Python rdflib 模块,Variable() 实例源码


项目:Meiji    作者:GiovanniBalestrieri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def evalOrderBy(ctx, part):

    res = evalPart(ctx, part.p)

    for e in reversed(part.expr):

        def val(x):
            v = value(x, e.expr, variables=True)
            if isinstance(v, Variable):
                return (0, v)
            elif isinstance(v, BNode):
                return (1, v)
            elif isinstance(v, URIRef):
                return (2, v)
            elif isinstance(v, Literal):
                return (3, v)

        reverse = bool(e.order and e.order == 'DESC')
        res = sorted(res, key=val, reverse=reverse)

    return res
项目:Meiji    作者:GiovanniBalestrieri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _addVars(x, children):
    # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    if isinstance(x, Variable):
        return set([x])
    elif isinstance(x, CompValue):
        x["_vars"] = set(reduce(operator.or_, children, set()))
        if == "Bind":
            return set([x.var])
        elif == 'SubSelect':
            if x.projection:
                s = set(v.var or v.evar for v in x.projection)
                s = set()

            return s
    return reduce(operator.or_, children, set())
项目:Meiji    作者:GiovanniBalestrieri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, json):
        self.json = json
        if "boolean" in json:
            type_ = 'ASK'
        elif "results" in json:
            type_ = 'SELECT'
            raise ResultException('No boolean or results in json!')

        Result.__init__(self, type_)

        if type_ == 'ASK':
            self.askAnswer = bool(json['boolean'])
            self.bindings = self._get_bindings()
            self.vars = [Variable(x) for x in json["head"]["vars"]]
项目:Meiji    作者:GiovanniBalestrieri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __len__(self, context=None):
        if not self.sparql11:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "For performance reasons, this is not" +
                "supported for sparql1.0 endpoints")
            q = "SELECT (count(*) as ?c) WHERE {?s ?p ?o .}"
            if self._is_contextual(context):
                self.addParameter("default-graph-uri", context.identifier)
            doc = ElementTree.parse(SPARQLWrapper.query(self).response)
            rt, vars = iter(
            return int(rt.get(Variable("c")))
项目:Meiji    作者:GiovanniBalestrieri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def remove(self, spo, context):
        """ Remove a triple from the store """
        if not self.endpoint:
            raise Exception("UpdateEndpoint is not set - call 'open'")

        (subject, predicate, obj) = spo
        if not subject:
            subject = Variable("S")
        if not predicate:
            predicate = Variable("P")
        if not obj:
            obj = Variable("O")

        nts = self.node_to_sparql
        triple = "%s %s %s ." % (nts(subject), nts(predicate), nts(obj))
        if self._is_contextual(context):
            cid = nts(context.identifier)
            q = "DELETE { GRAPH %s { %s } } WHERE { GRAPH %s { %s } }" % (
                cid, triple,
                cid, triple)
            q = "DELETE { %s } WHERE { %s } " % (triple, triple)
        if self.autocommit:
项目:Meiji    作者:GiovanniBalestrieri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_bind():
    base = ""
    g = Graph()
        base + "thing"), URIRef(base + "ns#comment"), Literal("anything")))

    def check(expr, var, obj):
        r = g.query("""
                prefix : <>
                select * where { ?s ?p ?o . %s } """ % expr)
        assert r.bindings[0][Variable(var)] == obj

    yield (check, 'bind("thing" as ?name)', 'name', Literal("thing"))

    yield (check, 'bind(<> as ?other)', 'other',

    yield (check, "bind(:Thing as ?type)", 'type',
项目:Meiji    作者:GiovanniBalestrieri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_arithmetic_var():
    ctx = QueryContext()
    ctx[Variable('x')] = Literal(2)

    eq(_eval(_translate((p.Expression.parseString('2+?x')[0])), ctx).value, 4)

    eq(_eval(_translate((p.Expression.parseString('?x+3')[0])), ctx).value, 5)
    eq(_eval(_translate((p.Expression.parseString('3-?x')[0])), ctx).value, 1)

    eq(_eval(_translate((p.Expression.parseString('?x*3')[0])), ctx).value, 6)
    eq(_eval(_translate((p.Expression.parseString('4/?x')[0])), ctx).value, 2)

