Python pickle 模块,TUPLE 实例源码


项目:MIT-Thesis    作者:alec-heif    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def save_function_tuple(self, func):
        """  Pickles an actual func object.

        A func comprises: code, globals, defaults, closure, and dict.  We
        extract and save these, injecting reducing functions at certain points
        to recreate the func object.  Keep in mind that some of these pieces
        can contain a ref to the func itself.  Thus, a naive save on these
        pieces could trigger an infinite loop of save's.  To get around that,
        we first create a skeleton func object using just the code (this is
        safe, since this won't contain a ref to the func), and memoize it as
        soon as it's created.  The other stuff can then be filled in later.
        save =
        write = self.write

        code, f_globals, defaults, closure, dct, base_globals = self.extract_func_data(func)

        save(_fill_function)  # skeleton function updater
        write(pickle.MARK)    # beginning of tuple that _fill_function expects

        # create a skeleton function object and memoize it
        save((code, closure, base_globals))

        # save the rest of the func data needed by _fill_function
        write(pickle.REDUCE)  # applies _fill_function on the tuple
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_short_tuples(self):
        # Map (proto, len(tuple)) to expected opcode.
        expected_opcode = {(0, 0): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (0, 1): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (0, 2): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (0, 3): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (0, 4): pickle.TUPLE,

                           (1, 0): pickle.EMPTY_TUPLE,
                           (1, 1): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (1, 2): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (1, 3): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (1, 4): pickle.TUPLE,

                           (2, 0): pickle.EMPTY_TUPLE,
                           (2, 1): pickle.TUPLE1,
                           (2, 2): pickle.TUPLE2,
                           (2, 3): pickle.TUPLE3,
                           (2, 4): pickle.TUPLE,

                           (3, 0): pickle.EMPTY_TUPLE,
                           (3, 1): pickle.TUPLE1,
                           (3, 2): pickle.TUPLE2,
                           (3, 3): pickle.TUPLE3,
                           (3, 4): pickle.TUPLE,
        a = ()
        b = (1,)
        c = (1, 2)
        d = (1, 2, 3)
        e = (1, 2, 3, 4)
        for proto in protocols:
            for x in a, b, c, d, e:
                s = self.dumps(x, proto)
                y = self.loads(s)
                self.assertEqual(x, y, (proto, x, s, y))
                expected = expected_opcode[proto, len(x)]
                self.assertEqual(opcode_in_pickle(expected, s), True)
项目:oil    作者:oilshell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_bad_stack(self):
        badpickles = [
            '.',                        # STOP
            '0',                        # POP
            '1',                        # POP_MARK
            '2',                        # DUP
            # '(2',                     # PyUnpickler doesn't raise
            'R',                        # REDUCE
            'a',                        # APPEND
            'b',                        # BUILD
            'd',                        # DICT
            'e',                        # APPENDS
            # '(e',                     # PyUnpickler raises AttributeError
            'i__builtin__\nlist\n',     # INST
            'l',                        # LIST
            'o',                        # OBJ
            'p1\n',                     # PUT
            'q\x00',                    # BINPUT
            'r\x00\x00\x00\x00',        # LONG_BINPUT
            's',                        # SETITEM
            't',                        # TUPLE
            'u',                        # SETITEMS
            # '(u',                     # PyUnpickler doesn't raise
            '\x81',                     # NEWOBJ
            '\x85',                     # TUPLE1
            '\x86',                     # TUPLE2
            '\x87',                     # TUPLE3
        for p in badpickles:
            self.check_unpickling_error(self.bad_stack_errors, p)
项目:oil    作者:oilshell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_short_tuples(self):
        # Map (proto, len(tuple)) to expected opcode.
        expected_opcode = {(0, 0): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (0, 1): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (0, 2): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (0, 3): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (0, 4): pickle.TUPLE,

                           (1, 0): pickle.EMPTY_TUPLE,
                           (1, 1): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (1, 2): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (1, 3): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (1, 4): pickle.TUPLE,

