Python numpy 模块,result_type() 实例源码


项目:polara    作者:Evfro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def csc_matvec(mat_csc, vec, dense_output=True, dtype=None):
    v_nnz = vec.indices
    v_val =

    m_val =
    m_ind = mat_csc.indices
    m_ptr = mat_csc.indptr

    res_dtype = dtype or np.result_type(mat_csc.dtype, vec.dtype)
    if dense_output:
        res = np.zeros((mat_csc.shape[0],), dtype=res_dtype)
        matvec2dense(m_ptr, m_ind, m_val, v_nnz, v_val, res)
        sizes = m_ptr.take(v_nnz+1) - m_ptr.take(v_nnz)
        sizes = np.concatenate(([0], np.cumsum(sizes)))
        n = sizes[-1]
        data = np.empty((n,), dtype=res_dtype)
        indices = np.empty((n,), dtype=np.intp)
        indptr = np.array([0, n], dtype=np.intp)
        matvec2sparse(m_ptr, m_ind, m_val, v_nnz, v_val, sizes, indices, data)
        res = sp.sparse.csr_matrix((data, indices, indptr), shape=(1, mat_csc.shape[0]), dtype=res_dtype)
        res.sum_duplicates() # expensive operation
    return res
项目:polara    作者:Evfro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _sparse_dot(self, tst_mat, i2i_mat):
    # scipy always returns sparse result, even if dot product is actually dense
    # this function offers solution to this problem
    # it also takes care on sparse result w.r.t. to further processing
        if self.dense_output: # calculate dense result directly
        # TODO implement matmat multiplication instead of iteration with matvec
            res_type = np.result_type(i2i_mat.dtype, tst_mat.dtype)
            scores = np.empty((tst_mat.shape[0], i2i_mat.shape[1]), dtype=res_type)
            for i in xrange(tst_mat.shape[0]):
                v = tst_mat.getrow(i)
                scores[i, :] = csc_matvec(i2i_mat, v, dense_output=True, dtype=res_type)
            scores =
            # NOTE even though not neccessary for symmetric i2i matrix,
            # transpose helps to avoid expensive conversion to CSR (performed by scipy)
            if scores.nnz > NNZ_MAX:
                # too many nnz lead to undesired memory overhead in downvote_seen_items
                scores = scores.toarray(order='C')
        return scores
项目:cebl    作者:idfah    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, x, g, reservoir, transient=0, sideTrack=False,
                 verbose=False, **kwargs):
        x = util.segmat(x)
        g = util.segmat(g)
        self.dtype = np.result_type(x.dtype, g.dtype)

        nIn = x.shape[2]
        nOut = g.shape[2]
        Regression.__init__(self, nIn, nOut)

        self.reservoir = reservoir
        self.transient = transient
        self.sideTrack = sideTrack

        self.verbose = verbose

        self.train(x, g, **kwargs)
项目:cebl    作者:idfah    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, x, g,
                 elastic=1.0, penalty=0.0,
                 optimFunc=optim.scg, **kwargs):
        x = np.asarray(x)
        g = np.asarray(g)
        self.dtype = np.result_type(x.dtype, g.dtype)

        if g.ndim > 1:
            self.flattenOut = False
            self.flattenOut = True

        self.elastic = elastic
        self.penalty = penalty

        Regression.__init__(self, util.colmat(x).shape[1],

        self.weights = weightInitFunc((self.nIn+1, self.nOut)).astype(self.dtype, copy=False)

        if optimFunc is not None:
            self.train(x, g, optimFunc, **kwargs)
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _align(terms):
    """Align a set of terms"""
        # flatten the parse tree (a nested list, really)
        terms = list(com.flatten(terms))
    except TypeError:
        # can't iterate so it must just be a constant or single variable
        if isinstance(terms.value, pd.core.generic.NDFrame):
            typ = type(terms.value)
            return typ, _zip_axes_from_type(typ, terms.value.axes)
        return np.result_type(terms.type), None

    # if all resolved variables are numeric scalars
    if all(term.isscalar for term in terms):
        return _result_type_many(*(term.value for term in terms)).type, None

    # perform the main alignment
    typ, axes = _align_core(terms)
    return typ, axes
项目:sparse    作者:mrocklin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _cartesian_product(*arrays):
        Get the cartesian product of a number of arrays.

        arrays : Iterable[np.ndarray]
            The arrays to get a cartesian product of. Always sorted with respect
            to the original array.
        out : np.ndarray
            The overall cartesian product of all the input arrays.
        broadcastable = np.ix_(*arrays)
        broadcasted = np.broadcast_arrays(*broadcastable)
        rows, cols =[0].shape), len(broadcasted)
        dtype = np.result_type(*arrays)
        out = np.empty(rows * cols, dtype=dtype)
        start, end = 0, rows
        for a in broadcasted:
            out[start:end] = a.reshape(-1)
            start, end = end, end + rows
        return out.reshape(cols, rows)
项目:eucl_dist    作者:droyed    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def auto_dtype(A, B):
    Get promoted datatype for A and B combined.

