Python pyglet 模块,window() 实例源码


项目:pycraft    作者:traverseda    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, ticks_ps, *args, **kwargs):
        super(Window, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.ticks_per_second = ticks_ps
        # Whether or not the window exclusively captures the mouse.
        # This call schedules the `update()` method to be called
        # ticks_per_second. This is the main game event loop.
        pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(self.update, 1.0 / self.ticks_per_second)
        config_loader = ConfigurationLoader()
        self.config_data = config_loader.load_configuration_file()

        # Create the game state manager and set the first state
        self.gamestatemanager = GameStateManager()
        # This should be changed when we implement the MAINMENU game state
        gs_running = GameStateRunning(self.config_data, height=self.height, width=self.width)
项目:pixelmek    作者:harbdog    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def on_key_release(self, key, modifiers):
        """This function is called when a key is released.

        'key' is a constant indicating which key was pressed.
        'modifiers' is a bitwise or of several constants indicating which
            modifiers are active at the time of the press (ctrl, shift, capslock, etc.)

        Constants are the ones from pyglet.window.key

        char = pyglet.window.key.symbol_string(key)
        if char in self.keys_pressed:

        mech = self.battle.getTurnUnit()

        if char == "P":
项目:FightstickDisplay    作者:calexil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_size(self, width, height):
        if self._fullscreen:
            raise WindowException('Cannot set size of fullscreen window.')
        self._width = max(1, int(width))
        self._height = max(1, int(height))
        # Move frame origin down so that top-left corner of window doesn't move.
        window_frame = self._nswindow.frame()
        rect = self._nswindow.contentRectForFrameRect_(window_frame)
        rect.origin.y += rect.size.height - self._height
        rect.size.width = self._width
        rect.size.height = self._height
        new_frame = self._nswindow.frameRectForContentRect_(rect)
        # The window background flashes when the frame size changes unless it's
        # animated, but we can set the window's animationResizeTime to zero.
        is_visible = self._nswindow.isVisible()
        self._nswindow.setFrame_display_animate_(new_frame, True, is_visible)
项目:FightstickDisplay    作者:calexil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_mouse_position(self, x, y, absolute=False):
        if absolute:
            # If absolute, then x, y is given in global display coordinates
            # which sets (0,0) at top left corner of main display.  It is possible
            # to warp the mouse position to a point inside of another display.
            # Window-relative coordinates: (x, y) are given in window coords
            # with (0,0) at bottom-left corner of window and y up.  We find
            # which display the window is in and then convert x, y into local
            # display coords where (0,0) is now top-left of display and y down.
            screenInfo = self._nswindow.screen().deviceDescription()
            displayID = screenInfo.objectForKey_(get_NSString('NSScreenNumber'))
            displayID = displayID.intValue()
            displayBounds = quartz.CGDisplayBounds(displayID)
            frame = self._nswindow.frame()
            windowOrigin = frame.origin
            x += windowOrigin.x
            y = displayBounds.size.height - windowOrigin.y - y
            quartz.CGDisplayMoveCursorToPoint(displayID, NSPoint(x,y))
项目:FightstickDisplay    作者:calexil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_exclusive_keyboard(self, exclusive=True):

        # BUG: System keys like F9 or command-tab are disabled, however 
        # pyglet also does not receive key press events for them.

        # This flag is queried by window delegate to determine whether 
        # the quit menu item is active.
        self._is_keyboard_exclusive = exclusive

        if exclusive:
            # "Be nice! Don't disable force-quit!" 
            #          -- Patrick Swayze, Road House (1989)
            options = NSApplicationPresentationHideDock | \
                      NSApplicationPresentationHideMenuBar | \
                      NSApplicationPresentationDisableProcessSwitching | \
            options = NSApplicationPresentationDefault