    eq(_eval(_translate((p.Expression.parseString('?x+?x+?x')[0])), ctx).value, 6)
    eq(_eval(_translate((p.Expression.parseString('?x-?x+?x')[0])), ctx).value, 2)
    eq(_eval(_translate((p.Expression.parseString('(?x-?x)+?x')[0])), ctx).value, 2)
    eq(_eval(_translate((p.Expression.parseString('?x-(?x+?x)')[0])), ctx).value, -2)

    eq(_eval(_translate((p.Expression.parseString('?x*?x*?x')[0])), ctx).value, 8)
    eq(_eval(_translate((p.Expression.parseString('4/?x*?x')[0])), ctx).value, 4)
    eq(_eval(_translate((p.Expression.parseString('8/4*?x')[0])), ctx).value, 4)
    eq(_eval(_translate((p.Expression.parseString('8/(4*?x)')[0])), ctx).value, 1)
    eq(_eval(_translate((p.Expression.parseString('(?x/?x)*?x')[0])), ctx).value, 2)
    eq(_eval(_translate((p.Expression.parseString('4/(?x*?x)')[0])), ctx).value, 1)
项目:Meiji    作者:GiovanniBalestrieri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_comparisons_var():

    ctx = QueryContext()
    ctx[Variable('x')] = Literal(2)

    eq(bool(_eval(_translate((p.Expression.parseString('?x<3')[0])), ctx)), True)
    eq(bool(_eval(_translate((p.Expression.parseString('?x<3.0')[0])), ctx)), True)
    eq(bool(_eval(_translate((p.Expression.parseString('?x<3e0')[0])), ctx)), True)

    eq(bool(_eval(_translate((p.Expression.parseString('?x<2.1')[0])), ctx)), True)
    eq(bool(_eval(_translate((p.Expression.parseString('?x<21e-1')[0])), ctx)), True)

    eq(bool(_eval(_translate((p.Expression.parseString('?x=2.0')[0])), ctx)), True)
    eq(bool(_eval(_translate((p.Expression.parseString('?x=2e0')[0])), ctx)), True)

    eq(bool(_eval(_translate((p.Expression.parseString('?x="cake"')[0])), ctx)), False)

    ctx = QueryContext()
    ctx[Variable('x')] = Literal(4)

    eq(bool(_eval(_translate((p.Expression.parseString('?x<3')[0])), ctx)), False)
    eq(bool(_eval(_translate((p.Expression.parseString('?x<3.0')[0])), ctx)), False)
    eq(bool(_eval(_translate((p.Expression.parseString('?x<3e0')[0])), ctx)), False)
项目:prophet    作者:MKLab-ITI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def evalOrderBy(ctx, part):

    res = evalPart(ctx, part.p)

    for e in reversed(part.expr):

        def val(x):
            v = value(x, e.expr, variables=True)
            if isinstance(v, Variable):
                return (0, v)
            elif isinstance(v, BNode):
                return (1, v)
            elif isinstance(v, URIRef):
                return (2, v)
            elif isinstance(v, Literal):
                return (3, v)

        reverse = bool(e.order and e.order == 'DESC')
        res = sorted(res, key=val, reverse=reverse)

    return res
项目:prophet    作者:MKLab-ITI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _addVars(x, children):
    # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    if isinstance(x, Variable):
        return set([x])
    elif isinstance(x, CompValue):
        x["_vars"] = set(reduce(operator.or_, children, set()))
        if == "Bind":
            return set([x.var])
        elif == 'SubSelect':
            if x.projection:
                s = set(v.var or v.evar for v in x.projection)
                s = set()

            return s
    return reduce(operator.or_, children, set())
项目:prophet    作者:MKLab-ITI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse(self, source):

        r = Result('SELECT')

        if isinstance(, py3compat.bytestype):
            # if reading from source returns bytes do utf-8 decoding
            source = codecs.getreader('utf-8')(source)

        reader = csv.reader(source, delimiter=self.delim)
        r.vars = [Variable(x) for x in]
        r.bindings = []

        for row in reader:
            r.bindings.append(self.parseRow(row, r.vars))

        return r
项目:prophet    作者:MKLab-ITI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, json):
        self.json = json
        if "boolean" in json:
            type_ = 'ASK'
        elif "results" in json:
            type_ = 'SELECT'
            raise ResultException('No boolean or results in json!')