                           (2, 0): pickle.EMPTY_TUPLE,
                           (2, 1): pickle.TUPLE1,
                           (2, 2): pickle.TUPLE2,
                           (2, 3): pickle.TUPLE3,
                           (2, 4): pickle.TUPLE,
        a = ()
        b = (1,)
        c = (1, 2)
        d = (1, 2, 3)
        e = (1, 2, 3, 4)
        for proto in protocols:
            for x in a, b, c, d, e:
                s = self.dumps(x, proto)
                y = self.loads(s)
                self.assertEqual(x, y, (proto, x, s, y))
                expected = expected_opcode[proto, len(x)]
                self.assertEqual(opcode_in_pickle(expected, s), True)
项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_bad_stack(self):
        badpickles = [
            '.',                        # STOP
            '0',                        # POP
            '1',                        # POP_MARK
            '2',                        # DUP
            # '(2',                     # PyUnpickler doesn't raise
            'R',                        # REDUCE
            'a',                        # APPEND
            'b',                        # BUILD
            'd',                        # DICT
            'e',                        # APPENDS
            # '(e',                     # PyUnpickler raises AttributeError
            'i__builtin__\nlist\n',     # INST
            'l',                        # LIST
            'o',                        # OBJ
            'p1\n',                     # PUT
            'q\x00',                    # BINPUT
            'r\x00\x00\x00\x00',        # LONG_BINPUT
            's',                        # SETITEM
            't',                        # TUPLE
            'u',                        # SETITEMS
            # '(u',                     # PyUnpickler doesn't raise
            '\x81',                     # NEWOBJ
            '\x85',                     # TUPLE1
            '\x86',                     # TUPLE2
            '\x87',                     # TUPLE3
        for p in badpickles:
            self.check_unpickling_error(self.bad_stack_errors, p)
项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_short_tuples(self):
        # Map (proto, len(tuple)) to expected opcode.
        expected_opcode = {(0, 0): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (0, 1): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (0, 2): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (0, 3): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (0, 4): pickle.TUPLE,

                           (1, 0): pickle.EMPTY_TUPLE,
                           (1, 1): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (1, 2): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (1, 3): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (1, 4): pickle.TUPLE,

                           (2, 0): pickle.EMPTY_TUPLE,
                           (2, 1): pickle.TUPLE1,
                           (2, 2): pickle.TUPLE2,
                           (2, 3): pickle.TUPLE3,
                           (2, 4): pickle.TUPLE,
        a = ()
        b = (1,)
        c = (1, 2)
        d = (1, 2, 3)
        e = (1, 2, 3, 4)
        for proto in protocols:
            for x in a, b, c, d, e:
                s = self.dumps(x, proto)
                y = self.loads(s)
                self.assertEqual(x, y, (proto, x, s, y))
                expected = expected_opcode[proto, len(x)]
                self.assertEqual(opcode_in_pickle(expected, s), True)
项目:web_ctp    作者:molebot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_short_tuples(self):
        # Map (proto, len(tuple)) to expected opcode.
        expected_opcode = {(0, 0): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (0, 1): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (0, 2): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (0, 3): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (0, 4): pickle.TUPLE,

                           (1, 0): pickle.EMPTY_TUPLE,
                           (1, 1): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (1, 2): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (1, 3): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (1, 4): pickle.TUPLE,

                           (2, 0): pickle.EMPTY_TUPLE,
                           (2, 1): pickle.TUPLE1,
                           (2, 2): pickle.TUPLE2,
                           (2, 3): pickle.TUPLE3,
                           (2, 4): pickle.TUPLE,

