Python pytest 模块,fixture() 实例源码


项目:sphinxcontrib-versioning    作者:Robpol86    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fx_local(local_commit, remote):
    """Local git repository with branches, light tags, and annotated tags pushed to remote.

    :param local_commit: local fixture.
    :param remote: local fixture.

    :return: Path to repo root.
    :rtype: py.path.local
    run(local_commit, ['git', 'tag', 'light_tag'])
    run(local_commit, ['git', 'tag', '--annotate', '-m', 'Tag annotation.', 'annotated_tag'])
    run(local_commit, ['git', 'checkout', '-b', 'feature'])
    run(local_commit, ['git', 'checkout', 'master'])
    run(local_commit, ['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', remote])
    run(local_commit, ['git', 'push', 'origin', 'master', 'feature', 'light_tag', 'annotated_tag'])
    return local_commit
项目:conda-gitlab-ci    作者:conda    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testing_workdir(tmpdir, request):
    """ Create a workdir in a safe temporary folder; cd into dir above before test, cd out after

    :param tmpdir: py.test fixture, will be injected
    :param request: py.test fixture-related, will be injected (see pytest docs)

    saved_path = os.getcwd()

    # temporary folder for profiling output, if any

    def return_to_saved_path():
        if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(saved_path, 'prof')):
            profdir = tmpdir.join('prof')
            files = profdir.listdir('*.prof') if profdir.isdir() else []

            for f in files:
                f.rename(os.path.join(saved_path, 'prof', f.basename))


    return str(tmpdir)
项目:nidaqmx-python    作者:ni    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def x_series_device():
    system = nidaqmx.system.System.local()

    for device in system.devices:
        if (not device.dev_is_simulated and
                device.product_category == ProductCategory.X_SERIES_DAQ and
                len(device.ao_physical_chans) >= 2 and
                len(device.ai_physical_chans) >= 4 and
                len(device.do_lines) >= 8 and
                (len(device.di_lines) == len(device.do_lines)) and
                len(device.ci_physical_chans) >= 4):
            return device

    raise NoFixtureDetectedError(
        'Could not detect a device that meets the requirements to be an '
        'X Series fixture. Cannot proceed to run tests.')
项目:nidaqmx-python    作者:ni    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def multi_threading_test_devices():
    system = nidaqmx.system.System.local()

    devices = []
    for device in system.devices:
        if (device.dev_is_simulated and
                device.product_category == ProductCategory.X_SERIES_DAQ and
                len(device.ai_physical_chans) >= 1):
            if len(devices) == 4:
                return devices

    raise NoFixtureDetectedError(
        'Could not detect 4 simulated X Series devices so as to meet the '
        'requirements to be a multi-threading test test fixture. Cannot '
        'proceed to run tests. Import the NI MAX configuration file located '
        'at nidaqmx\\tests\\max_config\\nidaqmxMaxConfig.ini to create these '
项目:saapy    作者:ashapochka    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def neo4j_test_ws_dir(datafiles):
    return datafiles

# @pytest.fixture(scope="session")
# def workspace(request, data_directory):
#     wsconf_file = data_directory.join("workspace.yaml")
#     temp_root = tempfile.mkdtemp()
#     ws = Workspace("saapy-test-ws",
#                    temp_root,
#                    "saapy-test-ws",
#                    configuration_text=wsconf_file.read_text("utf-8"))
#     def fin():
#         shutil.rmtree(temp_root)
#     request.addfinalizer(fin)
#     return ws  # provide the fixture value
项目:sphinxcontrib-versioning    作者:Robpol86    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fx_local_light(tmpdir, local, remote):
    """Light-weight local repository similar to how Travis/AppVeyor clone repos.

    :param tmpdir: pytest fixture.
    :param local: local fixture.
    :param remote: local fixture.

    :return: Path to repo root.
    :rtype: py.path.local
    assert local  # Ensures local pushes feature branch before this fixture is called.
    local2 = tmpdir.ensure_dir('local2')
    run(local2, ['git', 'clone', '--depth=1', '--branch=feature', remote, '.'])
    sha = run(local2, ['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD']).strip()
    run(local2, ['git', 'checkout', '-qf', sha])

    return local2
项目:sphinxcontrib-versioning    作者:Robpol86    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def outdate_local(tmpdir, local_light, remote):
    """Clone remote to other directory and push changes. Causes `local` fixture to be outdated.

    :param tmpdir: pytest fixture.
    :param local_light: local fixture.
    :param remote: local fixture.