    A : ndarray
    B : ndarray

    precision : dtype
        Datatype that would be used after appplying NumPy type promotion rules.
    If its not float dtype, e.g. int dtype, output is `float32` dtype.


    # Datatype that would be used after appplying NumPy type promotion rules
    precision = np.result_type(A.dtype, B.dtype)

    # Cast to float32 dtype for dtypes that are not float
    if np.issubdtype(precision, float)==0:
        precision = np.float32

    return precision
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_result_type(self):
        assert_(np.result_type(None) == np.dtype(None))
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_weights(self):
        y = np.arange(10)
        w = np.arange(10)
        actual = average(y, weights=w)
        desired = (np.arange(10) ** 2).sum() * 1. / np.arange(10).sum()
        assert_almost_equal(actual, desired)

        y1 = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
        w0 = [1, 2]
        actual = average(y1, weights=w0, axis=0)
        desired = np.array([3., 4., 5.])
        assert_almost_equal(actual, desired)

        w1 = [0, 0, 1]
        actual = average(y1, weights=w1, axis=1)
        desired = np.array([3., 6.])
        assert_almost_equal(actual, desired)

        # This should raise an error. Can we test for that ?
        # assert_equal(average(y1, weights=w1), 9./2.)

        # 2D Case
        w2 = [[0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 2]]
        desired = np.array([3., 6.])
        assert_array_equal(average(y1, weights=w2, axis=1), desired)
        assert_equal(average(y1, weights=w2), 5.)

        y3 = rand(5).astype(np.float32)
        w3 = rand(5).astype(np.float64)

        assert_(np.average(y3, weights=w3).dtype == np.result_type(y3, w3))
项目:cupy    作者:cupy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def asfptype(self):
        """Upcasts matrix to a floating point format.

        When the matrix has floating point type, the method returns itself.
        Otherwise it makes a copy with floating point type and the same format.

            cupy.sparse.spmatrix: A matrix with float type.

        if self.dtype.kind == 'f':
            return self
            typ = numpy.result_type(self.dtype, 'f')
            return self.astype(typ)
项目:krpcScripts    作者:jwvanderbeck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_result_type(self):
        assert_(np.result_type(None) == np.dtype(None))
项目:krpcScripts    作者:jwvanderbeck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_weights(self):
        y = np.arange(10)
        w = np.arange(10)
        actual = average(y, weights=w)
        desired = (np.arange(10) ** 2).sum() * 1. / np.arange(10).sum()
        assert_almost_equal(actual, desired)

        y1 = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
        w0 = [1, 2]
        actual = average(y1, weights=w0, axis=0)
        desired = np.array([3., 4., 5.])
        assert_almost_equal(actual, desired)

        w1 = [0, 0, 1]
        actual = average(y1, weights=w1, axis=1)
        desired = np.array([3., 6.])
        assert_almost_equal(actual, desired)

        # This should raise an error. Can we test for that ?
        # assert_equal(average(y1, weights=w1), 9./2.)

        # 2D Case
        w2 = [[0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 2]]
        desired = np.array([3., 6.])
        assert_array_equal(average(y1, weights=w2, axis=1), desired)
        assert_equal(average(y1, weights=w2), 5.)

        y3 = rand(5).astype(np.float32)
        w3 = rand(5).astype(np.float64)

        assert_(np.average(y3, weights=w3).dtype == np.result_type(y3, w3))
项目:cebl    作者:idfah    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, classData, average=0.0, shrinkage=0.0):
        """Construct a new Quadratic Discriminant Analysis (QDA) classifier.

            classData:  Training data.  This is a numpy array or list of numpy
                        arrays with shape (nCls,nObs[,nIn]).  If the dimensions
                        index is missing the data is assumed to be

            average:    This parameter regularizes QDA by mixing the class
                        covariance matrices with the average covariance matrix.
                        A value of zero is pure QDA while a value of one
                        reduces to LDA.

            shrinkage:  This parameter regularizes QDA by shrinking each
                        covariance matrix toward the average eigenvalue of
                        the average covariance matrix.

