Python os.path 模块,islink() 实例源码


项目:enigma2    作者:OpenLD    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getCoverPath():
    blockList = ['hdd', 'net', 'mmc', 'cf', 'usb', 'upnp', 'sdcard', 'uSDextra']
    dirList = os_listdir("/media")
    coverPaths = ['/usr/share/enigma2/cover/', '/data/cover/', '/media/cf/cover/', '/media/usb/cover/', '/media/upnp/cover/', '/media/sdcard/cover/', '/media/hdd/cover/', '/media/net/cover/', '/media/mmc/cover/', '/media/uSDextra/cover/']

    if fileExists("/proc/mounts"):
        mountsFile = open("/proc/mounts" ,"r")
        for line in mountsFile:
            entry = line.split()
            if entry[2] in ["nfs", "nfs4", "smbfs", "cifs", "djmount"]:
                if entry[1].startswith("/media/"):

    for dir in dirList:
        if dir in blockList:
            print dir, blockList
        if os_path.ismount("/media/%s" %(dir)) or (os_path.islink("/media/%s" %(dir)) and os_path.ismount(os_path.realpath("/media/%s" %(dir)))):
            path = "/media/%s/cover/" % (dir)
    return coverPaths
项目:pipeline    作者:liorbenhorin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_ext_volume_global_trash(volume_root):
    # from [2] Trash directories (1) check for a .Trash dir with the right
    # permissions set.
    trash_dir = op.join(volume_root, TOPDIR_TRASH)
    if not op.exists(trash_dir):
        return None

    mode = os.lstat(trash_dir).st_mode
    # vol/.Trash must be a directory, cannot be a symlink, and must have the
    # sticky bit set.
    if not op.isdir(trash_dir) or op.islink(trash_dir) or not (mode & stat.S_ISVTX):
        return None

    trash_dir = op.join(trash_dir, str(uid))
    except OSError:
        return None
    return trash_dir
项目:support    作者:KwatME    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def remove_path(path):
    Remove path.
        path (str):

    if islink(path):

    elif isdir(path):

    elif exists(path):
项目:pyrqlite    作者:rqlite    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self):
        testpath = 'src/test'
        buildlink = 'build/lib/test'

        if isdir(dirname(buildlink)):
            if islink(buildlink):

            os.symlink(relpath(testpath, dirname(buildlink)), buildlink)
            testpath = buildlink

            os.environ['EPYTHON'] = 'python{}.{}'.format(sys.version_info.major, sys.version_info.minor)
            subprocess.check_call(['py.test', '-v', testpath, '-s',
                        '--cov-report=html', '--cov-report=term'] +
                       (['-k', self.match] if self.match else []) +
                       ['--cov={}'.format(p) for p in find_packages(dirname(testpath), exclude=['test'])])

            if islink(buildlink):
项目:Taigabot    作者:FrozenPigs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def is_git_dir(d):
    """ This is taken from the git setup.c:is_git_directory

    @throws WorkTreeRepositoryUnsupported if it sees a worktree directory. It's quite hacky to do that here,
            but at least clearly indicates that we don't support it.
            There is the unlikely danger to throw if we see directories which just look like a worktree dir,
            but are none."""
    if osp.isdir(d):
        if osp.isdir(osp.join(d, 'objects')) and osp.isdir(osp.join(d, 'refs')):
            headref = osp.join(d, 'HEAD')
            return osp.isfile(headref) or \
                (osp.islink(headref) and
        elif (osp.isfile(osp.join(d, 'gitdir')) and
              osp.isfile(osp.join(d, 'commondir')) and
              osp.isfile(osp.join(d, 'gitfile'))):
            raise WorkTreeRepositoryUnsupported(d)
    return False
项目:importance-sampling    作者:idiap    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def walk_directories(root):
    """'find' in a generator function."""
    for child in os.listdir(root):
        if child.startswith("."):

        full_path = path.join(root, child)
        if path.isfile(full_path):
            yield full_path
        elif full_path.endswith((path.sep+".", path.sep+"..")):
        elif path.islink(full_path):
            for fp in walk_directories(full_path):
                yield fp
项目:FileManager    作者:math2001    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_ext_volume_global_trash(volume_root):
    # from [2] Trash directories (1) check for a .Trash dir with the right
    # permissions set.
    trash_dir = op.join(volume_root, TOPDIR_TRASH)
    if not op.exists(trash_dir):
        return None