    :return: Path to repo root.
    :rtype: py.path.local
    assert local_light  # Ensures local_light is setup before this fixture pushes to remote.
    local_ahead = tmpdir.ensure_dir('local_ahead')
    run(local_ahead, ['git', 'clone', remote, '.'])
    run(local_ahead, ['git', 'checkout', '-b', 'un_pushed_branch'])
    run(local_ahead, ['git', 'commit', '-am', 'Changed new branch'], environ=author_committer_dates(1))
    run(local_ahead, ['git', 'tag', 'nb_tag'])
    run(local_ahead, ['git', 'checkout', '--orphan', 'orphaned_branch'])
    run(local_ahead, ['git', 'add', 'README'])
    run(local_ahead, ['git', 'commit', '-m', 'Added new README'], environ=author_committer_dates(2))
    run(local_ahead, ['git', 'tag', '--annotate', '-m', 'Tag annotation.', 'ob_at'])
    run(local_ahead, ['git', 'push', 'origin', 'nb_tag', 'orphaned_branch', 'ob_at'])
    return local_ahead
项目:eddie    作者:greenkey    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_bot():
    """ Fixture - create the bot object given the bot_class and then add the
        endpoint object using the http_class.

        Using the fixture because at the end of the test the webserver is
        closed no matter the test outcome

    fixture = dict()

    def create(bot, endpoint):
        """ The real function that creates the bot.

            This is needed because the fixture cannot accept parameters.
        fixture['bot'] = bot
        fixture['ep'] = endpoint

        return fixture['bot']

    yield create

项目:mpnum    作者:dseuss    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def nopovm(request, local_dim, rgen):
    """Provide different POVMs and non-POVMs for testing

    We provide instances of :class:`povm.localpovm.POVM` with the
    following elements:

    * `pauli`: Generated by :func:`povm.pauli_povm()`

    * `random`: Random (non-Hermitian, non-positive) elements for
      testing. (These elements do not constitute a POVM. We use them
      to distinguish elem.conj() from elem.T in our code.)

    nopovm_name = request.param
    if nopovm_name == 'pauli':
        return povm.pauli_povm(local_dim)
    elif nopovm_name == 'random':
        d = local_dim
        return povm.localpovm.POVM(factory._zrandn((2 * d**2, d, d), rgen))
        raise ValueError('Unknown fixture name {}'.format(nopovm_name))
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pytest_addoption(parser):
    group = parser.getgroup("general")
        '--lf', '--last-failed', action='store_true', dest="lf",
        help="rerun only the tests that failed "
             "at the last run (or all if none failed)")
        '--ff', '--failed-first', action='store_true', dest="failedfirst",
        help="run all tests but run the last failures first.  "
             "This may re-order tests and thus lead to "
             "repeated fixture setup/teardown")
        '--cache-show', action='store_true', dest="cacheshow",
        help="show cache contents, don't perform collection or tests")
        '--cache-clear', action='store_true', dest="cacheclear",
        help="remove all cache contents at start of test run.")
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def makefile(self, ext, *args, **kwargs):
        """Create a new file in the testdir.

        ext: The extension the file should use, including the dot.
           E.g. ".py".

        args: All args will be treated as strings and joined using
           newlines.  The result will be written as contents to the
           file.  The name of the file will be based on the test
           function requesting this fixture.
           E.g. "testdir.makefile('.txt', 'line1', 'line2')"

        kwargs: Each keyword is the name of a file, while the value of
           it will be written as contents of the file.
           E.g. "testdir.makefile('.ini', pytest='[pytest]\naddopts=-rs\n')"

        return self._makefile(ext, args, kwargs)
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def monkeypatch(request):
    """The returned ``monkeypatch`` fixture provides these
    helper methods to modify objects, dictionaries or os.environ::

        monkeypatch.setattr(obj, name, value, raising=True)
        monkeypatch.delattr(obj, name, raising=True)
        monkeypatch.setitem(mapping, name, value)
        monkeypatch.delitem(obj, name, raising=True)
        monkeypatch.setenv(name, value, prepend=False)
        monkeypatch.delenv(name, value, raising=True)

    All modifications will be undone after the requesting
    test function or fixture has finished. The ``raising``
    parameter determines if a KeyError or AttributeError
    will be raised if the set/deletion operation has no target.
    mpatch = MonkeyPatch()
    return mpatch
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, fixturemanager, baseid, argname, func, scope, params,
                 unittest=False, ids=None):
        self._fixturemanager = fixturemanager
        self.baseid = baseid or ''
        self.has_location = baseid is not None
        self.func = func
        self.argname = argname
        self.scope = scope
        self.scopenum = scope2index(
            scope or "function",
            descr='fixture {0}'.format(func.__name__),
        self.params = params
        startindex = unittest and 1 or None
        self.argnames = getfuncargnames(func, startindex=startindex)
        self.unittest = unittest
        self.ids = ids
        self._finalizer = []
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def record_xml_property(request):
    """Add extra xml properties to the tag for the calling test.
    The fixture is callable with ``(name, value)``, with value being automatically
        message='record_xml_property is an experimental feature',
    xml = getattr(request.config, "_xml", None)
    if xml is not None:
        node_reporter = xml.node_reporter(request.node.nodeid)
        return node_reporter.add_property
        def add_property_noop(name, value):

        return add_property_noop
项目    作者:bearyinnovative    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def app(request, mock_team):
    """Flask application test fixture"""
    app_ = bcjoy_app.setup(

    ctx = app_.app_context()

    g.bcjoy_team = mock_team

    def teardown():

    return app_
项目:project-status-dashboard    作者:cmheisel    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_make_summaries(make_summaries):
    """Verify our fixture maker works as expected."""
    expected_values = [
        (10, 0),  # 0
        (9, 1),   # 1 - 1
        (8, 2),   # 2 - 1
        (8, 2),   # 3 - 0
        (7, 3),   # 4 - 1
        (6, 4),   # 5 - 1
        (6, 4),   # 6 - 0
        (5, 5),   # 7 - 1
        (4, 6),   # 8 - 1
        (4, 6),   # 9 - 0

    backlog_start = 10
    zero_work_modulo = 3
    step = 1
    summaries = make_summaries(backlog_start, step, zero_work_modulo)
    actual = [(s.incomplete, s.complete) for s in summaries]
    assert expected_values == actual
项目:zing    作者:evernote    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_fs():
    """A convenience fixture for retrieving data from test files"""
    import pytest_pootle

    class TestFs(object):

        def path(self, path):
            return os.path.join(

        def open(self, paths, *args, **kwargs):
            if isinstance(paths, (list, tuple)):
                paths = os.path.join(*paths)
            return open(self.path(paths), *args, **kwargs)

    return TestFs()
项目:emory-baggins    作者:emory-libraries    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_load_configfile_valid(self):
        lbag = LsdiBagger()
        # use a Mock to simulate argparse options
        lbag.options = Mock(item_ids=[], gen_config=False, digwf_url=None,
        # load fixture that should work
        lbag.options.config = os.path.join(FIXTURE_DIR, 'lsdi-bagger.cfg')
        # value from the config fixture
        assert lbag.options.digwf_url == ''
        assert lbag.options.output == '/tmp/bags'
        assert lbag.options.fedora_url == ''

        # if output is specified on command line, that takes precedence
        lbag.options.output = '/i/want/bags/somewhere/else'
        assert lbag.options.output != '/tmp/bags'
项目:scarlett_os    作者:bossjones    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main_loop():
    loop = GLib.MainLoop()
    timeout = GLib.Timeout(RUN_TIMEOUT)
    timeout.set_callback(lambda loop: loop.quit(), loop)
    return loop

# @pytest.fixture(scope='function')
# def main_loop_threading():
#     thread = threading.Thread(target=mainloop.main)
#     thread.start()
#     return thread
# def test_shutdown_callback(main_loop_threading):
#     time.sleep(.5)
#     assert main_loop_threading.is_alive()
#     mainloop.shutdown_callback()
#     time.sleep(.5)
#     assert not main_loop_threading.is_alive()
项目:whaaaaat    作者:finklabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_example_fixture(example):
    """Create a pytest fixture to run the example in pty subprocess & cleanup.

    :param example: relative path like 'examples/'
    :return: pytest fixture
    def example_app():
        p = SimplePty.spawn(['python', example])
        yield p
        # it takes some time to collect the coverage data
        # if the main process exits too early the coverage data is not available
        p.sendintr()  # in case the subprocess was not ended by the test
        p.wait()  # without wait() the coverage info never arrives
    return example_app
项目:micromasters    作者:mitodl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def driver():
    Selenium driver fixture
    # Start a selenium server running chrome
    capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.CHROME.copy()
    capabilities['chromeOptions'] = {
        'binary': os.getenv('CHROME_BIN', '/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable'),
        'args': ['--no-sandbox'],
    driver = Remote(
        os.getenv('SELENIUM_URL', 'http://chrome:5555/wd/hub'),
    yield driver
项目:pytest-needle    作者:jlane9    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def needle(request, selenium):
    """Visual regression testing fixture

    :param request: pytest request
    :param selenium: Selenium web driver

    options = {
        'cleanup_on_success': request.config.getoption('needle_cleanup_on_success'),
        'save_baseline': request.config.getoption('needle_save_baseline'),
        'needle_engine': request.config.getoption('needle_engine'),
        'baseline_dir': request.config.getoption('baseline_dir'),
        'output_dir': request.config.getoption('output_dir'),
        'viewport_size': request.config.getoption('viewport_size')

    return NeedleDriver(selenium, **options)
项目:conda-concourse-ci    作者:conda    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testing_workdir(tmpdir, request):
    """ Create a workdir in a safe temporary folder; cd into dir above before test, cd out after

    :param tmpdir: py.test fixture, will be injected
    :param request: py.test fixture-related, will be injected (see pytest docs)

    saved_path = os.getcwd()

    # temporary folder for profiling output, if any

    def return_to_saved_path():
        if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(saved_path, 'prof')):
            profdir = tmpdir.join('prof')
            files = profdir.listdir('*.prof') if profdir.isdir() else []

            for f in files:
                f.rename(os.path.join(saved_path, 'prof', f.basename))


    return str(tmpdir)
项目:drydock    作者:att-comdev    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _test_validate(self, schema, expect_failure, input_files, input):
        """validates input yaml against schema.

        :param schema: schema yaml file
        :param expect_failure: should the validation pass or fail.
        :param input_files: pytest fixture used to access the test input files
        :param input: test input yaml doc filename"""
        schema_dir = pkg_resources.resource_filename('drydock_provisioner',
        schema_filename = os.path.join(schema_dir, schema)
        schema_file = open(schema_filename, 'r')
        schema = yaml.safe_load(schema_file)

        input_file = input_files.join(input)
        instance_file = open(str(input_file), 'r')
        instance = yaml.safe_load(instance_file)

        if expect_failure:
            with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
                jsonschema.validate(instance['spec'], schema['data'])
            jsonschema.validate(instance['spec'], schema['data'])
项目:ngraph    作者:NervanaSystems    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def force_serialization_computations(monkeypatch):
    This integration test fixture breaks a few tests as false positives (whenever there are
    interactions between multiple computations in a single transformer), so it is designed to be an
    aid for widely testing serialization and not a true integration test that must pass on every
    if pytest.config.getoption("--serialization_integration_test"):
        original_computation = ngt.Transformer.add_computation

        def monkey_add_computation(self, comp):
                return original_computation(self, comp)
            ser_comp = serde.serialize_graph([comp], only_return_handle_ops=True)
            deser_comp = serde.deserialize_graph(ser_comp)
            assert len(deser_comp) == 1
            return original_computation(self, deser_comp[0])
        monkeypatch.setattr(ngt.Transformer, 'add_computation', monkey_add_computation)
项目:raiden    作者:raiden-network    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def profiler(request, tmpdir):
    if request.config.option.profiler == 'cpu':
        from raiden.utils.profiling.cpu import CpuProfiler
        profiler = CpuProfiler(str(tmpdir))



    elif request.config.option.profiler == 'sample':
        from raiden.utils.profiling.sampler import SampleProfiler
        profiler = SampleProfiler(str(tmpdir))



        # do nothing, but yield a valid generator otherwise the autouse fixture
        # will fail
项目:raiden    作者:raiden-network    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def random_marker():
    """ A random marker used to identify a pytest run.

    Some tests will spawn a private chain, the private chain will be one or
    more ethereum nodes on a new subprocesss. These nodes may fail to start on
    concurrent test runs, mostly because of port number conflicts, but even
    though the test fails to start its private chain it may run interacting
    with the geth process from a different test run! This leads to
    unreasonable test errors.

