Python os 模块,chown() 实例源码


项目:charm-plumgrid-gateway    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mkdir(path, owner='root', group='root', perms=0o555, force=False):
    """Create a directory"""
    log("Making dir {} {}:{} {:o}".format(path, owner, group,
    uid = pwd.getpwnam(owner).pw_uid
    gid = grp.getgrnam(group).gr_gid
    realpath = os.path.abspath(path)
    path_exists = os.path.exists(realpath)
    if path_exists and force:
        if not os.path.isdir(realpath):
            log("Removing non-directory file {} prior to mkdir()".format(path))
            os.makedirs(realpath, perms)
    elif not path_exists:
        os.makedirs(realpath, perms)
    os.chown(realpath, uid, gid)
    os.chmod(realpath, perms)
项目:my-first-blog    作者:AnkurBegining    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def chown(self, tarinfo, targetpath):
        """Set owner of targetpath according to tarinfo.
        if pwd and hasattr(os, "geteuid") and os.geteuid() == 0:
            # We have to be root to do so.
                g = grp.getgrnam(tarinfo.gname)[2]
            except KeyError:
                g = tarinfo.gid
                u = pwd.getpwnam(tarinfo.uname)[2]
            except KeyError:
                u = tarinfo.uid
                if tarinfo.issym() and hasattr(os, "lchown"):
                    os.lchown(targetpath, u, g)
                    if sys.platform != "os2emx":
                        os.chown(targetpath, u, g)
            except EnvironmentError as e:
                raise ExtractError("could not change owner")
项目:NordVPN-NetworkManager    作者:Chadsr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extract_zip(input_stream, output_path, chown_to_user=True):
        zipfile = ZipFile(BytesIO(input_stream))
        file_list = zipfile.namelist()

        if chown_to_user:
            # chown the extracted files to the current user, instead of root
            for file_name in file_list:
                file_path = os.path.join(output_path, file_name)
        return True

    except Exception as ex:
        return False
项目:charm-plumgrid-gateway    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def place_data_on_block_device(blk_device, data_src_dst):
    """Migrate data in data_src_dst to blk_device and then remount."""
    # mount block device into /mnt
    mount(blk_device, '/mnt')
    # copy data to /mnt
    copy_files(data_src_dst, '/mnt')
    # umount block device
    # Grab user/group ID's from original source
    _dir = os.stat(data_src_dst)
    uid = _dir.st_uid
    gid = _dir.st_gid
    # re-mount where the data should originally be
    # TODO: persist is currently a NO-OP in
    mount(blk_device, data_src_dst, persist=True)
    # ensure original ownership of new mount.
    os.chown(data_src_dst, uid, gid)
项目:charm-plumgrid-gateway    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ensure_ceph_keyring(service, user=None, group=None, relation='ceph'):
    """Ensures a ceph keyring is created for a named service and optionally
    ensures user and group ownership.

    Returns False if no ceph key is available in relation state.
    key = None
    for rid in relation_ids(relation):
        for unit in related_units(rid):
            key = relation_get('key', rid=rid, unit=unit)
            if key:

    if not key:
        return False

    create_keyring(service=service, key=key)
    keyring = _keyring_path(service)
    if user and group:
        check_call(['chown', '%s.%s' % (user, group), keyring])

    return True
项目:charm-swift-proxy    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mkdir(path, owner='root', group='root', perms=0o555, force=False):
    """Create a directory"""
    log("Making dir {} {}:{} {:o}".format(path, owner, group,
    uid = pwd.getpwnam(owner).pw_uid
    gid = grp.getgrnam(group).gr_gid
    realpath = os.path.abspath(path)
    path_exists = os.path.exists(realpath)
    if path_exists and force:
        if not os.path.isdir(realpath):
            log("Removing non-directory file {} prior to mkdir()".format(path))
            os.makedirs(realpath, perms)
    elif not path_exists:
        os.makedirs(realpath, perms)
    os.chown(realpath, uid, gid)
    os.chmod(realpath, perms)
项目:charm-swift-proxy    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ensure_ceph_keyring(service, user=None, group=None,
                        relation='ceph', key=None):
    """Ensures a ceph keyring is created for a named service and optionally
    ensures user and group ownership.

