Python re 模块,MULTILINE 实例源码


项目:warriorframework    作者:warriorframework    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_action(driver, keyword):
    """get action class corresponding to the keyword in the driver
    drvmod = 'ProductDrivers.' + driver
    drvmodobj = importlib.import_module(drvmod)
    drvfile_methods = inspect.getmembers(drvmodobj, inspect.isroutine)
    main_method = [item[1] for item in drvfile_methods if item[0] == 'main'][0]
    main_src = inspect.getsource(main_method)
    pkglstmatch ='package_list.*=.*\[(.*)\]', main_src, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
    pkglst =',')
    for pkg in pkglst:
        pkgobj = importlib.import_module(pkg)
        pkgdir = os.path.dirname(pkgobj.__file__)
        action_modules = [pkg+'.'+name for _, name, _ in pkgutil.iter_modules([pkgdir])]
        action_module_objs = [importlib.import_module(action_module) for action_module in action_modules]
        for action_module_obj in action_module_objs:
            for action_class in inspect.getmembers(action_module_obj, inspect.isclass):
                for func_name in inspect.getmembers(action_class[1], inspect.isroutine):
                    if keyword == func_name[0]:
                        return action_class[1]
    return None
项目:arXie-Bot    作者:thundergolfer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def papers_from_embedded_script( url, session=None ):
    Extract papers data from script embedded in ASP site's HTML.
    Note: looks for "var papers = " in a <script> </script> body.
    if session: resp = session.get(url)
    else:       resp = requests.get(url)

    soup = BeautifulSoup(resp.text, 'html.parser')
    scripts = soup.find_all('script')
    #p = re.compile('var papers = (\[.*?\];)', re.MULTILINE)
    pattern = re.compile('var papers = \[[.\s\S]*?\];')

    str_scripts = [str(script.string) for script in scripts if script.string]
    papers_js = [script for script in str_scripts if 'var papers = ' in script][0]
    papers = find_and_parse_papers_json(papers_js)

    return papers
项目:reportIT    作者:stevekm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_qsub_job_status(job_id, desired_status = "r"):
    Use 'qstat' to check on the run status of a qsub job
    returns True or False if the job status matches the desired_status
    job running:
    desired_status = "r"
    job waiting:
    desired_status = "qw"
    import re
    from sh import qstat
    job_id_pattern = r"^.*{0}.*\s{1}\s.*$".format(job_id, desired_status)
    # using the 'sh' package
    qstat_stdout = qstat()
    # using the standard subprocess package
    # qstat_stdout = subprocess_cmd('qstat', return_stdout = True)
    job_match = re.findall(str(job_id_pattern), str(qstat_stdout), re.MULTILINE)
    job_status = bool(job_match)
    if job_status == True:
        status = True
    elif job_status == False:
项目:kinect-2-libras    作者:inessadl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _make_boundary(text=None):
    # Craft a random boundary.  If text is given, ensure that the chosen
    # boundary doesn't appear in the text.
    token = random.randrange(sys.maxint)
    boundary = ('=' * 15) + (_fmt % token) + '=='
    if text is None:
        return boundary
    b = boundary
    counter = 0
    while True:
        cre = re.compile('^--' + re.escape(b) + '(--)?$', re.MULTILINE)
        if not
        b = boundary + '.' + str(counter)
        counter += 1
    return b
项目:whatstyle    作者:mikr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def register_options(self):
        # type: () -> None
        """Parse options from text like this:
          [+|-]alignArguments                                        Enable/disable ...
          [+|-]spacesWithinPatternBinders                            Enable/disable ...
          -alignSingleLineCaseStatements.maxArrowIndent=[1-100]      Set Maximum number ...
          -indentSpaces=[1-10]                                       Set Number of spaces ...
        exeresult = run_executable(self.exe, ['--help'], cache=self.cache)
        options = []
        text = unistr(exeresult.stdout)
        for m in re.finditer(r'^  (\[\+\|-\]|-)([a-z][a-zA-Z.]+)(?:=\[(\d+)-(\d+)\])?', text,
            optionprefix, optionname, start, end = m.groups()
            if start is None:
                optiontype = 'bool'
                configs = [True, False]  # type: List[OptionValue]
                optiontype = 'int'
                configs = list(inclusiverange(int(start), int(end)))
            options.append(option_make(optionname, optiontype, configs))
        self.styledefinition = styledef_make(options)
项目:segno    作者:heuer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pdf_as_matrix(buff, border):
    Reads the path in the PDF and returns it as list of 0, 1 lists.