    This fixture creates a random marker used to distinguish pytest runs and
    avoid test failures. Note this could fail for other reasons and fail to
    detect unwanted interations if the user sets the PYTHONHASHSEED to the same
    random_hex = hex(random.getrandbits(100))

    # strip the leading 0x and trailing L
    return random_hex[2:-1]
项目:raiden    作者:raiden-network    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def api_backend(rest_api_port_number):
    # Initializing it without raiden_service.api here since that is a
    # function scope fixture. We will inject it to rest_api object later
    rest_api = RestAPI(None)
    api_server = APIServer(rest_api)
    api_server.flask_app.config['SERVER_NAME'] = 'localhost:{}'.format(rest_api_port_number)

    # TODO: Find out why tests fail with debug=True
    server = Greenlet.spawn(,

    # Fixes flaky test, were requests are done prior to the server initializing
    # the listening socket.

    yield api_server, rest_api

    server.kill(block=True, timeout=10)
项目:raiden    作者:raiden-network    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def wait_for_partners(app_list, sleep=0.5, timeout=10):
    waiting = list(app_list)

    while waiting:
        # Poll the events to register the new channels

        all_healthy = all(
            status == NODE_NETWORK_REACHABLE
            for status in waiting[0].raiden.protocol.nodeaddresses_networkstatuses.values()

        if timeout <= 0:
            raise RuntimeError('fixture setup failed, nodes are unreachable')

        if all_healthy:
            timeout -= sleep
项目:rust_pypi_example    作者:mckaymatt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def response():
    """Sample pytest fixture.
    See more at:
    # import requests
    # return requests.get('')
项目:rust_pypi_example    作者:mckaymatt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_content(response):
    """Sample pytest test function with the pytest fixture as an argument.
    # from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
    # assert 'GitHub' in BeautifulSoup(response.content).title.string
项目:fakester    作者:pawelad    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def redirect_form(self):
        """Helper fixture for initializing `RedirectModelForm`"""
        return RedirectModelForm()
项目:foremast    作者:gogoair    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def spinnaker_pipeline(mock_os, mock_get_details, mock_get_prop):
    """Sets up pipeline fixture object"""
    mock_get_prop.return_value = TEST_SETTINGS
    pipelineObj = SpinnakerPipeline(
        trigger_job='a_group_app', )
    pipelineObj.generated = 'test'
    pipelineObj.app_name = 'appgroup'
    pipelineObj.group_name = 'group'
    return pipelineObj
项目:TeleGiphy    作者:JessicaNgo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_gif_api_call_functions(self, json_filename):
        if 'translate' in json_filename:
            resp = gif_translate(string='doge', api_key='dc6zaTOxFJmzC')
            expected = load_json("translate_{}.json".format(self.status))
        elif 'random' in json_filename:
            resp = gif_random(tag='doge', api_key='dc6zaTOxFJmzC')
            expected = load_json("random_{}.json".format(self.status))
            raise ValueError
        expected = self.json
        # status code
        assert resp.status_code == 200
        # json is the same between fixture and request
        for item in expected:
            assert item in resp.json()
项目:TeleGiphy    作者:JessicaNgo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_gif_api_call_functions_return(self, json_filename):
        if 'translate' in json_filename:
            resp = gif_translate(api_key='abc', string='doge')
            expected = load_json("translate_{}.json".format(self.status))
        elif 'random' in json_filename:
            resp = gif_random(api_key='abc', tag='doge')
            expected = load_json("random_{}.json".format(self.status))
            raise ValueError
        expected = self.json
        # status code
        assert resp.status_code == 403
        # json is the same between fixture and request
        for item in expected:
            assert item in resp.json()
项目:xarray-simlab    作者:benbovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def model(model):
    """Override fixture defined in, return a model
    with values set for some of its variables.
    model.grid.x_size.value = 10
    model.quantity.quantity.state = np.zeros(10)
    model.some_process.some_param.value = 1

    return model
项目:sphinxcontrib-versioning    作者:Robpol86    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setup(monkeypatch, local_empty):
    """Set __main__.NO_EXECUTE to True before every test in this module and sets CWD to an empty git repo.

    :param monkeypatch: pytest fixture.
    :param local_empty: conftest fixture.
    monkeypatch.setattr('sphinxcontrib.versioning.__main__.NO_EXECUTE', True)
项目:sphinxcontrib-versioning    作者:Robpol86    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_overflow(local_empty, push, source_cli, source_conf):
    """Test -- overflow to sphinx-build.

    :param local_empty: conftest fixture.
    :param bool push: Run push sub command instead of build.
    :param bool source_cli: Set value from command line arguments.
    :param bool source_conf: Set value from file.
    if push:
        args = ['push', 'docs', 'gh-pages', '.']
        args = ['build', 'docs', join('docs', '_build', 'html')]

    # Setup source(s).
    if source_cli:
        args += ['--', '-D', 'setting=value']
    if source_conf:
        local_empty.ensure('docs', 'contents.rst')
        local_empty.ensure('docs', '').write('scv_overflow = ("-D", "key=value")')

    # Run.
    result = CliRunner().invoke(cli, args)
    config = result.exception.args[0]

    # Verify.
    if source_cli:
        assert config.overflow == ('-D', 'setting=value')
    elif source_conf:
        assert config.overflow == ('-D', 'key=value')
        assert config.overflow == tuple()
项目:sphinxcontrib-versioning    作者:Robpol86    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def config(monkeypatch):
    """Mock config from Click context.

    :param monkeypatch: pytest fixture.

    :return: Config instance.
    :rtype: sphinxcontrib.versioning.lib.Config
    instance = Config()
    ctx = type('', (), {'find_object': staticmethod(lambda _: instance)})
    monkeypatch.setattr('click.get_current_context', lambda: ctx)
    return instance
项目:sphinxcontrib-versioning    作者:Robpol86    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fx_local_empty(tmpdir):
    """Local git repository with no commits.

    :param tmpdir: pytest fixture.

    :return: Path to repo root.
    :rtype: py.path.local
    repo = tmpdir.ensure_dir('local')
    run(repo, ['git', 'init'])
    return repo
项目:sphinxcontrib-versioning    作者:Robpol86    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fx_local_commit(local_empty):
    """Local git repository with one commit.

    :param local_empty: local fixture.

    :return: Path to repo root.
    :rtype: py.path.local
    local_empty.join('README').write('Dummy readme file.')
    run(local_empty, ['git', 'add', 'README'])
    run(local_empty, ['git', 'commit', '-m', 'Initial commit.'], environ=author_committer_dates(0))
    return local_empty
项目:engel    作者:Dalloriam    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def TestPageTitleStructure():

    def title():
        return PageTitle(id='id', text='test')

    def test_widget_abstract_pagetitle_html_tag(self, title):
        assert title.html_tag == 'title', 'PageTitle should set PageTitle.html_tag = "title"'

    def test_widget_abstract_pagetitle_sets_content(self, title):
        assert title.content == 'test', ' should set PagetTitle.content.'
项目:engel    作者:Dalloriam    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def TestScriptStructure():
    def script():
        return Script(js_path="//js")

    def test_widget_abstract_script_html_tag(self, script):
        assert script.html_tag == 'script', 'Script should set Script.html_tag = "script".'

    def test_widget_abstract_script_has_source(self, script):
        assert hasattr('source', script) and isinstance(script.__class__.source, property)

    def test_widget_abstract_script_sets_source(self, script):
        assert script.source == '//js', " should set Script.source."
项目:search-MjoLniR    作者:wikimedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def df_train(spark_context, hive_context):
    # TODO: Use some fixture dataset representing real-ish data? But
    # it needs to be pretty small
    return spark_context.parallelize(
        _make_q('abc') + _make_q('def') + _make_q('ghi') + _make_q('jkl')
        + _make_q('mno') + _make_q('pqr') + _make_q('stu')
    ).toDF(['wikiid', 'norm_query_id', 'query', 'label', 'features'])
项目:search-MjoLniR    作者:wikimedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def df_train(spark_context, hive_context):
    # TODO: Use some fixture dataset representing real-ish data? But
    # it needs to be pretty small
    return spark_context.parallelize(
        _make_q('abc') + _make_q('def') + _make_q('ghi') + _make_q('jkl')
        + _make_q('mno') + _make_q('pqr') + _make_q('stu')
    ).toDF(['wikiid', 'norm_query_id', 'query', 'label', 'features'])
项目:SWEETer-Cat    作者:DanielAndreasen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def SCdata():
    """SWEET-Cat database fixture."""
    return readSC()
项目:SWEETer-Cat    作者:DanielAndreasen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def planetStardata():
    """SWEET-Cat + ExoplanetEU + database fixture."""
    return planetAndStar()
项目:salt-toaster    作者:openSUSE    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def master(setup):
    config, initconfig = setup
    master = config['masters'][0]['fixture']
    def _cmd(master, cmd):
        SSH = "salt-ssh -l quiet -i --out json --key-deploy --passwd {0} {1} {{0}}".format(
            PASSWORD, TARGET_ID)
        return json.loads(master['container'].run(SSH.format(cmd))).get(TARGET_ID)
    master.salt_ssh = partial(_cmd, master)
    return master