Python ssl 模块,OP_NO_SSLv3() 实例源码


项目:cbapi-python    作者:carbonblack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def init_poolmanager(self, connections, maxsize, block=DEFAULT_POOLBLOCK, **pool_kwargs):
        if self._cbapi_force_tls_1_2:
            # Force the use of TLS v1.2 when talking to this Cb Response server.
            context = create_urllib3_context(ciphers=('TLSv1.2:!aNULL:!eNULL:!MD5'))
            context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2
            context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3
            context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_TLSv1
            context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_TLSv1_1
            pool_kwargs['ssl_context'] = context

        if not self._cbapi_verify_hostname:
            # Provide the ability to validate a Carbon Black server's SSL certificate without validating the hostname
            # (by default Carbon Black certificates are "issued" as CN=Self-signed Carbon Black Enterprise Server
            # HTTPS Certificate)
            pool_kwargs["assert_hostname"] = False

        return super(CbAPISessionAdapter, self).init_poolmanager(connections, maxsize, block, **pool_kwargs)
项目:annotated-py-asyncio    作者:hhstore    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_transport_context(server_side, server_hostname):
    if server_side:
        raise ValueError('Server side SSL needs a valid SSLContext')

    # Client side may pass ssl=True to use a default
    # context; in that case the sslcontext passed is None.
    # The default is secure for client connections.
    if hasattr(ssl, 'create_default_context'):
        # Python 3.4+: use up-to-date strong settings.
        sslcontext = ssl.create_default_context()
        if not server_hostname:
            sslcontext.check_hostname = False
        # Fallback for Python 3.3.
        sslcontext = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)
        sslcontext.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2
        sslcontext.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3
        sslcontext.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED
    return sslcontext
项目:watchmen    作者:lycclsltt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_ssl_ctx(self, sslp):
        if isinstance(sslp, ssl.SSLContext):
            return sslp
        ca = sslp.get('ca')
        capath = sslp.get('capath')
        hasnoca = ca is None and capath is None
        ctx = ssl.create_default_context(cafile=ca, capath=capath)
        ctx.check_hostname = not hasnoca and sslp.get('check_hostname', True)
        ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE if hasnoca else ssl.CERT_REQUIRED
        if 'cert' in sslp:
            ctx.load_cert_chain(sslp['cert'], keyfile=sslp.get('key'))
        if 'cipher' in sslp:
        ctx.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2
        ctx.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3
        return ctx
项目:touch-pay-client    作者:HackPucBemobi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_ssl_ctx(self, sslp):
        if isinstance(sslp, ssl.SSLContext):
            return sslp
        ca = sslp.get('ca')
        capath = sslp.get('capath')
        hasnoca = ca is None and capath is None
        ctx = ssl.create_default_context(cafile=ca, capath=capath)
        ctx.check_hostname = not hasnoca and sslp.get('check_hostname', True)
        ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE if hasnoca else ssl.CERT_REQUIRED
        if 'cert' in sslp:
            ctx.load_cert_chain(sslp['cert'], keyfile=sslp.get('key'))
        if 'cipher' in sslp:
        ctx.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2
        ctx.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3
        return ctx
项目:bawk    作者:jttwnsnd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_ssl_ctx(self, sslp):
        if isinstance(sslp, ssl.SSLContext):
            return sslp
        ca = sslp.get('ca')
        capath = sslp.get('capath')
        hasnoca = ca is None and capath is None
        ctx = ssl.create_default_context(cafile=ca, capath=capath)
        ctx.check_hostname = not hasnoca and sslp.get('check_hostname', True)
        ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE if hasnoca else ssl.CERT_REQUIRED
        if 'cert' in sslp:
            ctx.load_cert_chain(sslp['cert'], keyfile=sslp.get('key'))
        if 'cipher' in sslp:
        ctx.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2
        ctx.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3
        return ctx
项目:Flask-NvRay-Blog    作者:rui7157    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_ssl_ctx(self, sslp):
        if isinstance(sslp, ssl.SSLContext):
            return sslp
        ca = sslp.get('ca')
        capath = sslp.get('capath')
        hasnoca = ca is None and capath is None
        ctx = ssl.create_default_context(cafile=ca, capath=capath)
        ctx.check_hostname = not hasnoca and sslp.get('check_hostname', True)
        ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE if hasnoca else ssl.CERT_REQUIRED
        if 'cert' in sslp:
            ctx.load_cert_chain(sslp['cert'], keyfile=sslp.get('key'))
        if 'cipher' in sslp:
        ctx.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2
        ctx.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3
        return ctx
项目:Flask-NvRay-Blog    作者:rui7157    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_ssl_ctx(self, sslp):
        if isinstance(sslp, ssl.SSLContext):
            return sslp
        ca = sslp.get('ca')
        capath = sslp.get('capath')
        hasnoca = ca is None and capath is None
        ctx = ssl.create_default_context(cafile=ca, capath=capath)
        ctx.check_hostname = not hasnoca and sslp.get('check_hostname', True)
        ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE if hasnoca else ssl.CERT_REQUIRED
        if 'cert' in sslp:
            ctx.load_cert_chain(sslp['cert'], keyfile=sslp.get('key'))
        if 'cipher' in sslp:
        ctx.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2
        ctx.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3
        return ctx
项目:rekall-agent-server    作者:rekall-innovations    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_ssl_ctx(self, sslp):
        if isinstance(sslp, ssl.SSLContext):
            return sslp
        ca = sslp.get('ca')
        capath = sslp.get('capath')
        hasnoca = ca is None and capath is None
        ctx = ssl.create_default_context(cafile=ca, capath=capath)
        ctx.check_hostname = not hasnoca and sslp.get('check_hostname', True)
        ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE if hasnoca else ssl.CERT_REQUIRED
        if 'cert' in sslp:
            ctx.load_cert_chain(sslp['cert'], keyfile=sslp.get('key'))
        if 'cipher' in sslp:
        ctx.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2
        ctx.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3
        return ctx
项目:golightan    作者:shirou    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_transport_context(server_side, server_hostname):
    if server_side:
        raise ValueError('Server side SSL needs a valid SSLContext')

    # Client side may pass ssl=True to use a default
    # context; in that case the sslcontext passed is None.
    # The default is secure for client connections.
    if hasattr(ssl, 'create_default_context'):
        # Python 3.4+: use up-to-date strong settings.
        sslcontext = ssl.create_default_context()
        if not server_hostname:
            sslcontext.check_hostname = False
        # Fallback for Python 3.3.
        sslcontext = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)
        sslcontext.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2
        sslcontext.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3
        sslcontext.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED
    return sslcontext
项目:deb-python-pymysql    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_ssl_ctx(self, sslp):
        if isinstance(sslp, ssl.SSLContext):
            return sslp
        ca = sslp.get('ca')
        capath = sslp.get('capath')
        hasnoca = ca is None and capath is None
        ctx = ssl.create_default_context(cafile=ca, capath=capath)
        ctx.check_hostname = not hasnoca and sslp.get('check_hostname', True)
        ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE if hasnoca else ssl.CERT_REQUIRED
        if 'cert' in sslp:
            ctx.load_cert_chain(sslp['cert'], keyfile=sslp.get('key'))
        if 'cipher' in sslp:
        ctx.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2
        ctx.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3
        return ctx
项目:certproxy    作者:geneanet    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self, handler):
        context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2)
        context.load_cert_chain(handler.certificate_file, handler.private_key_file)
        context.options &= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3
        context.options &= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2
        context.verify_flags |= ssl.VERIFY_CRL_CHECK_LEAF
        context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_OPTIONAL
        self.options['ssl_context'] = context'Starting server on host %s port %d.',, self.port)

        server = pywsgi.WSGIServer(
            (, self.port),
项目:ServerlessCrawler-VancouverRealState    作者:MarcelloLins    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_ssl_ctx(self, sslp):
        if isinstance(sslp, ssl.SSLContext):
            return sslp
        ca = sslp.get('ca')
        capath = sslp.get('capath')
        hasnoca = ca is None and capath is None
        ctx = ssl.create_default_context(cafile=ca, capath=capath)
        ctx.check_hostname = not hasnoca and sslp.get('check_hostname', True)
        ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE if hasnoca else ssl.CERT_REQUIRED
        if 'cert' in sslp:
            ctx.load_cert_chain(sslp['cert'], keyfile=sslp.get('key'))
        if 'cipher' in sslp:
        ctx.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2
        ctx.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3
        return ctx
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_transport_context(server_side, server_hostname):
    if server_side:
        raise ValueError('Server side SSL needs a valid SSLContext')

    # Client side may pass ssl=True to use a default
    # context; in that case the sslcontext passed is None.
    # The default is secure for client connections.
    if hasattr(ssl, 'create_default_context'):
        # Python 3.4+: use up-to-date strong settings.
        sslcontext = ssl.create_default_context()
        if not server_hostname:
            sslcontext.check_hostname = False
        # Fallback for Python 3.3.
        sslcontext = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)
        sslcontext.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2
        sslcontext.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3
        sslcontext.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED
    return sslcontext
项目:QualquerMerdaAPI    作者:tiagovizoto    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_ssl_ctx(self, sslp):
        if isinstance(sslp, ssl.SSLContext):
            return sslp
        ca = sslp.get('ca')
        capath = sslp.get('capath')
        hasnoca = ca is None and capath is None
        ctx = ssl.create_default_context(cafile=ca, capath=capath)
        ctx.check_hostname = not hasnoca and sslp.get('check_hostname', True)
        ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE if hasnoca else ssl.CERT_REQUIRED
        if 'cert' in sslp:
            ctx.load_cert_chain(sslp['cert'], keyfile=sslp.get('key'))
        if 'cipher' in sslp:
        ctx.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2
        ctx.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3
        return ctx
项目:imcsdk    作者:CiscoUcs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def connect(self):
        """Overrides HTTPSConnection.connect to specify TLS version"""
        # Standard implementation from HTTPSConnection, which is not
        # designed for extension, unfortunately
        if sys.version_info >= (2, 7):
            sock = socket.create_connection((, self.port),
                                            self.timeout, self.source_address)
        elif sys.version_info >= (2, 6):
            sock = socket.create_connection((, self.port),
            sock = socket.create_connection((, self.port))

        if getattr(self, '_tunnel_host', None):
            self.sock = sock

        if hasattr(ssl, 'SSLContext'):
            # Since python 2.7.9, tls 1.1 and 1.2 are supported via
            # SSLContext
            ssl_context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)
            ssl_context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2
            ssl_context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3
            if self.key_file and self.cert_file:
            self.sock = ssl_context.wrap_socket(sock)
            # This is the only difference; default wrap_socket uses SSLv23
            self.sock = ssl.wrap_socket(sock, self.key_file, self.cert_file,
项目:DSP3    作者:jeffthorne    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_ssl_context(verify=True, cafile=None, capath=None):
    """Set up the SSL context.
    # This is somewhat tricky to do it right and still keep it
    # compatible across various Python versions.