        NSApp = NSApplication.sharedApplication()
项目:FightstickDisplay    作者:calexil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _recreate(self, changes):
        # If flipping to/from fullscreen, need to recreate the window.  (This
        # is the case with both override_redirect method and
        # A possible improvement could be to just hide the top window,
        # destroy the GLX window, and reshow it again when leaving fullscreen.
        # This would prevent the floating window from being moved by the
        # WM.
        if ('fullscreen' in changes or 'resizable' in changes):
            # clear out the GLX context
            xlib.XDestroyWindow(self._x_display, self._window)
            del self.display._window_map[self._window]
            del self.display._window_map[self._view]
            self._window = None 
            self._mapped = False

        # TODO: detect state loss only by examining context share.
        if 'context' in changes:
            self._lost_context = True
            self._lost_context_state = True

项目:FightstickDisplay    作者:calexil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _event_button(self, ev):
        x = ev.xbutton.x
        y = self.height - ev.xbutton.y
        button = 1 << (ev.xbutton.button - 1)  # 1, 2, 3 -> 1, 2, 4
        modifiers = self._translate_modifiers(ev.xbutton.state)
        if ev.type == xlib.ButtonPress:
            # override_redirect issue: manually activate this window if
            # fullscreen.
            if self._override_redirect and not self._active:

            if ev.xbutton.button == 4:
                self.dispatch_event('on_mouse_scroll', x, y, 0, 1)
            elif ev.xbutton.button == 5:
                self.dispatch_event('on_mouse_scroll', x, y, 0, -1)
            elif ev.xbutton.button < len(self._mouse_buttons):
                self._mouse_buttons[ev.xbutton.button] = True
                    x, y, button, modifiers)
            if ev.xbutton.button < 4:
                self._mouse_buttons[ev.xbutton.button] = False
                    x, y, button, modifiers)
项目:FightstickDisplay    作者:calexil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_track_region(self):

        # Create a tracking region for the content part of the window
        # to receive enter/leave events.
        track_id = MouseTrackingRegionID()
        track_id.signature = DEFAULT_CREATOR_CODE = 1
        self._track_ref = MouseTrackingRef()
        self._track_region = carbon.NewRgn()
        if self._fullscreen:
                self._view_x, self._view_y, 
                self._view_x + self._width, self._view_y + self._height)
            options = kMouseTrackingOptionsGlobalClip
                kWindowContentRgn, self._track_region)
            options = kMouseTrackingOptionsGlobalClip
            self._track_region, None, options,
            track_id, None, None,
项目:FightstickDisplay    作者:calexil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _on_mouse_wheel_moved(self, next_handler, ev, data):

        x, y = self._get_mouse_position(ev)
        y = self.height - y

        axis = EventMouseWheelAxis()
        carbon.GetEventParameter(ev, kEventParamMouseWheelAxis,
            typeMouseWheelAxis, c_void_p(), sizeof(axis), c_void_p(),
        delta = c_long()
        carbon.GetEventParameter(ev, kEventParamMouseWheelDelta,
            typeSInt32, c_void_p(), sizeof(delta), c_void_p(),
        if axis.value == kEventMouseWheelAxisX:
                x, y, delta.value, 0)
                x, y, 0, delta.value)

        # _Don't_ call the next handler, which is application, as this then
        # calls our window handler again.
        #carbon.CallNextEventHandler(next_handler, ev)
        return noErr
项目:FightstickDisplay    作者:calexil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_exclusive_mouse(self, exclusive=True):
        if self._exclusive_mouse == exclusive and \
           self._exclusive_mouse_focus == self._has_focus:

        if exclusive and self._has_focus:
            # Move mouse to the center of the window.
            x, y = self._exclusive_mouse_screen
            self.set_mouse_position(x, y, absolute=True)

            # Clip to client area, to prevent large mouse movements taking
            # it outside the client area.
            rect = RECT()
            _user32.GetClientRect(self._view_hwnd, byref(rect))
            _user32.MapWindowPoints(self._view_hwnd, HWND_DESKTOP,
                                    byref(rect), 2)
            # Release clip

        self._exclusive_mouse = exclusive
        self._exclusive_mouse_focus = self._has_focus
项目:FightstickDisplay    作者:calexil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def draw(self, x, y):
        """Abstract render method.

