Python os 模块,join() 实例源码


项目:fieldsight-kobocat    作者:awemulya    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update(user, password, lang=None):
    langs = getlangs(lang)
    puts(u"Updating %s" % ', '.join(langs))
    for loc in langs:
        with indent(2):
            puts(u"Downloading PO for %s" % loc)
        url = (u''
               u'resource/django/l/%(lang)s/download/for_use/' % {'lang': loc})
            tmp_po_file = download_with_login(url, TX_LOGIN_URL,
                                              login=user, password=password,
            po_file = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT, 'locale', loc,
                                   'LC_MESSAGES', 'django.po')
            with indent(2):
                puts(u"Copying downloaded file to %s" % po_file)
            shutil.move(tmp_po_file, po_file)
        except Exception as e:
            puts("Unable to update %s "
                             u"from Transifex: %r" % (loc, e)))
        puts("sucesssfuly retrieved %s" % loc))
项目:airmtp    作者:shezi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def performDirAndFileRename(renameDict, fCreateDirs=False):
    filenameAfterRename = renameDict['filename']
    dirAfterRename = g.args['outputdir'] # note this may be an empty string when 'dirnamespec' was specified by user
    # note that syntax for both filenamespec and dirnamespec were verified during cmd-line arg parsing
    if g.args['dirnamespec']:
        dirAfterRename = os.path.join(dirAfterRename, rename.performRename(g.args['dirnamespec'], renameDict))
        if fCreateDirs and not os.path.exists(dirAfterRename):
            applog_v("Creating directory tree \"{:s}\"".format(dirAfterRename))
        renameDict['path'] = dirAfterRename # update dict with possible generated directory from above  
    if g.args['filenamespec']:
        filenameAfterRename = rename.performRename(g.args['filenamespec'], renameDict)
        if not filenameAfterRename:
            applog_e("--filenamespec resulted in an empty filename. Please review your specification string")
        if '/' in filenameAfterRename or '\\' in filenameAfterRename:
            applog_e("--filenamespec can not have a path or path characters in it ('/' or '\\')")
    dirAfterRenameAbsolute = os.path.abspath(dirAfterRename)
    return (dirAfterRenameAbsolute, filenameAfterRename)

# performs  launch of application and arguments specified in 'downloadexec' command-line option
项目:FormShare    作者:qlands    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update(user, password, lang=None):
    langs = getlangs(lang)
    puts(u"Updating %s" % ', '.join(langs))
    for loc in langs:
        with indent(2):
            puts(u"Downloading PO for %s" % loc)
        url = (u''
               u'resource/django/l/%(lang)s/download/for_use/' % {'lang': loc})
            tmp_po_file = download_with_login(url, TX_LOGIN_URL,
                                              login=user, password=password,
            po_file = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT, 'locale', loc,
                                   'LC_MESSAGES', 'django.po')
            with indent(2):
                puts(u"Copying downloaded file to %s" % po_file)
            shutil.move(tmp_po_file, po_file)
        except Exception as e:
            puts("Unable to update %s "
                             u"from Transifex: %r" % (loc, e)))
        puts("sucesssfuly retrieved %s" % loc))
项目:fieldsight-kobocat    作者:awemulya    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add(lang):
    langs = getlangs(lang)
    puts(u"Adding %s" % ', '.join(langs))
    for loc in langs:
        with indent(2):
            puts(u"Generating PO for %s" % loc)
        shell_call(u" makemessages -l %(lang)s "
                   u"-e py,html,email,txt" % {'lang': loc})
        for app in I18N_APPS:
            with indent(4):
                puts(u"Generating PO for app %s" % app)
            with chdir(os.path.join(REPO_ROOT, app)):
                shell_call(u" makemessages "
                           u"-d djangojs -l %(lang)s" % {'lang': loc})
        puts("sucesssfuly generated %s" % loc))
项目:fieldsight-kobocat    作者:awemulya    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compile_mo(lang=None):
    langs = getlangs(lang)
    puts(u"Compiling %s" % ', '.join(langs))
    for loc in langs:
        with indent(2):
            puts(u"Compiling %s" % loc)
        shell_call(u" compilemessages -l %(lang)s "
                   % {'lang': loc})
        for app in I18N_APPS:
            with indent(4):
                puts(u"Compiling app %s" % app)
            with chdir(os.path.join(REPO_ROOT, app)):
                shell_call(u" compilemessages -l %(lang)s"
                           % {'lang': loc})
        puts("sucesssfuly compiled %s" % loc))
项目:skills-ml    作者:workforce-data-initiative    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _load_model(self):
        """The method to download the model from S3 and load to the memory.