        # The easiest and most secure way.
        # Requires either Python 2.7.9 or 3.4 or newer.
        context = ssl.create_default_context(cafile=cafile, capath=capath)
        if not verify:
            context.check_hostname = False
            context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
    except AttributeError:
        # ssl.create_default_context() is not available.
            context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2)
        except AttributeError:
            # We don't even have the SSLContext class.  This smells
            # Python 2.7.8 or 3.1 or older.  Bad luck.
            return None

        context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2
        context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3
        if verify:
            context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED
            if cafile or capath:
                context.load_verify_locations(cafile, capath)
            context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
    return context
项目:deb-python-kafka    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _wrap_ssl(self):
        assert self.config['security_protocol'] in ('SSL', 'SASL_SSL')
        if self._ssl_context is None:
            log.debug('%s: configuring default SSL Context', self)
            self._ssl_context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)  # pylint: disable=no-member
            self._ssl_context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2  # pylint: disable=no-member
            self._ssl_context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3  # pylint: disable=no-member
            self._ssl_context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_OPTIONAL
            if self.config['ssl_check_hostname']:
                self._ssl_context.check_hostname = True
            if self.config['ssl_cafile']:
      '%s: Loading SSL CA from %s', self, self.config['ssl_cafile'])
                self._ssl_context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED
            if self.config['ssl_certfile'] and self.config['ssl_keyfile']:
      '%s: Loading SSL Cert from %s', self, self.config['ssl_certfile'])
      '%s: Loading SSL Key from %s', self, self.config['ssl_keyfile'])
            if self.config['ssl_crlfile']:
                if not hasattr(ssl, 'VERIFY_CRL_CHECK_LEAF'):
                    error = 'No CRL support with this version of Python.'
                    log.error('%s: %s Disconnecting.', self, error)
      '%s: Loading SSL CRL from %s', self, self.config['ssl_crlfile'])
                # pylint: disable=no-member
                self._ssl_context.verify_flags |= ssl.VERIFY_CRL_CHECK_LEAF
        log.debug('%s: wrapping socket in ssl context', self)
            self._sock = self._ssl_context.wrap_socket(
        except ssl.SSLError as e:
            log.exception('%s: Failed to wrap socket in SSLContext!', self)
项目:python-    作者:secondtonone1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_urllib3_context(ssl_version=None, cert_reqs=None,
                           options=None, ciphers=None):
    """All arguments have the same meaning as ``ssl_wrap_socket``.

    By default, this function does a lot of the same work that
    ``ssl.create_default_context`` does on Python 3.4+. It:

    - Disables SSLv2, SSLv3, and compression
    - Sets a restricted set of server ciphers

    If you wish to enable SSLv3, you can do::

        from urllib3.util import ssl_
        context = ssl_.create_urllib3_context()
        context.options &= ~ssl_.OP_NO_SSLv3

    You can do the same to enable compression (substituting ``COMPRESSION``
    for ``SSLv3`` in the last line above).

    :param ssl_version:
        The desired protocol version to use. This will default to
        PROTOCOL_SSLv23 which will negotiate the highest protocol that both
        the server and your installation of OpenSSL support.
    :param cert_reqs:
        Whether to require the certificate verification. This defaults to
    :param options:
        Specific OpenSSL options. These default to ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2``,
        ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3``, ``ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION``.
    :param ciphers:
        Which cipher suites to allow the server to select.
        Constructed SSLContext object with specified options
    :rtype: SSLContext
    context = SSLContext(ssl_version or ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)

    # Setting the default here, as we may have no ssl module on import
    cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if cert_reqs is None else cert_reqs

    if options is None:
        options = 0
        # SSLv2 is easily broken and is considered harmful and dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv2
        # SSLv3 has several problems and is now dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv3
        # Disable compression to prevent CRIME attacks for OpenSSL 1.0+
        # (issue #309)
        options |= OP_NO_COMPRESSION

    context.options |= options

    if getattr(context, 'supports_set_ciphers', True):  # Platform-specific: Python 2.6
        context.set_ciphers(ciphers or DEFAULT_CIPHERS)

    context.verify_mode = cert_reqs
    if getattr(context, 'check_hostname', None) is not None:  # Platform-specific: Python 3.2
        # We do our own verification, including fingerprints and alternative
        # hostnames. So disable it here
        context.check_hostname = False
    return context
项目:my-first-blog    作者:AnkurBegining    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_urllib3_context(ssl_version=None, cert_reqs=None,
                           options=None, ciphers=None):
    """All arguments have the same meaning as ``ssl_wrap_socket``.

    By default, this function does a lot of the same work that
    ``ssl.create_default_context`` does on Python 3.4+. It:

    - Disables SSLv2, SSLv3, and compression
    - Sets a restricted set of server ciphers

    If you wish to enable SSLv3, you can do::

        from urllib3.util import ssl_
        context = ssl_.create_urllib3_context()
        context.options &= ~ssl_.OP_NO_SSLv3

    You can do the same to enable compression (substituting ``COMPRESSION``
    for ``SSLv3`` in the last line above).

    :param ssl_version:
        The desired protocol version to use. This will default to
        PROTOCOL_SSLv23 which will negotiate the highest protocol that both
        the server and your installation of OpenSSL support.
    :param cert_reqs:
        Whether to require the certificate verification. This defaults to
    :param options:
        Specific OpenSSL options. These default to ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2``,
        ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3``, ``ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION``.
    :param ciphers:
        Which cipher suites to allow the server to select.
        Constructed SSLContext object with specified options
    :rtype: SSLContext
    context = SSLContext(ssl_version or ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)

    # Setting the default here, as we may have no ssl module on import
    cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if cert_reqs is None else cert_reqs

    if options is None:
        options = 0
        # SSLv2 is easily broken and is considered harmful and dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv2
        # SSLv3 has several problems and is now dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv3
        # Disable compression to prevent CRIME attacks for OpenSSL 1.0+
        # (issue #309)
        options |= OP_NO_COMPRESSION

    context.options |= options

    if getattr(context, 'supports_set_ciphers', True):  # Platform-specific: Python 2.6
        context.set_ciphers(ciphers or DEFAULT_CIPHERS)

    context.verify_mode = cert_reqs
    if getattr(context, 'check_hostname', None) is not None:  # Platform-specific: Python 3.2
        # We do our own verification, including fingerprints and alternative
        # hostnames. So disable it here
        context.check_hostname = False
    return context
项目:my-first-blog    作者:AnkurBegining    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_urllib3_context(ssl_version=None, cert_reqs=None,
                           options=None, ciphers=None):
    """All arguments have the same meaning as ``ssl_wrap_socket``.

    By default, this function does a lot of the same work that
    ``ssl.create_default_context`` does on Python 3.4+. It:

    - Disables SSLv2, SSLv3, and compression
    - Sets a restricted set of server ciphers

    If you wish to enable SSLv3, you can do::

        from urllib3.util import ssl_
        context = ssl_.create_urllib3_context()
        context.options &= ~ssl_.OP_NO_SSLv3

    You can do the same to enable compression (substituting ``COMPRESSION``
    for ``SSLv3`` in the last line above).

    :param ssl_version:
        The desired protocol version to use. This will default to
        PROTOCOL_SSLv23 which will negotiate the highest protocol that both
        the server and your installation of OpenSSL support.
    :param cert_reqs:
        Whether to require the certificate verification. This defaults to
    :param options:
        Specific OpenSSL options. These default to ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2``,
        ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3``, ``ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION``.
    :param ciphers:
        Which cipher suites to allow the server to select.
        Constructed SSLContext object with specified options
    :rtype: SSLContext
    context = SSLContext(ssl_version or ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)

    # Setting the default here, as we may have no ssl module on import
    cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if cert_reqs is None else cert_reqs

    if options is None:
        options = 0
        # SSLv2 is easily broken and is considered harmful and dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv2
        # SSLv3 has several problems and is now dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv3
        # Disable compression to prevent CRIME attacks for OpenSSL 1.0+
        # (issue #309)
        options |= OP_NO_COMPRESSION

    context.options |= options

    if getattr(context, 'supports_set_ciphers', True):  # Platform-specific: Python 2.6
        context.set_ciphers(ciphers or DEFAULT_CIPHERS)

    context.verify_mode = cert_reqs
    if getattr(context, 'check_hostname', None) is not None:  # Platform-specific: Python 3.2
        # We do our own verification, including fingerprints and alternative
        # hostnames. So disable it here
        context.check_hostname = False
    return context
项目:googletranslate.popclipext    作者:wizyoung    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_urllib3_context(ssl_version=None, cert_reqs=None,
                           options=None, ciphers=None):
    """All arguments have the same meaning as ``ssl_wrap_socket``.

    By default, this function does a lot of the same work that
    ``ssl.create_default_context`` does on Python 3.4+. It:

    - Disables SSLv2, SSLv3, and compression
    - Sets a restricted set of server ciphers

    If you wish to enable SSLv3, you can do::

        from urllib3.util import ssl_
        context = ssl_.create_urllib3_context()
        context.options &= ~ssl_.OP_NO_SSLv3

    You can do the same to enable compression (substituting ``COMPRESSION``
    for ``SSLv3`` in the last line above).

