Python numpy 模块,atleast_3d() 实例源码


项目:lung-cancer-detector    作者:YichenGong    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def to_rgb(img):
    Converts the given array into a RGB image. If the number of channels is not
    3 the array is tiled such that it has 3 channels. Finally, the values are
    rescaled to [0,255) 

    :param img: the array to convert [nx, ny, channels]

    :returns img: the rgb image [nx, ny, 3]
    img = np.atleast_3d(img)
    channels = img.shape[2]
    if channels < 3:
        img = np.tile(img, 3)

    img[np.isnan(img)] = 0
    img -= np.amin(img)
    img /= np.amax(img)
    img *= 255
    return img
项目:yt    作者:yt-project    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def new_mesh_sampler(camera, render_source, engine):
    params = ensure_code_unit_params(camera._get_sampler_params(render_source))
    args = (
    kwargs = {'lens_type': params['lens_type']}
    if engine == 'embree':
        sampler = mesh_traversal.EmbreeMeshSampler(*args, **kwargs)
    elif engine == 'yt':
        sampler = bounding_volume_hierarchy.BVHMeshSampler(*args, **kwargs)
    return sampler
项目:yt    作者:yt-project    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def new_interpolated_projection_sampler(camera, render_source):
    params = ensure_code_unit_params(camera._get_sampler_params(render_source))
    args = (
    kwargs = {'lens_type': params['lens_type']}
    if render_source.zbuffer is not None:
        kwargs['zbuffer'] = render_source.zbuffer.z
        kwargs['zbuffer'] = np.ones(params['image'].shape[:2], "float64")
    sampler = InterpolatedProjectionSampler(*args, **kwargs)
    return sampler
项目:tf_unet    作者:jakeret    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def to_rgb(img):
    Converts the given array into a RGB image. If the number of channels is not
    3 the array is tiled such that it has 3 channels. Finally, the values are
    rescaled to [0,255) 

    :param img: the array to convert [nx, ny, channels]

    :returns img: the rgb image [nx, ny, 3]
    img = np.atleast_3d(img)
    channels = img.shape[2]
    if channels < 3:
        img = np.tile(img, 3)

    img[np.isnan(img)] = 0
    img -= np.amin(img)
    img /= np.amax(img)
    img *= 255
    return img
项目:Recognition    作者:thautwarm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getData(X,F,window=(30,30),N=10):
    #????? ? ????????????? ?????
    ?????? ?N:int
    ??: X:ndarray
    ?????: F:ndarray
    ????? window:tuple[int,int]
    ysets= np.unique(F)
    def toY(i,j):
        a=list(np.hstack( np.atleast_2d (F[i:i+window[0],j:j+window[1]])) )
        Y.append(np.array( [a.count(i) for i in ysets ]) )
        Y[-1]= ysets[Y[-1]==max(Y[-1])][0]
        return np.atleast_3d([X[i:i+window[0],j:j+window[1]]])

    Xs=sum([[ toY(i,j) for j in  range(0,X.shape[1]-window[1]-1,N)] 
     for i in range(0,X.shape[0]-window[0]-1,10)],[])
    return np.array(Xs),np.array(Y),windowGen
项目:deconvfaces    作者:zo7    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, directory, filepath, image_size):
        Constructor for an JAFFEInstance object.

            directory (str): Base directory where the example lives.
            filename (str): The name of the file of the example.
            image_size (tuple<int>): Size to resize the image to.

        filename = filepath.split('/')[-1]

        self.image = misc.imread( os.path.join(directory, filepath) )
        # some of the jaffe images are 3-channel greyscale, some are 1-channel!
        self.image = np.atleast_3d(self.image)[...,0] # make image 2d for sure
        # Resize and scale values to [0 1]
        self.image = misc.imresize( self.image, image_size )
        self.image = self.image / 255.0
        ident, _, N, _ = filename.split('.')
        # Note: the emotion encoded in the filename is the dominant
        # scoring emotion, but we ignore this and use precise emotion scores
        # from the semantic ratings table
        self.identity, self.N = ident, int(N) - 1 # 0-based instance numbering
项目:phocnet    作者:ssudholt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rotate_points(image, obj_list, angle):
        Rotates the points of the given objects by the given angle. The points will be translated
        into absolute coordinates. Therefore the image (resp. its shape) is needed.