                           (3, 0): pickle.EMPTY_TUPLE,
                           (3, 1): pickle.TUPLE1,
                           (3, 2): pickle.TUPLE2,
                           (3, 3): pickle.TUPLE3,
                           (3, 4): pickle.TUPLE,
        a = ()
        b = (1,)
        c = (1, 2)
        d = (1, 2, 3)
        e = (1, 2, 3, 4)
        for proto in protocols:
            for x in a, b, c, d, e:
                s = self.dumps(x, proto)
                y = self.loads(s)
                self.assertEqual(x, y, (proto, x, s, y))
                expected = expected_opcode[proto, len(x)]
                self.assertEqual(opcode_in_pickle(expected, s), True)
项目:pefile.pypy    作者:cloudtracer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_short_tuples(self):
        # Map (proto, len(tuple)) to expected opcode.
        expected_opcode = {(0, 0): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (0, 1): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (0, 2): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (0, 3): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (0, 4): pickle.TUPLE,

                           (1, 0): pickle.EMPTY_TUPLE,
                           (1, 1): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (1, 2): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (1, 3): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (1, 4): pickle.TUPLE,

                           (2, 0): pickle.EMPTY_TUPLE,
                           (2, 1): pickle.TUPLE1,
                           (2, 2): pickle.TUPLE2,
                           (2, 3): pickle.TUPLE3,
                           (2, 4): pickle.TUPLE,
        a = ()
        b = (1,)
        c = (1, 2)
        d = (1, 2, 3)
        e = (1, 2, 3, 4)
        for proto in protocols:
            for x in a, b, c, d, e:
                s = self.dumps(x, proto)
                y = self.loads(s)
                self.assertEqual(x, y, (proto, x, s, y))
                expected = expected_opcode[proto, len(x)]
                self.assertEqual(opcode_in_pickle(expected, s), True)
项目:pyspark    作者:v-v-vishnevskiy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def save_function_tuple(self, func):
        """  Pickles an actual func object.

        A func comprises: code, globals, defaults, closure, and dict.  We
        extract and save these, injecting reducing functions at certain points
        to recreate the func object.  Keep in mind that some of these pieces
        can contain a ref to the func itself.  Thus, a naive save on these
        pieces could trigger an infinite loop of save's.  To get around that,
        we first create a skeleton func object using just the code (this is
        safe, since this won't contain a ref to the func), and memoize it as
        soon as it's created.  The other stuff can then be filled in later.
        save =
        write = self.write

        code, f_globals, defaults, closure, dct, base_globals = self.extract_func_data(func)

        save(_fill_function)  # skeleton function updater
        write(pickle.MARK)    # beginning of tuple that _fill_function expects

        # create a skeleton function object and memoize it
        save((code, closure, base_globals))

        # save the rest of the func data needed by _fill_function
        write(pickle.REDUCE)  # applies _fill_function on the tuple
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_short_tuples(self):
        # Map (proto, len(tuple)) to expected opcode.
        expected_opcode = {(0, 0): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (0, 1): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (0, 2): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (0, 3): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (0, 4): pickle.TUPLE,

                           (1, 0): pickle.EMPTY_TUPLE,
                           (1, 1): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (1, 2): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (1, 3): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (1, 4): pickle.TUPLE,

                           (2, 0): pickle.EMPTY_TUPLE,
                           (2, 1): pickle.TUPLE1,
                           (2, 2): pickle.TUPLE2,
                           (2, 3): pickle.TUPLE3,
                           (2, 4): pickle.TUPLE,

                           (3, 0): pickle.EMPTY_TUPLE,
                           (3, 1): pickle.TUPLE1,
                           (3, 2): pickle.TUPLE2,
                           (3, 3): pickle.TUPLE3,
                           (3, 4): pickle.TUPLE,
        a = ()
        b = (1,)
        c = (1, 2)
        d = (1, 2, 3)
        e = (1, 2, 3, 4)
        for proto in protocols:
            for x in a, b, c, d, e:
                s = self.dumps(x, proto)
                y = self.loads(s)
                self.assert_is_copy(x, y)
                expected = expected_opcode[min(proto, 3), len(x)]
                self.assertTrue(opcode_in_pickle(expected, s))
项目:ndk-python    作者:gittor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_short_tuples(self):
        # Map (proto, len(tuple)) to expected opcode.
        expected_opcode = {(0, 0): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (0, 1): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (0, 2): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (0, 3): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (0, 4): pickle.TUPLE,

