Python scipy 模块,cos() 实例源码


项目:Jensen3D    作者:byuflowlab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def loss(r_0, a, alpha, x_focus, x, y_focus, y, overlap):
    loss = np.zeros(np.size(x))
    loss_squared = np.zeros(np.size(x))
    dx = np.zeros(len(x))
    dy = np.zeros(len(y))
    for i in range(0, np.size(x)):
        dx = x_focus-x[i]
        dy = abs(y_focus-y[i])
        R = r_0[i]+dx*alpha
        if dx > 0:          
            loss[i] = overlap[i]*2.*a*(r_0[i]/(r_0[i]+alpha*(dx)))**2*0.5*(np.cos(-dy*pi/(R+4*r_0[i])))
            loss_squared[i] = loss[i]**2
            loss[i] = 0
            loss_squared[i] = 0
    total_loss = sp.sqrt(np.sum(loss_squared))
    return total_loss
项目:nodebox1-generative-tools    作者:x-raizor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rvs( self ):
        if == 0:
            x = random.random() * self.w
            y = random.random() * self.h
            self.set_point( x, y )
        while self.qs:
            x_idx = int( random.random() * self.qs )
            s = self.queue[ x_idx ]
            for y_idx in range( self.n ):
                a = 2 * scipy.pi * random.random()
                b = scipy.sqrt( self.A * random.random() + self.r2 )
                x = s[0] + b*scipy.cos( a )
                y = s[1] + b*scipy.sin( a )
                if( x >= 0 )and( x < self.w ):
                    if( y >= 0 )and( y < self.h ):
                        if( self.distance( x, y ) ):
                            self.set_point( x, y )
            del self.queue[x_idx]
            self.qs -= 1
        sample = list( filter( None, self.grid ) )
        sample = scipy.asfarray( sample )
        return sample
项目:astroEMPEROR    作者:ReddTea    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def model(THETA, time, kplanets):
    modelo = 0.0
    if kplanets == 0:
        return 0.0
    for i in range(kplanets):
        As, P, Ac, S, C = THETA[5*i:5*(i+1)]
        A = As ** 2 + Ac ** 2
        ecc = S ** 2 + C ** 2
        w = sp.arccos(C / (ecc ** 0.5))  # longitude of periastron
        phase = sp.arccos(Ac / (A ** 0.5))
        ### test
        if S < 0:
            w = 2 * sp.pi - sp.arccos(C / (ecc ** 0.5))
        if As < 0:
            phase = 2 * sp.pi - sp.arccos(Ac / (A ** 0.5))
        per = sp.exp(P)
        freq = 2. * sp.pi / per
        M = freq * time + phase
        E = sp.array([MarkleyKESolver().getE(m, ecc) for m in M])
        f = (sp.arctan(((1. + ecc) ** 0.5 / (1. - ecc) ** 0.5) * sp.tan(E / 2.)) * 2.)
        modelo += A * (sp.cos(f + w) + ecc * sp.cos(w))
    return  modelo
项目:Jensen3D    作者:byuflowlab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rotate(x, y, U_direction_radians):
    x_r = x*np.cos(U_direction_radians)-y*np.sin(U_direction_radians)
    y_r = x*np.sin(U_direction_radians)+y*np.cos(U_direction_radians)
    return x_r, y_r
项目:Cascade-CNN-Face-Detection    作者:gogolgrind    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ellipse2bbox(a, b, angle, cx, cy):
        a, b = max(a, b), min(a, b)
        ca = sp.cos(angle)
        sa = sp.sin(angle)
        if sa == 0.0:
            cta = 2.0 / sp.pi
            cta = ca / sa

        if ca == 0.0:
            ta = sp.pi / 2.0
            ta = sa / ca

        x = lambda t: cx + a * sp.cos(t) * ca - b * sp.sin(t) * sa

        y = lambda t: cy + b * sp.sin(t) * ca + a * sp.cos(t) * sa

        # x = cx + a * cos(t) * cos(angle) - b * sin(t) * sin(angle)
        # tan(t) = -b * tan(angle) / a
        tx1 = sp.arctan(-b * ta / a)
        tx2 = tx1 - sp.pi
        x1, y1 = x(tx1), y(tx1)
        x2, y2 = x(tx2), y(tx2)

        # y = cy + b * sin(t) * cos(angle) + a * cos(t) * sin(angle)
        # tan(t) = b * cot(angle) / a
        ty1 = sp.arctan(b * cta / a)
        ty2 = ty1 - sp.pi
        x3, y3 = x(ty1), y(ty1)
        x4, y4 = x(ty2), y(ty2)

        minx, maxx = Util.minmax([x1, x2, x3, x4])
        miny, maxy = Util.minmax([y1, y2, y3, y4])
        return sp.floor(minx), sp.floor(miny), sp.ceil(maxx), sp.ceil(maxy)
项目:modis-mpf    作者:anjaroesel    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read_band(fileObj,key,b,d):
    '''reads MODIS data,scale them with the Solar Zenith and returns one band'''
    print 'read image '+str(b)+' from dataset '+str(key) +'... '
    B=sp.array(dsObj.get(),sp.float32) # float32
    bad_ind=(dn>=32767).nonzero() # Bit16 zeigt fehlerhafte Messungen an
    print ' done'
    return band
项目:house-price-map    作者:andyljones    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_resolution():
    RES = .1


    return (LON_RES, LAT_RES)
项目:astroEMPEROR    作者:ReddTea    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def semimodel(self, params, time):
        A, P, phase, w, ecc = params
        freq = 2. * sp.pi / P
        M = freq * time + phase
        E = sp.array([MarkleyKESolver().getE(m, ecc) for m in M])
        f = (sp.arctan(((1. + ecc) ** 0.5 / (1. - ecc) ** 0.5) * sp.tan(E / 2.)) * 2.)
        modelo = A * (sp.cos(f + w) + ecc * sp.cos(w))
        return modelo
项目:DDPG    作者:MOCR    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def DoAction(self, a, s):
        #MountainCarDoAction: executes the action (a) into the mountain car
        # acti: is the force to be applied to the car
        # x: is the vector containning the position and speed of the car
        # xp: is the vector containing the new position and velocity of the car
#        if a[0]>0.1:
#            force = 1
#        elif a[0]<-0.1:
#            force = -1
#        else:
#            force = 0
        force = min(max(a[0], -1.0), 1.0)

        self.steps = self.steps + 1

        position = s[0]
        speed = s[1]
        #print position, speed

        # bounds for position
        bpleft = -1.4

        # bounds for speed
        bsleft = -0.07
        bsright = 0.07

        speedt1 = speed + (self.power * force) + (-0.0025 * cos(3.0 * position))
        #print speedt1

        if speedt1 < bsleft:
            speedt1 = bsleft
        elif speedt1 > bsright:
            speedt1 = bsright

        post1 = position + speedt1

        if post1 <= bpleft:
            post1 = bpleft
            speedt1 = 0.0
        #print post1, speedt1
        return [post1, speedt1]