        Result.__init__(self, type_)

        if type_ == 'ASK':
            self.askAnswer = bool(json['boolean'])
            self.bindings = self._get_bindings()
            self.vars = [Variable(x) for x in json["head"]["vars"]]
项目:prophet    作者:MKLab-ITI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __len__(self, context=None):
        if not self.sparql11:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "For performance reasons, this is not" +
                "supported for sparql1.0 endpoints")
            q = "SELECT (count(*) as ?c) WHERE {?s ?p ?o .}"
            if self._is_contextual(context):
                self.addParameter("default-graph-uri", context.identifier)
            doc = ElementTree.parse(SPARQLWrapper.query(self).response)
            rt, vars = iter(
            return int(rt.get(Variable("c")))
项目:perseids-manifold    作者:RDACollectionsWG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_ldp_result_to_dataset(self):
        result = self.mock.collection_result()
        b = result.bindings
        ds = self.sparql.result_to_dataset(result)
        g = Variable('g')
        s = Variable('s')
        p = Variable('p')
        o = Variable('o')
        self.assertEqual(len(b), len(ds))
        for d in result.bindings:
            self.assertIn((d[s], d[p], d[o], d[g]), ds)

# todo: create result / dataset mocks
项目:perseids-manifold    作者:RDACollectionsWG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def result_to_dataset(result):
    ds = Dataset()
    for q in result.bindings:
    return ds
项目:perseids-manifold    作者:RDACollectionsWG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, s=Variable('s'), p=Variable('p'), o=Variable('o')):
        self.s = s
        self.p = p
        self.o = o
项目:Meiji    作者:GiovanniBalestrieri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def Builtin_COALESCE(expr, ctx):
    for x in expr.get('arg', variables=True):
        if x is not None and not isinstance(x, (SPARQLError, Variable)):
            return x
    raise SPARQLError(
        "COALESCE got no arguments that did not evaluate to an error")
项目:Meiji    作者:GiovanniBalestrieri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def Builtin_BOUND(e, ctx):
    n = e.get('arg', variables=True)

    return Literal(not isinstance(n, Variable))
项目:Meiji    作者:GiovanniBalestrieri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _knownTerms(triple, varsknown, varscount):
    return (len(filter(None, (x not in varsknown and
                                  x, (Variable, BNode)) for x in triple))),
            -sum(varscount.get(x, 0) for x in triple),
            not isinstance(triple[2], Literal),
项目:Meiji    作者:GiovanniBalestrieri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def reorderTriples(l):
    Reorder triple patterns so that we execute the
    ones with most bindings first

    def _addvar(term, varsknown):
        if isinstance(term, (Variable, BNode)):

    l = [(None, x) for x in l]
    varsknown = set()
    varscount = collections.defaultdict(int)
    for t in l:
        for c in t[1]:
            if isinstance(c, (Variable, BNode)):
                varscount[c] += 1
    i = 0

    # Done in steps, sort by number of bound terms
    # the top block of patterns with the most bound terms is kept
    # the rest is resorted based on the vars bound after the first
    # block is evaluated

    # we sort by decorate/undecorate, since we need the value of the sort keys

    while i < len(l):
        l[i:] = sorted((_knownTerms(x[
                       1], varsknown, varscount), x[1]) for x in l[i:])
        t = l[i][0][0]  # top block has this many terms bound
        j = 0
        while i+j < len(l) and l[i+j][0][0] == t:
            for c in l[i+j][1]:
                _addvar(c, varsknown)
            j += 1
        i += 1

    return [x[1] for x in l]
项目:Meiji    作者:GiovanniBalestrieri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _findVars(x, res):
    Find all variables in a tree
    if isinstance(x, Variable):
    if isinstance(x, CompValue):
        if == "Bind":
            return x  # stop recursion and finding vars in the expr
        elif == 'SubSelect':
            if x.projection:
                res.update(v.var or v.evar for v in x.projection)
            return x
项目:Meiji    作者:GiovanniBalestrieri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _sample(e, v=None):
    For each unaggregated variable V in expr
    Replace V with Sample(V)
    if isinstance(e, CompValue) and"Aggregate_"):
        return e  # do not replace vars in aggregates
    if isinstance(e, Variable) and v != e:
        return CompValue('Aggregate_Sample', vars=e)
项目:Meiji    作者:GiovanniBalestrieri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def translateAggregates(q, M):
    E = []
    A = []

    # collect/replace aggs in :
    #    select expr as ?var
    if q.projection:
        for v in q.projection:
            if v.evar:
                v.expr = traverse(v.expr, functools.partial(_sample, v=v.evar))
                v.expr = traverse(v.expr, functools.partial(_aggs, A=A))

    # having clause
    if traverse(q.having, _hasAggregate, complete=False):
        q.having = traverse(q.having, _sample)
        traverse(q.having, functools.partial(_aggs, A=A))

    # order by
    if traverse(q.orderby, _hasAggregate, complete=False):
        q.orderby = traverse(q.orderby, _sample)
        traverse(q.orderby, functools.partial(_aggs, A=A))

    # sample all other select vars
    # TODO: only allowed for vars in group-by?
    if q.projection:
        for v in q.projection:
            if v.var:
                rv = Variable('__agg_%d__' % (len(A) + 1))
                A.append(CompValue('Aggregate_Sample', vars=v.var, res=rv))
                E.append((rv, v.var))

    return CompValue('AggregateJoin', A=A, p=M), E
项目:Meiji    作者:GiovanniBalestrieri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_bindings(self):
        ret = []
        for row in self.json['results']['bindings']:
            outRow = {}
            for k, v in row.items():
                outRow[Variable(k)] = parseJsonTerm(v)
        return ret
项目:Meiji    作者:GiovanniBalestrieri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __getitem__(self, key):

        if not isinstance(key, Node):
            key = Variable(key)

        if not type(key) in (BNode, Variable):
            return key

        return self._d[key]
项目:Meiji    作者:GiovanniBalestrieri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def value(ctx, val, variables=False, errors=False):

    utility function for evaluating something...

    Variables will be looked up in the context
    Normally, non-bound vars is an error,
    set variables=True to return unbound vars

    Normally, an error raises the error,
    set errors=True to return error


    if isinstance(val, Expr):
        return val.eval(ctx)  # recurse?
    elif isinstance(val, CompValue):
        raise Exception("What do I do with this CompValue? %s" % val)

    elif isinstance(val, list):
        return [value(ctx, x, variables, errors) for x in val]

    elif isinstance(val, (BNode, Variable)):
        r = ctx.get(val)
        if isinstance(r, SPARQLError) and not errors:
            raise r
        if r is not None:
            return r

        # not bound
        if variables:
            return val
            raise NotBoundError

    elif isinstance(val, ParseResults) and len(val) == 1:
        return value(ctx, val[0], variables, errors)
        return val
项目:Meiji    作者:GiovanniBalestrieri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _traverse_sparql_result_dom(
        doc, as_dictionary=False, node_from_result=_node_from_result):
    Returns a generator over tuples of results
    # namespace handling in elementtree xpath sub-set is not pretty :(
    vars_ = [
        for v in doc.findall(
    for result in doc.findall(
        curr_bind = {}
        values = []
        for binding in result.findall(
            var_val = binding.attrib["name"]
            var = Variable(var_val)
            term = node_from_result(binding.findall('*')[0])
            curr_bind[var] = term
        if as_dictionary:
            yield curr_bind, vars_
            def __locproc(values_):
                if len(values_) == 1:
                    return values_[0]
                    return tuple(values_)
            yield __locproc(values), vars_
项目:Meiji    作者:GiovanniBalestrieri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def contexts(self, triple=None):
        Iterates over results to "SELECT ?NAME { GRAPH ?NAME { ?s ?p ?o } }"
        or "SELECT ?NAME { GRAPH ?NAME {} }" if triple is `None`.

        Returns instances of this store with the SPARQL wrapper
        object updated via addNamedGraph(?NAME).

