Python numpy 模块,negative() 实例源码


项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_endian(self):
        msg = "big endian"
        a = np.arange(6, dtype='>i4').reshape((2, 3))
        assert_array_equal(umt.inner1d(a, a), np.sum(a*a, axis=-1),
        msg = "little endian"
        a = np.arange(6, dtype='<i4').reshape((2, 3))
        assert_array_equal(umt.inner1d(a, a), np.sum(a*a, axis=-1),

        # Output should always be native-endian
        Ba = np.arange(1, dtype='>f8')
        La = np.arange(1, dtype='<f8')
        assert_equal((Ba+Ba).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal((Ba+La).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal((La+Ba).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal((La+La).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))

        assert_equal(np.absolute(La).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal(np.absolute(Ba).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal(np.negative(La).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal(np.negative(Ba).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_spacing_nextafter(self):
        """Test np.spacing and np.nextafter"""
        # All non-negative finite #'s
        a = np.arange(0x7c00, dtype=uint16)
        hinf = np.array((np.inf,), dtype=float16)
        a_f16 = a.view(dtype=float16)

        assert_equal(np.spacing(a_f16[:-1]), a_f16[1:]-a_f16[:-1])

        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[:-1], hinf), a_f16[1:])
        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[0], -hinf), -a_f16[1])
        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[1:], -hinf), a_f16[:-1])

        # switch to negatives
        a |= 0x8000

        assert_equal(np.spacing(a_f16[0]), np.spacing(a_f16[1]))
        assert_equal(np.spacing(a_f16[1:]), a_f16[:-1]-a_f16[1:])

        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[0], hinf), -a_f16[1])
        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[1:], hinf), a_f16[:-1])
        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[:-1], -hinf), a_f16[1:])
项目:krpcScripts    作者:jwvanderbeck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_endian(self):
        msg = "big endian"
        a = np.arange(6, dtype='>i4').reshape((2, 3))
        assert_array_equal(umt.inner1d(a, a), np.sum(a*a, axis=-1),
        msg = "little endian"
        a = np.arange(6, dtype='<i4').reshape((2, 3))
        assert_array_equal(umt.inner1d(a, a), np.sum(a*a, axis=-1),

        # Output should always be native-endian
        Ba = np.arange(1, dtype='>f8')
        La = np.arange(1, dtype='<f8')
        assert_equal((Ba+Ba).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal((Ba+La).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal((La+Ba).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal((La+La).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))

        assert_equal(np.absolute(La).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal(np.absolute(Ba).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal(np.negative(La).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal(np.negative(Ba).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
项目:krpcScripts    作者:jwvanderbeck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_spacing_nextafter(self):
        """Test np.spacing and np.nextafter"""
        # All non-negative finite #'s
        a = np.arange(0x7c00, dtype=uint16)
        hinf = np.array((np.inf,), dtype=float16)
        a_f16 = a.view(dtype=float16)

        assert_equal(np.spacing(a_f16[:-1]), a_f16[1:]-a_f16[:-1])

        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[:-1], hinf), a_f16[1:])
        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[0], -hinf), -a_f16[1])
        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[1:], -hinf), a_f16[:-1])

        # switch to negatives
        a |= 0x8000

        assert_equal(np.spacing(a_f16[0]), np.spacing(a_f16[1]))
        assert_equal(np.spacing(a_f16[1:]), a_f16[:-1]-a_f16[1:])

        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[0], hinf), -a_f16[1])
        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[1:], hinf), a_f16[:-1])
        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[:-1], -hinf), a_f16[1:])
项目:piradar    作者:scivision    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def decimate2(x,dec=2):
    Nout = int(math.floor(len(x)/dec))
    idx = numpy.arange(Nout,*int(dec)
    res = x[idx]*0.0
    count = numpy.copy(x[idx])

    count_vector = numpy.negative(numpy.isnan(x))*1.0
    x[numpy.where(numpy.isnan(x))] = 0.0

    for i in numpy.arange(dec):
        res = res + x[idx+i]
        count += count_vector[idx+i]

    count[numpy.where(count == 0.0)] = 1.0
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_endian(self):
        msg = "big endian"
        a = np.arange(6, dtype='>i4').reshape((2, 3))
        assert_array_equal(umt.inner1d(a, a), np.sum(a*a, axis=-1),
        msg = "little endian"
        a = np.arange(6, dtype='<i4').reshape((2, 3))
        assert_array_equal(umt.inner1d(a, a), np.sum(a*a, axis=-1),

