Python numpy 模块,arctanh() 实例源码


项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_branch_cuts(self):
        # check branch cuts and continuity on them
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log,   -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log2,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log10, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log1p, -1.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.sqrt,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [0-2j, 2j],  [1,  1], -1, 1, True

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [0-2j,  2j], [1,   1], -1, 1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [ -1, 0.5], [1j,  1j], 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [ -2,   2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True

        # check against bogus branch cuts: assert continuity between quadrants
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [ -2,  2], [1j, 1j], 1, 1

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [ -2,  2, 0], [1j, 1j, 1], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [0-2j, 2j, 2], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [0-2j, 2j, 0], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_branch_cuts_complex64(self):
        # check branch cuts and continuity on them
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log,   -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log2,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log10, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log1p, -1.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.sqrt,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [0-2j, 2j],  [1,  1], -1, 1, True, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [0-2j,  2j], [1,   1], -1, 1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [ -1, 0.5], [1j,  1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [ -2,   2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64

        # check against bogus branch cuts: assert continuity between quadrants
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [ -2,  2], [1j, 1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [ -2,  2, 0], [1j, 1j, 1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [0-2j, 2j, 2], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [0-2j, 2j, 0], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_against_cmath(self):
        import cmath

        points = [-1-1j, -1+1j, +1-1j, +1+1j]
        name_map = {'arcsin': 'asin', 'arccos': 'acos', 'arctan': 'atan',
                    'arcsinh': 'asinh', 'arccosh': 'acosh', 'arctanh': 'atanh'}
        atol = 4*np.finfo(np.complex).eps
        for func in self.funcs:
            fname = func.__name__.split('.')[-1]
            cname = name_map.get(fname, fname)
                cfunc = getattr(cmath, cname)
            except AttributeError:
            for p in points:
                a = complex(func(np.complex_(p)))
                b = cfunc(p)
                assert_(abs(a - b) < atol, "%s %s: %s; cmath: %s" % (fname, p, a, b))
项目:wendy    作者:jobovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_energy_conservation_sech2disk_manyparticles():
    # Test that energy is conserved for a self-gravitating disk
    N= 101
    totmass= 1.
    sigma= 1.
    zh= 2.*sigma**2./totmass
    x= numpy.arctanh(2.*numpy.random.uniform(size=N)-1)*zh
    v= numpy.random.normal(size=N)*sigma
    v-= numpy.mean(v) # stabilize
    m= numpy.ones_like(x)/N*(1.+0.1*(2.*numpy.random.uniform(size=N)-1))
    g= wendy.nbody(x,v,m,0.05)
    cnt= 0
    while cnt < 100:
        tx,tv= next(g)
        assert numpy.fabs(,tv,m)-E) < 10.**-10., "Energy not conserved during simple N-body integration"
        cnt+= 1
    return None
项目:wendy    作者:jobovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_energy_conservation_sech2disk_manyparticles():
    # Test that energy is conserved for a self-gravitating disk
    N= 101
    totmass= 1.
    sigma= 1.
    zh= 2.*sigma**2./totmass
    x= numpy.arctanh(2.*numpy.random.uniform(size=N)-1)*zh
    v= numpy.random.normal(size=N)*sigma
    v-= numpy.mean(v) # stabilize
    m= numpy.ones_like(x)/N*(1.+0.1*(2.*numpy.random.uniform(size=N)-1))
    omega= 1.1
    g= wendy.nbody(x,v,m,0.05,omega=omega)
    cnt= 0
    while cnt < 100:
        tx,tv= next(g)
        assert numpy.fabs(,tv,m,omega=omega)-E) < 10.**-10., "Energy not conserved during simple N-body integration with external harmonic potential"
        cnt+= 1
    return None
项目:wendy    作者:jobovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_energy_conservation_sech2disk_manyparticles():
    # Test that energy is conserved for a self-gravitating disk
    N= 101
    totmass= 1.
    sigma= 1.
    zh= 2.*sigma**2./totmass
    x= numpy.arctanh(2.*numpy.random.uniform(size=N)-1)*zh
    v= numpy.random.normal(size=N)*sigma
    v-= numpy.mean(v) # stabilize
