Python scipy.stats 模块,linregress() 实例源码


项目:PySAT    作者:USGS-Astrogeology    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def regression(nx, ny):
    specturm : pd.series
               Pandas Series object

    nodes : list
            of nodes to be used for the continuum

    corrected : array
                Continuum corrected array

    continuum : array
                The continuum used to correct the data

    x : array
        The potentially truncated x values

    m, b, r_value, p_value, stderr = ss.linregress(nx, ny)
    c = m * nx + b
    return c
项目:empyrical    作者:quantopian    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_alpha(self, returns, benchmark, expected):
        observed = self.empyrical.alpha(returns, benchmark)

        if len(returns) == len(benchmark):
            # Compare to scipy linregress
            returns_arr = returns.values
            benchmark_arr = benchmark.values
            mask = ~np.isnan(returns_arr) & ~np.isnan(benchmark_arr)
            slope, intercept, _, _, _ = stats.linregress(benchmark_arr[mask],

                intercept * 252,

    # Alpha/beta translation tests.
项目:empyrical    作者:quantopian    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_beta(self, returns, benchmark, expected):
        observed = self.empyrical.beta(returns, benchmark)

        if len(returns) == len(benchmark):
            # Compare to scipy linregress
            returns_arr = returns.values
            benchmark_arr = benchmark.values
            mask = ~np.isnan(returns_arr) & ~np.isnan(benchmark_arr)
            slope, intercept, _, _, _ = stats.linregress(benchmark_arr[mask],

项目:elections    作者:justin-nonwork    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def Regress(self):
    if len(self._independent_data) == 0:
      print('Loaded no data for contest "%s" party "%s"' % (self._independent, self._party))
    if len(self._dependent_data) == 0:
      print('Loaded no data for contest "%s" party "%s"' % (self._dependent, self._party))
    y = []
    x = []
    for precinct,votes in self._independent_data.iteritems():
      if precinct not in self._dependent_data:
    if not x or len(x) != len(y):
      print('Mismatched or empty data')
    slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(x,y)
    print('Slope=%6.4f Intercept=%6.4f R^2=%.4f p=%.6f' % (slope, intercept,
      r_value**2, p_value))
    self._PrintResiduals(slope, intercept)
项目:2020plus    作者:KarchinLab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def correlation_plot(x, y,
                     xlabel, ylabel):
    plt.scatter(x, y)
    slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(x, y)
    line_x = np.arange(x.min(), x.max())
    line_y = slope*line_x + intercept
    plt.plot(line_x, line_y,
             label='$%.2fx + %.2f$, $R^2=%.2f$' % (slope, intercept, r_value**2))
    plt.clf()  # clear figure
项目:chainladder-python    作者:jbogaardt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __get_tail_se(self):
        """ Method to produce the standard error of the Mack Chainladder 
        model tail factor

            This calculation is consistent with the R calculation 

        tailse = np.array(self.sigma[-2] / \
            np.sqrt(self.full_triangle.iloc[0, -3]**self.alpha[-1]))
        if self.chainladder.tail == True:
            time_pd = self.__get_tail_weighted_time_period()
            fse = np.append(self.fse, tailse)
            x = np.array([i + 1 for i in range(len(fse))])
            fse_reg = stats.linregress(x, np.log(fse))
            tailse = np.append(tailse, np.exp(time_pd * fse_reg[0] + fse_reg[1]))
            tailse = np.append(tailse,0)
        return tailse
项目:chainladder-python    作者:jbogaardt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __get_tail_weighted_time_period(self):
        """ Method to approximate the weighted-average development age assuming
        exponential tail fit.

        Returns: float32
        #n = self.triangle.ncol-1
        #y = self.f[:n]
        #x = np.array([i + 1 for i in range(len(y))]) 
        #ldf_reg = stats.linregress(x, np.log(y - 1))
        #time_pd = (np.log(self.f[n] - 1) - ldf_reg[1]) / ldf_reg[0]

        n = self.triangle.ncol-1
        y = Series(self.f[:n])
        x = [num+1 for num, item in enumerate(y)]
        y.index = x
        x = sm.add_constant((y.index)[y>1])
        y = y[y>1]
        ldf_reg = sm.OLS(np.log(y-1),x).fit()
        time_pd = (np.log(self.f[n] - 1) - ldf_reg.params[0]) / ldf_reg.params[1]
        #tail_factor = np.exp(tail_model.params[0] + np.array([i+2 for i in range(n,n+100)]) * tail_model.params[1]).astype(float) + 1)

        return time_pd
项目:scrap    作者:BruceJohnJennerLawso    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getModelDiffs(self, dependentContainer, playoffTeamsOnly=False):
        ## so generate our model here based on the data provided in each
        ## stat container, then output a new statContainer object with
        ## the values of the model diffs

        print "Consistency check between %s and %s containers is a %r" % (self.getShortStatName(), dependentContainer.getShortStatName(), consistencyCheck(self, dependentContainer))

        x_values = self.getStat(playoffTeamsOnly)
        y_values = dependentContainer.getStat(playoffTeamsOnly)

        gradient, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress( x_values, y_values)

        modelDiffs = []

        def modelValue(x, gradient, intercept):
            return (x*gradient + intercept)