            A trained QDA classifier.
        Classifier.__init__(self, util.colmat(classData[0]).shape[1],

        self.dtype = np.result_type(*[cls.dtype for cls in classData])

        # average regularization parameter
        self.average = average

        # shrinkage regularization parameter
        self.shrinkage = shrinkage

项目:cebl    作者:idfah    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, classData, shrinkage=0):
        """Construct a new Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) classifier.

            classData:  Training data.  This is a numpy array or list of numpy
                        arrays with shape (nCls,nObs[,nIn]).  If the dimensions
                        index is missing the data is assumed to be

            shrinkage:  This parameter regularizes LDA by shrinking the average
                        covariance matrix toward its average eigenvalue:
                            covariance = (1-shrinkage)*covariance +
                        Behavior is undefined if shrinkage is outside [0,1].
                        This parameter has no effect if average is 0.

            A trained LDA classifier.
        Classifier.__init__(self, util.colmat(classData[0]).shape[1],

        self.dtype = np.result_type(*[cls.dtype for cls in classData])

        self.shrinkage = shrinkage

项目:cebl    作者:idfah    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, classData, weightInitFunc=pinit.runif,
                 optimFunc=optim.scg, **kwargs):
        """Create a new logistic regression classifier.

            classData:      Training data.  This is a numpy array or list of numpy
                            arrays with shape (nCls,nObs[,nIn]).  If the
                            dimensions index is missing the data is assumed to
                            be one-dimensional.

            weightInitFunc: Function to initialize the model weights.
                            The default function is the runif function in the
                            paraminit module.  See the paraminit module for
                            more candidates.

            optimFunc:      Function used to optimize the model weights.
                            See ml.optim for some candidate optimization

            kwargs:         Additional arguments passed to optimFunc.


            A new, trained logistic regression classifier.
        Classifier.__init__(self, util.colmat(classData[0]).shape[1],

        self.dtype = np.result_type(*[cls.dtype for cls in classData])

        self.weights = weightInitFunc((self.nIn+1, self.nCls)).astype(self.dtype, copy=False)

        self.train(classData, optimFunc, **kwargs)
项目:cebl    作者:idfah    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, x, g, penalty=0.0, pseudoInv=True):
        Regression.__init__(self, util.colmat(x).shape[1],

        self.dtype = np.result_type(x.dtype, g.dtype)

        self.penalty = penalty
        self.pseudoInv = pseudoInv

        self.train(x, g)
项目:cebl    作者:idfah    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def indicatorsFromVector(vector, nCls=None, conf=1.0):
    dtype = np.result_type(vector.dtype, np.float32)

    if nCls is None:
        nCls = np.max(vector)+1

    labels = np.arange(nCls, dtype=dtype)
    indicators = np.ones((len(vector), len(labels)), dtype=dtype)
    indicators = ((indicators*vector[:,None]) == (indicators*labels))

    offset = (1.0 - conf) / (nCls-1)
    indicators = indicators * (conf-offset) + offset

    return indicators.astype(dtype, copy=False)
项目:GPflow    作者:GPflow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _valid_input(self, value, dtype=None):
        if not misc.is_valid_param_value(value):
            msg = 'The value must be either a tensorflow variable, an array or a scalar.'
            raise ValueError(msg)
        cast = not (dtype is None)
        is_built = False
        shape = None
        if hasattr(self, '_value'): # The parameter has not initialized yet.
            is_built = self.is_built_coherence() == Build.YES
            shape = self.shape
            inner_dtype = self.dtype
            if dtype is not None and inner_dtype != dtype:
                msg = 'Overriding parameter\'s type "{0}" with "{1}" is not possible.'
                raise ValueError(msg.format(inner_dtype, dtype))
            elif isinstance(value, np.ndarray) and inner_dtype != value.dtype:
                msg = 'The value has different data type "{0}". Parameter type is "{1}".'
                raise ValueError(msg.format(value.dtype, inner_dtype))
            cast = False
            dtype = inner_dtype
        if misc.is_number(value):
            value_type = np.result_type(value).type
            num_type = misc.normalize_num_type(value_type)
            dtype = num_type if dtype is None else dtype
            value = np.array(value, dtype=dtype)
        elif misc.is_list(value):
            dtype = settings.float_type if dtype is None else dtype
            value = np.array(value, dtype=dtype)
        elif cast:
            value = value.astype(dtype)
        if shape is not None and self.fixed_shape and is_built and shape != value.shape:
            msg = 'Value has different shape. Parameter shape {0}, value shape {1}.'
            raise ValueError(msg.format(shape, value.shape))
        return value
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _result_type_many(*arrays_and_dtypes):
    """ wrapper around numpy.result_type which overcomes the NPY_MAXARGS (32)
    argument limit """
        return np.result_type(*arrays_and_dtypes)
    except ValueError:
        # we have > NPY_MAXARGS terms in our expression
        return reduce(np.result_type, arrays_and_dtypes)
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_result_type(self):
        assert_(np.result_type(None) == np.dtype(None))
项目:aws-lambda-numpy    作者:vitolimandibhrata    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_result_type(self):
        assert_(np.result_type(None) == np.dtype(None))
项目:aws-lambda-numpy    作者:vitolimandibhrata    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_weights(self):
        y = np.arange(10)
        w = np.arange(10)
        actual = average(y, weights=w)
        desired = (np.arange(10) ** 2).sum() * 1. / np.arange(10).sum()
        assert_almost_equal(actual, desired)