        # Output should always be native-endian
        Ba = np.arange(1, dtype='>f8')
        La = np.arange(1, dtype='<f8')
        assert_equal((Ba+Ba).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal((Ba+La).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal((La+Ba).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal((La+La).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))

        assert_equal(np.absolute(La).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal(np.absolute(Ba).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal(np.negative(La).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal(np.negative(Ba).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_string_parser_variants(self):
        # Allow space instead of 'T' between date and time
        assert_equal(np.array(['1980-02-29T01:02:03'], np.dtype('M8[s]')),
                     np.array(['1980-02-29 01:02:03'], np.dtype('M8[s]')))
        # Allow negative years
        assert_equal(np.array(['-1980-02-29T01:02:03'], np.dtype('M8[s]')),
                     np.array(['-1980-02-29 01:02:03'], np.dtype('M8[s]')))
        # UTC specifier
        assert_equal(np.array(['-1980-02-29T01:02:03Z'], np.dtype('M8[s]')),
                     np.array(['-1980-02-29 01:02:03Z'], np.dtype('M8[s]')))
        # Time zone offset
        assert_equal(np.array(['1980-02-29T02:02:03Z'], np.dtype('M8[s]')),
                     np.array(['1980-02-29 00:32:03-0130'], np.dtype('M8[s]')))
        assert_equal(np.array(['1980-02-28T22:32:03Z'], np.dtype('M8[s]')),
                     np.array(['1980-02-29 00:02:03+01:30'], np.dtype('M8[s]')))
        assert_equal(np.array(['1980-02-29T02:32:03.506Z'], np.dtype('M8[s]')),
                 np.array(['1980-02-29 00:32:03.506-02'], np.dtype('M8[s]')))
项目:l1dbproto    作者:lsst-dm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rand_sphere_xyz(count=1, hemi=0, seed=None):
    Generates random points on unit sphere.

    Returns array of random spherical positions, array dimensions
    is (count, 3), it is count * (x, y, z).

    @param count:   number of returned point, major dimension of returned array
    @param hemi:    if 0 then both hemispheres are filled, if positive then
                    only nothern hemisphere is filled, if negative then only
                    southern hemisphere is filled.

    rs = numpy.random.RandomState(seed=seed)

    r = rs.normal(size=(count, 3))
    r /= numpy.linalg.norm(r, axis=1)[:, numpy.newaxis]

    if hemi != 0:
        numpy.absolute(r[:, 2], out=r[:, 2])
    if hemi < 0:
        numpy.negative(r[:, 2], out=r[:, 2])

    return r
项目:nonce2vec    作者:minimalparts    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def df_obs(x, *args):

    Derivative of function which optimises obs.
    sslm, word_counts, totals, mean_deriv_mtx, word, deriv = args

    sslm.obs[word] = x
    sslm.mean[word], sslm.fwd_mean[word] = sslm.compute_post_mean(word, sslm.chain_variance)

    model = "DTM"
    if model == "DTM":
        deriv = sslm.compute_obs_deriv(word, word_counts, totals, mean_deriv_mtx, deriv)
    elif model == "DIM":
        deriv = sslm.compute_obs_deriv_fixed(p.word, p.word_counts, p.totals, p.sslm, p.mean_deriv_mtx, deriv)

    return np.negative(deriv)
项目:aws-lambda-numpy    作者:vitolimandibhrata    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_endian(self):
        msg = "big endian"
        a = np.arange(6, dtype='>i4').reshape((2, 3))
        assert_array_equal(umt.inner1d(a, a), np.sum(a*a, axis=-1),
        msg = "little endian"
        a = np.arange(6, dtype='<i4').reshape((2, 3))
        assert_array_equal(umt.inner1d(a, a), np.sum(a*a, axis=-1),

        # Output should always be native-endian
        Ba = np.arange(1, dtype='>f8')
        La = np.arange(1, dtype='<f8')
        assert_equal((Ba+Ba).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal((Ba+La).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal((La+Ba).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal((La+La).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))

        assert_equal(np.absolute(La).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal(np.absolute(Ba).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal(np.negative(La).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal(np.negative(Ba).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
项目:aws-lambda-numpy    作者:vitolimandibhrata    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_spacing_nextafter(self):
        """Test np.spacing and np.nextafter"""
        # All non-negative finite #'s
        a = np.arange(0x7c00, dtype=uint16)
        hinf = np.array((np.inf,), dtype=float16)
        a_f16 = a.view(dtype=float16)

        assert_equal(np.spacing(a_f16[:-1]), a_f16[1:]-a_f16[:-1])

        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[:-1], hinf), a_f16[1:])
        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[0], -hinf), -a_f16[1])
        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[1:], -hinf), a_f16[:-1])

        # switch to negatives
        a |= 0x8000

        assert_equal(np.spacing(a_f16[0]), np.spacing(a_f16[1]))
        assert_equal(np.spacing(a_f16[1:]), a_f16[:-1]-a_f16[1:])