            saved (bool): wether to save the model files or just load it to the memory.

            gensim.models.doc2vec.Doc2Vec: The word-embedding model object.
            model = Doc2Vec.load(os.path.join(LOCAL_CACHE_DIRECTORY, self.model_name))
            return model

            files  = list_files(self.s3_conn, self.s3_path)
            if not self.saved:
                with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as td:
                    for f in files:
                        filepath = os.path.join(td, f)
                        if not os.path.exists(filepath):
                            logging.warning('calling download from %s to %s', self.s3_path + f, filepath)
                            download(self.s3_conn, filepath, os.path.join(self.s3_path, f))
                    model = Doc2Vec.load(os.path.join(td, self.model_name))

                if not os.path.isdir(LOCAL_CACHE_DIRECTORY):
                for f in files:
                    filepath = os.path.join(LOCAL_CACHE_DIRECTORY, f)
                    if not os.path.exists(filepath) and self.saved:
                        logging.warning('calling download from %s to %s', self.s3_path + f, filepath)
                        download(self.s3_conn, filepath, os.path.join(self.s3_path, f))
                model = Doc2Vec.load(os.path.join(LOCAL_CACHE_DIRECTORY, self.model_name))

            return model
项目:skills-ml    作者:workforce-data-initiative    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _load_lookup(self):
        """The method to download the lookup dictionary from S3 and load to the memory.

            dict: a lookup table for mapping gensim index to soc code.
            filepath = os.path.join(LOCAL_CACHE_DIRECTORY, self.lookup_name)
            with open(filepath, 'r') as handle:
                lookup = json.load(handle)
            return lookup

            if not self.saved:
                with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as td:
                    filepath = os.path.join(td, self.lookup_name)
                    logging.warning('calling download from %s to %s', self.s3_path + self.lookup_name, filepath)
                    download(self.s3_conn, filepath, os.path.join(self.s3_path, self.lookup_name))
                    with open(filepath, 'r') as handle:
                        lookup = json.load(handle)

                filepath = os.path.join(LOCAL_CACHE_DIRECTORY, self.lookup_name)
                if not os.path.exists(filepath):
                    logging.warning('calling download from %s to %s', self.s3_path + self.lookup_name, filepath)
                    download(self.s3_conn, filepath , os.join(self.s3_path, self.lookup_name))
                with open(filepath, 'r') as handle:
                    lookup = json.load(handle)

            return lookup
项目:airmtp    作者:shezi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def establishAppEnvironment():

    g.isWin32 = (platform.system() == 'Windows')
    g.isOSX = (platform.system() == 'Darwin') 
    g.isFrozen = (getattr(sys, 'frozen', False)) # note for OSX isFrozen is always false because py2app only marks airnef.pyw as frozen when we're a py2app

    # determine the directory our script resides in, in case the
    # user is executing from a different working directory.
    g.appDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]))

    # determine directory for our APPDATA, which contains log
    # and configuration files. For Win32 if we're frozen this
    # goes in the dedicated OS area for application data files
    g.appDataDir = None
    if g.isFrozen and g.isWin32:
        if os.getenv('LOCALAPPDATA'):
            g.appDataDir = os.path.join(os.getenv('LOCALAPPDATA'), "airmtp\\appdata") # typically C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\airnef\appdata
    elif g.isOSX: # for OSX we always try to store our app data under Application Support
        userHomeDir = os.getenv('HOME')
        if userHomeDir:
            applicationSupportDir = os.path.join(userHomeDir, 'Library/Application Support')
            if os.path.exists(applicationSupportDir): # probably not necessary to check existence since every system should have this directory
                g.appDataDir = os.path.join(applicationSupportDir, 'airmtp/appdata')
    if not g.appDataDir:
        # none of runtime-specific cases above selected an app data directory - use directory based off our app directory
        g.appDataDir = os.path.join(g.appDir, "appdata")
    # create our app-specific subdirectories if necessary
    if not os.path.exists(g.appDataDir):