        This causes a named-graph-uri key / value  pair to be sent over
        the protocol.

        Please note that some SPARQL endpoints are not able to find empty named

        if triple:
            nts = self.node_to_sparql
            s, p, o = triple
            params = (nts(s if s else Variable('s')),
                      nts(p if p else Variable('p')),
                      nts(o if o else Variable('o')))
            self.setQuery('SELECT ?name WHERE { GRAPH ?name { %s %s %s }}' % params)
            self.setQuery('SELECT ?name WHERE { GRAPH ?name {} }')

        doc = ElementTree.parse(SPARQLWrapper.query(self).response)

        return (
            for rt, vars in _traverse_sparql_result_dom(
                doc, as_dictionary=True, node_from_result=self.node_from_result)

    # Namespace persistence interface implementation
项目:Meiji    作者:GiovanniBalestrieri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testVariableKeyWithQuestionMark():
    results = list(g2.query("SELECT ?o WHERE { ?s :p ?o }", initBindings={Variable("?s"): EX['s1']}))
    assert len(results) == 1, results
项目:prophet    作者:MKLab-ITI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def Builtin_COALESCE(expr, ctx):
    for x in expr.get('arg', variables=True):
        if x is not None and not isinstance(x, (SPARQLError, Variable)):
            return x
    raise SPARQLError(
        "COALESCE got no arguments that did not evaluate to an error")
项目:prophet    作者:MKLab-ITI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def Builtin_BOUND(e, ctx):
    n = e.get('arg', variables=True)

    return Literal(not isinstance(n, Variable))
项目:prophet    作者:MKLab-ITI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def evalQuery(graph, query, initBindings, base=None):
    ctx = QueryContext(graph)

    ctx.prologue = query.prologue

    if initBindings:
        for k, v in initBindings.iteritems():
            if not isinstance(k, Variable):
                k = Variable(k)
            ctx[k] = v
        # ctx.push()  # nescessary?

    main = query.algebra

    # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    if main.datasetClause:
        if ctx.dataset is None:
            raise Exception(
                "Non-conjunctive-graph doesn't know about " +
                "graphs! Try a query without FROM (NAMED).")

        ctx = ctx.clone()  # or push/pop?

        firstDefault = False
        for d in main.datasetClause:
            if d.default:

                if firstDefault:
                    # replace current default graph
                    dg = ctx.dataset.get_context(BNode())
                    ctx = ctx.pushGraph(dg)
                    firstDefault = True

                ctx.load(d.default, default=True)

            elif d.named:
                g = d.named
                ctx.load(g, default=False)

    return evalPart(ctx, main)
项目:prophet    作者:MKLab-ITI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _knownTerms(triple, varsknown, varscount):
    return (len(filter(None, (x not in varsknown and
                                  x, (Variable, BNode)) for x in triple))),
            -sum(varscount.get(x, 0) for x in triple),
            not isinstance(triple[2], Literal),
项目:prophet    作者:MKLab-ITI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _aggs(e, A):
    Collect Aggregates in A
    replaces aggregates with variable references

    # TODO: nested Aggregates?

    if isinstance(e, CompValue) and'Aggregate_'):
        aggvar = Variable('__agg_%d__' % len(A))
        e["res"] = aggvar
        return aggvar
项目:prophet    作者:MKLab-ITI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _findVars(x, res):
    Find all variables in a tree
    if isinstance(x, Variable):
    if isinstance(x, CompValue):
        if == "Bind":
            return x  # stop recursion and finding vars in the expr
        elif == 'SubSelect':
            if x.projection: 
                res.update(v.var or v.evar for v in x.projection)
            return x
项目:prophet    作者:MKLab-ITI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _sample(e, v=None):
    For each unaggregated variable V in expr
    Replace V with Sample(V)
    if isinstance(e, CompValue) and"Aggregate_"):
        return e  # do not replace vars in aggregates
    if isinstance(e, Variable) and v != e:
        return CompValue('Aggregate_Sample', vars=e)
项目:prophet    作者:MKLab-ITI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def translateAggregates(q, M):
    E = []
    A = []

