Python scipy 模块,absolute() 实例源码


项目:nimo    作者:wolfram2012    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getForegroundMask(self):
        @return: A mask image indicating which pixels are considered foreground.
          Depending on whether soft-thresholding is used, this may be a binary image
          with values of [0 or 255], or image of weights [0.0-255.0], which will
          have to be divided by 255 to get weights [0.0-1.0].         
        @note: One may wish to perform additional morphological operations
            on the foreground mask prior to use.
        diff = self._computeBGDiff()
        if self._softThreshold:
            mask = 1 - (math.e)**(-(1.0*diff)/self._threshold)  #element-wise exp weighting
            #mask = (diff > self._threshold)   
            mask = (sp.absolute(diff) > self._threshold)    
            #mu = sp.mean(diff)
            #sigma = sp.std(diff)
            #mask = sp.absolute((diff-mu)/sigma) > self._threshold
        return pv.Image(mask*255.0)
项目:glmnet_py    作者:hanfang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def softmax(x, gap = False):
   d = x.shape
   maxdist = x[:, 0]
   pclass = scipy.zeros([d[0], 1], dtype = scipy.integer)
   for i in range(1, d[1], 1):
       l = x[:, i] > maxdist
       pclass[l] = i
       maxdist[l] = x[l, i]
   if gap == True:
       x = scipy.absolute(maxdist - x)
       x[0:d[0], pclass] = x*scipy.ones([d[1], d[1]])
       #gaps = pmin(x)# not sure what this means; gap is never called with True
       raise ValueError('gap = True is not implemented yet')

   result = dict()
   if gap == True:
       result['pclass'] = pclass
       #result['gaps'] = gaps
       raise ValueError('gap = True is not implemented yet')
       result['pclass'] = pclass;

# end of softmax
# =========================================
项目:glmnet_py    作者:hanfang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def softmax(x, gap = False):
   d = x.shape
   maxdist = x[:, 0]
   pclass = scipy.zeros([d[0], 1], dtype = scipy.integer)
   for i in range(1, d[1], 1):
       l = x[:, i] > maxdist
       pclass[l] = i
       maxdist[l] = x[l, i]
   if gap == True:
       x = scipy.absolute(maxdist - x)
       x[0:d[0], pclass] = x*scipy.ones([d[1], d[1]])
       #gaps = pmin(x)# not sure what this means; gap is never called with True
       raise ValueError('gap = True is not implemented yet')

   result = dict()
   if gap == True:
       result['pclass'] = pclass
       #result['gaps'] = gaps
       raise ValueError('gap = True is not implemented yet')
       result['pclass'] = pclass;

# end of softmax
# =========================================
项目:glmnet_py    作者:hanfang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def softmax(x, gap = False):
   d = x.shape
   maxdist = x[:, 0]
   pclass = scipy.zeros([d[0], 1], dtype = scipy.integer)
   for i in range(1, d[1], 1):
       l = x[:, i] > maxdist
       pclass[l] = i
       maxdist[l] = x[l, i]
   if gap == True:
       x = scipy.absolute(maxdist - x)
       x[0:d[0], pclass] = x*scipy.ones([d[1], d[1]])
       #gaps = pmin(x)# not sure what this means; gap is never called with True
       raise ValueError('gap = True is not implemented yet')

   result = dict()
   if gap == True:
       result['pclass'] = pclass
       #result['gaps'] = gaps
       raise ValueError('gap = True is not implemented yet')
       result['pclass'] = pclass;

# end of softmax
# =========================================
项目:glmnet_py    作者:hanfang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def softmax(x, gap = False):
   d = x.shape
   maxdist = x[:, 0]
   pclass = scipy.zeros([d[0], 1], dtype = scipy.integer)
   for i in range(1, d[1], 1):
       l = x[:, i] > maxdist
       pclass[l] = i
       maxdist[l] = x[l, i]
   if gap == True:
       x = scipy.absolute(maxdist - x)
       x[0:d[0], pclass] = x*scipy.ones([d[1], d[1]])
       #gaps = pmin(x)# not sure what this means; gap is never called with True
       raise ValueError('gap = True is not implemented yet')

   result = dict()
   if gap == True:
       result['pclass'] = pclass
       #result['gaps'] = gaps
       raise ValueError('gap = True is not implemented yet')
       result['pclass'] = pclass;