    m= numpy.ones_like(x)/N*(1.+0.1*(2.*numpy.random.uniform(size=N)-1))
    g= wendy.nbody(x,v,m,0.05,approx=True,nleap=1000)
    cnt= 0
    while cnt < 100:
        tx,tv= next(g)
        assert numpy.fabs(,tv,m)-E)/E < 10.**-6., "Energy not conserved during approximate N-body integration"
        cnt+= 1
    return None
项目:wendy    作者:jobovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_notracermasses():
    # approx should work with tracer sheets
    # Test that energy is conserved for a self-gravitating disk
    N= 101
    totmass= 1.
    sigma= 1.
    zh= 2.*sigma**2./totmass
    x= numpy.arctanh(2.*numpy.random.uniform(size=N)-1)*zh
    v= numpy.random.normal(size=N)*sigma
    v-= numpy.mean(v) # stabilize
    m= numpy.ones_like(x)/N*(1.+0.1*(2.*numpy.random.uniform(size=N)-1))
    m[N//2:]= 0.
    m*= 2.
    g= wendy.nbody(x,v,m,0.05,approx=True,nleap=1000)
    cnt= 0
    while cnt < 100:
        tx,tv= next(g)
        assert numpy.fabs(,tv,m)-E)/E < 10.**-6., "Energy not conserved during approximate N-body integration with some tracer particles"
        cnt+= 1
    return None
项目:wendy    作者:jobovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_energy_conservation_sech2disk_manyparticles():
    # Test that energy is conserved for a self-gravitating disk
    N= 101
    totmass= 1.
    sigma= 1.
    zh= 2.*sigma**2./totmass
    x= numpy.arctanh(2.*numpy.random.uniform(size=N)-1)*zh
    v= numpy.random.normal(size=N)*sigma
    v-= numpy.mean(v) # stabilize
    m= numpy.ones_like(x)/N*(1.+0.1*(2.*numpy.random.uniform(size=N)-1))
    omega= 1.1
    g= wendy.nbody(x,v,m,0.05,omega=omega,approx=True,nleap=1000)
    cnt= 0
    while cnt < 100:
        tx,tv= next(g)
        assert numpy.fabs(,tv,m,omega=omega)-E)/E < 10.**-6., "Energy not conserved during approximate N-body integration with external harmonic potential"
        cnt+= 1
    return None
项目:wendy    作者:jobovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_againstexact_sech2disk_manyparticles():
    # Test that the exact N-body and the approximate N-body agree
    N= 101
    totmass= 1.
    sigma= 1.
    zh= 2.*sigma**2./totmass
    x= numpy.arctanh(2.*numpy.random.uniform(size=N)-1)*zh
    v= numpy.random.normal(size=N)*sigma
    v-= numpy.mean(v) # stabilize
    m= numpy.ones_like(x)/N*(1.+0.1*(2.*numpy.random.uniform(size=N)-1))
    omega= 1.1
    g= wendy.nbody(x,v,m,0.05,approx=True,nleap=2000,omega=omega)
    ge= wendy.nbody(x,v,m,0.05,omega=omega)
    cnt= 0
    while cnt < 100:
        tx,tv= next(g)
        txe,tve= next(ge)
        assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(tx-txe) < 10.**-5.), "Exact and approximate N-body give different positions"
        assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(tv-tve) < 10.**-5.), "Exact and approximate N-body give different positions"
        cnt+= 1
    return None
项目:krpcScripts    作者:jwvanderbeck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_branch_cuts(self):
        # check branch cuts and continuity on them
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log,   -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log2,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log10, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log1p, -1.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.sqrt,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [0-2j, 2j],  [1,  1], -1, 1, True

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [0-2j,  2j], [1,   1], -1, 1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [ -1, 0.5], [1j,  1j], 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [ -2,   2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True

        # check against bogus branch cuts: assert continuity between quadrants
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [ -2,  2], [1j, 1j], 1, 1

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [ -2,  2, 0], [1j, 1j, 1], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [0-2j, 2j, 2], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [0-2j, 2j, 0], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1
项目:krpcScripts    作者:jwvanderbeck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_branch_cuts_complex64(self):
        # check branch cuts and continuity on them
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log,   -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log2,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log10, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log1p, -1.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.sqrt,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [0-2j, 2j],  [1,  1], -1, 1, True, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [0-2j,  2j], [1,   1], -1, 1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [ -1, 0.5], [1j,  1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [ -2,   2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64