    # collect/replace aggs in :
    #    select expr as ?var
    if q.projection:
        for v in q.projection:
            if v.evar: 
                v.expr = traverse(v.expr, functools.partial(_sample, v=v.evar))
                v.expr = traverse(v.expr, functools.partial(_aggs, A=A))

    # having clause
    if traverse(q.having, _hasAggregate, complete=False):
        q.having = traverse(q.having, _sample)
        traverse(q.having, functools.partial(_aggs, A=A))

    # order by
    if traverse(q.orderby, _hasAggregate, complete=False):
        q.orderby = traverse(q.orderby, _sample)
        traverse(q.orderby, functools.partial(_aggs, A=A))

    # sample all other select vars
    # TODO: only allowed for vars in group-by?
    if q.projection: 
        for v in q.projection: 
            if v.var:
                rv = Variable('__agg_%d__' % (len(A) + 1))
                A.append(CompValue('Aggregate_Sample', vars=v.var, res=rv))
                E.append((rv, v.var))

    return CompValue('AggregateJoin', A=A, p=M), E
项目:prophet    作者:MKLab-ITI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_bindings(self):
        ret = []
        for row in self.json['results']['bindings']:
            outRow = {}
            for k, v in row.items():
                outRow[Variable(k)] = parseJsonTerm(v)
        return ret
项目:prophet    作者:MKLab-ITI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __getitem__(self, key):
        # in SPARQL BNodes are just labels
        if not type(key) in (BNode, Variable):
            return key
            return self.bindings[key]
        except KeyError:
            return None
项目:prophet    作者:MKLab-ITI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def value(ctx, val, variables=False, errors=False):

    utility function for evaluating something...

    Variables will be looked up in the context
    Normally, non-bound vars is an error,
    set variables=True to return unbound vars

    Normally, an error raises the error,
    set errors=True to return error


    if isinstance(val, Expr):
        return val.eval(ctx)  # recurse?
    elif isinstance(val, CompValue):
        raise Exception("What do I do with this CompValue? %s" % val)

    elif isinstance(val, list):
        return [value(ctx, x, variables, errors) for x in val]

    elif isinstance(val, (BNode, Variable)):
        r = ctx.get(val)
        if isinstance(r, SPARQLError) and not errors:
            raise r
        if r is not None:
            return r

        # not bound
        if variables:
            return val
            raise NotBoundError

    elif isinstance(val, ParseResults) and len(val) == 1:
        return value(ctx, val[0], variables, errors)
        return val
项目:prophet    作者:MKLab-ITI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _traverse_sparql_result_dom(
        doc, as_dictionary=False, node_from_result=_node_from_result):
    Returns a generator over tuples of results
    # namespace handling in elementtree xpath sub-set is not pretty :(
    vars_ = [
        for v in doc.findall(
    for result in doc.findall(
        curr_bind = {}
        values = []
        for binding in result.findall(
            var_val = binding.attrib["name"]
            var = Variable(var_val)
            term = node_from_result(binding.findall('*')[0])
            curr_bind[var] = term
        if as_dictionary:
            yield curr_bind, vars_
            def __locproc(values_):
                if len(values_) == 1:
                    return values_[0]
                    return tuple(values_)
            yield __locproc(values), vars_
项目:prophet    作者:MKLab-ITI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def contexts(self, triple=None):
        Iterates over results to "SELECT ?NAME { GRAPH ?NAME { ?s ?p ?o } }"
        or "SELECT ?NAME { GRAPH ?NAME {} }" if triple is `None`.

        Returns instances of this store with the SPARQL wrapper
        object updated via addNamedGraph(?NAME).

        This causes a named-graph-uri key / value  pair to be sent over
        the protocol.