    @returns boolean: Flag to indicate whether a key was successfully written
                      to disk based on either relation data or a supplied key
    if not key:
        for rid in relation_ids(relation):
            for unit in related_units(rid):
                key = relation_get('key', rid=rid, unit=unit)
                if key:

    if not key:
        return False

    create_keyring(service=service, key=key)
    keyring = _keyring_path(service)
    if user and group:
        check_call(['chown', '%s.%s' % (user, group), keyring])

    return True
项目:charm-swift-proxy    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mkdir(path, owner='root', group='root', perms=0o555, force=False):
    """Create a directory"""
    log("Making dir {} {}:{} {:o}".format(path, owner, group,
    uid = pwd.getpwnam(owner).pw_uid
    gid = grp.getgrnam(group).gr_gid
    realpath = os.path.abspath(path)
    path_exists = os.path.exists(realpath)
    if path_exists and force:
        if not os.path.isdir(realpath):
            log("Removing non-directory file {} prior to mkdir()".format(path))
            os.makedirs(realpath, perms)
    elif not path_exists:
        os.makedirs(realpath, perms)
    os.chown(realpath, uid, gid)
    os.chmod(realpath, perms)
项目:charm-swift-proxy    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def place_data_on_block_device(blk_device, data_src_dst):
    """Migrate data in data_src_dst to blk_device and then remount."""
    # mount block device into /mnt
    mount(blk_device, '/mnt')
    # copy data to /mnt
    copy_files(data_src_dst, '/mnt')
    # umount block device
    # Grab user/group ID's from original source
    _dir = os.stat(data_src_dst)
    uid = _dir.st_uid
    gid = _dir.st_gid
    # re-mount where the data should originally be
    # TODO: persist is currently a NO-OP in
    mount(blk_device, data_src_dst, persist=True)
    # ensure original ownership of new mount.
    os.chown(data_src_dst, uid, gid)
项目:charm-swift-proxy    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ensure_ceph_keyring(service, user=None, group=None,
                        relation='ceph', key=None):
    """Ensures a ceph keyring is created for a named service and optionally
    ensures user and group ownership.

    @returns boolean: Flag to indicate whether a key was successfully written
                      to disk based on either relation data or a supplied key
    if not key:
        for rid in relation_ids(relation):
            for unit in related_units(rid):
                key = relation_get('key', rid=rid, unit=unit)
                if key:

    if not key:
        return False

    create_keyring(service=service, key=key)
    keyring = _keyring_path(service)
    if user and group:
        check_call(['chown', '%s.%s' % (user, group), keyring])

    return True
项目:DeepSea    作者:SUSE    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def default():
    Remove the .../stack/defaults directory.  Preserve available_roles
    # Keep yaml human readable/editable
    friendly_dumper = yaml.SafeDumper
    friendly_dumper.ignore_aliases = lambda self, data: True

    preserve = {}
    content = None
    pathname = "/srv/pillar/ceph/stack/default/{}/cluster.yml".format('ceph')
    with open(pathname, "r") as sls_file:
        content = yaml.safe_load(sls_file)
    preserve['available_roles'] = content['available_roles']
    stack_default = "/srv/pillar/ceph/stack/default"
    os.makedirs("{}/{}".format(stack_default, 'ceph'))
    with open(pathname, "w") as sls_file:
        sls_file.write(yaml.dump(preserve, Dumper=friendly_dumper,

    uid = pwd.getpwnam("salt").pw_uid
    gid = grp.getgrnam("salt").gr_gid
    for path in [stack_default, "{}/{}".format(stack_default, 'ceph'), pathname]:
        os.chown(path, uid, gid)
项目:Flask_Blog    作者:sugarguo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def chown(self, tarinfo, targetpath):
        """Set owner of targetpath according to tarinfo.
        if pwd and hasattr(os, "geteuid") and os.geteuid() == 0:
            # We have to be root to do so.
                g = grp.getgrnam(tarinfo.gname)[2]
            except KeyError:
                g = tarinfo.gid
                u = pwd.getpwnam(tarinfo.uname)[2]
            except KeyError:
                u = tarinfo.uid
                if tarinfo.issym() and hasattr(os, "lchown"):
                    os.lchown(targetpath, u, g)
                    if sys.platform != "os2emx":
                        os.chown(targetpath, u, g)
            except EnvironmentError as e:
                raise ExtractError("could not change owner")
项目:pip-update-requirements    作者:alanhamlett    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def chown(self, tarinfo, targetpath):
        """Set owner of targetpath according to tarinfo.
        if pwd and hasattr(os, "geteuid") and os.geteuid() == 0:
            # We have to be root to do so.
                g = grp.getgrnam(tarinfo.gname)[2]
            except KeyError:
                g = tarinfo.gid
                u = pwd.getpwnam(tarinfo.uname)[2]
            except KeyError:
                u = tarinfo.uid
                if tarinfo.issym() and hasattr(os, "lchown"):
                    os.lchown(targetpath, u, g)
                    if sys.platform != "os2emx":
                        os.chown(targetpath, u, g)
            except EnvironmentError as e:
                raise ExtractError("could not change owner")
项目:charm-heat    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mkdir(path, owner='root', group='root', perms=0o555, force=False):
    """Create a directory"""
    log("Making dir {} {}:{} {:o}".format(path, owner, group,
    uid = pwd.getpwnam(owner).pw_uid
    gid = grp.getgrnam(group).gr_gid
    realpath = os.path.abspath(path)
    path_exists = os.path.exists(realpath)
    if path_exists and force:
        if not os.path.isdir(realpath):
            log("Removing non-directory file {} prior to mkdir()".format(path))
            os.makedirs(realpath, perms)
    elif not path_exists:
        os.makedirs(realpath, perms)
    os.chown(realpath, uid, gid)
    os.chmod(realpath, perms)
项目:charm-heat    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mkdir(path, owner='root', group='root', perms=0o555, force=False):
    """Create a directory"""
    log("Making dir {} {}:{} {:o}".format(path, owner, group,
    uid = pwd.getpwnam(owner).pw_uid
    gid = grp.getgrnam(group).gr_gid
    realpath = os.path.abspath(path)
    path_exists = os.path.exists(realpath)
    if path_exists and force:
        if not os.path.isdir(realpath):
            log("Removing non-directory file {} prior to mkdir()".format(path))
            os.makedirs(realpath, perms)
    elif not path_exists:
        os.makedirs(realpath, perms)
    os.chown(realpath, uid, gid)
    os.chmod(realpath, perms)
项目:charm-heat    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def place_data_on_block_device(blk_device, data_src_dst):
    """Migrate data in data_src_dst to blk_device and then remount."""
    # mount block device into /mnt
    mount(blk_device, '/mnt')
    # copy data to /mnt
    copy_files(data_src_dst, '/mnt')
    # umount block device
    # Grab user/group ID's from original source
    _dir = os.stat(data_src_dst)
    uid = _dir.st_uid
    gid = _dir.st_gid
    # re-mount where the data should originally be
    # TODO: persist is currently a NO-OP in
    mount(blk_device, data_src_dst, persist=True)
    # ensure original ownership of new mount.
    os.chown(data_src_dst, uid, gid)
项目:charm-heat    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ensure_ceph_keyring(service, user=None, group=None,
                        relation='ceph', key=None):
    """Ensures a ceph keyring is created for a named service and optionally
    ensures user and group ownership.

    @returns boolean: Flag to indicate whether a key was successfully written
                      to disk based on either relation data or a supplied key
    if not key:
        for rid in relation_ids(relation):
            for unit in related_units(rid):
                key = relation_get('key', rid=rid, unit=unit)
                if key:

    if not key:
        return False

    create_keyring(service=service, key=key)
    keyring = _keyring_path(service)
    if user and group:
        check_call(['chown', '%s.%s' % (user, group), keyring])

    return True
项目:charm-keystone    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mkdir(path, owner='root', group='root', perms=0o555, force=False):
    """Create a directory"""
    log("Making dir {} {}:{} {:o}".format(path, owner, group,
    uid = pwd.getpwnam(owner).pw_uid
    gid = grp.getgrnam(group).gr_gid
    realpath = os.path.abspath(path)
    path_exists = os.path.exists(realpath)
    if path_exists and force:
        if not os.path.isdir(realpath):
            log("Removing non-directory file {} prior to mkdir()".format(path))
            os.makedirs(realpath, perms)
    elif not path_exists:
        os.makedirs(realpath, perms)
    os.chown(realpath, uid, gid)
    os.chmod(realpath, perms)
项目:charm-keystone    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ensure_ceph_keyring(service, user=None, group=None,
                        relation='ceph', key=None):
    """Ensures a ceph keyring is created for a named service and optionally
    ensures user and group ownership.