# end of softmax
# =========================================
项目:nimo    作者:wolfram2012    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _computeBGDiff(self):
        prevImg = self._imageBuffer[0].asMatrix2D()
        curImg = self._imageBuffer.getMiddle().asMatrix2D()
        nextImg = self._imageBuffer[-1].asMatrix2D()

        delta1 = sp.absolute(curImg - prevImg)   #frame diff 1
        delta2 = sp.absolute(nextImg - curImg)   #frame diff 2

        #use element-wise minimum of the two difference images, which is what
        # gets compared to threshold to yield foreground mask
        return sp.minimum(delta1, delta2)
项目:tools    作者:kastnerkyle    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_amplitude(self,signal,l):
        if self.amplitude.has_key(l):
            return self.amplitude[l]
            amp = sp.absolute(sp.fft(get_frame(signal, self.winsize,l) * self.window))
            self.amplitude[l] = amp
            return amp
项目:tools    作者:kastnerkyle    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_noise_avg_spectrum(self, nsignal):
        windownum = int(len(nsignal)//(self.winsize//2) - 1)
        avgamp = np.zeros(self.winsize)
        for l in range(windownum):
            avgamp += sp.absolute(sp.fft(get_frame(nsignal, self.winsize,l) * self.window))
        return avgamp/float(windownum)
项目:tools    作者:kastnerkyle    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_amplitude(self,signal,l):
        if self.amplitude.has_key(l):
            return self.amplitude[l]
            amp = sp.absolute(sp.fft(get_frame(signal, self.winsize,l) * self.window))
            self.amplitude[l] = amp
            return amp
项目:tools    作者:kastnerkyle    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_noise_avg_spectrum(self, nsignal):
        windownum = int(len(nsignal)//(self.winsize//2) - 1)
        avgamp = np.zeros(self.winsize)
        for l in range(windownum):
            avgamp += sp.absolute(sp.fft(get_frame(nsignal, self.winsize,l) * self.window))
        return avgamp/float(windownum)
项目:glmnet_py    作者:hanfang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def nonzeroCoef(beta, bystep = False):
    result = scipy.absolute(beta) > 0
    if len(result.shape) == 1:
        result = scipy.reshape(result, [result.shape[0], 1])
    if not bystep:
        result = scipy.any(result, axis = 1)

# end of nonzeroCoef()
# =========================================
项目:glmnet_py    作者:hanfang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def nonzeroCoef(beta, bystep = False):
    result = scipy.absolute(beta) > 0
    if not bystep:
        result = scipy.any(result, axis = 1)
# end of nonzeroCoef
# =========================================
项目:glmnet_py    作者:hanfang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def nonzeroCoef(beta, bystep = False):
    result = scipy.absolute(beta) > 0
    if not bystep:
        result = scipy.any(result, axis = 1)
# end of nonzeroCoef
# =========================================
项目:glmnet_py    作者:hanfang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def nonzeroCoef(beta, bystep = False):
    result = scipy.absolute(beta) > 0
    if len(result.shape) == 1:
        result = scipy.reshape(result, [result.shape[0], 1])
    if not bystep:
        result = scipy.any(result, axis = 1)

# end of nonzeroCoef()
# =========================================
项目:glmnet_py    作者:hanfang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def nonzeroCoef(beta, bystep = False):
    result = scipy.absolute(beta) > 0
    if len(result.shape) == 1:
        result = scipy.reshape(result, [result.shape[0], 1])
    if not bystep:
        result = scipy.any(result, axis = 1)

