Python pandas 模块,isnull() 实例源码


项目:soccerstan    作者:Torvaney    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read_data(fname):
    """ Read csv """
    data = (
                'HomeTeam': 'home_team',
                'AwayTeam': 'away_team',
                'FTHG': 'home_goals',
                'FTAG': 'away_goals'
        .loc[lambda df: ~pd.isnull(df['home_goals'])]  # Remove future games

    team_map = stan_map(pd.concat([data['home_team'], data['away_team']]))
    data['home_team_id'] = data['home_team'].replace(team_map)
    data['away_team_id'] = data['away_team'].replace(team_map)

    for col in ('home_goals', 'away_goals'):
        data[col] = [int(c) for c in data[col]]

    return data, team_map
项目:ssbio    作者:SBRG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_resolution(pdb_id):
    """Quick way to get the resolution of a PDB ID using the table of results from the REST service

    Returns infinity if the resolution is not available.

        float: resolution of a PDB ID in Angstroms

        - Unit test


    pdb_id = pdb_id.upper()
    if pdb_id not in _property_table().index:
        raise ValueError('PDB ID not in property table')
        resolution = _property_table().ix[pdb_id, 'resolution']
        if pd.isnull(resolution):
            log.debug('{}: no resolution available, probably not an X-ray crystal structure')
            resolution = float('inf')

    return resolution
项目:ssbio    作者:SBRG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_release_date(pdb_id):
    """Quick way to get the release date of a PDB ID using the table of results from the REST service

    Returns None if the release date is not available.

        str: Organism of a PDB ID


    pdb_id = pdb_id.upper()
    if pdb_id not in _property_table().index:
        raise ValueError('PDB ID not in property table')
        release_date = _property_table().ix[pdb_id, 'releaseDate']
        if pd.isnull(release_date):
            log.debug('{}: no taxonomy available')
            release_date = None

    return release_date
项目:scheduled-bots    作者:SuLab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_pharm_prod(drug_qid, brand_rxnorm, emea, url, brand_name):
    # write info on the pharmaceutical product page
    ref = create_ref_statement(emea, url)
    # has active substance
    s = [wdi_core.WDItemID(drug_qid, 'P3781', references=[ref])]
    # instance of
    s.append(wdi_core.WDItemID('Q28885102', 'P31', references=[ref]))  # pharmaceutical product
    s.append(wdi_core.WDItemID('Q169336', 'P31', references=[ref]))  # chemical mixture
    # emea
    s.append(wdi_core.WDExternalID(emea, 'P3637', references=[ref]))

    if not pd.isnull(brand_rxnorm):
        s.append(wdi_core.WDExternalID(str(int(brand_rxnorm)), "P3345"))
    item = wdi_core.WDItemEngine(item_name=brand_name, data=s, domain="drugs", append_value=['P3781'])
    if item.get_description() == '':
        item.set_description("pharmaceutical product")
    wdi_helpers.try_write(item, emea, 'P3637', login, edit_summary="add 'active ingredient'")

    return item.wd_item_id
项目:scheduled-bots    作者:SuLab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_wikidata_do_mesh():
    # get mesh xrefs, and including mapping relation type
    # {'DOID:0050856': {'skos:broadMatch_D019958'}}
    query = """
    select ?item ?doid ?mesh ?mesh_rt where {
      ?item wdt:P699 ?doid .
      ?item p:P486 ?mesh_s .
      ?mesh_s ps:P486 ?mesh .
      optional { ?mesh_s pq:P4390 ?mesh_rt }
    results = WDItemEngine.execute_sparql_query(query)['results']['bindings']
    results = [{k: v['value'].replace("", "") for k, v in item.items()} for item in

    df = pd.DataFrame(results)
    df['mesh_rt'] = df.apply(lambda row: QID_MAP_REL_TYPE_CURIE[row.mesh_rt] + "_MESH:" + row.mesh, axis=1)

    df['_item'] = df['item']
    r = df.groupby("_item").aggregate(lambda x: set(y for y in x if not pd.isnull(y))).to_dict("records")
    wd = {list(x['doid'])[0]: x for x in r}
    wd = {k: v['mesh_rt'] for k, v in wd.items()}
    wd = {k: v for k, v in wd.items() if v}
    return wd
项目:pyrsss    作者:butala    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def correct_p1c1(rinex_dump, replace_p1_with_c1=True):
    if rinex_dump.recv_p1c1 not in [1, 2, 3]:
        raise ValueError('unknown receiver type {} (must be 1, 2, or 3)'.format(rinex_dump.recv_p1c1))
    for sat in sorted(set(rinex_dump.sat)):
        b = rinex_dump.p1c1_table[sat]
        if rinex_dump.recv_p1c1 == 1:
            rinex_dump.loc[rinex_dump.sat == sat, 'C1'] += b
            rinex_dump.loc[rinex_dump.sat == sat, 'P2'] += b
        elif rinex_dump.recv_p1c1 == 2:
            rinex_dump.loc[rinex_dump.sat == sat, 'C1'] += b
    if replace_p1_with_c1:
        I = PD.isnull(rinex_dump['P1'])
        rinex_dump.loc[I, 'P1'] = rinex_dump.loc[I, 'C1']
    return rinex_dump
项目:Eskapade    作者:KaveIO    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def to_ns(x):
    """Convert input timestamps to nanoseconds (integers)