        y1 = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
        w0 = [1, 2]
        actual = average(y1, weights=w0, axis=0)
        desired = np.array([3., 4., 5.])
        assert_almost_equal(actual, desired)

        w1 = [0, 0, 1]
        actual = average(y1, weights=w1, axis=1)
        desired = np.array([3., 6.])
        assert_almost_equal(actual, desired)

        # This should raise an error. Can we test for that ?
        # assert_equal(average(y1, weights=w1), 9./2.)

        # 2D Case
        w2 = [[0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 2]]
        desired = np.array([3., 6.])
        assert_array_equal(average(y1, weights=w2, axis=1), desired)
        assert_equal(average(y1, weights=w2), 5.)

        y3 = rand(5).astype(np.float32)
        w3 = rand(5).astype(np.float64)

        assert_(np.average(y3, weights=w3).dtype == np.result_type(y3, w3))
项目:lambda-numba    作者:rlhotovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_result_type(self):
        assert_(np.result_type(None) == np.dtype(None))
项目:lambda-numba    作者:rlhotovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_weights(self):
        y = np.arange(10)
        w = np.arange(10)
        actual = average(y, weights=w)
        desired = (np.arange(10) ** 2).sum() * 1. / np.arange(10).sum()
        assert_almost_equal(actual, desired)

        y1 = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
        w0 = [1, 2]
        actual = average(y1, weights=w0, axis=0)
        desired = np.array([3., 4., 5.])
        assert_almost_equal(actual, desired)

        w1 = [0, 0, 1]
        actual = average(y1, weights=w1, axis=1)
        desired = np.array([3., 6.])
        assert_almost_equal(actual, desired)

        # This should raise an error. Can we test for that ?
        # assert_equal(average(y1, weights=w1), 9./2.)

        # 2D Case
        w2 = [[0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 2]]
        desired = np.array([3., 6.])
        assert_array_equal(average(y1, weights=w2, axis=1), desired)
        assert_equal(average(y1, weights=w2), 5.)

        y3 = rand(5).astype(np.float32)
        w3 = rand(5).astype(np.float64)

        assert_(np.average(y3, weights=w3).dtype == np.result_type(y3, w3))
项目:deliver    作者:orchestor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_result_type(self):
        assert_(np.result_type(None) == np.dtype(None))
项目:deliver    作者:orchestor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_weights(self):
        y = np.arange(10)
        w = np.arange(10)
        actual = average(y, weights=w)
        desired = (np.arange(10) ** 2).sum() * 1. / np.arange(10).sum()
        assert_almost_equal(actual, desired)

        y1 = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
        w0 = [1, 2]
        actual = average(y1, weights=w0, axis=0)
        desired = np.array([3., 4., 5.])
        assert_almost_equal(actual, desired)

        w1 = [0, 0, 1]
        actual = average(y1, weights=w1, axis=1)
        desired = np.array([3., 6.])
        assert_almost_equal(actual, desired)

        # This should raise an error. Can we test for that ?
        # assert_equal(average(y1, weights=w1), 9./2.)

        # 2D Case
        w2 = [[0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 2]]
        desired = np.array([3., 6.])
        assert_array_equal(average(y1, weights=w2, axis=1), desired)
        assert_equal(average(y1, weights=w2), 5.)

        y3 = rand(5).astype(np.float32)
        w3 = rand(5).astype(np.float64)

        assert_(np.average(y3, weights=w3).dtype == np.result_type(y3, w3))
项目:neurotools    作者:michaelerule    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cartesian_product(*arrays):
    la = len(arrays)
    dtype = numpy.result_type(*arrays)
    arr = numpy.empty([len(a) for a in arrays] + [la], dtype=dtype)
    for i, a in enumerate(numpy.ix_(*arrays)):
        arr[...,i] = a
    return arr.reshape(-1, la)
项目:Alfred    作者:jkachhadia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_result_type(self):
        assert_(np.result_type(None) == np.dtype(None))
项目:Alfred    作者:jkachhadia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_weights(self):
        y = np.arange(10)
        w = np.arange(10)
        actual = average(y, weights=w)
        desired = (np.arange(10) ** 2).sum() * 1. / np.arange(10).sum()
        assert_almost_equal(actual, desired)

        y1 = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
        w0 = [1, 2]
        actual = average(y1, weights=w0, axis=0)
        desired = np.array([3., 4., 5.])
        assert_almost_equal(actual, desired)

        w1 = [0, 0, 1]
        actual = average(y1, weights=w1, axis=1)
        desired = np.array([3., 6.])
        assert_almost_equal(actual, desired)

        # This should raise an error. Can we test for that ?
        # assert_equal(average(y1, weights=w1), 9./2.)

        # 2D Case
        w2 = [[0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 2]]
        desired = np.array([3., 6.])
        assert_array_equal(average(y1, weights=w2, axis=1), desired)
        assert_equal(average(y1, weights=w2), 5.)

        y3 = rand(5).astype(np.float32)
        w3 = rand(5).astype(np.float64)

        assert_(np.average(y3, weights=w3).dtype == np.result_type(y3, w3))
项目:cebl    作者:idfah    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, x, g, recs=(8,4,2), transient=0, phi=transfer.tanh,
                 #iwInitFunc=pinit.lecun, rwInitFunc=pinit.lecun,
                 hwInitFunc=pinit.esp, vwInitFunc=pinit.lecun, optimFunc=optim.scg,
        x = util.segmat(x)
        g = util.segmat(g)

        self.dtype = np.result_type(x.dtype, g.dtype)

        Regression.__init__(self, x.shape[2], g.shape[2])

        self.transient = transient
        self.phi       = phi

        self.nRecHiddens = list(recs)
        self.nRecLayers = len(self.nRecHiddens)

        self.layerDims = [(self.nIn+self.nRecHiddens[0]+1, self.nRecHiddens[0])]
        for l in xrange(1, self.nRecLayers):
            self.layerDims.append((self.nRecHiddens[l-1]+self.nRecHiddens[l]+1, self.nRecHiddens[l]))
        self.layerDims.append((self.nRecHiddens[-1]+1, self.nOut))

        views = util.packedViews(self.layerDims, dtype=self.dtype)  = views[0]
        self.hws = views[1:-1]
        self.vw  = views[-1]

        self.iws = []
        self.rws = []
        nIn = self.nIn
        for l in xrange(self.nRecLayers):
            iw = self.hws[l][:(nIn+1)]
            rw = self.hws[l][(nIn+1):]

            #self.iws[l][...] = iwInitFunc(iw.shape).astype(self.dtype, copy=False)
            #self.rws[l][...] = rwInitFunc(rw.shape).astype(self.dtype, copy=False)

            nIn = self.nRecHiddens[l]

            self.hws[l][...] = hwInitFunc(self.hws[l].shape).astype(self.dtype, copy=False)

        self.vw[...] = vwInitFunc(self.vw.shape).astype(self.dtype, copy=False)

        # train the network
        if optimFunc is not None:
            self.train(x, g, optimFunc, **kwargs)
项目:cebl    作者:idfah    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, x, g, nHidden=10, transFunc=transfer.lecun,
                 weightInitFunc=pinit.lecun, penalty=None, elastic=1.0,
                 optimFunc=optim.scg, **kwargs):
        x = np.asarray(x)
        g = np.asarray(g)
        self.dtype = np.result_type(x.dtype, g.dtype)

        self.flattenOut = False if g.ndim > 1 else True

        Regression.__init__(self, util.colmat(x).shape[1],

        self.nHidden = nHidden if util.isiterable(nHidden) else (nHidden,)
        self.nHLayers = len(self.nHidden)

        self.layerDims = [(self.nIn+1, self.nHidden[0])]
        for l in xrange(1, self.nHLayers):
            self.layerDims.append((self.nHidden[l-1]+1, self.nHidden[l]))
        self.layerDims.append((self.nHidden[-1]+1, self.nOut))

        self.transFunc = transFunc if util.isiterable(transFunc) \
                else (transFunc,) * self.nHLayers
        assert len(self.transFunc) == self.nHLayers

        views = util.packedViews(self.layerDims, dtype=self.dtype)  = views[0]
        self.hws = views[1:-1]
        self.vw  = views[-1]

        if not util.isiterable(weightInitFunc): 
            weightInitFunc = (weightInitFunc,) * (self.nHLayers+1)
        assert len(weightInitFunc) == (len(self.hws) + 1)

        # initialize weights
        for hw, wif in zip(self.hws, weightInitFunc):
            hw[...] = wif(hw.shape).astype(self.dtype, copy=False)
        self.vw[...] = weightInitFunc[-1](self.vw.shape).astype(self.dtype, copy=False)

        self.penalty = penalty
        if self.penalty is not None:
            if not util.isiterable(self.penalty):
                self.penalty = (self.penalty,) * (self.nHLayers+1)
        assert (self.penalty is None) or (len(self.penalty) == (len(self.hws) + 1))

        self.elastic = elastic if util.isiterable(elastic) \
                else (elastic,) * (self.nHLayers+1)
        assert (len(self.elastic) == (len(self.hws) + 1))

        # train the network
        if optimFunc is not None:
            self.train(x, g, optimFunc, **kwargs)
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _reconstruct_object(typ, obj, axes, dtype):
    """Reconstruct an object given its type, raw value, and possibly empty
    (None) axes.

    typ : object
        A type
    obj : object
        The value to use in the type constructor
    axes : dict
        The axes to use to construct the resulting pandas object

    ret : typ
        An object of type ``typ`` with the value `obj` and possible axes
        typ = typ.type
    except AttributeError:

    res_t = np.result_type(obj.dtype, dtype)

    if (not isinstance(typ, partial) and
            issubclass(typ, pd.core.generic.PandasObject)):
        return typ(obj, dtype=res_t, **axes)

    # special case for pathological things like ~True/~False
    if hasattr(res_t, 'type') and typ == np.bool_ and res_t != np.bool_:
        ret_value = res_t.type(obj)
        ret_value = typ(obj).astype(res_t)
        # The condition is to distinguish 0-dim array (returned in case of
        # scalar) and 1 element array
        # e.g. np.array(0) and np.array([0])
        if len(obj.shape) == 1 and len(obj) == 1:
            if not isinstance(ret_value, np.ndarray):
                ret_value = np.array([ret_value]).astype(res_t)

    return ret_value
项目:sparse    作者:mrocklin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_expanded_coords_data(coords, data, params, broadcast_shape):
        Expand coordinates/data to broadcast_shape. Does most of the heavy lifting for broadcast_to.
        Produces sorted output for sorted inputs.

        coords : np.ndarray
            The coordinates to expand.
        data : np.ndarray
            The data corresponding to the coordinates.
        params : list
            The broadcast parameters.
        broadcast_shape : tuple[int]
            The shape to broadcast to.
        expanded_coords : np.ndarray
            List of 1-D arrays. Each item in the list has one dimension of coordinates.
        expanded_data : np.ndarray
            The data corresponding to expanded_coords.
        first_dim = -1
        expand_shapes = []
        for d, p, l in zip(range(len(broadcast_shape)), params, broadcast_shape):
            if p and first_dim == -1:
                first_dim = d

            if not p:

        all_idx = COO._cartesian_product(*(np.arange(d, dtype=np.min_scalar_type(d - 1)) for d in expand_shapes))
        dt = np.result_type(*(np.min_scalar_type(l - 1) for l in broadcast_shape))

        false_dim = 0
        dim = 0

        expanded_coords = np.empty((len(broadcast_shape), all_idx.shape[1]), dtype=dt)
        expanded_data = data[all_idx[first_dim]]

        for d, p, l in zip(range(len(broadcast_shape)), params, broadcast_shape):
            if p:
                expanded_coords[d] = coords[dim, all_idx[first_dim]]
                expanded_coords[d] = all_idx[false_dim + (d > first_dim)]
                false_dim += 1

            if p is not None:
                dim += 1

        return np.asarray(expanded_coords), np.asarray(expanded_data)

    # (c) senderle
    # Taken from
    # License: