Python osgeo.gdal 模块,GA_Update() 实例源码


项目:pygeotools    作者:dshean    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def copyproj(src_fn, dst_fn, gt=True):
    """Copy projection and geotransform from one raster file to another
    src_ds = gdal.Open(src_fn, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
    dst_ds = gdal.Open(dst_fn, gdal.GA_Update)
    if gt:
        src_gt = np.array(src_ds.GetGeoTransform())
        src_dim = np.array([src_ds.RasterXSize, src_ds.RasterYSize])
        dst_dim = np.array([dst_ds.RasterXSize, dst_ds.RasterYSize])
        #This preserves dst_fn resolution
        if np.any(src_dim != dst_dim):
            res_factor = src_dim/dst_dim.astype(float)
            src_gt[[1, 5]] *= max(res_factor)
            #src_gt[[1, 5]] *= min(res_factor)
            #src_gt[[1, 5]] *= res_factor
    src_ds = None
    dst_ds = None
项目:uncover-ml    作者:GeoscienceAustralia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def apply_mask(mask_file, tmp_output_file, output_file, jpeg):
    mask_file: mask file path
    tmp_output_file: intermediate cropped geotiff before mask application
    output_file: output geotiff path
    jpeg: boolean, whether to produce jpeg or not

    mask = get_mask(mask_file)

    out_ds = gdal.Open(tmp_output_file, gdal.GA_Update)
    out_band = out_ds.GetRasterBand(1)
    out_data = out_band.ReadAsArray()
    no_data_value = out_band.GetNoDataValue()'Found NoDataValue {} for file {}'.format(
        no_data_value, os.path.basename(tmp_output_file)))
    if no_data_value is not None:
        out_data[mask] = no_data_value
        log.warning('NoDataValue was not set for {}'.format(tmp_output_file))'Manually setting NoDataValue for {}'.format(tmp_output_file))
    out_ds = None  # close dataset and flush cache

    # move file to output file
    shutil.move(tmp_output_file, output_file)'Output file {} created'.format(tmp_output_file))

    if jpeg:
        dir_name = os.path.dirname(output_file)
        jpeg_file = os.path.basename(output_file).split('.')[0] + '.jpg'
        jpeg_file = os.path.join(dir_name, jpeg_file)
        cmd_jpg = ['gdal_translate', '-ot', 'Byte', '-of', 'JPEG', '-scale',
                   jpeg_file] + COMMON
        subprocess.check_call(cmd_jpg)'Created {}'.format(jpeg_file))
项目:python_scripting_for_spatial_data_processing    作者:upsdeepak    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setNoData(inputFile, noDataVal):
    # Open the image file, in update mode
    # so that the image can be edited.
    dataset = gdal.Open(inputFile, gdal.GA_Update)
    # Check that the image has been opened.
    if not dataset is None:
        # Iterate throughout the image bands
        # Note. i starts at 0 while the
        # band count in GDAL at 1.
        for i in range(dataset.RasterCount):
            # Print information to the user on what is
            # being set.
            print("Setting No Data (" + str(noDataVal) +") for band " + str(i+1))
            # Get the image band
            # the i+1 is because GDAL bands
            # start with 1
            band = dataset.GetRasterBand(i+1)
            # Set the no data value
        # Print an error message if the file
        # could not be oppened
        print("Could not open the input image file: ", inputFile)

# This is the first part of the script to
# be executed
项目:python_scripting_for_spatial_data_processing    作者:upsdeepak    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setThematic(imageFile):
    # Use GDAL to open the dataset
    ds = gdal.Open(imageFile, gdal.GA_Update)
    # Itearte through the image bands
    for bandnum in range(ds.RasterCount):
        # Get the image band
        band = ds.GetRasterBand(bandnum+1)
        # Define the meta-data for the LAYER_TYPE
        band.SetMetadataItem('LAYER_TYPE', 'thematic')

# This is the first part of the script to
# be executed.
项目:pygeotools    作者:dshean    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_ndv(dst_fn, ndv):
    dst_ds = gdal.Open(dst_fn, gdal.GA_Update)
    for n in range(1, dst_ds.RasterCount+1):
        b = dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1)
    dst_ds = None

#Should overload these functions to handle fn, ds, or b
#Perhaps abstract, as many functions will need this functionality
项目:AtmosphericCorrection    作者:y-iikura    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read_tif(fname):
  src = gdal.Open(fname, gdal.GA_Update)
  pdem = src.GetRasterBand(1)
  gt = src.GetGeoTransform()
  image = pdem.ReadAsArray()
  return [gt,image]