    :param io.BytesIO buff: Buffer to read the matrix from.
    pdf = buff.getvalue()
    h, w ='/MediaBox \[0 0 ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+)\]', pdf,
    if h != w:
        raise ValueError('Expected equal height/width, got height="{}" width="{}"'.format(h, w))
    size = int(w) - 2 * border

    graphic = _find_graphic(buff)
    res = [[0] * size for i in range(size)]
    for x1, y1, x2, y2 in re.findall(r'\s*(\-?\d+)\s+(\-?\d+)\s+m\s+'
                                        r'(\-?\d+)\s+(\-?\d+)\s+l', graphic):
        x1, y1, x2, y2 = [int(i) for i in (x1, y1, x2, y2)]
        y = abs(y1)
        res[y][x1:x2] = [1] * (x2 - x1)
    return res
项目    作者:lastship    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def episode(self, url, imdb, tvdb, title, premiered, season, episode):
            if url == None: return

            result = client.request(url)
            # cant user dom parser here because HTML is bugged div is not closed
            result = re.findall ('<ul class="episodios">(.*?)</ul>', result, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
            for item in result:
                season_episodes = re.findall ('<li>(.*?)</li>', item, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
                for row in season_episodes:
                    s = client.parseDOM(row, 'div', attrs={'class': 'numerando'})[0].split('x')
                    season_found = s[0].strip()
                    episode_found = s[1].strip()
                    if(season_found != season):
                    if episode_found == episode :
                        return client.parseDOM(row, 'a', ret='href')[0]

项目:StackOverflow-Joern    作者:yang1young    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def remove_cpp_comment(code):
    def blotOutNonNewlines(strIn):  # Return a string containing only the newline chars contained in strIn
        return "" + ("\n" * strIn.count('\n'))

    def replacer(match):
        s =
        if s.startswith('/'):  # Matched string is //...EOL or /*...*/  ==> Blot out all non-newline chars
            return blotOutNonNewlines(s)
        else:  # Matched string is '...' or "..."  ==> Keep unchanged
            return s

    pattern = re.compile(
        re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE
    return re.sub(pattern, replacer, code)

#remove non ASCII chars
项目:dnsbrute    作者:XiphosResearch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_file(conn, csvfile):
    with open(csvfile, "r") as handle:
        data =
        names = []
        for match in AXFR_RE.finditer(data, re.MULTILINE):
        suffix = os.path.commonprefix([X[0][::-1] for X in names])[::-1]
        names = filter(lambda X: X[0],
                       [(X[0].replace(suffix, '').strip('.').lower(), X[1])
                        for X in names])
        lookup_names = []
        for name, rectype in set(names):
            if not name or name == '*':  # Ignore single wildcard or empty
            if name[:2] == '*.':  # Strip wildcard off beginning
                name = name[2:]
            lookup_names.append((name, rectype))
        update_vfy(conn, lookup_names)
项目:dnsbrute    作者:XiphosResearch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_file(csvfile):
    with open(csvfile, "r") as handle:
        data =
        names = []
        for match in AXFR_RE.finditer(data, re.MULTILINE):
        suffix = os.path.commonprefix([X[0][::-1] for X in names])[::-1]
        names = filter(lambda X: X[0],
                       [(X[0].replace(suffix, '').strip('.').lower(), X[1])
                        for X in names])
        for name, rectype in set(names):
            if not name or name == '*':  # Ignore single wildcard or empty
            if name[:2] == '*.':  # Strip wildcard off beginning
                name = name[2:]
            subnames = name.split('.')
            for subname in iter_names(subnames):
                yield subname, rectype
项目:gransk    作者:pcbje    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setup(self, config):
    Load name model (word list) and compile regexes for stop characters.