    :param ssl_version:
        The desired protocol version to use. This will default to
        PROTOCOL_SSLv23 which will negotiate the highest protocol that both
        the server and your installation of OpenSSL support.
    :param cert_reqs:
        Whether to require the certificate verification. This defaults to
    :param options:
        Specific OpenSSL options. These default to ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2``,
        ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3``, ``ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION``.
    :param ciphers:
        Which cipher suites to allow the server to select.
        Constructed SSLContext object with specified options
    :rtype: SSLContext
    context = SSLContext(ssl_version or ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)

    # Setting the default here, as we may have no ssl module on import
    cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if cert_reqs is None else cert_reqs

    if options is None:
        options = 0
        # SSLv2 is easily broken and is considered harmful and dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv2
        # SSLv3 has several problems and is now dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv3
        # Disable compression to prevent CRIME attacks for OpenSSL 1.0+
        # (issue #309)
        options |= OP_NO_COMPRESSION

    context.options |= options

    if getattr(context, 'supports_set_ciphers', True):  # Platform-specific: Python 2.6
        context.set_ciphers(ciphers or DEFAULT_CIPHERS)

    context.verify_mode = cert_reqs
    if getattr(context, 'check_hostname', None) is not None:  # Platform-specific: Python 3.2
        # We do our own verification, including fingerprints and alternative
        # hostnames. So disable it here
        context.check_hostname = False
    return context
项目:Projects    作者:it2school    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_urllib3_context(ssl_version=None, cert_reqs=None,
                           options=None, ciphers=None):
    """All arguments have the same meaning as ``ssl_wrap_socket``.

    By default, this function does a lot of the same work that
    ``ssl.create_default_context`` does on Python 3.4+. It:

    - Disables SSLv2, SSLv3, and compression
    - Sets a restricted set of server ciphers

    If you wish to enable SSLv3, you can do::

        from urllib3.util import ssl_
        context = ssl_.create_urllib3_context()
        context.options &= ~ssl_.OP_NO_SSLv3

    You can do the same to enable compression (substituting ``COMPRESSION``
    for ``SSLv3`` in the last line above).

    :param ssl_version:
        The desired protocol version to use. This will default to
        PROTOCOL_SSLv23 which will negotiate the highest protocol that both
        the server and your installation of OpenSSL support.
    :param cert_reqs:
        Whether to require the certificate verification. This defaults to
    :param options:
        Specific OpenSSL options. These default to ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2``,
        ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3``, ``ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION``.
    :param ciphers:
        Which cipher suites to allow the server to select.
        Constructed SSLContext object with specified options
    :rtype: SSLContext
    context = SSLContext(ssl_version or ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)

    # Setting the default here, as we may have no ssl module on import
    cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if cert_reqs is None else cert_reqs

    if options is None:
        options = 0
        # SSLv2 is easily broken and is considered harmful and dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv2
        # SSLv3 has several problems and is now dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv3
        # Disable compression to prevent CRIME attacks for OpenSSL 1.0+
        # (issue #309)
        options |= OP_NO_COMPRESSION

    context.options |= options

    if getattr(context, 'supports_set_ciphers', True):  # Platform-specific: Python 2.6
        context.set_ciphers(ciphers or DEFAULT_CIPHERS)

    context.verify_mode = cert_reqs
    if getattr(context, 'check_hostname', None) is not None:  # Platform-specific: Python 3.2
        # We do our own verification, including fingerprints and alternative
        # hostnames. So disable it here
        context.check_hostname = False
    return context
项目:pip-update-requirements    作者:alanhamlett    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_urllib3_context(ssl_version=None, cert_reqs=None,
                           options=None, ciphers=None):
    """All arguments have the same meaning as ``ssl_wrap_socket``.

    By default, this function does a lot of the same work that
    ``ssl.create_default_context`` does on Python 3.4+. It:

    - Disables SSLv2, SSLv3, and compression
    - Sets a restricted set of server ciphers

    If you wish to enable SSLv3, you can do::

        from pip._vendor.urllib3.util import ssl_
        context = ssl_.create_urllib3_context()
        context.options &= ~ssl_.OP_NO_SSLv3

    You can do the same to enable compression (substituting ``COMPRESSION``
    for ``SSLv3`` in the last line above).

    :param ssl_version:
        The desired protocol version to use. This will default to
        PROTOCOL_SSLv23 which will negotiate the highest protocol that both
        the server and your installation of OpenSSL support.
    :param cert_reqs:
        Whether to require the certificate verification. This defaults to
    :param options:
        Specific OpenSSL options. These default to ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2``,
        ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3``, ``ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION``.
    :param ciphers:
        Which cipher suites to allow the server to select.
        Constructed SSLContext object with specified options
    :rtype: SSLContext
    context = SSLContext(ssl_version or ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)

    # Setting the default here, as we may have no ssl module on import
    cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if cert_reqs is None else cert_reqs

    if options is None:
        options = 0
        # SSLv2 is easily broken and is considered harmful and dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv2
        # SSLv3 has several problems and is now dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv3
        # Disable compression to prevent CRIME attacks for OpenSSL 1.0+
        # (issue #309)
        options |= OP_NO_COMPRESSION

    context.options |= options

    if getattr(context, 'supports_set_ciphers', True):  # Platform-specific: Python 2.6
        context.set_ciphers(ciphers or DEFAULT_CIPHERS)

    context.verify_mode = cert_reqs
    if getattr(context, 'check_hostname', None) is not None:  # Platform-specific: Python 3.2
        # We do our own verification, including fingerprints and alternative
        # hostnames. So disable it here
        context.check_hostname = False
    return context
项目:aws-waf-security-automation    作者:cerbo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_urllib3_context(ssl_version=None, cert_reqs=None,
                           options=None, ciphers=None):
    """All arguments have the same meaning as ``ssl_wrap_socket``.

    By default, this function does a lot of the same work that
    ``ssl.create_default_context`` does on Python 3.4+. It:

    - Disables SSLv2, SSLv3, and compression
    - Sets a restricted set of server ciphers

    If you wish to enable SSLv3, you can do::

        from urllib3.util import ssl_
        context = ssl_.create_urllib3_context()
        context.options &= ~ssl_.OP_NO_SSLv3

    You can do the same to enable compression (substituting ``COMPRESSION``
    for ``SSLv3`` in the last line above).

    :param ssl_version:
        The desired protocol version to use. This will default to
        PROTOCOL_SSLv23 which will negotiate the highest protocol that both
        the server and your installation of OpenSSL support.
    :param cert_reqs:
        Whether to require the certificate verification. This defaults to
    :param options:
        Specific OpenSSL options. These default to ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2``,
        ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3``, ``ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION``.
    :param ciphers:
        Which cipher suites to allow the server to select.
        Constructed SSLContext object with specified options
    :rtype: SSLContext
    context = SSLContext(ssl_version or ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)

    # Setting the default here, as we may have no ssl module on import
    cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if cert_reqs is None else cert_reqs

    if options is None:
        options = 0
        # SSLv2 is easily broken and is considered harmful and dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv2
        # SSLv3 has several problems and is now dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv3
        # Disable compression to prevent CRIME attacks for OpenSSL 1.0+
        # (issue #309)
        options |= OP_NO_COMPRESSION

    context.options |= options

    if getattr(context, 'supports_set_ciphers', True):  # Platform-specific: Python 2.6
        context.set_ciphers(ciphers or DEFAULT_CIPHERS)

    context.verify_mode = cert_reqs
    if getattr(context, 'check_hostname', None) is not None:  # Platform-specific: Python 3.2
        # We do our own verification, including fingerprints and alternative
        # hostnames. So disable it here
        context.check_hostname = False
    return context
项目:swjtu-pyscraper    作者:Desgard    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_urllib3_context(ssl_version=None, cert_reqs=None,
                           options=None, ciphers=None):
    """All arguments have the same meaning as ``ssl_wrap_socket``.

    By default, this function does a lot of the same work that
    ``ssl.create_default_context`` does on Python 3.4+. It:

    - Disables SSLv2, SSLv3, and compression
    - Sets a restricted set of server ciphers

    If you wish to enable SSLv3, you can do::

        from urllib3.util import ssl_
        context = ssl_.create_urllib3_context()
        context.options &= ~ssl_.OP_NO_SSLv3

    You can do the same to enable compression (substituting ``COMPRESSION``
    for ``SSLv3`` in the last line above).

    :param ssl_version:
        The desired protocol version to use. This will default to
        PROTOCOL_SSLv23 which will negotiate the highest protocol that both
        the server and your installation of OpenSSL support.
    :param cert_reqs:
        Whether to require the certificate verification. This defaults to
    :param options:
        Specific OpenSSL options. These default to ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2``,
        ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3``, ``ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION``.
    :param ciphers:
        Which cipher suites to allow the server to select.
        Constructed SSLContext object with specified options
    :rtype: SSLContext
    context = SSLContext(ssl_version or ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)

    # Setting the default here, as we may have no ssl module on import
    cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if cert_reqs is None else cert_reqs

    if options is None:
        options = 0
        # SSLv2 is easily broken and is considered harmful and dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv2
        # SSLv3 has several problems and is now dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv3
        # Disable compression to prevent CRIME attacks for OpenSSL 1.0+
        # (issue #309)
        options |= OP_NO_COMPRESSION

    context.options |= options

    if getattr(context, 'supports_set_ciphers', True):  # Platform-specific: Python 2.6
        context.set_ciphers(ciphers or DEFAULT_CIPHERS)

    context.verify_mode = cert_reqs
    if getattr(context, 'check_hostname', None) is not None:  # Platform-specific: Python 3.2
        # We do our own verification, including fingerprints and alternative
        # hostnames. So disable it here
        context.check_hostname = False
    return context
项目:noc-orchestrator    作者:DirceuSilvaLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_urllib3_context(ssl_version=None, cert_reqs=None,
                           options=None, ciphers=None):
    """All arguments have the same meaning as ``ssl_wrap_socket``.

    By default, this function does a lot of the same work that
    ``ssl.create_default_context`` does on Python 3.4+. It:

    - Disables SSLv2, SSLv3, and compression
    - Sets a restricted set of server ciphers

    If you wish to enable SSLv3, you can do::

        from urllib3.util import ssl_
        context = ssl_.create_urllib3_context()
        context.options &= ~ssl_.OP_NO_SSLv3

    You can do the same to enable compression (substituting ``COMPRESSION``
    for ``SSLv3`` in the last line above).