        # check against bogus branch cuts: assert continuity between quadrants
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [ -2,  2], [1j, 1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [ -2,  2, 0], [1j, 1j, 1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [0-2j, 2j, 2], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [0-2j, 2j, 0], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
项目:krpcScripts    作者:jwvanderbeck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_against_cmath(self):
        import cmath

        points = [-1-1j, -1+1j, +1-1j, +1+1j]
        name_map = {'arcsin': 'asin', 'arccos': 'acos', 'arctan': 'atan',
                    'arcsinh': 'asinh', 'arccosh': 'acosh', 'arctanh': 'atanh'}
        atol = 4*np.finfo(np.complex).eps
        for func in self.funcs:
            fname = func.__name__.split('.')[-1]
            cname = name_map.get(fname, fname)
                cfunc = getattr(cmath, cname)
            except AttributeError:
            for p in points:
                a = complex(func(np.complex_(p)))
                b = cfunc(p)
                assert_(abs(a - b) < atol, "%s %s: %s; cmath: %s" % (fname, p, a, b))
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_branch_cuts(self):
        # check branch cuts and continuity on them
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log,   -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log2,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log10, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log1p, -1.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.sqrt,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [0-2j, 2j],  [1,  1], -1, 1, True

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [0-2j,  2j], [1,   1], -1, 1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [ -1, 0.5], [1j,  1j], 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [ -2,   2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True

        # check against bogus branch cuts: assert continuity between quadrants
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [ -2,  2], [1j, 1j], 1, 1

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [ -2,  2, 0], [1j, 1j, 1], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [0-2j, 2j, 2], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [0-2j, 2j, 0], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_branch_cuts_complex64(self):
        # check branch cuts and continuity on them
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log,   -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log2,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log10, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log1p, -1.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.sqrt,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [0-2j, 2j],  [1,  1], -1, 1, True, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [0-2j,  2j], [1,   1], -1, 1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [ -1, 0.5], [1j,  1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [ -2,   2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64

        # check against bogus branch cuts: assert continuity between quadrants
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [ -2,  2], [1j, 1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [ -2,  2, 0], [1j, 1j, 1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [0-2j, 2j, 2], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [0-2j, 2j, 0], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_against_cmath(self):
        import cmath

        points = [-1-1j, -1+1j, +1-1j, +1+1j]
        name_map = {'arcsin': 'asin', 'arccos': 'acos', 'arctan': 'atan',
                    'arcsinh': 'asinh', 'arccosh': 'acosh', 'arctanh': 'atanh'}
        atol = 4*np.finfo(np.complex).eps
        for func in self.funcs:
            fname = func.__name__.split('.')[-1]
            cname = name_map.get(fname, fname)
                cfunc = getattr(cmath, cname)
            except AttributeError:
            for p in points:
                a = complex(func(np.complex_(p)))
                b = cfunc(p)
                assert_(abs(a - b) < atol, "%s %s: %s; cmath: %s" % (fname, p, a, b))
项目:aws-lambda-numpy    作者:vitolimandibhrata    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_branch_cuts(self):
        # check branch cuts and continuity on them
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log,   -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log2,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log10, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log1p, -1.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.sqrt,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [0-2j, 2j],  [1,  1], -1, 1, True

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [0-2j,  2j], [1,   1], -1, 1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [ -1, 0.5], [1j,  1j], 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [ -2,   2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True

        # check against bogus branch cuts: assert continuity between quadrants
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [ -2,  2], [1j, 1j], 1, 1

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [ -2,  2, 0], [1j, 1j, 1], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [0-2j, 2j, 2], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [0-2j, 2j, 0], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1
项目:aws-lambda-numpy    作者:vitolimandibhrata    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_branch_cuts_complex64(self):
        # check branch cuts and continuity on them
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log,   -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log2,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log10, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log1p, -1.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.sqrt,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [0-2j, 2j],  [1,  1], -1, 1, True, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [0-2j,  2j], [1,   1], -1, 1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [ -1, 0.5], [1j,  1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [ -2,   2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64

