Python pysam 模块,FastaFile() 实例源码


项目:OrbWeaver    作者:rajanil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, fasta_filename, prediction_type, cellgroup_mapping=None):

        self._genome_handle = pysam.FastaFile(fasta_filename)
        self.prediction_type = prediction_type

        if cellgroup_mapping is not None:
            self.cellgroup_mapping = cellgroup_mapping
            self.C = len(self.cellgroup_mapping)
项目:CSI    作者:YangLab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_fasta(fa_f, pysam_flag=True):
    if not os.path.isfile(fa_f + '.fai'):
    if pysam_flag:  # return pysam FastaFile object
        fa = pysam.FastaFile(fa_f)
        return fa
    else:  # return fasta file path
        return fa_f
项目:DREAM_invivo_tf_binding_prediction_challenge_baseline    作者:nboley    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def iter_seqs(self, fasta_fname):
        genome = pysam.FastaFile(fasta_fname)
        return (
            genome.fetch(contig, start, stop+1).upper()
            for contig, start, stop
            in self.iter_regions(flank_size=400)
项目:medaka    作者:nanoporetech    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, bam:str, reference:str, columns:int=20000, cache:int=None, minor_gaps:bool=False):
        """Interface to samtools tview functionality.

        :param bam: path to bam file of reads aligned to a common
        :param reference: path to fasta file of reference to which reads
            are aligned.
        :param columns: default number of tview columns to read in one go.
        :param cache: Currently not implemented.
        :param minor_gaps: encoded gaps in non-reference positions distinctly.
        self.logger = logging.getLogger('TView')
        self._bam = bam
        self._reference = reference
        self._columns = columns
        self._cache = cache
        self._minor_gaps = minor_gaps
        if self._minor_gaps:
            raise NotImplementedError
        self._columns_per_base = 3 # reasonable estimate
        self._column_pad = 1.1 # multiplier when _columns_per_base is updated

        # crosscheck the inputs
        with pysam.AlignmentFile(bam, 'rb') as b:
            brefs = b.references
            blens = b.lengths
        rrefs = set(pysam.FastaFile(reference).references)
        sbrefs = set(brefs)
        if not sbrefs.issuperset(rrefs):
            raise ValueError("input bam and reference do not appear consistent: {} vs {}.".format(sbrefs, rrefs))
        self._refs = set(brefs)
        self._reflens = dict(zip(brefs, blens))

        self._pileup = None # buffered `Pileup` object
项目:gretel    作者:SamStudio8    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_fasta(fa_path):
    A convenient wrapper function for constructing a :py:class:`pysam.FastaFile`

    fa_path : str
        Path to FASTA


    FASTA File Interface : :py:class:`pysam.FastaFile`
    return pysam.FastaFile(fa_path)
项目:XYalign    作者:WilsonSayresLab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_chrom_length(self, chrom):
        Extract chromosome length from fasta.


        chrom : str
            The name of the chromosome or scaffold.


        length : int
            The length (integer) of the chromsome/scaffold


            If chromosome name not present in bam header

        fastafile = pysam.FastaFile(self.filepath)
        lengths = dict(zip(fastafile.references, fastafile.lengths))
            lens = lengths[chrom]
            return lens
                "{} not present in {}. Exiting.".format(
                    chrom, self.filepath))
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Chromosome name not present in fasta. Exiting")
项目:XYalign    作者:WilsonSayresLab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def chromosome_lengths(self):

            Chromosome lengths ordered by sequence order in fasta

        fastafile = pysam.FastaFile(self.filepath)
        lengths = fastafile.lengths
        # pysam's .lengths does not return a tuple (despite what is in the docs),
        # so, convert to tuple before returning.
        return tuple(lengths)
项目:XYalign    作者:WilsonSayresLab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def chromosome_names(self):

            Chromosome names ordered by sequence order in fasta

        fastafile = pysam.FastaFile(self.filepath)
        names = fastafile.references
        # pysam's .lengths does not return a tuple (despite what is in the docs),
        # so, convert to tuple before returning.
        return tuple(names)
项目:biocommons.seqrepo    作者:biocommons    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, filename):
        self._fh = FastaFile(filename)
项目:biocommons.seqrepo    作者:biocommons    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def close(self):
        if self._fh:
            self._fh = None
            subprocess.check_call([bgzip_exe, "--force", self._basepath])
            os.rename(self._basepath + ".gz", self.filename)

            # open file with FastaFile to create indexes, then make all read-only
            _fh = FastaFile(self.filename)
            os.chmod(self.filename, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IROTH)
            os.chmod(self.filename + ".fai", stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IROTH)
            os.chmod(self.filename + ".gzi", stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IROTH)

  "{} written; added {} sequences".format(self.filename, len(self._added)))
项目:shabam    作者:dlrice    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def covplot(seqfiles, chrom, start, end, fastafile, out=None):
    if type(seqfiles) is not list:
        seqfiles = [seqfiles]

    chrom = str(chrom)
    with pysam.FastaFile(fastafile) as handle:
        reference = handle.fetch(start=start, end=end, region=chrom)
        ref = reference

    axis_offset = 75
    cov_height = 200
    height = len(seqfiles) * cov_height + (len(seqfiles) - 1 ) * 50 + axis_offset

    out_type, surface = fileformat(out, width=(end - start) * 10, height=height)
    context = cairo.Context(surface)

    plot_axis(context, start, end, axis_offset - 10)
    plot_grid(context, start, end, axis_offset, height)

    for seqfile in seqfiles:
        seq = pysam.AlignmentFile(seqfile, 'rb')
        coords = OrderedDict({0: -1e9})
        reps = ( parse_read(x, coords, ref, start) for x in seq.fetch(chrom, start, end) )

        plot_coverage(context, get_coverage(reps), axis_offset, start, (end - start) * 10, cov_height)
        axis_offset += cov_height

        if seqfiles.index(seqfile) < len(seqfiles) - 1:
            insert_spacer(context, coords, start, end)
            axis_offset += 50

    if out_type == 'png':
    elif out_type is None:
        return surface.write_to_png()
项目:brie    作者:huangyh09    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, fasta_file):
        self.f = pysam.FastaFile(fasta_file)
项目:brie    作者:huangyh09    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, fasta_file):
        self.f = pysam.FastaFile(fasta_file)
项目:medaka    作者:nanoporetech    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bam_pileup_to_hdf(hdf, bams, ref_fasta, ref_name:str=None, start:int=0, end:int=None, truth_bam=None,
                      chunk_len=50000, overlap=1000):
    """Create an .hdf file containing chunks of a pileup.

    :param hdf: output .hdf file (will be overwritten).
    :param bams: iterable of input .bam files.
    :param ref_fasta: input .fasta file.
    :param ref_name: name of reference within .bam to parse.
    :param start: start reference coordinate.
    :param end: end reference coordinate. If `None` the full extent of
        the reference will be parsed.
    :param truth_bam: .bam file of truth aligned to ref to generate labels.
    :param chunk_len: int, chunk length in reference coordinates.
    :param overlap: int, overlap of adjacent chunks in reference coordinates.

    ..note:: Datasets will be name as `{reference}_{start}_{end}`, indicating
        the reference coordinates spanned.

    if ref_name is None:
        # use all references
        refs = pysam.FastaFile(ref_fasta).references
        assert end == None
        assert start == 0
        refs = [ref_name,]

    with h5py.File(hdf, 'w') as hdf:
        for ref in refs:
            if truth_bam is not None:
                gen = generate_training_chunks(truth_bam, bams, ref_fasta, ref_name=ref,
                                               start=start, end=end, chunk_len=chunk_len, overlap=overlap)
                gen = generate_pileup_chunks(bams, ref_fasta, ref_name=ref, start=start, end=end,
                                             chunk_len=chunk_len, overlap=overlap)
  "Processing reference {}.".format(ref))
            for c in gen:
                pos = c.pileups[0].positions
                chunk_str = '{}_{}_{}'.format(ref, pos['major'][0], pos['major'][-1] + 1)
                if c.labels is not None:
                    # save labels
                    hdf['{}/labels'.format(chunk_str)] = np.char.encode(c.labels)
                if c.ref_seq is not None:
                    # save ref
                    hdf['{}/ref_seq'.format(chunk_str)] = np.char.encode(c.ref_seq)

                for bam_count, p in enumerate(c.pileups):
                    assert p.ref_name == ref
                    grp = '{}/datatype{}'.format(chunk_str, bam_count)
                    hdf['{}/positions'.format(grp)] = p.positions
                    hdf[grp].attrs['rname'] = p.ref_name
                    hdf[grp].attrs['start'] = p.positions['major'][0]
                    hdf[grp].attrs['end'] = p.positions['major'][-1]
                    hdf[grp].attrs['bam'] = p.bam
                    hdf['{}/data'.format(grp)] = p.reads
项目:shabam    作者:dlrice    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def seqplot(seqfiles, chrom, start, end, fastafile, out=None, by_strand=False):
    ''' the plotting function

        seqfiles: list of paths to sequence files
        chrom: chromosome to fetch reads from
        start: start nucleotide of plotting window.
        end: end nucleotide of plotting window.
        fastafile: path to reference FASTA file.
        out: path to write image file to, or None to return bytes-encoded png
        by_strand: whether to shade reads by strand

        None, or if out is None, returns image plot as bytes-encoded png

    if type(seqfiles) is not list:
        seqfiles = [seqfiles]

    chrom = str(chrom)
    with pysam.FastaFile(fastafile) as handle:
        reference = handle.fetch(start=start, end=end, region=chrom)
        ref = reference

    axis_offset = 75
    height = get_height(seqfiles, chrom, start, end, axis_offset)

    out_type, surface = fileformat(out, width=(end - start) * 10, height=height)
    context = cairo.Context(surface)

    depths = [axis_offset]
    for seqfile in seqfiles:
        seq = pysam.AlignmentFile(seqfile, 'rb')
        coords = OrderedDict({max(depths): -1e9})
        reps = ( parse_read(x, coords, ref, start) for x in seq.fetch(chrom, start, end) )

        _plot(context, reps, start, end, axis_offset, height, reference, by_strand)
        reference = None # don't plot the reference in subsequent BAMs

        if seqfiles.index(seqfile) < len(seqfiles) - 1:
            insert_spacer(context, coords, start, end)


    if out_type == 'png':
    elif out_type is None:
        return surface.write_to_png()