    @returns boolean: Flag to indicate whether a key was successfully written
                      to disk based on either relation data or a supplied key
    if not key:
        for rid in relation_ids(relation):
            for unit in related_units(rid):
                key = relation_get('key', rid=rid, unit=unit)
                if key:

    if not key:
        return False

    create_keyring(service=service, key=key)
    keyring = _keyring_path(service)
    if user and group:
        check_call(['chown', '%s.%s' % (user, group), keyring])

    return True
项目:charm-keystone    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mkdir(path, owner='root', group='root', perms=0o555, force=False):
    """Create a directory"""
    log("Making dir {} {}:{} {:o}".format(path, owner, group,
    uid = pwd.getpwnam(owner).pw_uid
    gid = grp.getgrnam(group).gr_gid
    realpath = os.path.abspath(path)
    path_exists = os.path.exists(realpath)
    if path_exists and force:
        if not os.path.isdir(realpath):
            log("Removing non-directory file {} prior to mkdir()".format(path))
            os.makedirs(realpath, perms)
    elif not path_exists:
        os.makedirs(realpath, perms)
    os.chown(realpath, uid, gid)
    os.chmod(realpath, perms)
项目:charm-keystone    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def place_data_on_block_device(blk_device, data_src_dst):
    """Migrate data in data_src_dst to blk_device and then remount."""
    # mount block device into /mnt
    mount(blk_device, '/mnt')
    # copy data to /mnt
    copy_files(data_src_dst, '/mnt')
    # umount block device
    # Grab user/group ID's from original source
    _dir = os.stat(data_src_dst)
    uid = _dir.st_uid
    gid = _dir.st_gid
    # re-mount where the data should originally be
    # TODO: persist is currently a NO-OP in
    mount(blk_device, data_src_dst, persist=True)
    # ensure original ownership of new mount.
    os.chown(data_src_dst, uid, gid)
项目:charm-keystone    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ensure_ceph_keyring(service, user=None, group=None,
                        relation='ceph', key=None):
    """Ensures a ceph keyring is created for a named service and optionally
    ensures user and group ownership.

    @returns boolean: Flag to indicate whether a key was successfully written
                      to disk based on either relation data or a supplied key
    if not key:
        for rid in relation_ids(relation):
            for unit in related_units(rid):
                key = relation_get('key', rid=rid, unit=unit)
                if key:

    if not key:
        return False

    create_keyring(service=service, key=key)
    keyring = _keyring_path(service)
    if user and group:
        check_call(['chown', '%s.%s' % (user, group), keyring])

    return True
项目:charm-keystone    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mkdir(path, owner='root', group='root', perms=0o555, force=False):
    """Create a directory"""
    log("Making dir {} {}:{} {:o}".format(path, owner, group,
    uid = pwd.getpwnam(owner).pw_uid
    gid = grp.getgrnam(group).gr_gid
    realpath = os.path.abspath(path)
    path_exists = os.path.exists(realpath)
    if path_exists and force:
        if not os.path.isdir(realpath):
            log("Removing non-directory file {} prior to mkdir()".format(path))
            os.makedirs(realpath, perms)
    elif not path_exists:
        os.makedirs(realpath, perms)
    os.chown(realpath, uid, gid)
    os.chmod(realpath, perms)
项目:charm-keystone    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mkdir(path, owner='root', group='root', perms=0o555, force=False):
    """Create a directory"""
    log("Making dir {} {}:{} {:o}".format(path, owner, group,
    uid = pwd.getpwnam(owner).pw_uid
    gid = grp.getgrnam(group).gr_gid
    realpath = os.path.abspath(path)
    path_exists = os.path.exists(realpath)
    if path_exists and force:
        if not os.path.isdir(realpath):
            log("Removing non-directory file {} prior to mkdir()".format(path))
            os.makedirs(realpath, perms)
    elif not path_exists:
        os.makedirs(realpath, perms)
    os.chown(realpath, uid, gid)
    os.chmod(realpath, perms)
项目:charm-keystone    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ensure_ceph_keyring(service, user=None, group=None,
                        relation='ceph', key=None):
    """Ensures a ceph keyring is created for a named service and optionally
    ensures user and group ownership.

    @returns boolean: Flag to indicate whether a key was successfully written
                      to disk based on either relation data or a supplied key
    if not key:
        for rid in relation_ids(relation):
            for unit in related_units(rid):
                key = relation_get('key', rid=rid, unit=unit)
                if key:

    if not key:
        return False

    create_keyring(service=service, key=key)
    keyring = _keyring_path(service)
    if user and group:
        check_call(['chown', '%s.%s' % (user, group), keyring])