        # check against bogus branch cuts: assert continuity between quadrants
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [ -2,  2], [1j, 1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [ -2,  2, 0], [1j, 1j, 1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [0-2j, 2j, 2], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [0-2j, 2j, 0], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
项目:aws-lambda-numpy    作者:vitolimandibhrata    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_against_cmath(self):
        import cmath

        points = [-1-1j, -1+1j, +1-1j, +1+1j]
        name_map = {'arcsin': 'asin', 'arccos': 'acos', 'arctan': 'atan',
                    'arcsinh': 'asinh', 'arccosh': 'acosh', 'arctanh': 'atanh'}
        atol = 4*np.finfo(np.complex).eps
        for func in self.funcs:
            fname = func.__name__.split('.')[-1]
            cname = name_map.get(fname, fname)
                cfunc = getattr(cmath, cname)
            except AttributeError:
            for p in points:
                a = complex(func(np.complex_(p)))
                b = cfunc(p)
                assert_(abs(a - b) < atol, "%s %s: %s; cmath: %s" % (fname, p, a, b))
项目:lambda-numba    作者:rlhotovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_branch_cuts(self):
        # check branch cuts and continuity on them
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log,   -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log2,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log10, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log1p, -1.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.sqrt,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [0-2j, 2j],  [1,  1], -1, 1, True

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [0-2j,  2j], [1,   1], -1, 1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [ -1, 0.5], [1j,  1j], 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [ -2,   2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True

        # check against bogus branch cuts: assert continuity between quadrants
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [ -2,  2], [1j, 1j], 1, 1

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [ -2,  2, 0], [1j, 1j, 1], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [0-2j, 2j, 2], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [0-2j, 2j, 0], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1
项目:lambda-numba    作者:rlhotovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_branch_cuts_complex64(self):
        # check branch cuts and continuity on them
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log,   -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log2,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log10, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log1p, -1.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.sqrt,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [0-2j, 2j],  [1,  1], -1, 1, True, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [0-2j,  2j], [1,   1], -1, 1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [ -1, 0.5], [1j,  1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [ -2,   2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64

        # check against bogus branch cuts: assert continuity between quadrants
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [ -2,  2], [1j, 1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [ -2,  2, 0], [1j, 1j, 1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [0-2j, 2j, 2], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [0-2j, 2j, 0], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
项目:lambda-numba    作者:rlhotovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_against_cmath(self):
        import cmath

        points = [-1-1j, -1+1j, +1-1j, +1+1j]
        name_map = {'arcsin': 'asin', 'arccos': 'acos', 'arctan': 'atan',
                    'arcsinh': 'asinh', 'arccosh': 'acosh', 'arctanh': 'atanh'}
        atol = 4*np.finfo(np.complex).eps
        for func in self.funcs:
            fname = func.__name__.split('.')[-1]
            cname = name_map.get(fname, fname)
                cfunc = getattr(cmath, cname)
            except AttributeError:
            for p in points:
                a = complex(func(np.complex_(p)))
                b = cfunc(p)
                assert_(abs(a - b) < atol, "%s %s: %s; cmath: %s" % (fname, p, a, b))
项目:deliver    作者:orchestor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_branch_cuts(self):
        # check branch cuts and continuity on them
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log,   -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log2,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log10, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log1p, -1.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.sqrt,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [0-2j, 2j],  [1,  1], -1, 1, True

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [0-2j,  2j], [1,   1], -1, 1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [ -1, 0.5], [1j,  1j], 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [ -2,   2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True

        # check against bogus branch cuts: assert continuity between quadrants
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [ -2,  2], [1j, 1j], 1, 1

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [ -2,  2, 0], [1j, 1j, 1], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [0-2j, 2j, 2], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [0-2j, 2j, 0], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1
项目:deliver    作者:orchestor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_branch_cuts_complex64(self):
        # check branch cuts and continuity on them
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log,   -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log2,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log10, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log1p, -1.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.sqrt,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [0-2j, 2j],  [1,  1], -1, 1, True, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [0-2j,  2j], [1,   1], -1, 1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [ -1, 0.5], [1j,  1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [ -2,   2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64

