Python pymysql 模块,IntegrityError() 实例源码


项目:news-please    作者:fhamborg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def process_item(self, item, spider):
        if == 'RssCrawler':
            # Search the CurrentVersion table for a version of the article
                self.cursor.execute(self.compare_versions, (item['url'],))
            except (pymysql.err.OperationalError, pymysql.ProgrammingError, pymysql.InternalError,
                    pymysql.IntegrityError, TypeError) as error:
                self.log.error("Something went wrong in rss query: %s", error)

            # Save the result of the query. Must be done before the add,
            #   otherwise the result will be overwritten in the buffer
            old_version = self.cursor.fetchone()

            if old_version is not None:
                # Compare the two download dates. index 3 of old_version
                #   corresponds to the download_date attribute in the DB
                if (datetime.datetime.strptime(
                        item['download_date'], "%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") -
                        old_version[3]) \
                        < datetime.timedelta(hours=self.delta_time):
                    raise DropItem("Article in DB too recent. Not saving.")

        return item
项目:persist_transaction    作者:chalbersma    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def retire_in_db(self, dbconn) :

        retire_transaction_string = "UPDATE trked_trans set active = 0 where id = " + self.dbid

            return_dict["success"] = True
        except pymysql.IntegrityError as e :
            return_dict["success"] = False
            return_dict["failure_message"] = "Integrity Error"
            return_dict["debug"] = str(e)
        except pymysql.ProgrammingError as e :
            return_dict["success"] = False
            return_dict["failure_message"] = "ProgrammingError"
            return_dict["debug"] = str(e)
        except pymysql.DataError as e :
            return_dict["success"] = False
            return_dict["failure_message"] = "DataError"
            return_dict["debug"] = str(e)
        except pymysql.NotSupportedError as e :
            return_dict["success"] = False
            return_dict["failure_message"] = "NotSupportedError"
            return_dict["debug"] = str(e)
        except pymysql.OperationalError as e :
            return_dict["success"] = False
            return_dict["failure_message"] = "OperationalError"
            return_dict["debug"] = str(e)   
        except Exception as e :
            return_dict["success"] = False
            return_dict["failure_short"] = "Unknown Failure " + str(e)

        return return_dict
项目:persist_transaction    作者:chalbersma    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_update(self, dbconn, updatedict):
        return_dict = dict()

        do_update_sql = "INSERT into attempts (fk_trked_trans_id, result) VALUES (%s, %s) ; " +\
                                        "UPDATE trked_trans set lastChecked = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, active = %s  where id = %s ; " 

        values_to_insert = (self.dbid, updatedict["result"], updatedict["still_valid"], self.dbid )

            dbconn.execute(do_update_sql, values_to_insert)
            return_dict["insert_id"] = dbconn.lastrowid
            self.dbid = int(return_dict["insert_id"])
            return_dict["success"] = True
        except pymysql.IntegrityError as e :
            return_dict["success"] = False
            return_dict["failure_message"] = "Integrity Error"
            return_dict["debug"] = str(e)
        except pymysql.ProgrammingError as e :
            return_dict["success"] = False
            return_dict["failure_message"] = "ProgrammingError"
            return_dict["debug"] = str(e)
        except pymysql.DataError as e :
            return_dict["success"] = False
            return_dict["failure_message"] = "DataError"
            return_dict["debug"] = str(e)
        except pymysql.NotSupportedError as e :
            return_dict["success"] = False
            return_dict["failure_message"] = "NotSupportedError"
            return_dict["debug"] = str(e)
        except pymysql.OperationalError as e :
            return_dict["success"] = False
            return_dict["failure_message"] = "OperationalError"
            return_dict["debug"] = str(e)   
        except Exception as e :
            return_dict["success"] = False
            return_dict["failure_short"] = "Unknown Failure " + str(e)

        return return_dict
项目:persist_transaction    作者:chalbersma    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_to_database(self, dbconn):
        # Add to Database

        return_dict = dict()

        delete_string = str(uuid.uuid4())

        values_to_insert = (self.txid, True, self.txhex, delete_string)
        add_transaction_string = "INSERT into trked_trans (txid, active, hextx, deletestring) VALUES( %s, %s, %s, %s ) ;"

            dbconn.execute(add_transaction_string, values_to_insert)
            return_dict["insert_id"] = dbconn.lastrowid
            self.dbid = int(return_dict["insert_id"])
            return_dict["success"] = True
            return_dict["delete_string"] = delete_string
        except pymysql.IntegrityError as e :
            return_dict["success"] = False
            return_dict["failure_message"] = "Integrity Error (Transaction probably already in system)"
            return_dict["debug"] = str(e)
        except pymysql.ProgrammingError as e :
            return_dict["success"] = False
            return_dict["failure_message"] = "ProgrammingError"
            return_dict["debug"] = str(e)
        except pymysql.DataError as e :
            return_dict["success"] = False
            return_dict["failure_message"] = "DataError"
            return_dict["debug"] = str(e)
        except pymysql.NotSupportedError as e :
            return_dict["success"] = False
            return_dict["failure_message"] = "NotSupportedError"
            return_dict["debug"] = str(e)
        except pymysql.OperationalError as e :
            return_dict["success"] = False
            return_dict["failure_message"] = "OperationalError"
            return_dict["debug"] = str(e)   
        except Exception as e :
            return_dict["success"] = False
            return_dict["failure_short"] = "Unknown Failure " + str(e)

        return return_dict
项目:iris    作者:linkedin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update_message_sent_status(message, status):
    message_id = message.get('message_id')
    if not message_id:

    mode = message.get('mode')

    if not mode:

    # Don't track this for twilio as those are kept track of separately. Make
    # use of this for email, and, as a side effect of that for slack
    if mode in ('sms', 'call'):

    session = db.Session()
        session.execute('''INSERT INTO `generic_message_sent_status` (`message_id`, `status`)
                           VALUES (:message_id, :status)
                           ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `status` =  :status''',
                        {'message_id': message_id, 'status': status})
    except (DataError, IntegrityError, InternalError):
        logger.exception('Failed setting message sent status for message %s', message)
项目:news-please    作者:fhamborg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def reset_mysql(self):
        Resets the MySQL database.

        confirm = self.no_confirm

Cleanup MySQL database:
    This will truncate all tables and reset the whole database.

        if not confirm:
            confirm = 'yes' in builtins.input(
    Do you really want to do this? Write 'yes' to confirm: {yes}"""
                    .format(yes='yes' if confirm else ''))

        if not confirm:
            print("Did not type yes. Thus aborting.")

        print("Resetting database...")

            # initialize DB connection
            self.conn = pymysql.connect(host=self.mysql["host"],
            self.cursor = self.conn.cursor()

            self.cursor.execute("TRUNCATE TABLE CurrentVersions")
            self.cursor.execute("TRUNCATE TABLE ArchiveVersions")
        except (pymysql.err.OperationalError, pymysql.ProgrammingError, pymysql.InternalError,
                pymysql.IntegrityError, TypeError) as error:
            self.log.error("Database reset error: %s", error)
项目:infoset-ng    作者:PalisadoesFoundation    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def idx_agent(self):
        """Insert new agent into database if necessary.


            idx_agent: IDX value of agent from database

        # Initialize key variables
        agent_name = self.agent_data['agent_name']
        id_agent = self.agent_data['id_agent']

        # Get information on agent from database
        agent_data = db_agent.GetIDAgent(id_agent)

        # Return if agent already exists in the table
        if agent_data.exists() is True:
            idx_agent = agent_data.idx_agent()
            return idx_agent

        # Get information on agent from database
        name_data = db_agentname.GetAgentName(agent_name)

        # Insert data into table if required
        # Get idx_agentname
        if name_data.exists() is False:
            record = AgentName(
            database = db.Database()
                database.add(record, 1145)
            except pymysql.IntegrityError:
                # There may be a duplicate agent name if this is a brand
                # new database and there is a flurry of updates from multiple
                # agents. This is OK, pass.
                # We are expecting a 'pymysql.err.IntegrityError' but for some
                # reason it could not be caught.
            new_name_data = db_agentname.GetAgentName(agent_name)
            idx_agentname = new_name_data.idx_agentname()
            idx_agentname = name_data.idx_agentname()

        # Add record to the database
        new_record = Agent(
        database = db.Database()
        database.add(new_record, 1081)

        # Get idx_agent value from database
        new_agent_data = db_agent.GetIDAgent(id_agent)
        idx_agent = new_agent_data.idx_agent()
        return idx_agent