    :param ssl_version:
        The desired protocol version to use. This will default to
        PROTOCOL_SSLv23 which will negotiate the highest protocol that both
        the server and your installation of OpenSSL support.
    :param cert_reqs:
        Whether to require the certificate verification. This defaults to
    :param options:
        Specific OpenSSL options. These default to ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2``,
        ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3``, ``ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION``.
    :param ciphers:
        Which cipher suites to allow the server to select.
        Constructed SSLContext object with specified options
    :rtype: SSLContext
    context = SSLContext(ssl_version or ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)

    # Setting the default here, as we may have no ssl module on import
    cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if cert_reqs is None else cert_reqs

    if options is None:
        options = 0
        # SSLv2 is easily broken and is considered harmful and dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv2
        # SSLv3 has several problems and is now dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv3
        # Disable compression to prevent CRIME attacks for OpenSSL 1.0+
        # (issue #309)
        options |= OP_NO_COMPRESSION

    context.options |= options

    if getattr(context, 'supports_set_ciphers', True):  # Platform-specific: Python 2.6
        context.set_ciphers(ciphers or DEFAULT_CIPHERS)

    context.verify_mode = cert_reqs
    if getattr(context, 'check_hostname', None) is not None:  # Platform-specific: Python 3.2
        # We do our own verification, including fingerprints and alternative
        # hostnames. So disable it here
        context.check_hostname = False
    return context
项目:noc-orchestrator    作者:DirceuSilvaLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_urllib3_context(ssl_version=None, cert_reqs=None,
                           options=None, ciphers=None):
    """All arguments have the same meaning as ``ssl_wrap_socket``.

    By default, this function does a lot of the same work that
    ``ssl.create_default_context`` does on Python 3.4+. It:

    - Disables SSLv2, SSLv3, and compression
    - Sets a restricted set of server ciphers

    If you wish to enable SSLv3, you can do::

        from urllib3.util import ssl_
        context = ssl_.create_urllib3_context()
        context.options &= ~ssl_.OP_NO_SSLv3

    You can do the same to enable compression (substituting ``COMPRESSION``
    for ``SSLv3`` in the last line above).

    :param ssl_version:
        The desired protocol version to use. This will default to
        PROTOCOL_SSLv23 which will negotiate the highest protocol that both
        the server and your installation of OpenSSL support.
    :param cert_reqs:
        Whether to require the certificate verification. This defaults to
    :param options:
        Specific OpenSSL options. These default to ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2``,
        ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3``, ``ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION``.
    :param ciphers:
        Which cipher suites to allow the server to select.
        Constructed SSLContext object with specified options
    :rtype: SSLContext
    context = SSLContext(ssl_version or ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)

    # Setting the default here, as we may have no ssl module on import
    cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if cert_reqs is None else cert_reqs

    if options is None:
        options = 0
        # SSLv2 is easily broken and is considered harmful and dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv2
        # SSLv3 has several problems and is now dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv3
        # Disable compression to prevent CRIME attacks for OpenSSL 1.0+
        # (issue #309)
        options |= OP_NO_COMPRESSION

    context.options |= options

    if getattr(context, 'supports_set_ciphers', True):  # Platform-specific: Python 2.6
        context.set_ciphers(ciphers or DEFAULT_CIPHERS)

    context.verify_mode = cert_reqs
    if getattr(context, 'check_hostname', None) is not None:  # Platform-specific: Python 3.2
        # We do our own verification, including fingerprints and alternative
        # hostnames. So disable it here
        context.check_hostname = False
    return context
项目:noc-orchestrator    作者:DirceuSilvaLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_urllib3_context(ssl_version=None, cert_reqs=None,
                           options=None, ciphers=None):
    """All arguments have the same meaning as ``ssl_wrap_socket``.

    By default, this function does a lot of the same work that
    ``ssl.create_default_context`` does on Python 3.4+. It:

    - Disables SSLv2, SSLv3, and compression
    - Sets a restricted set of server ciphers

    If you wish to enable SSLv3, you can do::

        from urllib3.util import ssl_
        context = ssl_.create_urllib3_context()
        context.options &= ~ssl_.OP_NO_SSLv3

    You can do the same to enable compression (substituting ``COMPRESSION``
    for ``SSLv3`` in the last line above).

    :param ssl_version:
        The desired protocol version to use. This will default to
        PROTOCOL_SSLv23 which will negotiate the highest protocol that both
        the server and your installation of OpenSSL support.
    :param cert_reqs:
        Whether to require the certificate verification. This defaults to
    :param options:
        Specific OpenSSL options. These default to ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2``,
        ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3``, ``ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION``.
    :param ciphers:
        Which cipher suites to allow the server to select.
        Constructed SSLContext object with specified options
    :rtype: SSLContext
    context = SSLContext(ssl_version or ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)

    # Setting the default here, as we may have no ssl module on import
    cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if cert_reqs is None else cert_reqs

    if options is None:
        options = 0
        # SSLv2 is easily broken and is considered harmful and dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv2
        # SSLv3 has several problems and is now dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv3
        # Disable compression to prevent CRIME attacks for OpenSSL 1.0+
        # (issue #309)
        options |= OP_NO_COMPRESSION

    context.options |= options

    if getattr(context, 'supports_set_ciphers', True):  # Platform-specific: Python 2.6
        context.set_ciphers(ciphers or DEFAULT_CIPHERS)

    context.verify_mode = cert_reqs
    if getattr(context, 'check_hostname', None) is not None:  # Platform-specific: Python 3.2
        # We do our own verification, including fingerprints and alternative
        # hostnames. So disable it here
        context.check_hostname = False
    return context
项目:noc-orchestrator    作者:DirceuSilvaLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_urllib3_context(ssl_version=None, cert_reqs=None,
                           options=None, ciphers=None):
    """All arguments have the same meaning as ``ssl_wrap_socket``.

    By default, this function does a lot of the same work that
    ``ssl.create_default_context`` does on Python 3.4+. It:

    - Disables SSLv2, SSLv3, and compression
    - Sets a restricted set of server ciphers

    If you wish to enable SSLv3, you can do::

        from urllib3.util import ssl_
        context = ssl_.create_urllib3_context()
        context.options &= ~ssl_.OP_NO_SSLv3

    You can do the same to enable compression (substituting ``COMPRESSION``
    for ``SSLv3`` in the last line above).

    :param ssl_version:
        The desired protocol version to use. This will default to
        PROTOCOL_SSLv23 which will negotiate the highest protocol that both
        the server and your installation of OpenSSL support.
    :param cert_reqs:
        Whether to require the certificate verification. This defaults to
    :param options:
        Specific OpenSSL options. These default to ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2``,
        ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3``, ``ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION``.
    :param ciphers:
        Which cipher suites to allow the server to select.
        Constructed SSLContext object with specified options
    :rtype: SSLContext
    context = SSLContext(ssl_version or ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)

    # Setting the default here, as we may have no ssl module on import
    cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if cert_reqs is None else cert_reqs

    if options is None:
        options = 0
        # SSLv2 is easily broken and is considered harmful and dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv2
        # SSLv3 has several problems and is now dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv3
        # Disable compression to prevent CRIME attacks for OpenSSL 1.0+
        # (issue #309)
        options |= OP_NO_COMPRESSION

    context.options |= options

    if getattr(context, 'supports_set_ciphers', True):  # Platform-specific: Python 2.6
        context.set_ciphers(ciphers or DEFAULT_CIPHERS)

    context.verify_mode = cert_reqs
    if getattr(context, 'check_hostname', None) is not None:  # Platform-specific: Python 3.2
        # We do our own verification, including fingerprints and alternative
        # hostnames. So disable it here
        context.check_hostname = False
    return context
项目:noc-orchestrator    作者:DirceuSilvaLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_urllib3_context(ssl_version=None, cert_reqs=None,
                           options=None, ciphers=None):
    """All arguments have the same meaning as ``ssl_wrap_socket``.

    By default, this function does a lot of the same work that
    ``ssl.create_default_context`` does on Python 3.4+. It:

    - Disables SSLv2, SSLv3, and compression
    - Sets a restricted set of server ciphers

    If you wish to enable SSLv3, you can do::

        from urllib3.util import ssl_
        context = ssl_.create_urllib3_context()
        context.options &= ~ssl_.OP_NO_SSLv3

    You can do the same to enable compression (substituting ``COMPRESSION``
    for ``SSLv3`` in the last line above).

    :param ssl_version:
        The desired protocol version to use. This will default to
        PROTOCOL_SSLv23 which will negotiate the highest protocol that both
        the server and your installation of OpenSSL support.
    :param cert_reqs:
        Whether to require the certificate verification. This defaults to
    :param options:
        Specific OpenSSL options. These default to ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2``,
        ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3``, ``ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION``.
    :param ciphers:
        Which cipher suites to allow the server to select.
        Constructed SSLContext object with specified options
    :rtype: SSLContext
    context = SSLContext(ssl_version or ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)

    # Setting the default here, as we may have no ssl module on import
    cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if cert_reqs is None else cert_reqs

    if options is None:
        options = 0
        # SSLv2 is easily broken and is considered harmful and dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv2
        # SSLv3 has several problems and is now dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv3
        # Disable compression to prevent CRIME attacks for OpenSSL 1.0+
        # (issue #309)
        options |= OP_NO_COMPRESSION

    context.options |= options

    if getattr(context, 'supports_set_ciphers', True):  # Platform-specific: Python 2.6
        context.set_ciphers(ciphers or DEFAULT_CIPHERS)

    context.verify_mode = cert_reqs
    if getattr(context, 'check_hostname', None) is not None:  # Platform-specific: Python 3.2
        # We do our own verification, including fingerprints and alternative
        # hostnames. So disable it here
        context.check_hostname = False
    return context
项目:jira_worklog_scanner    作者:pgarneau    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_urllib3_context(ssl_version=None, cert_reqs=None,
                           options=None, ciphers=None):
    """All arguments have the same meaning as ``ssl_wrap_socket``.

    By default, this function does a lot of the same work that
    ``ssl.create_default_context`` does on Python 3.4+. It:

    - Disables SSLv2, SSLv3, and compression
    - Sets a restricted set of server ciphers

    If you wish to enable SSLv3, you can do::

        from urllib3.util import ssl_
        context = ssl_.create_urllib3_context()
        context.options &= ~ssl_.OP_NO_SSLv3

    You can do the same to enable compression (substituting ``COMPRESSION``
    for ``SSLv3`` in the last line above).