        Please note that some SPARQL endpoints are not able to find empty named

        if triple:
            s, p, o = triple
            params = ((s if s else Variable('s')).n3(),
                      (p if p else Variable('p')).n3(),
                      (o if o else Variable('o')).n3())
            self.setQuery('SELECT ?name WHERE { GRAPH ?name { %s %s %s }}' % params)
            self.setQuery('SELECT ?name WHERE { GRAPH ?name {} }')

        doc = ElementTree.parse(SPARQLWrapper.query(self).response)

        return (
            for rt, vars in _traverse_sparql_result_dom(
                doc, as_dictionary=True, node_from_result=self.node_from_result)

    # Namespace persistence interface implementation
项目:sparqlalchemy    作者:gooofy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_query_no_vars(self):

        triples = [(rdflib.URIRef(''), 

        algebra = CompValue ('SelectQuery', p = CompValue('BGP', triples=triples, _vars=set()),
                                            datasetClause = None, PV = [], _vars = set())

        res =

        self.assertEqual(len(res), 1)

        for row in res:
            s = ''
            for v in res.vars:
                s += ' %s=%s' % (v, row[v])
            logging.debug('algebra result row: %s' % s)

    # # @unittest.skip("temporarily disabled")
    # def test_query_none(self):

    #     vx = rdflib.Variable('X')

    #     triples = [(vx, 
    #                 rdflib.URIRef(''),  
    #                 rdflib.URIRef('')),
    #                (vx, 
    #                 rdflib.URIRef(''),  
    #                 None) ]

    #     algebra = CompValue ('SelectQuery', p = CompValue('BGP', triples=triples, _vars=set([vx])),
    #                                         datasetClause = None, PV = [vx], _vars = set([vx]))

    #     res =

    #     self.assertEqual(len(res), 1)

    #     for row in res:
    #         s = ''
    #         for v in res.vars:
    #             s += ' %s=%s' % (v, row[v])
    #         logging.debug('algebra result row: %s' % s)
项目:Meiji    作者:GiovanniBalestrieri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, source):

        xmlstring =

        if isinstance(xmlstring, unicode):
            xmlstring = xmlstring.encode('utf-8')
            tree = ElementTree.fromstring(xmlstring)
        except Exception, e:
                raise e.__class__("error parsing %r: %s" % (xmlstring, e))
                raise e

        boolean = tree.find(RESULTS_NS_ET + 'boolean')
        results = tree.find(RESULTS_NS_ET + 'results')

        if boolean is not None:
            type_ = 'ASK'
        elif results is not None:
            type_ = 'SELECT'
            g = Graph()
                if len(g) == 0:
                type_ = 'CONSTRUCT'

                raise ResultException(
                    "No RDF Graph, result-bindings or boolean answer found!")

        Result.__init__(self, type_)
        if type_ == 'SELECT':
            self.bindings = []
            for result in results:
                r = {}
                for binding in result:
                    r[Variable(binding.get('name'))] = parseTerm(binding[0])

            self.vars = [Variable(x.get("name"))
                         for x in tree.findall(
                         './%shead/%svariable' % (
                             RESULTS_NS_ET, RESULTS_NS_ET))]

        elif type_ == 'ASK':
            self.askAnswer = boolean.text.lower().strip() == "true"
        elif type_ == 'CONSTRUCT':
            self.graph = g
项目:Meiji    作者:GiovanniBalestrieri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, source, **kwargs):

        if not isinstance(source, Graph):
            graph = Graph()
            graph.load(source, **kwargs)
            graph = source

        rs = graph.value(predicate=RDF.type, object=RS.ResultSet)
                         # there better be only one :)

        if rs is None:
            type_ = 'CONSTRUCT'

            # use a new graph
            g = Graph()
            g += graph


            askAnswer = graph.value(rs, RS.boolean)

            if askAnswer is not None:
                type_ = 'ASK'
                type_ = 'SELECT'

        Result.__init__(self, type_)

        if type_ == 'SELECT':
            self.vars = [Variable(v) for v in graph.objects(rs,

            self.bindings = []

            for s in graph.objects(rs, RS.solution):
                sol = {}
                for b in graph.objects(s, RS.binding):
                        b, RS.variable))] = graph.value(b, RS.value)
        elif type_ == 'ASK':
            self.askAnswer = askAnswer.value
            if askAnswer.value == None:
                raise Exception('Malformed boolean in ask answer!')
        elif type_ == 'CONSTRUCT':
            self.graph = g
项目:Meiji    作者:GiovanniBalestrieri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def evalUpdate(graph, update, initBindings=None):

    'A request is a sequence of operations [...] Implementations MUST
    ensure that operations of a single request are executed in a
    fashion that guarantees the same effects as executing them in
    lexical order.