# end of nonzeroCoef()
# =========================================
项目:glmnet_py    作者:hanfang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def nonzeroCoef(beta, bystep = False):
    result = scipy.absolute(beta) > 0
    if not bystep:
        result = scipy.any(result, axis = 1)
# end of nonzeroCoef
# =========================================
项目:pyssp    作者:shunsukeaihara    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calc_par(self, frame):
        power = sp.absolute(sp.fft(frame * self._window)) ** 2
        avg_pow = power[:int(self._winsize / 2)].sum() / (self._winsize / 2)
        smax = -np.inf
        lenmax = 0
        for i in range(2, int(self._winsize / 10)):
            # searching f0 with maximizing estimated power of periodic component
            idx = list(range(i, int(self._winsize / 2), i + 1))
            score = power[:int(self._winsize / 2)][idx].sum() - (len(idx) * avg_pow)
            if score > smax:
                smax = score
                lenmax = len(idx)
        pp = (smax / (1.0 - self._eta * lenmax)) * self._eta
        pa = avg_pow - pp
        return calc_hypotes(pa, pp, beta=self._beta) / calc_nullhypotes(pa, pp, alpha=self._alpha)
项目:prml    作者:Yevgnen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _init_params(self, X):
        init = self.init
        n_samples, n_features = X.shape
        n_components = self.n_components

        if (init == 'kmeans'):
            km = Kmeans(n_components)
            clusters, mean, cov = km.cluster(X)
            coef = sp.array([c.shape[0] / n_samples for c in clusters])
            comps = [multivariate_normal(mean[i], cov[i], allow_singular=True)
                     for i in range(n_components)]
        elif (init == 'rand'):
            coef = sp.absolute(sprand.randn(n_components))
            coef = coef / coef.sum()
            means = X[sprand.permutation(n_samples)[0: n_components]]
            clusters = [[] for i in range(n_components)]
            for x in X:
                idx = sp.argmin([spla.norm(x - mean) for mean in means])

            comps = []
            for k in range(n_components):
                mean = means[k]
                cov = sp.cov(clusters[k], rowvar=0, ddof=0)
                comps.append(multivariate_normal(mean, cov, allow_singular=True))

        self.coef = coef
        self.comps = comps
项目:pyabc    作者:neuralyzer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _cov(self, indices, n):
        if len(indices) > 1:
            surrounding_indices = indices[n, 1:]
            nearest_vector_deltas = (self.X_arr[surrounding_indices]
                                     - self.X_arr[n])
            local_weights = self.w[surrounding_indices]
            nearest_vector_deltas = sp.absolute(self.X_arr)
            local_weights = sp.array([1])
        cov = smart_cov(nearest_vector_deltas,
                        local_weights / local_weights.sum())
        if sp.absolute(cov.sum()) == 0:
            for k in range(cov.shape[0]):
                cov[k, k] = sp.absolute(self.X_arr[0, k])
        return cov * self.scaling
项目:pyabc    作者:neuralyzer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_continuous_non_gaussian(db_path, sampler):
    def model(args):
        return {"result": sp.rand() * args['u']}

    models = [model]
    models = list(map(SimpleModel, models))
    population_size = ConstantPopulationSize(250)
    parameter_given_model_prior_distribution = [Distribution(u=RV("uniform", 0,
    abc = ABCSMC(models, parameter_given_model_prior_distribution,
    d_observed = .5, {"result": d_observed})

    minimum_epsilon = -1
    history =, max_nr_populations=2)
    posterior_x, posterior_weight = history.get_distribution(0, None)
    posterior_x = posterior_x["u"].as_matrix()
    sort_indices = sp.argsort(posterior_x)
    f_empirical = sp.interpolate.interp1d(sp.hstack((-200,

    def f_expected(u):
        return (sp.log(u)-sp.log(d_observed)) / (- sp.log(d_observed)) * \
               (u > d_observed)

    x = sp.linspace(0.1, 1)
    max_distribution_difference = sp.absolute(f_empirical(x) -
    assert max_distribution_difference < 0.12
项目:pyabc    作者:neuralyzer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_gaussian_multiple_populations(db_path, sampler):
    sigma_x = 1
    sigma_y = .5
    y_observed = 2