        # check against bogus branch cuts: assert continuity between quadrants
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [ -2,  2], [1j, 1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [ -2,  2, 0], [1j, 1j, 1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [0-2j, 2j, 2], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [0-2j, 2j, 0], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
项目:deliver    作者:orchestor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_against_cmath(self):
        import cmath

        points = [-1-1j, -1+1j, +1-1j, +1+1j]
        name_map = {'arcsin': 'asin', 'arccos': 'acos', 'arctan': 'atan',
                    'arcsinh': 'asinh', 'arccosh': 'acosh', 'arctanh': 'atanh'}
        atol = 4*np.finfo(np.complex).eps
        for func in self.funcs:
            fname = func.__name__.split('.')[-1]
            cname = name_map.get(fname, fname)
                cfunc = getattr(cmath, cname)
            except AttributeError:
            for p in points:
                a = complex(func(np.complex_(p)))
                b = cfunc(p)
                assert_(abs(a - b) < atol, "%s %s: %s; cmath: %s" % (fname, p, a, b))
项目:gcn_metric_learning    作者:sk1712    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_net_vectors(subject_list, kind, atlas_name="aal"):
        subject_list : the subject short IDs list
        kind         : the kind of connectivity to be used, e.g. lasso, partial correlation, correlation
        atlas_name   : name of the atlas used

        matrix       : matrix of connectivity vectors (num_subjects x num_connections)

    # This is an alternative implementation
    networks = load_all_networks(subject_list, kind, atlas_name=atlas_name)
    # Get Fisher transformed matrices
    norm_networks = [np.arctanh(mat) for mat in networks]
    # Get upper diagonal indices
    idx = np.triu_indices_from(norm_networks[0], 1)
    # Get vectorised matrices
    vec_networks = [mat[idx] for mat in norm_networks]
    # Each subject should be a row of the matrix
    matrix = np.vstack(vec_networks)

    return matrix
项目:Alfred    作者:jkachhadia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_branch_cuts(self):
        # check branch cuts and continuity on them
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log,   -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log2,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log10, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log1p, -1.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.sqrt,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [0-2j, 2j],  [1,  1], -1, 1, True

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [0-2j,  2j], [1,   1], -1, 1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [ -1, 0.5], [1j,  1j], 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [ -2,   2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True

        # check against bogus branch cuts: assert continuity between quadrants
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [ -2,  2], [1j, 1j], 1, 1

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [ -2,  2, 0], [1j, 1j, 1], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [0-2j, 2j, 2], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [0-2j, 2j, 0], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1
项目:Alfred    作者:jkachhadia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_branch_cuts_complex64(self):
        # check branch cuts and continuity on them
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log,   -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log2,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log10, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log1p, -1.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.sqrt,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [0-2j, 2j],  [1,  1], -1, 1, True, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [0-2j,  2j], [1,   1], -1, 1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [ -1, 0.5], [1j,  1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [ -2,   2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64

        # check against bogus branch cuts: assert continuity between quadrants
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [ -2,  2], [1j, 1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [ -2,  2, 0], [1j, 1j, 1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [0-2j, 2j, 2], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [0-2j, 2j, 0], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
项目:Alfred    作者:jkachhadia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_against_cmath(self):
        import cmath

        points = [-1-1j, -1+1j, +1-1j, +1+1j]
        name_map = {'arcsin': 'asin', 'arccos': 'acos', 'arctan': 'atan',
                    'arcsinh': 'asinh', 'arccosh': 'acosh', 'arctanh': 'atanh'}
        atol = 4*np.finfo(np.complex).eps
        for func in self.funcs:
            fname = func.__name__.split('.')[-1]
            cname = name_map.get(fname, fname)
                cfunc = getattr(cmath, cname)
            except AttributeError:
            for p in points:
                a = complex(func(np.complex_(p)))
                b = cfunc(p)
                assert_(abs(a - b) < atol, "%s %s: %s; cmath: %s" % (fname, p, a, b))
项目:bayestsa    作者:thalesians    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def transformparameterndarray(parameterndarray, includejumps):
    parameterndarray = npu.tondim1(parameterndarray)
    res = [
            parameterndarray[0],  # meanlogvar
            2. * np.arctanh(parameterndarray[1]), # persistence
            np.log(parameterndarray[2] * parameterndarray[2]), # voloflogvar
            2. * np.arctanh(parameterndarray[3]) # cor
    if includejumps:
        res.append(np.arctanh(2*parameterndarray[4] - 1)) # jumpintensity
        res.append(np.log(parameterndarray[5] * parameterndarray[5])) # jumpvol
    return np.array(res)
项目:LinearCorex    作者:gregversteeg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def g_inv(x, t=4):
    """Inverse of g transform."""
    xp = np.clip(x, -t, t)
    diff = np.arctanh(np.clip(x - xp, -1 + 1e-10, 1 - 1e-10))
    return xp + diff
项目:iGAN    作者:junyanz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def initialize(self, z0):
        z = self.opt_model[2]
项目:iGAN    作者:junyanz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def invert_bfgs(gen_model, invert_model, ftr_model, im, z_predict=None, npx=64):
    _f, z = invert_model
    nz =
    if z_predict is None:
        z_predict = np_rng.uniform(-1., 1., size=(1, nz))
        z_predict = floatX(z_predict)
    z_predict = np.arctanh(z_predict)
    im_t = gen_model.transform(im)
    ftr = ftr_model(im_t)