    :param config: Configuration object.
    :type config: ``dict``
    reference_model = os.path.join(
        config[helper.CODE_ROOT], config[helper.NAME_MODEL])

    self.stopper = regex.compile(('(%s)' % '|'.join([
        'and', 'or', 'og', 'eller', r'\?', '&', '<', '>', '@', ':', ';', '/',
        r'\(', r'\)', 'i', 'of', 'from', 'to', r'\n', '!'])),
        regex.I | regex.MULTILINE)

    self.semistop = regex.compile(
        ('(%s)' % '|'.join([','])), regex.I | regex.MULTILINE)
    self.size_probability = [0.000, 0.000, 0.435, 0.489, 0.472, 0.004, 0.000]
    self.threshold = 0.25
    self.candidates = defaultdict(int)

    with, 'rb') as inp:
      self.model = json.loads('utf-8'))

    self.tokenizer = regex.compile(r'\w{2,20}')
项目:mongodb-monitoring    作者:jruaux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def str_flags_to_int(str_flags):
    flags = 0
    if "i" in str_flags:
        flags |= re.IGNORECASE
    if "l" in str_flags:
        flags |= re.LOCALE
    if "m" in str_flags:
        flags |= re.MULTILINE
    if "s" in str_flags:
        flags |= re.DOTALL
    if "u" in str_flags:
        flags |= re.UNICODE
    if "x" in str_flags:
        flags |= re.VERBOSE

    return flags
项目:mongodb-monitoring    作者:jruaux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, pattern, flags=0):
        """BSON regular expression data.

        This class is useful to store and retrieve regular expressions that are
        incompatible with Python's regular expression dialect.

          - `pattern`: string
          - `flags`: (optional) an integer bitmask, or a string of flag
            characters like "im" for IGNORECASE and MULTILINE
        if not isinstance(pattern, (text_type, bytes)):
            raise TypeError("pattern must be a string, not %s" % type(pattern))
        self.pattern = pattern

        if isinstance(flags, string_type):
            self.flags = str_flags_to_int(flags)
        elif isinstance(flags, int):
            self.flags = flags
            raise TypeError(
                "flags must be a string or int, not %s" % type(flags))
项目:mongodb-monitoring    作者:jruaux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _encode_regex(name, value, dummy0, dummy1):
    """Encode a python regex or bson.regex.Regex."""
    flags = value.flags
    # Python 2 common case
    if flags == 0:
        return b"\x0B" + name + _make_c_string_check(value.pattern) + b"\x00"
    # Python 3 common case
    elif flags == re.UNICODE:
        return b"\x0B" + name + _make_c_string_check(value.pattern) + b"u\x00"
        sflags = b""
        if flags & re.IGNORECASE:
            sflags += b"i"
        if flags & re.LOCALE:
            sflags += b"l"
        if flags & re.MULTILINE:
            sflags += b"m"
        if flags & re.DOTALL:
            sflags += b"s"
        if flags & re.UNICODE:
            sflags += b"u"
        if flags & re.VERBOSE:
            sflags += b"x"
        sflags += b"\x00"
        return b"\x0B" + name + _make_c_string_check(value.pattern) + sflags
项目:sphinxcontrib-versioning    作者:Robpol86    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(cls):
        """Check variables."""
        project = __import__(IMPORT, fromlist=[''])
        for expected, var in [('@Robpol86', '__author__'), (LICENSE, '__license__'), (VERSION, '__version__')]:
            if getattr(project, var) != expected:
                raise SystemExit('Mismatch: {0}'.format(var))
        # Check changelog.
        if not re.compile(r'^%s - \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}[\r\n]' % VERSION, re.MULTILINE).search(readme()):
            raise SystemExit('Version not found in readme/changelog file.')
        # Check tox.
            contents = readme('tox.ini')
            section = re.compile(r'[\r\n]+install_requires =[\r\n]+(.+?)[\r\n]+\w', re.DOTALL).findall(contents)
            if not section:
                raise SystemExit('Missing install_requires section in tox.ini.')
            in_tox = re.findall(r'    ([^=]+)==[\w\d.-]+', section[0])
            if INSTALL_REQUIRES != in_tox:
                raise SystemExit('Missing/unordered pinned dependencies in tox.ini.')
项目:Flask_Blog    作者:sugarguo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _make_boundary(text=None):
    # Craft a random boundary.  If text is given, ensure that the chosen
    # boundary doesn't appear in the text.
    token = random.randrange(sys.maxint)
    boundary = ('=' * 15) + (_fmt % token) + '=='
    if text is None:
        return boundary
    b = boundary
    counter = 0
    while True:
        cre = re.compile('^--' + re.escape(b) + '(--)?$', re.MULTILINE)
        if not
        b = boundary + '.' + str(counter)
        counter += 1
    return b
项目:Instagram-API    作者:danleyb2    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getCsfrtoken(self):