    def model(args):
        return {"y": st.norm(args['x'], sigma_y).rvs()}

    models = [model]
    models = list(map(SimpleModel, models))
    nr_populations = 4
    population_size = ConstantPopulationSize(600)
    parameter_given_model_prior_distribution = [Distribution(x=st.norm(0, sigma_x))]
    abc = ABCSMC(models, parameter_given_model_prior_distribution,
                 sampler=sampler), {"y": y_observed})

    minimum_epsilon = -1

    history =, max_nr_populations=nr_populations)
    posterior_x, posterior_weight = history.get_distribution(0, None)
    posterior_x = posterior_x["x"].as_matrix()
    sort_indices = sp.argsort(posterior_x)
    f_empirical = sp.interpolate.interp1d(sp.hstack((-200, posterior_x[sort_indices], 200)),
                                          sp.hstack((0, sp.cumsum(posterior_weight[sort_indices]), 1)))

    sigma_x_given_y = 1 / sp.sqrt(1 / sigma_x**2 + 1 / sigma_y**2)
    mu_x_given_y = sigma_x_given_y**2 * y_observed / sigma_y**2
    expected_posterior_x = st.norm(mu_x_given_y, sigma_x_given_y)
    x = sp.linspace(-8, 8)
    max_distribution_difference = sp.absolute(f_empirical(x) - expected_posterior_x.cdf(x)).max()
    assert max_distribution_difference < 0.052
    assert history.max_t == nr_populations-1
    mean_emp, std_emp = mean_and_std(posterior_x, posterior_weight)
    assert abs(mean_emp - mu_x_given_y) < .07
    assert abs(std_emp - sigma_x_given_y) < .12
项目:nimo    作者:wolfram2012    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _computeBGDiff(self):
        self._flow.update( self._imageBuffer.getLast() )

        n = len(self._imageBuffer)        
        prev_im = self._imageBuffer[0]
        forward = None
        for i in range(0,n/2):
            if forward == None:
                forward = self._imageBuffer[i].to_next
                forward = forward * self._imageBuffer[i].to_next

        w,h = size = prev_im.size
        mask = cv.CreateImage(size,cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U,1)
        interior = cv.GetSubRect(mask, pv.Rect(2,2,w-4,h-4).asOpenCV()) 
        mask = pv.Image(mask)

        prev_im = forward(prev_im)
        prev_mask = forward(mask)

        next_im = self._imageBuffer[n-1]
        back = None
        for i in range(n-1,n/2,-1):
            if back == None:
                back = self._imageBuffer[i].to_prev
                back = back * self._imageBuffer[i].to_prev

        next_im = back(next_im)
        next_mask = back(mask)

        curr_im = self._imageBuffer[n/2]

        prevImg = prev_im.asMatrix2D()
        curImg  = curr_im.asMatrix2D()
        nextImg = next_im.asMatrix2D()
        prevMask = prev_mask.asMatrix2D()
        nextMask = next_mask.asMatrix2D()

        # Compute transformed images
        delta1 = sp.absolute(curImg - prevImg)   #frame diff 1
        delta2 = sp.absolute(nextImg - curImg)   #frame diff 2

        delta1 = sp.minimum(delta1,prevMask)
        delta2 = sp.minimum(delta2,nextMask)

        #use element-wise minimum of the two difference images, which is what
        # gets compared to threshold to yield foreground mask
        return sp.minimum(delta1, delta2)
项目:glmnet_py    作者:hanfang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def glmnetPlot(x, xvar = 'norm', label = False, ptype = 'coef', **options):