    return True
项目:charm-keystone    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mkdir(path, owner='root', group='root', perms=0o555, force=False):
    """Create a directory"""
    log("Making dir {} {}:{} {:o}".format(path, owner, group,
    uid = pwd.getpwnam(owner).pw_uid
    gid = grp.getgrnam(group).gr_gid
    realpath = os.path.abspath(path)
    path_exists = os.path.exists(realpath)
    if path_exists and force:
        if not os.path.isdir(realpath):
            log("Removing non-directory file {} prior to mkdir()".format(path))
            os.makedirs(realpath, perms)
    elif not path_exists:
        os.makedirs(realpath, perms)
    os.chown(realpath, uid, gid)
    os.chmod(realpath, perms)
项目:charm-keystone    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def place_data_on_block_device(blk_device, data_src_dst):
    """Migrate data in data_src_dst to blk_device and then remount."""
    # mount block device into /mnt
    mount(blk_device, '/mnt')
    # copy data to /mnt
    copy_files(data_src_dst, '/mnt')
    # umount block device
    # Grab user/group ID's from original source
    _dir = os.stat(data_src_dst)
    uid = _dir.st_uid
    gid = _dir.st_gid
    # re-mount where the data should originally be
    # TODO: persist is currently a NO-OP in
    mount(blk_device, data_src_dst, persist=True)
    # ensure original ownership of new mount.
    os.chown(data_src_dst, uid, gid)
项目:charm-keystone    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ensure_ceph_keyring(service, user=None, group=None,
                        relation='ceph', key=None):
    """Ensures a ceph keyring is created for a named service and optionally
    ensures user and group ownership.

    @returns boolean: Flag to indicate whether a key was successfully written
                      to disk based on either relation data or a supplied key
    if not key:
        for rid in relation_ids(relation):
            for unit in related_units(rid):
                key = relation_get('key', rid=rid, unit=unit)
                if key:

    if not key:
        return False

    create_keyring(service=service, key=key)
    keyring = _keyring_path(service)
    if user and group:
        check_call(['chown', '%s.%s' % (user, group), keyring])

    return True
项目:swjtu-pyscraper    作者:Desgard    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def chown(self, tarinfo, targetpath):
        """Set owner of targetpath according to tarinfo.
        if pwd and hasattr(os, "geteuid") and os.geteuid() == 0:
            # We have to be root to do so.
                g = grp.getgrnam(tarinfo.gname)[2]
            except KeyError:
                g = tarinfo.gid
                u = pwd.getpwnam(tarinfo.uname)[2]
            except KeyError:
                u = tarinfo.uid
                if tarinfo.issym() and hasattr(os, "lchown"):
                    os.lchown(targetpath, u, g)
                    if sys.platform != "os2emx":
                        os.chown(targetpath, u, g)
            except EnvironmentError as e:
                raise ExtractError("could not change owner")
项目:charm-nova-cloud-controller    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mkdir(path, owner='root', group='root', perms=0o555, force=False):
    """Create a directory"""
    log("Making dir {} {}:{} {:o}".format(path, owner, group,
    uid = pwd.getpwnam(owner).pw_uid
    gid = grp.getgrnam(group).gr_gid
    realpath = os.path.abspath(path)
    path_exists = os.path.exists(realpath)
    if path_exists and force:
        if not os.path.isdir(realpath):
            log("Removing non-directory file {} prior to mkdir()".format(path))
            os.makedirs(realpath, perms)
    elif not path_exists:
        os.makedirs(realpath, perms)
    os.chown(realpath, uid, gid)
    os.chmod(realpath, perms)
项目:charm-nova-cloud-controller    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ensure_ceph_keyring(service, user=None, group=None,
                        relation='ceph', key=None):
    """Ensures a ceph keyring is created for a named service and optionally
    ensures user and group ownership.

    @returns boolean: Flag to indicate whether a key was successfully written
                      to disk based on either relation data or a supplied key
    if not key:
        for rid in relation_ids(relation):
            for unit in related_units(rid):
                key = relation_get('key', rid=rid, unit=unit)
                if key:

    if not key:
        return False

    create_keyring(service=service, key=key)
    keyring = _keyring_path(service)
    if user and group:
        check_call(['chown', '%s.%s' % (user, group), keyring])