        rotated_obj_list = []
        cosOfAngle = np.cos(2 * np.pi / 360 * -angle)
        sinOfAngle = np.sin(2 * np.pi / 360 * -angle)
        image_shape = np.array(np.atleast_3d(image).shape[0:2][::-1])
        rot_mat = np.array([[cosOfAngle, -sinOfAngle], [sinOfAngle, cosOfAngle]])
        for obj in obj_list:
            obj_name = obj[0]
            point = obj[1] * image_shape
            rotated_point = AugmentationCreator._rotate_vector_around_point(image_shape/2, point, rot_mat) / image_shape
            rotated_obj_list.append((obj_name, (rotated_point[0], rotated_point[1])))

        return rotated_obj_list
项目:phocnet    作者:ssudholt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rotate_bboxes(image, obj_list, angle):
        Rotates the bounding boxes of the given objects by the given angle. The bounding box will be
        translated into absolute coordinates. Therefore the image (resp. its shape) is needed.

        rotated_obj_list = []
        cosOfAngle = np.cos(2 * np.pi / 360 * -angle)
        sinOfAngle = np.sin(2 * np.pi / 360 * -angle)
        image_shape = np.array(np.atleast_3d(image).shape[0:2][::-1])
        rot_mat = np.array([[cosOfAngle, -sinOfAngle], [sinOfAngle, cosOfAngle]])
        for obj in obj_list:
            obj_name = obj[0]
            upper_left = obj[1]['upper_left'] * image_shape
            lower_right = obj[1]['lower_right'] * image_shape
            upper_left = AugmentationCreator._rotate_vector_around_point(image_shape/2, upper_left, rot_mat) / image_shape
            lower_right = AugmentationCreator._rotate_vector_around_point(image_shape/2, lower_right, rot_mat) / image_shape
            rotated_obj_list.append((obj_name, {'upper_left' : upper_left, 'lower_right' : lower_right}))

        return rotated_obj_list
项目:spherical_image_editing    作者:henryseg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_interpolated_pixel_color_rbspline(pts, s_im, size):
    """given pts in floats, linear interpolate pixel values nearby to get a good colour"""
    pts = clamp(pts, size)

    s_im = np.atleast_3d(s_im)
    ys,xs = size
    ycoords, xcoords = np.arange(ys), np.arange(xs)
    out = np.empty(pts.shape[1:] + (s_im.shape[-1],),dtype=s_im.dtype)

    pts_vec = pts.reshape((2,-1))
    out_vec = out.reshape((-1,s_im.shape[-1])) #flatten for easier vectorization
    for i in range(s_im.shape[-1]): #loop over color channels
        rbspline = RectBivariateSpline(ycoords, xcoords, s_im[...,i])
        out_vec[:,i] = rbspline.ev(pts_vec[0],pts_vec[1])
    return out

### Functions generating SL(2,C) matrices ###
# Do not need to be vectorized #
项目:spherical_image_editing    作者:henryseg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def apply_SL2C_elt_to_image(M_SL2C, src_image, out_size=None):

    s_im = np.atleast_3d(src_image)
    in_size = s_im.shape[:-1]
    if out_size is None:
        out_size = in_size
    #We are going to find the location in the source image that each pixel in the output image comes from

    #least squares matrix inversion (find X such that M @ X = I ==> X = inv(M) @ I = inv(M))
    Minv = np.linalg.lstsq(M_SL2C, np.eye(2))[0]
    #all of the x,y pairs in o_im:
    pts_out = np.indices(out_size).reshape((2,-1)) #results in a 2 x (num pixels) array of indices
    pts_out_a = angles_from_pixel_coords(pts_out, out_size)
    pts_out_s = sphere_from_angles(pts_out_a)
    pts_out_c = CP1_from_sphere(pts_out_s)
    pts_in_c =, pts_out_c) # (2x2) @ (2xn) => (2xn)
    pts_in_s = sphere_from_CP1(pts_in_c)
    pts_in_a = angles_from_sphere(pts_in_s)
    pts_in = pixel_coords_from_angles(pts_in_a, in_size)
    #reshape pts into 2 x image_shape for the interpolation
    o_im = get_interpolated_pixel_color(pts_in.reshape((2,)+out_size), s_im, in_size)

    return o_im
项目:rpncdf    作者:doylejg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _addto_netcdf(nf,var,data,units,long_name,notime=False):

    dimensions = nf.dimensions.items()

    if notime:
        dims = []
        dims = ['time',]

    for data_len in data.shape:
        dims.extend([dim for dim,dim_len in dimensions \
                     if dim_len.size==data_len])

