Python scipy.stats 模块,chisquare() 实例源码


项目:facebook-message-analysis    作者:szheng17    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def n_messages_chi_square(self, time_interval):
        Computes a chi square test against the null hypothesis that the number
        of messages is uniformly distributed across the time interval. Only
        makes sense for the time intervals 'minute in hour', 'minute in day',
        'hour' since those ones have a fixed number of values.

            time_interval: One of 'minute in hour', 'minute in day', 'hour'.

            chisq: A float representing the chi square statistic where the
                observations consist of the number of messages in each value of
                time_interval and the null hypothesis is that the number of
                messages is uniformly distributed.
            p: A float representing the p-value of the chi square test.
        valid_time_intervals = ['minute in hour', 'minute in day', 'hour']
        if time_interval not in valid_time_intervals:
            raise ValueError('time_interval must be in {}'.format(valid_time_intervals))
        result = chisquare(self.get_n_messages_in_time_interval(time_interval))
        return (result.statistic, result.pvalue)
项目:cgpm    作者:probcomp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_univariate_categorical():
    # This test generates univariate data from a nominal variable with 6 levels
    # and probability vector p_theory, and performs a chi-square test on
    # posterior samples from MvKde.

    rng = gu.gen_rng(2)
    N_SAMPLES = 1000
    p_theory = [.3, .1, .2, .15, .15, .1]
    samples_test = rng.choice(range(6), p=p_theory, size=N_SAMPLES)
    kde = MultivariateKde(
        [7], None, distargs={O: {ST: [C], SA:[{'k': 6}]}}, rng=rng)
    # Incorporate observations.
    for rowid, x in enumerate(samples_test):
        kde.incorporate(rowid, {7: x})
    # Posterior samples.
    samples_gen = kde.simulate(-1, [7], N=N_SAMPLES)
    f_obs = np.bincount([s[7] for s in samples_gen])
    f_exp = np.bincount(samples_test)
    _, pval = chisquare(f_obs, f_exp)
    assert 0.05 < pval
    # Get some coverage on logpdf_score.
    assert kde.logpdf_score() < 0
项目:CHAID    作者:Rambatino    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def chisquare(n_ij, weighted):
    Calculates the chisquare for a matrix of ind_v x dep_v
    for the unweighted and SPSS weighted case
    if weighted:
        m_ij = n_ij / n_ij

        nan_mask = np.isnan(m_ij)
        m_ij[nan_mask] = 0.000001  # otherwise it breaks the chi-squared test

        w_ij = m_ij
        n_ij_col_sum = n_ij.sum(axis=1)
        n_ij_row_sum = n_ij.sum(axis=0)
        alpha, beta, eps = (1, 1, 1)
        while eps > 10e-6:
            alpha = alpha * np.vstack(n_ij_col_sum / m_ij.sum(axis=1))
            beta = n_ij_row_sum / (alpha * w_ij).sum(axis=0)
            eps = np.max(np.absolute(w_ij * alpha * beta - m_ij))
            m_ij = w_ij * alpha * beta

        m_ij = (np.vstack(n_ij.sum(axis=1)) * n_ij.sum(axis=0)) / n_ij.sum().astype(float)

    dof = (n_ij.shape[0] - 1) * (n_ij.shape[1] - 1)
    chi, p_val = stats.chisquare(n_ij, f_exp=m_ij, ddof=n_ij.size - 1 - dof, axis=None)

    return (chi, p_val, dof)
项目:partycrasher    作者:naturalness    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test(self):
        nr_observations = sum(self.histogram)
        observed_frequencies = []
        expected_frequencies = []
        frequencies_of = []
        thresh = 10
        for i in range(0, len(self.histogram)):
            observed = self.histogram[i]
            expected = stats.poisson.pmf(i, self.lambda_) * nr_observations
            if (
                (observed >= thresh)
                and (expected >= thresh)):
        results = stats.chisquare(observed_frequencies,
        print("expected: mean %f variance %f" % (
        print("actual: mean %f variance %f" % (
        from matplotlib import pyplot
        import matplotlib
        actual_plot, = pyplot.plot(frequencies_of, observed_frequencies, label='actual')
        expected_plot, = pyplot.plot(frequencies_of, expected_frequencies, 'r', linewidth=1, label='expected')
        #pyplot.ylabel("People at Table")
        #pyplot.xlabel("Table Number")
        #pyplot.title("Chinese Restaurant Process Unit Test")
        return results
项目:cgpm    作者:probcomp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def two_sample_test(cctype, X, Y):
    model = cu.cctype_class(cctype)
    if model.is_numeric(): # XXX WRONG CHOICE FOR DISCRETE NUMERIC XXX
        _, pval = ks_2samp(X, Y)
        Xb, Yb = aligned_bincount([X, Y])
        ignore = np.logical_and(Xb==0, Yb==0)
        Xb, Yb = Xb[np.logical_not(ignore)], Yb[np.logical_not(ignore)]
        Xb = Xb/float(sum(Xb)) * 1000
        Yb = Yb/float(sum(Yb)) * 1000
        _, pval = chisquare(Yb, f_exp=Xb)
    return pval
项目:CHAID    作者:Rambatino    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def best_cat_split(self, ind, dep):
        """ detrmine best categorical variable split """
        split = Split(None, None, None, None, 0)
        all_dep = np.unique(dep.arr)
        for i, ind_var in enumerate(ind):
            ind_var = ind_var.deep_copy()
            unique = np.unique(ind_var.arr)

            freq = {}
            if dep.weights is None:
                for col in unique:
                    counts = np.unique(np.compress(ind_var.arr == col, dep.arr), return_counts=True)
                    freq[col] = cl.defaultdict(int)
                for col in unique:
                    counts = np.unique(np.compress(ind_var.arr == col, dep.arr), return_counts=True)
                    freq[col] = cl.defaultdict(int)
                    for dep_v in all_dep:
                        freq[col][dep_v] = dep.weights[(ind_var.arr == col) * (dep.arr == dep_v)].sum()

            if len(list(ind_var.possible_groupings())) == 0:
                split.invalid_reason = InvalidSplitReason.PURE_NODE

            choice, highest_p_join, split_chi, dof = None, None, None, None
            for comb in ind_var.all_combinations():
                freqs = [ sum( [ cl.Counter(freq[key]) for key in c ], cl.Counter()) for c in comb ]
                keys = set(sum([ list(f.keys()) for f in freqs ], []))

                n_ij = np.array(
                    [ [ col.get(k, 0) for k in keys ] for col in freqs ]

                chi, p_split, dof = chisquare(n_ij, dep.weights is not None)

                if (choice is None or p_split < highest_p_join or (p_split == highest_p_join and chi > split_chi)) and (n_ij.sum(axis=1) >= self.min_child_node_size).all() and p_split < self.alpha_merge:
                    choice, highest_p_join, split_chi = comb, p_split, chi

            temp_split = Split(i, choice, split_chi, highest_p_join, dof,
            better_split = (not split.valid() or p_split < split.p or (p_split == split.p and chi > split.score)) and choice is not None
            if better_split: split, temp_split = temp_split, split

            if split.valid() and choice is not None:
                chi_threshold = self.split_threshold * split.score

                if temp_split.valid() and temp_split.score >= chi_threshold:
                    for sur in temp_split.surrogates:
                        if sur.column_id != i and sur.score >= chi_threshold:

                    temp_split.surrogates = []


        return split