# transltes a date or date+time string from the user into an
# epoch time (ie, time in seconds).
项目:FormShare    作者:qlands    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add(lang):
    langs = getlangs(lang)
    puts(u"Adding %s" % ', '.join(langs))
    for loc in langs:
        with indent(2):
            puts(u"Generating PO for %s" % loc)
        shell_call(u" makemessages -l %(lang)s "
                   u"-e py,html,email,txt" % {'lang': loc})
        for app in I18N_APPS:
            with indent(4):
                puts(u"Generating PO for app %s" % app)
            with chdir(os.path.join(REPO_ROOT, app)):
                shell_call(u" makemessages "
                           u"-d djangojs -l %(lang)s" % {'lang': loc})
        puts("sucesssfuly generated %s" % loc))
项目:FormShare    作者:qlands    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compile_mo(lang=None):
    langs = getlangs(lang)
    puts(u"Compiling %s" % ', '.join(langs))
    for loc in langs:
        with indent(2):
            puts(u"Compiling %s" % loc)
        shell_call(u" compilemessages -l %(lang)s "
                   % {'lang': loc})
        for app in I18N_APPS:
            with indent(4):
                puts(u"Compiling app %s" % app)
            with chdir(os.path.join(REPO_ROOT, app)):
                shell_call(u" compilemessages -l %(lang)s"
                           % {'lang': loc})
        puts("sucesssfuly compiled %s" % loc))
项目:securityonion-airgap    作者:SkiTheSlicer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main():
  import os
  import sys
  from securityonion_airgap_download import compare_md5s
  import subprocess
  args = parse_arguments()
  if not os.path.exists(args.input_file):
    print 'ERROR: ' + args.input_file + ' doesn\'t exist. Exitting.'
  elif os.path.isdir(args.input_file):
    #for f in os.listdir(args.input_file):
    #  file = os.join(args.input_file, f)
    print 'ERROR: Script currently doesn\'t support crawling a directory. Exitting.'
      #Maybe list dir, select newest tarball, and overwrite value of args.input_file. Then change next elseif to just if.
  elif not os.path.isdir(args.input_file):
    print '\n[MAIN: Setup]'
    if os.path.exists('.'.join([args.input_file, 'md5'])):
    base_dir = args.input_file[:-7]
    print 'Base Dir: ' + base_dir
    script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    ip2c_script = script_dir + '/'
    #ip2c_cmd = script_dir + '/ -d ' + os.path.join(base_dir, 'RIR')
    ids_script = script_dir + '/'
    #print os.path.abspath(base_dir)
    if args.geoip:
      print '\n[MAIN -> IDS: GeoIP]'['python', ids_script, '--geoip', '-G' + os.path.join(os.path.abspath(base_dir), 'GeoIP')])
    elif args.rules:
      print '\n[MAIN -> IDS: Snort Rules]'
      # what about Doing blacklist?['python', ids_script, '--rules', '-R' + os.path.join(os.path.abspath(base_dir), 'Snort')])
    elif args.ip2c:
      print '\n[MAIN -> IP2C]'['python', ip2c_script, '-h'])['python', ip2c_cmd])['python', ip2c_script, '-d' + os.path.join(os.path.abspath(base_dir), 'RIR')])['sudo', 'python', ip2c_script, '-d' + os.path.join(os.path.abspath(base_dir), 'RIR')])
      print '\n[MAIN -> IDS: Blacklists, GeoIP, Rules]'['python', ids_script, '-B' + os.path.join(os.path.abspath(base_dir), 'Snort', 'Blacklist'), '-G' + os.path.join(os.path.abspath(base_dir), 'GeoIP'), '-R' + os.path.join(os.path.abspath(base_dir), 'Snort')])
      print '\n[MAIN -> IP2C]'['python', ip2c_script, '-d' + os.path.join(os.path.abspath(base_dir), 'RIR')])
      print '\nFinished!'
项目:airmtp    作者:shezi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getMtpDeviceInfo():
    mtpTcpCmdResult = mtpwifi.execMtpOp(g.socketPrimary, MTP_OP_GetDeviceInfo)  
    mtpDeviceInfo = parseMtpDeviceInfo(mtpTcpCmdResult.dataReceived)
    if g.mtpDeviceInfo:
        # this is a retry invocation. make sure we're talking with the same camera as before
        if mtpDeviceInfo != g.mtpDeviceInfo:
            applog_e("Discovered different camera during retry invocation. Orig camera was Model \"{:s}\", S/N \":{:s}\", New camera is \"{:s}\", S/N \":{:s}\"".format(\
                g.mtpDeviceInfo.modelStr, g.mtpDeviceInfo.serialNumberStr, mtpDeviceInfo.modelStr, mtpDeviceInfo.serialNumberStr))