        The cursor should be drawn with the "hot" spot at the given
        coordinates.  The projection is set to the pyglet default (i.e., 
        orthographic in window-space), however no other aspects of the 
        state can be assumed.

            `x` : int
                X coordinate of the mouse pointer's hot spot.
            `y` : int
                Y coordinate of the mouse pointer's hot spot.

        raise NotImplementedError('abstract')
项目:FightstickDisplay    作者:calexil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _PlatformEventHandler(data):
    """Decorator for platform event handlers.  

    Apply giving the platform-specific data needed by the window to associate
    the method with an event.  See platform-specific subclasses of this
    decorator for examples.

    The following attributes are set on the function, which is returned
    otherwise unchanged:

        List of data applied to the function (permitting multiple decorators
        on the same method).
    def _event_wrapper(f):
        f._platform_event = True
        if not hasattr(f, '_platform_event_data'):
            f._platform_event_data = []
        return f
    return _event_wrapper
项目:FightstickDisplay    作者:calexil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def on_resize(self, width, height):
        """A default resize event handler.

        This default handler updates the GL viewport to cover the entire
        window and sets the ``GL_PROJECTION`` matrix to be orthogonal in
        window space.  The bottom-left corner is (0, 0) and the top-right
        corner is the width and height of the window in pixels.

        Override this event handler with your own to create another
        projection, for example in perspective.
        # XXX avoid GLException by not allowing 0 width or height.
        width = max(1, width)
        height = max(1, height)
        gl.glViewport(0, 0, width, height)
        gl.glOrtho(0, width, 0, height, -1, 1)
项目:FightstickDisplay    作者:calexil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def close(self):
        """Close the window.

        After closing the window, the GL context will be invalid.  The
        window instance cannot be reused once closed (see also `set_visible`).

        The `` event is dispatched on
        `` when this method is called.
        from pyglet import app
        if not self._context:
        self._config = None
        self._context = None
        if app.event_loop:
            app.event_loop.dispatch_event('on_window_close', self)
项目:FightstickDisplay    作者:calexil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_minimum_size(self, width, height):
        """Set the minimum size of the window.

        Once set, the user will not be able to resize the window smaller
        than the given dimensions.  There is no way to remove the
        minimum size constraint on a window (but you could set it to 0,0).

        The behaviour is undefined if the minimum size is set larger than
        the current size of the window.

        The window size does not include the border or title bar.

            `width` : int
                Minimum width of the window, in pixels.
            `height` : int
                Minimum height of the window, in pixels.

        raise NotImplementedError('abstract')
项目:FightstickDisplay    作者:calexil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_maximum_size(self, width, height):
        """Set the maximum size of the window.

        Once set, the user will not be able to resize the window larger
        than the given dimensions.  There is no way to remove the
        maximum size constraint on a window (but you could set it to a large

        The behaviour is undefined if the maximum size is set smaller than
        the current size of the window.

        The window size does not include the border or title bar.

            `width` : int
                Maximum width of the window, in pixels.
            `height` : int
                Maximum height of the window, in pixels.

        raise NotImplementedError('abstract')
项目:FightstickDisplay    作者:calexil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_size(self, width, height):
        """Resize the window.

        The behaviour is undefined if the window is not resizable, or if
        it is currently fullscreen.

        The window size does not include the border or title bar.

            `width` : int
                New width of the window, in pixels.
            `height` : int
                New height of the window, in pixels.

        raise NotImplementedError('abstract')
项目:FightstickDisplay    作者:calexil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_vsync(self, vsync):
        """Enable or disable vertical sync control.

        When enabled, this option ensures flips from the back to the front
        buffer are performed only during the vertical retrace period of the
        primary display.  This can prevent "tearing" or flickering when
        the buffer is updated in the middle of a video scan.

        Note that LCD monitors have an analogous time in which they are not
        reading from the video buffer; while it does not correspond to
        a vertical retrace it has the same effect.