    mode = os.lstat(trash_dir).st_mode
    # vol/.Trash must be a directory, cannot be a symlink, and must have the
    # sticky bit set.
    if not op.isdir(trash_dir) or op.islink(trash_dir) or not (mode & stat.S_ISVTX):
        return None

    trash_dir = op.join(trash_dir, str(uid))
    except OSError:
        return None
    return trash_dir
项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __getitem__(self, index):
        while 1:
                file = self.files[self.index]
                self.index = self.index + 1
            except IndexError:
                # pop next directory from stack
       = self.stack.pop()
                self.files = os.listdir(
                self.index = 0
                # got a filename
                fullname = join(, file)
                if isdir(fullname) and not islink(fullname):
                if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, self.pattern):
                    return fullname

# The real thing
项目:NoDialogs    作者:maximsmol    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_ext_volume_global_trash(volume_root):
    # from [2] Trash directories (1) check for a .Trash dir with the right
    # permissions set.
    trash_dir = op.join(volume_root, TOPDIR_TRASH)
    if not op.exists(trash_dir):
        return None

    mode = os.lstat(trash_dir).st_mode
    # vol/.Trash must be a directory, cannot be a symlink, and must have the
    # sticky bit set.
    if not op.isdir(trash_dir) or op.islink(trash_dir) or not (mode & stat.S_ISVTX):
        return None

    trash_dir = op.join(trash_dir, str(uid))
    except OSError:
        return None
    return trash_dir
项目:MUBench    作者:stg-tud    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def copy_tree(src: str, dst: str) -> None:
    if not exists(src): raise FileNotFoundError("Cannot copy non-existent file or directory '{}'.".format(src))
    makedirs(dst, exist_ok=True)

    for content in [join(src, content) for content in listdir(src)]:
        if islink(content):
            link_target = readlink(content)
            link_name = basename(content)
            symlink(link_target, join(dst, link_name))
        elif isdir(content):
            directory_name = join(dst, basename(content))
            makedirs(directory_name, exist_ok=True)
            copy_tree(content, directory_name)
        elif isfile(content):
            copy(content, dst)
            raise UserWarning("unknown file type: {}".format(content))
项目:.sublime    作者:cxdongjack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_ext_volume_global_trash(volume_root):
    # from [2] Trash directories (1) check for a .Trash dir with the right
    # permissions set.
    trash_dir = op.join(volume_root, TOPDIR_TRASH)
    if not op.exists(trash_dir):
        return None

    mode = os.lstat(trash_dir).st_mode
    # vol/.Trash must be a directory, cannot be a symlink, and must have the
    # sticky bit set.
    if not op.isdir(trash_dir) or op.islink(trash_dir) or not (mode & stat.S_ISVTX):
        return None

    trash_dir = op.join(trash_dir, str(uid))
    except OSError:
        return None
    return trash_dir
项目:georef    作者:nasa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self):
        siteMediaDir = op.join(PROJ_ROOT, 'media')
        if not op.exists(siteMediaDir):
        subApps = find_sub_apps()
        for name, directory in subApps:
            mediaDirectory = op.join(directory, 'media', name)
            if not op.exists(mediaDirectory):
                self.announce("skipping " + name + ": media directory does not exist")
            destination = op.join(siteMediaDir, name)
            if op.exists(destination):
                if not op.islink(destination):
                    self.announce("skipping " + name + ": not a symlink")
                if not self.force:
                    self.announce("skipping " + name + ": file exists (use -f to override)")
            os.symlink(directory, destination)
项目:Chromium_DepotTools    作者:p07r0457    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def remove_dead_links(directory, verbose=0):
    """Recursively traverse directory and remove all dead links.