    :param x: value to be converted
    :returns: converted value
    :rtype: int

    if pd.isnull(x):
        return 0
        return pd.to_datetime(x).value
        if hasattr(x, '__str__'):
            return pd.to_datetime(str(x)).value
    return 0
项目:Eskapade    作者:KaveIO    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_nan(val):
    """Check input value for not a number

    :param val: value to be checked for nan
    :returns: true if nan
    :rtype: bool

    if pd.isnull(val):
        return True
    if isinstance(val, str):
        val = val.strip()
        if not val or val.lower() == 'none' or val.lower() == 'nan':
            return True
    #from numpy import datetime64
    # if isinstance(val, datetime64):
    #    return val == datetime64('NaT')
    return False
项目:Eskapade    作者:KaveIO    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def to_str(val, **kwargs):
    """Convert input to string

    :param val: value to be converted
    :returns: converted value
    :rtype: str

        if pd.isnull(val):
            return kwargs['nan']
    except BaseException:
    if isinstance(val, str):
        return val
    if kwargs.get('convert_inconsistent_dtypes', True):
        if hasattr(val, '__str__'):
            return str(val)
    return kwargs['nan']
项目:Eskapade    作者:KaveIO    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def to_int(val, **kwargs):
    """Convert input to int

    :param val: value to be evaluated
    :returns: evaluated value
    :rtype: np.int64

        if pd.isnull(val):
            return kwargs['nan']
    except BaseException:
    if isinstance(val, np.int64) or isinstance(val, int):
        return np.int64(val)
    if kwargs.get('convert_inconsistent_dtypes', True):
            return np.int64(val)
        except BaseException:
    return kwargs['nan']
项目:Eskapade    作者:KaveIO    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bool_to_str(val, **kwargs):
    """Convert input boolean to str

    :param val: value to be evaluated
    :returns: evaluated value
    :rtype: str

        if pd.isnull(val):
            return kwargs['nan']
    except BaseException:
    if isinstance(val, np.bool_) or isinstance(val, bool):
        return str(val)
    if kwargs.get('convert_inconsistent_dtypes', True):
        if hasattr(val, '__str__'):
            return str(val)
    return kwargs['nan']
项目:Eskapade    作者:KaveIO    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bool_to_int(val):
    """Convert input boolean to int

    :param val: value to be evaluated
    :returns: evaluated value
    :rtype: np.int64

        if pd.isnull(val):
            return kwargs['nan']
    except BaseException:
    if isinstance(val, np.bool_) or isinstance(val, bool):
        return np.int64(val)
    if kwargs.get('convert_inconsistent_dtypes', False):
            return np.int64(val)
        except BaseException:
    return kwargs['nan']
项目:dsbox-cleaning    作者:usc-isi-i2    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def helper_impute_result_check(self, data, result):
        check if the imputed reuslt valid
        now, check for:
        1. contains no nan anymore
        2. orignal non-nan value should remain the same
        # check 1
        self.assertEqual(pd.isnull(result).sum().sum(), 0)

        # check 2
        # the original non-missing values must keep unchanged
        # to check, cannot use pd equals, since the imputer may convert:
        # 1 -> 1.0
        # have to do loop checking
        missing_value_mask = pd.isnull(data)
        for col_name in data:
            data_non_missing = data[~missing_value_mask[col_name]][col_name]
            result_non_missing = result[~missing_value_mask[col_name]][col_name]
            for i in data_non_missing.index:
                self.assertEqual(data_non_missing[i]==result_non_missing[i], True, 
                    msg="not equals in column: {}".format(col_name))
项目:dsbox-cleaning    作者:usc-isi-i2    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def helper_impute_result_check(self, data, result):
        check if the imputed reuslt valid
        now, check for:
        1. contains no nan anymore
        2. orignal non-nan value should remain the same
        # check 1
        self.assertEqual(pd.isnull(result).sum().sum(), 0)

        # check 2
        # the original non-missing values must keep unchanged
        # to check, cannot use pd equals, since the imputer may convert:
        # 1 -> 1.0
        # have to do loop checking
        missing_value_mask = pd.isnull(data)
        for col_name in data:
            data_non_missing = data[~missing_value_mask[col_name]][col_name]
            result_non_missing = result[~missing_value_mask[col_name]][col_name]
            for i in data_non_missing.index:
                self.assertEqual(data_non_missing[i]==result_non_missing[i], True, 
                    msg="not equals in column: {}".format(col_name))
项目:dsbox-cleaning    作者:usc-isi-i2    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def helper_impute_result_check(self, data, result):
        check if the imputed reuslt valid
        now, check for:
        1. contains no nan anymore
        2. orignal non-nan value should remain the same
        # check 1
        self.assertEqual(pd.isnull(result).sum().sum(), 0)