        With multi-monitor systems the secondary monitor cannot be
        synchronised to, so tearing and flicker cannot be avoided when the
        window is positioned outside of the primary display.  In this case
        it may be advisable to forcibly reduce the framerate (for example,
        using `pyglet.clock.set_fps_limit`).

            `vsync` : bool
                If True, vsync is enabled, otherwise it is disabled.

        raise NotImplementedError('abstract')
项目:FightstickDisplay    作者:calexil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_exclusive_mouse(self, exclusive=True):
        """Hide the mouse cursor and direct all mouse events to this

        When enabled, this feature prevents the mouse leaving the window.  It
        is useful for certain styles of games that require complete control of
        the mouse.  The position of the mouse as reported in subsequent events
        is meaningless when exclusive mouse is enabled; you should only use
        the relative motion parameters ``dx`` and ``dy``.

            `exclusive` : bool
                If True, exclusive mouse is enabled, otherwise it is disabled.

        raise NotImplementedError('abstract')
项目:FightstickDisplay    作者:calexil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_exclusive_keyboard(self, exclusive=True):
        """Prevent the user from switching away from this window using
        keyboard accelerators.

        When enabled, this feature disables certain operating-system specific
        key combinations such as Alt+Tab (Command+Tab on OS X).  This can be
        useful in certain kiosk applications, it should be avoided in general
        applications or games.

            `exclusive` : bool
                If True, exclusive keyboard is enabled, otherwise it is

        raise NotImplementedError('abstract')
项目:FightstickDisplay    作者:calexil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def on_mouse_drag(x, y, dx, dy, buttons, modifiers):
            """The mouse was moved with one or more mouse buttons pressed.

            This event will continue to be fired even if the mouse leaves
            the window, so long as the drag buttons are continuously held down.

                `x` : int
                    Distance in pixels from the left edge of the window.
                `y` : int
                    Distance in pixels from the bottom edge of the window.
                `dx` : int
                    Relative X position from the previous mouse position.
                `dy` : int
                    Relative Y position from the previous mouse position.
                `buttons` : int
                    Bitwise combination of the mouse buttons currently pressed.
                `modifiers` : int
                    Bitwise combination of any keyboard modifiers currently

项目:FightstickDisplay    作者:calexil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def on_mouse_release(x, y, button, modifiers):
            """A mouse button was released.

                `x` : int
                    Distance in pixels from the left edge of the window.
                `y` : int
                    Distance in pixels from the bottom edge of the window.
                `button` : int
                    The mouse button that was released.
                `modifiers` : int
                    Bitwise combination of any keyboard modifiers currently

项目:FightstickDisplay    作者:calexil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def on_mouse_scroll(x, y, scroll_x, scroll_y):
            """The mouse wheel was scrolled.

            Note that most mice have only a vertical scroll wheel, so
            `scroll_x` is usually 0.  An exception to this is the Apple Mighty
            Mouse, which has a mouse ball in place of the wheel which allows
            both `scroll_x` and `scroll_y` movement.

                `x` : int
                    Distance in pixels from the left edge of the window.
                `y` : int
                    Distance in pixels from the bottom edge of the window.
                `scroll_x` : int
                    Number of "clicks" towards the right (left if negative).
                `scroll_y` : int
                    Number of "clicks" upwards (downwards if negative).

项目:FightstickDisplay    作者:calexil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def on_draw():
            """The window contents must be redrawn.

            The `EventLoop` will dispatch this event when the window
            should be redrawn.  This will happen during idle time after
            any window events and after any scheduled functions were called.

            The window will already have the GL context, so there is no
            need to call `switch_to`.  The window's `flip` method will
            be called after this event, so your event handler should not.

            You should make no assumptions about the window contents when
            this event is triggered; a resize or expose event may have
            invalidated the framebuffer since the last time it was drawn.

            :since: pyglet 1.1

项目:FightstickDisplay    作者:calexil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def draw(self):
        """Draw the label.

