(temp))             
    return A
项目:TICC    作者:davidhallac    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def upper2Full(a, eps = 0):
    ind = (a<eps)&(a>-eps)
    a[ind] = 0
    n = int((-1  + np.sqrt(1+ 8*a.shape[0]))/2)  
    A = np.zeros([n,n])
    A[np.triu_indices(n)] = a 
    temp = A.diagonal()
    A = np.asarray((A + A.T) - np.diag(temp))             
    return A
项目:TICC    作者:davidhallac    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def upper2Full(a, eps = 0):
    ind = (a<eps)&(a>-eps)
    a[ind] = 0
    n = int((-1  + np.sqrt(1+ 8*a.shape[0]))/2)  
    A = np.zeros([n,n])
    A[np.triu_indices(n)] = a 
    temp = A.diagonal()
    A = np.asarray((A + A.T) - np.diag(temp))             
    return A
项目:TICC    作者:davidhallac    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def upper2Full(a):
    n = int((-1  + numpy.sqrt(1+ 8*a.shape[0]))/2)  
    A = numpy.zeros([n,n])
    A[numpy.triu_indices(n)] = a 
    temp = A.diagonal()
    A = (A + A.T) - numpy.diag(temp)             
    return A
项目:TICC    作者:davidhallac    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def upper2Full(self, a):
        n = int((-1  + numpy.sqrt(1+ 8*a.shape[0]))/2)  
        A = numpy.zeros([n,n])
        A[numpy.triu_indices(n)] = a 
        temp = A.diagonal()
        A = (A + A.T) - numpy.diag(temp)             
        return A
项目:TICC    作者:davidhallac    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def Prox_logdet(self, S, A, eta):
        d, q = numpy.linalg.eigh(eta*A-S)
        q = numpy.matrix(q)
        X_var = ( 1/(2*float(eta)) )*q*( numpy.diag(d + numpy.sqrt(numpy.square(d) + (4*eta)*numpy.ones(d.shape))) )*q.T
        x_var = X_var[numpy.triu_indices(S.shape[1])] # extract upper triangular part as update variable      
        return numpy.matrix(x_var).T
项目:TICC    作者:davidhallac    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def upperToFull(a, eps = 0):
        ind = (a<eps)&(a>-eps)
        a[ind] = 0
        n = int((-1  + np.sqrt(1+ 8*a.shape[0]))/2)  
        A = np.zeros([n,n])
        A[np.triu_indices(n)] = a 
        temp = A.diagonal()
        A = np.asarray((A + A.T) - np.diag(temp))             
        return A
项目:LearnGraphDiscovery    作者:eugenium    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def spd_to_vector(M):
    return M[np.triu_indices(M.shape[0])]
项目:LearnGraphDiscovery    作者:eugenium    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def spd_to_vector_nondiag(M,scale=False):
    return result
项目:LearnGraphDiscovery    作者:eugenium    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def applyNNBigRandom(Xin,model,reps=10,msize=500,start=150):
    #Returns an adjacency matrix

    X -= X.mean(axis=0)
    std = X.std(axis=0)
    std[std == 0] = 1
    X /= std
    for i in xrange(reps):      
    return C_Final