        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[0], hinf), -a_f16[1])
        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[1:], hinf), a_f16[:-1])
        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[:-1], -hinf), a_f16[1:])
项目:aws-lambda-numpy    作者:vitolimandibhrata    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_string_parser_variants(self):
        # Allow space instead of 'T' between date and time
        assert_equal(np.array(['1980-02-29T01:02:03'], np.dtype('M8[s]')),
                     np.array(['1980-02-29 01:02:03'], np.dtype('M8[s]')))
        # Allow negative years
        assert_equal(np.array(['-1980-02-29T01:02:03'], np.dtype('M8[s]')),
                     np.array(['-1980-02-29 01:02:03'], np.dtype('M8[s]')))
        # UTC specifier
        assert_equal(np.array(['-1980-02-29T01:02:03Z'], np.dtype('M8[s]')),
                     np.array(['-1980-02-29 01:02:03Z'], np.dtype('M8[s]')))
        # Time zone offset
        assert_equal(np.array(['1980-02-29T02:02:03Z'], np.dtype('M8[s]')),
                     np.array(['1980-02-29 00:32:03-0130'], np.dtype('M8[s]')))
        assert_equal(np.array(['1980-02-28T22:32:03Z'], np.dtype('M8[s]')),
                     np.array(['1980-02-29 00:02:03+01:30'], np.dtype('M8[s]')))
        assert_equal(np.array(['1980-02-29T02:32:03.506Z'], np.dtype('M8[s]')),
                 np.array(['1980-02-29 00:32:03.506-02'], np.dtype('M8[s]')))
项目:lambda-numba    作者:rlhotovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_endian(self):
        msg = "big endian"
        a = np.arange(6, dtype='>i4').reshape((2, 3))
        assert_array_equal(umt.inner1d(a, a), np.sum(a*a, axis=-1),
        msg = "little endian"
        a = np.arange(6, dtype='<i4').reshape((2, 3))
        assert_array_equal(umt.inner1d(a, a), np.sum(a*a, axis=-1),

        # Output should always be native-endian
        Ba = np.arange(1, dtype='>f8')
        La = np.arange(1, dtype='<f8')
        assert_equal((Ba+Ba).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal((Ba+La).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal((La+Ba).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal((La+La).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))

        assert_equal(np.absolute(La).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal(np.absolute(Ba).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal(np.negative(La).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal(np.negative(Ba).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
项目:lambda-numba    作者:rlhotovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_spacing_nextafter(self):
        """Test np.spacing and np.nextafter"""
        # All non-negative finite #'s
        a = np.arange(0x7c00, dtype=uint16)
        hinf = np.array((np.inf,), dtype=float16)
        a_f16 = a.view(dtype=float16)

        assert_equal(np.spacing(a_f16[:-1]), a_f16[1:]-a_f16[:-1])

        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[:-1], hinf), a_f16[1:])
        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[0], -hinf), -a_f16[1])
        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[1:], -hinf), a_f16[:-1])

        # switch to negatives
        a |= 0x8000

        assert_equal(np.spacing(a_f16[0]), np.spacing(a_f16[1]))
        assert_equal(np.spacing(a_f16[1:]), a_f16[:-1]-a_f16[1:])

        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[0], hinf), -a_f16[1])
        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[1:], hinf), a_f16[:-1])
        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[:-1], -hinf), a_f16[1:])
项目:deliver    作者:orchestor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_endian(self):
        msg = "big endian"
        a = np.arange(6, dtype='>i4').reshape((2, 3))
        assert_array_equal(umt.inner1d(a, a), np.sum(a*a, axis=-1),
        msg = "little endian"
        a = np.arange(6, dtype='<i4').reshape((2, 3))
        assert_array_equal(umt.inner1d(a, a), np.sum(a*a, axis=-1),

        # Output should always be native-endian
        Ba = np.arange(1, dtype='>f8')
        La = np.arange(1, dtype='<f8')
        assert_equal((Ba+Ba).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal((Ba+La).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal((La+Ba).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal((La+La).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))

        assert_equal(np.absolute(La).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal(np.absolute(Ba).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal(np.negative(La).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal(np.negative(Ba).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
项目:deliver    作者:orchestor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_spacing_nextafter(self):
        """Test np.spacing and np.nextafter"""
        # All non-negative finite #'s
        a = np.arange(0x7c00, dtype=uint16)
        hinf = np.array((np.inf,), dtype=float16)
        a_f16 = a.view(dtype=float16)

        assert_equal(np.spacing(a_f16[:-1]), a_f16[1:]-a_f16[:-1])

        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[:-1], hinf), a_f16[1:])
        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[0], -hinf), -a_f16[1])
        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[1:], -hinf), a_f16[:-1])

        # switch to negatives
        a |= 0x8000

        assert_equal(np.spacing(a_f16[0]), np.spacing(a_f16[1]))
        assert_equal(np.spacing(a_f16[1:]), a_f16[:-1]-a_f16[1:])

        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[0], hinf), -a_f16[1])
        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[1:], hinf), a_f16[:-1])
        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[:-1], -hinf), a_f16[1:])
项目:diyECG-1opAmp    作者:swharden    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update(self):
        if len( and not self.btnPause.isChecked():
            if self.spinLowpass.value()>0:
            if self.chkInvert.isChecked():
            if self.chkAutoscale.isChecked():
            print("plotting took %.02f ms"%(timeTook))
        QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(max(0,msTillUpdate), self.update)
项目:Alfred    作者:jkachhadia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_endian(self):
        msg = "big endian"
        a = np.arange(6, dtype='>i4').reshape((2, 3))
        assert_array_equal(umt.inner1d(a, a), np.sum(a*a, axis=-1),
        msg = "little endian"
        a = np.arange(6, dtype='<i4').reshape((2, 3))
        assert_array_equal(umt.inner1d(a, a), np.sum(a*a, axis=-1),