    return True
项目:noc-orchestrator    作者:DirceuSilvaLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def chown(self, tarinfo, targetpath):
        """Set owner of targetpath according to tarinfo.
        if pwd and hasattr(os, "geteuid") and os.geteuid() == 0:
            # We have to be root to do so.
                g = grp.getgrnam(tarinfo.gname)[2]
            except KeyError:
                g = tarinfo.gid
                u = pwd.getpwnam(tarinfo.uname)[2]
            except KeyError:
                u = tarinfo.uid
                if tarinfo.issym() and hasattr(os, "lchown"):
                    os.lchown(targetpath, u, g)
                    if sys.platform != "os2emx":
                        os.chown(targetpath, u, g)
            except EnvironmentError as e:
                raise ExtractError("could not change owner")
项目:noc-orchestrator    作者:DirceuSilvaLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def chown(self, tarinfo, targetpath):
        """Set owner of targetpath according to tarinfo.
        if pwd and hasattr(os, "geteuid") and os.geteuid() == 0:
            # We have to be root to do so.
                g = grp.getgrnam(tarinfo.gname)[2]
            except KeyError:
                g = tarinfo.gid
                u = pwd.getpwnam(tarinfo.uname)[2]
            except KeyError:
                u = tarinfo.uid
                if tarinfo.issym() and hasattr(os, "lchown"):
                    os.lchown(targetpath, u, g)
                    if sys.platform != "os2emx":
                        os.chown(targetpath, u, g)
            except EnvironmentError as e:
                raise ExtractError("could not change owner")
项目:geekcloud    作者:Mr-Linus    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_role_key(user, role):
    ??role?key???????????? ansible????????600????????????
    :param user:
    :param role:
    :return: self key path
    user_role_key_dir = os.path.join(KEY_DIR, 'user')
    user_role_key_path = os.path.join(user_role_key_dir, '%s_%s.pem' % (user.username,
    mkdir(user_role_key_dir, mode=777)
    if not os.path.isfile(user_role_key_path):
        with open(os.path.join(role.key_path, 'id_rsa')) as fk:
            with open(user_role_key_path, 'w') as fu:
        logger.debug(u"????????key %s, Owner: %s" % (user_role_key_path, user.username))
        chown(user_role_key_path, user.username)
        os.chmod(user_role_key_path, 0600)
    return user_role_key_path
项目:jira_worklog_scanner    作者:pgarneau    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def chown(self, tarinfo, targetpath):
        """Set owner of targetpath according to tarinfo.
        if pwd and hasattr(os, "geteuid") and os.geteuid() == 0:
            # We have to be root to do so.
                g = grp.getgrnam(tarinfo.gname)[2]
            except KeyError:
                g = tarinfo.gid
                u = pwd.getpwnam(tarinfo.uname)[2]
            except KeyError:
                u = tarinfo.uid
                if tarinfo.issym() and hasattr(os, "lchown"):
                    os.lchown(targetpath, u, g)
                    if sys.platform != "os2emx":
                        os.chown(targetpath, u, g)
            except EnvironmentError as e:
                raise ExtractError("could not change owner")
项目:zanph    作者:zanph    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def chown(self, tarinfo, targetpath):
        """Set owner of targetpath according to tarinfo.
        if pwd and hasattr(os, "geteuid") and os.geteuid() == 0:
            # We have to be root to do so.
                g = grp.getgrnam(tarinfo.gname)[2]
            except KeyError:
                g = tarinfo.gid
                u = pwd.getpwnam(tarinfo.uname)[2]
            except KeyError:
                u = tarinfo.uid
                if tarinfo.issym() and hasattr(os, "lchown"):
                    os.lchown(targetpath, u, g)
                    if sys.platform != "os2emx":
                        os.chown(targetpath, u, g)
            except EnvironmentError as e:
                raise ExtractError("could not change owner")
项目:atoolbox    作者:liweitianux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def copystat(cls, src, dest, copy_own=True, copy_xattr=True):
        Copy all stat info (mode bits, atime, mtime, flags) from `src` to
        `dest`.  If `copy_own=True`, the uid and gid are also copied.
        If `copy_xattr=True`, the extended attributes are also copied
        (only available on Linux).
        st = os.stat(src)
        mode = stat.S_IMODE(st.st_mode)
        os.chmod(dest, mode=mode)
        os.utime(dest, ns=(st.st_atime_ns, st.st_mtime_ns))
        if hasattr(st, "st_flags"):
            os.chflags(dest, flags=st.st_flags)
        if copy_own:
            os.chown(dest, uid=st.st_uid, gid=st.st_gid)
        if copy_xattr:
            cls.copyxattr(src, dest)
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def chown(self, tarinfo, targetpath):
        """Set owner of targetpath according to tarinfo.
        if pwd and hasattr(os, "geteuid") and os.geteuid() == 0:
            # We have to be root to do so.
                g = grp.getgrnam(tarinfo.gname)[2]
            except KeyError:
                g = tarinfo.gid
                u = pwd.getpwnam(tarinfo.uname)[2]
            except KeyError:
                u = tarinfo.uid
                if tarinfo.issym() and hasattr(os, "lchown"):
                    os.lchown(targetpath, u, g)
                    if sys.platform != "os2emx":
                        os.chown(targetpath, u, g)
            except EnvironmentError as e:
                raise ExtractError("could not change owner")
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def chown(self, tarinfo, targetpath):
        """Set owner of targetpath according to tarinfo.
        if pwd and hasattr(os, "geteuid") and os.geteuid() == 0:
            # We have to be root to do so.
                g = grp.getgrnam(tarinfo.gname)[2]
            except KeyError:
                g = tarinfo.gid
                u = pwd.getpwnam(tarinfo.uname)[2]
            except KeyError:
                u = tarinfo.uid
                if tarinfo.issym() and hasattr(os, "lchown"):
                    os.lchown(targetpath, u, g)
                    if sys.platform != "os2emx":
                        os.chown(targetpath, u, g)
            except EnvironmentError as e:
                raise ExtractError("could not change owner")
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def chown(self, tarinfo, targetpath):
        """Set owner of targetpath according to tarinfo.
        if pwd and hasattr(os, "geteuid") and os.geteuid() == 0:
            # We have to be root to do so.
                g = grp.getgrnam(tarinfo.gname)[2]
            except KeyError:
                g = tarinfo.gid
                u = pwd.getpwnam(tarinfo.uname)[2]
            except KeyError:
                u = tarinfo.uid
                if tarinfo.issym() and hasattr(os, "lchown"):
                    os.lchown(targetpath, u, g)
                    if sys.platform != "os2emx":
                        os.chown(targetpath, u, g)
            except EnvironmentError, e:
                raise ExtractError("could not change owner")
项目:Sci-Finder    作者:snverse    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def chown(self, tarinfo, targetpath):
        """Set owner of targetpath according to tarinfo.
        if pwd and hasattr(os, "geteuid") and os.geteuid() == 0:
            # We have to be root to do so.
                g = grp.getgrnam(tarinfo.gname)[2]
            except KeyError:
                g = tarinfo.gid
                u = pwd.getpwnam(tarinfo.uname)[2]
            except KeyError:
                u = tarinfo.uid
                if tarinfo.issym() and hasattr(os, "lchown"):
                    os.lchown(targetpath, u, g)
                    if sys.platform != "os2emx":
                        os.chown(targetpath, u, g)
            except EnvironmentError as e:
                raise ExtractError("could not change owner")
项目:onedrive-e    作者:tobecontinued    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def handle(self):
        local_item_tmp_path = self.local_parent_path + get_tmp_filename(self.item_name)
            with open(local_item_tmp_path, 'wb') as f:
      , size=self._item.size,
            local_sha1 =  hasher.hash_value(local_item_tmp_path)
            item_sha1 = None
            if self._item.file_props is not None and self._item.file_props.hashes is not None:
                item_sha1 = self._item.file_props.hashes.sha1
            if item_sha1 is None:
                self.logger.warn('Remote file %s has not sha1 property, we keep the file but cannot check correctness of it',
            elif local_sha1 != item_sha1:
                self.logger.error('Mismatch hash of download file %s : remote:%s,%d  local:%s %d', self.local_path,
                     self._item.file_props.hashes.sha1, self._item.size, local_sha1, os.path.getsize(local_item_tmp_path))
            os.rename(local_item_tmp_path, self.local_path)
            t = datetime_to_timestamp(self._item.modified_time)
            os.utime(self.local_path, (t, t))
            os.chown(self.local_path, OS_USER_ID, OS_USER_GID)
            self.items_store.update_item(self._item, ItemRecordStatuses.DOWNLOADED)
        except (IOError, OSError) as e:
            self.logger.error('An IO error occurred when downloading "%s":\n%s.', self.local_path, traceback.format_exc())
        except errors.OneDriveError as e:
            self.logger.error('An API error occurred when downloading "%s":\n%s.', self.local_path, traceback.format_exc())
项目:ascii-art-py    作者:blinglnav    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def chown(self, tarinfo, targetpath):
        """Set owner of targetpath according to tarinfo.
        if pwd and hasattr(os, "geteuid") and os.geteuid() == 0:
            # We have to be root to do so.
                g = grp.getgrnam(tarinfo.gname)[2]
            except KeyError:
                g = tarinfo.gid
                u = pwd.getpwnam(tarinfo.uname)[2]
            except KeyError:
                u = tarinfo.uid
                if tarinfo.issym() and hasattr(os, "lchown"):
                    os.lchown(targetpath, u, g)
                    if sys.platform != "os2emx":
                        os.chown(targetpath, u, g)
            except EnvironmentError as e:
                raise ExtractError("could not change owner")
项目:watchmen    作者:lycclsltt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def chown(self, path, uid, gid):
        Change the owner (C{uid}) and group (C{gid}) of a file.  As with
        python's C{os.chown} function, you must pass both arguments, so if you
        only want to change one, use L{stat} first to retrieve the current
        owner and group.