    # process inputs
    xvar = getFromList(xvar, ['norm', 'lambda', 'dev'], 'xvar should be one of ''norm'', ''lambda'', ''dev'' ')    
    ptype = getFromList(ptype, ['coef', '2norm'], 'ptype should be one of ''coef'', ''2norm'' ')    

    if x['class'] in ['elnet', 'lognet', 'coxnet', 'fishnet']:
        handle = plotCoef(x['beta'], [], x['lambdau'], x['df'], x['dev'], 
        label, xvar, '', 'Coefficients', **options)

    elif x['class'] in ['multnet', 'mrelnet']:
        beta = x['beta']
        if xvar == 'norm':
            norm = 0
            nzbeta = beta
            for i in range(len(beta)):
                which = nonzeroCoef(beta[i])
                nzbeta[i] = beta[i][which, :]
                norm = norm + scipy.sum(scipy.absolute(nzbeta[i]), axis = 0)
            norm = 0

        if ptype == 'coef':
            ncl = x['dfmat'].shape[0]
            if x['class'] == 'multnet':
                for i in range(ncl):
                    str = 'Coefficients: Class %d' % (i) 
                    handle = plotCoef(beta[i], norm, x['lambdau'], x['dfmat'][i,:], 
                             x['dev'], label, xvar, '', str, **options)
                    if i < ncl - 1:         
                    str = 'Coefficients: Response %d' % (i) 
                    handle = plotCoef(beta[i], norm, x['lambdau'], x['dfmat'][i,:], 
                             x['dev'], label, xvar, '', str, **options)
            dfseq = scipy.round_(scipy.mean(x['dfmat'], axis = 0))
            coefnorm = beta[1]*0
            for i in range(len(beta)):
                coefnorm = coefnorm + scipy.absolute(beta[i])**2
            coefnorm = scipy.sqrt(coefnorm)
            if x['class'] == 'multnet':
                str = 'Coefficient 2Norms'
                handle = plotCoef(coefnorm, norm, x['lambdau'], dfseq, x['dev'],
                         label, xvar, '',str, **options);
                if i < ncl - 1:                         
                str = 'Coefficient 2Norms'
                handle = plotCoef(coefnorm, norm, x['lambdau'], x['dfmat'][0,:], x['dev'],
                         label, xvar, '', str, **options);                

# end of glmnetplot
# =========================================
# =========================================
# helper functions
# =========================================
项目:glmnet_py    作者:hanfang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def glmnetPlot(x, xvar = 'norm', label = False, ptype = 'coef', **options):

    # process inputs
    xvar = getFromList(xvar, ['norm', 'lambda', 'dev'], 'xvar should be one of ''norm'', ''lambda'', ''dev'' ')    
    ptype = getFromList(ptype, ['coef', '2norm'], 'ptype should be one of ''coef'', ''2norm'' ')    

    if x['class'] in ['elnet', 'lognet', 'coxnet', 'fishnet']:
        handle = plotCoef(x['beta'], [], x['lambdau'], x['df'], x['dev'], 
        label, xvar, '', 'Coefficients', **options)

    elif x['class'] in ['multnet', 'mrelnet']:
        beta = x['beta']
        if xvar == 'norm':
            norm = 0
            nzbeta = beta
            for i in range(len(beta)):
                which = nonzeroCoef(beta[i])
                nzbeta[i] = beta[i][which, :]
                norm = norm + scipy.sum(scipy.absolute(nzbeta[i]), axis = 0)
            norm = 0

        if ptype == 'coef':
            ncl = x['dfmat'].shape[0]
            if x['class'] == 'multnet':
                for i in range(ncl):
                    str = 'Coefficients: Class %d' % (i) 
                    handle = plotCoef(beta[i], norm, x['lambdau'], x['dfmat'][i,:], 
                             x['dev'], label, xvar, '', str, **options)
                    if i < ncl - 1:         
                    str = 'Coefficients: Response %d' % (i) 
                    handle = plotCoef(beta[i], norm, x['lambdau'], x['dfmat'][i,:], 
                             x['dev'], label, xvar, '', str, **options)
            dfseq = scipy.round_(scipy.mean(x['dfmat'], axis = 0))
            coefnorm = beta[1]*0
            for i in range(len(beta)):
                coefnorm = coefnorm + scipy.absolute(beta[i])**2
            coefnorm = scipy.sqrt(coefnorm)
            if x['class'] == 'multnet':
                str = 'Coefficient 2Norms'
                handle = plotCoef(coefnorm, norm, x['lambdau'], dfseq, x['dev'],
                         label, xvar, '',str, **options);
                if i < ncl - 1:                         
                str = 'Coefficient 2Norms'
                handle = plotCoef(coefnorm, norm, x['lambdau'], x['dfmat'][0,:], x['dev'],
                         label, xvar, '', str, **options);                