        for i in range(0, len(x_values)):
            modelDiffs.append(y_values[i] - modelValue(x_values[i], gradient, intercept))
        return statContainer("%sby%s Model Diffs" % (dependentContainer.getShortStatName(), self.getShortStatName()), "Deltas from the Model for %s by %s, gradient=%.3f, intercept=%.3f" % (dependentContainer.getLongStatName, self.getShortStatName(), gradient, intercept), modelDiffs, self.getTeamIds(playoffTeamsOnly), self.getTeamNames(playoffTeamsOnly), self.getYears(playoffTeamsOnly), self.getMadePlayoffsList(playoffTeamsOnly))
项目:dsbAnalysis    作者:jonrmulholland    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def corrPlotV(dv_true,dv_pred,sv_true,sv_pred,teamName,outName):
    slope, intercept, rvalue, pvalue, std_err = stats.linregress(np.append(dv_true,sv_true),np.append(dv_pred,sv_pred))
    plt.scatter(dv_true,dv_pred,label='Diastolic Volume',marker='o',facecolors='none',edgecolors='r')
    plt.scatter(sv_true,sv_pred,label='Systolic Volume',marker='o',facecolors='none',edgecolors='b')
    plt.xlabel("True Volume (mL)")
    plt.ylabel("Predicted Volume (mL)")
    plt.title("%s\nCorrelation of Volume Predictions with Test Values" % teamName)
    x = np.linspace(0,500,10)
    plt.plot(x,x,color='k',label='guide y = x')
    plt.plot(x,x*slope+intercept,color = 'k',linestyle='--',label='y=%.2fx+%.2f\n$R^2=$%.3f p=%.2e' % (slope,intercept,rvalue**2,pvalue))
    plt.legend(loc='upper left')
    plt.savefig("%sCorrVols.png" % outName)

#plotting prediction vs truth... EF
项目:dsbAnalysis    作者:jonrmulholland    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def corrPlotEF(true,pred,teamName,outName):  
    slope, intercept, rvalue, pvalue, std_err = stats.linregress(true*100.0,pred*100.0)
    plt.scatter(true*100.0,pred*100.0,marker='x',color='#990099',label="Ejection Fraction")
    x = np.linspace(0,90,10)
    plt.plot(x,x,color='k',label='guide y = x')
    plt.plot(x,x*slope+intercept,color = 'k',linestyle='--',label='y=%.2fx+%.2f\n$R^2=$%.3f p=%.2e' % (slope,intercept,rvalue**2,pvalue))
    plt.xlabel("True Ejection Fraction (%)")
    plt.ylabel("Predicted Ejection Fraction (%)")
    plt.title("%s\nCorrelation of EF Predictions with Test Values" % teamName)
    plt.legend(loc='upper left')
    plt.savefig("%sCorrEF.png" % outName)

#  Bland - Altman plots
#plotting Bland-Altman for dv and sv
项目:sport_movements_analysis    作者:guillaumeAssogba    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def plot2dRegression(x,y, nameX, nameY, namePlot):
    model = LinearRegression()
    linearModel =, y)
    predictModel = linearModel.predict(x)
    plt.scatter(x,y, color='g')
    plt.plot(x, predictModel, color='k')
    test = stats.linregress(predictModel,y)
    print("The squared of the correlation coefficient R^2 is " + str(test.rvalue**2))
    plt.savefig("plot/loadings/"+namePlot, bbox_inches='tight')
    return test.rvalue**2

#plot the 2D regression between the performance values and the loadings.
#return the correlation factor: R squared
项目:oceanobs    作者:rbardaji    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def plot_corr(param_1, param_2, title="", x_label="", y_label="", legend=[]):
    It creates a graph with all the time series of the list parameters.
    :param title: Title of the graph.
    :param x_label: X label of the graph.
    :param y_label: Y label of the graph.
    :param legend: Labels to show in the legend.
    :param param_1: Parameter to correlate.
    :param param_2: Parameter to correlate.
    :return: The graph.
    slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(param_1.values, param_2.values)
    fig_correlation, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1)
    axes.plot(param_1.values, param_2.values, marker='.', linestyle="")
    axes.plot(param_1.values, param_1.values * slope + intercept)
    legend.append("$y = {:.2f}x+{:.2f}$ $r^2={:.2f}$".format(slope, intercept, r_value ** 2))
    axes.legend(legend, loc='best')
    return fig_correlation
项目:empyrical    作者:quantopian    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_alpha_beta_equality(self, returns, benchmark):
        alpha, beta = self.empyrical(
            pandas_only=len(returns) != len(benchmark),
        ).alpha_beta(returns, benchmark)
            self.empyrical.alpha(returns, benchmark),
            self.empyrical.beta(returns, benchmark),

        if len(returns) == len(benchmark):
            # Compare to scipy linregress
            returns_arr = returns.values
            benchmark_arr = benchmark.values
            mask = ~np.isnan(returns_arr) & ~np.isnan(benchmark_arr)
            slope, intercept, _, _, _ = stats.linregress(returns_arr[mask],

项目:empyrical    作者:quantopian    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def stability_of_timeseries(returns):
    """Determines R-squared of a linear fit to the cumulative
    log returns. Computes an ordinary least squares linear fit,
    and returns R-squared.

    returns : pd.Series or np.ndarray
        Daily returns of the strategy, noncumulative.
        - See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.cum_returns`.


    if len(returns) < 2:
        return np.nan

    returns = np.asanyarray(returns)
    returns = returns[~np.isnan(returns)]

    cum_log_returns = np.log1p(returns).cumsum()
    rhat = stats.linregress(np.arange(len(cum_log_returns)),

    return rhat ** 2
项目:HARK    作者:econ-ark    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calcFashionEvoFunc(pNow):
    Calculates a new approximate dynamic rule for the evolution of the proportion
    of punks as a linear function and a "shock width".

    pNow : [float]
        List describing the history of the proportion of punks in the population.

    (unnamed) : FashionEvoFunc
        A new rule for the evolution of the population punk proportion, based on
        the history in input pNow.
    pNowX = np.array(pNow)
    T = pNowX.size
    p_t   = pNowX[100:(T-1)]
    p_tp1 = pNowX[101:T]
    pNextSlope, pNextIntercept, trash1, trash2, trash3 = stats.linregress(p_t,p_tp1)
    pPopExp  = pNextIntercept + pNextSlope*p_t
    pPopErrSq= (pPopExp - p_tp1)**2
    pNextStd  = np.sqrt(np.mean(pPopErrSq))
    print(str(pNextIntercept) + ', ' + str(pNextSlope) + ', ' + str(pNextStd))
    return FashionEvoFunc(pNextIntercept,pNextSlope,2*pNextStd)

项目:pyML    作者:tekrei    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def linear_regression(x_vals, y_vals):
    least-squares regression of scipy
    a_value, b_value, r_value, p_value, std_err = linregress(x_vals, y_vals)
    est_yvals = a_value * x_vals + b_value
    k = 1 / a_value
    plot.plot(x_vals, est_yvals, label='Least-squares fit, k = ' +
              str(round(k)) + ", RSquare = " + str(r_value**2))
项目:Deopen    作者:kimmo1019    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def model_test(model, X_test, y_test,outputfile):
    y_pred = model.predict(X_test)
    print stats.linregress(y_test,y_pred[:,0])

    #save model parameters
项目:nelpy    作者:nelpy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def linregress_ting(bst, tuningcurve, n_shuffles=250):
    """perform linear regression on all the events in bst, and return the R^2 values"""

    if float(n_shuffles).is_integer:
        n_shuffles = int(n_shuffles)
        raise ValueError("n_shuffles must be an integer!")

    posterior, bdries, mode_pth, mean_pth = decode(bst=bst, ratemap=tuningcurve)

#     bdries = np.insert(np.cumsum(bst.lengths), 0, 0)
    r2values = np.zeros(bst.n_epochs)
    r2values_shuffled = np.zeros((n_shuffles, bst.n_epochs))
    for idx in range(bst.n_epochs):
        y = mode_pth[bdries[idx]:bdries[idx+1]]
        x = np.arange(bdries[idx],bdries[idx+1], step=1)
        x = x[~np.isnan(y)]
        y = y[~np.isnan(y)]

        if len(y) > 0:
            slope, intercept, rvalue, pvalue, stderr = stats.linregress(x, y)
            r2values[idx] = rvalue**2
            r2values[idx] = np.nan #
        for ss in range(n_shuffles):
            if len(y) > 0:
                slope, intercept, rvalue, pvalue, stderr = stats.linregress(np.random.permutation(x), y)
                r2values_shuffled[ss, idx] = rvalue**2
                r2values_shuffled[ss, idx] = np.nan # event contained NO decoded activity... unlikely or even impossible with current code

#     sig_idx = np.argwhere(r2values[0,:] > np.percentile(r2values, q=q, axis=0))
#     np.argwhere(((R2[1:,:] >= R2[0,:]).sum(axis=0))/(R2.shape[0]-1)<0.05) # equivalent to above
    if n_shuffles > 0:
        return r2values, r2values_shuffled
    return r2values
项目:nelpy    作者:nelpy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def linregress_array(posterior):
    """perform linear regression on the posterior matrix, and return the slope, intercept, and R^2 value"""

    mode_pth = get_mode_pth_from_array(posterior)

    y = mode_pth
    x = np.arange(len(y))
    x = x[~np.isnan(y)]
    y = y[~np.isnan(y)]

    if len(y) > 0:
        slope, intercept, rvalue, pvalue, stderr = stats.linregress(x, y)
        return slope, intercept, rvalue**2
        return np.nan, np.nan, np.nan
项目:nelpy    作者:nelpy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def linregress_bst(bst, tuningcurve):
    """perform linear regression on all the events in bst, and return the slopes, intercepts, and R^2 values"""

    posterior, bdries, mode_pth, mean_pth = decode(bst=bst, ratemap=tuningcurve)

    slopes = np.zeros(bst.n_epochs)
    intercepts = np.zeros(bst.n_epochs)
    r2values = np.zeros(bst.n_epochs)
    for idx in range(bst.n_epochs):
        y = mode_pth[bdries[idx]:bdries[idx+1]]
        x = np.arange(bdries[idx],bdries[idx+1], step=1)
        x = x[~np.isnan(y)]
        y = y[~np.isnan(y)]

        if len(y) > 0:
            slope, intercept, rvalue, pvalue, stderr = stats.linregress(x, y)
            slopes[idx] = slope
            intercepts[idx] = intercept
            r2values[idx] = rvalue**2
            slopes[idx] = np.nan
            intercepts[idx] = np.nan
            r2values[idx] = np.nan #
#     if bst.n_epochs == 1:
#         return np.asscalar(slopes), np.asscalar(intercepts), np.asscalar(r2values)
    return slopes, intercepts, r2values
项目:chainladder-python    作者:jbogaardt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __get_tail_sigma(self):
        """ Method to produce the sigma of the Mack Chainladder 
        model tail factor

            This calculation is consistent with the R calculation 
        y = np.log(self.sigma[:len([:-2])])
        x = np.array([i + 1 for i in range(len(y))])
        model = stats.linregress(x, y)
        tailsigma = np.exp((x[-1] + 1) * model[0] + model[1])
        if model[3] > 0.05:  # p-vale of slope parameter
            y = self.sigma
            tailsigma = np.sqrt(
                abs(min((y[-1]**4 / y[-2]**2), min(y[-2]**2, y[-1]**2))))
        if self.chainladder.tail == True: 
            time_pd = self.__get_tail_weighted_time_period()
            y = np.log(np.append(self.sigma,tailsigma))
            x = np.array([i + 1 for i in range(len(y))])
            sigma_reg = stats.linregress(x, y)
            tailsigma = np.append(tailsigma, np.exp(time_pd * sigma_reg[0] + sigma_reg[1]))
            tailsigma = np.append(tailsigma,0)
        return tailsigma
项目:atap    作者:foxbook    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_stats(twoDarray):
    print(np.corrcoef(twoDarray[0], twoDarray[1]))
    print(stats.linregress(twoDarray[0], twoDarray[1]))
项目:Orbit-Fitting    作者:jacob-i-skinner    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def wilson(data):
    Calculate useful things like mass ratio and systemic velocity.

    data : list
        Radial velocity pairs in a 2D list.

    -slope : float
        Mass Ratio of the system. The ratio of the secondary
        component mass to the primary.

    intercept : float
        y-intercept of the line which fits data.

    stderr : float
        Standard error of the estimated gradient.

    from scipy.stats import linregress

    # Primary RVs on y.
    y = [datum[1] for datum in data if not np.isnan(datum[1]+datum[2])]

    # Secondary RVs on x.
    x = [datum[2] for datum in data if not np.isnan(datum[1]+datum[2])]

    slope, intercept, rvalue, pvalue, stderr = linregress(x,y)

    return -slope, intercept, stderr
项目:eggd800    作者:rsprouse    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_calibration():
    '''Load calibration data and calculate calibration values.'''
# TODO: handle different calibration measurements, not just one for datadir
    global p1_cal, p2_cal
        # Load the variables in ''.
        calglobals = runpy.run_path(
            os.path.join(datadir, '')

        # Store the calibration data and the linear regression.
        p1_cal = dict(data=calglobals['p1_data'])
            p1_zero_idx = p1_cal['data']['refinputs'].index(0.0)
            p1_offset = p1_cal['data']['measurements'][p1_zero_idx]
        except IndexError:
            p1_offset = 0.0
        p1_cal['regression'] = stats.linregress(
            np.array(p1_cal['data']['measurements']) - p1_offset,

        p2_cal = dict(data=calglobals['p2_data'])
            p2_zero_idx = p2_cal['data']['refinputs'].index(0.0)
            p2_offset = p2_cal['data']['measurements'][p2_zero_idx]
        except IndexError:
            p2_offset = 0.0
        p2_cal['regression'] = stats.linregress(
            np.array(p2_cal['data']['measurements']) - p2_offset,
    except Exception as e:
# TODO: print info/warning?
        p1_cal = None
        p2_cal = None
    print('p1_cal: ', p1_cal)
    print('p2_cal: ', p2_cal)
项目:scrap    作者:BruceJohnJennerLawso    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getLinearModel(x_values, y_values, k=1.0, l=1.0):
    gradient, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(x_values,y_values)    

    y_model = []

    grad = k*gradient
    interc = l*intercept

    for x in x_values:
        y = trendline(x, grad, interc)

    return y_model
项目:scrap    作者:BruceJohnJennerLawso    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getLinearModel_rValue(x_values, y_values):
    gradient, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(x_values,y_values)
    return r_value
项目:scrap    作者:BruceJohnJennerLawso    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getLinearModel_pValue(x_values, y_values):
    gradient, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(x_values,y_values)
    return p_value
项目:plda    作者:RaviSoji    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_?_w(self):
        """ ?_w = [A][A^T]. See p. 533.

        DESCRIPTION: Since A is a free parameter, t will not necessarily recover
                      the original A. ?_w is what really describes the covariance
                      between cluster means (see p. 533), so that is what you want
                      to test - it is 'closer' to the data.
        n_experiments = int(np.log10(1000000) / 2)
        n_list = [100 ** x for x in range(1, n_experiments + 1)]
        n_list = np.array(n_list).astype(float)
        n_dims = self.n_dims
        n_classes = 30 #self.n_classes

        ?_w_L1_errors = []
        for n in n_list:
            A, ?, model = self.experiment(int(n), n_dims, n_classes)

            ?_w = np.matmul(A, A.T)
            ?_w_model = np.matmul(model.A, model.A.T)

            L1_error = np.abs(?_w - ?_w_model).mean()
            abs_? = (np.abs(?_w).mean() + np.abs(?_w_model).mean()) * .5
            percent_error = L1_error / abs_? * 100
            print('Testing ?_w with {} samples: {} percent error'.format(n,

        Y = ?_w_L1_errors
        X = [x for x in range(len(?_w_L1_errors))]
        slope_of_error_vs_N = linregress(X, Y)[0]
        self.assertTrue(slope_of_error_vs_N < 0)
项目:plda    作者:RaviSoji    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_?_b(self):
#    """ ?_b = [A][?][A^T]. See p. 533.
#    DESCRIPTION: Since A and ? are free parameters, they will not necessarily
#                  recover the original A & ?. ?_b is what really describes
#                  the covariance between cluster means (see p. 533), so that
#                  is what you want to test - they are 'closer' to the data".
#    """
        n_classes_list = [4 ** x for x in range(1, 6)]
        n_list = [100 * n for n in n_classes_list]
        n_list = np.array(n_list).astype(float)
        n_dims = self.n_dims

        ?_b_L1_errors = []
        for n, n_classes in zip(n_list, n_classes_list):
            A, ?, model = self.experiment(int(n), n_dims, n_classes)

            ?_b = np.matmul(np.matmul(A, ?), A.T)
            ?_b_model = np.matmul(np.matmul(model.A, model.?), model.A.T)

            L1_error = np.abs(?_b - ?_b_model).mean()
            abs_? = (np.abs(?_b).mean() + np.abs(?_b_model).mean()) * .5
            percent_error = L1_error / abs_? * 100
            print('Testing ?_b with {} classes: {} percent error'.format(
                  n_classes, percent_error))