        fetch = self.request('si/fetch_headers/', None, True)

        header = fetch[0]
        response = ChallengeResponse(fetch[1])

        if not header or not response.isOk():
            raise InstagramException("Couldn't get challenge, check your connection")
            # return response #fixme unreachable code

        match ='^Set-Cookie: csrftoken=([^;]+)', fetch[0], re.MULTILINE)

        if not match:
            raise InstagramException("Missing csfrtoken")
            # return $response #fixme unreachable code

        token =
        return token[22:]
项目:BookCloud    作者:livro-aberto    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_threads_by_tag(self, filename):
            data = load_file(join('repos',, 'master',
                                  'source', filename + '.rst'))
            return []
        label_list = re.findall(r'^\.\. _([0-9a-z\-]+):\s$', data,
        File_Tag = application.threads.File_Tag
        Thread = application.threads.Thread
        threads_by_tag = (db.session.query(File_Tag.filename, Thread.title)
        return [{'name': l,
                 'titles': [x[1] for x in threads_by_tag if x[0]==l]}
                for l in label_list]
项目:mbootuz    作者:ckhung    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mounted_at(dev='', loopback=''):
    df = subprocess.check_output(['df'])
    if dev:
    fn = dev[dev.rfind('/')+1:]
    dev_or_loop = dev
    m ='^' + dev + r'\s.*\s(\S+)$', df, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    elif loopback:
    dev_or_loop = loopback
    fn = loopback[loopback.rfind('/')+1:]
    m ='\s(/lib/live/\S*' + fn + ')$', df, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    sys.exit('mounted_at() needs at least one arg')
    if (m):
        target_mp = '/tmp/mbootuz-' + str(os.getpid()) + '-' + fn['mkdir', target_mp])
            subprocess.check_output(['mount', dev_or_loop, target_mp])
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
  ['rmdir', target_mp])
            sys.exit('mount failure [' + e.output +
                '], mbootuz aborted')
    atexit.register(cleanup, target_mp)
        return target_mp
项目:noc-orchestrator    作者:DirceuSilvaLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def str_flags_to_int(str_flags):
    flags = 0
    if "i" in str_flags:
        flags |= re.IGNORECASE
    if "l" in str_flags:
        flags |= re.LOCALE
    if "m" in str_flags:
        flags |= re.MULTILINE
    if "s" in str_flags:
        flags |= re.DOTALL
    if "u" in str_flags:
        flags |= re.UNICODE
    if "x" in str_flags:
        flags |= re.VERBOSE

    return flags
项目:noc-orchestrator    作者:DirceuSilvaLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, pattern, flags=0):
        """BSON regular expression data.

        This class is useful to store and retrieve regular expressions that are
        incompatible with Python's regular expression dialect.

          - `pattern`: string
          - `flags`: (optional) an integer bitmask, or a string of flag
            characters like "im" for IGNORECASE and MULTILINE
        if not isinstance(pattern, string_types):
            raise TypeError("pattern must be a string, not %s" % type(pattern))
        self.pattern = pattern

        if isinstance(flags, string_types):
            self.flags = str_flags_to_int(flags)
        elif isinstance(flags, int):
            self.flags = flags
            raise TypeError(
                "flags must be a string or int, not %s" % type(flags))
项目:noc-orchestrator    作者:DirceuSilvaLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def str_flags_to_int(str_flags):
    flags = 0
    if "i" in str_flags:
        flags |= re.IGNORECASE
    if "l" in str_flags:
        flags |= re.LOCALE
    if "m" in str_flags:
        flags |= re.MULTILINE
    if "s" in str_flags:
        flags |= re.DOTALL
    if "u" in str_flags:
        flags |= re.UNICODE
    if "x" in str_flags:
        flags |= re.VERBOSE

    return flags
项目:noc-orchestrator    作者:DirceuSilvaLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, pattern, flags=0):
        """BSON regular expression data.

        This class is useful to store and retrieve regular expressions that are
        incompatible with Python's regular expression dialect.