# end of glmnetplot
# =========================================
# =========================================
# helper functions
# =========================================
项目:glmnet_py    作者:hanfang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def glmnetPlot(x, xvar = 'norm', label = False, ptype = 'coef', **options):

    # process inputs
    xvar = getFromList(xvar, ['norm', 'lambda', 'dev'], 'xvar should be one of ''norm'', ''lambda'', ''dev'' ')    
    ptype = getFromList(ptype, ['coef', '2norm'], 'ptype should be one of ''coef'', ''2norm'' ')    

    if x['class'] in ['elnet', 'lognet', 'coxnet', 'fishnet']:
        handle = plotCoef(x['beta'], [], x['lambdau'], x['df'], x['dev'], 
        label, xvar, '', 'Coefficients', **options)

    elif x['class'] in ['multnet', 'mrelnet']:
        beta = x['beta']
        if xvar == 'norm':
            norm = 0
            nzbeta = beta
            for i in range(len(beta)):
                which = nonzeroCoef(beta[i])
                nzbeta[i] = beta[i][which, :]
                norm = norm + scipy.sum(scipy.absolute(nzbeta[i]), axis = 0)
            norm = 0

        if ptype == 'coef':
            ncl = x['dfmat'].shape[0]
            if x['class'] == 'multnet':
                for i in range(ncl):
                    str = 'Coefficients: Class %d' % (i) 
                    handle = plotCoef(beta[i], norm, x['lambdau'], x['dfmat'][i,:], 
                             x['dev'], label, xvar, '', str, **options)
                    if i < ncl - 1:         
                    str = 'Coefficients: Response %d' % (i) 
                    handle = plotCoef(beta[i], norm, x['lambdau'], x['dfmat'][i,:], 
                             x['dev'], label, xvar, '', str, **options)
            dfseq = scipy.round_(scipy.mean(x['dfmat'], axis = 0))
            coefnorm = beta[1]*0
            for i in range(len(beta)):
                coefnorm = coefnorm + scipy.absolute(beta[i])**2
            coefnorm = scipy.sqrt(coefnorm)
            if x['class'] == 'multnet':
                str = 'Coefficient 2Norms'
                handle = plotCoef(coefnorm, norm, x['lambdau'], dfseq, x['dev'],
                         label, xvar, '',str, **options);
                if i < ncl - 1:                         
                str = 'Coefficient 2Norms'
                handle = plotCoef(coefnorm, norm, x['lambdau'], x['dfmat'][0,:], x['dev'],
                         label, xvar, '', str, **options);                

# end of glmnetplot
# =========================================
# =========================================
# helper functions
# =========================================
项目:glmnet_py    作者:hanfang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def glmnetPlot(x, xvar = 'norm', label = False, ptype = 'coef', **options):

    # process inputs
    xvar = getFromList(xvar, ['norm', 'lambda', 'dev'], 'xvar should be one of ''norm'', ''lambda'', ''dev'' ')    
    ptype = getFromList(ptype, ['coef', '2norm'], 'ptype should be one of ''coef'', ''2norm'' ')    

    if x['class'] in ['elnet', 'lognet', 'coxnet', 'fishnet']:
        handle = plotCoef(x['beta'], [], x['lambdau'], x['df'], x['dev'], 
        label, xvar, '', 'Coefficients', **options)

    elif x['class'] in ['multnet', 'mrelnet']:
        beta = x['beta']
        if xvar == 'norm':
            norm = 0
            nzbeta = beta
            for i in range(len(beta)):
                which = nonzeroCoef(beta[i])
                nzbeta[i] = beta[i][which, :]
                norm = norm + scipy.sum(scipy.absolute(nzbeta[i]), axis = 0)
            norm = 0

        if ptype == 'coef':
            ncl = x['dfmat'].shape[0]
            if x['class'] == 'multnet':
                for i in range(ncl):
                    str = 'Coefficients: Class %d' % (i) 
                    handle = plotCoef(beta[i], norm, x['lambdau'], x['dfmat'][i,:], 
                             x['dev'], label, xvar, '', str, **options)
                    if i < ncl - 1:         
                    str = 'Coefficients: Response %d' % (i) 
                    handle = plotCoef(beta[i], norm, x['lambdau'], x['dfmat'][i,:], 
                             x['dev'], label, xvar, '', str, **options)
            dfseq = scipy.round_(scipy.mean(x['dfmat'], axis = 0))
            coefnorm = beta[1]*0
            for i in range(len(beta)):
                coefnorm = coefnorm + scipy.absolute(beta[i])**2
            coefnorm = scipy.sqrt(coefnorm)
            if x['class'] == 'multnet':
                str = 'Coefficient 2Norms'
                handle = plotCoef(coefnorm, norm, x['lambdau'], dfseq, x['dev'],
                         label, xvar, '',str, **options);
                if i < ncl - 1:                         
                str = 'Coefficient 2Norms'
                handle = plotCoef(coefnorm, norm, x['lambdau'], x['dfmat'][0,:], x['dev'],
                         label, xvar, '', str, **options);                

# end of glmnetplot
# =========================================
# =========================================
# helper functions
# =========================================
项目:pyabc    作者:neuralyzer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_gaussian_multiple_populations_crossval_kde(db_path, sampler):
    sigma_x = 1
    sigma_y = .5
    y_observed = 2

    def model(args):
        return {"y": st.norm(args['x'], sigma_y).rvs()}

    models = [model]
    models = list(map(SimpleModel, models))
    nr_populations = 4
    population_size = ConstantPopulationSize(600)
    parameter_given_model_prior_distribution = [Distribution(x=st.norm(0, sigma_x))]
    parameter_perturbation_kernels = [GridSearchCV(MultivariateNormalTransition(),
                                      {"scaling": sp.logspace(-1, 1.5, 5)})]
    abc = ABCSMC(models, parameter_given_model_prior_distribution,
                 sampler=sampler), {"y": y_observed})

    minimum_epsilon = -1

    history =, max_nr_populations=nr_populations)
    posterior_x, posterior_weight = history.get_distribution(0, None)
    posterior_x = posterior_x["x"].as_matrix()
    sort_indices = sp.argsort(posterior_x)
    f_empirical = sp.interpolate.interp1d(sp.hstack((-200, posterior_x[sort_indices], 200)),
                                          sp.hstack((0, sp.cumsum(posterior_weight[sort_indices]), 1)))

    sigma_x_given_y = 1 / sp.sqrt(1 / sigma_x**2 + 1 / sigma_y**2)
    mu_x_given_y = sigma_x_given_y**2 * y_observed / sigma_y**2
    expected_posterior_x = st.norm(mu_x_given_y, sigma_x_given_y)
    x = sp.linspace(-8, 8)
    max_distribution_difference = sp.absolute(f_empirical(x) - expected_posterior_x.cdf(x)).max()
    assert max_distribution_difference < 0.052
    assert history.max_t == nr_populations-1
    mean_emp, std_emp = mean_and_std(posterior_x, posterior_weight)
    assert abs(mean_emp - mu_x_given_y) < .07
    assert abs(std_emp - sigma_x_given_y) < .12
项目:astroEMPEROR    作者:ReddTea    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pt_pos(self, kplanets, boundaries, inslims, acc_lims):
        ndim = 1 + 5 * kplanets + self.nins*2*(self.MOAV+1) + self.totcornum
        pos = sp.array([sp.zeros(ndim) for i in range(self.nwalkers)])
        k = -2
        l = -2
        ll = -2  ##
        for j in range(ndim):
            if j < 5 * kplanets:
                k += 2
                if j%5==1:
                    fact = sp.absolute(boundaries[k] - boundaries[k+1]) / self.nwalkers
                    #fact = sp.absolute(boundaries[k]) / (self.nwalkers)
                    fact = (sp.absolute(boundaries[k] - boundaries[k+1]) * 2) / (5 * self.nwalkers)
                dif = sp.arange(self.nwalkers) * fact * np.random.uniform(0.9, 0.999)
                for i in range(self.nwalkers):
                    if j%5==1:
                        pos[i][j] = boundaries[k] + (dif[i] + fact/2.0)
                        #pos[i][j] = boundaries[k] * 0.5 + (dif[i] + fact/2.0)
                        pos[i][j] = (boundaries[k+1]+3*boundaries[k])/4 + (dif[i] + fact/2.0)
            if j == 5 * kplanets:  # acc
                fact = sp.absolute(acc_lims[0] - acc_lims[1]) / self.nwalkers
                dif = sp.arange(self.nwalkers) * fact * np.random.uniform(0.9, 0.999)
                for i in range(self.nwalkers):
                    pos[i][j] = acc_lims[0] + (dif[i] + fact/2.0)

