Python scipy.sparse.linalg 模块,eigs() 实例源码


项目:Andes    作者:cuihantao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def part_factor(As):
    """Compute participation factor of states in eigenvalues"""
    mu, N = eigs(As)
    N = matrix(N)
    n = len(mu)
    idx = range(n)
    W = matrix(spmatrix(1.0, idx, idx, (n, n), N.typecode))
    gesv(N, W)
    partfact = mul(abs(W.T), abs(N))
    b = matrix(1.0, (1, n))
    WN = b * partfact
    partfact = partfact.T

    for item in idx:
        mu_real = mu[item].real
        mu_imag = mu[item].imag
        mu[item] = complex(round(mu_real, 4), round(mu_imag, 4))
        partfact[item, :] /= WN[item]

    # participation factor:
    return matrix(mu), matrix(partfact)
项目:pySTATIS    作者:mfalkiewicz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rv_pca(data, n_datasets):
    Get weights for tables by calculating their similarity.


    C = np.zeros([n_datasets, n_datasets])

    print("Rv-PCA: Hilbert-Schmidt inner products... ", end='')
    for i in range(n_datasets):
        for j in range(n_datasets):
            C[i, j] = np.sum(data[i].affinity_ * data[j].affinity_)


    print("Rv-PCA: Decomposing the inner product matrix... ", end ='')
    e, u = eigs(C, k=8)
    weights = (np.real(u[:,0]) / np.sum(np.real(u[:,0]))).flatten()

    print("Rv-PCA: Done!")

    return weights, np.real(e), np.real(u)
项目:pySTATIS    作者:mfalkiewicz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def aniso_c1(X, M):
    Calculate weights using ANISOSTATIS criterion 1
    :param X:
    :param M:
    :return: New weights
    print("Computing ANISOSTATIS Criterion 1 weights...", end='')

    C = np.power(, 2)
    ev, Mn = eigs(C, k=1)
    Mn = np.real(Mn)
    Mn = np.concatenate(Mn / np.sum(Mn))

    return Mn, ev
项目:GEM    作者:palash1992    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def learn_embedding(self, graph=None, edge_f=None,
                        is_weighted=False, no_python=False):
        if not graph and not edge_f:
            raise Exception('graph/edge_f needed')
        if not graph:
            graph = graph_util.loadGraphFromEdgeListTxt(edge_f)
        graph = graph.to_undirected()
        t1 = time()
        L_sym = nx.normalized_laplacian_matrix(graph)

        w, v = lg.eigs(L_sym, k=self._d + 1, which='SM')
        t2 = time()
        self._X = v[:, 1:]

        p_d_p_t =,, v.T))
        eig_err = np.linalg.norm(p_d_p_t - L_sym)
        print('Laplacian matrix recon. error (low rank): %f' % eig_err)
        return self._X, (t2 - t1)
项目:AutoML-Challenge    作者:postech-mlg-exbrain    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fit(self, X, Y):
        self.N = min(self.N, X.shape[1]-2)
        y_max = int(np.max(Y) + 1)
        self.W = np.zeros((X.shape[1], self.N*y_max*(y_max-1)), dtype=X.dtype)
        off = 0
        for i in range(y_max):
            Xi = X[Y == i]
            covi =, Xi)
            covi /= np.float32(Xi.shape[0])
            for j in range(y_max):
                if j == i:
                if self.verbose:
                    print("Finding eigenvectors for pair ({}/{})".format(i,j))
                Xj = X[Y == j]
                covj =, Xj) / np.float32(Xj.shape[0])
                E = np.linalg.pinv(np.linalg.cholesky(covj + np.eye(covj.shape[0]) * self.precond).T)
                C =, covi), E)
                C2 = 0.5 * (C + C.T)
                S,U = eigs(C2, self.N)
                gev =, U[:, :self.N])
                self.W[:, off:off+self.N] = np.real(gev)
                off += self.N
        if self.verbose:
        return self
项目:Conceptors    作者:CogSciUOS    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def IntWeights(N, M,connectivity):    

    succ = False
    while not succ:    
            W_raw =  sparse.rand(N, M ,format='lil', density=connectivity )
            rows,cols = W_raw.nonzero()
            for row,col in zip(rows,cols):
                W_raw[row,col] = np.random.randn()
            specRad,eigenvecs = np.abs(lin.eigs(W_raw,1))
            W_raw =  np.squeeze(np.asarray(W_raw/specRad))
            succ = True
            return W_raw
项目:COMSW4721_MachineLearning_HomeWork    作者:aarshayj    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_eigen_vector(self):
        # w,v = np.linalg.eig(self.M)
        # print(max(w),w)
        # max_ind = np.where(w==max(w))[0][0]
        # print(max_ind) 
        # self.w_inf = v[:,max_ind]
        # rearrangedEvalsVecs = sorted(zip(evals,evecs.T),\
        #                             key=lambda x: x[0].real, reverse=True)
        self.w_inf = eigs(self.M.T,1)[1].flatten()
        #make sum 1:
        # print(self.w_inf[:5])
        self.w_inf = self.w_inf / np.sum(self.w_inf)
        # print(self.w_inf.shape)
项目:lxa5    作者:linguistica-uchicago    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_eigenvectors(laplacian):
    # csr_matrix in scipy means compressed matrix
    laplacian_sparse = sparse.csr_matrix(laplacian)

    # linalg is the linear algebra module in scipy.sparse
    # eigs takes a matrix and
    # returns (array of eigenvalues, array of eigenvectors)
    return linalg.eigs(laplacian_sparse)
项目:Andes    作者:cuihantao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def eigs(As):
    """Solve eigenvalues from state matrix"""

    # if (not SLEPC) or (not SLEPC):
    return numpy.linalg.eig(As)
    # try:

    As = sparse(As)
    As = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix((numpy.array(As.CCS[2]).flatten(),
                                      ), shape=As.size)
    # return linalg.eigs(As, k=1326)
    As_csr = As.tocsr()

    opts = PETSc.Options()
    A = PETSc.Mat().createAIJ(size=As_csr.shape,
                              csr=(As_csr.indptr, As_csr.indices,

    xr, tmp = A.getVecs()
    xi, tmp = A.getVecs()

    # Setup the eigensolver
    E = SLEPc.EPS().create()
    E.setOperators(A, None)
    E.setDimensions(500, PETSc.DECIDE)
    E.setProblemType( SLEPc.EPS.ProblemType.GNHEP )

    # Solve the eigensystem

    Print = PETSc.Sys.Print
    its = E.getIterationNumber()
    Print("Number of iterations of the method: %i" % its)
    sol_type = E.getType()
    Print("Solution method: %s" % sol_type)
    nev, ncv, mpd = E.getDimensions()
    Print("Number of requested eigenvalues: %i" % nev)
    tol, maxit = E.getTolerances()
    Print("Stopping condition: tol=%.4g, maxit=%d" % (tol, maxit))
    nconv = E.getConverged()
    Print("Number of converged eigenpairs: %d" % nconv)
    if nconv > 0:
        Print("        k          ||Ax-kx||/||kx|| ")
        Print("----------------- ------------------")
        for i in range(nconv):
            k = E.getEigenpair(i, xr, xi)
            error = E.computeError(i)
            if k.imag != 0.0:
              Print(" %9f%+9f j  %12g" % (k.real, k.imag, error))
              Print(" %12f       %12g" % (k.real, error))
    # except:
    #     return numpy.linalg.eigvals(As)
项目:discreteMarkovChain    作者:gvanderheide    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def eigenMethod(self, tol = 1e-8, maxiter = 1e5):
        Determines ``pi`` by searching for the eigenvector corresponding to the first eigenvalue, using the :func:`eigs` function. 
        The result is stored in the class attribute ``pi``.         

        tol : float, optional(default=1e-8)
            Tolerance level for the precision of the end result. A lower tolerance leads to more accurate estimate of ``pi``.
        maxiter : int, optional(default=1e5)
            The maximum number of iterations to be carried out.            

        >>> P = np.array([[0.5,0.5],[0.6,0.4]])
        >>> mc = markovChain(P)
        >>> mc.eigenMethod()
        >>> print(mc.pi) 
        [ 0.54545455  0.45454545]

        The speed of convergence depends heavily on the choice of the initial guess for ``pi``.
        Here we let the initial ``pi`` be a vector of ones. 
        For large state spaces, this method may not work well.
        At the moment, we call :func:`powerMethod` if the number of states is 2.
        Code is due to a colleague:
        Q = self.getIrreducibleTransitionMatrix(probabilities=False)

        if Q.shape == (1, 1):
            self.pi = np.array([1.0]) 

        if Q.shape == (2, 2):
            self.pi= np.array([Q[1,0],Q[0,1]]/(Q[0,1]+Q[1,0]))

        size = Q.shape[0]
        guess = np.ones(size,dtype=float)
        w, v = eigs(Q.T, k=1, v0=guess, sigma=1e-6, which='LM',tol=tol, maxiter=maxiter)
        pi = v[:, 0].real
        pi /= pi.sum()

        self.pi = pi