        # check 2
        # the original non-missing values must keep unchanged
        # to check, cannot use pd equals, since the imputer may convert:
        # 1 -> 1.0
        # have to do loop checking
        missing_value_mask = pd.isnull(data)
        for col_name in data:
            data_non_missing = data[~missing_value_mask[col_name]][col_name]
            result_non_missing = result[~missing_value_mask[col_name]][col_name]
            for i in data_non_missing.index:
                self.assertEqual(data_non_missing[i]==result_non_missing[i], True, 
                    msg="not equals in column: {}".format(col_name))
项目:dsbox-cleaning    作者:usc-isi-i2    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def helper_impute_result_check(self, data, result):
        check if the imputed reuslt valid
        now, check for:
        1. contains no nan anymore
        2. orignal non-nan value should remain the same
        # check 1
        self.assertEqual(pd.isnull(result).sum().sum(), 0)

        # check 2
        # the original non-missing values must keep unchanged
        # to check, cannot use pd equals, since the imputer may convert:
        # 1 -> 1.0
        # have to do loop checking
        missing_value_mask = pd.isnull(data)
        for col_name in data:
            data_non_missing = data[~missing_value_mask[col_name]][col_name]
            result_non_missing = result[~missing_value_mask[col_name]][col_name]
            for i in data_non_missing.index:
                self.assertEqual(data_non_missing[i]==result_non_missing[i], True, 
                    msg="not equals in column: {}".format(col_name))
项目:plotnine    作者:has2k1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def limits(self):
        if self.is_empty():
            return (0, 1)

        # Fall back to the range if the limits
        # are not set or if any is None or NaN
        if self._limits is not None and self.range.range is not None:
            limits = []
            if len(self._limits) == len(self.range.range):
                for l, r in zip(self._limits, self.range.range):
                    value = r if pd.isnull(l) else l
                limits = self._limits
            return tuple(limits)
        return self.range.range
项目:plotnine    作者:has2k1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def map(self, x, limits=None):
        Return an array-like of x mapped to values
        from the scales palette
        if limits is None:
            limits = self.limits

        n = sum(~pd.isnull(list(limits)))
        pal = self.palette(n)
        if isinstance(pal, dict):
            # manual palette with specific assignments
            pal_match = [pal[val] for val in x]
            pal = np.asarray(pal)
            pal_match = pal[match(x, limits)]
            pal_match[pd.isnull(pal_match)] = self.na_value
        return pal_match
项目:skutil    作者:tgsmith61591    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _mode(x, def_fill=ImputerMixin._def_fill):
    """Get the most common value in a 1d
    H2OFrame. Ties will be handled in a non-specified


    x : ``H2OFrame``, shape=(n_samples, 1)
        The 1d frame from which to derive the mode
    idx = x.as_data_frame(use_pandas=True)[x.columns[0]].value_counts().index

    # if the most common is null, then return the next most common.
    # if there is no next common (i.e., 100% null) then we return the def_fill
    return idx[0] if not pd.isnull(idx[0]) else idx[1] if idx.shape[0] > 1 else def_fill
项目:Visualflee    作者:cspgdds    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_loctype(location, date_index):
    """Returns a pandas Series of the location type for each day.

    Locations with a changetime have type *city* before that day, and *conflict*
    after it.
    n_days = len(date_index)
    changetime = location.time
    if pd.isnull(changetime):
        loctype = location.location_type
        #0:changetime, loctype = "city"
        loctype = ['city'] * int(changetime)
        #changetime:-1, loctype = "conflict"
        loctype +=['conflict'] * int(n_days - changetime)
    return pd.Series(loctype, index=date_index)
项目:labutils    作者:networks-lab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compare_except(s1, s2, exceptions=[]):
    conc = pd.concat([s1, s2], axis=1, ignore_index=True)

    def except_apply(x):
            str1 = x[0]
            str2 = x[1]

            for ex in exceptions:
                str1 = str1.replace(ex, "")

            return jellyfish.jaro_distance(str1, str2)

        except Exception as err:
            if pd.isnull(x[0]) or pd.isnull(x[1]):
                return np.nan
                raise err

    return conc.apply(except_apply, axis=1)
项目:MultimodalAutoencoder    作者:natashamjaques    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_null_columns(df, features):
    """Locates columns in a pandas dataframe that have no values. 

        df: A pandas dataframe containing data. 
        wanted_feats: A list of string names of columns storing the actual data.