        @param path: path of the file to change the owner and group of
        @type path: str
        @param uid: new owner's uid
        @type uid: int
        @param gid: new group id
        @type gid: int
        path = self._adjust_cwd(path)
        self._log(DEBUG, 'chown(%r, %r, %r)' % (path, uid, gid))
        attr = SFTPAttributes()
        attr.st_uid, attr.st_gid = uid, gid
        self._request(CMD_SETSTAT, path, attr)
项目:inplace    作者:jwodder    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def copystats(from_file, to_file):
    Copy stat info from ``from_file`` to ``to_file`` using `shutil.copystat`.
    If possible, also copy the user and/or group ownership information.
    shutil.copystat(from_file, to_file)
    if hasattr(os, 'chown'):
        st = os.stat(from_file)
        # Based on GNU sed's behavior:
            os.chown(to_file, st.st_uid, st.st_gid)
        except EnvironmentError:
                os.chown(to_file, -1, st.st_gid)
            except EnvironmentError:
项目:charm-nova-compute    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mkdir(path, owner='root', group='root', perms=0o555, force=False):
    """Create a directory"""
    log("Making dir {} {}:{} {:o}".format(path, owner, group,
    uid = pwd.getpwnam(owner).pw_uid
    gid = grp.getgrnam(group).gr_gid
    realpath = os.path.abspath(path)
    path_exists = os.path.exists(realpath)
    if path_exists and force:
        if not os.path.isdir(realpath):
            log("Removing non-directory file {} prior to mkdir()".format(path))
            os.makedirs(realpath, perms)
    elif not path_exists:
        os.makedirs(realpath, perms)
    os.chown(realpath, uid, gid)
    os.chmod(realpath, perms)
项目:charm-nova-compute    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def place_data_on_block_device(blk_device, data_src_dst):
    """Migrate data in data_src_dst to blk_device and then remount."""
    # mount block device into /mnt
    mount(blk_device, '/mnt')
    # copy data to /mnt
    copy_files(data_src_dst, '/mnt')
    # umount block device
    # Grab user/group ID's from original source
    _dir = os.stat(data_src_dst)
    uid = _dir.st_uid
    gid = _dir.st_gid
    # re-mount where the data should originally be
    # TODO: persist is currently a NO-OP in
    mount(blk_device, data_src_dst, persist=True)
    # ensure original ownership of new mount.
    os.chown(data_src_dst, uid, gid)
项目:charm-nova-compute    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ensure_ceph_keyring(service, user=None, group=None,
                        relation='ceph', key=None):
    """Ensures a ceph keyring is created for a named service and optionally
    ensures user and group ownership.