    :param ssl_version:
        The desired protocol version to use. This will default to
        PROTOCOL_SSLv23 which will negotiate the highest protocol that both
        the server and your installation of OpenSSL support.
    :param cert_reqs:
        Whether to require the certificate verification. This defaults to
    :param options:
        Specific OpenSSL options. These default to ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2``,
        ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3``, ``ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION``.
    :param ciphers:
        Which cipher suites to allow the server to select.
        Constructed SSLContext object with specified options
    :rtype: SSLContext
    context = SSLContext(ssl_version or ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)

    # Setting the default here, as we may have no ssl module on import
    cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if cert_reqs is None else cert_reqs

    if options is None:
        options = 0
        # SSLv2 is easily broken and is considered harmful and dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv2
        # SSLv3 has several problems and is now dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv3
        # Disable compression to prevent CRIME attacks for OpenSSL 1.0+
        # (issue #309)
        options |= OP_NO_COMPRESSION

    context.options |= options

    if getattr(context, 'supports_set_ciphers', True):  # Platform-specific: Python 2.6
        context.set_ciphers(ciphers or DEFAULT_CIPHERS)

    context.verify_mode = cert_reqs
    if getattr(context, 'check_hostname', None) is not None:  # Platform-specific: Python 3.2
        # We do our own verification, including fingerprints and alternative
        # hostnames. So disable it here
        context.check_hostname = False
    return context
项目:jira_worklog_scanner    作者:pgarneau    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_urllib3_context(ssl_version=None, cert_reqs=None,
                           options=None, ciphers=None):
    """All arguments have the same meaning as ``ssl_wrap_socket``.

    By default, this function does a lot of the same work that
    ``ssl.create_default_context`` does on Python 3.4+. It:

    - Disables SSLv2, SSLv3, and compression
    - Sets a restricted set of server ciphers

    If you wish to enable SSLv3, you can do::

        from urllib3.util import ssl_
        context = ssl_.create_urllib3_context()
        context.options &= ~ssl_.OP_NO_SSLv3

    You can do the same to enable compression (substituting ``COMPRESSION``
    for ``SSLv3`` in the last line above).

    :param ssl_version:
        The desired protocol version to use. This will default to
        PROTOCOL_SSLv23 which will negotiate the highest protocol that both
        the server and your installation of OpenSSL support.
    :param cert_reqs:
        Whether to require the certificate verification. This defaults to
    :param options:
        Specific OpenSSL options. These default to ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2``,
        ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3``, ``ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION``.
    :param ciphers:
        Which cipher suites to allow the server to select.
        Constructed SSLContext object with specified options
    :rtype: SSLContext
    context = SSLContext(ssl_version or ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)

    # Setting the default here, as we may have no ssl module on import
    cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if cert_reqs is None else cert_reqs

    if options is None:
        options = 0
        # SSLv2 is easily broken and is considered harmful and dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv2
        # SSLv3 has several problems and is now dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv3
        # Disable compression to prevent CRIME attacks for OpenSSL 1.0+
        # (issue #309)
        options |= OP_NO_COMPRESSION

    context.options |= options

    if getattr(context, 'supports_set_ciphers', True):  # Platform-specific: Python 2.6
        context.set_ciphers(ciphers or DEFAULT_CIPHERS)

    context.verify_mode = cert_reqs
    if getattr(context, 'check_hostname', None) is not None:  # Platform-specific: Python 3.2
        # We do our own verification, including fingerprints and alternative
        # hostnames. So disable it here
        context.check_hostname = False
    return context
项目:workflows.kyoyue    作者:wizyoung    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_urllib3_context(ssl_version=None, cert_reqs=None,
                           options=None, ciphers=None):
    """All arguments have the same meaning as ``ssl_wrap_socket``.

    By default, this function does a lot of the same work that
    ``ssl.create_default_context`` does on Python 3.4+. It:

    - Disables SSLv2, SSLv3, and compression
    - Sets a restricted set of server ciphers

    If you wish to enable SSLv3, you can do::

        from urllib3.util import ssl_
        context = ssl_.create_urllib3_context()
        context.options &= ~ssl_.OP_NO_SSLv3

    You can do the same to enable compression (substituting ``COMPRESSION``
    for ``SSLv3`` in the last line above).

    :param ssl_version:
        The desired protocol version to use. This will default to
        PROTOCOL_SSLv23 which will negotiate the highest protocol that both
        the server and your installation of OpenSSL support.
    :param cert_reqs:
        Whether to require the certificate verification. This defaults to
    :param options:
        Specific OpenSSL options. These default to ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2``,
        ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3``, ``ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION``.
    :param ciphers:
        Which cipher suites to allow the server to select.
        Constructed SSLContext object with specified options
    :rtype: SSLContext
    context = SSLContext(ssl_version or ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)

    # Setting the default here, as we may have no ssl module on import
    cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if cert_reqs is None else cert_reqs

    if options is None:
        options = 0
        # SSLv2 is easily broken and is considered harmful and dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv2
        # SSLv3 has several problems and is now dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv3
        # Disable compression to prevent CRIME attacks for OpenSSL 1.0+
        # (issue #309)
        options |= OP_NO_COMPRESSION

    context.options |= options

    if getattr(context, 'supports_set_ciphers', True):  # Platform-specific: Python 2.6
        context.set_ciphers(ciphers or DEFAULT_CIPHERS)

    context.verify_mode = cert_reqs
    if getattr(context, 'check_hostname', None) is not None:  # Platform-specific: Python 3.2
        # We do our own verification, including fingerprints and alternative
        # hostnames. So disable it here
        context.check_hostname = False
    return context
项目:zanph    作者:zanph    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_urllib3_context(ssl_version=None, cert_reqs=None,
                           options=None, ciphers=None):
    """All arguments have the same meaning as ``ssl_wrap_socket``.

    By default, this function does a lot of the same work that
    ``ssl.create_default_context`` does on Python 3.4+. It:

    - Disables SSLv2, SSLv3, and compression
    - Sets a restricted set of server ciphers

    If you wish to enable SSLv3, you can do::

        from urllib3.util import ssl_
        context = ssl_.create_urllib3_context()
        context.options &= ~ssl_.OP_NO_SSLv3

    You can do the same to enable compression (substituting ``COMPRESSION``
    for ``SSLv3`` in the last line above).

    :param ssl_version:
        The desired protocol version to use. This will default to
        PROTOCOL_SSLv23 which will negotiate the highest protocol that both
        the server and your installation of OpenSSL support.
    :param cert_reqs:
        Whether to require the certificate verification. This defaults to
    :param options:
        Specific OpenSSL options. These default to ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2``,
        ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3``, ``ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION``.
    :param ciphers:
        Which cipher suites to allow the server to select.
        Constructed SSLContext object with specified options
    :rtype: SSLContext
    context = SSLContext(ssl_version or ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)

    # Setting the default here, as we may have no ssl module on import
    cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if cert_reqs is None else cert_reqs

    if options is None:
        options = 0
        # SSLv2 is easily broken and is considered harmful and dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv2
        # SSLv3 has several problems and is now dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv3
        # Disable compression to prevent CRIME attacks for OpenSSL 1.0+
        # (issue #309)
        options |= OP_NO_COMPRESSION

    context.options |= options

    if getattr(context, 'supports_set_ciphers', True):  # Platform-specific: Python 2.6
        context.set_ciphers(ciphers or DEFAULT_CIPHERS)

    context.verify_mode = cert_reqs
    if getattr(context, 'check_hostname', None) is not None:  # Platform-specific: Python 3.2
        # We do our own verification, including fingerprints and alternative
        # hostnames. So disable it here
        context.check_hostname = False
    return context
项目:zanph    作者:zanph    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_urllib3_context(ssl_version=None, cert_reqs=None,
                           options=None, ciphers=None):
    """All arguments have the same meaning as ``ssl_wrap_socket``.

    By default, this function does a lot of the same work that
    ``ssl.create_default_context`` does on Python 3.4+. It:

    - Disables SSLv2, SSLv3, and compression
    - Sets a restricted set of server ciphers

    If you wish to enable SSLv3, you can do::

        from urllib3.util import ssl_
        context = ssl_.create_urllib3_context()
        context.options &= ~ssl_.OP_NO_SSLv3

    You can do the same to enable compression (substituting ``COMPRESSION``
    for ``SSLv3`` in the last line above).

    :param ssl_version:
        The desired protocol version to use. This will default to
        PROTOCOL_SSLv23 which will negotiate the highest protocol that both
        the server and your installation of OpenSSL support.
    :param cert_reqs:
        Whether to require the certificate verification. This defaults to
    :param options:
        Specific OpenSSL options. These default to ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2``,
        ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3``, ``ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION``.
    :param ciphers:
        Which cipher suites to allow the server to select.
        Constructed SSLContext object with specified options
    :rtype: SSLContext
    context = SSLContext(ssl_version or ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)

    # Setting the default here, as we may have no ssl module on import
    cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if cert_reqs is None else cert_reqs

    if options is None:
        options = 0
        # SSLv2 is easily broken and is considered harmful and dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv2
        # SSLv3 has several problems and is now dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv3
        # Disable compression to prevent CRIME attacks for OpenSSL 1.0+
        # (issue #309)
        options |= OP_NO_COMPRESSION

    context.options |= options

    if getattr(context, 'supports_set_ciphers', True):  # Platform-specific: Python 2.6
        context.set_ciphers(ciphers or DEFAULT_CIPHERS)

    context.verify_mode = cert_reqs
    if getattr(context, 'check_hostname', None) is not None:  # Platform-specific: Python 3.2
        # We do our own verification, including fingerprints and alternative
        # hostnames. So disable it here
        context.check_hostname = False
    return context
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_urllib3_context(ssl_version=None, cert_reqs=None,
                           options=None, ciphers=None):
    """All arguments have the same meaning as ``ssl_wrap_socket``.

    By default, this function does a lot of the same work that
    ``ssl.create_default_context`` does on Python 3.4+. It:

    - Disables SSLv2, SSLv3, and compression
    - Sets a restricted set of server ciphers

    If you wish to enable SSLv3, you can do::

        from urllib3.util import ssl_
        context = ssl_.create_urllib3_context()
        context.options &= ~ssl_.OP_NO_SSLv3

    You can do the same to enable compression (substituting ``COMPRESSION``
    for ``SSLv3`` in the last line above).