            if 5 * kplanets < j < 5*kplanets + self.nins*2*(self.MOAV+1) + 1:
                l += 2
                fact = sp.absolute(inslims[l] - inslims[l+1]) / self.nwalkers
                dif = sp.arange(self.nwalkers) * fact * np.random.uniform(0.9, 0.999)

                if (j-5*kplanets-1) % self.nins*2*(self.MOAV+1) == 0:  # ojo aqui
                    jitt_ini = sp.sort(sp.fabs(sp.random.normal(0, 1, self.nwalkers))) * 0.1
                    dif = jitt_ini * np.random.uniform(0.9, 0.999)
                for i in range(self.nwalkers):
                    pos[i][j] = inslims[l] + (dif[i] + fact/2.0)
            if self.totcornum:
                if j > 5*kplanets + self.nins*2*(self.MOAV+1):
                    fact = sp.absolute(acc_lims[0] - acc_lims[1]) / self.nwalkers

                    dif = sp.arange(self.nwalkers) * fact * np.random.uniform(0.8, 0.999)
                    for i in range(self.nwalkers):
                        pos[i][j] = acc_lims[0] + (dif[i] + fact/2.0)

        pos = sp.array([pos for h in range(self.ntemps)])
        return pos
项目:pyabc    作者:neuralyzer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_gaussian_single_population(db_path, sampler):
    sigma_prior = 1
    sigma_ground_truth = 1
    observed_data = 1

    def model(args):
        return {"y": st.norm(args['x'], sigma_ground_truth).rvs()}

    models = [model]
    models = list(map(SimpleModel, models))
    nr_populations = 1
    population_size = ConstantPopulationSize(600)
    parameter_given_model_prior_distribution = [Distribution(x=RV("norm", 0,
    abc = ABCSMC(models, parameter_given_model_prior_distribution,
                 sampler=sampler), {"y": observed_data})

    minimum_epsilon = -1

    history =, max_nr_populations=nr_populations)
    posterior_x, posterior_weight = history.get_distribution(0, None)
    posterior_x = posterior_x["x"].as_matrix()
    sort_indices = sp.argsort(posterior_x)
    f_empirical = sp.interpolate.interp1d(sp.hstack((-200, posterior_x[sort_indices], 200)),
                                          sp.hstack((0, sp.cumsum(posterior_weight[sort_indices]), 1)))

    sigma_x_given_y = 1 / sp.sqrt(1 / sigma_prior**2 + 1 / sigma_ground_truth**2)
    mu_x_given_y = sigma_x_given_y**2 * observed_data / sigma_ground_truth**2
    expected_posterior_x = st.norm(mu_x_given_y, sigma_x_given_y)
    x = sp.linspace(-8, 8)
    max_distribution_difference = sp.absolute(f_empirical(x) - expected_posterior_x.cdf(x)).max()
    assert max_distribution_difference < 0.12
    assert history.max_t == nr_populations-1
    mean_emp, std_emp = mean_and_std(posterior_x, posterior_weight)
    assert abs(mean_emp - mu_x_given_y) < .07
    assert abs(std_emp - sigma_x_given_y) < .1