    @returns boolean: Flag to indicate whether a key was successfully written
                      to disk based on either relation data or a supplied key
    if not key:
        for rid in relation_ids(relation):
            for unit in related_units(rid):
                key = relation_get('key', rid=rid, unit=unit)
                if key:

    if not key:
        return False

    create_keyring(service=service, key=key)
    keyring = _keyring_path(service)
    if user and group:
        check_call(['chown', '%s.%s' % (user, group), keyring])

    return True
项目:charm-nova-compute    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def place_data_on_block_device(blk_device, data_src_dst):
    """Migrate data in data_src_dst to blk_device and then remount."""
    # mount block device into /mnt
    mount(blk_device, '/mnt')
    # copy data to /mnt
    copy_files(data_src_dst, '/mnt')
    # umount block device
    # Grab user/group ID's from original source
    _dir = os.stat(data_src_dst)
    uid = _dir.st_uid
    gid = _dir.st_gid
    # re-mount where the data should originally be
    # TODO: persist is currently a NO-OP in
    mount(blk_device, data_src_dst, persist=True)
    # ensure original ownership of new mount.
    os.chown(data_src_dst, uid, gid)
项目:ivaochdoc    作者:ivaoch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def chown(self, tarinfo, targetpath):
        """Set owner of targetpath according to tarinfo.
        if pwd and hasattr(os, "geteuid") and os.geteuid() == 0:
            # We have to be root to do so.
                g = grp.getgrnam(tarinfo.gname)[2]
            except KeyError:
                g = tarinfo.gid
                u = pwd.getpwnam(tarinfo.uname)[2]
            except KeyError:
                u = tarinfo.uid
                if tarinfo.issym() and hasattr(os, "lchown"):
                    os.lchown(targetpath, u, g)
                    if sys.platform != "os2emx":
                        os.chown(targetpath, u, g)
            except EnvironmentError as e:
                raise ExtractError("could not change owner")