        The OpenGL state is assumed to be at default values, except
        that the MODELVIEW and PROJECTION matrices are ignored.  At
        the return of this method the matrix mode will be MODELVIEW.

        gl.glOrtho(0, self.window.width, 0, self.window.height, -1, 1)



项目:FightstickDisplay    作者:calexil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dump_window():
    '''Dump display, window, screen and default config info.'''
    import pyglet.window
    platform = pyglet.window.get_platform()
    print('platform:', repr(platform))
    display = platform.get_default_display()
    print('display:', repr(display))
    screens = display.get_screens()
    for i, screen in enumerate(screens):
        print('screens[%d]: %r' % (i, screen))
    window = pyglet.window.Window(visible=False)
    for key, value in window.config.get_gl_attributes():
        print("config['%s'] = %r" % (key, value))
    print('context:', repr(window.context))

项目:cryptogram    作者:xinmingzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_size(self, width, height):
        if self._fullscreen:
            raise WindowException('Cannot set size of fullscreen window.')
        self._width = max(1, int(width))
        self._height = max(1, int(height))
        # Move frame origin down so that top-left corner of window doesn't move.
        window_frame = self._nswindow.frame()
        rect = self._nswindow.contentRectForFrameRect_(window_frame)
        rect.origin.y += rect.size.height - self._height
        rect.size.width = self._width
        rect.size.height = self._height
        new_frame = self._nswindow.frameRectForContentRect_(rect)
        # The window background flashes when the frame size changes unless it's
        # animated, but we can set the window's animationResizeTime to zero.
        is_visible = self._nswindow.isVisible()
        self._nswindow.setFrame_display_animate_(new_frame, True, is_visible)
项目:cryptogram    作者:xinmingzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_mouse_position(self, x, y, absolute=False):
        if absolute:
            # If absolute, then x, y is given in global display coordinates
            # which sets (0,0) at top left corner of main display.  It is possible
            # to warp the mouse position to a point inside of another display.
            # Window-relative coordinates: (x, y) are given in window coords
            # with (0,0) at bottom-left corner of window and y up.  We find
            # which display the window is in and then convert x, y into local
            # display coords where (0,0) is now top-left of display and y down.
            screenInfo = self._nswindow.screen().deviceDescription()
            displayID = screenInfo.objectForKey_(get_NSString('NSScreenNumber'))
            displayID = displayID.intValue()
            displayBounds = quartz.CGDisplayBounds(displayID)
            frame = self._nswindow.frame()
            windowOrigin = frame.origin
            x += windowOrigin.x
            y = displayBounds.size.height - windowOrigin.y - y
            quartz.CGDisplayMoveCursorToPoint(displayID, NSPoint(x,y))
项目:cryptogram    作者:xinmingzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_exclusive_keyboard(self, exclusive=True):

        # BUG: System keys like F9 or command-tab are disabled, however 
        # pyglet also does not receive key press events for them.

        # This flag is queried by window delegate to determine whether 
        # the quit menu item is active.
        self._is_keyboard_exclusive = exclusive

        if exclusive:
            # "Be nice! Don't disable force-quit!" 
            #          -- Patrick Swayze, Road House (1989)
            options = NSApplicationPresentationHideDock | \
                      NSApplicationPresentationHideMenuBar | \
                      NSApplicationPresentationDisableProcessSwitching | \
            options = NSApplicationPresentationDefault

        NSApp = NSApplication.sharedApplication()
项目:cryptogram    作者:xinmingzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _recreate(self, changes):
        # If flipping to/from fullscreen, need to recreate the window.  (This
        # is the case with both override_redirect method and
        # A possible improvement could be to just hide the top window,
        # destroy the GLX window, and reshow it again when leaving fullscreen.
        # This would prevent the floating window from being moved by the
        # WM.
        if ('fullscreen' in changes or 'resizable' in changes):
            # clear out the GLX context
            xlib.XDestroyWindow(self._x_display, self._window)
            del self.display._window_map[self._window]
            del self.display._window_map[self._view]
            self._window = None 
            self._mapped = False

        # TODO: detect state loss only by examining context share.
        if 'context' in changes:
            self._lost_context = True
            self._lost_context_state = True