    :type directory: str
    :param directory: directory to cleanup

    :type verbose: bool
    :param verbose:
      flag indicating whether information about deleted links should be
      printed to stderr, default to False
    for dirpath, dirname, filenames in walk(directory):
        for filename in dirnames + filenames:
            src = join(dirpath, filename)
            if islink(src) and not exists(src):
                if verbose:
                    print('remove dead link', src)
项目:node-gn    作者:Shouqun    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def remove_dead_links(directory, verbose=0):
    """Recursively traverse directory and remove all dead links.

    :type directory: str
    :param directory: directory to cleanup

    :type verbose: bool
    :param verbose:
      flag indicating whether information about deleted links should be
      printed to stderr, default to False
    for dirpath, dirname, filenames in walk(directory):
        for filename in dirnames + filenames:
            src = join(dirpath, filename)
            if islink(src) and not exists(src):
                if verbose:
                    print('remove dead link', src)
项目:niceman    作者:ReproNim    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rmtree(path, chmod_files='auto', *args, **kwargs):
    """To remove git-annex .git it is needed to make all files and directories writable again first

    chmod_files : string or bool, optional
       Either to make files writable also before removal.  Usually it is just
       a matter of directories to have write permissions.
       If 'auto' it would chmod files on windows by default
    `*args` :
    `**kwargs` :
       Passed into shutil.rmtree call
    # Give W permissions back only to directories, no need to bother with files
    if chmod_files == 'auto':
        chmod_files = on_windows

    if not os.path.islink(path):
        rotree(path, ro=False, chmod_files=chmod_files)
        shutil.rmtree(path, *args, **kwargs)
        # just remove the symlink
项目:niceman    作者:ReproNim    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lmtime(filepath, mtime):
        """Set mtime for files, while not de-referencing symlinks.

        To overcome absence of os.lutime

        Works only on linux and OSX ATM
        from .cmd import Runner
        # convert mtime to format touch understands [[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm[.SS]
        smtime = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M.%S", time.localtime(mtime))
        lgr.log(3, "Setting mtime for %s to %s == %s", filepath, mtime, smtime)
        Runner().run(['touch', '-h', '-t', '%s' % smtime, filepath])
        rfilepath = realpath(filepath)
        if islink(filepath) and exists(rfilepath):
            # trust noone - adjust also of the target file
            # since it seemed like downloading under OSX (was it using curl?)
            # didn't bother with timestamps
            lgr.log(3, "File is a symlink to %s Setting mtime for it to %s",
                    rfilepath, mtime)
            os.utime(rfilepath, (time.time(), mtime))
        # doesn't work on OSX
        # Runner().run(['touch', '-h', '-d', '@%s' % mtime, filepath])
项目:git-big    作者:vertexai    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_fresh_clone(env):
    '''Make a fresh clone and pull'''

    # make the origin repo

    # clone it
    clone = env.clone(cache_dir='clone_cache')

    # pull big files (initially soft)
    check_call(['git', 'big', 'pull'])

    assert islink(join(clone.repo_dir, 'foo'))
    assert islink(join(clone.repo_dir, 'bar'))

    assert not isfile(join(clone.repo_dir, 'foo'))
    assert not isfile(join(clone.repo_dir, 'bar'))

    # pull big files (now hard)
    check_output(['git', 'big', 'pull', '--hard'])

    assert isfile(join(clone.repo_dir, 'foo'))
    assert isfile(join(clone.repo_dir, 'bar'))
项目:depot_tools    作者:webrtc-uwp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def remove_dead_links(directory, verbose=0):
    """Recursively traverse directory and remove all dead links.

    :type directory: str
    :param directory: directory to cleanup

    :type verbose: bool
    :param verbose:
      flag indicating whether information about deleted links should be
      printed to stderr, default to False
    for dirpath, dirname, filenames in walk(directory):
        for filename in dirnames + filenames:
            src = join(dirpath, filename)
            if islink(src) and not exists(src):
                if verbose:
                    print('remove dead link', src)
项目:wuye.vim    作者:zhaoyingnan911    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def remove_dead_links(directory, verbose=0):
    """Recursively traverse directory and remove all dead links.