    Operations all result either in success or failure.

    If multiple operations are present in a single request, then a
    result of failure from any operation MUST abort the sequence of
    operations, causing the subsequent operations to be ignored.'

    This will return None on success and raise Exceptions on error


    for u in update:

        ctx = QueryContext(graph)
        ctx.prologue = u.prologue

        if initBindings:
            for k, v in initBindings.iteritems():
                if not isinstance(k, Variable):
                    k = Variable(k)
                ctx[k] = v
            # ctx.push()  # nescessary?

            if == 'Load':
                evalLoad(ctx, u)
            elif == 'Clear':
                evalClear(ctx, u)
            elif == 'Drop':
                evalDrop(ctx, u)
            elif == 'Create':
                evalCreate(ctx, u)
            elif == 'Add':
                evalAdd(ctx, u)
            elif == 'Move':
                evalMove(ctx, u)
            elif == 'Copy':
                evalCopy(ctx, u)
            elif == 'InsertData':
                evalInsertData(ctx, u)
            elif == 'DeleteData':
                evalDeleteData(ctx, u)
            elif == 'DeleteWhere':
                evalDeleteWhere(ctx, u)
            elif == 'Modify':
                evalModify(ctx, u)
                raise Exception('Unknown update operation: %s' % (u,))
            if not u.silent:
项目:prophet    作者:MKLab-ITI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, source, **kwargs):

        if not isinstance(source, Graph):
            graph = Graph()
            graph.load(source, **kwargs)
            graph = source

        rs = graph.value(predicate=RDF.type, object=RS.ResultSet)
                         # there better be only one :)

        if rs is None:
            type_ = 'CONSTRUCT'

            # use a new graph
            g = Graph()
            g += graph


            askAnswer = graph.value(rs, RS.boolean)

            if askAnswer is not None:
                type_ = 'ASK'
                type_ = 'SELECT'

        Result.__init__(self, type_)

        if type_ == 'SELECT':
            self.vars = [Variable(v) for v in graph.objects(rs,

            self.bindings = []

            for s in graph.objects(rs, RS.solution):
                sol = {}
                for b in graph.objects(s, RS.binding):
                        b, RS.variable))] = graph.value(b, RS.value)
        elif type_ == 'ASK':
            self.askAnswer = askAnswer.value
            if askAnswer.value == None:
                raise Exception('Malformed boolean in ask answer!')
        elif type_ == 'CONSTRUCT':
            self.graph = g
项目:prophet    作者:MKLab-ITI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def evalUpdate(graph, update, initBindings=None):

    'A request is a sequence of operations [...] Implementations MUST
    ensure that operations of a single request are executed in a
    fashion that guarantees the same effects as executing them in
    lexical order.

    Operations all result either in success or failure.

    If multiple operations are present in a single request, then a
    result of failure from any operation MUST abort the sequence of
    operations, causing the subsequent operations to be ignored.'

    This will return None on success and raise Exceptions on error


    for u in update:

        ctx = QueryContext(graph)
        ctx.prologue = u.prologue

        if initBindings:
            for k, v in initBindings.iteritems():
                if not isinstance(k, Variable):
                    k = Variable(k)
                ctx[k] = v
            # ctx.push()  # nescessary?

            if == 'Load':
                evalLoad(ctx, u)
            elif == 'Clear':
                evalClear(ctx, u)
            elif == 'Drop':
                evalDrop(ctx, u)
            elif == 'Create':
                evalCreate(ctx, u)
            elif == 'Add':
                evalAdd(ctx, u)
            elif == 'Move':
                evalMove(ctx, u)
            elif == 'Copy':
                evalCopy(ctx, u)
            elif == 'InsertData':
                evalInsertData(ctx, u)
            elif == 'DeleteData':
                evalDeleteData(ctx, u)
            elif == 'DeleteWhere':
                evalDeleteWhere(ctx, u)
            elif == 'Modify':
                evalModify(ctx, u)
                raise Exception('Unknown update operation: %s' % (u,))
            if not u.silent: