Python scipy.stats 模块,ttest_1samp() 实例源码


项目:mrqap-python    作者:lisette-espin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _ttest(self):
        utils.printf('========== T-TEST ==========')
        utils.printf('{:25s} {:25s} {:25s} {:25s}'.format('IND. VAR.','COEF.','T-STAT','P-VALUE'))

        ts = {}
        lines = {}
        for k,vlist in self.betas.items():
            t = stats.ttest_1samp(vlist,self.model.params[k])
            ts[k] = abs(round(float(t[0]),6))
            lines[k] = '{:20s} {:25f} {:25f} {:25f}'.format(k,self.model.params[k],round(float(t[0]),6),round(float(t[1]),6))

        ts = utils.sortDictByValue(ts,True)
        for t in ts:

    # Plots
项目:ipanda    作者:varnivey    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calculate_single_sample_ttest_pvals(self):
        '''Calculate p-values from single sample t-test'''

        expr_t = self.expr_t
        expr_n = self.expr_n

        mes_size, gene_size = expr_t.shape

        all_pvals = []

        for i in range(gene_size):
            n_sample  = expr_n[:,i]
            cur_pvals = []
            n_sample_r = randomize_samples(n_sample)

            cur_pvals = [ttest_func2(n_sample_r,expr_val)[1] for expr_val in expr_t[:,i]]


        all_pvals = np.array(all_pvals).T
        all_pvals[all_pvals == 0] = sys.float_info.min

        self.s_pval_list = all_pvals
项目:ABtests    作者:leodema    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_analysis(self):
        my_test = Ttest1Sample(self.mean, np.array(self.a))
        p_value = my_test.p_value
        t, p_value_expected = ttest_1samp(self.a, self.mean)

        self.assertEqual(round(p_value_expected, self.max_precision),
                         round(p_value, self.max_precision))
项目:ABtests    作者:leodema    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_analysis_list(self):
        my_test = Ttest1Sample(self.mean, np.array(self.a))
        p_value = my_test.p_value
        t, p_value_expected = ttest_1samp(self.a, self.mean)

        self.assertEqual(round(p_value_expected, self.max_precision),
                         round(p_value, self.max_precision))
项目:dopelearning    作者:ekQ    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def analyze(log_fname, nn=True, max_bin=6, n_first_removed=3):
    Analyze anonymized usage logs.

        log_fname -- Path to the log file.
        nn -- Use scores with the NN feature or not.
        max_bin -- Maximum score difference considered
                   (if too large, the last bins get very noisy).
        n_first_removed -- From each user, remove this many first selections,
                           since in the beginning the user might be just
                           playing with the tool.       
        probabilities to select the better line according to the algorithm
        standard deviations
    users, selections = read_log(log_fname)
    print "%d selections, %d unique users" % (len(selections), len(set(users)))
    us = {}    # user -> selections
    for u, s in zip(users, selections):
        if u not in us:
            us[u] = []
    lens = [len(s) for s in us.itervalues()]
    lens = np.array(lens)

    score_differences = extract_feedback(us, n_first_removed, nn)
    print "t-test:", stats.ttest_1samp(score_differences, 0)

    sel_ranks = [s['selectedLine'] for s in selections]
    print "Histogram of selected line indices:"
    print np.histogram(sel_ranks, range(21))

    xs, probs, stds = compute_probs(score_differences, max_bin)
    return xs, probs, stds
项目:sdnpwn    作者:smythtech    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testForSDN(testMethod, dstIP, count, interval):
  global verbose
  rtt = []
  sentMS = 0

  if(testMethod == "icmp"):
    sdnpwn.message("Testing with ICMP", sdnpwn.NORMAL)
    icmp = (IP(dst=dstIP)/ICMP())
    for i in range(0,count):
      sentMS = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
      resp = sr1(icmp)
      rtt.append((int(round(time.time() * 1000))) - sentMS)

  elif(testMethod == "arp"):
    sdnpwn.message("Testing with ARP", sdnpwn.NORMAL)
    for i in range(0,count):
      sentMS = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
      resp = arping(dstIP)
      rtt.append((int(round(time.time() * 1000))) - sentMS)

  initValue = rtt[0]
  #Perform T-Test to check if first latency value is significantly different from others in our sample
  res = stats.ttest_1samp(rtt, initValue)
  if(verbose == True):
    sdnpwn.message("Initial RTT: " + str(initValue), sdnpwn.VERBOSE)
    sdnpwn.message("RTTs for other traffic: " + str(rtt), sdnpwn.VERBOSE)
    sdnpwn.message("Calculated p-value for inital RTT is " + str(res[1]), sdnpwn.VERBOSE)
  if(res[1] < .05 and all(i < initValue for i in rtt)): #If the p-value is less that 5% we can say that initValue is significant
    return True
    return False