    prob = optimize.minimize(f_bfgs, z_predict, args=(_f, im_t, ftr),
                             tol=1e-6, jac=True, method='L-BFGS-B', options={'maxiter':200})
    print('n_iters = %3d, f = %.3f' % (prob.nit,
    z_opt = prob.x
    z_opt_n = floatX(z_opt[np.newaxis, :])
    [f_opt, g, gx] = _f(z_opt_n, im_t, ftr)
    gx = gen_model.inverse_transform(gx, npx=npx)
    z_opt = np.tanh(z_opt)
    return gx, z_opt,f_opt
项目:wendy    作者:jobovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_time():
    # Just run the timer...
    N= 101
    totmass= 1.
    sigma= 1.
    zh= 2.*sigma**2./totmass
    x= numpy.arctanh(2.*numpy.random.uniform(size=N)-1)*zh
    v= numpy.random.normal(size=N)*sigma
    v-= numpy.mean(v) # stabilize
    m= numpy.ones_like(x)/N*(1.+0.1*(2.*numpy.random.uniform(size=N)-1))
    g= wendy.nbody(x,v,m,0.05,approx=True,nleap=1000,full_output=True)
    tx,tv, time_elapsed= next(g)
    assert time_elapsed < 1., 'More than 1 second elapsed for simple problem'
    return None
项目:pyflux    作者:RJT1990    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def itransform_define(transform):
        This function links the user's choice of transformation with its inverse
        if transform == 'tanh':
            return np.arctanh
        elif transform == 'exp':
            return np.log
        elif transform == 'logit':
            return Family.logit
        elif transform is None:
            return np.array
            return None
项目:pyflux    作者:RJT1990    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def itransform_name_define(transform):
        This function is used for model results table, displaying any transformations performed
        if transform == 'tanh':
            return 'arctanh'
        elif transform == 'exp':
            return 'log'
        elif transform == 'logit':
            return 'ilogit'
        elif transform is None:
            return ''
            return None
项目:PyGLM    作者:Zuzu-Typ    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def atanh(v):
    return v.__class__(numpy.arctanh(v))
项目:cuicuilco    作者:AlbertoEsc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def inv_clipping_sigma(x, max_in):
    xx = x.clip(-0.99*max_in, 0.99*max_in)
    return (max_in * numpy.arctanh(xx / max_in)).clip(-max_in, max_in)
项目:dyfunconn    作者:makism    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fisher_z(data):
    """ Fisher's z-transformation

    For a given dataset :math:`p` bound to :math:`[0.0, 1.0]`, we can use Fisher's z-transformation to normalize it
    in an approximately Gaussian distribution.

    This transformation is computed as follows:

    .. math::
        z_p := \\frac{1}{2} \\text{ln} \\left ( \\frac{1+p}{1-p} \\right ) = \\text{arctanh}(p)

    return np.arctanh(data)
项目:Theano-Deep-learning    作者:GeekLiB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_numpy_method():
    # This type of code is used frequently by PyMC3 users
    x = tt.dmatrix('x')
    data = np.random.rand(5, 5)
    x.tag.test_value = data
    for fct in [np.arccos, np.arccosh, np.arcsin, np.arcsinh,
                np.arctan, np.arctanh, np.ceil, np.cos, np.cosh, np.deg2rad,
                np.exp, np.exp2, np.expm1, np.floor, np.log,
                np.log10, np.log1p, np.log2, np.rad2deg,
                np.sin, np.sinh, np.sqrt, np.tan, np.tanh, np.trunc]:
        y = fct(x)
        f = theano.function([x], y)
项目:Theano-Deep-learning    作者:GeekLiB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def impl(self, x):
        # If x is an int8 or uint8, numpy.arctanh will compute the result in
        # half-precision (float16), where we want float32.
        x_dtype = str(getattr(x, 'dtype', ''))
        if x_dtype in ('int8', 'uint8'):
            return numpy.arctanh(x, sig='f')
        return numpy.arctanh(x)
项目:SOAR    作者:araujolma    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calcAdimCtrl(self,alfa,beta):
        #u = numpy.empty((self.N,self.m))
        Nu = len(alfa)
        u = numpy.empty((Nu,2))