    Returns: A list of string names of the null columns.
    df_len = len(df)
    bad_feats = []
    for feat in features:
        null_len = len(df[df[feat].isnull()])
        if df_len == null_len:
    return bad_feats
项目:WindAdapter    作者:iLampard    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _merge_query_params(self, params, date=None):
        ret = ''
        for key, value in params.iteritems():
            if key == 'tenor' and pd.isnull(value):
                ret += 'tradeDate=' + date + ';'
            elif not pd.isnull(value):
                if key == Header.TENOR:
                    py_assert(date is not None, ValueError, 'date must be given if tenor is not None')
                    # unit = ''.join(re.findall('[0-9]+', params[Header.TENOR]))
                    # freq = FreqType(params[Header.TENOR][len(unit):])
                    ret += 'startDate=' + WIND_DATA_PROVIDER.forward_date(date, value,
                                                                          self.date_format) + ';endDate=' + date + ';'
                elif key == Header.FREQ and value[:3] == 'min':
                    ret += ('BarSize=' + value[3:] + ';')
                    ret += (key + '=' + str(value) + ';')
        ret = ret[:-1] + FactorLoader._check_industry_params(
        return ret
项目:lineage    作者:apriha    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _complement_bases(self, genotype):
        if pd.isnull(genotype):
            return np.nan

        complement = ''

        for base in list(genotype):
            if base == 'A':
                complement += 'T'
            elif base == 'G':
                complement += 'C'
            elif base == 'C':
                complement += 'G'
            elif base == 'T':
                complement += 'A'

        return complement
项目:SSieve    作者:davidimprovz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cleanNullColumns(sheet):
        Helper function to discard columns in sheets where each value in column is null.

        Accepts a DataFrame as the sheet argument.

        Returns the cleaned dataframe or an error Tuple of (False, error)
        try:# check for and remove columns with all NaNs
            for column in sheet.columns: 
                if pd.isnull(sheet[column]).all():
                    sheet.drop(column, axis=1, inplace=True)
            return sheet

        except Exception as e:
            return False, e
项目:eemeter    作者:openeemeter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_isd_data(self, station, year):

        filename_format = '/pub/data/noaa/{year}/{station}-{year}.gz'
        lines = self._retreive_file_lines(filename_format, station, year)

        dates = pd.date_range("{}-01-01 00:00".format(year),
                              "{}-12-31 23:00".format(int(year) + 1),
                              freq='H', tz=pytz.UTC)
        series = pd.Series(None, index=dates, dtype=float)

        for line in lines:
            if line[87:92].decode('utf-8') == "+9999":
                temp_C = float("nan")
                temp_C = float(line[87:92]) / 10.
            date_str = line[15:27].decode('utf-8')

            # there can be multiple readings per hour, so set all to minute 0
            dt = pytz.UTC.localize(datetime.strptime(date_str, "%Y%m%d%H%M")).replace(minute=0)

            # only set the temp if it's the first encountered in the hour.
            if pd.isnull(series.ix[dt]):
                series[dt] = temp_C

        return series
项目:eemeter    作者:openeemeter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_input_data_mask(self, input_data):
        ''' Boolean list of missing/not missing values:
            True  => missing
            False => not missing
        trace_data, temp_data = input_data
        dts = []
        mask = []
        if trace_data.empty or temp_data.empty:
            return pd.Series(mask)
        for (start, energy), (p, group) in zip(
            temps = group.copy()
            temps.index = temps.index.droplevel()
            daily_temps = temps.resample('D').apply(np.mean)[0]
            for i, tempF in daily_temps.iteritems():
                mask.append(pd.isnull(energy) or pd.isnull(tempF))
        return pd.Series(mask, index=dts)
项目:eemeter    作者:openeemeter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_multiple_records_with_gap(serializer):
    records = [
            "start": datetime(2000, 1, 1, tzinfo=pytz.UTC),
            "end": datetime(2000, 1, 2, tzinfo=pytz.UTC),
            "value": 1,
            "start": datetime(2000, 1, 3, tzinfo=pytz.UTC),
            "end": datetime(2000, 1, 4, tzinfo=pytz.UTC),
            "value": 2,
    df = serializer.to_dataframe(records)
    assert df.value[datetime(2000, 1, 1, tzinfo=pytz.UTC)] == 1
    assert not df.estimated[datetime(2000, 1, 1, tzinfo=pytz.UTC)]

    assert pd.isnull(df.value[datetime(2000, 1, 2, tzinfo=pytz.UTC)])
    assert not df.estimated[datetime(2000, 1, 2, tzinfo=pytz.UTC)]

    assert df.value[datetime(2000, 1, 3, tzinfo=pytz.UTC)] == 2
    assert not df.estimated[datetime(2000, 1, 3, tzinfo=pytz.UTC)]