        # Output should always be native-endian
        Ba = np.arange(1, dtype='>f8')
        La = np.arange(1, dtype='<f8')
        assert_equal((Ba+Ba).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal((Ba+La).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal((La+Ba).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal((La+La).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))

        assert_equal(np.absolute(La).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal(np.absolute(Ba).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal(np.negative(La).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
        assert_equal(np.negative(Ba).dtype, np.dtype('f8'))
项目:Alfred    作者:jkachhadia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_spacing_nextafter(self):
        """Test np.spacing and np.nextafter"""
        # All non-negative finite #'s
        a = np.arange(0x7c00, dtype=uint16)
        hinf = np.array((np.inf,), dtype=float16)
        a_f16 = a.view(dtype=float16)

        assert_equal(np.spacing(a_f16[:-1]), a_f16[1:]-a_f16[:-1])

        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[:-1], hinf), a_f16[1:])
        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[0], -hinf), -a_f16[1])
        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[1:], -hinf), a_f16[:-1])

        # switch to negatives
        a |= 0x8000

        assert_equal(np.spacing(a_f16[0]), np.spacing(a_f16[1]))
        assert_equal(np.spacing(a_f16[1:]), a_f16[:-1]-a_f16[1:])

        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[0], hinf), -a_f16[1])
        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[1:], hinf), a_f16[:-1])
        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[:-1], -hinf), a_f16[1:])
项目:Neural-Networks-for-Inverse-Kinematics    作者:paramrajpura    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def quaternion_conjugate(quaternion):
    """Return conjugate of quaternion.

    >>> q0 = random_quaternion()
    >>> q1 = quaternion_conjugate(q0)
    >>> q1[0] == q0[0] and all(q1[1:] == -q0[1:])

    q = numpy.array(quaternion, dtype=numpy.float64, copy=True)
    numpy.negative(q[1:], q[1:])
    return q
项目:Neural-Networks-for-Inverse-Kinematics    作者:paramrajpura    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def quaternion_inverse(quaternion):
    """Return inverse of quaternion.

    >>> q0 = random_quaternion()
    >>> q1 = quaternion_inverse(q0)
    >>> numpy.allclose(quaternion_multiply(q0, q1), [1, 0, 0, 0])

    q = numpy.array(quaternion, dtype=numpy.float64, copy=True)
    numpy.negative(q[1:], q[1:])
    return q /, q)
项目:Neural-Networks-for-Inverse-Kinematics    作者:paramrajpura    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def quaternion_slerp(quat0, quat1, fraction, spin=0, shortestpath=True):
    """Return spherical linear interpolation between two quaternions.

    >>> q0 = random_quaternion()
    >>> q1 = random_quaternion()
    >>> q = quaternion_slerp(q0, q1, 0)
    >>> numpy.allclose(q, q0)
    >>> q = quaternion_slerp(q0, q1, 1, 1)
    >>> numpy.allclose(q, q1)
    >>> q = quaternion_slerp(q0, q1, 0.5)
    >>> angle = math.acos(, q))
    >>> numpy.allclose(2, math.acos(, q1)) / angle) or \
        numpy.allclose(2, math.acos(, q1)) / angle)

    q0 = unit_vector(quat0[:4])
    q1 = unit_vector(quat1[:4])
    if fraction == 0.0:
        return q0
    elif fraction == 1.0:
        return q1
    d =, q1)
    if abs(abs(d) - 1.0) < _EPS:
        return q0
    if shortestpath and d < 0.0:
        # invert rotation
        d = -d
        numpy.negative(q1, q1)
    angle = math.acos(d) + spin * math.pi
    if abs(angle) < _EPS:
        return q0
    isin = 1.0 / math.sin(angle)
    q0 *= math.sin((1.0 - fraction) * angle) * isin
    q1 *= math.sin(fraction * angle) * isin
    q0 += q1
    return q0
项目:Neural-Networks-for-Inverse-Kinematics    作者:paramrajpura    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def arcball_constrain_to_axis(point, axis):
    """Return sphere point perpendicular to axis."""
    v = numpy.array(point, dtype=numpy.float64, copy=True)
    a = numpy.array(axis, dtype=numpy.float64, copy=True)
    v -= a *, v)  # on plane
    n = vector_norm(v)
    if n > _EPS:
        if v[2] < 0.0:
            numpy.negative(v, v)
        v /= n
        return v
    if a[2] == 1.0:
        return numpy.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    return unit_vector([-a[1], a[0], 0.0])
项目:esys-pbi    作者:fsxfreak    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def quaternion_conjugate(quaternion):
    """Return conjugate of quaternion.

    >>> q0 = random_quaternion()
    >>> q1 = quaternion_conjugate(q0)
    >>> q1[0] == q0[0] and all(q1[1:] == -q0[1:])

    q = numpy.array(quaternion, dtype=numpy.float64, copy=True)
    numpy.negative(q[1:], q[1:])
    return q
项目:esys-pbi    作者:fsxfreak    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def quaternion_inverse(quaternion):
    """Return inverse of quaternion.

    >>> q0 = random_quaternion()
    >>> q1 = quaternion_inverse(q0)
    >>> numpy.allclose(quaternion_multiply(q0, q1), [1, 0, 0, 0])

    q = numpy.array(quaternion, dtype=numpy.float64, copy=True)
    numpy.negative(q[1:], q[1:])
    return q /, q)
项目:esys-pbi    作者:fsxfreak    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def quaternion_slerp(quat0, quat1, fraction, spin=0, shortestpath=True):
    """Return spherical linear interpolation between two quaternions.

    >>> q0 = random_quaternion()
    >>> q1 = random_quaternion()
    >>> q = quaternion_slerp(q0, q1, 0)
    >>> numpy.allclose(q, q0)
    >>> q = quaternion_slerp(q0, q1, 1, 1)
    >>> numpy.allclose(q, q1)
    >>> q = quaternion_slerp(q0, q1, 0.5)
    >>> angle = math.acos(, q))
    >>> numpy.allclose(2, math.acos(, q1)) / angle) or \
        numpy.allclose(2, math.acos(, q1)) / angle)

    q0 = unit_vector(quat0[:4])
    q1 = unit_vector(quat1[:4])
    if fraction == 0.0:
        return q0
    elif fraction == 1.0:
        return q1
    d =, q1)
    if abs(abs(d) - 1.0) < _EPS:
        return q0
    if shortestpath and d < 0.0:
        # invert rotation
        d = -d
        numpy.negative(q1, q1)
    angle = math.acos(d) + spin * math.pi
    if abs(angle) < _EPS:
        return q0
    isin = 1.0 / math.sin(angle)
    q0 *= math.sin((1.0 - fraction) * angle) * isin
    q1 *= math.sin(fraction * angle) * isin
    q0 += q1
    return q0
项目:esys-pbi    作者:fsxfreak    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def arcball_constrain_to_axis(point, axis):
    """Return sphere point perpendicular to axis."""
    v = numpy.array(point, dtype=numpy.float64, copy=True)
    a = numpy.array(axis, dtype=numpy.float64, copy=True)
    v -= a *, v)  # on plane
    n = vector_norm(v)
    if n > _EPS:
        if v[2] < 0.0:
            numpy.negative(v, v)
        v /= n
        return v
    if a[2] == 1.0:
        return numpy.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    return unit_vector([-a[1], a[0], 0.0])
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_power_zero(self):
        # ticket #1271
        zero = np.array([0j])
        one = np.array([1+0j])
        cnan = np.array([complex(np.nan, np.nan)])
        # FIXME cinf not tested.
        #cinf = np.array([complex(np.inf, 0)])

        def assert_complex_equal(x, y):
            x, y = np.asarray(x), np.asarray(y)
            assert_array_equal(x.real, y.real)
            assert_array_equal(x.imag, y.imag)

        # positive powers
        for p in [0.33, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.6]:
            assert_complex_equal(np.power(zero, p), zero)

        # zero power
        assert_complex_equal(np.power(zero, 0), one)
        with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"):
            assert_complex_equal(np.power(zero, 0+1j), cnan)

            # negative power
            for p in [0.33, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.6]:
                assert_complex_equal(np.power(zero, -p), cnan)
            assert_complex_equal(np.power(zero, -1+0.2j), cnan)
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_abs_neg_blocked(self):
        # simd tests on abs, test all alignments for vz + 2 * (vs - 1) + 1
        for dt, sz in [(np.float32, 11), (np.float64, 5)]:
            for out, inp, msg in _gen_alignment_data(dtype=dt, type='unary',
                tgt = [ncu.absolute(i) for i in inp]
                np.absolute(inp, out=out)
                assert_equal(out, tgt, err_msg=msg)
                self.assertTrue((out >= 0).all())

                tgt = [-1*(i) for i in inp]
                np.negative(inp, out=out)
                assert_equal(out, tgt, err_msg=msg)

                # will throw invalid flag depending on compiler optimizations
                with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
                    for v in [np.nan, -np.inf, np.inf]:
                        for i in range(inp.size):
                            d = np.arange(inp.size, dtype=dt)
                            inp[:] = -d
                            inp[i] = v
                            d[i] = -v if v == -np.inf else v
                            assert_array_equal(np.abs(inp), d, err_msg=msg)
                            np.abs(inp, out=out)
                            assert_array_equal(out, d, err_msg=msg)

                            assert_array_equal(-inp, -1*inp, err_msg=msg)
                            np.negative(inp, out=out)
                            assert_array_equal(out, -1*inp, err_msg=msg)
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_lower_align(self):
        # check data that is not aligned to element size
        # i.e doubles are aligned to 4 bytes on i386
        d = np.zeros(23 * 8, dtype=np.int8)[4:-4].view(np.float64)
        assert_equal(np.abs(d), d)
        assert_equal(np.negative(d), -d)
        np.negative(d, out=d)
        np.negative(np.ones_like(d), out=d)
        np.abs(d, out=d)
        np.abs(np.ones_like(d), out=d)
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_datetime_unary(self):
        for tda, tdb, tdzero, tdone, tdmone in \
                 # One-dimensional arrays
                 (np.array([3], dtype='m8[D]'),
                  np.array([-3], dtype='m8[D]'),
                  np.array([0], dtype='m8[D]'),
                  np.array([1], dtype='m8[D]'),
                  np.array([-1], dtype='m8[D]')),
                 # NumPy scalars
                 (np.timedelta64(3, '[D]'),
                  np.timedelta64(-3, '[D]'),
                  np.timedelta64(0, '[D]'),
                  np.timedelta64(1, '[D]'),
                  np.timedelta64(-1, '[D]'))]:
            # negative ufunc
            assert_equal(-tdb, tda)
            assert_equal((-tdb).dtype, tda.dtype)
            assert_equal(np.negative(tdb), tda)
            assert_equal(np.negative(tdb).dtype, tda.dtype)

            # absolute ufunc
            assert_equal(np.absolute(tdb), tda)
            assert_equal(np.absolute(tdb).dtype, tda.dtype)

            # sign ufunc
            assert_equal(np.sign(tda), tdone)
            assert_equal(np.sign(tdb), tdmone)
            assert_equal(np.sign(tdzero), tdzero)
            assert_equal(np.sign(tda).dtype, tda.dtype)

            # The ufuncs always produce native-endian results
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_string_parser_variants(self):
        # Allow space instead of 'T' between date and time
        assert_equal(np.array(['1980-02-29T01:02:03'], np.dtype('M8[s]')),
                     np.array(['1980-02-29 01:02:03'], np.dtype('M8[s]')))
        # Allow negative years
        assert_equal(np.array(['-1980-02-29T01:02:03'], np.dtype('M8[s]')),
                     np.array(['-1980-02-29 01:02:03'], np.dtype('M8[s]')))
        # UTC specifier
        with assert_warns(DeprecationWarning):
                np.array(['-1980-02-29T01:02:03'], np.dtype('M8[s]')),
                np.array(['-1980-02-29 01:02:03Z'], np.dtype('M8[s]')))
        # Time zone offset
        with assert_warns(DeprecationWarning):
                np.array(['1980-02-29T02:02:03'], np.dtype('M8[s]')),
                np.array(['1980-02-29 00:32:03-0130'], np.dtype('M8[s]')))
        with assert_warns(DeprecationWarning):
                np.array(['1980-02-28T22:32:03'], np.dtype('M8[s]')),
                np.array(['1980-02-29 00:02:03+01:30'], np.dtype('M8[s]')))
        with assert_warns(DeprecationWarning):
                np.array(['1980-02-29T02:32:03.506'], np.dtype('M8[s]')),
                np.array(['1980-02-29 00:32:03.506-02'], np.dtype('M8[s]')))
        with assert_warns(DeprecationWarning):
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_datetime_busday_holidays_count(self):
        holidays = ['2011-01-01', '2011-10-10', '2011-11-11', '2011-11-24',
                    '2011-12-25', '2011-05-30', '2011-02-21', '2011-01-17',
                    '2011-12-26', '2012-01-02', '2011-02-21', '2011-05-30',
                    '2011-07-01', '2011-07-04', '2011-09-05', '2011-10-10']
        bdd = np.busdaycalendar(weekmask='1111100', holidays=holidays)

        # Validate against busday_offset broadcast against
        # a range of offsets
        dates = np.busday_offset('2011-01-01', np.arange(366),
                        roll='forward', busdaycal=bdd)
        assert_equal(np.busday_count('2011-01-01', dates, busdaycal=bdd),
        # Returns negative value when reversed
        assert_equal(np.busday_count(dates, '2011-01-01', busdaycal=bdd),

        dates = np.busday_offset('2011-12-31', -np.arange(366),
                        roll='forward', busdaycal=bdd)
        assert_equal(np.busday_count(dates, '2011-12-31', busdaycal=bdd),
        # Returns negative value when reversed
        assert_equal(np.busday_count('2011-12-31', dates, busdaycal=bdd),

        # Can't supply both a weekmask/holidays and busdaycal
        assert_raises(ValueError, np.busday_offset, '2012-01-03', '2012-02-03',
                        weekmask='1111100', busdaycal=bdd)
        assert_raises(ValueError, np.busday_offset, '2012-01-03', '2012-02-03',
                        holidays=holidays, busdaycal=bdd)

        # Number of Mondays in March 2011
        assert_equal(np.busday_count('2011-03', '2011-04', weekmask='Mon'), 4)
        # Returns negative value when reversed
        assert_equal(np.busday_count('2011-04', '2011-03', weekmask='Mon'), -4)
项目:Sverchok    作者:Sverchok    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def quaternion_conjugate(quaternion):
    """Return conjugate of quaternion.

    >>> q0 = random_quaternion()
    >>> q1 = quaternion_conjugate(q0)
    >>> q1[0] == q0[0] and all(q1[1:] == -q0[1:])

    q = numpy.array(quaternion, dtype=numpy.float64, copy=True)
    numpy.negative(q[1:], q[1:])
    return q
项目:Sverchok    作者:Sverchok    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def quaternion_inverse(quaternion):
    """Return inverse of quaternion.

    >>> q0 = random_quaternion()
    >>> q1 = quaternion_inverse(q0)
    >>> numpy.allclose(quaternion_multiply(q0, q1), [1, 0, 0, 0])

    q = numpy.array(quaternion, dtype=numpy.float64, copy=True)
    numpy.negative(q[1:], q[1:])
    return q /, q)
项目:Sverchok    作者:Sverchok    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def quaternion_slerp(quat0, quat1, fraction, spin=0, shortestpath=True):
    """Return spherical linear interpolation between two quaternions.

    >>> q0 = random_quaternion()
    >>> q1 = random_quaternion()
    >>> q = quaternion_slerp(q0, q1, 0)
    >>> numpy.allclose(q, q0)
    >>> q = quaternion_slerp(q0, q1, 1, 1)
    >>> numpy.allclose(q, q1)
    >>> q = quaternion_slerp(q0, q1, 0.5)
    >>> angle = math.acos(, q))
    >>> numpy.allclose(2, math.acos(, q1)) / angle) or \
        numpy.allclose(2, math.acos(, q1)) / angle)

    q0 = unit_vector(quat0[:4])
    q1 = unit_vector(quat1[:4])
    if fraction == 0.0:
        return q0
    elif fraction == 1.0:
        return q1
    d =, q1)
    if abs(abs(d) - 1.0) < _EPS:
        return q0
    if shortestpath and d < 0.0:
        # invert rotation
        d = -d
        numpy.negative(q1, q1)
    angle = math.acos(d) + spin * math.pi
    if abs(angle) < _EPS:
        return q0
    isin = 1.0 / math.sin(angle)
    q0 *= math.sin((1.0 - fraction) * angle) * isin
    q1 *= math.sin(fraction * angle) * isin
    q0 += q1
    return q0
项目:Sverchok    作者:Sverchok    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def arcball_constrain_to_axis(point, axis):
    """Return sphere point perpendicular to axis."""
    v = numpy.array(point, dtype=numpy.float64, copy=True)
    a = numpy.array(axis, dtype=numpy.float64, copy=True)
    v -= a *, v)  # on plane
    n = vector_norm(v)
    if n > _EPS:
        if v[2] < 0.0:
            numpy.negative(v, v)
        v /= n
        return v
    if a[2] == 1.0:
        return numpy.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    return unit_vector([-a[1], a[0], 0.0])
项目:cupy    作者:cupy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __neg__(self):
        return negative(self)
项目:ngraph    作者:NervanaSystems    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_neg(input_data):
    expected_output = np.negative(input_data)
    node = onnx.helper.make_node('Neg', inputs=['x'], outputs=['y'])
    ng_results = convert_and_calculate(node, [input_data], [expected_output])
    assert np.array_equal(ng_results, [expected_output])
项目:ngraph    作者:NervanaSystems    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generate_op(self, op, out, x):
        self.append("np.negative({}, out={})", x, out)
项目:BlenderRobotDesigner    作者:HBPNeurorobotics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def quaternion_conjugate(quaternion):
    """Return conjugate of quaternion.

    >>> q0 = random_quaternion()
    >>> q1 = quaternion_conjugate(q0)
    >>> q1[0] == q0[0] and all(q1[1:] == -q0[1:])

    q = numpy.array(quaternion, dtype=numpy.float64, copy=True)
    numpy.negative(q[1:], q[1:])
    return q
项目:BlenderRobotDesigner    作者:HBPNeurorobotics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def quaternion_inverse(quaternion):
    """Return inverse of quaternion.

    >>> q0 = random_quaternion()
    >>> q1 = quaternion_inverse(q0)
    >>> numpy.allclose(quaternion_multiply(q0, q1), [1, 0, 0, 0])

    q = numpy.array(quaternion, dtype=numpy.float64, copy=True)
    numpy.negative(q[1:], q[1:])
    return q /, q)
项目:BlenderRobotDesigner    作者:HBPNeurorobotics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def quaternion_slerp(quat0, quat1, fraction, spin=0, shortestpath=True):
    """Return spherical linear interpolation between two quaternions.

    >>> q0 = random_quaternion()
    >>> q1 = random_quaternion()
    >>> q = quaternion_slerp(q0, q1, 0)
    >>> numpy.allclose(q, q0)
    >>> q = quaternion_slerp(q0, q1, 1, 1)
    >>> numpy.allclose(q, q1)
    >>> q = quaternion_slerp(q0, q1, 0.5)
    >>> angle = math.acos(, q))
    >>> numpy.allclose(2, math.acos(, q1)) / angle) or \
        numpy.allclose(2, math.acos(, q1)) / angle)

    q0 = unit_vector(quat0[:4])
    q1 = unit_vector(quat1[:4])
    if fraction == 0.0:
        return q0
    elif fraction == 1.0:
        return q1
    d =, q1)
    if abs(abs(d) - 1.0) < _EPS:
        return q0
    if shortestpath and d < 0.0:
        # invert rotation
        d = -d
        numpy.negative(q1, q1)
    angle = math.acos(d) + spin * math.pi
    if abs(angle) < _EPS:
        return q0
    isin = 1.0 / math.sin(angle)
    q0 *= math.sin((1.0 - fraction) * angle) * isin
    q1 *= math.sin(fraction * angle) * isin
    q0 += q1
    return q0
项目:BlenderRobotDesigner    作者:HBPNeurorobotics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def arcball_constrain_to_axis(point, axis):
    """Return sphere point perpendicular to axis."""
    v = numpy.array(point, dtype=numpy.float64, copy=True)
    a = numpy.array(axis, dtype=numpy.float64, copy=True)
    v -= a *, v)  # on plane
    n = vector_norm(v)
    if n > _EPS:
        if v[2] < 0.0:
            numpy.negative(v, v)
        v /= n
        return v
    if a[2] == 1.0:
        return numpy.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    return unit_vector([-a[1], a[0], 0.0])
项目:complex_tf    作者:woodshop    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testCplxNegGPU(self):
        shapes = [(5,4,3), (5,4), (5,), (1,)]
        for sh in shapes:
            x = ((np.random.randn(*sh) +
            self._compareGpu(x, np.negative, tf.negative)
项目:complex_tf    作者:woodshop    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testCplxNegGradGPU(self):
        shapes = [(5,4,3), (5,4), (5,), (1,)]
        for sh in shapes:
            x = ((np.random.randn(*sh) +
            self._compareGpuGrad(x, np.negative, tf.negative)
项目:krpcScripts    作者:jwvanderbeck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_power_zero(self):
        # ticket #1271
        zero = np.array([0j])
        one = np.array([1+0j])
        cnan = np.array([complex(np.nan, np.nan)])
        # FIXME cinf not tested.
        #cinf = np.array([complex(np.inf, 0)])

        def assert_complex_equal(x, y):
            x, y = np.asarray(x), np.asarray(y)
            assert_array_equal(x.real, y.real)
            assert_array_equal(x.imag, y.imag)

        # positive powers
        for p in [0.33, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.6]:
            assert_complex_equal(np.power(zero, p), zero)

        # zero power
        assert_complex_equal(np.power(zero, 0), one)
        with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"):
            assert_complex_equal(np.power(zero, 0+1j), cnan)

            # negative power
            for p in [0.33, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.6]:
                assert_complex_equal(np.power(zero, -p), cnan)
            assert_complex_equal(np.power(zero, -1+0.2j), cnan)
项目:krpcScripts    作者:jwvanderbeck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_abs_neg_blocked(self):
        # simd tests on abs, test all alignments for vz + 2 * (vs - 1) + 1
        for dt, sz in [(np.float32, 11), (np.float64, 5)]:
            for out, inp, msg in _gen_alignment_data(dtype=dt, type='unary',
                tgt = [ncu.absolute(i) for i in inp]
                np.absolute(inp, out=out)
                assert_equal(out, tgt, err_msg=msg)
                self.assertTrue((out >= 0).all())

                tgt = [-1*(i) for i in inp]
                np.negative(inp, out=out)
                assert_equal(out, tgt, err_msg=msg)

                # will throw invalid flag depending on compiler optimizations
                with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
                    for v in [np.nan, -np.inf, np.inf]:
                        for i in range(inp.size):
                            d = np.arange(inp.size, dtype=dt)
                            inp[:] = -d
                            inp[i] = v
                            d[i] = -v if v == -np.inf else v
                            assert_array_equal(np.abs(inp), d, err_msg=msg)
                            np.abs(inp, out=out)
                            assert_array_equal(out, d, err_msg=msg)

                            assert_array_equal(-inp, -1*inp, err_msg=msg)
                            np.negative(inp, out=out)
                            assert_array_equal(out, -1*inp, err_msg=msg)
项目:krpcScripts    作者:jwvanderbeck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_lower_align(self):
        # check data that is not aligned to element size
        # i.e doubles are aligned to 4 bytes on i386
        d = np.zeros(23 * 8, dtype=np.int8)[4:-4].view(np.float64)
        assert_equal(np.abs(d), d)
        assert_equal(np.negative(d), -d)
        np.negative(d, out=d)
        np.negative(np.ones_like(d), out=d)
        np.abs(d, out=d)
        np.abs(np.ones_like(d), out=d)
项目:krpcScripts    作者:jwvanderbeck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_datetime_unary(self):
        for tda, tdb, tdzero, tdone, tdmone in \
                 # One-dimensional arrays
                 (np.array([3], dtype='m8[D]'),
                  np.array([-3], dtype='m8[D]'),
                  np.array([0], dtype='m8[D]'),
                  np.array([1], dtype='m8[D]'),
                  np.array([-1], dtype='m8[D]')),
                 # NumPy scalars
                 (np.timedelta64(3, '[D]'),
                  np.timedelta64(-3, '[D]'),
                  np.timedelta64(0, '[D]'),
                  np.timedelta64(1, '[D]'),
                  np.timedelta64(-1, '[D]'))]:
            # negative ufunc
            assert_equal(-tdb, tda)
            assert_equal((-tdb).dtype, tda.dtype)
            assert_equal(np.negative(tdb), tda)
            assert_equal(np.negative(tdb).dtype, tda.dtype)

            # absolute ufunc
            assert_equal(np.absolute(tdb), tda)
            assert_equal(np.absolute(tdb).dtype, tda.dtype)

            # sign ufunc
            assert_equal(np.sign(tda), tdone)
            assert_equal(np.sign(tdb), tdmone)
            assert_equal(np.sign(tdzero), tdzero)
            assert_equal(np.sign(tda).dtype, tda.dtype)

            # The ufuncs always produce native-endian results