    :type directory: str
    :param directory: directory to cleanup

    :type verbose: bool
    :param verbose:
      flag indicating whether information about deleted links should be
      printed to stderr, default to False
    for dirpath, dirname, filenames in walk(directory):
        for filename in dirnames + filenames:
            src = join(dirpath, filename)
            if islink(src) and not exists(src):
                if verbose:
                    print('remove dead link', src)
项目:pisi    作者:examachine    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dir_size(dir):
    """ calculate the size of files under a dir
    based on the os module example"""
    # It's really hard to give an approximate value for package's
    # installed size. Gettin a sum of all files' sizes if far from
    # being true. Using 'du' command (like Debian does) can be a
    # better solution :(.
    # Not really, du calculates size on disk, this is much better -- exa
    from os.path import getsize, islink, isdir, exists
    join = join_path

    if exists(dir) and (not isdir(dir) and not islink(dir)):
        #so, this is not a directory but file..
        return getsize(dir)

    if islink(dir):
        return long(len(os.readlink(dir)))

    def sizes():
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir):
            yield sum([getsize(join(root, name)) for name in files if not islink(join(root,name))])
            yield sum([long(len(os.readlink((join(root, name))))) for name in files if islink(join(root,name))])
    return sum( sizes() )
项目:pisi    作者:examachine    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testUnpackZip(self):
        spec = SpecFile("tests/pccts/pspec.xml")
        targetDir = '/tmp/pisitest'

        assert spec.source.archive.type == "zip"

        achv = sourcearchive.SourceArchive(spec, targetDir)

        assert pathexists(targetDir + "/pccts")

        testfile = targetDir + "/pccts/history.txt"
        assert pathexists(testfile)

        # check file integrity

# TODO: no link file in pccts package. Need to find a ZIP file
# containing a symlink
        # check for symbolic links
#        testfile = targetDir + "/sandbox/testdir/link1"
#        assert islink(testfile)
项目:berlyne    作者:rugo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _download_wrapped_file(download):
    download_path = download.abspath
    # We do not allow symlinks as downloads for security reasons
    if not path.exists(download_path) or path.islink(download_path):
        return HttpResponse("Download not found", status=HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
    wrapper = FileWrapper(open(download_path, "rb"))
    response = HttpResponse(wrapper, content_type='application/force-download')
    response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="{}"'.format(
    response['Content-Length'] = path.getsize(download_path)
    return response
项目:PyPPL    作者:pwwang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _safeCopy(src, dst, overwrite = True):
    Copy a file/dir
        `src`: The source file
        `dst`: The destination
        `overwrite`: Whether overwrite the destination
        True if succeed else False
    if not path.exists(src):
        return False

    if path.exists(dst) and not path.samefile(src, dst) and overwrite:
        if path.isdir(dst) and not path.islink(dst):

    if not path.exists(dst):
        if path.isdir(src):
            copytree(src, dst)
            copyfile(src, dst)
    return True
项目:pi-dashcam    作者:amshali    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def Cleanup(delete_dir, delete_threshold, freeup_amount):
  free_space = FreeSpaceMB(delete_dir)
  if free_space < delete_threshold:
    files = [f for f in map(lambda x: join(delete_dir, x), listdir(delete_dir)) \
      if isfile(f) and not islink(f)]
    # Sort files acsending based on their modification time.
    files.sort(key=lambda f: getmtime(f))
    freed = 0.0
    # Delete enough files to free up enough space that macthes freeup_amount
    for f in files:
      # Size of file in MB
      f_size = getsize(f) / 1024 / 1024
      print "Deleted ", f
      freed = freed + f_size
      if freed >= freeup_amount:
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def islink(self):
        st = self.path.lstat()
        return S_ISLNK(self._osstatresult.st_mode)
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def islink(self):
        return islink(self.strpath)
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def islink(path):
        return False
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def islink(self):
        # We can't use cached stat results here, because that is the stat of
        # the destination - (see #1773) which in *every case* but this one is
        # the right thing to use.  We could call lstat here and use that, but
        # it seems unlikely we'd actually save any work that way.  -glyph
        return islink(self.path)
项目:pywebpack    作者:inveniosoftware    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_linkstorage(sourcedir, tmpdir):
    """Test file storage copy."""
    fsrc = join(sourcedir, 'simple/package.json')
    fdst = join(tmpdir, 'simple/package.json')

    fs = LinkStorage(sourcedir, tmpdir)

    # File is linked
    assert not exists(fdst)
    assert exists(fdst)
    assert islink(fdst)
    assert realpath(fdst) == realpath(fsrc)

    # Nothing - file is already linked
    assert exists(fdst)
    assert islink(fdst)
    assert realpath(fdst) == realpath(fsrc)

    # Relink file, and try to copy again (file is relinked)
    symlink(__file__, fdst)
    assert realpath(fdst) != realpath(fsrc)
    assert islink(fdst)
    assert realpath(fdst) == realpath(fsrc)
项目:pywebpack    作者:inveniosoftware    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _copyfile(self, src, dst, force=False):
        """Symlink file from source to destination."""
        if exists(dst):
            if (not islink(dst) or realpath(src) == realpath(dst)) \
                    and not force:
        symlink(src, dst)
项目:KodiDevKit    作者:phil65    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def eol_info_from_path_patterns(path_patterns, recursive=False,
                                includes=[], excludes=[]):
    """Generate EOL info for the given paths.

    Yields 3-tuples: (PATH, EOL, SUGGESTED-EOL)
    See eol_info_from_text() docstring for details.
    from os.path import islink
    assert not isinstance(path_patterns, _BASESTRING), \
        "'path_patterns' must be a sequence, not a string: %r" % path_patterns
    for path in _paths_from_path_patterns(path_patterns,
            fin = open(path, "rb")
        except EnvironmentError:
            _, ex, _ = sys.exc_info()
            if ex.errno in (errno.ENOENT, errno.EISDIR) and islink(path):
                log.debug("skipped `%s': symlink" % path)
            content =
        if _BYTES_NULL in content:
            log.debug("skipped `%s': binary file (null in content)" % path)
        eol, suggested_eol = eol_info_from_text(content)
        yield path, eol, suggested_eol
项目:urban-journey    作者:urbanjourney    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rm(path):
    """Deletes a file, directory or symlink."""
    if exists(path):
        if isdir(path):
            if islink(path):
            if islink(path):
项目:omnic    作者:michaelpb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_recursive_symlinks(self):
        filesystem.recursive_symlink_dirs(self.dir, self.out)

        # Now use walk to check that we did it successfully
        results = set(filesystem.directory_walk(self.out, self.out))
        assert len(results) == len(self.results)  # ensure right number
        for path, _ in results:
            assert islink(path)
项目:omnic    作者:michaelpb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_recursive_hardlinks(self):
        filesystem.recursive_hardlink_dirs(self.dir, self.out)

        # Now use walk to check that we did it successfully
        results = set(filesystem.directory_walk(self.out, self.out))
        assert len(results) == len(self.results)  # ensure right number
        for path, _ in results:
            assert not islink(path)  # ensure hardlinks
项目:constructor    作者:conda    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _link(src, dst, linktype=LINK_HARD):
    if linktype == LINK_HARD:
        if on_win:
            from ctypes import windll, wintypes
            CreateHardLink = windll.kernel32.CreateHardLinkW
            CreateHardLink.restype = wintypes.BOOL
            CreateHardLink.argtypes = [wintypes.LPCWSTR, wintypes.LPCWSTR,
            if not CreateHardLink(dst, src, None):
                raise OSError('win32 hard link failed')
  , dst)
    elif linktype == LINK_COPY:
        # copy relative symlinks as symlinks
        if islink(src) and not os.readlink(src).startswith(os.path.sep):
            os.symlink(os.readlink(src), dst)
            shutil.copy2(src, dst)
        raise Exception("Did not expect linktype=%r" % linktype)
项目:constructor    作者:conda    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rm_rf(path):
    try to delete path, but never fail
        if islink(path) or isfile(path):
            # Note that we have to check if the destination is a link because
            # exists('/path/to/dead-link') will return False, although
            # islink('/path/to/dead-link') is True.
        elif isdir(path):
    except (OSError, IOError):
项目:chalktalk_docs    作者:loremIpsum1771    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def walk(top, topdown=True, followlinks=False):
    """Backport of os.walk from 2.6, where the *followlinks* argument was
    names = os.listdir(top)

    dirs, nondirs = [], []
    for name in names:
            fullpath = path.join(top, name)
        except UnicodeError:
            print('%s:: ERROR: non-ASCII filename not supported on this '
                  'filesystem encoding %r, skipped.' % (name, fs_encoding),
        if path.isdir(fullpath):

    if topdown:
        yield top, dirs, nondirs
    for name in dirs:
        fullpath = path.join(top, name)
        if followlinks or not path.islink(fullpath):
            for x in walk(fullpath, topdown, followlinks):
                yield x
    if not topdown:
        yield top, dirs, nondirs
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def islink(self):
        st = self.path.lstat()
        return S_ISLNK(self._osstatresult.st_mode)
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def islink(self):
        return islink(self.strpath)
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def islink(path):
        return False
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def islink(self):
        # We can't use cached stat results here, because that is the stat of
        # the destination - (see #1773) which in *every case* but this one is
        # the right thing to use.  We could call lstat here and use that, but
        # it seems unlikely we'd actually save any work that way.  -glyph
        return islink(self.path)
项目:godot-python    作者:touilleMan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def islink(self):
        st = self.path.lstat()
        return S_ISLNK(self._osstatresult.st_mode)
项目:godot-python    作者:touilleMan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def islink(self):
        return islink(self.strpath)
项目:godot-python    作者:touilleMan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def islink(self):
        st = self.path.lstat()
        return S_ISLNK(self._osstatresult.st_mode)
项目:godot-python    作者:touilleMan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def islink(self):
        return islink(self.strpath)
项目:formic    作者:scottbelden    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _receive(self, root, directory, dirs, files, include, exclude):
        """Internal function processing each yield from os.walk."""

        self._received += 1

        if not self.symlinks:
            where = root + path.sep + directory + path.sep
            files = [
                file_name for file_name in files
                if not path.islink(where + file_name)

        include = FileSetState("Include",
                               None if include else self.include)
        exclude = FileSetState("Exclude",
                               None if exclude else self.exclude)

        if exclude.matches_all_files_all_subdirs():
            # Exclude everything and do no traverse any subdirectories
            del dirs[0:]
            matched = set()
            if include.no_possible_matches_in_subdirs():
                # Do no traverse any subdirectories
                del dirs[0:]
            matched = include.match(set(files))
            matched -= exclude.match(matched)

        return matched, include, exclude
项目:georef    作者:nasa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self):
        subModules = find_submodules()
        for name, directory in subModules:
            destination = op.join(PROJ_ROOT, name)
            if op.exists(destination):
                if not op.islink(destination):
                    self.announce("skipping " + name + ": not a symlink")
                if not self.force:
                    self.announce("skipping " + name + ": file exists (use -f to override)")
            os.symlink(directory, destination)
项目:fascinatedNight    作者:songshixuan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setup_env(t, opts):
    """Set up the environment for the test."""
    # symlinks
    links = opts['links']
    for link in links:
        frm = links[link]
        to  = join(t, link)
        debug("Symlinking {0} to {1}".format(frm, to))
        if islink(to):
        os.symlink(frm, to)
项目:Chromium_DepotTools    作者:p07r0457    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rm(*files):
    """A shell-like rm, supporting wildcards.
    for wfile in files:
        for filename in glob.glob(wfile):
            if islink(filename):
            elif isdir(filename):
项目:rdiff-backup    作者:sol1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def walk(top, topdown=True, onerror=None):
    from os import error, listdir
    from os.path import join, isdir, islink
    # We may not have read permission for top, in which case we can't
    # get a list of the files the directory contains.  os.path.walk
    # always suppressed the exception then, rather than blow up for a
    # minor reason when (say) a thousand readable directories are still
    # left to visit.  That logic is copied here.
        # Note that listdir and error are globals in this module due
        # to earlier import-*.
        names = listdir(top)
    except error, err:
        if onerror is not None:

    dirs, nondirs = [], []
    for name in names:
        if isdir(join(top, name)):

    if topdown:
        yield top, dirs, nondirs
    for name in dirs:
        path = join(top, name)
        if not islink(path):
            for x in walk(path, topdown, onerror):
                yield x
    if not topdown:
        yield top, dirs, nondirs