        Y = ?_b_L1_errors
        X = [x for x in range(len(?_b_L1_errors))]
        slope_of_error_vs_N = linregress(X, Y)[0]
        self.assertTrue(slope_of_error_vs_N < 0)
项目:RapidMoc    作者:cdr30    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def linreg(x,y,units='PW/Sv'):
    """ Return linear regression model and plot label """
    if len(x) > 1:
        slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err =  stats.linregress(x,y)
        y_model = x * slope + intercept
        label = '(%5.3f %s)' % (slope, units)
        y_model = None
        label = ''

    return y_model, label
项目:RapidMoc    作者:cdr30    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def linreg(x,y,units='PW/Sv'):
    """ Return linear regression model and plot label """
    if len(x) > 1:
        slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err =  stats.linregress(x,y)
        y_model = x * slope + intercept
        label = '(%5.3f %s)' % (slope, units)
        y_model = None
        label = ''

    return y_model, label
项目:MarketMakingProfitability    作者:MiesJansen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def Get_Summary_Stats(df):
    slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = \
        stats.linregress(df['act_ret_diff'], df['expec_ret_diff'])

    r2_value = r_value**2

    df_stats = pd.DataFrame({'slope':[slope], 'intercept':[intercept],
        'r2_value':[r2_value], 'p_value':[p_value], 'std_err':[std_err]})

    df_stats.to_csv(cfg.DATA_PATH + cfg.CLEAN_DATA_FILE + '_summary_stats.csv', index=False)
项目:spfeas    作者:jgrss    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_slopes(X, y):
    slope, __, __, __, __ = linregress(X, y)
    return slope
项目:TA_example_labs    作者:mit-racecar    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fit_line(self):
        if self.received_data and self.xs.shape[0] > 0:
            # fit line to euclidean space laser data in the window of interest
            slope, intercept, r_val, p_val, std_err = stats.linregress(self.xs,self.ys)
            self.m = slope
            self.c = intercept

    # window the data, compute the line fit and associated control
项目:ZZZZ    作者:Phonicavi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getAlphaBeta(self, interval=100):
        """Formula: (cov(dailyROR, marketROR)/var(marketROR)) or linear-regression:intercept, slope"""
        linreg = np.array([stats.linregress(self.marketROR[i:i+interval][:, 1].astype(float), self.dailyROR[i:i+interval][:, 1].astype(float)) for i in range(min(len(self.dailyROR), len(self.marketROR))-interval)])
        Alpha = [(self.Date[i], linreg[i, 0]) for i in range(min(len(self.dailyROR), len(self.marketROR))-interval)]
        Beta = [(self.Date[i], linreg[i, 1]) for i in range(min(len(self.dailyROR), len(self.marketROR))-interval)]
        return np.array(Alpha), np.array(Beta)
项目:aerosol    作者:tomasalex    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GetDeseasonalizedData(period, aodvalues, allLats, allLongs, months, meanAOD, rejectzeros=True, uprof=0):

    for m in months:
        if int(m.split('-')[0]) in period:

    data = np.zeros((len(allLats), len(allLongs), len(mlist)))

    slopedata = np.zeros((len(allLats), len(allLongs)))
    interceptdata = np.zeros((len(allLats), len(allLongs)))

    for e in aodvalues:
        if not rejectzeros :
        else :
            if isfloat(e.aod_12):
                if float(e.aod_12)>0.0 :

        if e.month in period and numcheck and int(e.uprofiles)>=uprof:
            if meanAOD[i][j]>0 :

    x = np.arange(0,len(mlist))
    for ind, e in np.ndenumerate(data[:,:,-1]) :
        slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = linregress(x,data[ind[0]][ind[1]])

    return slopedata, interceptdata, data
项目:Cloud-variability-time-frequency    作者:florentbrient    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def slope_create(F0,F1):
  # Calculate slopes (OLS)
  slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(F0,F1)

  # Slope with robust regression
  x = sm.add_constant(F0)
  y = F1
  rlm_results = sm.RLM(y,x, M=sm.robust.norms.HuberT()).fit()
  slope_r     = rlm_results.params[-1]
  intercept_r = rlm_results.params[0]

  del x,y,rlm_results
  return slope, intercept, r_value, slope_r, intercept_r
项目:neurotools    作者:michaelerule    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def weighted_least_squares(X,Y,W):
    Initialize power law fit
    EPS = 1e-10
    use = (X>EPS)&(Y>EPS)

    X: List of distances
    Y: List of amplitudes
    W: Weights for points 

    result : object 
        Optimization result returned by scipy.optimize.minimize. See
        scipy.optimize documentation for details.
    X = np.float64(X)
    Y = np.float64(Y)
    def objective(ab):
        return np.sum( W*(Y-(X*a+b))**2)
    a,b,_,_,_ = linregress(X,Y)
    result = minimize(objective,[a,b])
    if not result.success:
        warnings.warn('Optimization failed: %s'%result.message)
    return result
项目:Ossian    作者:CSTR-Edinburgh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fit_lm(y):   
    x = np.array(range(len(y)))
    gradient, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(x,y)
    fit_line = [(x_val * gradient) + intercept for x_val in x]
    return gradient, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err, fit_line
项目:extract    作者:dblalock    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def computeSlope(y):
    """compute slope of y best fit line to y under a linear regression"""
    x = np.arange(len(y))
    y -= np.mean(y)
    slope, _, _, _, _ = stats.linregress(x, y)
    return slope
项目:antares    作者:CONABIO    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calculate_breaking_points(quant_list):
    MAX_ERROR = 5
    RANGE = 5
    CENTER = 50
    BRAKE_POINTS = dict()
    # right to left window
    for x_iter in range(100, CENTER, -1):
        x_proj = range(x_iter - RANGE, x_iter)
        # pylab.plot(x_proj, quant[x-RANGE:x], 'k',alpha=0.5)
        y_subset = quant_list[x_iter - RANGE:x_iter]
        slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(x_proj, y_subset) 
        g, l = calculate_error(slope, intercept, x_proj, y_subset)
        # print x-RANGE,x, slope, intercept, y[0], f(x, slope, intercept), l,r
        if l > MAX_ERROR:
            BRAKE_POINTS[x_iter - RANGE / 2] = {"error":l, "slope":slope, "offset":intercept}
    # left to right window
    for x_iter in range(0, CENTER, 1):
        x_proj = range(x_iter, x_iter + RANGE)
        # pylab.plot(x_proj, quant_list[x_iter:x_iter + RANGE], 'k', alpha=0.3)
        y_subset = quant_list[x_iter:x_iter + RANGE]
        slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(x_proj, y_subset) 
        g, l = calculate_error(slope, intercept, x_proj, y_subset)
        # print x,x+RANGE, slope, intercept, y[0], f(x, slope, intercept), l,r
        if l > MAX_ERROR:
            if ((x_iter - RANGE + x_iter) / 2) not in BRAKE_POINTS.keys():
                BRAKE_POINTS[x_iter + (RANGE / 2)] = {"error":l, "slope":slope, "offset":intercept}
        # pylab.plot([x_iter, x_iter + RANGE, ], [ f(x_iter, slope, intercept), f(x_iter + RANGE, slope, intercept)], "b", alpha=0.3)
    return BRAKE_POINTS
项目:croissance    作者:biosustain    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fit_exponential(series, *, p0=(1.0, 0.01, 0.0), n0: float = None):
    Fits an exponential to a series. First attempts an exponential fit in linear space using p0, then falls back to a
    fit in log space to attempt to find parameters p0 for a linear fit; if all else fails returns the linear fit.


    if n0 is None:
        fit_fn = exponential
        def exponential_constrain_n0(x, a, b):
            return a * numpy.exp(b * x) + n0

        fit_fn = exponential_constrain_n0
        p0 = p0[:2]

        popt, pcov = curve_fit(fit_fn, series.index, series.values, p0=p0, maxfev=10000)

        if n0 is not None:
            popt = tuple(popt) + (n0,)
    except RuntimeError:
        slope = popt[1]
        intercept = numpy.log(1 / popt[0]) / slope
        N0 = popt[2]

        if slope >= 0:
            snr = signal_noise_ratio(series, *popt)
            return slope, intercept, N0, snr, False

    log_series = numpy.log(series[series > 0] - (n0 or 0.0))

    slope, c, *__ = linregress(log_series.index, log_series.values)
    intercept = - c / slope

    if n0 is None:
        p0 = (numpy.exp(c), slope, 0.0)
        p0 = (numpy.exp(c), slope)

        popt, pcov = curve_fit(fit_fn, series.index, series.values, p0=p0, maxfev=10000)

        if n0 is not None:
            popt = tuple(popt) + (n0,)
    except RuntimeError:
        snr = signal_noise_ratio(series, c, slope, 0.0)
        return slope, intercept, (n0 or 0.0), snr, True
        slope = popt[1]
        intercept = numpy.log(1 / popt[0]) / slope
        n0 = popt[2]
        snr = signal_noise_ratio(series, *popt)
        return slope, intercept, n0, snr, False
项目:mcmc_growth    作者:OneStone2    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def analyze_r01(state, human, time):
    Iteration 1
    #Read data
    if human:
        DATA_CSV = 'data/'+state+'_2a.csv'
        DATA_CSV = 'data/'+state+'_2b.csv'
    data_points = pd.read_csv(DATA_CSV)
    #Shift carbon and year one row back
    nr1 = data_points['carb']
    nr1 = nr1.iloc[1:len(nr1)]
    nr2 = data_points['py']
    nr2 = nr2.iloc[1:len(nr2)]
    data_points = data_points.iloc[0:len(data_points.index)-1]
    nr1.index = np.arange(len(nr1.index))
    nr2.index = np.arange(len(nr2.index))
    #Now we can calculate difference in carbon
    if time:
        data_points.loc[:, 'growth'] = (nr1 - data_points['carb']) / (nr2 - data_points['py'])
        data_points.loc[:, 'growth'] = nr1
    data_points.loc[:, 'post_py'] = nr2
    data_points = data_points[data_points.post_py // 10000 == // 10000]
    data_points.drop(['py', 'post_py'], axis=1, inplace=True)
    data_points.index = np.arange(len(data_points.index))
    data_points = data_points.loc[:, ['carb', 'growth']]
    data_points = data_points.as_matrix().tolist()
    #Split data into training and testing
    training = data_points[0:len(data_points) / 2]
    test = data_points[len(data_points) / 2:len(data_points)]
    training = np.array(training)
    #Create the linear regression function
    m = stats.linregress(training).slope
    n = stats.linregress(training).intercept
    sq_error = 0.0
    #Perform validation
    for elem in test:
        predicted = m * elem[0] + n
        actual = elem[1]
        sq_error += (actual - predicted) ** 2
    mse = math.sqrt(sq_error/len(test))
    return mse
项目:mcmc_growth    作者:OneStone2    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def analyze_r02(state, human, time):
    Revision 2
    #Read data
    if human:
        DATA_CSV = 'data/'+state+'_2a.csv'
        DATA_CSV = 'data/'+state+'_2b.csv'
    data_points = pd.read_csv(DATA_CSV)
    #Shift carbon and year one row back
    nr1 = data_points['carb']
    nr1 = nr1.iloc[1:len(nr1)]
    nr2 = data_points['py']
    nr2 = nr2.iloc[1:len(nr2)]
    data_points = data_points.iloc[0:len(data_points.index)-1]
    nr1.index = np.arange(len(nr1.index))
    nr2.index = np.arange(len(nr2.index))
    #Now we can calculate difference in carbon
    if time:
        data_points.loc[:, 'growth'] = (nr1 - data_points['carb']) / (nr2 - data_points['py'])
        data_points.loc[:, 'growth'] = nr1
    data_points.loc[:, 'post_py'] = nr2
    data_points = data_points[data_points.post_py // 10000 == // 10000]
    data_points.drop(['py', 'post_py'], axis=1, inplace=True)
    data_points.index = np.arange(len(data_points.index))
    data_points = data_points.loc[:, ['carb', 'growth']]
    data_points = data_points.as_matrix().tolist()
    #Split data into 10 groups
    N_GROUPS = 10
    groups = []
    prev_cutoff = 0
    #Create the model while performing cross-validation
    for i in np.arange(N_GROUPS):
        next_cutoff = (i + 1) * len(data_points) / N_GROUPS
        prev_cutoff = next_cutoff
    sum_mse = 0
    for i in np.arange(N_GROUPS):
        training = []
        test = []
        for j, group in enumerate(groups):
            if j == i:
                test = group
        training = np.array(training)
        m = stats.linregress(training).slope
        n = stats.linregress(training).intercept
        sq_error = 0.0
        for elem in test:
            predicted = m * elem[0] + n
            actual = elem[1]
            sq_error += (actual - predicted) ** 2
        mse = math.sqrt(sq_error/len(test))
        sum_mse += mse
    return sum_mse/N_GROUPS
项目:HARK    作者:econ-ark    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calcAFunc(self,MaggNow,AaggNow):
        Calculate a new aggregate savings rule based on the history
        of the aggregate savings and aggregate market resources from a simulation.

        MaggNow : [float]
            List of the history of the simulated  aggregate market resources for an economy.
        AaggNow : [float]
            List of the history of the simulated  aggregate savings for an economy.

        (unnamed) : CapDynamicRule
            Object containing a new savings rule
        verbose = True
        discard_periods = 200 # Throw out the first T periods to allow the simulation to approach the SS
        update_weight = 0.5   # Proportional weight to put on new function vs old function parameters
        total_periods = len(MaggNow)

        # Regress the log savings against log market resources
        logAagg   = np.log(AaggNow[discard_periods:total_periods])
        logMagg = np.log(MaggNow[discard_periods-1:total_periods-1])
        slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(logMagg,logAagg)

        # Make a new aggregate savings rule by combining the new regression parameters
        # with the previous guess
        intercept = update_weight*intercept + (1.0-update_weight)*self.intercept_prev
        slope = update_weight*slope + (1.0-update_weight)*self.slope_prev
        AFunc = AggregateSavingRule(intercept,slope) # Make a new next-period capital function

        # Save the new values as "previous" values for the next iteration    
        self.intercept_prev = intercept
        self.slope_prev = slope

        # Plot aggregate resources vs aggregate savings for this run and print the new parameters
        if verbose:
            print('intercept=' + str(intercept) + ', slope=' + str(slope) + ', r-sq=' + str(r_value**2))
            #plot_start = discard_periods

        return AggShocksDynamicRule(AFunc)
项目:scikit-cycling    作者:scikit-cycling    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def log_linear_fitting(x, y, method='lsq'):
    """Function to perform log linear regression.

    x : ndarray, shape (n_samples)
        Corresponds to the x. In our case, it should be the time.

    y : ndarray, shape (n_samples)
        Corresponds to the y. In our case, it should be the rpp.

    method : string, optional (default='lsq')
        The method to use to perform the regression. The choices are:

        - If 'lsq', an ordinary least-square approach is used.
        - If 'lm', the Levenberg-Marquardt is used.

    slope : float
        slope of the regression line.

    intercept : float
        intercept of the regression line.

    std_err : float
        Standard error of the estimate.

    coeff_det : float
        Coefficient of determination.


    # Check that the array x and y have the same size
    if x.shape != y.shape:
        raise ValueError('The size of x and y should be the same.')

    if method == 'lsq':
        # Perform the fitting using least-square
        slope, intercept, _, _, _ = linregress(np.log(x), y)

        std_err = res_std_dev(y, log_linear_model(x, slope, intercept))

        coeff_det = r_squared(y, log_linear_model(x, slope, intercept))
    elif method == 'lm':
        # Perform the fitting using non-linear least-square
        # Levenberg-Marquardt
        popt, _ = curve_fit(linear_model, np.log(x), y)

        slope = popt[0]
        intercept = popt[1]

        std_err = res_std_dev(y, log_linear_model(x, slope, intercept))

        coeff_det = r_squared(y, log_linear_model(x, slope, intercept))
        raise NotImplementedError

    return slope, intercept, std_err, coeff_det
项目:PIE_ISAE_Essais_Vol    作者:YuanxiangFranck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def SymmetryTest(signal1, signal2, error, binary_names, name_signal1 = "", comment="ok"):
    From two signals, this function calculates the relative error at each time
    indexe, and therefore returns the time indexes where anomalies are found.
    Computes as well the linear regression coefficients.

    Inputs :

    - signal1, signal2 : two signals of the class SignalData to compare (generally signal1 -> "...CHA", and signal2 -> "...CHB" or "..AMSC1" and "..AMSC2"  )
    - error : the result will be False if there is at least one value which is out of the relative error box
    - binary_names : list of binary files names
    - [name_signal1] : optional, a string, the name of the first input.
        Allows the algorithm to check if the inputs are boolean or not (from specifications)
        By defaut, consider the signal as non boolean.
    - [comment] : otpional, a string, if equals 'none' then don't print any result, prints the result if nothing is specified. The print is done through

    Outputs :

    - result : a bool, indicates if the two imput signals are the same (according to the accepted error)
    - index : time indexes of the where the differences where found
    - lin_reg : an array which contains first the type of the signals ('b' for boolean and 'c' for continuous), then the slope, the intercept and finally the R2 value of linear regression between the two signals.
    n = 6 # truncation of digits in res
    result =True
    error = abs(error)
    index = []
    lin_reg = []
    sig1 =
    sig2 =
    if is_bool(name_signal1, binary_names):
        #The signals are categorized as boolean : we test if they are different
        for i, s in enumerate(sig1):
            if sig2[i] != s :
                result = False
        lin_reg = ["b","  -","  -","  -"] #boolean signals : no linear regression

        #The signals are 'reg' (continuous)
        for i, s in enumerate(sig1):
            if s or sig2[i]: # avoid division by 0
                if abs(2*(s-sig2[i])/(abs(s)+abs(sig2[i]))) > error:
                    result = False

        a, b, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(sig1, sig2)
        lin_reg = ["c", str(a)[0:n], str(b)[0:n], str(r_value**2)] #continuous signals : linear regression parameters
    if result:"Les signaux ",,, "sont identiques (à l'erreur error près)\n")
    else:"L'erreur relative entre les signaux est supérieur à error sur une certaine plage\n")

    return result, index, lin_reg

项目:CryptoBot    作者:AdeelMufti    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_trend(books, trades):
    Returns the linear trend in previous trades for each data point in DataFrame
    of book data

    def trend(x):
        trades_n = trades.iloc[x.trades_indexes[0]:x.trades_indexes[1]]
        if len(trades_n) < 3:
            return 0
            return linregress(trades_n.index.values, trades_n.price.values)[0]
    return books.apply(trend, axis=1)

# def get_tick_df(min_ts, max_ts, live, convert_timestamps=False):
#     '''
#     Returns a DataFrame of ticks in time range
#     '''
#     if not live:
#         query = {'_id': {'$gt': min_ts, '$lt': max_ts}}
#         cursor = ticks_db.find(query).sort('_id', pymongo.ASCENDING)
#     else:
#         cursor = ticks_db.find({}).sort('$natural', pymongo.DESCENDING).limit(1)
#     ticks = pd.DataFrame(list(cursor))
#     if not ticks.empty:
#         ticks = ticks.set_index('_id')
#         if convert_timestamps:
#             ticks.index = pd.to_datetime(ticks.index, unit='s')
#     return ticks
# def get_ticks_indexes(books, ticks):
#     '''
#     Returns indexes of ticks closest to each data point in DataFrame
#     of book data
#     '''
#     def ticks_indexes(ts):
#         ts = int(ts)
#         return ticks.index.get_loc(ts, method='nearest')
#     return
# def get_buys_from_ticks(books, ticks):
#     '''
#     Returns a count of trades for each data point in DataFrame of book data
#     '''
#     def get_buy(x):
#         return ticks.iloc[x.ticks_indexes].buy
#     return books.apply(get_buy, axis=1)
# def get_sells_from_ticks(books, ticks):
#     '''
#     Returns a count of trades for each data point in DataFrame of book data
#     '''
#     def get_sell(x):
#         return ticks.iloc[x.ticks_indexes].sell
#     return books.apply(get_sell, axis=1)
项目:augur    作者:nextstrain    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def validate(self, plot=False, cutoff=0.0, validation_set = None, fname=None):
        predict titers of the validation set (separate set of test_titers aside previously)
        and compare against known values. If requested by plot=True,
        a figure comparing predicted and measured titers is produced
        from scipy.stats import linregress, pearsonr
        if validation_set is None:
        self.validation = {}
        for key, val in validation_set.iteritems():
            pred_titer = self.predict_titer(key[0], key[1], cutoff=cutoff)
            self.validation[key] = (val, pred_titer)

        a = np.array(self.validation.values())
        print ("number of prediction-measurement pairs",a.shape)
        self.abs_error = np.mean(np.abs(a[:,0]-a[:,1]))
        self.rms_error = np.sqrt(np.mean((a[:,0]-a[:,1])**2))
        self.slope, self.intercept, tmpa, tmpb, tmpc = linregress(a[:,0], a[:,1])
        print ("error (abs/rms): ",self.abs_error, self.rms_error)
        print ("slope, intercept:", self.slope, self.intercept)
        self.r2 = pearsonr(a[:,0], a[:,1])[0]**2
        print ("pearson correlation:", self.r2)

        if plot:
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
            import seaborn as sns
            ax = plt.subplot(111)
            plt.plot([-1,6], [-1,6], 'k')
            plt.scatter(a[:,0], a[:,1])
            plt.ylabel(r"predicted $\log_2$ distance", fontsize = fs)
            plt.xlabel(r"measured $\log_2$ distance" , fontsize = fs)
            ax.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=fs)
            plt.text(-2.5,6,'regularization:\nprediction error:\nR^2:', fontsize = fs-2)
            plt.text(1.2,6, str(self.lam_drop)+'/'+str(self.lam_pot)+'/'+str(self.lam_avi)+' (HI/pot/avi)'
                     +'\n'+str(round(self.abs_error, 2))+'/'+str(round(self.rms_error, 2))+' (abs/rms)'
                     + '\n' + str(self.r2), fontsize = fs-2)

            if fname:
项目:augur    作者:nextstrain    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calc_time_censored_tree_frequencies(self):
        print("fitting time censored tree frequencies")
        # this doesn't interfere with the previous freq estimates via difference in region: global_censored vs global
        region = "global_censored"
        freq_cutoff = 25.0
        pivots_fit = 6
        freq_window = 1.0
        for node in self.nodes:
            node.fit_frequencies = {}
            node.freq_slope = {}
        for time in self.timepoints:
            time_interval = [time - freq_window, time]
            pivots = make_pivots(
                1 / self.pivot_spacing
            node_filter_func = lambda node: node.numdate >= time_interval[0] and node.numdate < time_interval[1]

            # Recalculate tree frequencies for the given time interval and its
            # corresponding pivots.
            tree_freqs = tree_frequencies(self.tree, pivots, node_filter=node_filter_func)
            self.frequencies[time] = tree_freqs.frequencies

            # Annotate censored frequencies on nodes.
            # TODO: replace node-based annotation with dicts indexed by node name.
            for node in self.nodes:
                node.freq = {
                    region: self.frequencies[time][node.clade]
                node.logit_freq = {
                    region: logit_transform(self.frequencies[time][node.clade], 1e-4)

            for node in self.nodes:
                if node.logit_freq[region] is not None:
                    node.fit_frequencies[time] = np.minimum(freq_cutoff, np.maximum(-freq_cutoff,node.logit_freq[region]))
                    node.fit_frequencies[time] = self.node_parents[node].fit_frequencies[time]
                    slope, intercept, rval, pval, stderr = linregress(pivots[pivots_fit:-1], node.fit_frequencies[time][pivots_fit:-1])
                    node.freq_slope[time] = slope
                    import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
        # reset pivots in tree to global pivots
        self.rootnode.pivots = self.pivots