          - `pattern`: string
          - `flags`: (optional) an integer bitmask, or a string of flag
            characters like "im" for IGNORECASE and MULTILINE
        if not isinstance(pattern, string_types):
            raise TypeError("pattern must be a string, not %s" % type(pattern))
        self.pattern = pattern

        if isinstance(flags, string_types):
            self.flags = str_flags_to_int(flags)
        elif isinstance(flags, int):
            self.flags = flags
            raise TypeError(
                "flags must be a string or int, not %s" % type(flags))
项目:noc-orchestrator    作者:DirceuSilvaLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def str_flags_to_int(str_flags):
    flags = 0
    if "i" in str_flags:
        flags |= re.IGNORECASE
    if "l" in str_flags:
        flags |= re.LOCALE
    if "m" in str_flags:
        flags |= re.MULTILINE
    if "s" in str_flags:
        flags |= re.DOTALL
    if "u" in str_flags:
        flags |= re.UNICODE
    if "x" in str_flags:
        flags |= re.VERBOSE

    return flags
项目:noc-orchestrator    作者:DirceuSilvaLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, pattern, flags=0):
        """BSON regular expression data.

        This class is useful to store and retrieve regular expressions that are
        incompatible with Python's regular expression dialect.

          - `pattern`: string
          - `flags`: (optional) an integer bitmask, or a string of flag
            characters like "im" for IGNORECASE and MULTILINE
        if not isinstance(pattern, string_types):
            raise TypeError("pattern must be a string, not %s" % type(pattern))
        self.pattern = pattern

        if isinstance(flags, string_types):
            self.flags = str_flags_to_int(flags)
        elif isinstance(flags, int):
            self.flags = flags
            raise TypeError(
                "flags must be a string or int, not %s" % type(flags))
项目:noc-orchestrator    作者:DirceuSilvaLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def str_flags_to_int(str_flags):
    flags = 0
    if "i" in str_flags:
        flags |= re.IGNORECASE
    if "l" in str_flags:
        flags |= re.LOCALE
    if "m" in str_flags:
        flags |= re.MULTILINE
    if "s" in str_flags:
        flags |= re.DOTALL
    if "u" in str_flags:
        flags |= re.UNICODE
    if "x" in str_flags:
        flags |= re.VERBOSE

    return flags
项目:noc-orchestrator    作者:DirceuSilvaLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, pattern, flags=0):
        """BSON regular expression data.

        This class is useful to store and retrieve regular expressions that are
        incompatible with Python's regular expression dialect.

          - `pattern`: string
          - `flags`: (optional) an integer bitmask, or a string of flag
            characters like "im" for IGNORECASE and MULTILINE
        if not isinstance(pattern, string_types):
            raise TypeError("pattern must be a string, not %s" % type(pattern))
        self.pattern = pattern

        if isinstance(flags, string_types):
            self.flags = str_flags_to_int(flags)
        elif isinstance(flags, int):
            self.flags = flags
            raise TypeError(
                "flags must be a string or int, not %s" % type(flags))
项目:ScraXBRL    作者:tooksoi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_year(self):
            yre = '(dei:DocumentFiscalYearFocus$)'
            year = self.ins_sp.find(name=re.compile(yre, re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE)).get_text()
        except AttributeError:
                yre = '(dei:DocumentPeriodEndDate$)'
                year = self.ins_sp.find(name=re.compile(yre, re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE)).get_text()
                year = year[:4]
            except AttributeError:
                return False
            year = int(year)
            sure_years = [2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 
                      2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011,
                      2012, 2013, 2014, 2016]
            if year in sure_years:
                self.xbrl_year = str(year)
            if year == 2010:
                self.xbrl_year = '2009'
            if year == 2015:
                self.xbrl_year = '2014'
            return True
            return False
项目:reddit_analytics    作者:picorana    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def iter_comment_bodies(start_month, end_month, remove_links = True, base_input_path='../partial/worldnews_comments_'):
    """Read and return comments from files

        start_month (int): start month from which the comments are read
        end_month (int): end month from which the comments are read
        remove_links (bool): if true, comments are returned without links (default: {True})
        base_input_path (str): base path of the files (default: {'../partial/worldnews_comments_'})

        str: a comment body
    for i in range(start_month, end_month):
        input_file = open(base_input_path + str(i) + '_2016.json', 'r')

        for line in input_file:
            comment = json.loads(line)

            if remove_links:
                yield re.sub(r"http\S+", '', comment['body'].encode('utf-8', errors='ignore').decode("utf8", errors='ignore'), flags=re.MULTILINE)

            else: yield comment['body']
项目:sublime-text-3-packages    作者:nickjj    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def analyse_text(text):
        # Any limbo module implements something
        if'^implement \w+;', text, re.MULTILINE):
            return 0.7