    :param ssl_version:
        The desired protocol version to use. This will default to
        PROTOCOL_SSLv23 which will negotiate the highest protocol that both
        the server and your installation of OpenSSL support.
    :param cert_reqs:
        Whether to require the certificate verification. This defaults to
    :param options:
        Specific OpenSSL options. These default to ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2``,
        ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3``, ``ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION``.
    :param ciphers:
        Which cipher suites to allow the server to select.
        Constructed SSLContext object with specified options
    :rtype: SSLContext
    context = SSLContext(ssl_version or ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)

    # Setting the default here, as we may have no ssl module on import
    cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if cert_reqs is None else cert_reqs

    if options is None:
        options = 0
        # SSLv2 is easily broken and is considered harmful and dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv2
        # SSLv3 has several problems and is now dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv3
        # Disable compression to prevent CRIME attacks for OpenSSL 1.0+
        # (issue #309)
        options |= OP_NO_COMPRESSION

    context.options |= options

    if getattr(context, 'supports_set_ciphers', True):  # Platform-specific: Python 2.6
        context.set_ciphers(ciphers or DEFAULT_CIPHERS)

    context.verify_mode = cert_reqs
    if getattr(context, 'check_hostname', None) is not None:  # Platform-specific: Python 3.2
        # We do our own verification, including fingerprints and alternative
        # hostnames. So disable it here
        context.check_hostname = False
    return context
项目:YoWhenReady    作者:jnsdrtlf    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_urllib3_context(ssl_version=None, cert_reqs=None,
                           options=None, ciphers=None):
    """All arguments have the same meaning as ``ssl_wrap_socket``.

    By default, this function does a lot of the same work that
    ``ssl.create_default_context`` does on Python 3.4+. It:

    - Disables SSLv2, SSLv3, and compression
    - Sets a restricted set of server ciphers

    If you wish to enable SSLv3, you can do::

        from urllib3.util import ssl_
        context = ssl_.create_urllib3_context()
        context.options &= ~ssl_.OP_NO_SSLv3

    You can do the same to enable compression (substituting ``COMPRESSION``
    for ``SSLv3`` in the last line above).

    :param ssl_version:
        The desired protocol version to use. This will default to
        PROTOCOL_SSLv23 which will negotiate the highest protocol that both
        the server and your installation of OpenSSL support.
    :param cert_reqs:
        Whether to require the certificate verification. This defaults to
    :param options:
        Specific OpenSSL options. These default to ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2``,
        ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3``, ``ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION``.
    :param ciphers:
        Which cipher suites to allow the server to select.
        Constructed SSLContext object with specified options
    :rtype: SSLContext
    context = SSLContext(ssl_version or ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)

    # Setting the default here, as we may have no ssl module on import
    cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if cert_reqs is None else cert_reqs

    if options is None:
        options = 0
        # SSLv2 is easily broken and is considered harmful and dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv2
        # SSLv3 has several problems and is now dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv3
        # Disable compression to prevent CRIME attacks for OpenSSL 1.0+
        # (issue #309)
        options |= OP_NO_COMPRESSION

    context.options |= options

    if getattr(context, 'supports_set_ciphers', True):  # Platform-specific: Python 2.6
        context.set_ciphers(ciphers or DEFAULT_CIPHERS)

    context.verify_mode = cert_reqs
    if getattr(context, 'check_hostname', None) is not None:  # Platform-specific: Python 3.2
        # We do our own verification, including fingerprints and alternative
        # hostnames. So disable it here
        context.check_hostname = False
    return context
项目:Sci-Finder    作者:snverse    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_urllib3_context(ssl_version=None, cert_reqs=None,
                           options=None, ciphers=None):
    """All arguments have the same meaning as ``ssl_wrap_socket``.

    By default, this function does a lot of the same work that
    ``ssl.create_default_context`` does on Python 3.4+. It:

    - Disables SSLv2, SSLv3, and compression
    - Sets a restricted set of server ciphers

    If you wish to enable SSLv3, you can do::

        from urllib3.util import ssl_
        context = ssl_.create_urllib3_context()
        context.options &= ~ssl_.OP_NO_SSLv3

    You can do the same to enable compression (substituting ``COMPRESSION``
    for ``SSLv3`` in the last line above).

    :param ssl_version:
        The desired protocol version to use. This will default to
        PROTOCOL_SSLv23 which will negotiate the highest protocol that both
        the server and your installation of OpenSSL support.
    :param cert_reqs:
        Whether to require the certificate verification. This defaults to
    :param options:
        Specific OpenSSL options. These default to ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2``,
        ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3``, ``ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION``.
    :param ciphers:
        Which cipher suites to allow the server to select.
        Constructed SSLContext object with specified options
    :rtype: SSLContext
    context = SSLContext(ssl_version or ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)

    # Setting the default here, as we may have no ssl module on import
    cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if cert_reqs is None else cert_reqs

    if options is None:
        options = 0
        # SSLv2 is easily broken and is considered harmful and dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv2
        # SSLv3 has several problems and is now dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv3
        # Disable compression to prevent CRIME attacks for OpenSSL 1.0+
        # (issue #309)
        options |= OP_NO_COMPRESSION

    context.options |= options

    if getattr(context, 'supports_set_ciphers', True):  # Platform-specific: Python 2.6
        context.set_ciphers(ciphers or DEFAULT_CIPHERS)

    context.verify_mode = cert_reqs
    if getattr(context, 'check_hostname', None) is not None:  # Platform-specific: Python 3.2
        # We do our own verification, including fingerprints and alternative
        # hostnames. So disable it here
        context.check_hostname = False
    return context
项目:Sci-Finder    作者:snverse    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_urllib3_context(ssl_version=None, cert_reqs=None,
                           options=None, ciphers=None):
    """All arguments have the same meaning as ``ssl_wrap_socket``.

    By default, this function does a lot of the same work that
    ``ssl.create_default_context`` does on Python 3.4+. It:

    - Disables SSLv2, SSLv3, and compression
    - Sets a restricted set of server ciphers

    If you wish to enable SSLv3, you can do::

        from urllib3.util import ssl_
        context = ssl_.create_urllib3_context()
        context.options &= ~ssl_.OP_NO_SSLv3

    You can do the same to enable compression (substituting ``COMPRESSION``
    for ``SSLv3`` in the last line above).

    :param ssl_version:
        The desired protocol version to use. This will default to
        PROTOCOL_SSLv23 which will negotiate the highest protocol that both
        the server and your installation of OpenSSL support.
    :param cert_reqs:
        Whether to require the certificate verification. This defaults to
    :param options:
        Specific OpenSSL options. These default to ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2``,
        ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3``, ``ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION``.
    :param ciphers:
        Which cipher suites to allow the server to select.
        Constructed SSLContext object with specified options
    :rtype: SSLContext
    context = SSLContext(ssl_version or ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)

    # Setting the default here, as we may have no ssl module on import
    cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if cert_reqs is None else cert_reqs

    if options is None:
        options = 0
        # SSLv2 is easily broken and is considered harmful and dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv2
        # SSLv3 has several problems and is now dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv3
        # Disable compression to prevent CRIME attacks for OpenSSL 1.0+
        # (issue #309)
        options |= OP_NO_COMPRESSION

    context.options |= options

    if getattr(context, 'supports_set_ciphers', True):  # Platform-specific: Python 2.6
        context.set_ciphers(ciphers or DEFAULT_CIPHERS)

    context.verify_mode = cert_reqs
    if getattr(context, 'check_hostname', None) is not None:  # Platform-specific: Python 3.2
        # We do our own verification, including fingerprints and alternative
        # hostnames. So disable it here
        context.check_hostname = False
    return context
项目:purelove    作者:hucmosin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_urllib3_context(ssl_version=None, cert_reqs=None,
                           options=None, ciphers=None):
    """All arguments have the same meaning as ``ssl_wrap_socket``.

    By default, this function does a lot of the same work that
    ``ssl.create_default_context`` does on Python 3.4+. It:

    - Disables SSLv2, SSLv3, and compression
    - Sets a restricted set of server ciphers

    If you wish to enable SSLv3, you can do::

        from urllib3.util import ssl_
        context = ssl_.create_urllib3_context()
        context.options &= ~ssl_.OP_NO_SSLv3

    You can do the same to enable compression (substituting ``COMPRESSION``
    for ``SSLv3`` in the last line above).

    :param ssl_version:
        The desired protocol version to use. This will default to
        PROTOCOL_SSLv23 which will negotiate the highest protocol that both
        the server and your installation of OpenSSL support.
    :param cert_reqs:
        Whether to require the certificate verification. This defaults to
    :param options:
        Specific OpenSSL options. These default to ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2``,
        ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3``, ``ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION``.
    :param ciphers:
        Which cipher suites to allow the server to select.
        Constructed SSLContext object with specified options
    :rtype: SSLContext
    context = SSLContext(ssl_version or ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)

    # Setting the default here, as we may have no ssl module on import
    cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if cert_reqs is None else cert_reqs

    if options is None:
        options = 0
        # SSLv2 is easily broken and is considered harmful and dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv2
        # SSLv3 has several problems and is now dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv3
        # Disable compression to prevent CRIME attacks for OpenSSL 1.0+
        # (issue #309)
        options |= OP_NO_COMPRESSION

    context.options |= options

    if getattr(context, 'supports_set_ciphers', True):  # Platform-specific: Python 2.6
        context.set_ciphers(ciphers or DEFAULT_CIPHERS)

    context.verify_mode = cert_reqs
    if getattr(context, 'check_hostname', None) is not None:  # Platform-specific: Python 3.2
        # We do our own verification, including fingerprints and alternative
        # hostnames. So disable it here
        context.check_hostname = False
    return context
项目:alexa-stackoverflow    作者:benvand    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_urllib3_context(ssl_version=None, cert_reqs=None,
                           options=None, ciphers=None):
    """All arguments have the same meaning as ``ssl_wrap_socket``.