项目:cryptogram    作者:xinmingzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _event_button(self, ev):
        x = ev.xbutton.x
        y = self.height - ev.xbutton.y
        button = 1 << (ev.xbutton.button - 1)  # 1, 2, 3 -> 1, 2, 4
        modifiers = self._translate_modifiers(ev.xbutton.state)
        if ev.type == xlib.ButtonPress:
            # override_redirect issue: manually activate this window if
            # fullscreen.
            if self._override_redirect and not self._active:

            if ev.xbutton.button == 4:
                self.dispatch_event('on_mouse_scroll', x, y, 0, 1)
            elif ev.xbutton.button == 5:
                self.dispatch_event('on_mouse_scroll', x, y, 0, -1)
            elif ev.xbutton.button < len(self._mouse_buttons):
                self._mouse_buttons[ev.xbutton.button] = True
                    x, y, button, modifiers)
            if ev.xbutton.button < 4:
                self._mouse_buttons[ev.xbutton.button] = False
                    x, y, button, modifiers)
项目:cryptogram    作者:xinmingzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_track_region(self):

        # Create a tracking region for the content part of the window
        # to receive enter/leave events.
        track_id = MouseTrackingRegionID()
        track_id.signature = DEFAULT_CREATOR_CODE = 1
        self._track_ref = MouseTrackingRef()
        self._track_region = carbon.NewRgn()
        if self._fullscreen:
                self._view_x, self._view_y, 
                self._view_x + self._width, self._view_y + self._height)
            options = kMouseTrackingOptionsGlobalClip
                kWindowContentRgn, self._track_region)
            options = kMouseTrackingOptionsGlobalClip
            self._track_region, None, options,
            track_id, None, None,
项目:cryptogram    作者:xinmingzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _on_mouse_wheel_moved(self, next_handler, ev, data):

        x, y = self._get_mouse_position(ev)
        y = self.height - y

        axis = EventMouseWheelAxis()
        carbon.GetEventParameter(ev, kEventParamMouseWheelAxis,
            typeMouseWheelAxis, c_void_p(), sizeof(axis), c_void_p(),
        delta = c_long()
        carbon.GetEventParameter(ev, kEventParamMouseWheelDelta,
            typeSInt32, c_void_p(), sizeof(delta), c_void_p(),
        if axis.value == kEventMouseWheelAxisX:
                x, y, delta.value, 0)
                x, y, 0, delta.value)

        # _Don't_ call the next handler, which is application, as this then
        # calls our window handler again.
        #carbon.CallNextEventHandler(next_handler, ev)
        return noErr
项目:cryptogram    作者:xinmingzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_exclusive_mouse(self, exclusive=True):
        if self._exclusive_mouse == exclusive and \
           self._exclusive_mouse_focus == self._has_focus:

        if exclusive and self._has_focus:
            # Move mouse to the center of the window.
            x, y = self._exclusive_mouse_screen
            self.set_mouse_position(x, y, absolute=True)

            # Clip to client area, to prevent large mouse movements taking
            # it outside the client area.
            rect = RECT()
            _user32.GetClientRect(self._view_hwnd, byref(rect))
            _user32.MapWindowPoints(self._view_hwnd, HWND_DESKTOP,
                                    byref(rect), 2)
            # Release clip

        self._exclusive_mouse = exclusive
        self._exclusive_mouse_focus = self._has_focus
项目:cryptogram    作者:xinmingzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def draw(self, x, y):
        """Abstract render method.

        The cursor should be drawn with the "hot" spot at the given
        coordinates.  The projection is set to the pyglet default (i.e., 
        orthographic in window-space), however no other aspects of the 
        state can be assumed.

            `x` : int
                X coordinate of the mouse pointer's hot spot.
            `y` : int
                Y coordinate of the mouse pointer's hot spot.

        raise NotImplementedError('abstract')
项目:cryptogram    作者:xinmingzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _PlatformEventHandler(data):
    """Decorator for platform event handlers.  