    assert pd.isnull(df.value[datetime(2000, 1, 4, tzinfo=pytz.UTC)])
    assert not df.estimated[datetime(2000, 1, 4, tzinfo=pytz.UTC)]
项目:eemeter    作者:openeemeter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_multiple_records(serializer):
    records = [
            "start": datetime(2000, 1, 1, tzinfo=pytz.UTC),
            "value": 1,
            "start": datetime(2000, 1, 2, tzinfo=pytz.UTC),
            "value": 2,
    df = serializer.to_dataframe(records)
    assert df.value[datetime(2000, 1, 1, tzinfo=pytz.UTC)] == 1
    assert not df.estimated[datetime(2000, 1, 1, tzinfo=pytz.UTC)]

    assert pd.isnull(df.value[datetime(2000, 1, 2, tzinfo=pytz.UTC)])
    assert not df.estimated[datetime(2000, 1, 2, tzinfo=pytz.UTC)]
项目:eemeter    作者:openeemeter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_multiple_records(serializer):
    records = [
            "end": datetime(2000, 1, 1, tzinfo=pytz.UTC),
            "value": 1,
            "end": datetime(2000, 1, 2, tzinfo=pytz.UTC),
            "value": 2,
    df = serializer.to_dataframe(records)
    assert df.value[datetime(2000, 1, 1, tzinfo=pytz.UTC)] == 2
    assert not df.estimated[datetime(2000, 1, 1, tzinfo=pytz.UTC)]

    assert pd.isnull(df.value[datetime(2000, 1, 2, tzinfo=pytz.UTC)])
    assert not df.estimated[datetime(2000, 1, 2, tzinfo=pytz.UTC)]
项目:eemeter    作者:openeemeter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_to_records(serializer):

    data = {"value": [1, np.nan], "estimated": [True, False]}
    columns = ["value", "estimated"]
    index = pd.date_range('2000-01-01', periods=2, freq='D')
    df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=index, columns=columns)

    records = serializer.to_records(df)
    assert len(records) == 2
    assert records[0]["end"] == datetime(2000, 1, 1, tzinfo=pytz.UTC)
    assert pd.isnull(records[0]["value"])
    assert not records[0]["estimated"]

    assert records[1]["end"] == datetime(2000, 1, 2, tzinfo=pytz.UTC)
    assert records[1]["value"] == 1
    assert records[1]["estimated"]
项目:catalyst    作者:enigmampc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_get_last_traded_equity_minute(self):
        trading_calendar = self.trading_calendars[Equity]
        # Case: Missing data at front of data set, and request dt is before
        # first value.
        dts = trading_calendar.minutes_for_session(self.trading_days[0])
        asset = self.asset_finder.retrieve_asset(1)
                asset, dts[0], 'minute')))

        # Case: Data on requested dt.
        dts = trading_calendar.minutes_for_session(self.trading_days[2])

                             asset, dts[1], 'minute'))

        # Case: No data on dt, but data occuring before dt.
                             asset, dts[5], 'minute'))
项目:catalyst    作者:enigmampc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_get_last_traded_future_minute(self):
        asset = self.asset_finder.retrieve_asset(10000)
        trading_calendar = self.trading_calendars[Future]
        # Case: Missing data at front of data set, and request dt is before
        # first value.
        dts = trading_calendar.minutes_for_session(self.trading_days[0])
                asset, dts[0], 'minute')))

        # Case: Data on requested dt.
        dts = trading_calendar.minutes_for_session(self.trading_days[3])

                             asset, dts[1], 'minute'))

        # Case: No data on dt, but data occuring before dt.
                             asset, dts[5], 'minute'))
项目:smiles-neural-network    作者:PMitura    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sendData(con, df):

    cursor = con.cursor()
    cols = df.columns.tolist()

    values = df.values

    for vals in values:
        for i,val in enumerate(vals):
            if pd.isnull(val):

        query = 'INSERT INTO {} ({}) VALUES ({})'.format(
            ','.join(['"{}"'.format(x) for x in cols]),

        cursor.execute(query, tuple(vals))

