Python sqlalchemy 模块,false() 实例源码


项目:open-pos-api    作者:saurabh1e    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def has_read_permission(self, qs):
        return qs.filter(false())
项目:open-pos-api    作者:saurabh1e    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def has_read_permission(self, qs):
        return qs.filter(false())
项目:open-pos-api    作者:saurabh1e    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def has_read_permission(self, qs):
        if current_user.has_permission('view_product_config'):
            return qs.filter(self.model.retail_shop_id.in_(current_user.retail_shop_ids))
        return qs.filter(false())
项目:open-pos-api    作者:saurabh1e    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def has_read_permission(self, qs):
        if current_user.has_permission('view_registration_detail'):
            return qs.filter(self.model.retail_shop_id.in_(current_user.retail_shop_ids))
        return qs.filter(false())
项目:dcss-scoreboard    作者:zxc23    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def list_accounts(s: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session,
                  blacklisted: Optional[bool]=None) -> Sequence[Account]:
    """Get a list of all accounts.

    If blacklisted is specified, only return accounts with that blacklisted
    q = s.query(Account)
    if blacklisted is not None:
        q = q.filter(Account.blacklisted ==
                      if blacklisted else sqlalchemy.false()))
    results = q.all()
    return results
项目:dcss-scoreboard    作者:zxc23    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _generic_char_type_lister(s: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session, *,
                              cls: sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.api.DeclarativeMeta,
                              playable: Optional[bool]) \
        -> Sequence:
    q = s.query(cls)
    if playable is not None:
        # Type[Any] has no attribute "playable"
        q = q.filter(cls.playable == (sqlalchemy.true()
                                      if playable else sqlalchemy.false()))
    return q.order_by(getattr(cls, 'name')).all()
项目:Albireo    作者:lordfriend    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def upgrade():
    ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
    op.add_column('users', sa.Column('email', sa.String(length=512), unique=True, nullable=True))
    op.add_column('users', sa.Column('email_confirmed', sa.BOOLEAN(), nullable=False, server_default=sa.false()))
    op.add_column('users', sa.Column('register_time', sa.TIMESTAMP(), nullable=False,
    op.add_column('users', sa.Column('update_time', sa.TIMESTAMP(), nullable=False,
    ### end Alembic commands ###
项目:actsys    作者:intel-ctrlsys    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def upgrade():
    # ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###

                    sa.Column('profile_name', sa.String(length=128), nullable=False),
                    sa.Column('properties', JSONB(), nullable=False),
                    sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('profile_name', name=op.f('profile_pkey'))

                    sa.Column('key', sa.String(length=128), nullable=False),
                    sa.Column('value', sa.String(length=1024), nullable=False),
                    sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('key', name=op.f('configuration_pkey'))

                    sa.Column('device_id', sa.Integer(), nullable=False, autoincrement=True),
                    sa.Column('device_type', sa.String(length=64), nullable=False),
                    sa.Column('properties', JSONB(), nullable=True),
                    sa.Column('hostname', sa.String(length=256), nullable=True),
                    sa.Column('ip_address', sa.String(length=64), nullable=True),
                    sa.Column('mac_address', sa.String(length=64), nullable=True),
                    sa.Column('profile_name', sa.String(length=128), nullable=True),
                    sa.Column('deleted', sa.BOOLEAN(), server_default=false_just_for_sqlalchemy(), nullable=False),
                    sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('device_id', name=op.f('device_pkey')),
                    sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['profile_name'], ['profile.profile_name'], name='device_profile',
                                            match='SIMPLE', ondelete='NO ACTION', onupdate='NO ACTION')

                    sa.Column('process', sa.String(length=128), nullable=True),
                    sa.Column('timestamp', sa.DateTime(timezone=True), nullable=False,,
                    sa.Column('level', sa.Integer(), nullable=False),
                    sa.Column('device_id', sa.Integer(), nullable=True),
                    sa.Column('message', sa.Text(), nullable=False),
                    sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['device_id'], ['device.device_id'], name='log_process',
                                            match='SIMPLE', ondelete='NO ACTION', onupdate='NO ACTION'),
                    sa.CheckConstraint('level = ANY (ARRAY[0, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50])', name=op.f('valid_log_levels'))

    # ### end Alembic commands ###
项目:dcss-scoreboard    作者:zxc23    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _games(s: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session,
           player: Optional[Player]=None,
           account: Optional[Account]=None,
           scored: Optional[bool]=None,
           limit: Optional[int]=None,
           gid: Optional[str]=None,
           winning: Optional[bool]=None,
           boring: Optional[bool]=None,
           reverse_order: Optional[bool]=False) -> sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query:
    """Build a query to match games with certain conditions.

        player: If specified, only games with a matching player
        account: If specified, only games with a matching account
        scored: If specified, only games with a matching scored
        limit: If specified, up to limit games
        gid: If specified, only game with matching gid
        winning: If specified, only games where ktyp==/!='winning'
        boring: If specifies, only games where ktyp not boring
        reverse_order: Return games least->most recent

        query object you can call.
    q = s.query(Game)
    if player is not None:
        q = q.filter(Game.player_id ==
    if account is not None:
        q = q.join(Game.account).filter( ==
    if scored is not None:
        q = q.filter(Game.scored == (sqlalchemy.true()
                                     if scored else sqlalchemy.false()))
    if gid is not None:
        q = q.filter(Game.gid == gid)
    if winning is not None:
        ktyp = get_ktyp(s, 'winning')
        if winning:
            q = q.filter(Game.ktyp_id ==
            q = q.filter(Game.ktyp_id !=
    if boring is not None:
        boring_ktyps = [
            get_ktyp(s, ktyp).id for ktyp in ('quitting', 'leaving', 'wizmode')
        if boring:
            q = q.filter(Game.ktyp_id.in_(boring_ktyps))
            q = q.filter(Game.ktyp_id.notin_(boring_ktyps))
    if reverse_order is not None:
        q = q.order_by(Game.end.desc()
                       if not reverse_order else Game.end.asc())
    if limit is not None:
        q = q.limit(limit)
    return q
项目:dcss-scoreboard    作者:zxc23    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_streaks(s: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session,
                active: Optional[bool]=None,
                limit: Optional[int]=None,
                max_age: Optional[int]=None,
                ) \
        -> Sequence[Streak]:
    """Get streaks, ordered by length (longest first).

        active: only return streaks with this active flag
        limit: only return (up to) limit results
        max_age: only return streaks with a win less than this many days old

        List of active streaks.
    # The following code is a translation of this basic SQL:
    # SELECT streaks.*, count(games.streak_id) as streak_length
    # FROM streaks
    # JOIN games ON ( = games.streak_id)
    # GROUP BY
    # HAVING streak_length > 1
    # ORDER BY streak_length DESC
    streak_length = func.count(Game.streak_id).label('streak_length')
    streak_last_activity = func.max(Game.end).label('streak_last_activity')
    q = s.query(Streak, streak_length).join(
    q = q.group_by(
    q = q.having(streak_length > 1)
    if max_age is not None:
        q = q.having(
            streak_last_activity >'now', '-%s day' % max_age))
    q = q.order_by(streak_length.desc())
    if active is not None:
        q = q.filter( == (sqlalchemy.true()
                                       if active else sqlalchemy.false()))
    if limit is not None:
        q = q.limit(limit)
    streaks = q.all()
    # Since we added a column to the query, the result format is:
    # ((Streak, length), (Streak, length), ...)
    # It's annoying to deal with a custom format, and recalculating the streak
    # length for a few streaks is NBD, so just return a list of Streaks
    return [t.Streak for t in streaks]