    Apply giving the platform-specific data needed by the window to associate
    the method with an event.  See platform-specific subclasses of this
    decorator for examples.

    The following attributes are set on the function, which is returned
    otherwise unchanged:

        List of data applied to the function (permitting multiple decorators
        on the same method).
    def _event_wrapper(f):
        f._platform_event = True
        if not hasattr(f, '_platform_event_data'):
            f._platform_event_data = []
        return f
    return _event_wrapper
项目:cryptogram    作者:xinmingzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def on_resize(self, width, height):
        """A default resize event handler.

        This default handler updates the GL viewport to cover the entire
        window and sets the ``GL_PROJECTION`` matrix to be orthogonal in
        window space.  The bottom-left corner is (0, 0) and the top-right
        corner is the width and height of the window in pixels.

        Override this event handler with your own to create another
        projection, for example in perspective.
        gl.glViewport(0, 0, width, height)
        gl.glOrtho(0, width, 0, height, -1, 1)
项目:cryptogram    作者:xinmingzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def close(self):
        """Close the window.

        After closing the window, the GL context will be invalid.  The
        window instance cannot be reused once closed (see also `set_visible`).

        The `` event is dispatched on
        `` when this method is called.
        from pyglet import app
        if not self._context:
        self._config = None
        self._context = None
        if app.event_loop:
            app.event_loop.dispatch_event('on_window_close', self)
项目:cryptogram    作者:xinmingzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_minimum_size(self, width, height):
        """Set the minimum size of the window.

        Once set, the user will not be able to resize the window smaller
        than the given dimensions.  There is no way to remove the
        minimum size constraint on a window (but you could set it to 0,0).

        The behaviour is undefined if the minimum size is set larger than
        the current size of the window.

        The window size does not include the border or title bar.

            `width` : int
                Minimum width of the window, in pixels.
            `height` : int
                Minimum height of the window, in pixels.

        raise NotImplementedError('abstract')
项目:cryptogram    作者:xinmingzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_maximum_size(self, width, height):
        """Set the maximum size of the window.

        Once set, the user will not be able to resize the window larger
        than the given dimensions.  There is no way to remove the
        maximum size constraint on a window (but you could set it to a large

        The behaviour is undefined if the maximum size is set smaller than
        the current size of the window.

        The window size does not include the border or title bar.

            `width` : int
                Maximum width of the window, in pixels.
            `height` : int
                Maximum height of the window, in pixels.

        raise NotImplementedError('abstract')
项目:cryptogram    作者:xinmingzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_size(self, width, height):
        """Resize the window.

        The behaviour is undefined if the window is not resizable, or if
        it is currently fullscreen.

        The window size does not include the border or title bar.

            `width` : int
                New width of the window, in pixels.
            `height` : int
                New height of the window, in pixels.

        raise NotImplementedError('abstract')
项目:cryptogram    作者:xinmingzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_vsync(self, vsync):
        """Enable or disable vertical sync control.

        When enabled, this option ensures flips from the back to the front
        buffer are performed only during the vertical retrace period of the
        primary display.  This can prevent "tearing" or flickering when
        the buffer is updated in the middle of a video scan.

        Note that LCD monitors have an analogous time in which they are not
        reading from the video buffer; while it does not correspond to
        a vertical retrace it has the same effect.

        With multi-monitor systems the secondary monitor cannot be
        synchronised to, so tearing and flicker cannot be avoided when the
        window is positioned outside of the primary display.  In this case
        it may be advisable to forcibly reduce the framerate (for example,
        using `pyglet.clock.set_fps_limit`).

            `vsync` : bool
                If True, vsync is enabled, otherwise it is disabled.

        raise NotImplementedError('abstract')
项目:cryptogram    作者:xinmingzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_exclusive_mouse(self, exclusive=True):
        """Hide the mouse cursor and direct all mouse events to this

        When enabled, this feature prevents the mouse leaving the window.  It
        is useful for certain styles of games that require complete control of
        the mouse.  The position of the mouse as reported in subsequent events
        is meaningless when exclusive mouse is enabled; you should only use
        the relative motion parameters ``dx`` and ``dy``.

            `exclusive` : bool
                If True, exclusive mouse is enabled, otherwise it is disabled.

        raise NotImplementedError('abstract')
项目:cryptogram    作者:xinmingzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_exclusive_keyboard(self, exclusive=True):
        """Prevent the user from switching away from this window using
        keyboard accelerators.

        When enabled, this feature disables certain operating-system specific
        key combinations such as Alt+Tab (Command+Tab on OS X).  This can be
        useful in certain kiosk applications, it should be avoided in general
        applications or games.

            `exclusive` : bool
                If True, exclusive keyboard is enabled, otherwise it is

        raise NotImplementedError('abstract')
项目:cryptogram    作者:xinmingzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def on_mouse_drag(x, y, dx, dy, buttons, modifiers):
            """The mouse was moved with one or more mouse buttons pressed.

            This event will continue to be fired even if the mouse leaves
            the window, so long as the drag buttons are continuously held down.

                `x` : int
                    Distance in pixels from the left edge of the window.
                `y` : int
                    Distance in pixels from the bottom edge of the window.
                `dx` : int
                    Relative X position from the previous mouse position.
                `dy` : int
                    Relative Y position from the previous mouse position.
                `buttons` : int
                    Bitwise combination of the mouse buttons currently pressed.
                `modifiers` : int
                    Bitwise combination of any keyboard modifiers currently

项目:cryptogram    作者:xinmingzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def on_mouse_release(x, y, button, modifiers):
            """A mouse button was released.

                `x` : int
                    Distance in pixels from the left edge of the window.
                `y` : int
                    Distance in pixels from the bottom edge of the window.
                `button` : int
                    The mouse button that was released.
                `modifiers` : int
                    Bitwise combination of any keyboard modifiers currently

项目:cryptogram    作者:xinmingzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def on_mouse_scroll(x, y, scroll_x, scroll_y):
            """The mouse wheel was scrolled.

            Note that most mice have only a vertical scroll wheel, so
            `scroll_x` is usually 0.  An exception to this is the Apple Mighty
            Mouse, which has a mouse ball in place of the wheel which allows
            both `scroll_x` and `scroll_y` movement.

                `x` : int
                    Distance in pixels from the left edge of the window.
                `y` : int
                    Distance in pixels from the bottom edge of the window.
                `scroll_x` : int
                    Number of "clicks" towards the right (left if negative).
                `scroll_y` : int
                    Number of "clicks" upwards (downwards if negative).

项目:cryptogram    作者:xinmingzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def on_draw():
            """The window contents must be redrawn.

            The `EventLoop` will dispatch this event when the window
            should be redrawn.  This will happen during idle time after
            any window events and after any scheduled functions were called.

            The window will already have the GL context, so there is no
            need to call `switch_to`.  The window's `flip` method will
            be called after this event, so your event handler should not.

            You should make no assumptions about the window contents when
            this event is triggered; a resize or expose event may have
            invalidated the framebuffer since the last time it was drawn.

            :since: pyglet 1.1

项目:cryptogram    作者:xinmingzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def draw(self):
        """Draw the label.

        The OpenGL state is assumed to be at default values, except
        that the MODELVIEW and PROJECTION matrices are ignored.  At
        the return of this method the matrix mode will be MODELVIEW.

        gl.glOrtho(0, self.window.width, 0, self.window.height, -1, 1)



项目:cryptogram    作者:xinmingzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dump_window():
    '''Dump display, window, screen and default config info.'''
    import pyglet.window
    platform = pyglet.window.get_platform()
    print('platform:', repr(platform))
    display = platform.get_default_display()
    print('display:', repr(display))
    screens = display.get_screens()
    for i, screen in enumerate(screens):
        print('screens[%d]: %r' % (i, screen))
    window = pyglet.window.Window(visible=False)
    for key, value in window.config.get_gl_attributes():
        print("config['%s'] = %r" % (key, value))
    print('context:', repr(window.context))