    g.mtpDeviceInfo = mtpDeviceInfo

    # determine make of camera for use in any make-specific logic in our app
    makeStrUpper = g.mtpDeviceInfo.manufacturerStr.upper()  
    if makeStrUpper.find("NIKON") != -1:
        g.cameraMake = CAMERA_MAKE_NIKON
    elif makeStrUpper.find("CANON") != -1:
        g.cameraMake = CAMERA_MAKE_CANON
    elif makeStrUpper.find("SONY") != -1:
        g.cameraMake = CAMERA_MAKE_SONY
        g.cameraMake = CAMERA_MAKE_UNDETERMINED

    # set any program options/behavior that is specific to the make of the camera 

    # build path (dir + rootfilename) that will serve as the template for all metadata
    # files we create and store locally. this name needs to be unique to the camera
    # attached and locatable on future invocations, so we use a combination of the camera
    # model and serial number
    g.cameraLocalMetadataPathAndRootName = os.path.join(g.appDataDir, "{:s}-SN{:s}".format(g.mtpDeviceInfo.modelStr, g.mtpDeviceInfo.serialNumberStr))

    applog_i("Camera Model \"{:s}\", S/N \"{:s}\"".format(g.mtpDeviceInfo.modelStr, g.mtpDeviceInfo.serialNumberStr))

# gets the slot index (1 or 2) from an MTP storage ID
项目:airmtp    作者:shezi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def printMtpObjectDirectoryListing():   

    applog_i("") # newline separator for logging

    fUsingRenameEngine = g.args['filenamespec'] != None or g.args['dirnamespec'] != None
    if fUsingRenameEngine:
        renameDict = genRenameDictKeysCommonToAllMtpObjects()

    # scan all objects and generate listing for each file that passes the user-configured filters
    totalBytesOfImagesInObjectsListed = 0
    countFilesListed = 0
    mtpObject = getNextUserFilteredMtpFileObject(-1)
    while mtpObject:

        if fUsingRenameEngine:      
            # update dict with fields that change for each file. note we're using session download count as lifetime for the preview of the renaming
            updateRenameDictKeysSpecificToMtpObject(renameDict, mtpObject, countFilesListed, countFilesListed)
            (dirAfterRename, filenameAfterRename) = performDirAndFileRename(renameDict, False)
            dirAndFilenameAfterRename = os.path.join(dirAfterRename, filenameAfterRename)

        # print information about this file
        timeStr = strutil.getDateTimeStr(mtpObject.captureDateEpoch, fMilitaryTime=False)
        sizeStr = "{:13,}".format(mtpObject.mtpObjectInfo.objectCompressedSize)
        fullPathStr = mtpObject.genFullPathStr()
        if g.countCardsUsed > 1:
            # prepend slot number of file to path string
            fullPathStr = "CARD{:d}\\".format(getSlotIndexFromStorageId(mtpObject.mtpObjectInfo.storageId)) + fullPathStr       
        if not fUsingRenameEngine:
            applog_i("{:s}  {:s} {:s}".format(timeStr, sizeStr, fullPathStr))
            applog_i("{:s}  {:s} {:s} -> {:s}".format(timeStr, sizeStr, fullPathStr, dirAndFilenameAfterRename))
        totalBytesOfImagesInObjectsListed += mtpObject.mtpObjectInfo.objectCompressedSize
        countFilesListed += 1
        # get next file that passes user-configured filters
        mtpObject = getNextUserFilteredMtpFileObject(mtpObject)

    # print listing summary
    applog_i("        {:4d} File(s)  {:13,} bytes".format(countFilesListed, totalBytesOfImagesInObjectsListed))
    applog_i("        {:4d} Dir(s)  {:13,} bytes free {:s}".format(MtpObject._CountMtpObjectDirectories, g.mtpStorageInfoList[0].freeSpaceBytes,\
                "[CARD 1]" if g.countCardsUsed > 1 else ""))
    for cardIndex in xrange(1, g.countCardsUsed):
        applog_i("                     {:13,} bytes free [CARD {:d}]".format(g.mtpStorageInfoList[cardIndex].freeSpaceBytes, cardIndex+1))

# retrieves an MTP device property from the camera. mtpPropteryCode is a
# MTP_DeviceProp_* value. If fIgnoreIfNotSupported is TRUE then
# empty data is returned if the camera reports that the property is
# not supported.