    By default, this function does a lot of the same work that
    ``ssl.create_default_context`` does on Python 3.4+. It:

    - Disables SSLv2, SSLv3, and compression
    - Sets a restricted set of server ciphers

    If you wish to enable SSLv3, you can do::

        from urllib3.util import ssl_
        context = ssl_.create_urllib3_context()
        context.options &= ~ssl_.OP_NO_SSLv3

    You can do the same to enable compression (substituting ``COMPRESSION``
    for ``SSLv3`` in the last line above).

    :param ssl_version:
        The desired protocol version to use. This will default to
        PROTOCOL_SSLv23 which will negotiate the highest protocol that both
        the server and your installation of OpenSSL support.
    :param cert_reqs:
        Whether to require the certificate verification. This defaults to
    :param options:
        Specific OpenSSL options. These default to ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2``,
        ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3``, ``ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION``.
    :param ciphers:
        Which cipher suites to allow the server to select.
        Constructed SSLContext object with specified options
    :rtype: SSLContext
    context = SSLContext(ssl_version or ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)

    # Setting the default here, as we may have no ssl module on import
    cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if cert_reqs is None else cert_reqs

    if options is None:
        options = 0
        # SSLv2 is easily broken and is considered harmful and dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv2
        # SSLv3 has several problems and is now dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv3
        # Disable compression to prevent CRIME attacks for OpenSSL 1.0+
        # (issue #309)
        options |= OP_NO_COMPRESSION

    context.options |= options

    if getattr(context, 'supports_set_ciphers', True):  # Platform-specific: Python 2.6
        context.set_ciphers(ciphers or DEFAULT_CIPHERS)

    context.verify_mode = cert_reqs
    if getattr(context, 'check_hostname', None) is not None:  # Platform-specific: Python 3.2
        # We do our own verification, including fingerprints and alternative
        # hostnames. So disable it here
        context.check_hostname = False
    return context
项目:devsecops-example-helloworld    作者:boozallen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_urllib3_context(ssl_version=None, cert_reqs=None,
                           options=None, ciphers=None):
    """All arguments have the same meaning as ``ssl_wrap_socket``.

    By default, this function does a lot of the same work that
    ``ssl.create_default_context`` does on Python 3.4+. It:

    - Disables SSLv2, SSLv3, and compression
    - Sets a restricted set of server ciphers

    If you wish to enable SSLv3, you can do::

        from urllib3.util import ssl_
        context = ssl_.create_urllib3_context()
        context.options &= ~ssl_.OP_NO_SSLv3

    You can do the same to enable compression (substituting ``COMPRESSION``
    for ``SSLv3`` in the last line above).

    :param ssl_version:
        The desired protocol version to use. This will default to
        PROTOCOL_SSLv23 which will negotiate the highest protocol that both
        the server and your installation of OpenSSL support.
    :param cert_reqs:
        Whether to require the certificate verification. This defaults to
    :param options:
        Specific OpenSSL options. These default to ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2``,
        ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3``, ``ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION``.
    :param ciphers:
        Which cipher suites to allow the server to select.
        Constructed SSLContext object with specified options
    :rtype: SSLContext
    context = SSLContext(ssl_version or ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)

    # Setting the default here, as we may have no ssl module on import
    cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if cert_reqs is None else cert_reqs

    if options is None:
        options = 0
        # SSLv2 is easily broken and is considered harmful and dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv2
        # SSLv3 has several problems and is now dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv3
        # Disable compression to prevent CRIME attacks for OpenSSL 1.0+
        # (issue #309)
        options |= OP_NO_COMPRESSION

    context.options |= options

    if getattr(context, 'supports_set_ciphers', True):  # Platform-specific: Python 2.6
        context.set_ciphers(ciphers or DEFAULT_CIPHERS)

    context.verify_mode = cert_reqs
    if getattr(context, 'check_hostname', None) is not None:  # Platform-specific: Python 3.2
        # We do our own verification, including fingerprints and alternative
        # hostnames. So disable it here
        context.check_hostname = False
    return context
项目:devsecops-example-helloworld    作者:boozallen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_urllib3_context(ssl_version=None, cert_reqs=None,
                           options=None, ciphers=None):
    """All arguments have the same meaning as ``ssl_wrap_socket``.

    By default, this function does a lot of the same work that
    ``ssl.create_default_context`` does on Python 3.4+. It:

    - Disables SSLv2, SSLv3, and compression
    - Sets a restricted set of server ciphers

    If you wish to enable SSLv3, you can do::

        from urllib3.util import ssl_
        context = ssl_.create_urllib3_context()
        context.options &= ~ssl_.OP_NO_SSLv3

    You can do the same to enable compression (substituting ``COMPRESSION``
    for ``SSLv3`` in the last line above).

    :param ssl_version:
        The desired protocol version to use. This will default to
        PROTOCOL_SSLv23 which will negotiate the highest protocol that both
        the server and your installation of OpenSSL support.
    :param cert_reqs:
        Whether to require the certificate verification. This defaults to
    :param options:
        Specific OpenSSL options. These default to ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2``,
        ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3``, ``ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION``.
    :param ciphers:
        Which cipher suites to allow the server to select.
        Constructed SSLContext object with specified options
    :rtype: SSLContext
    context = SSLContext(ssl_version or ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)

    # Setting the default here, as we may have no ssl module on import
    cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if cert_reqs is None else cert_reqs

    if options is None:
        options = 0
        # SSLv2 is easily broken and is considered harmful and dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv2
        # SSLv3 has several problems and is now dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv3
        # Disable compression to prevent CRIME attacks for OpenSSL 1.0+
        # (issue #309)
        options |= OP_NO_COMPRESSION

    context.options |= options

    if getattr(context, 'supports_set_ciphers', True):  # Platform-specific: Python 2.6
        context.set_ciphers(ciphers or DEFAULT_CIPHERS)

    context.verify_mode = cert_reqs
    if getattr(context, 'check_hostname', None) is not None:  # Platform-specific: Python 3.2
        # We do our own verification, including fingerprints and alternative
        # hostnames. So disable it here
        context.check_hostname = False
    return context
项目:harbour-sailfinder    作者:DylanVanAssche    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_urllib3_context(ssl_version=None, cert_reqs=None,
                           options=None, ciphers=None):
    """All arguments have the same meaning as ``ssl_wrap_socket``.

    By default, this function does a lot of the same work that
    ``ssl.create_default_context`` does on Python 3.4+. It:

    - Disables SSLv2, SSLv3, and compression
    - Sets a restricted set of server ciphers

    If you wish to enable SSLv3, you can do::

        from urllib3.util import ssl_
        context = ssl_.create_urllib3_context()
        context.options &= ~ssl_.OP_NO_SSLv3

    You can do the same to enable compression (substituting ``COMPRESSION``
    for ``SSLv3`` in the last line above).

    :param ssl_version:
        The desired protocol version to use. This will default to
        PROTOCOL_SSLv23 which will negotiate the highest protocol that both
        the server and your installation of OpenSSL support.
    :param cert_reqs:
        Whether to require the certificate verification. This defaults to
    :param options:
        Specific OpenSSL options. These default to ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2``,
        ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3``, ``ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION``.
    :param ciphers:
        Which cipher suites to allow the server to select.
        Constructed SSLContext object with specified options
    :rtype: SSLContext
    context = SSLContext(ssl_version or ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)

    # Setting the default here, as we may have no ssl module on import
    cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if cert_reqs is None else cert_reqs

    if options is None:
        options = 0
        # SSLv2 is easily broken and is considered harmful and dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv2
        # SSLv3 has several problems and is now dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv3
        # Disable compression to prevent CRIME attacks for OpenSSL 1.0+
        # (issue #309)
        options |= OP_NO_COMPRESSION

    context.options |= options

    if getattr(context, 'supports_set_ciphers', True):  # Platform-specific: Python 2.6
        context.set_ciphers(ciphers or DEFAULT_CIPHERS)

    context.verify_mode = cert_reqs
    if getattr(context, 'check_hostname', None) is not None:  # Platform-specific: Python 3.2
        # We do our own verification, including fingerprints and alternative
        # hostnames. So disable it here
        context.check_hostname = False
    return context
项目:harbour-sailfinder    作者:DylanVanAssche    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_urllib3_context(ssl_version=None, cert_reqs=None,
                           options=None, ciphers=None):
    """All arguments have the same meaning as ``ssl_wrap_socket``.

    By default, this function does a lot of the same work that
    ``ssl.create_default_context`` does on Python 3.4+. It:

    - Disables SSLv2, SSLv3, and compression
    - Sets a restricted set of server ciphers

    If you wish to enable SSLv3, you can do::

        from urllib3.util import ssl_
        context = ssl_.create_urllib3_context()
        context.options &= ~ssl_.OP_NO_SSLv3

    You can do the same to enable compression (substituting ``COMPRESSION``
    for ``SSLv3`` in the last line above).

    :param ssl_version:
        The desired protocol version to use. This will default to
        PROTOCOL_SSLv23 which will negotiate the highest protocol that both
        the server and your installation of OpenSSL support.
    :param cert_reqs:
        Whether to require the certificate verification. This defaults to
    :param options:
        Specific OpenSSL options. These default to ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2``,
        ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3``, ``ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION``.
    :param ciphers:
        Which cipher suites to allow the server to select.
        Constructed SSLContext object with specified options
    :rtype: SSLContext
    context = SSLContext(ssl_version or ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)

    # Setting the default here, as we may have no ssl module on import
    cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if cert_reqs is None else cert_reqs

    if options is None:
        options = 0
        # SSLv2 is easily broken and is considered harmful and dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv2
        # SSLv3 has several problems and is now dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv3
        # Disable compression to prevent CRIME attacks for OpenSSL 1.0+
        # (issue #309)
        options |= OP_NO_COMPRESSION

    context.options |= options

    if getattr(context, 'supports_set_ciphers', True):  # Platform-specific: Python 2.6
        context.set_ciphers(ciphers or DEFAULT_CIPHERS)

    context.verify_mode = cert_reqs
    if getattr(context, 'check_hostname', None) is not None:  # Platform-specific: Python 3.2
        # We do our own verification, including fingerprints and alternative
        # hostnames. So disable it here
        context.check_hostname = False
    return context
项目:QXSConsolas    作者:qxsch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_urllib3_context(ssl_version=None, cert_reqs=None,
                           options=None, ciphers=None):
    """All arguments have the same meaning as ``ssl_wrap_socket``.