#   - Make lexers for:
#       - asm sources
#       - man pages
#       - mkfiles
#       - module definitions
#       - namespace definitions
#       - shell scripts
#       - maybe keyfiles and fonts
#   they all seem to be quite similar to their equivalents
#   from unix world, so there should not be a lot of problems
项目:sublime-text-3-packages    作者:nickjj    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def analyse_text(text):
        score = 0
        if'^\s*\.class\s', text, re.MULTILINE):
            score += 0.5
                         r'shr|sub|ushr)[-/])|{|}', text, re.MULTILINE):
                score += 0.3
        if'(\.(catchall|epilogue|restart local|prologue)|'
                     r'packed-switch|sparse-switch))\b', text, re.MULTILINE):
            score += 0.6
        return score
项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def postprocess_messages(self, msgs):
        Postprocess messages generated by xgettext GNU gettext utility.

        Transform paths as if these messages were generated from original
        translatable files rather than from preprocessed versions.
        if not self.is_templatized:
            return msgs

        # Remove '.py' suffix
        if == 'nt':
            # Preserve '.\' prefix on Windows to respect gettext behavior
            old_path = self.work_path
            new_path = self.path
            old_path = self.work_path[2:]
            new_path = self.path[2:]

        return re.sub(
            r'^(#: .*)(' + re.escape(old_path) + r')',
            lambda match:, new_path),
项目:NarshaTech    作者:KimJangHyeon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def postprocess_messages(self, msgs):
        Postprocess messages generated by xgettext GNU gettext utility.

        Transform paths as if these messages were generated from original
        translatable files rather than from preprocessed versions.
        if not self.is_templatized:
            return msgs

        # Remove '.py' suffix
        if == 'nt':
            # Preserve '.\' prefix on Windows to respect gettext behavior
            old_path = self.work_path
            new_path = self.path
            old_path = self.work_path[2:]
            new_path = self.path[2:]

        return re.sub(
            r'^(#: .*)(' + re.escape(old_path) + r')',
            lambda match:, new_path),
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def remove_stack_traces(out):
    # this regexp taken from Python 2.5's doctest
    traceback_re = re.compile(r"""
        # Grab the traceback header.  Different versions of Python have
        # said different things on the first traceback line.
        ^(?P<hdr> Traceback\ \(
            (?: most\ recent\ call\ last
            |   innermost\ last
            ) \) :
        \s* $                   # toss trailing whitespace on the header.
        (?P<stack> .*?)         # don't blink: absorb stuff until...
        ^(?=\w)                 #     a line *starts* with alphanum.
        .*?(?P<exception> \w+ ) # exception name
        (?P<msg> [:\n] .*)      # the rest
        """, re.VERBOSE | re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
    blocks = []
    for block in blankline_separated_blocks(out):
        blocks.append(traceback_re.sub(r"\g<hdr>\n...\n\g<exception>\g<msg>", block))
    return "".join(blocks)
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _make_boundary(text=None):
    # Craft a random boundary.  If text is given, ensure that the chosen
    # boundary doesn't appear in the text.
    token = random.randrange(sys.maxint)
    boundary = ('=' * 15) + (_fmt % token) + '=='
    if text is None:
        return boundary
    b = boundary
    counter = 0
    while True:
        cre = re.compile('^--' + re.escape(b) + '(--)?$', re.MULTILINE)
        if not
        b = boundary + '.' + str(counter)
        counter += 1
    return b
项目:vspheretools    作者:devopshq    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _make_boundary(text=None):
    #some code taken from python stdlib
    # Craft a random boundary.  If text is given, ensure that the chosen
    # boundary doesn't appear in the text.
    token = random.randrange(sys.maxint)
    boundary = ('=' * 10) + (_fmt % token) + '=='
    if text is None:
        return boundary
    b = boundary
    counter = 0
    while True:
        cre = re.compile('^--' + re.escape(b) + '(--)?$', re.MULTILINE)
        if not
        b = boundary + '.' + str(counter)
        counter += 1
    return b
项目:p2pool-bch    作者:amarian12    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _make_boundary(text=None):
    #some code taken from python stdlib
    # Craft a random boundary.  If text is given, ensure that the chosen
    # boundary doesn't appear in the text.
    token = random.randrange(sys.maxint)
    boundary = ('=' * 10) + (_fmt % token) + '=='
    if text is None:
        return boundary
    b = boundary
    counter = 0
    while True:
        cre = re.compile('^--' + re.escape(b) + '(--)?$', re.MULTILINE)
        if not
        b = boundary + '.' + str(counter)
        counter += 1
    return b
项目:SwiftKitten    作者:johncsnyder    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setup_module():
    import cffi.verifier
    # check that no $ sign is produced in the C file; it used to be the
    # case that anonymous enums would produce '$enum_$1', which was
    # used as part of a function name.  GCC accepts such names, but it's
    # apparently non-standard.
    _r_comment = re.compile(r"/\*.*?\*/|//.*?$", re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)
    _r_string = re.compile(r'\".*?\"')
    def _write_source_and_check(self, file=None):
        base_write_source(self, file)
        if file is None:
            f = open(self.sourcefilename)
            data =
            data = _r_comment.sub(' ', data)
            data = _r_string.sub('"skipped"', data)
            assert '$' not in data
    base_write_source = cffi.verifier.Verifier._write_source
    cffi.verifier.Verifier._write_source = _write_source_and_check
项目:Scrum    作者:prakharchoudhary    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def postprocess_messages(self, msgs):
        Postprocess messages generated by xgettext GNU gettext utility.

