Python rest_framework.authentication 模块,get_authorization_header() 实例源码


项目    作者:ldiqual    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _token_from_request_headers(self, request):
        auth = authentication.get_authorization_header(request).split()

        if not auth or auth[0].lower() != b'basic':
            return None

        if len(auth) == 1:
            msg = _('Invalid basic header. No credentials provided.')
            raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
        elif len(auth) > 2:
            msg = _('Invalid basic header. Credentials string should not contain spaces.')
            raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)

            auth_parts = base64.b64decode(auth[1]).decode(HTTP_HEADER_ENCODING).partition(':')
        except (TypeError, UnicodeDecodeError):
            msg = _('Invalid basic header. Credentials not correctly base64 encoded.')
            raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)

        return auth_parts[0]
项目:djangorestframework-auth0    作者:mcueto    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_jwt_value(request):
    auth = get_authorization_header(request).split()
    auth_header_prefix = auth0_api_settings.JWT_AUTH_HEADER_PREFIX.lower()

    if not auth or smart_text(auth[0].lower()) != auth_header_prefix:
        return None

    if len(auth) == 1:
        msg = _('Invalid Authorization header. No credentials provided.')
        raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
    elif len(auth) > 2:
        msg = _('Invalid Authorization header. Credentials string '
                'should not contain spaces.')
        raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)

    return auth[1]

# Auth0 Metadata --------------------------------------------------------------
项目:django-rest-framework-mongoengine-example    作者:BurkovBA    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def authenticate(self, request):
        auth = get_authorization_header(request).split()

        if not auth or auth[0].lower() != b'token':
            return None

        if len(auth) == 1:
            msg = 'Invalid token header. No credentials provided.'
            raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
        elif len(auth) > 2:
            msg = 'Invalid token header. Token string should not contain spaces.'
            raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)

            token = auth[1].decode()
        except UnicodeError:
            msg = 'Invalid token header. Token string should not contain invalid characters.'
            raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)

        return self.authenticate_credentials(token)
项目:sw-django-rest-auth    作者:telminov    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def authenticate(self, request):
        auth = get_authorization_header(request).split()

        if not auth or auth[0].lower() != b'tokenservice':
            return None

        if len(auth) == 1:
            msg = 'Invalid token header. No credentials provided.'
            raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
        elif len(auth) > 2:
            msg = 'Invalid token header. Token string should not contain spaces.'
            raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)

            token_key = auth[1].decode()
        except UnicodeError:
            msg = 'Invalid token header. Token string should not contain invalid characters.'
            raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)

        return self._check_token(token_key)
项目:api-django    作者:lafranceinsoumise    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def authenticate(self, request):
        Returns a `Person` if a correct access token has been supplied.  Otherwise returns `None`.
        auth = get_authorization_header(request).split()

        if not auth or auth[0].lower() != b'bearer':
            return None

        if len(auth) == 1:
            msg = _('Invalid basic header. No credentials provided.')
            raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
        elif len(auth) > 2:
            msg = _('Invalid basic header. Credentials string should not contain spaces.')
            raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)

            token = AccessToken.get_token(auth[1].decode())
        except (InvalidTokenException, UnicodeDecodeError):
            msg = _('Token invalide.')
            raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)

        token.person.role.token = token

        return token.person.role, token
项目:edx-drf-extensions    作者:edx    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def authenticate(self, request):
        if not self.get_user_info_url():
            logger.warning('The setting OAUTH2_USER_INFO_URL is invalid!')
            return None

        auth = get_authorization_header(request).split()

        if not auth or auth[0].lower() != b'bearer':
            return None

        if len(auth) == 1:
            raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed('Invalid token header. No credentials provided.')
        elif len(auth) > 2:
            raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed('Invalid token header. Token string should not contain spaces.')

        return self.authenticate_credentials(auth[1].decode('utf8'))
项目:pstocky    作者:pstocky    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def authenticate(self, request):
        auth = authentication.get_authorization_header(request).split()

        if not auth or auth[0].lower() != b'token':
            return None

        if len(auth) == 1:
            msg = _('Invalid token header. No credentials provided.')
            raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
        elif len(auth) > 2:
            msg = _('Invalid token header. Token string should not contain spaces.')
            raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)

            token = auth[1].decode()
        except UnicodeError:
            msg = _('Invalid token header. Token string should not contain invalid characters.')
            raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)

        return self.authenticate_credentials(token)
项目:django-rest-multiauthtoken    作者:anx-ckreuzberger    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        # ToDo: Remove Support For Django 1.8 and 1.9 and use request.user.is_authenticated
        if user_is_authenticated_helper(request.user):
            # delete this users auth token
            auth_header = get_authorization_header(request)

            token = auth_header.split()[1].decode()
            tokens = MultiToken.objects.filter(key=token, user=request.user)
            if len(tokens) == 1:
                return Response({'status': 'logged out'})
                return Response({'error': 'invalid token'}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)

        return Response({'error': 'not logged in'}, status=status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)
项目:desec-stack    作者:desec-io    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def authenticate(self, request):
        auth = get_authorization_header(request).split()

        if not auth or auth[0].lower() != b'basic':
            return None

        if len(auth) == 1:
            msg = 'Invalid basic auth token header. No credentials provided.'
            raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
        elif len(auth) > 2:
            msg = 'Invalid basic auth token header. Basic authentication string should not contain spaces.'
            raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)

        return self.authenticate_credentials(auth[1])
项目:FormShare    作者:qlands    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def authenticate(self, request):
        auth = get_authorization_header(request).split()

        if not auth or auth[0].lower() != b'digest':
            return None

        if self.authenticator.authenticate(request):
            return request.user, None
            raise AuthenticationFailed(
                _(u"Invalid username/password"))
项目:FormShare    作者:qlands    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def authenticate(self, request):
        auth = get_authorization_header(request).split()

        if not auth or auth[0].lower() != b'temptoken':
            return None

        if len(auth) == 1:
            m = 'Invalid token header. No credentials provided.'
            raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(m)
        elif len(auth) > 2:
            m = 'Invalid token header. Token string should not contain spaces.'
            raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(m)

        return self.authenticate_credentials(auth[1])
项目:django-realworld-example-app    作者:gothinkster    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def authenticate(self, request):
        The `authenticate` method is called on every request, regardless of
        whether the endpoint requires authentication. 

        `authenticate` has two possible return values:

        1) `None` - We return `None` if we do not wish to authenticate. Usually
        this means we know authentication will fail. An example of
        this is when the request does not include a token in the

        2) `(user, token)` - We return a user/token combination when 
        authentication was successful.

        If neither of these two cases were met, that means there was an error.
        In the event of an error, we do not return anything. We simple raise
        the `AuthenticationFailed` exception and let Django REST Framework
        handle the rest.
        request.user = None

        # `auth_header` should be an array with two elements: 1) the name of
        # the authentication header (in this case, "Token") and 2) the JWT 
        # that we should authenticate against.
        auth_header = authentication.get_authorization_header(request).split()
        auth_header_prefix = self.authentication_header_prefix.lower()

        if not auth_header:
            return None

        if len(auth_header) == 1:
            # Invalid token header. No credentials provided. Do not attempt to
            # authenticate.
            return None

        elif len(auth_header) > 2:
            # Invalid token header. Token string should not contain spaces. Do
            # not attempt to authenticate.
            return None

        # The JWT library we're using can't handle the `byte` type, which is
        # commonly used by standard libraries in Python 3. To get around this,
        # we simply have to decode `prefix` and `token`. This does not make for
        # clean code, but it is a good decision because we would get an error
        # if we didn't decode these values.
        prefix = auth_header[0].decode('utf-8')
        token = auth_header[1].decode('utf-8')

        if prefix.lower() != auth_header_prefix:
            # The auth header prefix is not what we expected. Do not attempt to
            # authenticate.
            return None

        # By now, we are sure there is a *chance* that authentication will
        # succeed. We delegate the actual credentials authentication to the
        # method below.
        return self._authenticate_credentials(request, token)