    By default, this function does a lot of the same work that
    ``ssl.create_default_context`` does on Python 3.4+. It:

    - Disables SSLv2, SSLv3, and compression
    - Sets a restricted set of server ciphers

    If you wish to enable SSLv3, you can do::

        from urllib3.util import ssl_
        context = ssl_.create_urllib3_context()
        context.options &= ~ssl_.OP_NO_SSLv3

    You can do the same to enable compression (substituting ``COMPRESSION``
    for ``SSLv3`` in the last line above).

    :param ssl_version:
        The desired protocol version to use. This will default to
        PROTOCOL_SSLv23 which will negotiate the highest protocol that both
        the server and your installation of OpenSSL support.
    :param cert_reqs:
        Whether to require the certificate verification. This defaults to
    :param options:
        Specific OpenSSL options. These default to ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2``,
        ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3``, ``ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION``.
    :param ciphers:
        Which cipher suites to allow the server to select.
        Constructed SSLContext object with specified options
    :rtype: SSLContext
    context = SSLContext(ssl_version or ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)

    # Setting the default here, as we may have no ssl module on import
    cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if cert_reqs is None else cert_reqs

    if options is None:
        options = 0
        # SSLv2 is easily broken and is considered harmful and dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv2
        # SSLv3 has several problems and is now dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv3
        # Disable compression to prevent CRIME attacks for OpenSSL 1.0+
        # (issue #309)
        options |= OP_NO_COMPRESSION

    context.options |= options

    if getattr(context, 'supports_set_ciphers', True):  # Platform-specific: Python 2.6
        context.set_ciphers(ciphers or DEFAULT_CIPHERS)

    context.verify_mode = cert_reqs
    if getattr(context, 'check_hostname', None) is not None:  # Platform-specific: Python 3.2
        # We do our own verification, including fingerprints and alternative
        # hostnames. So disable it here
        context.check_hostname = False
    return context
项目:ascii-art-py    作者:blinglnav    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_urllib3_context(ssl_version=None, cert_reqs=None,
                           options=None, ciphers=None):
    """All arguments have the same meaning as ``ssl_wrap_socket``.

    By default, this function does a lot of the same work that
    ``ssl.create_default_context`` does on Python 3.4+. It:

    - Disables SSLv2, SSLv3, and compression
    - Sets a restricted set of server ciphers

    If you wish to enable SSLv3, you can do::

        from urllib3.util import ssl_
        context = ssl_.create_urllib3_context()
        context.options &= ~ssl_.OP_NO_SSLv3

    You can do the same to enable compression (substituting ``COMPRESSION``
    for ``SSLv3`` in the last line above).

    :param ssl_version:
        The desired protocol version to use. This will default to
        PROTOCOL_SSLv23 which will negotiate the highest protocol that both
        the server and your installation of OpenSSL support.
    :param cert_reqs:
        Whether to require the certificate verification. This defaults to
    :param options:
        Specific OpenSSL options. These default to ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2``,
        ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3``, ``ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION``.
    :param ciphers:
        Which cipher suites to allow the server to select.
        Constructed SSLContext object with specified options
    :rtype: SSLContext
    context = SSLContext(ssl_version or ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)

    # Setting the default here, as we may have no ssl module on import
    cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if cert_reqs is None else cert_reqs

    if options is None:
        options = 0
        # SSLv2 is easily broken and is considered harmful and dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv2
        # SSLv3 has several problems and is now dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv3
        # Disable compression to prevent CRIME attacks for OpenSSL 1.0+
        # (issue #309)
        options |= OP_NO_COMPRESSION

    context.options |= options

    if getattr(context, 'supports_set_ciphers', True):  # Platform-specific: Python 2.6
        context.set_ciphers(ciphers or DEFAULT_CIPHERS)

    context.verify_mode = cert_reqs
    if getattr(context, 'check_hostname', None) is not None:  # Platform-specific: Python 3.2
        # We do our own verification, including fingerprints and alternative
        # hostnames. So disable it here
        context.check_hostname = False
    return context
项目:Texty    作者:sarthfrey    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_urllib3_context(ssl_version=None, cert_reqs=None,
                           options=None, ciphers=None):
    """All arguments have the same meaning as ``ssl_wrap_socket``.

    By default, this function does a lot of the same work that
    ``ssl.create_default_context`` does on Python 3.4+. It:

    - Disables SSLv2, SSLv3, and compression
    - Sets a restricted set of server ciphers

    If you wish to enable SSLv3, you can do::

        from urllib3.util import ssl_
        context = ssl_.create_urllib3_context()
        context.options &= ~ssl_.OP_NO_SSLv3

    You can do the same to enable compression (substituting ``COMPRESSION``
    for ``SSLv3`` in the last line above).

    :param ssl_version:
        The desired protocol version to use. This will default to
        PROTOCOL_SSLv23 which will negotiate the highest protocol that both
        the server and your installation of OpenSSL support.
    :param cert_reqs:
        Whether to require the certificate verification. This defaults to
    :param options:
        Specific OpenSSL options. These default to ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2``,
        ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3``, ``ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION``.
    :param ciphers:
        Which cipher suites to allow the server to select.
        Constructed SSLContext object with specified options
    :rtype: SSLContext
    context = SSLContext(ssl_version or ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)

    # Setting the default here, as we may have no ssl module on import
    cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if cert_reqs is None else cert_reqs

    if options is None:
        options = 0
        # SSLv2 is easily broken and is considered harmful and dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv2
        # SSLv3 has several problems and is now dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv3
        # Disable compression to prevent CRIME attacks for OpenSSL 1.0+
        # (issue #309)
        options |= OP_NO_COMPRESSION

    context.options |= options

    if getattr(context, 'supports_set_ciphers', True):  # Platform-specific: Python 2.6
        context.set_ciphers(ciphers or DEFAULT_CIPHERS)

    context.verify_mode = cert_reqs
    if getattr(context, 'check_hostname', None) is not None:  # Platform-specific: Python 3.2
        # We do our own verification, including fingerprints and alternative
        # hostnames. So disable it here
        context.check_hostname = False
    return context
项目:ghostlines-robofont    作者:ghostlines    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_urllib3_context(ssl_version=None, cert_reqs=None,
                           options=None, ciphers=None):
    """All arguments have the same meaning as ``ssl_wrap_socket``.

    By default, this function does a lot of the same work that
    ``ssl.create_default_context`` does on Python 3.4+. It:

    - Disables SSLv2, SSLv3, and compression
    - Sets a restricted set of server ciphers

    If you wish to enable SSLv3, you can do::

        from urllib3.util import ssl_
        context = ssl_.create_urllib3_context()
        context.options &= ~ssl_.OP_NO_SSLv3

    You can do the same to enable compression (substituting ``COMPRESSION``
    for ``SSLv3`` in the last line above).

    :param ssl_version:
        The desired protocol version to use. This will default to
        PROTOCOL_SSLv23 which will negotiate the highest protocol that both
        the server and your installation of OpenSSL support.
    :param cert_reqs:
        Whether to require the certificate verification. This defaults to
    :param options:
        Specific OpenSSL options. These default to ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2``,
        ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3``, ``ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION``.
    :param ciphers:
        Which cipher suites to allow the server to select.
        Constructed SSLContext object with specified options
    :rtype: SSLContext
    context = SSLContext(ssl_version or ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)

    # Setting the default here, as we may have no ssl module on import
    cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if cert_reqs is None else cert_reqs

    if options is None:
        options = 0
        # SSLv2 is easily broken and is considered harmful and dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv2
        # SSLv3 has several problems and is now dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv3
        # Disable compression to prevent CRIME attacks for OpenSSL 1.0+
        # (issue #309)
        options |= OP_NO_COMPRESSION

    context.options |= options

    if getattr(context, 'supports_set_ciphers', True):  # Platform-specific: Python 2.6
        context.set_ciphers(ciphers or DEFAULT_CIPHERS)

    context.verify_mode = cert_reqs
    if getattr(context, 'check_hostname', None) is not None:  # Platform-specific: Python 3.2
        # We do our own verification, including fingerprints and alternative
        # hostnames. So disable it here
        context.check_hostname = False
    return context
项目:ghostlines-robofont    作者:ghostlines    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_urllib3_context(ssl_version=None, cert_reqs=None,
                           options=None, ciphers=None):
    """All arguments have the same meaning as ``ssl_wrap_socket``.

    By default, this function does a lot of the same work that
    ``ssl.create_default_context`` does on Python 3.4+. It:

    - Disables SSLv2, SSLv3, and compression
    - Sets a restricted set of server ciphers

    If you wish to enable SSLv3, you can do::

        from urllib3.util import ssl_
        context = ssl_.create_urllib3_context()
        context.options &= ~ssl_.OP_NO_SSLv3

    You can do the same to enable compression (substituting ``COMPRESSION``
    for ``SSLv3`` in the last line above).

    :param ssl_version:
        The desired protocol version to use. This will default to
        PROTOCOL_SSLv23 which will negotiate the highest protocol that both
        the server and your installation of OpenSSL support.
    :param cert_reqs:
        Whether to require the certificate verification. This defaults to
    :param options:
        Specific OpenSSL options. These default to ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2``,
        ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3``, ``ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION``.
    :param ciphers:
        Which cipher suites to allow the server to select.
        Constructed SSLContext object with specified options
    :rtype: SSLContext
    context = SSLContext(ssl_version or ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)

    # Setting the default here, as we may have no ssl module on import
    cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if cert_reqs is None else cert_reqs

    if options is None:
        options = 0
        # SSLv2 is easily broken and is considered harmful and dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv2
        # SSLv3 has several problems and is now dangerous
        options |= OP_NO_SSLv3
        # Disable compression to prevent CRIME attacks for OpenSSL 1.0+
        # (issue #309)
        options |= OP_NO_COMPRESSION

    context.options |= options

    if getattr(context, 'supports_set_ciphers', True):  # Platform-specific: Python 2.6
        context.set_ciphers(ciphers or DEFAULT_CIPHERS)

    context.verify_mode = cert_reqs
    if getattr(context, 'check_hostname', None) is not None:  # Platform-specific: Python 3.2
        # We do our own verification, including fingerprints and alternative
        # hostnames. So disable it here
        context.check_hostname = False
    return context