                           (1, 0): pickle.EMPTY_TUPLE,
                           (1, 1): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (1, 2): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (1, 3): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (1, 4): pickle.TUPLE,

                           (2, 0): pickle.EMPTY_TUPLE,
                           (2, 1): pickle.TUPLE1,
                           (2, 2): pickle.TUPLE2,
                           (2, 3): pickle.TUPLE3,
                           (2, 4): pickle.TUPLE,
        a = ()
        b = (1,)
        c = (1, 2)
        d = (1, 2, 3)
        e = (1, 2, 3, 4)
        for proto in protocols:
            for x in a, b, c, d, e:
                s = self.dumps(x, proto)
                y = self.loads(s)
                self.assertEqual(x, y, (proto, x, s, y))
                expected = expected_opcode[proto, len(x)]
                self.assertEqual(opcode_in_pickle(expected, s), True)
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_short_tuples(self):
        # Map (proto, len(tuple)) to expected opcode.
        expected_opcode = {(0, 0): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (0, 1): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (0, 2): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (0, 3): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (0, 4): pickle.TUPLE,

                           (1, 0): pickle.EMPTY_TUPLE,
                           (1, 1): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (1, 2): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (1, 3): pickle.TUPLE,
                           (1, 4): pickle.TUPLE,

                           (2, 0): pickle.EMPTY_TUPLE,
                           (2, 1): pickle.TUPLE1,
                           (2, 2): pickle.TUPLE2,
                           (2, 3): pickle.TUPLE3,
                           (2, 4): pickle.TUPLE,

                           (3, 0): pickle.EMPTY_TUPLE,
                           (3, 1): pickle.TUPLE1,
                           (3, 2): pickle.TUPLE2,
                           (3, 3): pickle.TUPLE3,
                           (3, 4): pickle.TUPLE,
        a = ()
        b = (1,)
        c = (1, 2)
        d = (1, 2, 3)
        e = (1, 2, 3, 4)
        for proto in protocols:
            for x in a, b, c, d, e:
                s = self.dumps(x, proto)
                y = self.loads(s)
                self.assert_is_copy(x, y)
                expected = expected_opcode[min(proto, 3), len(x)]
                self.assertTrue(opcode_in_pickle(expected, s))
项目:MIT-Thesis    作者:alec-heif    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def save_function(self, obj, name=None):
        """ Registered with the dispatch to handle all function types.

        Determines what kind of function obj is (e.g. lambda, defined at
        interactive prompt, etc) and handles the pickling appropriately.
        write = self.write

        if name is None:
            name = obj.__name__
            # whichmodule() could fail, see
            modname = pickle.whichmodule(obj, name)
        except Exception:
            modname = None
        # print('which gives %s %s %s' % (modname, obj, name))
            themodule = sys.modules[modname]
        except KeyError:
            # eval'd items such as namedtuple give invalid items for their function __module__
            modname = '__main__'

        if modname == '__main__':
            themodule = None

        if themodule:
            if getattr(themodule, name, None) is obj:
                return self.save_global(obj, name)

        # if func is lambda, def'ed at prompt, is in main, or is nested, then
        # we'll pickle the actual function object rather than simply saving a
        # reference (as is done in default pickler), via save_function_tuple.
        if islambda(obj) or obj.__code__.co_filename == '<stdin>' or themodule is None:
            #print("save global", islambda(obj), obj.__code__.co_filename, modname, themodule)
            # func is nested
            klass = getattr(themodule, name, None)
            if klass is None or klass is not obj:

        if obj.__dict__:
            # essentially save_reduce, but workaround needed to avoid recursion
            write(pickle.MARK + pickle.GLOBAL + modname + '\n' + name + '\n')
            write(pickle.TUPLE + pickle.REDUCE)
            write(pickle.GLOBAL + modname + '\n' + name + '\n')
项目:pyspark    作者:v-v-vishnevskiy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def save_function(self, obj, name=None):
        """ Registered with the dispatch to handle all function types.

        Determines what kind of function obj is (e.g. lambda, defined at
        interactive prompt, etc) and handles the pickling appropriately.
        write = self.write

        if name is None:
            name = obj.__name__
        modname = pickle.whichmodule(obj, name)
        # print('which gives %s %s %s' % (modname, obj, name))
            themodule = sys.modules[modname]
        except KeyError:
            # eval'd items such as namedtuple give invalid items for their function __module__
            modname = '__main__'

        if modname == '__main__':
            themodule = None

        if themodule:
            if getattr(themodule, name, None) is obj:
                return self.save_global(obj, name)

        # if func is lambda, def'ed at prompt, is in main, or is nested, then
        # we'll pickle the actual function object rather than simply saving a
        # reference (as is done in default pickler), via save_function_tuple.
        if islambda(obj) or obj.__code__.co_filename == '<stdin>' or themodule is None:
            #print("save global", islambda(obj), obj.__code__.co_filename, modname, themodule)
            # func is nested
            klass = getattr(themodule, name, None)
            if klass is None or klass is not obj:

        if obj.__dict__:
            # essentially save_reduce, but workaround needed to avoid recursion
            write(pickle.MARK + pickle.GLOBAL + modname + '\n' + name + '\n')
            write(pickle.TUPLE + pickle.REDUCE)
            write(pickle.GLOBAL + modname + '\n' + name + '\n')
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_bad_stack(self):
        badpickles = [
            b'.',                       # STOP
            b'0',                       # POP
            b'1',                       # POP_MARK
            b'2',                       # DUP
            # b'(2',                    # PyUnpickler doesn't raise
            b'R',                       # REDUCE
            b'a',                       # APPEND
            b'b',                       # BUILD
            b'd',                       # DICT
            b'e',                       # APPENDS
            # b'(e',                    # PyUnpickler raises AttributeError
            b'ibuiltins\nlist\n',       # INST
            b'l',                       # LIST
            b'o',                       # OBJ
            b'p1\n',                    # PUT
            b'q\x00',                   # BINPUT
            b'r\x00\x00\x00\x00',       # LONG_BINPUT
            b's',                       # SETITEM
            b't',                       # TUPLE
            b'u',                       # SETITEMS
            # b'(u',                    # PyUnpickler doesn't raise
            b'\x81',                    # NEWOBJ
            b'\x85',                    # TUPLE1
            b'\x86',                    # TUPLE2
            b'\x87',                    # TUPLE3
            b'\x90',                    # ADDITEMS
            # b'(\x90',                 # PyUnpickler raises AttributeError
            b'\x91',                    # FROZENSET
            b'\x92',                    # NEWOBJ_EX
            b'\x93',                    # STACK_GLOBAL
            b'\x94',                    # MEMOIZE
        for p in badpickles:
            self.check_unpickling_error(self.bad_stack_errors, p)
项目:pywren    作者:pywren    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def save_function_tuple(self, func):
        """  Pickles an actual func object.

        A func comprises: code, globals, defaults, closure, and dict.  We
        extract and save these, injecting reducing functions at certain points
        to recreate the func object.  Keep in mind that some of these pieces
        can contain a ref to the func itself.  Thus, a naive save on these
        pieces could trigger an infinite loop of save's.  To get around that,
        we first create a skeleton func object using just the code (this is
        safe, since this won't contain a ref to the func), and memoize it as
        soon as it's created.  The other stuff can then be filled in later.
        if is_tornado_coroutine(func):
            self.save_reduce(_rebuild_tornado_coroutine, (func.__wrapped__,),

        save =
        write = self.write

        code, f_globals, defaults, closure_values, dct, base_globals = self.extract_func_data(func)

        save(_fill_function)  # skeleton function updater
        write(pickle.MARK)    # beginning of tuple that _fill_function expects

            itertools.chain(f_globals.values(), closure_values or ()),

        # create a skeleton function object and memoize it
            len(closure_values) if closure_values is not None else -1,

        # save the rest of the func data needed by _fill_function
        write(pickle.REDUCE)  # applies _fill_function on the tuple