项目:georges    作者:chernals    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __convert_survey_to_sequence(self):
        s = self.__beamline
        if 'LENGTH' not in s:
            s['LENGTH'] = np.nan
        offset = s['ORBIT_LENGTH'][0] / 2.0
        if pd.isnull(offset):
            offset = 0
        self.__beamline['AT_CENTER'] = pd.DataFrame(
            ) - (
                s['LENGTH'].fillna(0.0) / 2.0 - s['ORBIT_LENGTH'].fillna(0.0) / 2.0
            ) + (
                s['LENGTH'].shift(1).fillna(0.0) / 2.0 - s['ORBIT_LENGTH'].shift(1).fillna(0.0) / 2.0
            )).cumsum() / 1000.0 + offset
        self.__converted_from_survey = True
项目:georges    作者:chernals    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def split_rbends(line, n=20):
    split_line = pd.DataFrame()
    for index, row in line.iterrows():
        if row['CLASS'] == 'RBEND' and pd.isnull(row.get('SPLIT')):
            angle = row['ANGLE'] / n
            length = row['L'] / n
            for i in range(0,n):
                row = row.copy()
       = index + "_{}".format(i)
                row['SPLIT'] = True
                row['ANGLE'] = angle
                row['L'] = length
                split_line = split_line.append(row)
            split_line = split_line.append(row)
    split_line[['THICK']] = split_line[['THICK']].applymap(bool)
    return split_line
项目:georges    作者:chernals    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def element_to_mad(e):
    """Convert a pandas.Series representation onto a MAD-X sequence element."""
        return ""
    mad = "{}: {}, ".format(, e.CLASS)
    if e.get('BENDING_ANGLE') is not None and not np.isnan(e['BENDING_ANGLE']):
        mad += f"ANGLE={e['BENDING_ANGLE']},"
    elif e.get('ANGLE') is not None and not np.isnan(e['ANGLE']):
        mad += f"ANGLE={e.get('ANGLE', 0)},"
        # Angle property not supported by the element or absent
        mad += ""
    mad += ', '.join(["{}={}".format(p, e[p]) for p in SUPPORTED_PROPERTIES if pd.notnull(e.get(p, None))])
    if pd.notnull(e['LENGTH']) and e['LENGTH'] != 0.0:
        mad += ", L={}".format(e['LENGTH'])
    if pd.notnull(e.get('APERTYPE', None)):
        mad += ", APERTURE={}".format(str(e['APERTURE']).strip('[]'))
    if pd.notnull(e.get('PLUG')) and pd.notnull(e.get('CIRCUIT')) and pd.isnull(e.get('VALUE')):
        mad += ", {}:={}".format(e['PLUG'], e['CIRCUIT'])
    if pd.notnull(e.get('PLUG')) and pd.notnull(e.get('VALUE')):
        mad += ", {}={}".format(e['PLUG'], e['VALUE'])
    mad += ", AT={}".format(e['AT_CENTER'])
    mad += ";"
    return mad
项目:qiime2    作者:qiime2    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _validate_pandas_index(index, label):
    # `/` and `\0` aren't permitted because they are invalid filename
    # characters on *nix filesystems. The remaining values aren't permitted
    # because they *could* be misinterpreted by a shell (e.g. `*`, `|`).
    illegal_chars = ['/', '\0', '\\', '*', '<', '>', '?', '|', '$']
    chars_for_msg = ", ".join("%r" % i for i in illegal_chars)
    illegal_chars = set(illegal_chars)

    # First check the index dtype and ensure there are no null values
    if index.dtype_str not in ['object', 'str'] or pd.isnull(index).any():
        msg = "Non-string Metadata %s values detected" % label
        raise ValueError(invalid_metadata_template % msg)

    # Then check for invalid characters along index
    for value in index:
        if not value or illegal_chars & set(value):
            msg = "Invalid characters (e.g. %s) or empty ID detected in " \
                  "metadata %s: %r" % (chars_for_msg, label, value)
            raise ValueError(invalid_metadata_template % msg)

    # Finally, ensure unique values along index
    if len(index) != len(set(index)):
        msg = "Duplicate Metadata %s values detected" % label
        raise ValueError(invalid_metadata_template % msg)
项目:nuts-ml    作者:maet3608    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def isnull(value):
        Return true if values is NaN or None.

        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> ReadPandas.isnull(np.NaN)

        >>> ReadPandas.isnull(None)

        >>> ReadPandas.isnull(0)

        :param value: Value to test
        :return: Return true for NaN or None values.
        :rtype: bool
        return pd.isnull(value)
项目:f1_2017    作者:aflaisler    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def clean_data(self):
        # load qualif and race data
        df_qual = self.load_qualif_data()
        df_races = self.load_results_data()
        # remove Japan as no data for 2015 race
        df_qual = self.del_japan15(df_qual)
        df_races = self.del_japan15(df_races)
        # create unique id
        df_qual = self.unique_id(df_qual)
        df_races = self.unique_id(df_races)
        # merge the results
        df_out = df_races.merge(
            df_qual, on='id_', how='inner', suffixes=('', '_qual'))
        df_out = df_out[pd.isnull(df_out.q_min) == False]
        print df_out.shape
        return df_out.reset_index(drop=1), df_races.reset_index(drop=1), df_qual.reset_index(drop=1)

    # load the data
项目:f1_2017    作者:aflaisler    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def Xy_matrix(df_qual_and_race, columns, df_wet):
    df_q_r_out = df_qual_and_race.loc[:, columns].reset_index(drop=1)
    df_q_r_out = df_q_r_out[(pd.isnull(
        df_q_r_out[y_label]) == False) & (pd.isnull(df_q_r_out.q_min) == False)].reset_index(drop=1)
    X = df_q_r_out.loc[:, ['q_min', 'position_qual', 'raceId', 'circuitId',
                           'driverId', 'year', 'round', 'dob', y_label]]
    # birth year / mo
    X['birth_year'] = map(lambda x: int(x.year), df_q_r_out['dob'])
    X['birth_mo'] = map(lambda x: int(x.month), df_q_r_out['dob'])
    X.drop('dob', axis=1, inplace=1)
    # adding wet as a feature
    # weather data
    df_races = d['races'].copy()
    # df_races.head()
    X = X.merge(df_wet.drop(['circuitId'], 1),
                how='left', on=['year', 'round'])
    # pit stop
    df_pits = d['pitStops'].groupby(['raceId', 'driverId'], as_index=0)[
    df_pits.reset_index(drop=1, inplace=1)
    X_y = X.merge(df_pits, how='left', on=['raceId', 'driverId'])
    X_y.fillna(0, inplace=1)
    return X_y
项目:tdda    作者:tdda    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def differences(self, name, values, ref_values, precision):
        Returns a short summary of where values differ, for two columns.
        for i, val in enumerate(values):
            refval = ref_values[i]
            if val != refval and not (pd.isnull(val) and pd.isnull(refval)):
                stop = self.ndifferences(values, ref_values, i)
                summary_vals = self.sample_format(values, i, stop, precision)
                summary_ref_vals = self.sample_format(ref_values, i, stop,
                return 'From row %d: [%s] != [%s]' % (i+1,
        if values.dtype != ref_values.dtype:
            return 'Different types'
            return 'But mysteriously appear to be identical!'
项目:tdda    作者:tdda    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pandas_tdda_type(x):
     dt = getattr(x, 'dtype', None)
     if type(x) == str or dt == np.dtype('O'):
         return 'string'
     dts = str(dt)
     if type(x) == bool or 'bool' in dts:
         return 'bool'
     if type(x) in (int, long) or 'int' in dts:
         return 'int'
     if type(x) == float or 'float' in dts:
         return 'real'
     if (type(x) == datetime.datetime or 'datetime' in dts
                 or type(x) == pandas_Timestamp):
         return 'date'
     if x is None or (not isinstance(x, pd.core.series.Series)
                      and pd.isnull(x)):
         return 'null'
     # Everything else is other, for now, including compound types,
     # unicode in Python2, bytes in Python3 etc.
     return 'other'
项目:tgboost    作者:wepe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _predict(self, treenode, X):
        predict a single sample
        note that X is a tupe(index,pandas.core.series.Series) from df.iterrows()
        if treenode.is_leaf:
            return treenode.leaf_score
        elif pd.isnull(X[1][treenode.feature]):
            if treenode.nan_direction == 0:
                return self._predict(treenode.left_child, X)
                return self._predict(treenode.right_child, X)
        elif X[1][treenode.feature] < treenode.threshold:
            return self._predict(treenode.left_child, X)
            return self._predict(treenode.right_child, X)
项目:zipline-chinese    作者:zhanghan1990    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ffill_buffer_from_prior_values(freq,
    Forward-fill a buffer frame, falling back to the end-of-period values of a
    digest frame if the buffer frame has leading NaNs.
    # convert to ndarray if necessary
    digest_values = digest_frame
    if raw and isinstance(digest_frame, pd.DataFrame):
        digest_values = digest_frame.values

    buffer_values = buffer_frame
    if raw and isinstance(buffer_frame, pd.DataFrame):
        buffer_values = buffer_frame.values

    nan_sids = pd.isnull(buffer_values[0])
    if np.any(nan_sids) and len(digest_values):
        # If we have any leading nans in the buffer and we have a non-empty
        # digest frame, use the oldest digest values as the initial buffer
        # values.
        buffer_values[0, nan_sids] = digest_values[-1, nan_sids]

    nan_sids = pd.isnull(buffer_values[0])
    if np.any(nan_sids):
        # If we still have leading nans, fall back to the last known values
        # from before the digest.
        key_loc = pv_frame.index.get_loc((freq.freq_str, field))
        filler = pv_frame.values[key_loc, nan_sids]
        buffer_values[0, nan_sids] = filler

    if raw:
        filled = ffill(buffer_values)
        return filled

    return buffer_frame.ffill()
项目:zipline-chinese    作者:zhanghan1990    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ffill_digest_frame_from_prior_values(freq,
    Forward-fill a digest frame, falling back to the last known prior values if
    # convert to ndarray if necessary
    values = digest_frame
    if raw and isinstance(digest_frame, pd.DataFrame):
        values = digest_frame.values

    nan_sids = pd.isnull(values[0])
    if np.any(nan_sids):
        # If we have any leading nans in the frame, use values from pv_frame to
        # seed values for those sids.
        key_loc = pv_frame.index.get_loc((freq.freq_str, field))
        filler = pv_frame.values[key_loc, nan_sids]
        values[0, nan_sids] = filler

    if raw:
        filled = ffill(values)
        return filled

    return digest_frame.ffill()
项目:scikit-dataaccess    作者:MITHaystack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def combine_water_heights(in_data):
    Combine median and average water heights

    Create a column of water heights in input data frame using Median
    Water Depth by default, but fills in missing data using average

    @param in_data: Input water heights data

    if 'Mean Water Depth' in in_data.columns and 'Median Water Depth' in in_data.columns:
        # replacing all null median data with mean data
        median_null_index = pd.isnull(in_data.loc[:,'Median Water Depth'])

        in_data.loc[:,'Combined Water Depth'] = in_data.loc[:,'Median Water Depth']

        # Check if there is any replacement data available
        if (~pd.isnull(in_data.loc[median_null_index, 'Mean Water Depth'])).sum() > 0:
            in_data.loc[median_null_index, 'Combined Water Depth'] = in_data.loc[median_null_index, 'Mean Water Depth']

    elif 'Mean Water Depth' in in_data.columns and 'Median Water Depth' not in in_data.columns:
        in_data.loc[:,'Combined Water Depth'] = in_data.loc[:,'Mean Water Depth']

    elif 'Mean Water Depth' not in in_data.columns and 'Median Water Depth' in in_data.columns:
        in_data.loc[:,'Combined Water Depth'] = in_data.loc[:,'Median Water Depth']

        raise ValueError("in_data needs either 'Mean Water Depth' or 'Median Water Depth' or both")
项目:tdx_formula    作者:woodylee1974    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def CONV(self, param):
        df = pd.DataFrame(index = param[0].index)
        df['X'] = param[0]
        df['W'] = param[1]
        class Convolution:
            def __init__(self, N):
                self.N = N
                self.q = deque([], self.N)
                self.tq = deque([], self.N)
                self.s = 0
                self.t = 0

            def handleInput(self, row):
                if len(self.q) < self.N:
                    if pd.isnull(row['W']) or pd.isnull(row['X']):
                        return np.NaN
                    self.q.append(row['W'] * row['X'])
                    self.s += row['W'] * row['X']
                    self.t += row['W']
                    return np.NaN
                ret = self.s / self.t
                self.s -= self.q[0]
                self.t -= self.tq[0]
                delta_s = row['W'] * row['X']
                delta_t = row['W']
                self.s += delta_s
                self.t += delta_t
                return ret
        conv = Convolution(param[2])
        result = df.apply(conv.handleInput, axis = 1, reduce = True)
        return result

项目:ssbio    作者:SBRG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build_strain_specific_models(self, save_models=False):
        """Using the orthologous genes matrix, create and modify the strain specific models based on if orthologous
            genes exist.

        Also store the sequences directly in the reference GEM-PRO protein sequence attribute for the strains.

        if len(self.df_orthology_matrix) == 0:
            raise RuntimeError('Empty orthology matrix')

        # Create an emptied copy of the reference GEM-PRO
        for strain_gempro in tqdm(self.strains):
            log.debug('{}: building strain specific model'.format(

            # For each genome, load the metabolic model or genes from the reference GEM-PRO
            if self._empty_reference_gempro.model:
            elif self._empty_reference_gempro.genes:
                strain_gempro.genes = [ for x in self._empty_reference_gempro.genes]

            # Get a list of genes which do not have orthology in the strain
            not_in_strain = self.df_orthology_matrix[pd.isnull(self.df_orthology_matrix[])][].index.tolist()

            # Mark genes non-functional
            self._pare_down_model(strain_gempro=strain_gempro, genes_to_remove=not_in_strain)

            # Load sequences into the base and strain models

            if save_models:
                                         filename=op.join(self.model_dir, '{}.json'.format(
                strain_gempro.save_pickle(op.join(self.model_dir, '{}_gp.pckl'.format(
'Created {} new strain-specific models and loaded in sequences'.format(len(self.strains)))
项目:kaggle    作者:RankingAI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __ApplyOHE(cls, data, d_feat):
        n = len(data)
        result = np.zeros((n, len(d_feat)), dtype='int8')
        d_stat = {}
        for i in range(n):
            for col in cls.CategoryCols:
                v = data.ix[i, col]
                if(col not in d_stat):
                    d_stat[col] = {}
                    result[i, d_feat['%s:missing' % col]] = 1
                    if('missing' in d_stat[col]):
                        d_stat[col]['missing'] += 1
                        d_stat[col]['missing'] = 1
                elif('%s:%s' % (col, v) in d_feat):
                    result[i, d_feat['%s:%s' % (col, v)]] = 1
                    if('hit' in d_stat[col]):
                        d_stat[col]['hit'] += 1
                        d_stat[col]['hit'] = 1
                    result[i, d_feat['%s:less' % col]] = 1
                    if('less' in d_stat[col]):
                        d_stat[col]['less'] += 1
                        d_stat[col]['less'] = 1

        ## check
        for col in d_stat:
            if(np.sum(list(d_stat[col].values())) != n):
                print('Encoding for column %s error, %d : %d. ' % (col, np.sum(list(d_stat[col].values())),n))

        return result