        Transform paths as if these messages were generated from original
        translatable files rather than from preprocessed versions.
        if not self.is_templatized:
            return msgs

        # Remove '.py' suffix
        if == 'nt':
            # Preserve '.\' prefix on Windows to respect gettext behavior
            old_path = self.work_path
            new_path = self.path
            old_path = self.work_path[2:]
            new_path = self.path[2:]

        return re.sub(
            r'^(#: .*)(' + re.escape(old_path) + r')',
            lambda match:, new_path),
项目:seq2seq    作者:eske    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def corpus_ter(hypotheses, references, case_sensitive=True, tercom_path=None, **kwargs):
    tercom_path = tercom_path or 'scripts/tercom.jar'

    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w') as hypothesis_file, tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w') as reference_file:
        for i, (hypothesis, reference) in enumerate(zip(hypotheses, references)):
            hypothesis_file.write('{} ({})\n'.format(hypothesis, i))
            reference_file.write('{} ({})\n'.format(reference, i))

        cmd = ['java', '-jar', tercom_path, '-h',, '-r',]
        if case_sensitive:

        output = subprocess.check_output(cmd).decode()

        error = re.findall(r'Total TER: (.*?) ', output, re.MULTILINE)[0]
        return float(error) * 100, ''
项目:warriorframework    作者:warriorframework    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_action_dirlist(driverpath):
    """ Get the list of action directories
    actions_package_list = []
        if os.path.isfile(driverpath):
            with open(driverpath, 'r') as fobj:
                drv_text =
            search_string = re.compile('package_list.*=.*\]',
                                       re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)
            match =, drv_text)

            if match:
                match_string =
                # extracting the text within [] and get the list of packages separated by ,
                actions_package_list = re.findall(r'\[(.*)\]', match_string)[0].split(',')
                print "\n actions package list: ", actions_package_list
            print "file {0} does not exist".format(driverpath)
    except Exception, e:
        print str(e)
    return actions_package_list
项目:piband    作者:bobmonkeywarts    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find(x):     #simple dictionary code copy-pasted from stack overflow
    items=re.findall('<meta name="description" content="'+".*$",x,re.MULTILINE)
    for x in items:
        y=x.replace('<meta name="description" content="','')
        z=y.replace(' See more."/>','')
        m=re.findall('at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation,              synonyms and translation. Look it up now! "/>',z)
        if m==[]:
            if z.startswith("Get your reference question answered by"):
                print "Word not found! :("
        z = z[z.index(',')+2:z.index("See more")]
               # print z
项目:cassandra-migrate    作者:Cobliteam    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def scanner(cls):
        if not getattr(cls, '_scanner', None):
            def h(tpe):
                return lambda sc, tk: cls.Token(tpe, tk)