    # WARNING: This only works for 2D lon/lat, this needs to change
    if len(dims)==3:
        input_data = np.atleast_3d(data.T).T
        input_data = data

项目:muesr    作者:bonfus    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def spacegroup_from_data(no=None, symbol=None, setting=1, 
                         centrosymmetric=None, scaled_primitive_cell=None, 
                         reciprocal_cell=None, subtrans=None, sitesym=None, 
                         rotations=None, translations=None, datafile=None):
    """Manually create a new space group instance.  This might be
    usefull when reading crystal data with its own spacegroup
    if no is not None:
        spg = Spacegroup(no, setting, datafile)
    elif symbol is not None:
        spg = Spacegroup(symbol, setting, datafile)
        raise SpacegroupValueError('either *no* or *symbol* must be given')

    have_sym = False
    if centrosymmetric is not None:
        spg._centrosymmetric = bool(centrosymmetric)
    if scaled_primitive_cell is not None:
        spg._scaled_primitive_cell = np.array(scaled_primitive_cell)
    if reciprocal_cell is not None:
        spg._reciprocal_cell = np.array(reciprocal_cell)
    if subtrans is not None:
        spg._subtrans = np.atleast_2d(subtrans)
        spg._nsubtrans = spg._subtrans.shape[0]
    if sitesym is not None:
        spg._rotations, spg._translations = parse_sitesym(sitesym)
        have_sym = True
    if rotations is not None:
        spg._rotations = np.atleast_3d(rotations)
        have_sym = True
    if translations is not None:
        spg._translations = np.atleast_2d(translations)
        have_sym = True
    if have_sym:
        if spg._rotations.shape[0] != spg._translations.shape[0]:
            raise SpacegroupValueError('inconsistent number of rotations and '
        spg._nsymop = spg._rotations.shape[0]
    return spg
项目:brainpipe    作者:EtienneCmb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __new__(self, time, y, x, clf='lda', cvtype=None, clfArg={},

        self.y = np.ravel(y)
        self.time = time

        # Define clf if it's not defined :
        if isinstance(clf, (int, str)):
            clf = defClf(y, clf=clf, **clfArg)
        self.clf = clf

        # Define cv if it's not defined :
        if isinstance(cvtype, str) and (cvtype is not None):
            cvtype = defCv(y, cvtype=cvtype, rep=1, **cvArg) = cvtype
        if isinstance(cvtype, list):
            cvtype = cvtype[0]
        # Check the size of x:
        x = np.atleast_3d(x)
        npts, ntrials = len(time), len(y)
        if x.shape[0] is not npts:
            raise ValueError('First dimension of x must be '+str(npts))
        if x.shape[1] is not ntrials:
            raise ValueError('Second dimension of x must be '+str(ntrials))

        da = np.zeros([npts, npts])
        # Training dimension
        for k in range(npts):
            xx = x[k, ...]
            # Testing dimension
            for i in range(npts):
                xy = x[i, ...]
                # If cv is defined, do a cv on the diagonal
                if (k == i) and (cvtype is not None):
                    da[i, k] = _cvscore(xx, y, clf,[0])[0]/100
                # If cv is not defined, let the diagonal at zero
                elif (k == i) and (cvtype is None):
                    da[i, k] = accuracy_score(y,, y).predict(xy))
        return 100*da
项目:pytorch_fnet    作者:AllenCellModeling    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_img_layout(
        file_records, frames_layout, tags,
        z_slice = 15,
        spacing_v = 5,
        spacing_h = 5,
    img_layout = None
    n_rows = len(frames_layout)
    n_cols = len(tags)
    for r, idx_frame in enumerate(frames_layout):
        print('frame:', idx_frame)
        tag_path_dict = file_records.get(idx_frame)
        if tag_path_dict is None:
            print('frame {:d} did not exist. skipping....'.format(idx_frame))
        offset_r = None
        for c, tag in enumerate(tags):
            path_this_tag = tag_path_dict.get(tag)
            print('using path:', path_this_tag)
            if path_this_tag is None:
            ar = tifffile.imread(path_this_tag)
            if img_layout is None:
                shape_layout = (
                    ar.shape[1]*n_rows + (n_rows - 1)*spacing_v,
                    ar.shape[2]*n_cols + (n_cols - 1)*spacing_h,
                    3,  # assume color image
                img_layout = np.ones(shape_layout, dtype=np.uint8)*color
            if offset_r is None:
                offset_r = r*(ar.shape[1] + spacing_v)
            offset_c = c*(ar.shape[2] + spacing_h)
            img = np.atleast_3d(ar[z_slice, :, :, ])
            if (r, c) == (0, 0):
                functions.add_scale_bar(img, 20, 0.3)
            img_layout[offset_r:offset_r + ar.shape[1], offset_c:offset_c + ar.shape[2], ] = img
    return img_layout
项目:yt    作者:yt-project    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_sampler_args(self, image):
        rotp = np.concatenate([self.orienter.inv_mat.ravel('F'), self.back_center.ravel()])
        args = (np.atleast_3d(rotp), np.atleast_3d(self.box_vectors[2]),
                (-self.width[0]/2.0, self.width[0]/2.0,
                 -self.width[1]/2.0, self.width[1]/2.0),
                image, self.orienter.unit_vectors[0], self.orienter.unit_vectors[1],
                np.array(self.width, dtype='float64'), self.transfer_function, self.sub_samples)
        return args, {'lens_type': 'plane-parallel'}
项目:yt    作者:yt-project    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_sampler_args(self, image):
        rotp = np.concatenate([self.orienter.inv_mat.ravel('F'), self.back_center.ravel()])
        args = (np.atleast_3d(rotp), np.atleast_3d(self.box_vectors[2]),
            (-self.width[0]/2., self.width[0]/2.,
             -self.width[1]/2., self.width[1]/2.),
            image, self.orienter.unit_vectors[0], self.orienter.unit_vectors[1],
                np.array(self.width, dtype='float64'), self.sub_samples)
        return args, {'lens_type': 'plane-parallel'}
项目:yt    作者:yt-project    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def new_volume_render_sampler(camera, render_source):
    params = ensure_code_unit_params(camera._get_sampler_params(render_source))
    args = (
    kwargs = {'lens_type': params['lens_type']}
    if "camera_data" in params:
        kwargs['camera_data'] = params['camera_data']
    if render_source.zbuffer is not None:
        kwargs['zbuffer'] = render_source.zbuffer.z
        args[4][:] = np.reshape(render_source.zbuffer.rgba[:], \
            (camera.resolution[0], camera.resolution[1], 4))
        kwargs['zbuffer'] = np.ones(params['image'].shape[:2], "float64")

    sampler = VolumeRenderSampler(*args, **kwargs)
    return sampler
项目:yt    作者:yt-project    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def select_blocks(self, selector):
        mask = self.oct_handler.mask(selector, domain_id = self.domain_id)
        slicer = OctreeSubsetBlockSlice(self)
        for i, sl in slicer:
            yield sl, np.atleast_3d(mask[i,...])
项目:Recognition    作者:thautwarm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getData(X,F,window=(30,30),N=10):

#    ysets= np.unique(F)
    def toY(i,j):
#        Y[-1]= ysets[Y[-1]==max(Y[-1])][0]
        Y[-1]=1 if Y[-1]>0.6 else 0
        return np.atleast_3d([X[i:i+window[0],j:j+window[1]]])

    Xs=sum([[ toY(i,j) for j in  range(0,X.shape[1]-window[1]-1,N)] 
     for i in range(0,X.shape[0]-window[0]-1,10)],[])
    return np.array(Xs),np.array(Y),windowGen
项目:decoding_challenge_cortana_2016_3rd    作者:kingjr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fit(self, epochs_data, y):
        """Standardizes data across channels

        epochs_data : array, shape (n_epochs, n_channels, n_times)
            The data to concatenate channels.
        y : array, shape (n_epochs,)
            The label for each epoch.

        self : instance of Scaler
            Returns the modified instance.
        if not isinstance(epochs_data, np.ndarray):
            raise ValueError("epochs_data should be of type ndarray (got %s)."
                             % type(epochs_data))

        X = np.atleast_3d(epochs_data)

        picks_list = dict()
        picks_list['mag'] = pick_types(, meg='mag', ref_meg=False,
        picks_list['grad'] = pick_types(, meg='grad', ref_meg=False,
        picks_list['eeg'] = pick_types(, eeg=True, ref_meg=False,
                                       meg=False, exclude='bads')

        self.picks_list_ = picks_list

        for key, this_pick in picks_list.items():
            if self.with_mean:
                ch_mean = X[:, this_pick, :].mean(axis=1)[:, None, :]
                self.ch_mean_[key] = ch_mean  # TODO rename attribute
            if self.with_std:
                ch_std = X[:, this_pick, :].mean(axis=1)[:, None, :]
                self.std_[key] = ch_std  # TODO rename attribute

        return self
项目:decoding_challenge_cortana_2016_3rd    作者:kingjr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def transform(self, epochs_data, y=None):
        """Standardizes data across channels

        epochs_data : array, shape (n_epochs, n_channels, n_times)
            The data.
        y : None | array, shape (n_epochs,)
            The label for each epoch.
            If None not used. Defaults to None.

        X : array, shape (n_epochs, n_channels, n_times)
            The data concatenated over channels.
        if not isinstance(epochs_data, np.ndarray):
            raise ValueError("epochs_data should be of type ndarray (got %s)."
                             % type(epochs_data))

        X = np.atleast_3d(epochs_data)

        for key, this_pick in six.iteritems(self.picks_list_):
            if self.with_mean:
                X[:, this_pick, :] -= self.ch_mean_[key]
            if self.with_std:
                X[:, this_pick, :] /= self.std_[key]

        return X
项目:decoding_challenge_cortana_2016_3rd    作者:kingjr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def inverse_transform(self, epochs_data, y=None):
        """ Inverse standardization of data across channels

        epochs_data : array, shape (n_epochs, n_channels, n_times)
            The data.
        y : None | array, shape (n_epochs,)
            The label for each epoch.
            If None not used. Defaults to None.

        X : array, shape (n_epochs, n_channels, n_times)
            The data concatenated over channels.
        if not isinstance(epochs_data, np.ndarray):
            raise ValueError("epochs_data should be of type ndarray (got %s)."
                             % type(epochs_data))

        X = np.atleast_3d(epochs_data)

        for key, this_pick in six.iteritems(self.picks_list_):
            if self.with_mean:
                X[:, this_pick, :] += self.ch_mean_[key]
            if self.with_std:
                X[:, this_pick, :] *= self.std_[key]

        return X
项目:decoding_challenge_cortana_2016_3rd    作者:kingjr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def transform(self, epochs_data, y=None):
        """For each epoch, concatenate data from different channels into a single
        feature vector.

        epochs_data : array, shape (n_epochs, n_channels, n_times)
            The data.
        y : None | array, shape (n_epochs,)
            The label for each epoch.
            If None not used. Defaults to None.

        X : array, shape (n_epochs, n_channels * n_times)
            The data concatenated over channels
        if not isinstance(epochs_data, np.ndarray):
            raise ValueError("epochs_data should be of type ndarray (got %s)."
                             % type(epochs_data))

        epochs_data = np.atleast_3d(epochs_data)

        n_epochs, n_channels, n_times = epochs_data.shape
        X = epochs_data.reshape(n_epochs, n_channels * n_times)
        # save attributes for inverse_transform
        self.n_epochs = n_epochs
        self.n_channels = n_channels
        self.n_times = n_times

        return X
项目:phocnet    作者:ssudholt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rotate_image(image, angle):
        Rotates the given image by the given angle.

        rows, cols, _ = np.atleast_3d(image).shape
        rot_mat = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((cols/2, rows/2), angle, 1)

        return cv2.warpAffine(image, rot_mat, (cols, rows))
项目:phocnet    作者:ssudholt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def translate_image(image, translation):
        Translates the given image with the given translation vector.

        rows, cols, _ = np.atleast_3d(image).shape
        trans_mat = np.array([[1, 0, translation[0]*cols], [0, 1, translation[1]*rows]])

        return cv2.warpAffine(image, trans_mat, (cols, rows))
项目:Parallel-SGD    作者:angadgill    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def img_to_graph(img, mask=None, return_as=sparse.coo_matrix, dtype=None):
    """Graph of the pixel-to-pixel gradient connections

    Edges are weighted with the gradient values.

    Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <image_feature_extraction>`.

    img : ndarray, 2D or 3D
        2D or 3D image
    mask : ndarray of booleans, optional
        An optional mask of the image, to consider only part of the
    return_as : np.ndarray or a sparse matrix class, optional
        The class to use to build the returned adjacency matrix.
    dtype : None or dtype, optional
        The data of the returned sparse matrix. By default it is the
        dtype of img

    For sklearn versions 0.14.1 and prior, return_as=np.ndarray was handled
    by returning a dense np.matrix instance.  Going forward, np.ndarray
    returns an np.ndarray, as expected.

    For compatibility, user code relying on this method should wrap its
    calls in ``np.asarray`` to avoid type issues.
    img = np.atleast_3d(img)
    n_x, n_y, n_z = img.shape
    return _to_graph(n_x, n_y, n_z, mask, img, return_as, dtype)
项目:spherical_image_editing    作者:henryseg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_interpolated_pixel_color(pts, s_im, size):
    """given pts in floats, linear interpolate pixel values nearby to get a good colour"""
    pts = clamp(pts, size)

    s_im = np.atleast_3d(s_im)
    ys,xs = size
    ycoords, xcoords = np.arange(ys), np.arange(xs)
    out = np.empty(pts.shape[1:] + (s_im.shape[-1],),dtype=s_im.dtype)
    for i in range(s_im.shape[-1]): #loop over color channels
    return out
项目:yt    作者:yt-project    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _read_fluid_selection(self, chunks, selector, fields, size):
        rv = {}
        # Now we have to do something unpleasant
        chunks = list(chunks)
        if isinstance(selector, GridSelector):
            if not (len(chunks) == len(chunks[0].objs) == 1):
                raise RuntimeError
            g = chunks[0].objs[0]
            f = h5py.File(g.filename, 'r')
            gds = f.get("/Grid%08i" %
            for ftype, fname in fields:
                rv[(ftype, fname)] = np.atleast_3d(
            return rv
        if size is None:
            size = sum((g.count(selector) for chunk in chunks
                        for g in chunk.objs))
        for field in fields:
            ftype, fname = field
            fsize = size
            rv[field] = np.empty(fsize, dtype="float64")
        ng = sum(len(c.objs) for c in chunks)
        mylog.debug("Reading %s cells of %s fields in %s grids",
                   size, [f2 for f1, f2 in fields], ng)
        ind = 0
        for chunk in chunks:
            f = None
            for g in chunk.objs:
                if f is None:
                    #print "Opening (count) %s" % g.filename
                    f = h5py.File(g.filename, "r")
                gds = f.get("/Grid%08i" %
                if gds is None:
                    gds = f
                for field in fields:
                    ftype, fname = field
                    ds = np.atleast_3d(gds.get(fname).value.transpose())
                    nd =, ds, rv[field], ind) # caches
                ind += nd
        return rv
项目:Parallel-SGD    作者:angadgill    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _to_graph(n_x, n_y, n_z, mask=None, img=None,
              return_as=sparse.coo_matrix, dtype=None):
    """Auxiliary function for img_to_graph and grid_to_graph
    edges = _make_edges_3d(n_x, n_y, n_z)

    if dtype is None:
        if img is None:
            dtype =
            dtype = img.dtype

    if img is not None:
        img = np.atleast_3d(img)
        weights = _compute_gradient_3d(edges, img)
        if mask is not None:
            edges, weights = _mask_edges_weights(mask, edges, weights)
            diag = img.squeeze()[mask]
            diag = img.ravel()
        n_voxels = diag.size
        if mask is not None:
            mask = astype(mask, dtype=np.bool, copy=False)
            mask = np.asarray(mask, dtype=np.bool)
            edges = _mask_edges_weights(mask, edges)
            n_voxels = np.sum(mask)
            n_voxels = n_x * n_y * n_z
        weights = np.ones(edges.shape[1], dtype=dtype)
        diag = np.ones(n_voxels, dtype=dtype)

    diag_idx = np.arange(n_voxels)
    i_idx = np.hstack((edges[0], edges[1]))
    j_idx = np.hstack((edges[1], edges[0]))
    graph = sparse.coo_matrix((np.hstack((weights, weights, diag)),
                              (np.hstack((i_idx, diag_idx)),
                               np.hstack((j_idx, diag_idx)))),
                              (n_voxels, n_voxels),
    if return_as is np.ndarray:
        return graph.toarray()
    return return_as(graph)