Python pylab 模块,setp() 实例源码


项目:neurotools    作者:michaelerule    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def color_boxplot(bp,COLOR):
    The Boxplot defaults are awful.
    This is a little better
    pylab.setp(bp['boxes'], color=COLOR, edgecolor=COLOR)
    pylab.setp(bp['whiskers'], color=COLOR, ls='-', lw=1)
    pylab.setp(bp['caps'], color=COLOR, lw=1)
    pylab.setp(bp['fliers'], color=COLOR, ms=4)
    pylab.setp(bp['medians'], color=GATHER[-1], lw=1.5, solid_capstyle='butt')

####################################################################### Three isoluminance hue wheels at varying brightness
# Unfortunately the hue distribution is a bit off for these and they come
# out a little heavy in the red, gree, and blue. I don't reccommend using
# them
项目:spyking-circus    作者:spyking-circus    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def view_waveforms_clusters(data, halo, threshold, templates, amps_lim, n_curves=200, save=False):

    nb_templates = templates.shape[1]
    n_panels     = numpy.ceil(numpy.sqrt(nb_templates))
    mask         = numpy.where(halo > -1)[0]
    clust_idx    = numpy.unique(halo[mask])
    fig          = pylab.figure()    
    square       = True
    center       = len(data[0] - 1)//2
    for count, i in enumerate(xrange(nb_templates)):
        if square:
            pylab.subplot(n_panels, n_panels, count + 1)
            if (numpy.mod(count, n_panels) != 0):
                pylab.setp(pylab.gca(), yticks=[])
            if (count < n_panels*(n_panels - 1)):
                pylab.setp(pylab.gca(), xticks=[])

        subcurves = numpy.where(halo == clust_idx[count])[0]
        for k in numpy.random.permutation(subcurves)[:n_curves]:
            pylab.plot(data[k], '0.5')

        pylab.plot(templates[:, count], 'r')        
        pylab.plot(amps_lim[count][0]*templates[:, count], 'b', alpha=0.5)
        pylab.plot(amps_lim[count][1]*templates[:, count], 'b', alpha=0.5)

        xmin, xmax = pylab.xlim()
        pylab.plot([xmin, xmax], [-threshold, -threshold], 'k--')
        pylab.plot([xmin, xmax], [threshold, threshold], 'k--')
        #pylab.ylim(-1.5*threshold, 1.5*threshold)
        ymin, ymax = pylab.ylim()
        pylab.plot([center, center], [ymin, ymax], 'k--')
        pylab.title('Cluster %d' %i)

    if nb_templates > 0:
    if save:
        pylab.savefig(os.path.join(save[0], 'waveforms_%s' %save[1]))
    del fig
项目:spyking-circus    作者:spyking-circus    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def view_raw_templates(file_name, n_temp=2, square=True):

    N_e, N_t, N_tm = templates.shape
    if not numpy.iterable(n_temp):
        if square:
            idx = numpy.random.permutation(numpy.arange(N_tm//2))[:n_temp**2]
            idx = numpy.random.permutation(numpy.arange(N_tm//2))[:n_temp]
        idx = n_temp

    import matplotlib.colors as colors
    my_cmap   = pylab.get_cmap('winter')
    cNorm     = colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=N_e)
    scalarMap =, cmap=my_cmap)

    for count, i in enumerate(idx):
        if square:
            pylab.subplot(n_temp, n_temp, count + 1)
            if (numpy.mod(count, n_temp) != 0):
                pylab.setp(pylab.gca(), yticks=[])
            if (count < n_temp*(n_temp - 1)):
                pylab.setp(pylab.gca(), xticks=[])
            pylab.subplot(len(idx), 1, count + 1)
            if count != (len(idx) - 1):
                pylab.setp(pylab.gca(), xticks=[])
        for j in xrange(N_e):
            colorVal = scalarMap.to_rgba(j)
            pylab.plot(templates[j, :, i], color=colorVal)

        pylab.title('Template %d' %i)
项目:privcount    作者:privcount    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def plot_bar_chart(page, datasets, dataset_labels, dataset_colors, x_group_labels, err=0, title=None, xlabel='Bins', ylabel='Counts'):
    assert len(datasets) == len(dataset_colors) == len(dataset_labels)
    for dataset in datasets:
        assert len(dataset) == len(datasets[0])
        assert len(dataset) == len(x_group_labels)

    num_x_groups = len(datasets[0])
    x_group_locations = pylab.arange(num_x_groups)
    width = 1.0 / float(len(datasets)+1)

    figure = pylab.figure()
    axis = figure.add_subplot(111)
    bars = []

    for i in xrange(len(datasets)):
        bar = + (width*i), datasets[i], width, yerr=err, color=dataset_colors[i], error_kw=dict(ecolor='pink', lw=3, capsize=6, capthick=3))

    if title is not None:
    if ylabel is not None:
    if xlabel is not None:

    axis.set_xticks(x_group_locations + width*len(datasets)/2)
    x_tick_names = axis.set_xticklabels(x_group_labels)
    rot = 0 if num_x_groups == 1 else 15
    pylab.setp(x_tick_names, rotation=rot, fontsize=10)
    axis.set_xlim(-width, num_x_groups)
    y_tick_names = axis.get_yticklabels()
    pylab.setp(y_tick_names, rotation=0, fontsize=10)

    axis.legend([bar[0] for bar in bars], dataset_labels)
项目:PortfolioTimeSeriesAnalysis    作者:MizioAnd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dendrogram(df, number_of_clusters=int(df.shape[1] / 1.2)):
        # Create Dendrogram
        agglomerated_features = FeatureAgglomeration(n_clusters=number_of_clusters)
        used_networks = np.arange(0, number_of_clusters, dtype=int)

        # Create a custom palette to identify the networks
        network_pal = sns.cubehelix_palette(len(used_networks),
                                            light=.9, dark=.1, reverse=True,
                                            start=1, rot=-2)
        network_lut = dict(zip(map(str, df.columns), network_pal))

        # Convert the palette to vectors that will be drawn on the side of the matrix
        networks = df.columns.get_level_values(None)
        network_colors = pd.Series(networks, index=df.columns).map(network_lut)
        # Create custom colormap
        cmap = sns.diverging_palette(h_neg=210, h_pos=350, s=90, l=30, as_cmap=True)
        cg = sns.clustermap(df.astype(float).corr(), cmap=cmap, linewidths=.5, row_colors=network_colors,
        plt.setp(cg.ax_heatmap.yaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=0)
        plt.setp(cg.ax_heatmap.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=90)
项目:DVH    作者:glucee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main():

    # Read the example RT structure and RT dose files
    # The testdata was downloaded from the dicompyler website as

    # Obtain the structures and DVHs from the DICOM data

    rtssfile = 'testdata/rtss.dcm'
    rtdosefile = 'testdata/rtdose.dcm'
    RTss = dicomparser.DicomParser(rtssfile)
    #RTdose = dicomparser.DicomParser("testdata/rtdose.dcm") 
    RTstructures = RTss.GetStructures()

    # Generate the calculated DVHs
    calcdvhs = {}
    for key, structure in RTstructures.iteritems():
        calcdvhs[key] = dvhcalc.get_dvh(rtssfile, rtdosefile, key)
        if (key in calcdvhs) and (len(calcdvhs[key].counts) and calcdvhs[key].counts[0]!=0):
            print ('DVH found for ' + structure['name'])
            pl.plot(calcdvhs[key].counts * 100/calcdvhs[key].counts[0], 
          ['color'], dtype=float) / 255, 
        #    print("%d: no DVH"%key)
    pl.xlabel('Distance (cm)')
    pl.ylabel('Percentage Volume')
    pl.legend(loc=7, borderaxespad=-5)
    pl.setp(pl.gca().get_legend().get_texts(), fontsize='x-small')
    pl.savefig('testdata/dvh.png', dpi = 75)
项目:HousePrices    作者:MizioAnd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dendrogram(df, number_of_clusters, agglomerated_feature_labels):
        import seaborn as sns
        # Todo: Create Dendrogram
        # used networks are the labels occuring in agglomerated_features.labels_
        # which corresponds to np.arange(0, number_of_clusters)
        # number_of_clusters = int(df.shape[1] / 1.2)
        # used_networks = np.arange(0, number_of_clusters, dtype=int)
        used_networks = np.unique(agglomerated_feature_labels)
        # used_networks = [1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17]

        # In our case all columns are clustered, which means used_columns is true in every element
        # used_columns = (df.columns.get_level_values(None)
                        # .astype(int)
                        # .isin(used_networks))
        # used_columns = (agglomerated_feature_labels.astype(int).isin(used_networks))
        # df = df.loc[:, used_columns]

        # Create a custom palette to identify the networks
        network_pal = sns.cubehelix_palette(len(used_networks),
                                            light=.9, dark=.1, reverse=True,
                                            start=1, rot=-2)
        network_lut = dict(zip(map(str, df.columns), network_pal))

        # Convert the palette to vectors that will be drawn on the side of the matrix
        networks = df.columns.get_level_values(None)
        # networks = agglomerated_feature_labels
        network_colors = pd.Series(networks, index=df.columns).map(network_lut)
        # plt.figure()
        # cg = sns.clustermap(df, metric="correlation")
        # plt.setp(cg.ax_heatmap.yaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=0)
        # Create custom colormap
        cmap = sns.diverging_palette(h_neg=210, h_pos=350, s=90, l=30, as_cmap=True)
        cg = sns.clustermap(df.astype(float).corr(), cmap=cmap, linewidths=.5, row_colors=network_colors,
        plt.setp(cg.ax_heatmap.yaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=0)
        plt.setp(cg.ax_heatmap.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=90)
        # plt.xticks(rotation=90)
项目:emc_and_dm    作者:eucall-software    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def make_panel_of_intensity_slices(fn, c_n=9):
    M.rcParams.update({'font.size': 13})
    intensList = read.extract_arr_from_h5(fn, "/history/intensities", n=c_n)
    quatList = read.extract_arr_from_h5(fn, "/history/quaternion", n=-1)
    intens_len  = len(intensList)
    sqrt_len    = int(N.sqrt(intens_len))
    intens_sh   = intensList[0].shape
    iter_labels = read.create_interval_labels(len(quatList), c_n)[:intens_len]
    to_plot     = intensList[:intens_len]
    quat_label  = quatList[N.array(iter_labels)-1][:intens_len]
    plot_titles = ["iter_%d, quat_%d"%(ii,jj) for ii,jj in zip(iter_labels, quat_label)]
    fig, ax     = P.subplots(sqrt_len, sqrt_len, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(1.8*sqrt_len, 2.*sqrt_len))
    plt_counter = 0
    for r in range(sqrt_len):
        for c in range(sqrt_len):
            curr_slice = to_plot[plt_counter][intens_sh[0]/2]
            curr_slice = curr_slice*(curr_slice>0.) + 1.E-8*(curr_slice<=0.)
            ax[r,c].set_title(plot_titles[plt_counter], fontsize=11.5)
            im = ax[r,c].imshow(N.log10(curr_slice), vmin=-6.5, vmax=-3.5, aspect='auto',
            plt_counter += 1
    (shx, shy) = curr_slice.shape
    (h_shx, h_shy) = (shx/2, shy/2)
    xt = N.linspace(0.5*h_shx, shx-.5*h_shx-1, 3).astype('int')
    xt_l = N.linspace(-0.5*h_shx, 0.5*h_shx, 3).astype('int')
    yt = N.linspace(0, shy-1, 3).astype('int')
    yt_l = N.linspace(-1*h_shy, h_shy, 3).astype('int')
    P.setp(ax, xticks=xt, xticklabels=xt_l, yticks=yt, yticklabels=yt_l)
    cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.9, 0.1, 0.025, 0.8])
    fig.colorbar(im, cax=cbar_ax, label="log10(intensities)")
    img_name = "recon_series.pdf"
    P.savefig(img_name, bbox_inches='tight')
    print("Image has been saved as %s" % img_name)
项目:spyking-circus-ort    作者:spyking-circus    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def view_synthetic_templates(self, indices=None, time=None, nn=100, hf_dist=45, a_dist=1.0):

        if indices is None:
            indices = range(self.nb_cells)

        if not numpy.iterable(indices):
            indices = [indices]

        scaling = None

        for i in indices:

            template   = self._get_synthetic_template(i, time, nn, hf_dist, a_dist)
            template   = template.toarray()
            width      = template.shape[1]
            xmin, xmax = self.probe.field_of_view['x_min'], self.probe.field_of_view['x_max']
            ymin, ymax = self.probe.field_of_view['y_min'], self.probe.field_of_view['y_max']
            if scaling is None:
                scaling= 10*numpy.max(numpy.abs(template))
            colorVal   = self._scalarMap_synthetic.to_rgba(i)

            for count, i in enumerate(xrange(self.nb_channels)):
                x, y     = self.probe.positions[:, i]
                xpadding = ((x - xmin)/(float(xmax - xmin) + 1))*(2*width)
                ypadding = ((y - ymin)/(float(ymax - ymin) + 1))*scaling
                pylab.plot(xpadding + numpy.arange(width), ypadding + template[i, :], color=colorVal)

        pylab.setp(pylab.gca(), xticks=[], yticks=[])
        pylab.xlim(xmin, 3*width)
项目:spyking-circus-ort    作者:spyking-circus    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def view_circus_templates(self, indices=None):

        if indices is None:
            indices = range(self.nb_templates)

        if not numpy.iterable(indices):
            indices = [indices]

        data      = self.template_store.get(indices, ['templates', 'norms'])
        width     = self.template_store.width
        templates = data.pop('templates').T
        norms     = data.pop('norms')
        scaling   = None

        for count, i in enumerate(indices):

            template   = templates[count].toarray().reshape(self.nb_channels, width) * norms[count]
            xmin, xmax = self.probe.field_of_view['x_min'], self.probe.field_of_view['x_max']
            ymin, ymax = self.probe.field_of_view['y_min'], self.probe.field_of_view['y_max']
            if scaling is None:
                scaling= 10*numpy.max(numpy.abs(template))
            colorVal   = self._scalarMap_circus.to_rgba(i)

            for count, i in enumerate(xrange(self.nb_channels)):
                x, y     = self.probe.positions[:, i]
                xpadding = ((x - xmin)/(float(xmax - xmin) + 1))*(2*width)
                ypadding = ((y - ymin)/(float(ymax - ymin) + 1))*scaling
                pylab.plot(xpadding + numpy.arange(width), ypadding + template[i, :], color=colorVal)

        pylab.setp(pylab.gca(), xticks=[], yticks=[])
        pylab.xlim(xmin, 3*width)
项目:twitter-bot-detection    作者:franckbrignoli    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def boxplot(self, values_human, values_bot, title, path):
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)


        ax.boxplot([values_human, values_bot], vert=True, patch_artist=True)

        pl.setp(ax, xticks=[1, 2], xticklabels=["Humans", "Bots"])
项目:spyking-circus    作者:spyking-circus    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def view_templates(file_name, temp_id=0, best_elec=None, templates=None):

    params          = CircusParser(file_name)
    N_e             = params.getint('data', 'N_e')
    N_total         = params.getint('data', 'N_total')
    sampling_rate   = params.getint('data', 'sampling_rate')
    do_temporal_whitening = params.getboolean('whitening', 'temporal')
    do_spatial_whitening  = params.getboolean('whitening', 'spatial')
    spike_thresh     = params.getfloat('detection', 'spike_thresh')
    file_out_suff    = params.get('data', 'file_out_suff')
    N_t              = params.getint('detection', 'N_t')
    nodes, edges     = get_nodes_and_edges(params)
    chunk_size       = N_t
    N_total          = params.getint('data', 'N_total')
    inv_nodes        = numpy.zeros(N_total, dtype=numpy.int32)
    inv_nodes[nodes] = numpy.argsort(nodes)

    if templates is None:
        templates    = load_data(params, 'templates')
    clusters         = load_data(params, 'clusters')
    probe            = params.probe

    positions = {}
    for i in probe['channel_groups'].keys():
    xmin = 0
    xmax = 0
    ymin = 0
    ymax = 0
    scaling = 10*numpy.max(numpy.abs(templates[:,temp_id].toarray().reshape(N_e, N_t)))
    for i in xrange(N_e):
        if positions[i][0] < xmin:
            xmin = positions[i][0]
        if positions[i][0] > xmax:
            xmax = positions[i][0]
        if positions[i][1] < ymin:
            ymin = positions[i][0]
        if positions[i][1] > ymax:
            ymax = positions[i][1]
    if best_elec is None:
        best_elec = clusters['electrodes'][temp_id]
    elif best_elec == 'auto':
        best_elec = numpy.argmin(numpy.min(templates[:, :, temp_id], 1))
    for count, i in enumerate(xrange(N_e)):
        x, y     = positions[i]
        xpadding = ((x - xmin)/(float(xmax - xmin) + 1))*(2*N_t)
        ypadding = ((y - ymin)/(float(ymax - ymin) + 1))*scaling

        if i == best_elec:
        elif i in inv_nodes[edges[nodes[best_elec]]]:
        pylab.plot(xpadding + numpy.arange(0, N_t), ypadding + templates[i, :, temp_id], color=c)
    pylab.setp(pylab.gca(), xticks=[], yticks=[])
    pylab.xlim(xmin, 3*N_t)    
    return best_elec
项目:spyking-circus    作者:spyking-circus    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def view_masks(file_name, t_start=0, t_stop=1, n_elec=0):

    params          = CircusParser(file_name)
    data_file       = params.get_data_file()
    N_e             = params.getint('data', 'N_e')
    N_t             = params.getint('detection', 'N_t')
    N_total         = params.nb_channels
    sampling_rate   = params.rate
    do_temporal_whitening = params.getboolean('whitening', 'temporal')
    do_spatial_whitening  = params.getboolean('whitening', 'spatial')
    spike_thresh     = params.getfloat('detection', 'spike_thresh')
    file_out_suff    = params.get('data', 'file_out_suff')
    nodes, edges     = get_nodes_and_edges(params)
    chunk_size       = (t_stop - t_start)*sampling_rate
    padding          = (t_start*sampling_rate, t_start*sampling_rate)
    inv_nodes        = numpy.zeros(N_total, dtype=numpy.int32)
    inv_nodes[nodes] = numpy.argsort(nodes)
    safety_time      = params.getint('clustering', 'safety_time')

    if do_spatial_whitening:
        spatial_whitening  = load_data(params, 'spatial_whitening')
    if do_temporal_whitening:
        temporal_whitening = load_data(params, 'temporal_whitening')

    thresholds       = load_data(params, 'thresholds')
    data = data_file.get_data(0, chunk_size, padding=padding, nodes=nodes)
    data_shape = len(data)
    peaks            = {}
    indices          = inv_nodes[edges[nodes[n_elec]]]

    if do_spatial_whitening:
        data =, spatial_whitening)
    if do_temporal_whitening: 
        data = scipy.ndimage.filters.convolve1d(data, temporal_whitening, axis=0, mode='constant')

    for i in xrange(N_e):
        peaks[i]   = algo.detect_peaks(data[:, i], thresholds[i], valley=True, mpd=0)


    for count, i in enumerate(indices):

        pylab.plot(count*5 + data[:, i], '0.25')
        #xmin, xmax = pylab.xlim()
        pylab.scatter(peaks[i], count*5 + data[peaks[i], i], s=10, c='r')

    for count, i in enumerate(peaks[n_elec]):
        pylab.axvspan(i - safety_time, i + safety_time, facecolor='r', alpha=0.5)

    pylab.ylim(-5, len(indices)*5 )
    pylab.xlabel('Time [ms]')
    pylab.setp(pylab.gca(), yticks=[])
    return peaks
项目:nmmn    作者:rsnemmen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def allplot(xb,yb,bins=30,fig=1,xlabel='x',ylabel='y'):
X,Y : objects referring to the variables produced by PyMC that you want
to analyze. Example: X=M.theta, Y=M.slope.

Inherited from Tommy LE BLANC's code at astroplotlib|STSCI.

    #pylab.rcParams.update({'font.size': fontsize})

    gs = pylab.GridSpec(2, 2, width_ratios=[3,1], height_ratios=[1,3], wspace=0.07, hspace=0.07)
    histx=pylab.subplot(gs[0], sharex=scat)
    histy=pylab.subplot(gs[3], sharey=scat)
    #histx=fig.add_subplot(2,2,1, sharex=scat)
    #histy=fig.add_subplot(2,2,4, sharey=scat)

    # Scatter plot
    scat.plot(X, Y,linestyle='none', marker='o', color='green', mec='green',alpha=.2, zorder=-99)

    gkde = scipy.stats.gaussian_kde([X, Y])
    x,y = numpy.mgrid[X.min():X.max():(X.max()-X.min())/25.,Y.min():Y.max():(Y.max()-Y.min())/25.]
    z = numpy.array(gkde.evaluate([x.flatten(), y.flatten()])).reshape(x.shape)
    scat.contour(x, y, z, linewidths=2)

    # X-axis histogram
    histx.hist(X, bins, histtype='stepfilled')
    pylab.setp(histx.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)  # no X label
    #histx.xaxis.set_major_formatter(pylab.NullFormatter()) # no X label

    # Y-axis histogram
    histy.hist(Y, bins, histtype='stepfilled', orientation='horizontal')
    pylab.setp(histy.get_yticklabels(), visible=False)  # no Y label
    #histy.yaxis.set_major_formatter(pylab.NullFormatter()) # no Y label

项目:nmmn    作者:rsnemmen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def jointplotx(X,Y,xlabel=None,ylabel=None,binsim=40,binsh=20,binscon=15):
Plots the joint distribution of posteriors for X1 and X2, including the 1D
histograms showing the median and standard deviations. Uses simple method
for drawing the confidence contours compared to jointplot (which is wrong).

The work that went in creating this method is shown, step by step, in 
the ipython notebook "error contours.ipynb". Sources of inspiration:

>>> jointplot(M.rtr.trace(),M.mdot.trace(),xlabel='$\log \ r_{\\rm tr}$', ylabel='$\log \ \dot{m}$')
    # Generates 2D histogram for image
    histt, xt, yt = numpy.histogram2d(X, Y, bins=[binsim,binsim], normed=False)
    histt = numpy.transpose(histt)  # Beware: numpy switches axes, so switch back.

    # assigns correct proportions to subplots
    gs = pylab.GridSpec(2, 2, width_ratios=[3,1], height_ratios=[1,3], wspace=0.001, hspace=0.001)
    histx=pylab.subplot(gs[0], sharex=con)
    histy=pylab.subplot(gs[3], sharey=con)

    # Image
    con.imshow(histt,extent=[xt[0],xt[-1], yt[0],yt[-1]],origin='lower',,aspect='auto')

    # Overplot with error contours 1,2 sigma
    # Contour plot
    histdata, x, y = numpy.histogram2d(X, Y, bins=[binscon,binscon], normed=False)
    histdata = numpy.transpose(histdata)  # Beware: numpy switches axes, so switch back.
    pmax  = histdata.max()
    cs=con.contour(histdata, levels=[0.68*pmax,0.05*pmax], extent=[x[0],x[-1], y[0],y[-1]], colors=['black','blue'])
    # use dictionary in order to assign your own labels to the contours.
    #fmtdict = {s[0]:r'$1\sigma$',s[1]:r'$2\sigma$'}
    #con.clabel(cs, fmt=fmtdict, inline=True, fontsize=20)
    if xlabel!=None: con.set_xlabel(xlabel)
    if ylabel!=None: con.set_ylabel(ylabel)

    # X-axis histogram
    histx.hist(X, binsh, histtype='stepfilled',facecolor='lightblue')
    pylab.setp(histx.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)  # no X label
    pylab.setp(histx.get_yticklabels(), visible=False)  # no Y label
    # Vertical lines with median and 1sigma confidence
    histx.plot([numpy.median(X),numpy.median(X)],[yax[0],yax[1]],'k-',linewidth=2) # median
    xsd=scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(X, [15.87,84.13])
    histx.plot([xsd[0],xsd[0]],[yax[0],yax[1]],'k--') # -1sd
    histx.plot([xsd[-1],xsd[-1]],[yax[0],yax[1]],'k--') # +1sd

    # Y-axis histogram
    histy.hist(Y, binsh, histtype='stepfilled', orientation='horizontal',facecolor='lightyellow')
    pylab.setp(histy.get_yticklabels(), visible=False)  # no Y label
    pylab.setp(histy.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)  # no X label
    # Vertical lines with median and 1sigma confidence
    histy.plot([xax[0],xax[1]],[numpy.median(Y),numpy.median(Y)],'k-',linewidth=2) # median
    ysd=scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(Y, [15.87,84.13])
    histy.plot([xax[0],xax[1]],[ysd[0],ysd[0]],'k--') # -1sd
    histy.plot([xax[0],xax[1]],[ysd[-1],ysd[-1]],'k--') # +1sd