            cls._scanner = re.Scanner([
                (r"(--|//).*?$",               h(cls.LINE_COMMENT)),
                (r"\/\*.+?\*\/",               h(cls.BLOCK_COMMENT)),
                (r'"(?:[^"\\]|\\.)*"',         h(cls.STRING)),
                (r"'(?:[^'\\]|\\.)*'",         h(cls.STRING)),
                (r"\$\$(?:[^\$\\]|\\.)*\$\$",  h(cls.STRING)),
                (r";",                         h(cls.SEMICOLON)),
                (r"\s+",                       h(cls.WHITESPACE)),
                (r".",                         h(cls.OTHER))
            ], re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
        return cls._scanner
项目:reportIT    作者:stevekm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_qsub_job_status(job_id, desired_status = "r"):
    Use 'qstat' to check on the run status of a qsub job
    returns True or False if the job status matches the desired_status
    job running:
    desired_status = "r"
    job waiting:
    desired_status = "qw"
    import re
    from sh import qstat
    job_id_pattern = r"^.*{0}.*\s{1}\s.*$".format(job_id, desired_status)
    # using the 'sh' package
    qstat_stdout = qstat()
    # using the standard subprocess package
    # qstat_stdout = subprocess_cmd('qstat', return_stdout = True)
    job_match = re.findall(str(job_id_pattern), str(qstat_stdout), re.MULTILINE)
    job_status = bool(job_match)
    if job_status == True:
        status = True
    elif job_status == False:
项目:core-python    作者:yidao620c    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def down_allpic(html_file):
    urls = []
    id_pattern = re.compile(r' data-clipboard-text="(.*?)"', re.MULTILINE)
    with open(html_file, encoding='utf-8') as f:
        content =
    for m in id_pattern.finditer(content):
    down_dir = r'D:/download/20170304/'
    for u in urls:
        if (u.endswith('.zip') or u.endswith('/')):
        # ?????????
        r = requests.get(u, stream=True)
        # ??????????????
        chunk_size = 1024
        with open(os.path.join(down_dir, os.path.split(u)[1]), 'wb') as fd:
            for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size):
    return urls
项目:core-python    作者:yidao620c    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compare_diff(qiniuhtml, coshtml):
    urls1 = set()
    id_pattern = re.compile(r' data-clipboard-text="(.*?)"', re.MULTILINE)
    with open(qiniuhtml, encoding='utf-8') as f:
        content =
    for m in id_pattern.finditer(content):
        url =
        if (url.endswith('.zip') or url.endswith('/')):

    urls2 = set()
    id_pattern2 = re.compile(r' filename="(.*?)"', re.MULTILINE)
    with open(coshtml, encoding='utf-8') as f:
        content =
    for m in id_pattern2.finditer(content):
        url =
        if (url.endswith('.zip') or url.endswith('/')):

项目:core-python    作者:yidao620c    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_osd_weight(crush_file, hdd_osds, ssd_osds):
    :param crush_file: 
    :param hdd_osds
        hhd???osd??????[('1', 'node0001'), ('3', 'node0002')]
    :param ssd_osds
        ssd???osd??????[('0', 'node0002'), ('2', 'node0002')]
    result_dict = dict()
    osd_list = []
    if hdd_osds:
        osd_list.extend([osd_num for osd_num, _ in hdd_osds ])
    if ssd_osds:
        osd_list.extend([osd_num for osd_num, _ in ssd_osds ])
    with open(crush_file) as f:
        content_list = f.readlines()
    for osd_num in osd_list:
        id_pattern = re.compile(r'^\s*item osd.{} weight (\d+\.\d+)'.format(osd_num), re.MULTILINE)
        for line in content_list:
            m = id_pattern.match(line)
            if m:
                result_dict[osd_num] =
    return result_dict
项目:kolla-kubernetes    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _matchSingleLineField(field_name, haystack):
        """Returns field name's value"""

        # Initial checks
        assert field_name is not None
        if haystack is None:
            return None

        # Execute the Search
        match ='^{}:\s+(?P<MY_VAL>.*)$'.format(field_name),

        # Check the value
        if match is None:
            return None