        restrictions = self.restrictions
        alpha_min = restrictions['alpha_min']
        alpha_max = restrictions['alpha_max']
        beta_min = restrictions['beta_min']
        beta_max = restrictions['beta_max']

        a1 = .5*(alpha_max + alpha_min)
        a2 = .5*(alpha_max - alpha_min)
        b1 = .5*(beta_max + beta_min)
        b2 = .5*(beta_max - beta_min)

        alfa -= a1
        alfa *= 1.0/a2

        beta -= b1
        beta *= 1.0/b2

        u[:,0] = alfa.copy()
        u[:,1] = beta.copy()

        # Basic saturation
        for j in range(2):
            for k in range(Nu):
                if u[k,j] > 0.99999:
                    u[k,j] = 0.99999
                if u[k,j] < -0.99999:
                    u[k,j] = -0.99999

        u = numpy.arctanh(u)
        return u
项目:pyomo    作者:Pyomo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def arctanh(inp):
    if isinstance(inp, ooarray) and inp.dtype == object:
        return ooarray([arctanh(elem) for elem in inp])
    if not isinstance(inp, oofun):
        return np.arctanh(inp)
    # TODO: move it outside of arctanh definition
    def interval(arg_inf, arg_sup):
        raise 'interval for arctanh is unimplemented yet'
    r = oofun(np.arctanh, inp, d = lambda x: FDmisc.Diag(1.0/(1 - x**2)), vectorized = True, interval = interval)
    return r
项目:conceptnet5    作者:ymmah    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def confidence_interval(rho, N):
    Give a 95% confidence interval for a Spearman correlation score, given
    the correlation and the number of cases.
    z = np.arctanh(rho)
    interval = 1.96 / np.sqrt(N - 3)
    low = z - interval
    high = z + interval
    return pd.Series(
        [rho, np.tanh(low), np.tanh(high)],
        index=['acc', 'low', 'high']
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_numpy_ufuncs(self):
        # test ufuncs of numpy 1.9.2. see:

        # some functions are skipped because it may return different result
        # for unicode input depending on numpy version

        for name, idx in compat.iteritems(self.indices):
            for func in [np.exp, np.exp2, np.expm1, np.log, np.log2, np.log10,
                         np.log1p, np.sqrt, np.sin, np.cos, np.tan, np.arcsin,
                         np.arccos, np.arctan, np.sinh, np.cosh, np.tanh,
                         np.arcsinh, np.arccosh, np.arctanh, np.deg2rad,
                if isinstance(idx, pd.tseries.base.DatetimeIndexOpsMixin):
                    # raise TypeError or ValueError (PeriodIndex)
                    # PeriodIndex behavior should be changed in future version
                    with tm.assertRaises(Exception):
                elif isinstance(idx, (Float64Index, Int64Index)):
                    # coerces to float (e.g. np.sin)
                    result = func(idx)
                    exp = Index(func(idx.values),
                    self.assert_index_equal(result, exp)
                    self.assertIsInstance(result, pd.Float64Index)
                    # raise AttributeError or TypeError
                    if len(idx) == 0:
                        with tm.assertRaises(Exception):

            for func in [np.isfinite, np.isinf, np.isnan, np.signbit]:
                if isinstance(idx, pd.tseries.base.DatetimeIndexOpsMixin):
                    # raise TypeError or ValueError (PeriodIndex)
                    with tm.assertRaises(Exception):
                elif isinstance(idx, (Float64Index, Int64Index)):
                    # results in bool array
                    result = func(idx)
                    exp = func(idx.values)
                    self.assertIsInstance(result, np.ndarray)
                    tm.assertNotIsInstance(result, Index)
                    if len(idx) == 0:
                        with tm.assertRaises(Exception):